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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: b49d99f6589bb5e⋯.png (2.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1553006457299.png)

 No.13008782 [Last50 Posts]

There are thousands of magnificent artistic stuff to be posted left.

Please keep the thread alive.

Post only high quality. Paintings, sculptures, musics, etc.

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File: afb591757c83fed⋯.jpg (237.38 KB,827x1247,827:1247,D2SKamsXQAYKj3P.jpg)

File: 97ce43889265b88⋯.jpg (191.17 KB,841x978,841:978,D2SIWREX0AYL10N.jpg)

File: 709a478356dda64⋯.jpg (172.63 KB,950x601,950:601,D2VTnitXcAAocBE.jpg)

File: 6fd0a8ca6635dc3⋯.jpg (361.57 KB,827x1201,827:1201,D2VUGSNXQAEoSIK.jpg)

A message to the Anon who was regularly posting rare and high quality in the previous thread: I am willing to pay you to post more stuff, not joking. I discovered myself a real passion for painting thanks to your posts.

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File: 3a6827b97c72867⋯.jpg (984.47 KB,2327x2980,2327:2980,1541519122160.jpg)

File: 791b375bc9b416e⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,3000x1883,3000:1883,whenthesaxonbegantohate.jpg)

File: 159a5193f0ff503⋯.jpg (77.54 KB,896x525,128:75,1541518296399.jpg)

File: fd7f79c73406e99⋯.jpg (3.52 MB,4096x2912,128:91,1541516979878.jpg)

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OP image is bad, scrap it

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File: 9b9374ade4665ed⋯.jpg (847.55 KB,1968x1644,164:137,1541517089150.jpg)

File: f5e6c9fe33e5fbc⋯.jpg (158.13 KB,1224x1500,102:125,1541516772926.jpg)

File: 9e52d5f33d08279⋯.jpg (3.42 MB,1999x1439,1999:1439,1541516702212.jpg)

File: 539cf6072fe9abc⋯.jpg (1004.45 KB,2863x1830,2863:1830,1541516571883.jpg)

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File: 9ba4dbb0ef520d2⋯.jpg (195.15 KB,736x949,736:949,9f84832f43d0e167393eebb67f….jpg)

These are lovely, OP

The Prado is really quite a red pilled place, I would say

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File: a0578261c5ca26d⋯.jpg (435.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1543282679796.jpg)

File: 61026f613f6ee05⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1600x1282,800:641,1541517214520.jpg)

File: f384e2bd1991842⋯.jpg (185.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,1541517294834.jpg)

File: a1784aafb503d3b⋯.jpg (245.31 KB,1200x774,200:129,1541516543210.jpg)

File: 2d0997bf7fb7f10⋯.jpg (189.94 KB,1200x803,1200:803,1541516525992.jpg)

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File: 9f757010e3d719d⋯.jpg (97.06 KB,700x939,700:939,f5902508f194e20a3926effb0e….jpg)

File: 1557f7c3c14d9c6⋯.jpg (187.52 KB,1280x854,640:427,YlDcEEE.jpg)

File: 47778168dae1e2d⋯.jpg (177.86 KB,1000x1442,500:721,f8c1a44a9be8939b27bc1964d3….jpg)

I can hardly think of some other statue better expressing ideal noble Europid features as this one by Pietro Canonica.

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File: 20b18874b035384⋯.gif (997.27 KB,500x475,20:19,1538943280536.gif)

File: 6db4fdd52383280⋯.jpg (123.69 KB,640x468,160:117,1536056436631.jpg)

File: c2b162be705b25c⋯.jpg (31.02 KB,636x360,53:30,1530251989822.jpg)

File: 0fd677f0e21f5c0⋯.jpg (219.49 KB,695x833,695:833,1519125502638.jpg)

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File: 4e3392daf385362⋯.jpg (574.5 KB,900x1482,150:247,276.jpg)

File: a502202612ddfd2⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,956x1458,478:729,4443.jpg)

File: 3f17f36da6f88af⋯.jpg (318.93 KB,725x1024,725:1024,1AhEwZt-7vY.jpg)

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File: f7698932b5243c3⋯.png (585.43 KB,1400x1236,350:309,swastikaborospepe.png)

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File: f480a78c53b31a7⋯.png (447.92 KB,720x715,144:143,hitlermorrowind.png)





makes me cry

please post more

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File: b2d5ef6fb84d38c⋯.png (1.65 MB,1295x977,1295:977,dotr3.png)

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File: 9650aa9076a3bc4⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,427x633,427:633,22DURER-blog427.jpg)

File: 4af9267dcc07b03⋯.jpg (33.28 KB,350x481,350:481,Boreas-Waterhouse.jpg)

File: f732428723d4e58⋯.jpg (756.49 KB,1280x1029,1280:1029,Homecoming H A Buhler, 194….jpg)

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File: 204184bef1b1173⋯.jpg (406.45 KB,678x1024,339:512,13332867655_309854114f_b.jpg)

File: 743d8aa0247f71a⋯.jpg (269.6 KB,1199x671,109:61,artwork-of-the-third-reich.jpg)

File: fda2792ba688cc0⋯.jpg (6.13 MB,2192x2831,2192:2831,melancholia-1514.jpg)

File: c7225954a44b7e3⋯.jpg (431.6 KB,768x994,384:497,the-knight-death-and-the-d….jpg)

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File: 28c733e2949e6d9⋯.jpg (550.45 KB,1032x1329,344:443,Aubrey Beardsley - Le Mort….jpg)

File: dbb47571b5fed14⋯.jpg (520.68 KB,1030x1030,1:1,beardsley_04_mortedarthur.jpg)

File: 4ce633b2a2491b5⋯.jpg (506.78 KB,1030x1410,103:141,beardsley_07_mortedarthur.jpg)

File: 4c3fe57cd1fa797⋯.jpg (362.93 KB,1032x1276,258:319,beardsley_23_mortedarthur.jpg)

File: c4b7b79ad100d7b⋯.jpg (416.26 KB,1032x1296,43:54,beardsley_68_mortedarthur.jpg)

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File: 39bd32456512a76⋯.jpg (375.05 KB,1200x1267,1200:1267,39bd32456512a766e874edd847….jpg)

File: b4ce02535e93a6d⋯.jpg (211.5 KB,1191x670,1191:670,bd6d800d5270c5d7bcb8471257….jpg)

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File: 256876ee059f6b9⋯.jpg (26.46 KB,363x471,121:157,cm_artealema_17.jpg)

File: 94245c7c1572fc1⋯.jpg (237.79 KB,857x1200,857:1200,felix-albrecht8.jpg)

File: 5a4770b39dbf9d7⋯.jpg (387.92 KB,558x800,279:400,ludwig-hohlwein-artworks07.jpg)

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File: d9fb56f40347ec9⋯.jpg (172.03 KB,379x550,379:550,ludwig-hohlwein-artworks19.jpg)

File: 0398541e7106e6e⋯.jpg (114.85 KB,615x880,123:176,Nazi-party.jpg)

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Your own body is an art project which will span the course of decades, that in of itself is art for you to look at, I look in the mirror every morning and I see a masterpiece, I don't need to look at some faggot painting on a wall for be enlightened.

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Autophil pls.

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File: bbd2d9d5b461ded⋯.jpg (173.38 KB,1000x796,250:199,2bd.jpg)

File: 1db7468a5840f7a⋯.jpg (442.08 KB,1440x939,480:313,Courage-Park-1440x939.jpg)

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File: 672d177b80d493d⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,2400x1445,480:289,Sources-of-Country-Music.jpg)

File: 095efac107b2135⋯.jpg (239.5 KB,1200x964,300:241,Thomas-Hart-Benton-Negro-S….jpg)

File: 74e53c3529fd467⋯.jpg (363.5 KB,543x800,543:800,ex-thb-up-periscope.jpg)


>Thomas Hart Benton

My nigga

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File: 5ac19f5cef79c55⋯.png (2.32 MB,848x1284,212:321,1.png)

File: 1dc9ece338b7788⋯.png (4.57 MB,1137x1757,1137:1757,2.png)

File: 71cfc349f328065⋯.png (1.22 MB,809x1200,809:1200,3.png)

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File: ee792d4d87328be⋯.png (5.27 MB,2552x1436,638:359,Brenton_Hommage.png)

Hey guys,

Here is my new piece of art : AWAKENED

My name is Kremlin and I'm broke russian artist making "controversy" digital art. I tryied to make a Patreon to substain and gather a userbase that reflect my own ideas but they ban me everytime. Seems like my only solution so far is to just play the anonymous card and use bitcoin / altnerative bbs to create and share my art.

Hope you like this one, many more to come if you guys like it.

If you like what you see, any donations would grealty help me to keep me doing what I'm doing :15yj41JQ8ZVa4acw22u7jsEfTW748gSBcp (btc, eth, xml, bcc welcome).

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File: 6b6e14ebab3bc91⋯.jpg (45.1 KB,448x441,64:63,37b2226aa29519bdf57c899643….jpg)

File: 638b2f26d14179a⋯.jpg (149.72 KB,500x500,1:1,500_F_77784133_TApa6ZJIux9….jpg)

Is Symbology welcome here too? (Images in this post are a mix of styles, from the Slavic Kolovrat and Celtic Knot symbols.)

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We Won the WAR. I went into the FUTURE.

SEE for yourself NEWFAGS.

Carly Rae Jepsen - Now That I Found You


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File: 7f8aed71153c933⋯.jpg (30.09 KB,559x768,559:768,download (1).jpg)

File: 78072ab62491288⋯.jpg (25.55 KB,326x400,163:200,1.jpg)

File: bc3970c0312b910⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,564x469,564:469,download (2).jpg)

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File: 94f22cd71c67479⋯.jpg (47.91 KB,768x1132,192:283,download.jpg)


beautiful, European man as he should be.

