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 No.13487378 [View All]

Hey random thought here guys and I want to hear what you think. Is vegetarianism/veganism just a Jew plot to ruin the fecundity of White Women? Because one horror I used to have when I was dating a vegetarian girl; part of why I eventually broke up with her was the image of her carrying my child in her womb and being

unable to properly nourish it was very unattractive for me. And that got me thinking could we find obvious Jewish routes to these

movements in Modern Western culture? Because it feels to me like more kikery to get more White children born with birth defects.

>Pic unrelated

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Vegetarianism is aryan.

Eating meat solely out of "muh flavour" or any random "muh biology" arguments is pure conformism. Don't pop your bubble if you don't want to change your ways, but vegetarianism is still more responsible in our current world.

NSDAP already knew about that and planned national vegetarian and vegan diets for the german youth. Food sector's industrialization was a mistake and it's ravaging the planet and filling our stocks with anti-biotics and (((medicine))). Animals aren't even fed with grass in mass-producing farms, so forget about any argument about proteins or B vitamins. No one's getting their dose except if they themselves let some animals pasture in their propierty and then kill them themselves.

Any attempt to turn vegetarianism/veganism into some kikery bullshit is pure conformism and lemmingism. As I said, if you want to get your big boy tendies because they feel good to your mouth, go on and eat, but don't project your insecurities on those who see your choice with disdain.

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>A lack of animal sourced nutrition is absolutely a problem.

>Malnourished people who justify being malnourished are literally spreading modern degenerative diseases

So you don't understand why people wouldn't eat your delicious hamburgers and just call them fags, kikes because they make you uncomfortable.

What a manchild.

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>that latvian guy

This one time he brought knives to school and stabbed some school mates over some petty shit and later that day was found playing videogames with his knives still on the desk. Hes an edgelord entertainer, don't take him seriously.

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>Food sector's industrialization was a mistake

Most likely just a mistake, but there is now a sinister element to it.

>forget about any argument about proteins or B vitamins.

That would be convenient for you, wouldn't it? Even the garbage meat I wish nobody would buy is more nutritious than your best homegrown vegetable.

>pure conformism and lemmingism

>don't project your insecurities



Says the guy operating on pure emotion. More projection.

By the way, I don't suggest anybody eat hamburgers. Hamburgers are, at best, half meat, and usually over 50% plant matter. It's misunderstandings like this that result in idiotic studies that claim to show eating meat has a negative correlation with health, when in reality the people conducting the study have not distinguished a grass fed steak from big mac or factory farmed chicken breaded and fried in seed oil. I think one could make a healthy hamburger, but high quality grain is hard to come by these days.

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Vegetarianism is shudra diet.

We just need less quanity, more quality meat and animal products, which just means going back to free range farming.

>Projecting insecurities

We are not the ones who need to shill our cult hard while using every manipulation tactic in existence in order to convince people to do something unnatural, self-harming, and outright idiotic. Nor do we receive funding from various (((philanthropists)))

Bumping because some kike rat made another thread so anons can go in circles again.

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File: ee3ab1b0edb2dd8⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB,640x360,16:9,Slaughterhouse. What the m….mp4)

File: 5be1a87469be638⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB,640x360,16:9,800-928 dominion.mp4)





this thread is the epitome of retards

eating meat is unethical because these animals are sentient and conscious

to all you meat eaters, tell your parents to stop having children with their siblings because you dont appreciate the impared intellectual reasoning abilities. every single fucking arguement for meat eating is honestly so FUCKING STUPID. ur all RETARDS. the only thing you can do is call vegan names and post some extreme frutarians who actually are deficient. fuck, ur all so disengenous and disgusting on the inside FUCK ur all so ugly on the inside KILL yourself u disgusting rats

>Every race kills animals

dude why are meat eaters so FUCKING STUPID. HOLY FUCK you are so FUCKING DUMB

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>examples of shitty slaughterhouses are grounds for shaming meat eating

kys tard. Animals are beneath aryans. We can exploit them for their resources just as any natural source, so long as we do not irreparably damage the environment.

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You're a Jew.

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>Generic attempt to appeal at emotion among rational, thinking people

>Ur dum (This is the SJW version of radical Islamist "infidel")

Translator's note: Kikes have created a SJW cult where sub 100 IQ people consider themselves to be the smartest as a religious belief not founded in reality. The better goy you are, the "smarter" you are, and vice-versa.

>Being too demented to even call us fascists/nazis

>Can't even type properly

>Literally shaking

>Wants to dysgenically kill everyone smart enough not to fall for kike propaganda

Animals are not sentient or sapient, they are just biological robots. Conscious yes, but on a negligible level. Vegans are like those development impaired children who think of their dolls to be actual persons. Same could be said for those who consider arabs and niggers human.

