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File: 508a0c34ef9dcf7⋯.jpg (188.37 KB,350x468,175:234,5a10d3912f9b9ce9be0b33fe31….jpg)

 No.13504612 [View All]

How Epstein Groomed His "Number One Girl"

Prince Andrew's humiliation as 'sex slave' files of pedo pal to be released

>JULY 15–Like most of the girls exposed to Jeffrey Epstein’s predation, “Jane Doe 103” was introduced to the sex offender through an illicit bounty program run from the tycoon’s Palm Beach, Florida mansion.

>While working one weekend at a mall across from the Palm Beach Polo and Country Club, Doe was approached by a fellow student from Royal Palm Beach High School, a feeder for Epstein’s underage massage corps. The other girl, who worked at Abercrombie & Fitch, had a proposition.

>The teen told Doe, who was 16 at the time, that she could earn $200 by simply giving Epstein a brief massage at his Palm Beach residence. Doe’s friend noted that the massage would have to be performed naked or in some state of undress. In return for delivering Epstein a fresh face, the girl would pocket a $200 finder’s fee.

>Doe’s acquaintance would later tell cops that she was introduced to Epstein by a classmate named Haley Robson, and would end up going to Epstein’s home “numerous times.” During those visits–which began when she was 16–the girl said that she was paid for “more than a massage,” telling police that Epstein would rub a “vibrator/massager on her vaginal area as he would masturbate” while laying on a massage table in the master bathroom.


>Prince Andrew faces further embarrassment after a judge ruled that documents relating to an alleged “sex slave” can be released.

>The US Appeals Court has said that 2,000 pages of papers from a ­defamation suit by Virginia Giuffre, who claims that billionaire businessman Jeffrey Epstein used her as a sex slave, can be made public.

>The court said the documents contain potentially damaging information about sexual abuse by “prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister and other world leaders”.

>Prince Andrew was pictured with his arm around Virginia’s waist after Epstein, 66, flew her to London to meet the royal in 2001, when she was 17.

>In 2015, Giuffre, previously known as Virginia Roberts, told a Florida court that Epstein forced her to have sex with Andrew while in London, New York and the Caribbean.

>Prince Andrew, 59, has vehemently and consistently denied the claims. A judge threw out her allegations against the prince because they were “immaterial and impertinent to the central claim” against Epstein.

>Giuffre claimed she was used as a “sex slave” by Epstein, who was charged last week with trafficking girls as young as 14. He faces up to 40 years if convicted.


116 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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You should kill yourself now. Save yourself from some of the pain.

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Been ready ten years. I came home from college one semester trying to naively redpill my parents and friends on 9/11 and even the holohoax. And I’ve been a pariah ever since. I’d say I deserve a chance to help!

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I know. It exposed elton johns links to Epstein. It had to be censored for cuckchan gay pride

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Mods leave this up but nuke the real epstein dig? The actual fuck?

Is it cause we tied DOD DOS and cia/fbi to epstein plane?

Is it the pizzaamore and st Thomas connection? What about the pizza courier bullshit?

Anyone else see that get just erased?


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Saw it happen live


Basically all of st thomas is comped

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File: 7c467a39f3565ef⋯.jpg (6.12 KB,228x221,228:221,images (1).jpg)

File: ab632c1c5337f6e⋯.png (571.48 KB,858x617,858:617,ab6.png)

File: ea5b62a2912437e⋯.jpg (57.2 KB,728x547,728:547,100317-gunman-brother-prim….jpg)



Oh man, what a ride that was!

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File: d876f56518ae9dc⋯.gif (2.53 MB,500x281,500:281,1507287711741.gif)

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Some of it was archived: http://archive.is/vU4og

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File: 2c1950bb4d452a3⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x300,5:3,rwds_purge.gif)



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Well done

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Will need a passport (unless you live there) and like 99.999% of people don't have a passport.

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Thats were the Soros Zodiac boats come into play

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File: 1c07b27a72d6600⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)



>429 replies

498 replies before it got comped.

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I'm gonna critique the shit out of this:

> The government has big secrets here, bigger than Area fifty one.

It's Area 51

>As you can see Epstein island has many >hidden dungeons to explore. The hard drives >connected to his security feed hold valuable >black mail on various celebrities and >politicians. We could in theory recycle the >black mail and control nations.

Glad I held in there until the last statement. That would be something to think about.

>The plan is simple; we raise enough money to buy 5 George Soros Zodiac boats, MRE, and Anime Weapons. Then set sail in 5 teams of 10 storming the island rushing to the Turkish Masonic Bath house.

IDK…this is actually starting to sound good.

>The end result of this journey is to document anomalies found on the island along with reclaiming the land as our own.

>They can't stop us all.

I saw we fortify the island and make it New 'Merica. Hmm, thanks anon! I might donate. (no).

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File: 852d0f347396b9f⋯.webm (5.72 MB,580x190,58:19,Emma No.webm)


Based Enty

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File: 5d1f4a8b7cb93dc⋯.jpg (80.72 KB,1245x677,1245:677,wtc 911 pepe is involved.jpg)


That part didn't make it into the archive. Hmm.


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current career booster? Who's that? Epstein?

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Area 51 gets flagged by go fund me.

