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File: cfe4de1a8f4e8ae⋯.jpg (18.77 KB,220x220,1:1,JEW.jpg)

 No.13480266 [View All]

I somehow have doubts they are. Many families such as Bush, Rockefeller etc seem to have some power but nothing compared to Rothschild. But is there something behind that? It'd be too obvious given they're in the public eye and could be assasinated. Lord Rothschild was already confronted on the streets a few years ago.

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After the Clintons went to sleep I left. A man stepped toward

me as I exited the room and escorted me down a red carpeted hall,

to the elevator, and down to the lobby, as he held my elbow and

lower forearm. At this point, another man took over, making a very

smooth transition. I was pushed down into a waiting limo (I think it

was a black Mercedes), as the man hurried and slammed the door.

I was taken to the airport and the driver radioed ahead, and a man

met us at the curb and hurried me onto my plane.

Now Clinton is President [1993-2001]

Kelly had a school function or a friend’s party at the Beverly

Hilton. I hadn’t seen her in awhile as she was living in California

and I was living on Kauai, but I was brought in to help her with

“The Prez,” who was then newly-elected Bill Clinton. He had a

group of girls and women there and that night he wanted only oral

sex, along with chocolate and fruit slices. Afterwards, it was my job

to redirect the girls back into their social function so there would be

no mix-ups.

Sex slaves were used to sexually service both male and female

members of the White House when our controllers called for it, and

I was not to be exempt. Once when I was flown to the White House

from Hawaii, Hillary played what she called “the tease game.” She

tied me up so she could be safe, she said. When she was through

with me she looked at her gold watch, said she had to go, put on

her dress and left. I put on my clothes and headed out to the

waiting limo to Henry.

Henry always wanted to know exactly what Hillary’s verbal

responses were to things I said to her and he listened very carefully

for speech patterning. They were trying to create a phrase of words

that would stop her dead in her tracks when she went to court for

the Whitewater incident. They had been planning this one even

before Clinton took office. Henry knew and so did his people. They

were trying to destabilize the government by ousting the President.

Their plan was that “A cornerstone will fall, and further destabilize

the American people. First Nixon, now Clinton, thus the people will

lose faith in their leaders and the democratic way of life. So they

will want to change it and will lean toward World Order.” I knew in

1993, long before the Monica Lewinsky affair, that if Clinton was

ousted, they had succeeded again in their plan and movement

toward the New World Order.

The programs I had for the White House were pretty well-

worn and grooved. Henry often rode with me in the limo to the

White House if he hadn’t had time to load me up beforehand.

Sometimes, he wanted to sharpen me up or check my systems.

He often went to have a cup of coffee or a cigar while I was doing

the job. When I came out of the White House, flanked by Secret

Service agents, I’d get into the limo and he would ask me to repeat

verbatim what was said. I’d tell him exactly what they said and how

they enunciated it. I could record not only what they said, but I

could repeat it back just like they said it – tone, inflection, and all.

And from that, Henry and his boys could run a voice print; then,

using it, they developed a way to control people through their own

language patterns. Henry put his cigar to his mouth before saying,

“If you can get their patterns, you can control their minds.” They

put me close to the Clintons so they could obtain speech patterns,

information about weaknesses they had and ammunition to get

Clinton thrown out of office. They would stop at nothing in

their effort to chip away at the Constitution and democracy.

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Henry Kissinger hated Bill Clinton, but he especially hated

Hillary. He wanted to publicly humiliate and disgrace her by

showing that she had illegal investments and that she lied. Henry

said, “People (the public) will be manageable after this is exposed

Al Gore was easy for the Council because I believe he is a

robot like me. Al Gore had me perform oral sex on him. He didn’t

do cocaine, though. He adamantly refused. Henry said, “He’s a

robot of choice.”

I also had memories of experiences where I was at the White

House with Hillary, Chelsea and a famous female vocalist, involved

in a sex ritual.

My personal belief, based on my experiences, is that over

the years, more leaders were under mind control. I believe it to be

vitally important to dismantle the system that has created this, as

well as gain aid for the victims, but not to further punish or

humiliate the victims who are in need of professional help to

heal. I know there has been corruption at the highest levels in the

White House, and whether compromised through blackmail, lack

of spiritual integrity, or mind control, I believe the Clintons are

caught in a “Catch-22.”

