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File: 4474b986cd58095⋯.pdf (819.18 KB,Toaff Ariel - Blood Passov….pdf)

 No.13473147 [View All]

The book whose publication is now banned outside of Israel

This thread will probably get no replies because almost everyone here is now illiterate but the thread deserves to be made because the book is so good. In it, the author uses many sources and even draws on Rabbinical texts to show that the phenomenon of Jewish Ritual Murder possibly even predates Jesus Christ himself. The book is a must read for every true /pol/ak.


>Ariel Toaff (born 1942) is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University in Israel, whose work has focused on Jews and their history in Italy.

>He came to international prominence with the 2007 publication of the first edition of his controversial book Pasque Di Sangue (Passovers of Blood), in which he claimed historical basis[1] for ritual use of human blood, obtained by murder. The claim was criticized as lending support to blood libel, an allegation that modern historians have described as unsupported by facts and which the Catholic Church has similarly repudiated since the 13th century.


Book note:

Two translators have just spread out on Internet an English version of

Ariel Toaff's book, Pasque di sangue , on the Trent Affair (1475) dealing with one of the best documented cases of Jewish ritual murder. This book is a

very important conceptual breakthrough, coming from an author equiped with

the best professional capacities of a medieval historian, and a man coming

from the rabbinic mould, working as a resercher and a teacher in the midst of

one of the most conformist Israeli teaching institutions. They act protected by pseudonyms, one of which ironically sounds quite

jewish to Italian ears, which seems quite necessary in the context of general

hysteria in which the author felt constrained to withdraw the book from

bookshops after less than a week. A first printing of 2300 copies was

nevertheless sold out. In this emergency situation, we decided to prepare a digital version of

the book. Other people were quicker than us, but the version they put online

was not complete. So, we decided to go on, and to put the footnotes (more

than 900 altogether) at the bottom of each page, thus making the reading

much more comfortable. In the process, we corrected some small errors

made by Toaff in the numbering of the footnotes.

This is why the translators complain that the numbering is not "correct".

Their critique of our online edition is lacking of substance. Toaff put the

notes at the end of the volume, a very bad habit of lazy publishers, who are

afraid of discouraging readers if footnotes appear to swell the pages. The

translators put them at the end of the chapters, which has the same

disadvantage for the readers, who is always searching where are the notes.

And we put them at the bottom of the page, thus making reading easier.

They also add that the <pdf> version — and they circulate such a

version too — would prevent the reader to select a part of the book in order

to submit it to discussion groups. This is frankly lunatic, as anybody can cut

any part of a non-protected <pdf> with the simplest instruments.

But every one is free, on Internet, to see things as he sees fit. We

congratulate the translators for the enormous amount of work which they

invested in this translation. Toaff's language is not easy and there was no

likeliness that any English speaking publisher would invest in a book that had

been withdrawn by the author himself. Nevertheless, the book has an

enormous interest and it is obvious that only an English translation can

broaden its impact and increase understanding the history of the Jews.

13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: b2fce2f863704cc⋯.pdf (5.05 MB,BLOODPASSOVER.pdf)

File: a49fa97446e4b5a⋯.jpg (36.33 KB,514x400,257:200,1395148_564727836931740_16….jpg)

File: 56145031a0c669c⋯.jpg (46.73 KB,506x340,253:170,804268_821.jpg)

File: 6bbbb5f8766f15a⋯.png (407.77 KB,400x579,400:579,02FD4C0C-0067-4EBA-BC9E-EE….png)

File: 071b2f8a198e1e2⋯.jpg (115 KB,510x359,510:359,child-sacrifice.jpg)


This PDF has a much better layout for easier reading anon. I've had it for awhile but still haven't read the whole thing.

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If memes like first image could somehow go viral…

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Literally downloaded a browser (my other one has too many protections to post here) to reply.

Very interesting book with lots of truths. The fat jew who sold traded candies with the German Aristocrat for favors, the guy who ate the kid, I thought it very interesting that the book shows court recorded evidence of the Italian Jews trying to distance themselves from German Jews and coining the term Ashkenazi to give a clear distinction to the German Jews. What's more intersting about the topic is when I mention this, I get shilled to hell.

There's something more within that, but I haven't connected the dots yet. It is my assumption that the evil satanic jews are hiding behind this mask of Ashkenazi and tried to get the term co-opted by the National Socialist party. They love to project their misdeeds upon their enemies.

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the purim thing is why jews kept getting expelled from europe

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> the phenomenon of Jewish Ritual Murder possibly even predates Jesus Christ himself.