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God authorized eating flesh for the first time in history in Gen 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

The herbal food was now deficient in minerals from the destructive effect on the ground that was caused by the global deluge. That is why vegetarians have so many health problems. Vegetarianism is promoted by the Satanic Canaanite Jews.

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taking care of your animals and eating them is aryan, so that we can develope our faces and bodies perfectly

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Christians were meant to be vegan and vegetarian.

Jesus advocated veganism, raw veganism.

It was a key part of his teachings. It is written on the Dead Sea scrolls which were found in 1947.

This is one more reason to go vegan.

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> fish are vegan

Fuck off (((shill))).

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>this qtddtot thread just got necrobumped

>it still hasn't been deleted and redirected to the qtddtot thread

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>Jesus advocated veganism, raw veganism.

Diet threads are just as cancerous religious threads. pagan vs christian and vegan vs keto fags say the same things over and over again you are never gonna convience each other over the other.

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how is this even a permitted topic, veganism is a jew attack vector. Plain and simple. The white man has more genes to process fat, but also requires more of his daily needs to come from animal fat. Most of the crap out there is low fat nowadays because the low fat craze was started by jews. Margarine is toxic, artificial crap. All meat replacements are garbage. Sugary foods are toxins as well. You should know this by now if you ever went to /fit/ and /sig/ you fucking degenerates.

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Oh, so you're a christcuck?

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>Quotes Jewish text as justification for eating meat

>Claims Jews are anti-meat eating


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dude, the KKK hangs semi whites as well, u better shut ur dirty vegetable mouth pooping 4 times a day, disgusting shit.

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only a subhuman values animals more than his own race, u belong into the shower for treason.

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>Conscious yes, but on a negligible level.

Have you never been around animals? lol

I'm a meat eater but you are an idiot to claim all animals are simply dumb biological machines with no real consciousness

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here is my old, tried and tested chart. Deviate from this at your own bodily peril. Its pretty much natsoc/fascist approved.

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>you are never gonna convience each other over the other.

It's not about that. It's about convincing the undecided. The vegans always lose, too.

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why is Tel aviv the vegan capital of the world?

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you guys are like the new fedora wearing atheists

sorry m'lady I must save the aryan people

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Hey Anon, if you're still here can you post your meal plan? I've been struggling to feed myself since I ran away from home at 18. I started making soup in big batches, but I love running and found I need a bigger carb load than veg+meat+water can provide.

Can you post a two day meal plan that would work great for a young dude that wants to get into weightlifting and running 12km every other day? The simpler the meals the better. I've spent the last week just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling…trying to put together diet advice with no success. I think a lot of my stagnancy in life has been due to a shitty diet where half my meals are pizza because I realize "oh fuck it's already 7pm so I can't go to the store and there's no groceries in the fridge, better order pizza so I have energy for my shitty job tomorrow." I'm also hate to cook, so if things can be made in large batches that would be amazing.

>inb4 spoonfeeding, lurk moar etc

I just want two dayplans of meals I can alternate for variety. I've been doing nofap, I'm back to running (I love it so goddamn much) but I'm hitting a serious wall that I think comes from lack of diet. I've spent the last week living off pizza and just scrollingscrollingscrollingscrolling so I'm crying out for help here. Just tell me what to eat and I'll do it.

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Vegetarianism is against 1 Tim 4

> Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

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>christcuck zionists are anti-vegan

What a surprise.

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Personally, I eat meat but I have no problem with Vegans/Vegetarians as long as they don't proselytize their shit in an ideological manner. I think there are certain valid health reasons to stop eating certain animals products, as well as real concern over the torture of animals in order to gain their skins (I don't want some mink to be tortured its whole life just because some bitch wants a cute coat) as well as ethical killing of animals.

However, my main issue with veganism is that they replace the essential vitamins we get from meat with artificial meat and supplements. This indicates that so-called "vegans" as we know them now could not exist in nature.

Also a lot vegans I've watched are fucking pricks.


One detail most people don't know about the Old Testament is that mankind was vegan before the Noetic covenant.

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>I am a federal agent and a jew

Great job destroying your ID.

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Yes, continue to spread your russian propaganda.

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many people eat meat without a second thought, but then again many people are retarded as fuck and spiritually dead. unfortunately that's the way of it. this whole "the animals are our resource" attitude is completely jewish. they hate that whites have a special affinity for them and love to try make soulless golems out of us. the death factories that have been running for years few people get to know the truth about them, the jew media covers it up (ironically). its not that I'm inherently against eating meat, a humanely slaughtered animal by a trained professional local butcher or farmer, for the occasional event or christmas or whatever, would be fine. its just that these monstrous factories are constantly murdering animals because retarded as fuck americunts can't stop feeding hamburgers into their stupid fat fucking faces. another unfortunate fact

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Take a runner's advice. Look up Zach Bitter.