In a society where mind control is insidious, the whole of

society is responsible in some way, whether through ignorance,

denial, spiritual disintegration or greed. To the extent that some of

us are not free, none of us are free. I believe it is God’s perfect plan

for those able persons to come to the aid of those who are in need.

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pdf download of this amazing book here:


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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<can't into changing languages

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File: 1707905cbfdb53f⋯.jpg (63.23 KB,530x358,265:179,Hitler-judeofied and negro….jpg)


Jews don't play fair, you people genocide, enslave & rob people of their savings is your type of victory. You've no honour as General Patton said the Semitic press don't care about the Anglo-Saxon laws in persecuting the Germans. The means always justify the end even it means putting innocent men in prison for 40yrs like how you taught your demoralized leftist lemmings well.

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Reminder to all newfags to never respond to posts framed as a questions. If you wish to post inforgraphs on the rothschild make a separate thread for detailing them rather than bumping a low quality shill thread.

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I remember reading an anon saying these acts of animal torture only not practiced by real Chinese but by Christian ones. Sure thing. I don't buy it. That kind of soulless behavior is latent in all of these fuckers.

They're doing it in a public square. It's like if someone was tying a dog to a fire hydrant in alleys of Central Park and proceeded to skin it around lunch time in broad day light.


>Jews have no power because small numbers


Also, regarding Google specifically, I'm not even gonna bother listing all the issues that would become real the moment they'd be banned.

Finally, in a world where Google would get offed, you would not even need to be there.


It's possible the leftist MSM, a minority in most countries, are just a controlled pressure valve, to give the illusion of real criticism coming from the sources of what is seen as authoritative sources.

As for Saudis, they indeed are swimming in money but the enlarged family recently gathered because the cash didn't flow as well as usually and need to cut the extravagant spending.

It would seem they are actually realistically hitting a roof in how much oil they can extract from their own assets.

Also Saudis are crypto-kikes, nothing Muslim.


>non-human ET/Demons/Evil Spirits/Reptilians/Fallen Angels

Dude pls stop.



Now it makes sense. All the prettiness is an illusion to get us distracted.

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Many of the other powerful families are former and current European nobility, and the descendants of the original (15th~18th C) haute bourgeois. The latter includes the Rothschilds and other Jewish merchants, but also northern Italian bankers like the Aldobrandini and others who trace their wealth back to the dying days of feudalism when merchants and financiers began to acquire wealth that rivalled that of kings and princes. They marry into each other, so look at their dynastic genealogies.

The main issue with all this tends to be that if you only pay attention to Jews, you miss a great number of gentiles that populate the higher rungs of the New World Order hierarchy. Then, when someone brings up Italian and German quasi-noble merchant dynasties, they are accused of being Jew shills for drawing attention away from Jews, who only comprise about a third of the world plutocracy, the other two thirds being predominantly Anglosaxon and other European sociopaths. The other problem is that few of you have the attention span to dig into the connections between all these families and their holdings. The new money/old money split hardly exists anymore because new money marries into old to get prestige and old into new to acquire fresh resources.

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To add onto that last point, the old money (the Establishment) assimilates potential rivals (new money like Jeff Bezos) and as part of the deal of joining them, they agree to divert some of their resources into Establishment goals. That is how Bill Gates, who has no genealogical ties to the rest of the plutocracy, got into WHO sponsored aggressive promotion of vaccines and circumcision.

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for fucks sake stop replying.



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>Christianity was invented

It took them two millenia to develop anti-Christian narratives that work, and even then they had to gain access to public education.

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It means red shield



If there are so many different powerful people, then how do they have the same goals?






That's pretty deep

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How does this connect to Israel, the Bolsheviks and other players?