Fascinating. I remember reading that jesus as a bible character is a culmination of the jewish ritual murder, as is with other instances of Filicide in the bible.

Consider that jesus is known as the "lamb of god," and by his sacrifice, "sin is taken away." By praying to him and thereby his sacrifice, the worshiper has a renewable sacrifice to constantly absolve oneself of sin.

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antisemitic autobump

Neutralizing jews one thread at the time.

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Rabbi Abe finklestein talks about this

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File: 7dd5e3fd746fae3⋯.jpg (46.49 KB,575x417,575:417,Ancestor Veneration.jpg)

This is an excellent book mentioned by op and here is a link to a documentary based on the book


Jews are devils

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He died so no one else has to sacrifice anything. He is the ultimate sacrifice to end it all.

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Oh well nevermind. So long as the kike god killed xerself to sate xer bloodlust, then I guess we're all done here. Makes perfect sense.

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The very concept of 'original sin' is retarded Anon.

Slave morality, "I did something wrong merely by existing due to the actions of my ancestors, therefore I must kill others to absolve myself of this black mark on my jewish-deity permanent record!" nonsense.

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No, jews are rats, skaven if you will. What they serve, however, is another matter.

Anyone who actually buys into Abrahamic universalist monotheism is a fucking simpleton; and, no surprise, the vast majority of slave-caste "people" on the planet now buy into one of three varieties of this sick and grotesque form of spiritual malignancy.

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> the vast majority of slave-caste "people" on the planet now buy into one of three varieties

Dont forget the fourth abrahamitic religion of communism/cultural marxism.

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File: b1330a9760f1fc3⋯.jpg (18.25 KB,416x381,416:381,1512618568333.jpg)



Hands down one of the top 5 books for anyone here to read, right alongside Mein Kampf. It's fairly short yet extremely deep in it's source review. The conclusions are moderate; yet damning all the same.

In effect it is clear proof that blood libel was practiced by jews on Europeans and that this activity was the cause of anti-semitic policies. It's valid for use in just about any environment, including academia due to it's effectively unassailable arguments. In fact, I have not seen a single refutation in the same form as the book itself and like the jewish response to Clapper, true to form.

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File: b40ecfb28686086⋯.jpg (93.4 KB,500x909,500:909,St.-Barbara-St.-Barbara-Ja….jpg)

File: 58ea8a254b9e1d0⋯.jpg (251.12 KB,1035x606,345:202,Madonna_of_Chancellor_Roli….jpg)

File: e8a915da78834e3⋯.jpg (105.88 KB,1024x683,1024:683,5965977559_6c9cd6efe3_b.jpg)

File: 2e3fadc99099cfa⋯.jpg (225.33 KB,800x772,200:193,adoration-of-the-magi.jpg)

File: 0ccacbd55bcd795⋯.jpg (154.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


I agree with you but I'm at a bit of an impasse on one important point; the most glorious artifacts of the last 1600 years or so are constructed around Christian iconography or some kind of Christian belief. How are we to allow this without acquiescing as a society to it's proselytizing seductions?

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File: 41b228afb327b9a⋯.png (6.21 MB,1384x3180,346:795,ffdvbgfdffd.png)

File: 79ea3c05369fab7⋯.webm (4.08 MB,320x240,4:3,ISIS revealed as ISRAELI ….webm)

I think I have evidence of Blood libel in Syria. This was done by ISIS.

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First response to almost every thread is almost always some kike trying to slide the thread and stir shit up.

>op is a kike faggot, blah blah blah.

They never acknowledge or comment on the content they just attack OP or other commenters.

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MOSSAD spies on Americans, GRU sucks dick, and MSS are shit drivers.

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Can confirm, this copy reads better than the one in OP.

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Excellent work anons.

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>The claim was criticized as lending support to blood libel, an allegation that modern historians have described as unsupported by facts

I love how the kikes do this. Do you guys see what they're doing here? "This evidence isn't valid because it supports something which has no evidence." They use this trick a lot. They just say something is stupid and unsubstantiated, and when you present evidence for that thing they just laugh and mock you.

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> I remember reading that jesus as a bible character is a culmination of the jewish ritual murder, as is with other instances of Filicide

Two books cover this well.

From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyenot.

The Origins of Christianity by Revilo Oliver.

The latter can be easily found online.