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File: 7b7bac5919207d2⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1081x1500,1081:1500,hb_17.37.59.jpg)

File: 5db6362f630185b⋯.jpg (272.91 KB,736x1157,736:1157,22866653fcd85fe634c3e8a7ff….jpg)

File: b82b9a085e9a73e⋯.jpg (6.58 MB,4222x5848,2111:2924,Hendrik_Goltzius_-_De_reus….jpg)

File: ee31da2a29e8129⋯.jpg (1019.48 KB,1774x2500,887:1250,e865921a7dc8833964c67dd50a….jpg)

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File: 301385d6f0769ce⋯.jpg (159.77 KB,474x700,237:350,Arthur_Rackham_Snow_White-….jpg)

File: 3c54e998468e124⋯.jpg (145.29 KB,522x700,261:350,Mermaids-522x700.jpg)

File: ac718da881a88cf⋯.jpg (129.83 KB,480x700,24:35,Thor-480x700.jpg)

File: 1d5eb9d705d226f⋯.jpg (109.01 KB,500x687,500:687,Bifrost_by_Arthur_Rackham.jpg)

File: 71339ae377383e6⋯.jpg (530.88 KB,1162x1600,581:800,freya-rackham-1909.jpg)

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File: 83378a33c70199c⋯.jpg (208.32 KB,535x718,535:718,Edward_Dayes_-_Furness_Abb….jpg)

File: db7d4f67f4f7c0a⋯.jpg (3.87 MB,3329x5106,3329:5106,Francis_Towne_-_Ambleside_….jpg)

File: 875818f9dcfb7ea⋯.jpg (5.31 MB,3624x5455,3624:5455,Francis_Towne_-_Devil's_Br….jpg)

File: 263c718570258b5⋯.jpg (217.73 KB,1536x1153,1536:1153,T08194_10.jpg)

File: 3574f1458221b8b⋯.jpg (4.8 MB,3729x4863,1243:1621,Francis_Towne_-_The_Road_t….jpg)

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File: 8c60608d3e54804⋯.png (5.29 MB,2555x1437,2555:1437,BretonHommage.png)

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File: 1a28021b7afaae9⋯.jpg (237.42 KB,1120x1600,7:10,Frederic Leighton The Ligh….jpg)

File: c6139b63eda3ee2⋯.jpg (399.8 KB,1000x916,250:229,music_lesson-large.jpg)

File: a28cc2664da802b⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,500x366,250:183,The Confessionsirfrankdick….jpg)

File: d1b755bf8f13d1a⋯.jpg (48.82 KB,1280x652,320:163,u7tg.jpg)

File: d3b2c5fcc53d6d8⋯.jpg (3.7 MB,1682x2790,841:1395,Lord Frederick Leighton (1….jpg)


(Some might not have names, just ask if you want it)

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File: eded799e9980b07⋯.jpg (452.49 KB,1121x869,1121:869,menzel.jpg)

File: 735c56c15901d02⋯.jpg (432.76 KB,1561x2048,1561:2048,Adolf von Henzel - Blind M….jpg)

Does anyone have the painting of the old knight on his horse? He was in full plate armor besides a visor, had a long white beard, had a (maybe black) cross on him somewhere (maybe on a standard), and looked to be tired. It is very high quality.

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Previous bread: https://archive.fo/J09mi

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File: c9ebda2ff84a167⋯.jpg (3.77 MB,3142x1994,1571:997,parade-in-the-1941.jpg)

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File: 8b09dcde2a4fc4c⋯.jpg (367.07 KB,2067x1292,2067:1292,fuckitshotinhere.jpg)

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File: 355f7b3d4af1480⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,509x631,509:631,King_Hugh_Capet.jpg)

File: fe019053df946ce⋯.jpg (48.51 KB,450x556,225:278,Hugh-Capet.jpg)


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File: b86ecd9907f846b⋯.jpg (3.03 MB,2988x2202,498:367,Richard Moser (1874-1924) ….jpg)

File: 2c03860c4f253c4⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2007x1365,669:455,August Malmström (1829-190….jpg)

File: bb181cb15d2e606⋯.jpg (3.19 MB,3200x1920,5:3,Apollinary Mikhaylovich Va….jpg)

File: d3841a8eaa8204d⋯.jpg (3.45 MB,8183x4157,8183:4157,Giuseppe Patti Sciuti (Zaf….jpg)

File: a3cb2b04aee8609⋯.jpg (3.33 MB,5568x4401,1856:1467,John Constable (1776-1837)….jpg)

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Ein deutsches Requiem Op. 45, 2nd movement "Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras" - 1865-1868



Thanks for the offer fam, but even though all of the stuff that I post is legally in the public domain, I have no doubt that the kike occupation regime would charge me with six million counts of copyright infringement and aesthetic terrorism if I made a penny off of this stuff.

I'll try to post some guides on finding, labeling, digitally cleaning and compressing high quality art. Aryan art is tremendously powerful propaganda which can help to unify and motivate our people, hopefully lots of other guys will get on my level with this stuff.


It's a good template for the original full-sized allegorical oil paintings that our guys should be working on.

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Are there modern artists doing ANYTHING like the stuff here? Marble sculptures especially.

I fucking despair of what's become of us

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Man this really is stunning how come nobody has noticed it

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What countries do exist in the future? What happened to the US and EU?

Answer fgt

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File: 47396ea5a19a637⋯.pdf (20.04 KB,change from libtard to nat….pdf)

Just dropping this off for the newbies.

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Hey dude, do you have more stuff, like perhaps a Artsation profile ?

I see its a 3d render, have you ever worked on animations ?

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File: 953b6d5c23d6653⋯.jpg (120.08 KB,940x657,940:657,D1xatvIWoAA4ek4.jpg)


Amazing! Thank you! Please never stop posting.

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Tumblr actually has some good right wing / trad pages with classical art. Here’s a good example


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File: b3c36240e227fd7⋯.png (3.9 MB,1414x1000,707:500,johnconstable.png)


All part of the plan to debase our culture. A work of art that once took craft, skill, time and dedication can now be achieved in 10 minutes if you have the right backstory.

Trace the fuse, you'll find the Jews

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File: 10da4b7c20c4cf7⋯.jpg (75.78 KB,400x374,200:187,israel-inside.jpg)

>hail mossad

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File: 2deac7a4d7324ad⋯.jpg (2.52 MB,2972x1836,743:459,Antonio Joli (Modena 1700-….jpg)

File: 546ffb56b285df9⋯.jpg (3 MB,3817x3108,3817:3108,Attributed to Tobias Grieß….jpg)

File: 1ef3538c9408477⋯.jpg (2.98 MB,3004x4100,751:1025,Johann Karl Schultz (1801-….jpg)

File: 9321f76d6abd7a8⋯.jpg (3.33 MB,8456x3944,1057:493,Giuseppe Patti Sciuti (Zaf….jpg)

File: aad3eb24239ed7d⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,5000x3806,2500:1903,Edward Petrovich Hau (1807….jpg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Piano Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53, First Movement - 1804



POL art posting guide I:

Everyone who posts art should take the minimum step of running your images through a few reverse image search engines in order to see if there are any better versions out there. These are the three that I currently use:




If your image is low quality, the chances are that there is any easily accessible higher quality version out there. At the very least you can find info on the piece and put the name of the artist and the artwork in the filename.

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Didn't realize that there was a new art thread. Here, have some links to the previous one:



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File: a86eda690b990b4⋯.jpg (3.92 MB,2325x4078,2325:4078,1533385875330.jpg)


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File: 9f0f7386e04fe11⋯.gif (311.87 KB,400x400,1:1,9f0f7386e04fe1167d08dfa6f4….gif)

File: 6d991405cb33c51⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1373.jpg)

Does anybody here have any decent vector images of the Schwarze Sonne/Black Sun?

I'm looking to make PVC patches.

If some anon can find good vector images of a Roman eagle as well (pic related), I'll probably combine both of them. euro-normies wont even notice it at all, they are too ignorant anyways

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File: f11e1d1e86d1d73⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,480x600,4:5,56553611_392903394625546_3….mp4)

Let's hope after Greece gets nuked, it'll disintegrate all of the brown Albos exclusively.

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File: 5da7351dbe609a8⋯.jpg (141.21 KB,609x600,203:200,609px-Last_Crusader.jpg)


The Last Crusader?

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Hitler dubs!

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File: 3cfe85529f081b7⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,564x758,282:379,30624213_586377155033181_1….jpg)

File: 890339f5017e67e⋯.jpg (381 KB,2000x1337,2000:1337,890339f5017e67e1d6cfa9de3e….jpg)

File: b56332b405ee2f6⋯.jpg (162.08 KB,725x960,145:192,14391014_321577461528683_6….jpg)

File: 2b8a5e03e62daa3⋯.jpg (40.29 KB,564x372,47:31,15326412_1312351342150283_….jpg)

File: 184467650353199⋯.jpg (161.59 KB,1024x675,1024:675,1467577518663.jpg)

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File: f6cca00e85e3b2a⋯.jpg (364.61 KB,900x894,150:149,gawaine 41.jpg)

File: 66994d89c19185d⋯.jpg (454.27 KB,900x1149,300:383,193.jpg)

File: 2064d82eea6604c⋯.jpg (334.28 KB,900x931,900:931,bagdemagus uwaine galahad ….jpg)

File: 7d1dbaed3de03fe⋯.jpg (326.95 KB,900x824,225:206,arthur sprang 25.jpg)

File: c52b1822a722192⋯.jpg (554.72 KB,900x1464,75:122,301.jpg)

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File: 9aa360d2aa9cb8a⋯.png (738.85 KB,474x718,237:359,1554410178085.png)

File: 93717c91c8ee256⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2000x1457,2000:1457,1553426151821.jpg)

File: 43c91f224b76c4f⋯.jpg (3.35 MB,4298x3165,4298:3165,Denmark.jpg)

File: bc410b9096d52c3⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,1940x1193,1940:1193,1551813916834.jpg)

File: 208fad1a60b9e05⋯.jpg (5.16 MB,4966x4241,4966:4241,Edouard_Detaille_-_Vive_L'….jpg)

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I feel I have a wealth to contribute to this thread, though I am unsure about posting through opera built in vpn. Some of the best music is still available on jewtube but difficult to find. I fear I may jeopardize its existence. I'm also classicly trained oil painter but I don't know if you fags realize how long it takes to paint renaissance style, or how expensive a 6 by 4 ft canvas and artist grade paints are.