I don't have a meal plan. I have principles that guide me from day to day. I only eat food that was grown/raised in a natural manner, meaning it lived outside, saw the sun, was eating well itself, thus is nutrient rich. And I only eat when i'm hungry, which is pretty infrequently because my body is already full of reserves. I listen to cravings rather than follow a plan, because my body doesnt give shit what I've written down, it knows what it needs. I shop once a week, which usually looks like this:

>3 gallons local raw milk from grass fed pasture raised cows

>2 - 4 lbs of local grass fed beef

>a dozen eggs from local pasture raised chickens allowed to eat insects (chickens are not supposed to be denied animal nutrition anymore than humans)

>sometimes liver from a healthy animal, never from a factory farmed one.

You should always eat locally, because that's how you acclimate yourself to your environment. You want that local bacteria to better resist disease and neutralize things like allergies. Any practice that would be completely unrealistic to achieve with massive importation networks should be reconsidered. The number of imbalances humans cause with their mixing and meddling is innumerable and the cause of most ills. Just stay close to nature. Drop the imports, drop the supplements, drop the junk.

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*without massive

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>muh russia

How did you even find this place?

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>I have no problem with Vegans/Vegetarians

I have a problem with anyone who malnourishes themselves the same way I have a problem with sodomy. It should not be normalized, as the consequences reverberate through generations and contribute the decline of humanity.

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Diets are for fags. You already know what to eat and how much, you don't need diets you just need to stop being lazy

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You probably think that your dog loves you just because it evolved to mimic human emotions as it increases it's chance of survival lel

Cat.exe has encountered a runtime error.

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>Food is culture, culture is blood, blood is honour.


>The Russian, French, Italian and even English kitchen are vast and diverse in recipes. Incorporating many flavours, many spices and ingredients. Europeans traversed the world in search of new materials to use - in the kitchen too.


>Food and dishes have a rich history, are rooted in your soil and connected to you by blood. Whether your diet consists of fish, meat or vegetables; If you live in a landlocked area chances are your blood favours meat, if you live on the coast, chances are your blood favours fish. History, the history of your ancestors, it matters in more ways than one.


>Read Escoffier, see how rich a heritage your food and dishes have. Appreciate it, learn to cook. Anything is better after a great meal. Food is important to stay healthy, to stay fit, to socialise, to relax, to encourage, to nurture. Learn to cook.

Many of the traditions we've developed over the last 200 years are garbage. It's hard for many people to accept. It's hard to change your long-standing ideas and beliefs.

e.g. we sit around a table and sing "happy birthday to you" and cut a cake, which is total garbage, which we then eat.

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Yes. Vegans are all malnourished, nutrient starved, have cognitive issues and messed up hormones.

Here’s the obvious litmus test on veganism: Is it a sustainable diet without modern technology and supplements? No.

It’s not natural, you’re not evolved to be a vegan, you are an omnivore and if you’re white you’re primary diet should consist of meat and dairy with a side of seasonal greens for fibre.

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>Many of the traditions we've developed over the last 200 years are garbage. It's hard for many people to accept. It's hard to change your long-standing ideas and beliefs.


>e.g. we sit around a table and sing "happy birthday to you" and cut a cake, which is total garbage, which we then eat.

It depends on the ingredients used. I guarantee the abominations named as cakes today are not the same shit people were eating when that tradition started. The flour people use now is shit, the sugar is shit, there's too much of it, the dairy and eggs are from malnourished animals. It's just not the same.

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You have probably never eaten a cake made from organic, free range eggs and milk. The plight of the zoomer soyboy. One of (((vegan))) pilpuls is trying to use the fact that most modern food is poisonous kike crap to make people abandon eating certain things altogether and then buying even less nutritious, equally poisonous garbage from the same merchant, for the same price, deluding yourself that it makes you healthy and ethical.

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Could be. I don't know anything about flour quality today vs what it has been in the past.

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>(((bill gates)))



>genetically engineered

>shilled by the (((media)))

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Christ ate fish and the passover meal, which includes lamb.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you don't know my now that veganism is another tendril of the globohomo hydra beast then you're still blue pilled. Vegtables are toxic, look up anti-nutrients. If that isn't enough watch this video of a kike slut tout child indoctrination and marxism.

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I meant to link the original video but you get the picture.

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also see SIG: https://8ch.net/pol/res/13496770.html

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Mass farming and food production is jewish beyond belief. Animal food products are a luxury, but many people have been accustomed for them to be a staple of their diet. The pitfall of eating less animal products is all the soy and other BS products DO NOT EAT THEM. You can make white rice and black beans taste good, look through the archives of chipotle's website and you'll find all the ingredients they use for theirs listed on the website archive. That's just one recipe. There are a lot of options for good tasting food that only needs a little animal product to be delicious. Learning to cook is a gentile thing. Agriculture and farming is purely gentile, as the Jews are too supremacist to consider it and they see it as below them. This is also why Jews like communism or why communism has always been jewish, they get free shit on others' hard labor.

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