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File: e9238baba292b93⋯.png (926.02 KB,587x777,587:777,metis.png)

 No.13506858 [View All]


I mainly knew her for her translation of an incredibly important book on the Knights Templar written by sandniggerlover Joseph von Hammer.

Found out about her death via esoteric disinfo channel TheHighersideChats which I added to my RSS reader because they were one of the only shows that let Tracy on:

A Statement From Greg Carlwood Regarding The Tragic Loss of Tracy Twyman


This triggered one of her friends to release a dead man's switch video that you can find yourself.


She received death threats after talking about some shit she discovered on youtube.

Some threats came from the owner of Green Leaf Canyon campground.

Here's his youtube channel:


ctrl-f "host is violent":


Here's his website, before Tracy's death:


ctrl-f "find out more"

Illuminati confirmed.


Fun fact: the glownigger article on ed is srsly good

PS: Did I mention that cultist campground is an hour's drive from where K‬appy died and that she told K‬appy about the threats?

PPS: If you go there, why not stop for a slice of pizza? https://twogirlspizza.com/

88 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>I've unexpectedly lost (decent) access to the internet

That sucks, hope you get it back soon.

If you're on linux, set up rate limiting so you can upload while browsing the interwebs without lag.


Listen to the Pergatorium show that is linked on latest burners post.

If I'm to research this I'll probably need to run a second Tor Browser instance with javascript enabled so I can use youtube the way normal people do. Urgh.

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File: 7f4c0050e1a38ec⋯.png (297.38 KB,422x587,422:587,moreabouttracy.png)

pic related

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Anyone have a PDF of her Baphomet book?

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It doesn't seem like anyone does but ITT are a few links to the book on which she based her research.

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There is some good stuff on bitchute btw, which is compatible with youtube-dl.


Nothing about her pedo research though, as far as I can tell.

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i'll never understand why as a collective that seeks to actually get something done that we can't just prove a major real world lie like sandy hook or 911 and work from there but instead have to have all these indiana jones trannies talking to us about hexagons and then they 'die' so we're supposed to go back thousands of years and fight lizards from alpha draconis instead of just fucking nailing obvious real world fraud

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Have you ever tried to actually get autists to do anything that lasted more than a few days?

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Actually autists have been investigating the topic that led to her death for several years so yes it is possible.

Gonna post more later, if /pol/ zio mods remove the thread I'll post on /x/.

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Btw archive.is lost their facebook account shortly after it was used to archive the qabbalist campground owner's fb pages.

Not sure if coincidence :-/

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God forbid someone have interests outside of your agenda.

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File: 6bd9d425aec2f0a⋯.pdf (9.23 MB,Baphomet_-_Tracy_Twyman.pdf)

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Can someone who understands youtube explain how Prepper Kitty Intel managed to put up two two months old RIP videos for Tracy and Kappy?


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Unless she mentions Tracy in the vids, she probably just changed the titles.

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The fact that she was murdered and is obviously very heavily censored has made me extremely curious about her research. And indeed she seems to be one of those researchers that don't compromise, don't put out clickbait garbage wuwu and don't 'speculate' towards ridiculous directions. She's a fantastic researcher. What I've seen already has been fascinating, and has filled many gaps in my knowledge and understanding of the world. Bump.

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Fucking share that story with us then please instead of teasing us, faggot.

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File: d8ce2a47dc345d5⋯.png (549.66 KB,720x720,1:1,jamieespiemuller.png)


>Address still unconfirmed but here's a dox


>D.O.B. 05/27/1978

Can someone provide a source on that, if there is any?

'cause searching the name doesn't turn up anything, and adding "1978" even less.

Jamie Espy / Jaimie K. Muller made some podcasts, pic related appears to be a photo of him without bandana.

He does like penis symbology.



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Oh and here's his twitter, found it via his email on jamieespy.com/


Did you notice archive.is is under heavy DDoS currently?

Someone is mad at them as never before.

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bump 'cause I still want to upload those vids

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>I still want to upload those vids


While you do that, everyone enjoy this:


Almost all of those were uploaded very recently, after Tracy's death I searched and found only two.

>On July 20, we had the largest server crash in the last 2 years. Mostly the data of the books and covers were damaged so many books are not available for download now. Also, some services may be unstable (for example, Online reader, File Conversion). Full recovery of all data can take up to 2 weeks! So we came to the decision at this time to double the download limits for all users until the problem is completely resolved. Thanks for your understanding!

>Progress: 54.04% restored

Luckily Tracy's books are part of the 54%.

Here's a .tar.xz


extract with tar -xvf <filename>

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what was the grail?

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>what was the grail?

Read the Mysterium Revelatum, or Unveiled, whichever.

>>13510469 sounds like he has his knowledge from the likes of Jordan Maxwell aka Russel Pine.