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Lend me an ear, and I mean an Aryan ear capable of understanding more than simplified retard nigger music.


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How do I avoid youtube linking, I will hurt deeply if I cause media jew retaliation

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File: 0f6a0018dffb8f4⋯.png (107.97 KB,1620x900,9:5,Blut und Erde.png)

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Holy fuck I love this thread

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File: 986172eb3995aa8⋯.jpg (71.73 KB,760x516,190:129,Serge-Marshennikov-15.jpg)

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Damn, good stuff. I'd hire you.

Hell, if you're interested in a commission sometime, we can talk.

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File: 0792f1f447e65d1⋯.jpg (540.05 KB,1920x1148,480:287,Deer.jpg)

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My Aryan ears approve, anon. Keep it up.

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File: d70f3d99247abab⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,4702x3617,4702:3617,Newton-WilliamBlake.jpg)

File: a37750d5954d97d⋯.jpg (979.95 KB,1280x1623,1280:1623,1418253013204.jpg)

File: a29161a13652728⋯.jpg (328.68 KB,1680x1050,8:5,1418254058594.jpg)

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File: 622cbc295ef7e6b⋯.jpg (229.38 KB,878x1300,439:650,u4god1.jpg)

Van Eyck - Ghent altarpiece

+ Josquin Des Prés - Nymphes des bois


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Do you have a mega or something with the paintings you posted in the previous thread?

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File: b5e9fb316901d7f⋯.jpg (3.03 MB,3200x2646,1600:1323,Terence Cuneo (1907-1996) ….jpg)

File: 90bcd6c028d7059⋯.jpg (3.34 MB,5233x8419,5233:8419,Winslow Homer (1836-1910)….jpg)

File: 7978aeb24613586⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,3000x1853,3000:1853,Eugene von Guerard (1811-1….jpg)

File: d52194920d44e97⋯.jpg (2.77 MB,3200x2149,3200:2149,Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1….jpg)

File: fc1d99352dd10f0⋯.jpg (2.58 MB,3200x1557,3200:1557,René Archille Rousseau-Dec….jpg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Bagatelles, Op. 126, No. 4 - 1825



I keep finding better scans and improving my color-correction techniques, my autism prevents me from posting the collection until it's perfect. I'll try to do it during summer vacation, until then I hope that somebody reposts some of that stuff so I don't have to keep this thread alive by myself.

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File: 3c87de18b4c8287⋯.jpg (472.71 KB,1000x1200,5:6,Shiva & Parvati.jpg)

File: 9885e2c5e936c96⋯.jpg (216.99 KB,812x1024,203:256,Krishna 3.jpg)

File: 47364095cb3e3ec⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,1001x1200,1001:1200,Shiva-kul-sign.jpg)

File: 97d7e9e4e3802df⋯.jpg (645.74 KB,1362x1600,681:800,Brahma.JPG)

File: cc444773333d3e4⋯.jpg (315.6 KB,836x1024,209:256,Ganesha.jpg)

Beautiful thread. Here are some of my favorite pieces from Abhishek Singh.

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File: cd27807a88ade98⋯.jpg (351.29 KB,812x1024,203:256,Adi Lakshmi.jpg)

File: c73260a39dc7ca4⋯.jpg (688.47 KB,912x1200,19:25,Kali.jpg)

File: ffe9a36e34ec59e⋯.jpg (118.7 KB,700x996,175:249,mother-kali-kali-ma.jpg)

File: 3d5a04b611cdb97⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,901x1200,901:1200,Adi Shakti.jpg)

File: 668177fae627655⋯.jpg (357.96 KB,1232x1476,308:369,Bhadra, Guarding the Eye o….jpg)

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File: 0b83b47436cf831⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3200x1825,128:73,« A Wet Moon, Putney Road ….jpg)

File: 0fa7fedc0c07b56⋯.jpg (3.44 MB,3718x2425,3718:2425,« Landscape—Scene from "Th….jpg)

File: 3d93ec7a5920c7a⋯.jpg (3.45 MB,7739x5103,7739:5103,« Weatherboard Creek Falls….jpg)


I have only saved a few but I wish I had much more; I can repost them although I appreciate your regular posting so please keep doing this. Also I perfectly understand your perfectionist autism.

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File: 089b82f8488e88b⋯.jpg (3.5 MB,3029x4665,3029:4665,b68641d08a9b1cc8272b8d0a8d….jpg)

File: 8807f863404509b⋯.jpg (317.09 KB,1280x911,1280:911,bac9a4608fd7a4d9f4c9984d92….jpg)

File: 456da9c70376ba3⋯.jpg (223.95 KB,909x1024,909:1024,c5c19adfbcba7c6800242eda21….jpg)

File: cb457b9c699ab4d⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1280x1707,1280:1707,cb457b9c699ab4d5676ffb2bbc….jpg)

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File: 0e16e456d04a0e8⋯.jpg (2.06 MB,2576x2039,2576:2039,Thomas cole 1.jpg)

File: ffd10b50398c0d2⋯.jpg (2.7 MB,2000x1304,250:163,tournament.jpg)

does anyone know the name of this thomas cole painting? im pretty sure its his work. also included another of my favorites called "The Past"

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File: 78660bc4eeaad87⋯.jpg (263.52 KB,1536x1028,384:257,atkinson grimshaw 1836 189….jpg)

File: 88719fb24a50d6c⋯.jpg (133.27 KB,900x539,900:539,a-lady-in-a-garden-by-moon….jpg)

File: a36de665c82b6fc⋯.jpg (7.51 KB,291x173,291:173,atkinson grimshaw 1836 189….jpg)

File: ad77620dc9c460e⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,586x720,293:360,atkinson grimshaw 528efc77….jpg)

File: aa2433656b87807⋯.jpg (75.92 KB,908x513,908:513,grimshaw 620-x-350.jpg)

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File: 204e4ad0451c94a⋯.jpg (512.92 KB,2000x1311,2000:1311,The Present Thomas Cole.jpg)


and The Present… ;)

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i want to get a copy in of both of those and have them side by side, kinda like a reminder that nothing is permanent.

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I have a lot more but don't youtube urls posted here get removed from there? I'ts legit natsoc stuff too. Furrows of Gods by Drudkh is a masterpiece and one of my favorites.

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File: b64a96704521c93⋯.png (2.02 MB,2539x3169,2539:3169,Gustave_Dore_-_Death_on_th….png)

File: 685d6ed22d877eb⋯.jpg (324.32 KB,1797x1200,599:400,the-martyrdom-of-the-holy-….jpg)

File: 9c8da4cd3597308⋯.jpg (802.66 KB,1527x1200,509:400,the-inferno-canto-24.jpg!H….jpg)

File: 3470a6032903f8d⋯.jpg (697.28 KB,1536x1200,32:25,the-inferno-canto-22-1.jpg….jpg)

File: d8753d91d72bdf0⋯.jpg (661.62 KB,1495x1200,299:240,the-inferno-canto-21-1.jpg….jpg)

Gustave Dore. Of Dante's Inferno illustration fame.

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File: 48398950f9bebec⋯.jpg (2.75 MB,4000x2698,2000:1349,Thomas Cole The Voyage of ….jpg)

File: a391f68ab5a3ce6⋯.jpg (3.34 MB,4000x2737,4000:2737,Thomas Cole The Voyage of ….jpg)

File: ca1c24030d06d2c⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,4000x2631,4000:2631,Thomas Cole The Voyage of ….jpg)

File: 02a45e7e0e53513⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,4000x2691,4000:2691,Thomas Cole The Voyage of ….jpg)


The Voyage

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File: d392ee726bd76aa⋯.jpg (192.99 KB,2048x1388,512:347,Lion Attacking a Horse, by….jpg)

File: 857ecce62f39df9⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,4134x2185,4134:2185,Equality Before Death Will….jpg)

File: 833e3a866a643a9⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,2136x3056,267:382,Flagellation of Our Lord J….jpg)

File: d25d9a6f1f7fec4⋯.jpg (395.12 KB,1000x637,1000:637,Roberts_Siege_and_Destruct….jpg)

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Hey anons do you have some third reich paintings,i'm getting interested in it.

Thank you.I wish you the best.

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File: 7a6f7cad096ec96⋯.jpg (3.19 MB,5795x3712,5795:3712,Pietro Sassi (Alessandria ….jpg)

File: cf5ae60cf300381⋯.jpeg (2.93 MB,5498x3643,5498:3643,Petr Alexanderovich Sukho….jpeg)

File: ec806939280f88d⋯.jpg (3.4 MB,7016x5174,3508:2587,Giuseppe Patti Sciuti (183….jpg)

File: dc99184f2ce1d34⋯.jpg (3.15 MB,5004x3517,5004:3517,Attributed to Pieter Jansz….jpg)

File: 40cb9c57dc1d871⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2178x2949,726:983,Jakesch Alexander (Prague ….jpg)

Nikoláy Andréyevich Rímskiy-Kórsakov (1844-1908) Antar Suite, First Movement - 1868



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File: 36c5b1fee042735⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,3139x4098,3139:4098,Konstantin Vasilyev (1942-….jpg)

File: f2f4ee6dcb21110⋯.jpg (3.13 MB,3543x2199,1181:733,Adolph Menzel (1815-1905) ….jpg)

File: d593554f659f577⋯.jpg (3.32 MB,4971x2710,4971:2710,Albert Bierstadt (1830-190….jpg)

File: bc6c56e78110dc3⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,2000x1332,500:333,Edward John Poynter (1836-….jpg)

File: 83c9bc602368aca⋯.jpg (3.3 MB,8003x10449,8003:10449,Émile Jean-Horace Vernet (….jpg)

Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883) Die Walküre, Act III finale, Wotan Encircles Brünnhilde in a Ring of Magic Fire - 1856



>Those filenames

Reminder that you can save them with the original titles by clicking on the name itself.


Most of the good stuff was either destroyed by zog or hidden away in some basement. It is almost impossible to get good scans of Third Reich paintings. This blog is a good resource for what little Third Reich art is available: https://nseuropa.wordpress.com/ I recently found a pretty good Goebbels approved musical romantic comedy thanks to that site, I highly recommend it: https://nseuropa.blogspot.com/2018/07/wir-machen-musik-1942.html


Drag the image into any of these reverse image search engines:




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>Richard Moser - Opernring

Holy shit, it still looks exactly like that. I looked at it and immediately knew exactly where it was. Amazing.