Have to spell it out

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Then I have no complaints on your gofundme satire.

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File: 2f9e58de3d1e6a7⋯.png (192.93 KB,1366x590,683:295,Screenshot (13149).png)


Almost there!

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I havent seen one like it yet so I figured I would make one just incase shit really hits the fan.

I guess if people were really stupid enough to donate I will take it seriously and start a raid.

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social media, post it twitter where the idiots think something will actually happen. The "drain the swamp!" crowd. # it with #epstein #pizzagate and the likes. They will donate because of feelgoodery.

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File: 03b609b5cdea130⋯.png (104.72 KB,680x680,1:1,58a.png)


I already made a Instagram a few days ago. @lsj_island

I just plan to recycle 4/8chan pizzagate memes and i guess promote storming my own island

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Reminder that the Tudors, the last true Royals, were usurped by the illegitimate House of Windsor.

Death to the House of Windsor.

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File: ea4130c33c149ab⋯.gif (292.15 KB,220x220,1:1,tenor.gif)


>the illegitimate

They are all illegitimate fags.

The Tudors, Henry Vll, usurped the throne from the Richard lll. Fuck the royals, fuck the king.

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Can you imagine if you raised like 50,000 shekels?!?! I'm rooting for you, anon.

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File: b2b11479e4452aa⋯.jpg (235.6 KB,811x811,1:1,b2b11479e4452aa979e66460c6….jpg)


Hotpockets get the fucking rope.

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File: 4f3575d016278bb⋯.jpg (58.45 KB,390x336,65:56,histy gun.jpg)


>"Jane Doe 103"

>there are at least 103 girls involved/trafficked/abused

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Could you imagine the absolute shitstorm we could wreak upon this planet with 50,000 bucks? I bet at least quite a bit. A budget of literally zero only gets you so much pee pee poo poo pisssssssss and shit niggers

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We could do alot with 50k.

Even sending a small militia of poorfags to the island would be good enough.

Seeing that faceberg promotes storming military bases this should really cause a shit storm with those involved.

If some anons wanna help out just by sharing the link feel free

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That's Prince Andrew. Not Epstein.

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Naw there was another blind about. It is some rich as fuck Saudi business man with a kinda famous daughter. It was part of the whole thing about Emma Roberts pimping out hardluck actress that she got hooked on drugs.

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>there are at least 103 girls involved/trafficked/abused

"involved" simply means 103 females whose names aren't divulged, that is a designation they could also use for witnesses.


That the infant-raping jews are going after epstein for high school girls makes me wonder if he might be one of the less-bad jews.

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File: 0c30ab071b3200c⋯.jpg (39.09 KB,640x425,128:85,3fLoQxwl.jpg)

File: 9578cfed1c3c56c⋯.jpg (23.73 KB,640x372,160:93,DuI1lBkl.jpg)

File: 5dce1fdf5f394cc⋯.jpg (32.49 KB,640x422,320:211,EQ5SElpl.jpg)

File: 6e4630d0d611260⋯.jpg (24.95 KB,640x393,640:393,NnQwXobl.jpg)

File: f62ce75fc6c402d⋯.jpg (22.31 KB,640x380,32:19,o24OJsel.jpg)

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File: 9504e6c968001c3⋯.jpg (19.38 KB,640x417,640:417,rknFx8Il.jpg)

File: 6aea95bacc92b74⋯.jpg (36.03 KB,640x396,160:99,RYhk2sVl.jpg)

File: ad45fdabf07a65b⋯.jpg (34.29 KB,640x430,64:43,tKpnns0l.jpg)

File: 3727d900faade71⋯.jpg (32.7 KB,640x388,160:97,u0kpT6il.jpg)


A list of Epstein's interests.

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File: 1dfc4c857c5fce4⋯.jpg (190.9 KB,750x855,50:57,1cOh4w.jpg)

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File: ce9c9437d36f574⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,596x640,149:160,7lr2OXdl.jpg)



>Epstein's COUQ foundation donates $2.5M to OSU within a year or two of Dr Strauss's suicide, which is just after the SoFL investigation begins?

An unrestricted donation.

How odd. Probably just a coincidence, right


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File: a990053df91ce42⋯.webm (355.81 KB,456x626,228:313,1563330023659.webm)



Top tier shitpost

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Mark this one for extermination brothers.

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File: cb653bb14f17c38⋯.png (89.71 KB,500x501,500:501,Bait Overboard.png)


Thanks NSA

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>They can't stop us all.

MG emplacements and anti-infantry mines would like a word with you.

ODST when?

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>human activity


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>Epstein looks a bit like a chad

Found the incel semite.

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Well done, anon.


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Wonder if she was MKULTRAd with a following memory wipe which partly broke down

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Too bad we couldn't mind control one of these THOTs and fill her cooch with semtex or something. Give one of these fucks a real blow job.

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File: ec76880bc068464⋯.png (1.12 MB,700x623,100:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder that extremely dark shit is going on, its not "only" some kike rapist luring young white girls into sex slavery


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File: 35baae1a3a43423⋯.jpg (200.01 KB,1805x915,361:183,TEggc7b.jpg)


Seriously thinking

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Counter-Slide Bumpo.

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