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This history is referenced in detail in selma sterns "The Court Jew" pub 1956. She compiles known history of court jews. They emancipated themselves by loaning and comissaring the post-Charlemagne empires into war with eachother, then separated by the six years war(french/indian war) which was actually ww1 (1914 ww1 was the 2nd world war). After achieving independent operation, the court jews like rothschild house were able to build for the jews. Prior to weakening the empires the court jews were limited by their masters tolerance. The rothschild house and a couple other families are operationally at the top. Ive heard that dangoor family is high, but heard that through jews so may be red herring. Rothschild is historically referenced in so many ways over the last 200 years it seems unlikely there are many of that capacity. They were directly linked to hoover through employment record prior to presidency, they are linked to trump directly through his relation with wilber ross and netenyahu. There is a rothschild blvd in tel aviv which is their version of wallstreet. Its known that rothschilds are responsible for the creation and implementation of modern hebrew, the original settlement by german jews via IBM and nsdap boats to Palestine, and russian immigration of jews. they are the owners of the suez canal. They are the principal family behind slate street and vanguard group, which are little known(publically) retail finance firms aka shadow banks. Their campus is absurd. The structure of those organizations is unique legally as there exist no other structures under the same law. Technically they are private, non-profit, international banks. The thing to understand about rothschild house is that they are jews. Jews dont see things or operate the same as you. You see money as spendable commodities, they see it as a weapon. To them it means nothing, it is less than paper, it is an idea, a commandment from Deuteronomy. The relationship of people to money is the only method of enslavement. All money is fake. It is a way to simply steal energy from people. The rothschilds should be thought of as the department of treasury of the jewish people, whose domain is not bound by nation states, israel is not the nation of the jews, their government is not limited to that structure. Their state apparatus is in all nations, israel is simply a reflection of their process status. Later on it will be used as a symbolic top of the order, but the function of things like rothschild family is to combat the nations, not to be "rich"

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>family is to combat the nations, not to be "rich"

>implying the economics of marxist materialism isn't the methodos to the telos.

House of godforsaken cards.

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Oh, and those firms have published assets in the trillions, not billions.

State street:

> US$2.511 trillion under management and US$31.62 trillion under custody and administration


>over $5.3 trillion in assets under management.

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Philosophically, and tactically, there is no possible way for any people to use money and be free. The mechanics of a treasury and bank network necessitated by exchange will always result in central control of people. Gold or commodities get closer because they are limited and fungible, but ultimately require a merchant network. The only way to structure economics ethically (meaning: people own property) is to trade. It wasn't convenient in the past but we now have radio and computers there are millions of ways to organize the vast material people are looking for with their goods they want to trade. Its entirely possible to write code which allows one person to enter an item for trade, then the program executes the items which can trade for, could be up to 100 degrees of separation to connect the chain of value for value, but its possible. Everything evil is accomplished through money. Without money, you cant be taxed, there are no fees, there is no inflation, there's simply a proposition of value and an acceptance. It is ultimately, assuming the human race survives, the final form of goods and services.

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File: 277d21feab7866f⋯.png (679.75 KB,939x618,313:206,putain.png)

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The maps we have don't even have the continents where the real rulers live.

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Pretty sure David Rothschild on Twitter is not part of the actual Rothschild family. IIRC people in the actual family are called "de Rothschild". He just seems like some other person that shares the name. Most likely also a kike, but not actually a Rothschild.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rothchilds (((Bauers))) are a “cutout” or front group for other, more powerful people.

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File: f5c6ffd3432c26c⋯.jpeg (68.74 KB,600x430,60:43,boss.jpeg)


I find that to be unlikely. They certainly don't hold all the power in the world, but more than a lot.

Though of course individually that sometimes becomes questionable when a Rothschild heir ends up suicided. Probably as part of an internal vetting process.

There's got to be some trace leading back to you when you hold most of human power in the world. Of course they try to obscure that fact by for example having their media calling Bezos the richest man in the world and some stooges the most powerful men or women. Laughable.

There are Rothschilds, related families and some with which they share power with like maybe the Rockefellers.

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>They emancipated themselves by loaning and comissaring the post-Charlemagne empires into war with eachother, then separated by the six years war(french/indian war) which was actually ww1

Jesus christ that alone is mind blowing.

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where's the copy where she offers to sacrifice a chicken to Molach

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>the Earth is concave

>this has something to do with jewish banking family the Rothschilds

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No, my family is but we put the rich Jews up as our public stooges

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It's not them. It's me.

It's me, Jamal.

Das right.

Who but a nigger could fuck shit up so hardcore?