Basically, Jesus was Mithras, stolen almost verbatim from the older Zoroastrian tradition. Ahura Mazda (Yahweh) is all powerful and good, enemy of Angra Mainyu (Satan). In order to save the world (Messiah), he conceives a son (Mithras/Jesus) through a virgin who gives birth in a cave (early Christian apocrypha has cave instead of inn and manger), and is visited by three Magi (the title of a Zoroastrian priest). He performs many miracles and later has a last supper, complete with blood/wine body/bread metaphors, before sacrificing himself. Mithraism was extremely popular in the Roman empire immediately prior to Christianity being invented.

The Jews themselves developed their doctrine during the Persian empire, largely from taking their partial tribal god and claiming to outsiders that he was a synonym for Ahura Mazda, while maintaining amongst themselves that he was only for them. Much of the old testament was backdated mythology to justify them taking "back" the lands the Persians gave them & building a "second" Temple.


>How are we to allow this without acquiescing as a society to it's proselytizing seductions?

Easy. Europeans made those artifacts not because of Christianity, but because they were white. They made great art and architecture before Christianity, i.e. the works of the Greeks, Romans, and Vikings; and they did the same after Christianity started fading out, like the enlightenment era styles or the pagan inspired works of the 3rd Reich. And just as the Christians of old tore down or repurposed all the great temples and burned the books and paintings inspired by Paganism, the modern "monotheists" destroy, censor, or stifle most great works of beauty to promote their own uglier works.

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>"This evidence isn't valid because it supports something which has no evidence."

Lol. Well put. Yes, they do do this, often, and it works because they are usually the loudest (and thus most authoritative) voice. They have this down to an art form, creating panels of "experts" staffed by jews, who are cited by media operated by jews, for the express purpose of disseminating "facts" approved by jews. It's a wretched scam. But sadly, the reputation of a person making a statement and the number of times it is repeated is far more important in convincing others of the truth of that statement than is the correctness of the statement itself. The jews know this all too well. It is central to maintaining their power and influence.

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Christianity isn't Monotheistic.

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>Mithraism was extremely popular in the Roman empire immediately prior to Christianity being invented

It goes further than that. The cult of Mithras and early Christians shared their places of worship in the catacombs.

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This Reddit tier, at best /r/thedonald shit has to stop

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Amazing thread

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Any comments about my discovery?

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There is an occult thread in this board's catalog, i think the anons are sharing a bunch of books there, connecting the dots between the occult and the freemasons.

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This is why this website has gone downhill. I work, but when I come here I EXPECT some hostility. The internet exists so you can be called a nigger incessantly, and it's beautiful.


Awesome find, OP. Bump for the gas.

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but do you think what I found is an example of blood libel?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

←— Jewish and Satanic Rituals


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

←—- Jewish Woman's Confession About Human Sacrifice Rituals on Oprah Winfrey Show

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A bunch of fucking paintings stuck to a known fake along with a detached webm to make us look schizophrenic will garner none of the attention you think you deserve. Please stop trying, there's a reason nobody is biting.

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File: 4df681779f8d3a6⋯.pdf (5.16 MB,Blood Passover.pdf)

Op's version seems a bit short for some reason.

Here is the 375 page version.

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You really think this is pig's blood?


>Blood sausages are very difficult to find in US supermarkets. Brussels and Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin are both home to local grocers who produce blood sausage, due to their large Belgian American populations.

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Did you find anything about other kikery like trauma based mind control, gaslighting, social engineering,… besides the usual stuff?

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redpilled, zogbots almost bumped this off

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File: 1d3c1f9dc78e965⋯.jpg (24.36 KB,154x240,77:120,Toaff_Ariel_-_Paques_de_Sa….jpg)

File: 30ce1fb00fda9dc⋯.pdf (6.6 MB,Toaff Ariel - Pâques de Sa….pdf)

Here it is en Francais; Paques de Sang.

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I can't believe the jews let Oprah get away with this one.

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By the way, this is the most awesome site for French speakers. And it's not just a dead dump. Each month 9 or 10 new books in PDF form are added. All of Louis Ferdinand Celine's works are here, in Gallimard edition, for example.

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I think they hate him so much because he subverted their true religion (murder and cannibalism) by giving himself up as a sacrifice in the last supper, so now they didn't have the religious duty to actually murder anybody and they couldn't offer the sacrifice to their satanic entities they call gods.

And also he was against looking upon the goyim as cattle (everybody is a child of god) and against their deplorable robbing and moneylending.

That's why they hated him.

That's why they got him killed.

That's why they called his blood upon them.

And that's why they still h8 him.


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i like the part where you posted an archived link to the pdf you no effort faggot. fuck on back to 4chan - preferably to /b/ or /lgbt/

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>insults us

>wants replies


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