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File: 9eee8a6169812df⋯.jpg (348.81 KB,1280x810,128:81,DSuDUxnW4AEX4y1.jpg)

File: e7d33e646ac67a9⋯.jpg (806.81 KB,2000x1547,2000:1547,50e5f86d1bbb5b68d7078a7e2f….jpg)

File: 47285a6bc87e71d⋯.jpg (560.89 KB,1280x1545,256:309,c37762238aeddf0aa49209d5e6….jpg)

File: a091a3029599d5c⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,3200x1825,128:73,2018_NYR_16387_0026_000(jo….jpg)


Wow, browsing the google picture search results for John Atkinson Grimshaw really puts you in the mood.

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File: 3a5ddf52f71a6ff⋯.jpg (410.67 KB,912x1080,38:45,15541911396950.jpg)


fucking nigger , take trump out of that line-up you shitstain prch monkey

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File: e199e48acc15622⋯.png (655.45 KB,720x715,144:143,color_death.png)

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File: a5e6c09e07e362d⋯.png (1.45 MB,900x824,225:206,color_test8.png)

File: 36e34a35c34f666⋯.png (2.49 MB,900x1464,75:122,color_test9.png)

File: 6bf942c25be9b3c⋯.png (1.6 MB,900x894,150:149,color_test10.png)

File: 055dc3984c4e51a⋯.png (2.01 MB,900x1149,300:383,color_test6.png)

File: 0f36d624ef6f581⋯.png (1.54 MB,900x931,900:931,color_test7.png)


added some colors for fun

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File: 095ff57c160db00⋯.jpg (3.5 MB,6420x3815,1284:763,James Heron (active 1878-1….jpg)

File: 4bf235ffdf40ce6⋯.jpg (2.41 MB,1501x2173,1501:2173,William Rainey (1852-1936)….jpg)

File: f1634a53751ba47⋯.jpg (891.58 KB,750x944,375:472,Hans Johann Friedrich Ster….jpg)

File: f19889f53a26f95⋯.jpg (3.19 MB,2709x3676,2709:3676,Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan….jpg)

File: 9a4fc4c392890e5⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1284x943,1284:943,Anne-Louis Girodet de Rous….jpg)

Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) String Quartet No. 3 in G major Op. 26, third movement - 1886-1888


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Muh Optics!

Kill yourself Fuentes you will never be white

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Kill yourself damage controlling kike

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File: 0f28a197e54782e⋯.jpg (3.54 MB,4096x2304,16:9,DSC_0010.JPG)

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File: c0de102c83eaae6⋯.jpeg (86.39 KB,340x420,17:21,55523767-B648-49CF-9FA9-3….jpeg)

File: 4297600836b6f4c⋯.jpeg (62.06 KB,259x320,259:320,9E366BE3-7407-4304-BC1C-C….jpeg)

File: 7185a2e4078a62d⋯.jpeg (55.63 KB,259x310,259:310,A5AC2D8C-9895-443D-8C1E-C….jpeg)

File: d82f082e304e604⋯.jpeg (36.32 KB,259x201,259:201,E9724D78-1642-493F-8CDF-A….jpeg)

File: 7c89d42e34119ff⋯.jpeg (113.45 KB,335x420,67:84,5881AD37-4B7B-4E38-A75B-4….jpeg)

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Jesus has his cum face on.

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Also bampf

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File: c71cc997cc4ef10⋯.png (4.09 MB,4096x2160,256:135,345634763745.png)

i was just fucking around and made this

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There was an Anon that posted his Mega library of traditional european artwork, It was like 17 gigs and I DL the whole thing. If you are still here, THANK YOU! Also, I was wondering if you had updated it since last. I recall you saying it hadn't been updated since 2017 iirc

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File: 3a72fc026518b7c⋯.png (1009.65 KB,960x717,320:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e378c40c7dac6ca⋯.png (2.26 MB,1907x1069,1907:1069,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46a007383dddb17⋯.png (436.83 KB,640x420,32:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53dedcecfda7da3⋯.png (182.35 KB,474x249,158:83,ClipboardImage.png)


The Louvre has some fantastic Art.


note; affirmative action hires fail to stop…

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File: 17fb33bb92f3f3c⋯.png (48.18 KB,1276x550,58:25,Opera Snapshot_2019-04-28_….png)



from previous thread : https://archive.fo/J09mi

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File: 2863f61f825b362⋯.jpg (113.8 KB,1200x655,240:131,1200px-Nighthawks_by_Edwar….jpg)

File: 5da9c08b49226d6⋯.jpg (295.45 KB,1162x973,166:139,FlammarionWoodcut.jpg)

File: db5497ec6acfe1b⋯.jpg (5.51 MB,6156x4800,513:400,oath of the horatii.jpg)

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> Naked women - almost always hot.

> Naked feminists - never hot.

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File: 561c92ea3ce4b46⋯.jpg (9.69 MB,3500x5000,7:10,Bigpicture221.jpg)

I am the greatest white Artist.

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File: decfee8a51df2bd⋯.jpeg (211.78 KB,1150x1329,1150:1329,rome.jpeg)


wow anon, pure chills. Awesome work.

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Try a google search image.

Not that impressive.

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Sun and moon allegory

david oath of the horatii

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File: 94c4cb7404e64e5⋯.jpg (536.54 KB,2048x1286,1024:643,12182732_932655193481595_9….jpg)

File: 959bc2f7fc60f35⋯.jpg (38.42 KB,691x521,691:521,12439241_1084337581598737_….jpg)

File: 9f6168363a9981a⋯.jpg (129.36 KB,1200x951,400:317,12493681_1090400324325796_….jpg)

File: fe0d3e25fe649cf⋯.jpg (118.77 KB,802x960,401:480,12507498_936923263052562_3….jpg)

File: 485e16a815e51ad⋯.jpg (803.7 KB,2048x1357,2048:1357,12622234_561912990634524_6….jpg)

ok frens. here, have some art.

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did henry parkes die

louis apol painting

nikolai egorovich sverchkov

Vasil Goranov

washington crossing the delaware more accurate

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Thanks mate!

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File: 0ef7aa81727762c⋯.jpg (12.41 KB,261x193,261:193,download.jpg)


Hubert and Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece.

The best piece of art ever made.

Also the most stolen.

One panel has never been recovered.

Hubert is one of the greatest artist ever..

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File: 10eafd5e8b387ef⋯.png (1.58 MB,777x1000,777:1000,R O P E.png)

File: 728e8d576c98651⋯.jpg (345.83 KB,1200x907,1200:907,5134-MementoMori-.jpg)

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File: e9001eed67dab75⋯.jpg (522.93 KB,600x895,120:179,Eduard_Veith_Ein_Wiederfin….jpg)

File: 25f573239459b08⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2517x3000,839:1000,Edwin_Blashfield_-_Spring_….jpg)

File: 3000be36a60246c⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,1024x752,64:47,Morisot - Lady at her Toil….jpg)

Eduard Veith - Ein Wiederfinder

Edwin Blashfield - Spring Scattering Stars

Morsisot - Lady at her Toilette

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File: 8791a70b54dbdd8⋯.jpg (217.16 KB,1920x1230,64:41,Oswald Achenbach - Firewor….jpg)

File: 7ea34d1412d669e⋯.jpg (3.91 MB,4013x2879,4013:2879,Hans Gude - By the Mill Po….jpg)

File: 665c5abc27a1f97⋯.jpg (2.93 MB,2000x1247,2000:1247,Konstantin Yakovlevich Kri….jpg)

Oswald Achenbach - Fireworks in Naples

Hans Gude - By the Mill Pond

Konstantin Yakovlevich Krizhitsky - Woodland Landscape

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File: 83b390b006d1952⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,1674x1664,837:832,Carl Rottmann - Schlachtfe….jpg)

File: 22e29ed79ecb4bb⋯.jpg (3.87 MB,5144x6340,1286:1585,Frederik Marinus Kruseman ….jpg)

File: d45423fc6c7e41c⋯.jpg (6.19 MB,6065x4863,6065:4863,Joseph Wright of Derby - V….jpg)

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File: 09f44d2c0e6a2c1⋯.jpg (2.46 MB,3307x2419,3307:2419,Knud Baade - Scene from th….jpg)

File: 43a5fc692e9892a⋯.jpg (2.49 MB,3248x2360,406:295,Marcus Larson - Norwegian ….jpg)

File: 382f9a979d40e16⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,2670x1910,267:191,Caspar David Friedrich - N….jpg)

File: fe3429af1329e70⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,1800x1298,900:649,Andreas Achenbach - Cleari….jpg)

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File: 7de564f119f1cb9⋯.jpg (6.02 MB,2823x3868,2823:3868,Johan Christian Dahl - Stu….jpg)

File: 5d1153026bc0237⋯.jpg (3.91 MB,3037x3901,3037:3901,Albrecht Dürer - Great Pie….jpg)

File: f5ebd90586bfcad⋯.jpg (3.55 MB,3731x4123,533:589,Albrecht Dürer - Hare, 150….jpg)

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File: 8cc8340acc71cde⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB,640x360,16:9,Nicolás Gómez Dávila - Aph….mp4)

more of these could be good, whatever they're called

speech.mp3 or excerpt.txt + fine art + classical music

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File: 0797eb7fdfeb536⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,2613x2864,2613:2864,Bartholomeus Johannes van ….jpg)

File: 074fc3446260777⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,2175x1558,2175:1558,Frederik Marinus Kruseman ….jpg)

File: 89853d9252af2ce⋯.jpg (4.5 MB,3863x2383,3863:2383,Jan Willem van Borselen - ….jpg)

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File: a9d7901fd3e29a0⋯.jpg (375.23 KB,1500x1173,500:391,Last Words of the Emperor ….jpg)

File: a97127e5b2b0c9a⋯.jpg (5.58 MB,3725x2449,3725:2449,The death of Socrates.jpg)

File: bf7da87a355d9d7⋯.jpg (3.05 MB,1800x1322,900:661,Jean-Léon Gérôme - Diogene….jpg)

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File: ed2b4b9eb916895⋯.jpg (6.65 MB,4365x5786,4365:5786,Albrecht Dürer - Maximilia….jpg)

File: 667ad4cda3a8033⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2984x4161,2984:4161,Barend van Orley - Portrai….jpg)

File: 987cac1257a686c⋯.jpg (3.65 MB,2477x3000,2477:3000,Moretto da Brescia - Portr….jpg)

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File: 3de1d2d792597f1⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,2325x3000,31:40,Titian - Portrait of Alfon….jpg)

File: 6a1dd37e65b7241⋯.jpg (4.4 MB,2095x2750,419:550,Caravaggio (Michelangelo M….jpg)

File: a0628178ee33eb7⋯.jpg (6.1 MB,3383x4253,3383:4253,Hans Holbein the Younger -….jpg)

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Blender ?

