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File: db90264a0a17775⋯.png (485.67 KB,854x776,427:388,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13380784 [View All]

Never imagined that one entire nation would just stop reproducing and die off.

How long until the japanese go extinct?

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>Very chilling news!!!

Imagine the radiation living next to molten nuclear reactor. But, the gaijin still keep coming. Even in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Jobs in US and Canada must be bad to have this situation.

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They've reached environmental equilibrium. Japan simply cannot fit more goddamn people. It's human instinct to be reluctant to breed when there is no room for the offspring to flourish in. After the crash there will be a boom.

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That's true of all women, women don't care about stuff like that because they never lose. Men build nations and women give birth to the men that build them, that's it. They are a resource that men fight over not the builders of anything. Women would fucking die without men so they don't care which men provide for them as long as those men are "the winners".

Look at any nationalist protest in the west and it is 95% men and look at any open border protest and it is 95% women, women want men to compete for them and men don't want to lose their resources.

If all white men or Japanese men, for that matter, grew some fucking balls tomorrow, their women would become baby factories again.

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Also open borders for Israel

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File: 842cdcb73883e55⋯.png (333.84 KB,880x720,11:9,1498249372538.png)

File: 307ed1ac1ce1459⋯.png (2.68 MB,1469x1323,1469:1323,1522494256290.png)


>women give birth to the men that build them, that's it

Wrong. Culture, language, look on life, general mentality is passed to children by mothers. Fathers are usually symbols of time conception and discipline.

A child copies the parent near him her for the first 6 years. After that, it is pretty much set program for life (only a crazy willpower can change that way of life or some kind of trauma) During this time mother is with the child not the father.

tl;dr: You want a good civilasation ? You want educated and well cultured women that actually believes in something.

>because they never lose

Absolutely the other way. Civilasation to begin with is a massive loss to women. (Please check the well-known macro up in this post) rather than accessing the better genes and lifestyle of pre-civilsation they were "distributed" to veeery low quality males by force in exchange of labor.

Women are the loser group of the settled, "civilised" life.

>If all white men or Japanese men, for that matter, grew some fucking balls tomorrow, their women would become baby factories again.

I am horribly sorry to tell that but…. Nothing would change at the end.

It would come in full circle in…. say…. a hundred years. At most.

Use your head a little: If beating people and some show-piece executions every now and then would simply solve serious base problems "permanently" you wouldn't have any of these problems today to begin with.

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This thread right now: R: 666 / I: 128 / P: 1 . RIP JAPAN.

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File: 590605aab45700a⋯.jpg (75.44 KB,805x978,805:978,smug2.jpg)


>population levels out in a sensible manner


Stupid muh dik earth monkeys.

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Population of whites (and japs too) isn’t leveling out, it’s declining. With US whites it’s relatively level but on a downturn.

Compare to the rest of the population, which is increasing. The problem is not us, but we are becoming a smaller share of the global population even if we correct and breed at exactly the replacement rate. That is a problem but we can’t tell mudhut animals to stop having kids. Napalm is the only solution

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File: 851f9e303d57e5b⋯.png (679.46 KB,520x833,520:833,851f9e303d57e5bbdca8114801….png)



Shit. If there were any greys that cared about the ecology of the universe, they should consider zapping the niggers and helping us out. The ayys don't want to know what will happen if jews or nigs get off planet.

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Their economy is still fucked thanks to their central bank. Artificially low interest rates create a high time preference population and a high time preference population does not breed. And now ask who runs the central banks?

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Old thread but same issue and same solution. Japan will reach an equilibrium number of about half their current population, most likely. This is only a bad thing if they fall for the eternal growth meme and introduce more immigration instead of automation to feed that meme. If they keep the borders closed they will reach their equilibrium population level, leaving more lebensraum which could even lead to having more kids again.

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>If they keep the borders closed

You think thats possible under US occupation?

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Probably not and we already see cracks with it with all the recent foreign workers and Abe's flipflopping on the issue. Japan is probably fucked. I don't see them magically doubling their birth rates, so a border policy is their only hope. Being an island makes them prone to these sorts of attacks as they make for a very nice control group for malicious foreign actors.

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File: 2b2635ab25eed7c⋯.jpg (78.65 KB,960x540,16:9,orthochurch.jpg)

Japan is fine. They have just created a society where it's VERY DIFFICULT to raise children.