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File: 32c91dd80cd46c1⋯.png (317.89 KB,738x484,369:242,pearlsbeforeswine-skulland….png)

From the comments on burners.me:

>I just noticed something weird, I have no idea what it means, but thought it was worth mentioning. I looked up boyd rice, and on the first page under his bio, there was a movie listed called “pearls before swine”, apparently the movie is about “A skilled assassin is hired to carry out a hit on an author targeted for penning subversive literature”.

Boyd Rice was some guy Tracy collaborated with for a while but apparently it didn't work out, pic related is a scene from that film. It's worth watching.

What makes this even better is the fact that the film was released in 1999, the year Tracy started her research into the gay goat god, according to The Temple Mystery Unveiled.

I think it's still a coincidence though, as she was likely murdered for her pedo research.


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Bump b/c her book on Baphomet is amazing and all of you illiterate niggers should be spreading it on that q cancer board and helping the boomers name the jew

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FYI, I got almost all the primary sources Joseph von Hammer referenced in Mysterium Revelatum.

Some I couldn't find at that time and in two cases it looked like they were deliberately taken out of circulation (e.g. vol1 and vol3 are on archive.org, but not the second one).

Maybe I can sort it and upload as a bundle or linklist, if I find the time.

Hammer-Purgstall theorized that some of his books were also almost entirely bought up by people who didn't like what he wrote.

And the same is theorized in a lot of online forums where people discuss their attempts to obtain a copy of Harodim:


(seriously great film, but doesn't go into the mysteries.)

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This, tbh. Also, he doesn't do a bad job of staying impartial and objective… notwithstanding the subject matter of his conversations.

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File: 912ce0955dc0dbe⋯.jpg (84.18 KB,880x1360,11:17,61prH8X6IWL.jpg)


HOLY SHIT, I have her book Genuflect on my to-read list. She wrote a lot of stuff about blood and satanic magic. Her book Genuflect was about occult elites putting higher spirits in human bodies through torture, some kind of alchemy. I thought her books were too extreme but it seems she was actually on to something. same shit happened to David McGowan. I still remember her interview with Higher Side chats barely 3 months ago. holy shit, rest in peace….

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Can confirm. Jews must be pissed at them over something.

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This faggot is not to far from me. What do?

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File: ff5492d110f0572⋯.jpg (167.81 KB,588x388,147:97,floweroflife-treeoflife.jpg)


> >>>/pdfs/12534

I get a 404 but it's included in >>13545182 and there are also some uploads/links of von Hammer's book.



lel, you're in for a surprise when you dig into those books.


>What do?

Print Tree of Life on shirt, camp there, join cult, kill everyone, royally fuck heroically rescue lolis?

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This guy references the Mysterium in a footnote, found it via google when looking for von Hammer's book:

>The Gnostics and their remains, ancient and mediaeval



I only read through a quarter or so because it's quite long but it's really good and not too dry. I liked the part with Simon Magus.

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>YouTube has grown so much that it needs new rules to handle “bad actors,” its chief product officer claims.

>The company recently announced it would block racist content and disinformation amid accusations of biased censorship.


Meanwhile, on YouTube…


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The tree of life only appeals to witch larps.

The tree of life is PIE belief anyway. Originates in Indo-Iranian culture.

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>The tree of life only appeals to witch larps.

>The tree of life is PIE belief anyway. Originates in Indo-Iranian culture.

That's all true and applies to all gnostic religions, including Scientology who are afaik the only ones to openly admit to being gnostics, including on their website and in their name.

Watch Alex Proyas movies (the older ones are quite good) or the Matrix or the Truman Show to see examples of what Scienlologists actually believe and how it is the same as in all the other LARP organizations except with a Sci-Fi spin.

South Park for some reason failed to mention those aspects of their faith.

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And check the OP carefully to see why I mentioned the tree of life.

But I think the flower would actually be more subtle, they might get suspicious if you took the tree which is all over Wikipedia.

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Twyman Trip #1 Every Day is White Sunday, Part 2


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Btw some shills tried to frame Kappy as a pedo because he played one in a film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=463qp6YXq_Y

Here's the film, it's boring as fuck and the dialogue is horrible. Complete waste of time.


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this is fucked up, man.

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What the fuck Pedo fuck off you sick bastard FBI arrest this sick fuck

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Twyman Trip 4, Part 2


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CounterSlide bump.

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so where is the dead man switch video?

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You don't like cute girls in dresses?

You don't have to sexually attracted to them, just know girls should be in dresses.

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>so where is the dead man switch video?

I think someone linked it ITT but can't find it either.

You still should read the thread though, it's good.

>Tracy Twyman, Isaac Kappy and the Creepy Campground


There's a good podcast about it by Lift The Veil but it recently disappeared from YT.


And with regard to >>13517538:


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Also listen to the Pergatorium episode which is a followup to all this.

But stop listening when they call in that fucking medium bitch. I can't believe they let her essentially necromance Tracy for clicks.


or maybe that's the kind of bullshit you have to put up with if you don't want to hang

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bump because she got martyred for doing the right thing.

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