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File: f35c44ab34b62a8⋯.png (1.02 MB,1000x1500,2:3,1446445137134.png)

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 No.13369388 [View All]

Thread meant for discussion about Fascism, National Socialism or any other Third Position belief.

>What is fascism?

At it's core, Fascism is a thought based on Unity, Willpower, Duty and Action. It views and wants to see man

as a part of a greater order, in which he has to adhere to the fundamental principles and ideals of Universe itself.In a Natural Order every thing has a place, and thus every thing is good, because it fills it's duty.

This natural order is based upon the various truths of the world, nation, race, gender and family. Everything else stems from this foundation.

>What are fascist economics?

The fundamental principle of Fascist economics is, that economy should serve the nation, not the other way around. This is the basic premise of fascist economics, and everything else stems from it.

Like in Syndicalism, the economy is organized around various corporations/syndicates, but they are still part of the state. Every sector of economy (like agriculture, fishing, public transport) have it's own syndicate,

which is made up of people, who have extensive knowledge and work experience in these sectors of economy. They collectively decide, what's best for their sector (wages, workhours, needed amounts of production).

Above all of them, still stands the state, that controls their actions, in case if they try to harm working class/national industry in any way.Both Fascism and NS share the same worldview. Italian Fascism was born for the conditions on the 20th century Italy, and it was meant for the Italian people, and it was inspired by various Italian movements, like Futurism.

NS was made for the Germanic people, and for the conditions on the 20th century Germany and inspired by things like Völkisch movement.

While they have the same roots, their leaves are different, just because Italians are different than Germans. The same applies to every fascist group that has ever existed, exists or will exist.

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>phone poster has no attention span and can't read thread

>phone poster is fucking retard who doubles down when gets BTFO

Imagine my shock!

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File: 28442ed5711b465⋯.jpg (77.18 KB,855x500,171:100,535da0dc4db6550e55fdf165e3….jpg)

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File: 18dbb92595670d9⋯.jpeg (89.7 KB,604x482,302:241,Algiz.jpeg)


The key is to root all symbols in our ancient Runic alphabet, and when anyone kvetches, we claim


The problem we face is we haven't been playing this game by the actual 'rules'.

Time to beat them at their own bullshit.

The ACL thread is another great example of this concept.

We simply mimic the kikes succesful in-group strategies. Charity foundations, Youth Groups, Brosher businesses, etc. Maybe laying off the "Political Activism" at first.

"We're just simple community organizers, Moishe"

Now is the time to organize around our race, while our OVERLY "Diverse" opposition is totally mired in chaotic infighting due to lack of any cohesive bond, or strategy. ...beyond destroying us.

Proving once again, there is only, was only, and will only ever be


By the time they figure it out, and can manage to muster anything against our socially acceptable, ETHNIC associations, we will be too strong.

Besides, it seems EVERYONE (but our enemy) is ready and waiting to see us finally stand and punch back.

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File: fd84917b64a5955⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,464x341,464:341,Jera.jpeg)


The timing is perfect right now because so many commies in power believe we're already whipped, and somewhat overlooking us right now while they push their agenda so hard on one side, as much of their Progressive "successes" from the recent past are falling apart at the seams on the other side. They actually suck at this when the system is weakened, and absent in propping up all their empty Strawman Politics. The iron is heating up, now is the time to strike.

With extreme prejudice.

Start something in your own community today! Clean yourself up, and just go for a walk, and see what your community needs most first. Talk to your Aryan neighbors. What needs fixing, cleaning, changing around your town. Leave politics out of it. ..for now.

Be that little hero your neighborhood needs, lads.

By the time they figure out you're a "NOTSEE!", they will appreciate you too much to care.

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Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites

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Spicspamming nigger is blown out.

Get a new schtick, nigger. Your retarded shit is retarded.

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Fuck off Jew.

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File: 4331b43d155a497⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,640x426,320:213,Go'onGIT!.jpg)



IP hopping spicspamming nigger glows.

IP hopping spicspamming nigger eternally BTFO.

IP hopping spicspamming nigger has no effect.

IP hopping spicspamming nigger has no power.

IP hopping spicspamming nigger sad and resentful.

IP hopping spicspamming nigger needs a new purpose in life.


Run along now, nigger. You're done here.

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File: dedda14f2fafb7e⋯.png (17.78 KB,183x255,61:85,5f3622761df4a9ed8d231ebe86….png)


We're coming.

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File: 3177772312d2c42⋯.png (1006.96 KB,686x1920,343:960,1526375766949.png)

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Take it to a fucking Nazi fag board. This is politically incorrect.