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File: 9e64b3e9c001fe0⋯.jpg (7.99 MB,2863x2441,2863:2441,Hieronymus Bosch- The Seve….jpg)

File: 807057aa5ee3f10⋯.jpg (4.49 MB,4214x3274,2107:1637,Gillis Mostaert - Vanité d….jpg)

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File: ae7a22a8745499f⋯.jpg (4.46 MB,3500x3768,875:942,Aelbert Cuyp - Rooster.jpg)

File: 07eb127d98efd37⋯.jpeg (4.81 MB,2880x2196,80:61,Melchior de Hondecoeter -….jpeg)

File: 86518cda8b284cd⋯.jpeg (3.27 MB,1707x2766,569:922,Melchior de Hondecoeter -….jpeg)

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File: 7fdba8dfc87b13b⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,3192x2654,1596:1327,Jacob Isaackszoon van Ruis….jpg)

File: 008f0487c18f7af⋯.jpg (6.43 MB,4922x3590,2461:1795,Meindert Hobbema - Wooded ….jpg)

File: 9e6d76d168a3f2a⋯.jpg (3.71 MB,5396x4580,1349:1145,Jacob Isaackszoon van Ruis….jpg)

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File: c118b601426f222⋯.jpg (3.01 MB,5620x4354,2810:2177,Willem Claeszoon Heda – St….jpg)

File: 74f98be6f80ce31⋯.jpg (4.03 MB,4422x4938,737:823,Willem Kalf – Still Life w….jpg)

File: 51601675282da3a⋯.jpg (5.96 MB,5562x6596,2781:3298,Pieter Claaszoon - Stillev….jpg)

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File: cd7fad076f774fb⋯.jpg (3.04 MB,3120x4399,3120:4399,Carl Blechen - Gothic Chur….jpg)

File: ba4b5fda4b74ff3⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,4389x3627,1463:1209,Carl Georg Adolph Hasenpfl….jpg)

File: eaea98809a2f6ba⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,3044x3812,761:953,Carl Gustav Carus - Gothic….jpg)

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File: 9177c9543ff6202⋯.jpg (2.66 MB,4785x3888,1595:1296,Carl Hillgers - Winter Ban….jpg)

File: 9c7c86171116792⋯.jpg (7.97 MB,6819x4853,6819:4853,Pieter Bruegel the Elder -….jpg)

File: c9ab3eaa6e7bf07⋯.jpg (3.9 MB,6734x4860,3367:2430,Charles Leickert - Winter ….jpg)

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File: bf819dd3162d091⋯.jpg (8.3 MB,3256x4001,3256:4001,Alessandro Magnasco - Herm….jpg)

File: c75ebff8fc70ff6⋯.jpg (4.4 MB,3668x4231,3668:4231,Johann Carl Loth - Mercury….jpg)

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File: 7757e1e5b1ff4ed⋯.jpg (240.19 KB,831x1174,831:1174,AngryGoyII.jpg)


Anon, don't abandon this shit and try to continue.

This is what exactly Angry Goy 3D levels should looks like.


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File: 4798e0fb0269adb⋯.webm (15.1 MB,854x480,427:240,Why is Modern Art so Bad-….webm)

Why is Modern Art so Bad?.webm

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You're such a schizo to use BT as a representative picture for this art thread you shithead.

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File: b69a2bda667d2ab⋯.png (880.18 KB,810x744,135:124,3b5c0466afe48be149cb813657….png)



For fuck's sake, almost anything would be better than "le edgy shooter of the month."

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File: d8b89c9d07fd51b⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,4469x5714,4469:5714,Caspar David Friedrich (17….jpg)

File: 071ca6d5600797d⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,5835x1975,1167:395,After Mstislav Valerianovi….jpg)

File: 1f51c1884458301⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,3000x1633,3000:1633,Konstantinos Volanakis (18….jpg)

File: 1ac931c8003db37⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,1857x3000,619:1000,Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) M….jpg)

File: 0c2243ec789ac2c⋯.jpg (2.91 MB,3704x2576,463:322,Uroš Predić (1857-1953) Ko….jpg)

Bedřich Smetana (1824-1884) Piano Trio in G minor op. 15, Third Movement - 1857




Brenton is the embodiment of Aryan aesthetics, even in his wrath against the vile subhuman invader he managed to adhere to our aesthetic principles. There is no better mascot for this thread. You must disassociate yourselves from the artificial kike moral paradigm which has been imposed on us, we are descended from continent-exterminators, and we may have to become so again in order to retake what is ours.


Yeah, that was me. I don't think I'll be updating that one, I've totally changed my philosophy on art posting. I used to just collect anything that looked half-good, label it, and throw it in the folder. I began to find huge 100mb png scans that would quickly deplete my mega storage, were a pain to upload, and they didn't really fit with a lot of the shitty thumbnails that I used to collect. I have begun to prioritize quality of quantity, I'm picking my favorites, using reverse image searches and museum archives to find best scans available, digitally restoring and compressing them into <4mb jpg half-chan friendly aesthetic propaganda.

I still use the same art folder, but it is now over 50gb and has lots of pre and post restoration copies, all in their huge uncompressed sizes. I've started a new art gallery folder which has only pre-selected, digitally restored and compressed high quality paintings. It's currently at ~1000 paintings and 4gb, all of the stuff that I post here goes straight into that folder. I plan to work on it some more and post a mega in the summer if I have the time. If I ever get my main 50gb folder reasonably organized, I might post it as a torrent.

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File: 3de5058afcf6430⋯.webm (13.33 MB,320x240,4:3,Man In The Marble.webm)

Posting OC I recorded this morning.

>I'm just the man in the marble

<Struggling to cut myself out

>Megalomaniac marvels

<They feast on the blood like a hound

>You're on a ship that is sinking

<Your instincts will run you aground

>You can't save yourself without thinking

<Faster than they can confound

With orders from God, to enslave us all,

These are the Vampires of old.

Empires rise and empires fall.

None yet have slain the Neanderthal.

>I'm just the man in the marble

<Struggling to cut myself out

>Megalomaniac marvels

<They feast on the blood like a hound

>You're on a ship that is sinking

<Your instincts will run you aground

>You can't save yourself without thinking

<Faster than they can confound

Servants shall be you and your child

Lest you can detect the threat.

Immunoresponse. A virus so vile.

Taxes they'll come to collect.

Save yourselves you cowards who won't face the truth!

All these deaths now cowards their blood is on you!

>I'm just the man in the marble

<Struggling to cut myself out

>Megalomaniac marvels

<They feast on the blood like a hound

>You're on a ship that is sinking

<Your instincts will run you aground

>You can't save yourself without thinking

<Faster than they can confound

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lmfao what happened to the beginning?

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When I see that art, I'm proud of my culture.

That art is necessary to remain proud.

But it also reveals more about what the perpetrators have made of it, the great beston mass of cities and millions of 'people' who are living parts of the system world.

but also so little pride and so much betrayal, and of course those nigger races that poison their own races.

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>Brenton is the embodiment of Aryan aesthetics, even in his wrath against the vile subhuman invader he managed to adhere to our aesthetic principles. There is no better mascot for this thread. You must disassociate yourselves from the artificial kike moral paradigm which has been imposed on us, we are descended from continent-exterminators, and we may have to become so again in order to retake what is ours.

I wasn't aware he was a qualified classics painter and a learned distiller of high quality redpills about (((them))). Thank you for point this out lol.

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<being mad because mudshits have died

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File: 6fc9c064f343a9f⋯.jpg (760.82 KB,1782x1881,18:19,Mass shootings jews bomb G….jpg)

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File: 019d642ab1a4980⋯.jpg (3.41 MB,3147x3970,3147:3970,August Malmström (1829-19….jpg)

File: b44973cc32bc6d9⋯.jpg (2.33 MB,1600x1234,800:617,Uroš Predić (1857-1953) Хе….jpg)

File: a7ad0e9818f7832⋯.jpg (2.44 MB,3200x2231,3200:2231,Konstantin Kryzhitsky (185….jpg)

File: dda1db1f33503e0⋯.jpg (3.48 MB,6064x4209,6064:4209,Henry Garland (1834-1913) ….jpg)

File: 73064f53b35d129⋯.png (944.76 KB,1278x851,1278:851,Screenshot from 2019-05-04….png)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Piano Sonata No. 12 in A♭ major, Op. 26, Third Movement - 1800-1801


Art Posting Guide. Part II. Sources.

There is a lot of Aryan art available on the internet, but much of the highest quality material is difficult to download. Auction houses and museums often take measures to prevent their art from being directly downloaded, luckily these attempts can be easily circumvented in most cases. It is my hope that many others will preserve and spread these artworks among our people, as our art is being hidden and suppressed by (((mass media and academia))). The process of extraction can be somewhat tedious, so I regretfully only download the small percentage of pieces which strongly appeal to my particular background and sense of aesthetics (I'm a Slav, so I might overlook a painting of some English village, while that same painting might have particular significance to an Anglo who actually lives nearby the subject), I encourage everyone to descend on these art sources and extract everything that you can before the kikes proscribe all Aryan art and start scrubbing it from the internet.