They suffer because they chose the Shekel over the Volk.

When the population drops low enough, society should hopefully revert to a more natural shape.

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File: 212009100a5de34⋯.png (82.3 KB,214x317,214:317,ClipboardImage.png)


I read the whole picture and I liked the message, but that word "beta" is sad. It's the same as saying "loser". Neither I nor you choose to be born the way we are. If this definition of beta and alpha is correct, then I am a loser (beta) by nature and there is no way to change it? Apparently, since a question of the type probably never go through the head of an alpha.

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Growth fluxuates. It'll trend back up sooner or later. Unless they get cucked and let in millions of Invaders.

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Stop spamming your retarded reproduction meme you marriage kike.

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Inb4 samefagging weeb anon calls you a spicspammer (whatever that even means) even though you're absolutely correct

Nothing can save Japan anymore. Literally nothing. It's up to us to accept that they will embrace poz and their old culture will never come back ever again. Blackpills must be taken sometimes.


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This is what cuckime does to your country

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After reporting more than 5,000 cases in 2017, the first time that happened in more than 4 decades and nearly 7,000 cases in 2018, the first time since 1970, Japan continues to see the sexually transmitted infection, syphilis at high levels in the first half of 2019.

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Japan's 2020 Olympics mark a 'significant rebirth' for the country. "When historians assess the Abe era, they will use the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games as their benchmark."


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File: 54d295e10c77daa⋯.jpg (84.55 KB,680x762,340:381,rutger hauer wojack 251f0b….jpg)

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Filter theses kikes, didn't even take the time to change the shilling manner.

Keep posting on /pol/ we rule this board, you kikes can only shill and that's the only thing you are going to do.

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This is all you are. This is it. Until you die at the hands of one of the anons here who are sick of your kike shit. I truly can't wait.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blacks beat up whites in Japan

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A nation that caters to women over its men die. Women contribute nothing even if supported by the state. Men contribute everything even for nothing, and they must be rewarded for their contributions.

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> I don't see them magically doubling their birth rates

>Overcrowded place should maintain overcrowding

Normalizing the population doesn't mean they are dying out, which is just a scare to accept globohomo invaders.

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women empowerment = low birthrates. its that simple. the only part of this that is a jewish conspiracy is that a small portion of top jews are the ones pushing for this for their own benefit.

so, who's gonna take womens rights away? nobody? we're all going extinct and leaving the world behind to the niggers until they eat everything and die? okay then.

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that's our fault for letting them in.

We were just (((greedy)))

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File: e60a53974ef72b8⋯.mp4 (15.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,0.mp4)


Reality may be white folks are like hobbits, simple folk that can't withstand the march of Mordor.

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if you're married you have to hand over your salary to your wife too.

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>Never imagined that one entire nation would just stop reproducing and die off.

Yeah sorry, but the rest of the first world is still worse off than Japan.

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lol Japan has


I seriously doubt they will die out by Tuesday.

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File: 897699b5de7c2a7⋯.jpg (103.5 KB,640x1136,40:71,Tanaka_hanako_dates_brack_….jpg)

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Japanese woman dates black man

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Big strong chads physically beat weaklings. There´s your adaptative cause. Only recently has violence become less necessary, this is headed for a correction.

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>counting worthless shitskins the same as aryans

The blond beast took the medeteranian. like 3k years ago. Then proceeded to conquer the entire world about 500 years ago.

What percentage of the population was this blondie at the beginning of all of this?

Pathetic nigger

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Could someone please fucking tell me why if I go on Twitter, and type in “move to Japan” why a lot of literal niggers are talking about moving to Japan?

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anywhere known to have pretty girls, shitskins flock to because their own women are just men

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There are lots of black people moving to Japan lately.

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Based anon black pilling the weebs. Japanese poeple will go extinct and everyone on /pol/ agrees with that fact.

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The end is coming for Japan. Soon their old culture will die forever and never come back again.

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Theyll die out very soon. That is good news for us because weebs will get blackpilled more. Japan is lost cause.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indian Deities Worshipped in Japan

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Japan's working women top 30 million as jobless rate improves to 2.3%


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Tamil Nadu Is An Unexpected Japanese Haven in South India


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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YandereDev Reads Ken-Sama Copypasta

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[BasedKubo Subs] Davido-kun loves Japan [240p].avi

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It's gonna soon be over for Japan. Just give a few more years…

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