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Where the fuck do you think you are, douchedick? Have you got your shill campaigns confused again?

This is a Fascism thread, you fucking retarded spic spamming nigger.


You're a failure, nigger. Go tell your nigger boss to fire your retarded glowing ass, faggot.


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File: 35ac2ec9d0aecec⋯.jpg (73.42 KB,467x712,467:712,do_something_every_day_tha….jpg)

Excellent thread.

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File: e0396ad5ac59e19⋯.png (31.88 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Hakenkreuz.png)


your feels

cry moar nigger

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Nope, it never was. Go to sudo and they will tell you that this is NOT a fucking larping Nazi board.

Stop forcing your Jew shit everywhere Whites gather.

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File: b2d06f5c14d1de8⋯.gif (1.29 MB,620x566,310:283,ac7633a03808e03835f49ed20e….gif)

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Funny how this meme projects, White Nationalism is against degeneracy, this meme represents communism well though.

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No its about hating niggers and jews and saying the holocaust never happened but it should happen again.

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File: 97cf360e300159c⋯.png (9.81 KB,255x183,85:61,0f24306b1e6fbc958515bcdd7f….png)


How are you so fucking pathetic, you vermin? This entire board has witnesses your dumbass shilling this

White Nationalism kills

bullshit from your first day on the job. Not one single anon has sided with you, nigger.

Except for your GLOWINGLY OBVIOUS IP hopping shill posts, you retarded beaner.

You just got double teamed and BTFOd yesterday, and you come back with your same tired, blown out script the very next day like no one will notice? How fucking stupid are you?

Whatever. You have no effect beyond a daily reminder what we are fighting for.

For never having a chance of even being an Honorary Aryan, nigger, you sure do a lot to keep our resolve strong around here. Thank you for that, nigger.

Keep up the great work for the



You pitiful spicspamming niggerfag.

You truly are a Spiritual Kike.

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File: ef850f287aa18cc⋯.jpg (9.18 KB,255x212,255:212,84f3338d02d74549888ae43521….jpg)


THIS is what you're going with now? Is your magic wand bent like your tiny brown dick, Harry? You think THIS shit is going to replace your last flaming failure? Where the fuck do you think you are? HA!

Your shit is hilariously fucking jank, nigger.

You aren't White, and this is not your gathering place, Juanita.

Go blow leaves.

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File: b4ae336f9fee475⋯.jpg (15.01 KB,255x229,255:229,5759198d475ebe0b70a47076b3….jpg)



Bot never stops.

Yes. You're going to die in the coming storm, nigger. That's why you're here trying to stop it.

Nothing will save your subhuman ass.

Not anymore. You fucked up, and pushed too hard.

It's time we push back, nigger.

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The kikes saying White Nationalism is good for Jews is probably the most hilarious thing i have ever seen on /pol/ and I've been here a long time.

You Jews are really running out of things to say, seriously , go do something with your pathetic lives.

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File: 59373972503d1e2⋯.jpg (10.53 KB,255x253,255:253,415ce346cbb57d3edc1e8da431….jpg)


This is it.



is their current level of inbred evolution. These are the "great IQs and Intellects" WE are supposed to fear. This is supposed to hurt my feeling so badly that I just give up, deny my Blood, and roll over for nigger rape forever.

And, somehow, this schizophrenic kike has come to the conclusion that THIS is actually going to work! HAAAHAHAAHAAA!!!

I'm simply getting more pissed, and extra stabby.

Thank the spic spamming nigger for keeping my hackles raised everyday, or I might forget what I'm fighting for! I might get complacent without CONSTANT ENEMY VERMIN trying to crawl up my ass.

I simply can't wait for the inevitable day.

This shit is the biggest mistake these subhumans have made, and will ever make again.

The Toys Go Winding Down

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File: d8a864f977c2b25⋯.jpg (394.99 KB,2048x1278,1024:639,fascist state.jpg)

Reminder that the fascist state is one with the nation and not simply a tool. You can't discern between fascism as statism and national socialism as not. In both cases the state is still the will of the nation. Anyone trying to divide fascists and natsocs are kikes.

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File: e179193cf05f81d⋯.pdf (2.6 MB,Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf Th….pdf)

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Natsoc for life! Bump

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>Reminder that the fascist state is one with the nation and not simply a tool. You can't discern between fascism as statism and national socialism as not. In both cases the state is still the will of the nation. Anyone trying to divide fascists and natsocs are kikes.

In fact, this a stupid a lie. "Fascism" in Italy, Spain, and most importantly of all, that thing called "Austria," was a Catholic, religious phenomenon.