I. The Bonhams auction house has lots of great material, especially British art. In this short guide I will give directions on extracting full quality jpg images from the site. I will be using a firefox browser, but you can probably figure out how to do this on any browser.

We start by going to https://www.bonhams.com/results/ . Some auction house websites stop hosting the art after the auction is over, but it seems that Bonhams keep their auction pages up until they fall off the 100th page about 4 years back, so we have a great deal of art to salvage. I choose the first auction of European art that I see, "19th Century European Paintings 30 Apr 2019, New York" https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/25155/ You can click the 'list' tab to display the thumbnails. I will be using lot 3 as an example https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/25155/lot/3/ . The image is loaded into the browser using a tiling algorithm, but there is a trick to extracting the original image. Open your developer tools with f12. Go to the network tab, then the images tab, as indicated in the picture. As you zoom in, you will be able to see each individual tile load into the browser.

This is the url of a random individual tile:


You can use ctrl+c to copy the address if it doesn't let you right click.

The whole image url is everything before the '&', https://images2.bonhams.com/image?src=Images/live/2019-03/07/24846557-1-1.jpg but this will only give you a small 1600x1200 pixel image.

To get the high-resolution original, add &tile=1:1 after '.jpg', like so: https://images2.bonhams.com/image?src=Images/live/2019-03/07/24846557-1-1.jpg&tile=1:1 This should give you a jpg of the original 3800x5600 pixel scan which you can label and save.

Now you can extract any full resolution scan off Bonhams. There is a risk in my sharing this here, as the kikes will respond and force Bonhams to make extracting their images more difficult, but the kikes will eventually totally ban Aryan art anyway, so we must gather and preserve what we can while we still have time, and I can't do it on my own. I want more guys doing this, so if my explanation was unclear feel free to ask questions.

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Daily reminder that both acts are reported and the Gaza bombing is less lethal than mass shooting.

Keep trying to shoehorn yid acts, yid.

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File: bdc3a606d9288de⋯.jpg (150.05 KB,730x1024,365:512,71Iv84CbZZL._SL1024_.jpg)

File: c2b75587beff9a5⋯.jpg (161.05 KB,650x919,650:919,A-Scout-Is-Helpful.jpg)

File: 784772f4aa4ee9f⋯.png (657.66 KB,777x1000,777:1000,Freedom from Fear.png)

File: aeb1305b85a62df⋯.jpg (302.01 KB,1179x1500,393:500,Freedom-from-Want.jpg)

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File: 81b2b509950d95b⋯.jpg (116.13 KB,700x800,7:8,Freedom-of-Speech.jpg)

File: e514e4a14b9ecc1⋯.jpg (149.02 KB,741x900,247:300,looking-out-to-sea-norman-….jpg)

File: d67f462dd64b124⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1703x1999,1703:1999,Norman_Rockwell_-_Painting….jpg)

File: 9e8abcb13344910⋯.jpg (117.88 KB,960x642,160:107,portrait of a farmer.jpg)

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File: 8955ff8fd4cf9cf⋯.jpg (366.09 KB,926x1200,463:600,rockwell-Our Heritage.jpg)

File: 88e74022d97a83e⋯.jpg (61.15 KB,735x932,735:932,rockwell-scoutmaster-.jpg)

File: 1ae93e814e2ca81⋯.jpg (187.45 KB,892x960,223:240,saying_grace_1951.jpg)

File: 308a4c9fb51d645⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1391x1499,1391:1499,Shuffleton's barbershop.jpg)

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File: b89e15e2df233e9⋯.jpg (87.8 KB,801x1118,801:1118,612d4dfea0bd739e4b89d39757….jpg)

File: 6be80c2fedaa53d⋯.jpg (409.34 KB,730x1000,73:100,the adventure trail-1952.jpg)

File: 95feab5b2c28bc7⋯.jpg (124.31 KB,720x946,360:473,The American Way.jpg)

File: 1791e7df78c3bdd⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,2464x2463,2464:2463,The Watchmaker.jpg)

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That looks like a facet from a DMT flash. Excellent work.

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Israel bombs gaza every day

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This is really good, if I were not poor af I'd contribute to your patreon.

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File: d0451eb5c5a2ef8⋯.jpg (124.06 KB,1200x574,600:287,Black Sea Fleet in the Bay….jpg)

File: e570f4d042145d7⋯.jpg (271.04 KB,1200x757,1200:757,Brig Mercury Attacked by T….jpg)

File: de59e09da60c693⋯.jpg (112.46 KB,1000x625,8:5,Crimean coast, 1886.jpg)

File: b67cd14b14f84a5⋯.jpg (121.15 KB,1200x958,600:479,Ice in the Dnieper, 1872.jpg)

File: 6392f8747884a95⋯.jpg (51.1 KB,1088x688,68:43,Russian-Turkish Sea Battle….jpg)

Ivan Aivazovski is one of my favorites. He has a lot of paintings of the Black Sea and the Crimean War.

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This is shit.

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File: 2b18302ba82c991⋯.jpeg (2.49 MB,3024x4032,3:4,try1.jpeg)

File: a55b65711f1c479⋯.jpeg (2.69 MB,4032x3024,4:3,try2.jpeg)

I am trying to do something decent myself but it takes some time.

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File: a5111c0622bb5bd⋯.jpg (3.9 MB,3325x2283,3325:2283,Flötenkonzert Friedrichs d….jpg)

File: d60b7bba5265255⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,3013x3869,3013:3869,Queen Bianca von Albert Ed….jpg)

File: 45f7eddeb2989c0⋯.jpg (576.51 KB,993x2048,993:2048,Le génie du mal, Guillaume….jpg)

File: 8a9449d2988b3b0⋯.jpg (245.81 KB,1200x829,1200:829,Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-….jpg)

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File: 42bcb6552574919⋯.png (54.36 KB,1527x905,1527:905,Gay.png)

File: f62d799b4747838⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,400x224,25:14,Buubdurub - Tarrant .mp4)


I had this up in wav format, but soundcuck denied me the fun.

If anyone wants the wav, over the compressed mp4 posted let me know how to get it to you without compromising your identity.

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if one /pol/ack decides to make a take. take inspiration from the rpg "brigand oaxaca". it's jank as hell because it's made by one buy, but still incredibly good

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make a game* shit

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<kike happy since kikes aren't properly exposed

Couldn't give a shit about mudslime, dumbass.

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Just enjoy the dead cockroaches and the racial redpills dropped and stop derailing this thread you absolute faggot.

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File: 072b74225625c85⋯.png (3.68 MB,4096x2160,256:135,454566456544547.png)

File: 25b13cd7a61a7ff⋯.png (2.6 MB,1920x1080,16:9,school.png)

File: 164305861468957⋯.jpg (144.04 KB,1920x1080,16:9,eagle.jpg)

File: b8ce30f8f54edf5⋯.jpg (200.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3452652626254266.jpg)

File: 439214f60ce2033⋯.png (232.06 KB,840x730,84:73,56363677657.png)


Oh i don't plan on stopping. one day in the distant future ill make a game.


yes blender

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File: dd853cd8637a798⋯.jpg (252.78 KB,1920x1080,16:9,546735838.jpg)

File: 8cd86b32d77dcb2⋯.png (1.6 MB,1920x1080,16:9,54772727724.png)

File: d967d9f16017af4⋯.png (247.23 KB,1920x1275,128:85,untitled (6).png)

File: 1fcd5905c4e3f88⋯.png (1.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,453636773.png)

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Nice anon, got any of Hanuman

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I've been thinking /pol/, how its such a sick tragedy that the progressive types dominate the art world. This thread is beautiful and has got me thinking.

Quite simply the "voice" that has come to dominate art and animation in particular from my experience, is so fucking pro-lefty.

The art world today is a limited expression of what it should be, i feel that on a cultural level it is damaging, art should never be a safe space, it should be more of a catalyst for imagination or though.

This is becoming a rant so let me get to the point, any artists reading this, keep producing our kind of art, the kind the pushes back against the lefty trash, collaborate if possible, painting, drawing, animation, fucking anything, and if you can't produce art, support the artists who do produce.

So often i hear about the culture war, we should not lose so badly to these progressive cucks.

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File: 5ba97f6ae5ca249⋯.jpg (134.21 KB,700x466,350:233,travel-photo-contest-natio….jpg)

Our Russian brethren are Klans men too!

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File: 6db0e32de2e0382⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,4489x5555,4489:5555,Albert Bierstadt (1830-19….jpg)

File: 1003e14c71388e8⋯.png (1.53 MB,1000x718,500:359,Piero Testa (1912-1999) La….png)

File: c1d7f7089fb8a7a⋯.jpg (3.38 MB,5866x3430,419:245,Vincenzo Camuccini (1771-1….jpg)

File: 872431475d4b037⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,2000x1196,500:299,Philip Hermogenes Calderon….jpg)

File: 87f61a3fdf64cdf⋯.jpg (111.55 KB,800x978,400:489,Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin (1….jpg)

Ernest Chausson (1855-1899) Piano Trio in G Minor, Op. 3, First Movement - 1881


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File: 2f5b74914e04255⋯.jpg (2.62 MB,1196x1504,299:376,510.jpg)

File: f3de948af789f9d⋯.jpg (1006.93 KB,2114x3200,1057:1600,94312ce1f4274aef215040f257….jpg)

File: 332866fc0613597⋯.jpg (932.2 KB,1152x1644,96:137,077317946dad26a6f14ded0214….jpg)

File: 4c3acfbdaee02cb⋯.jpg (870.65 KB,900x1313,900:1313,Konstantin Razumov Tutt'Ar….jpg)

File: 2cd9d5acae916e6⋯.jpg (836.12 KB,1228x1716,307:429,41d04ab60a117335f0ffd77036….jpg)



>defending Drumpf

>image of Contrapoints

I think we're entering a whole new dimension here.


Femen can't even make female pubic hair look good.