Das right.

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Hitler lost for the Jews and the reason for todays nightmare.

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Bump for Brice Taylor and some other good info in this thread.

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File: f3eb31d3c181ddf⋯.jpeg (26.24 KB,448x262,224:131,028c12c43cb54979d4a5905fc….jpeg)

pic might be outdated but w/e

used to have an large organigram of "influencer"-"groups" displaying their interconnectedness but i seem to have lost it about 23 years ago. it was like 1024x768 and packed with icons and pointers detailling on a lot , maybe someone still has it ? cant find it anywhere , searched a lot for it since then but no success :-( yet…..

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>23 years ago


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Yes, they're the Jewish Royal Family.

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File: 47c2f2335fd8650⋯.png (45.4 KB,640x480,4:3,worstmonarchever.png)

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File: 104771efd5ff34a⋯.jpg (4.55 KB,249x203,249:203,images.jpg)


Rape them with one of these bad boys.

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Only after the semites have all been in the oven cooking at 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit for 4-6 hours.

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File: 1225fed11f5df3b⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,225x225,1:1,images(3).jpg)

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If they were you wouldn't know their names.

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File: f032492224ca7cd⋯.jpg (623.08 KB,650x898,325:449,con-1.jpg)

File: df441a2d213c5c4⋯.jpg (438.61 KB,650x898,325:449,con-2.jpg)


found it.


yeah i was a little off, couldnt remember for sure when i had it but here it is

probably lost it around '04

but w/e, me happy now :-)

wouln't have searched anymore for it probably so thank you all for this tread :-)

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Why doesn't this guy help anons on 8chan? What a selfish scumbag.

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Ovens were real, spammer. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

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George W Bush… come on guy, seriously.

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what, check out its from 2002 [even remember seeing it earlier but w/e] people were even arrested for uploading that to the interweb in germany back in the days…

also check it out , it already has mexicans / immigrants / glow in the dark / geronimo / info wars / Mueller / FBI / and generally a lot of hints.

check out the first one auschwitz is not tirectly connected to Nazis and even only has a branch-off to the Swastika flag, no connection at all to World War II therefor being able to be interpreted as implying that Auschwitz as a coining term was a thing without direct connection to the germans rather than to the russiaons , aka. communists aka. soviet union, speculating further holocaust being a revenge meme by the soviet union for distracting from their "crimes against humanity" as well as putting a grudge onto the german survivors of the war as a retaliation for the "betrayal of hitler against stalin" and the "backstabbing" of the germans against the soviet army through invading russia and pushing for moscow and beyond…

sure it leaves much room for speculation and has a lot of smokescreens but if there is the possibility for some of the hints given there, remember this guy is a satirical cartoonist in germany, to turn out being true , why is it some of the stuff able to being brought into connection from there is still being propagated today as hot potato conspiracy stuff.

which is in the first place just a derogatory term for a thesis about a connection between two or more "themes/topics"

why do you have to coin it conspiracy despising the matter it tries to discuss , when its just a thesis in the first place, it can be wrong or right, if its right interesting and someone at the disadvantage is interested in denouncing the idea, if it is wron in the first place why bother despising it , its false anyways….

you know the saying "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

take care anon

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Good posts. I'm glad there are still some anons who are capable of deeper thought here.

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The Bronfmans seem to be the head of organized crime in North America. The Rothschild’s have intermarried with the rest of the super jew European elite so they are probably the biggest and most powerful jew clan. Bronfmans are 2nd.

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Also the Schiffs and Warburgs but they have intermarried with the Rothschilds So it’s just a big super trillionaire jew clan now.

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Also…check out the Mega Group. Those are some heavy hitting ultra Zionist powerful jews. It’s tied in with Epstein.


Who's Who in `Mega'

by Scott Thompson

[PDF version of this article]

>The following are brief biographical profiles of some of the leading known members of the "Mega" group; notable, is the pattern of alleged organized crime ties.

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Let's get more x-tier

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>But the tap of that source of foresight has been turned off. As a result, their strategic decision-making is only as good as that of the typical Jew for the past few decades, which is to say not so bad.

Is this because the Soviets collapsed and all the Bolsheviks went to Israel?

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