The National Socialist German Worker's Party killed Engelbert Dollfuss, the head of "Austrofascism." "Austrofascism" was pretending that thing called "Austria" was a real Nation, when it fact, those people were Germans, as the Austrian-born Hitler knew all too well.

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File: a78787c77d39015⋯.png (768.37 KB,2404x1260,601:315,a78787c77d390151a323eb9121….png)

File: 9fe72875d3f6090⋯.png (162.82 KB,1080x720,3:2,9fe72875d3f6090012dd1bfafa….png)


I'll sum your posts up with a single image to save my valuable time debating your pure ignorance.

"le white nationalism is ebil" is on par with "white interests is ebil". h8pol will ALWAYS be natsoc, nigger. Don't like it? Create your own fucking board.

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File: 853fa9874742e86⋯.jpg (122.23 KB,600x922,300:461,adrienarcandunfuhrer2010-1….jpg)

Democracy is for women and faggots.

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you are being to kind to communism.

it is nothing but a kike scam. communism is a self supporting slave religion. if anyone realizes all the leaders are Jews and speaks about it, the people they are trying to free report on them and get them killed. these Jews say the reason we don't have Utopia is because of the Jews enemies, and so the slaves run on their hamster wheel, forever angry, forever being milked.

people who aren't kikes in the central party are all considered cattle.

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>In a Natural Order every thing has a place, and thus every thing is good, because it fills it's duty.

That's exactly what the jews claim in justifying noahide law.

>Every sector of economy (like agriculture, fishing, public transport) have it's own syndicate, which is made up of people, who have extensive knowledge and work experience in these sectors of economy. They collectively decide, what's best for their sector (wages, workhours, needed amounts of production).

Above all of them, still stands the state, that controls their actions, in case if they try to harm working class/national industry in any way.

So basically, I need to acknowledge that everything is for the whole, the means justify the ends, the trees for the forest. My property and rights are simply transient, and if I align my energy with the authorization of the state, i serve the state while also fulfilling my individual needs.

Do you know how fucking jewish this concept is? You basically put everything you have into a box, family, bloodline, property and put a bow on it, then hope really hard that nobody unethical picks up the box and steals it.

This entire description is basically the mechanics of what the jews have done to the world.

How about this instead?

<the true natural order is anarchy, bounded by the laws of physics and biological adaptation in all its forms. Because this IS the system, groups of humans that are alike conspire to steal rape and murder from other groups so that they benefit themselves. In logical order, these groups could be any groups, any time period. It doesnt matter because in the analysis of this problem there are only limited possible outcomes:

1) The group dominates all others

2) the other groups destroy the dominating group.

<The jews are dominating. You, according to natural law, are to either resist or submit. any other rationale like appealing to state is simply an extension of those two realities.

Personally, i recognize my ability to be killed by other humans, and the reasons which would be justified, such as trying to kill them. I use this same justification to defend myself. this is the metric by which it is justified to fight the jews. They have near total representation in private and government nodes, they have declared their intent over a thousand years ago, they are currently doing it live in the middle east, they did 9/11 and slavery and they did communism. Thats a pretty long list that exceeds the reasons for independence in the american declaration. Trying to make a socialist system at this juncture, no matter how good-willed will result in one outcome only, extinction of your people and total despotism of the world. We dont need jew-fuck economic theory, we need to be able to own property without paying taxes on it, we need to be able to keep our own labor, and trade, without paying jew fees.

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What is the national socialist stance on using technology to enhance humans?

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>>13535495 national socialism is pretty eco so I don't think so

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I thought national socialism was all about preserving and improving your race.

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Yes but that would be a crime against humanity!

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File: 9b7d405b503eae6⋯.gif (1.14 MB,441x441,1:1,0afc39a262042fa1e20d49b48b….gif)


Transhumanists fuck off


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Your race can't thrive if your habitat is shit. This is all simple husbandry.

Build your own human farm, starting with your family management.

"Clean your room, eh."

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>all this reddit


Git out >>>/trash/!

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File: 407b6cd66205d31⋯.jpg (62.94 KB,480x480,1:1,1559947855669.jpg)

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Interesting. I never knew this about /pol. Might take a look.

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Good thread

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More larping faggotry for the Jews.

muh National Socialists have not done shit for Whites in the 20 fucking years of trolling the internet.

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>Being this retarded

Anon here u go >>13543001 as you see here most natsocs are not larping also the only larpers are americans

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You still have a job? Your bosses haven't figured out your utter uselessness yet? That's unbelievable. You must be doing this for free.

That's just sad, spicspam.

Blow leaves, street dog.

You'll never be Aryan, nigger.

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Lads does anyone possess that good infopic about who Third Reich considered Aryan?

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