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File: 18eefcfe277ebaa⋯.jpg (764.64 KB,1280x1772,320:443,tumblr_pcea70OkLg1ulticoo1….jpg)

File: aeba5070b6d2c3c⋯.jpg (492.29 KB,1156x1600,289:400,Konstantin Razumov Tutt'Ar….jpg)

File: e66a6c6004dd624⋯.jpg (482.43 KB,973x1518,973:1518,Cabaret-cr.jpg)

File: d8c8d54b9f40e4b⋯.jpg (411.6 KB,1068x1673,1068:1673,Raz-Afternoon-Tea-cr.jpg)

File: f755625b18006aa⋯.jpg (409.87 KB,2152x1314,1076:657,63595d087a0b4573fcb331a69e….jpg)


Sorry, I couldn't find Waldo.

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why do u post art in an art thread?

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Might want to be a little more subtle - thing's looking like a parody of a propaganda piece.

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I really look forward to you posting your next Mega link. You really made me appreciate European artwork. I was one of those guys that for YEARS was like, art is for fags. Then I saw what they took from us and I seriously spent one whole night and a tumbler or two of whiskey looking through what you gave me. I couldn't believe how wrong I was on art.

I realized that it was the "scene" that surrounds todays modern art that turned me off to art as a whole, but because of you, I now have such an appreciation for what once was and I Thank You for that Anon. You have made an extraordinary contribution to making me a well rounded individual. Hail Victory Brother

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Looks good man! Keep it up!

Can't wait to see the finished product!

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File: 5a53a0393953e9f⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,6734x4860,3367:2430,Charles Henri Joseph Leick….jpg)

File: 5b6550d9fa7730a⋯.jpeg (2.54 MB,3312x2497,3312:2497,Dale Clifford Peche (1928….jpeg)

File: 8ace0c6c488ea0d⋯.jpg (3.09 MB,3200x2699,3200:2699,Attributed to Moritz Retzs….jpg)

File: bfe3b32195eee5c⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,5404x2179,5404:2179,Vasily Andreevich Neyasov ….jpg)

File: 93a95f707332145⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,1678x1292,839:646,Erik Ludvig Henningsen (18….jpg)

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) Marche de Triomphe et Second Air de Trompette H.547 - c.1691



>progressive types dominate the art world

>so fucking pro-lefty

>progressive cucks

You must be new. Here is a good podcast which was posted in the last thread which discusses the deliberate kike campaign to destroy our art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSmiBiitCEY


My parents were part of the middle class of communist Eastern Europe, yet they were relatively well versed in European art and music. No doubt this was because the kikes had been forced out of the communist east, if I had been raised in kiked-out modern Wiemerica I would have been as alienated from the Aryan arts as you were. I am only now beginning to grasp the scope of what kikes have done in the West. Perhaps we should consider a guerilla campaign in the same spirit as the "it's ok to be white" campaign, and start leaving high quality color printouts of Aryan art where young whites may find them. The kikes would blow their lids. Hail Victory.

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File: acdc736a2ea60f3⋯.jpg (599.01 KB,1650x1050,11:7,think.different.jpg)

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File: 37807818d51466c⋯.jpg (400.02 KB,1680x1050,8:5,1243374679146.jpg)

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I hope we do

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File: 0f129e6e4bbdbef⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,2304x3072,3:4,CF3EA05A-5CA3-4790-B553-A….jpeg)

I made this for my Political Science exam this year, Senior high school

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That's not Adolf Hitler.

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Basiert und Rotgepillt!

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Seriously don't post photos of yourself on here.

Just don't, it's dangerous and unnecessary.

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File: fe1654361f6bc02⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,370x257,370:257,fe1654361f6bc020a8c8112138….jpg)


Posting pictures of yourself is such a faggot thing to do. I see the adjustment from Reddit has been hard on you.

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File: b332d336bf62ee2⋯.jpg (2.6 MB,2000x1407,2000:1407,William Marlow (London 174….jpg)

File: 8428adff4c8d8ff⋯.jpg (3.01 MB,2392x1540,598:385,James Jacques Joseph Tisso….jpg)

File: 2b6af27eeb1dd91⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,7615x4679,7615:4679,Thomas Cole (1801-1848) Th….jpg)

File: b2cda7cac3eca85⋯.jpg (1.32 MB,1326x1188,221:198,George Frederic Watts (181….jpg)

File: 0b73642262d4bf7⋯.jpg (3.22 MB,1739x1989,1739:1989,Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1….jpg)

Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665) Canzoni overo Sonate concertate per chiesa e camera, 2 or 3 instruments, book 3, Op. 12, Movement XX, Chiaccona - 1637


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File: aacffea963a4e14⋯.jpg (2.95 MB,2348x1862,1174:931,Erik Ludvig Henningsen (18….jpg)

File: 084e4d1a7ee48c5⋯.jpg (2.68 MB,2669x1277,2669:1277,Grigory Stepanovich Zorin ….jpg)

File: fec663663ef6d01⋯.jpg (2.18 MB,1245x1564,1245:1564,Dorothea Hauer (20th Centu….jpg)

File: 5f4db2130d53ce8⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,2682x1817,2682:1817,Lancelot Théodore Turpin d….jpg)

File: 456d701d414a8ad⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,2922x3200,1461:1600,John Philip Falter (1910-1….jpg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Cello Sonata No. 1 in F Major, Op. 5, No. 1, First Movement - 1796


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File: 82b233d0b347ee8⋯.jpg (3.08 MB,1925x1537,1925:1537,Daniel MacDonald (1821-185….jpg)

File: 462af4a8b4fd748⋯.jpg (2.99 MB,2048x1204,512:301,Jan Alojzy Matejko (1838-1….jpg)

File: 0a82c277d6e3a5c⋯.jpg (3.23 MB,3564x1543,3564:1543,Jan Alojzy Matejko (1838-1….jpg)

File: a040e2b102897b4⋯.jpg (3.25 MB,2000x1385,400:277,Philibert-Louis Debucourt ….jpg)

File: 976ca3388fefc87⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,1373x2048,1373:2048,Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaro….jpg)

Frédéric François Chopin (1810-1849) Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15 - c.1838



I made a mistake in the music label, that's the second movement.

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This. Fuck (((Tarrrant))).

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File: 5b969c72d818ee4⋯.jpg (166 KB,1342x770,61:35,Canaletto-TattonPark.jpg)

My current desktop

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Good stuff.

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impossible, you can only be born a jew

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File: 3621b85445fefc4⋯.png (843.51 KB,750x1334,375:667,214E7518-B81C-4E2E-896D-A2….png)

File: adbb63c9232e794⋯.png (1.13 MB,750x1334,375:667,E902ED16-61CD-4F41-92FB-F8….png)

File: a6c1cad7e6e966e⋯.png (1.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,226CBEE0-DFA7-4E3F-9133-D0….png)

File: 49bc3c5e5390bad⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,F83A9625-F5B0-4F56-9130-37….png)

File: c8e65240799a91b⋯.png (858.84 KB,750x1334,375:667,779A0D54-22E3-40B9-8CFF-57….png)

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File: 4f88bef25cdb91a⋯.png (590.89 KB,738x747,82:83,color_death.png)



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Excuse my retardation, I forgot I already posted in this thread.

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File: 745e10f3b719bb3⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,2000x1165,400:233,Andrew Young (1840-1930) A….jpg)

File: a86da7e31f0dbc9⋯.jpg (2.58 MB,1263x1521,421:507,Karl August Krazeisen (Kas….jpg)

File: d80d6ac32698c7b⋯.png (2.11 MB,1320x1056,5:4,Jean-Pierre Franque (1774-….png)

File: d7fba6e23167c23⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,4200x2831,4200:2831,Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson….jpg)

File: 672488bfb80496e⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,901x1383,901:1383,Ernst Ludwig Kretschmann (….jpg)

Charles-Simon Catel (1773-1830) Les bayadères, Aria: Sans détourner les yeux - 1810



I know that you are posting from Tel Aviv, but I will respond anyway. Nothing Tarrant did was outside of Aryan tradition. In researching some paintings I learned about the Cairo revolt of 1798, where Napoleon ordered thousands of kebabs to be slaughtered in their demon shrine.

>The French responded by setting up cannons in the Citadel and firing them at Azhar and the areas around it. During the night, the French had forces go into the area and destroy the barricades. The cavalry forced their way into the Azhur and killed an unknown number of people.[3] Via Napoleon's orders the Arabs were beaten back into the desert and the artillery was turned back on the rebel city. Bonaparte personally hunted down the rebels from street to street and forced them to concentrate in the Great Mosque. Bonaparte said that "He [i.e God] is too late – you've begun, now I will finish!". He then immediately ordered his cannon to open fire on the Mosque. The French broke down the gates and stormed into the building, massacring the Egyptians inside, leaving 5,000 to 6,000 dead or wounded.


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/r/ that one photoshop with Trump touching the wall with that pic graffitied on it.

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Your heart is obviously in the right place but the models are much too feminine/androgynous and the whole composition has a copypaste feel to it. Keep working my man

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lurk 2 years before posting

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File: 8246ef91778926b⋯.png (31.81 KB,725x725,1:1,my god.PNG)

File: b219e49c3b9f95f⋯.png (558.87 KB,1175x875,47:35,hellfire.PNG)

File: 2e5daac9d75c306⋯.png (1.81 MB,1677x899,1677:899,skyking 7-1.png)

File: 14114696c98fd15⋯.png (148.49 KB,1600x960,5:3,I like anal.png)

I mainly just make autistic graphical designs.

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File: 55a24a15249c4f7⋯.gif (1.12 MB,250x272,125:136,giphy.gif)


Do one for the jerk off motion.

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File: 444e7053e609af7⋯.jpg (41.95 KB,510x338,255:169,11.jpg)

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File: 3307d2ccf028ef4⋯.jpg (288.2 KB,1046x700,523:350,medium-pl-leubus-kloster-f….jpg)

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File: 12af64db444a9b7⋯.jpg (78.7 KB,600x800,3:4,2767_971327912937256_91325….jpg)


Nein. 8ch bin…

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File: 7ef0a43803cc1d4⋯.png (259.33 KB,3780x1772,945:443,fuggin_tricks.png)

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HA i could never do something that good!

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Nigger workout get contaces so you don't look like a faggot also a better hair cut then that trash

."A good National Socialist is a strong one!"A quote I made every fascist National Socialist should follow I don't know if their is a real one but still workout faggot!

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File: c6cfe93538b6cd7⋯.jpg (49.53 KB,1024x511,1024:511,dotr.jpg)

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File: d206cc4eb5a243c⋯.jpg (818.14 KB,1200x933,400:311,1764.jpg)

File: 166e31013fd8cc6⋯.jpg (216.14 KB,1400x889,200:127,205740.jpg)

File: 2001383337ba5a3⋯.jpg (279.3 KB,1200x947,1200:947,205658.jpg)

File: e17c727296005cb⋯.jpg (189.95 KB,1200x950,24:19,205741.jpg)

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File: 24bcdcbb4cf66a0⋯.jpg (174.75 KB,997x1000,997:1000,205652.jpg)

File: a12219d0cbd18f2⋯.jpg (137.29 KB,1000x1000,1:1,205655.jpg)

File: 3976e26d69471d4⋯.jpg (153.7 KB,572x800,143:200,23236.jpg)

File: 313e938637bd807⋯.jpg (168.67 KB,1200x675,16:9,2016-10-10-pkCUL4-Peredviz….jpg)

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File: f315f7b56dca323⋯.jpg (84.5 KB,1200x839,1200:839,135278-050-9B45B19C.jpg)

File: c813a6fcdc18209⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1920x1115,384:223,1920px-1885-1889_Birkenhai….jpg)

File: d70927e52716a4c⋯.jpg (387.53 KB,1280x898,640:449,1280px-Levitan_ozero28.JPG)

File: fef64c8d7678785⋯.jpg (172.91 KB,1200x1009,1200:1009,224630.jpg)

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File: 39785c5ef18c87b⋯.jpg (123.7 KB,1390x1000,139:100,310885.jpg)

File: ea5abdddd8b9fed⋯.jpg (907.21 KB,1998x1000,999:500,310921.jpg)

File: 4e51299b5514e17⋯.jpg (99.43 KB,585x1000,117:200,310922.jpg)

File: d03d822e3a8362d⋯.jpg (159.55 KB,1552x1000,194:125,311365.jpg)

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File: 380bb0e9518aa58⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,1400x1060,70:53,224636.jpg)

File: e9c54253b7e759f⋯.jpg (160.99 KB,1400x998,700:499,224639.jpg)

File: 80584f4da5dd42d⋯.jpg (92.43 KB,1400x878,700:439,259454.jpg)

File: 9e0238ef4867355⋯.jpg (94.49 KB,1200x975,16:13,280333.jpg)

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File: 1412314181aaaab⋯.jpg (441.99 KB,991x1000,991:1000,389098.jpg)

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File: 863f094fc2bb5dd⋯.jpg (427.17 KB,1200x1000,6:5,392969.jpg)

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File: fde4c1817a736c6⋯.jpg (533.65 KB,1400x666,700:333,392819.jpg)

File: ff0cbfbb1521540⋯.jpg (443.71 KB,758x1000,379:500,392798.jpg)

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File: 23d06b39726104c⋯.jpg (232.95 KB,828x1000,207:250,390755.jpg)

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File: 1eacee7b23ddba9⋯.jpg (534.45 KB,802x1000,401:500,391696.jpg)

File: d5f843e74aeaabf⋯.jpg (472.75 KB,788x999,788:999,391680.jpg)

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File: 3c88779b09af81e⋯.jpg (481.04 KB,950x1000,19:20,392674.jpg)

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File: 555f1baf6ca3ef2⋯.jpg (58.32 KB,1164x850,582:425,312094.jpg)

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File: b2d4e999d583429⋯.jpg (575.28 KB,1400x1009,1400:1009,497641.jpg)

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File: 6dbcb003529ace5⋯.jpg (114.51 KB,1399x934,1399:934,329617.jpg)

File: eb1f684dc00f33d⋯.jpg (93.69 KB,687x999,229:333,330452.jpg)

File: c328694e54d10bf⋯.jpg (155.83 KB,1200x939,400:313,330485.jpg)

File: 93ac7eff3d481e0⋯.jpg (169.7 KB,1200x989,1200:989,330791.jpg)

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File: c906b01cf8fb123⋯.jpg (541.02 KB,997x1000,997:1000,465361.jpg)

File: 95dd621736f0c91⋯.jpg (800.5 KB,1400x1065,280:213,465362.jpg)

File: 5bd04eed92c2616⋯.jpg (537.93 KB,754x1000,377:500,465616.jpg)

File: 5f7fcd3c500e354⋯.jpg (680.13 KB,1200x1052,300:263,465819.jpg)

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File: dc272147a683796⋯.jpg (205.89 KB,829x1000,829:1000,320935.jpg)

File: 21576ee84c73a56⋯.jpg (212.89 KB,1400x836,350:209,320921.jpg)

File: e665a4ab37cce3d⋯.jpg (278.91 KB,1400x1053,1400:1053,320917.jpg)

File: c9f7e66610064ac⋯.jpg (378.04 KB,1400x948,350:237,320716.jpg)

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File: a440deeff92594a⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,2400x1809,800:603,William Gilbert Gaul (1855….jpg)

File: 80385a391355d8a⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,2835x2354,2835:2354,Julius Caesar Ibbetson (17….jpg)

File: 08b5f4cfa4b0e0f⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,2327x2920,2327:2920,Thomas Alfred Jones (1823-….jpg)

File: 6f1b56b8e9a7b48⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,6880x4467,6880:4467, Unknown Artist (Flemish, ….jpg)

File: 5af606e7756a941⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,2409x1741,2409:1741,January Suchodolski (Grodn….jpg)

Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber (1786 -1826) Invitation to the Dance Op. 65 - 1819, Orchestration by Louis-Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) in 1841


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Come watch Dark City https://cytu.be/r/sleepsnug

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File: c3df300c35dec66⋯.jpg (2.9 MB,4814x3320,29:20,Benjamin West (1738-1820) ….jpg)

File: 21540fe48cc93dd⋯.jpg (2.85 MB,2400x1825,96:73,William Gilbert Gaul (1855….jpg)

File: 75d5ee1864c482c⋯.jpg (2.73 MB,2400x1718,1200:859,Claude-Joseph Vernet (1714….jpg)

File: b2176fe81be66c4⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,5111x3751,5111:3751,Robert Zünd (Lucerne 1826-….jpg)

File: 21dd1ebd6691db7⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,3640x2793,520:399,Jean-Eugène Buland (1852-1….jpg)

Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) Les Indes galantes, Entrée IV - Les sauvages: Forêts paisibles - 1735


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that looks great anon, keep getting better every day

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File: 0c5f47014250cc4⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,8453x5500,8453:5500,Reinhold Völkel the Younge….jpg)

File: edffd092532baa6⋯.jpg (3.31 MB,2821x4097,2821:4097,Luigi Kasimir (Pettau 1881….jpg)

File: b7c250162ebaa83⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,4038x5412,673:902,Benjamin West (Springfiel….jpg)

File: 6849affad9816f8⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,3152x1028,788:257,Mihály Munkácsy (1844-1900….jpg)

File: 76a08a1db064c7f⋯.jpg (2.94 MB,4642x2657,4642:2657,Mihály Munkácsy (1844-1900….jpg)

Marin Marais (1656-1728) Sonnerie de Sainte-Geneviève du Mont de Paris (The Bells of St. Genevieve) - 1723


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thanks for that tree! Awesome stuff all around.

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File: 11c0db72e4d3337⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,3146x2479,3146:2479,Ivan Konstantinovich Aivaz….jpg)

File: 96500709c488443⋯.jpg (3.12 MB,4159x3147,4159:3147,Anne-François-Louis Janmot….jpg)

File: 7127f91382c354f⋯.jpg (3.26 MB,5144x3591,5144:3591,Lawrence Alma-Tadema (Dron….jpg)

File: 0582d42bb2e2734⋯.jpg (3.24 MB,5910x4692,985:782,Antonin Zimmer (1819-1869)….jpg)

File: c53683dab85c763⋯.jpg (932.24 KB,866x997,866:997,Olaf Jordan (Tetschen, Boh….jpg)

Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 6, 1st movement - c.1817


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File: c8efc6f1f461285⋯.png (3.25 MB,1080x1538,540:769,1.png)

File: 09da8905fd13c7c⋯.png (2.04 MB,1365x764,1365:764,2.png)

File: fddb23237064c03⋯.png (1.79 MB,593x1548,593:1548,3.png)

File: 1d6d117a96d3fa5⋯.png (4.17 MB,1136x1766,568:883,4.png)

File: e79d966c84544d9⋯.png (2.79 MB,1595x947,1595:947,7.png)

By H. S. Greig

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File: 2e3ae8ac5d47890⋯.png (3.9 MB,1132x1680,283:420,8.png)

File: 4dfb130141abb6a⋯.png (2.84 MB,1486x980,743:490,9.png)

File: b48272cde630def⋯.png (2.44 MB,1426x874,31:19,10.png)

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that looks nice. can you tell me who made this?

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jesus, whos Aryan soul does this beholds to?

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File: e6248ab180365a1⋯.jpg (67.13 KB,563x435,563:435,9a69814d65d72c055f0190208d….jpg)

File: d2c1d4db25563f9⋯.jpg (64.57 KB,564x386,282:193,9afdd9581050b73e5974b394ef….jpg)

File: 715fd361953e8ce⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,428x498,214:249,9de29da576fb5bc2c42c9f6b4a….jpg)

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Shit sorry, anons these are damn bad qual

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File: 1e8fcbe5f1c64e5⋯.png (769.9 KB,1323x800,1323:800,4.2.9-stor.png)

File: 9c24f04237ffe56⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4298x3165,4298:3165,urnJIKD.jpg)

File: d2e8f08f0176319⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,2048x1351,2048:1351,4089931b5f91ff73fd76c7e94e….jpg)

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File: b16205b9bdb9b99⋯.jpg (399.32 KB,1000x1190,100:119,soldaterhjemkomst_stor.jpg)

File: 873129af1de3b5d⋯.png (2.01 MB,2187x1499,2187:1499,Christian_IV_by_Vilhelm_Ma….png)

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File: 156e070d584b407⋯.gif (293.34 KB,560x315,16:9,Little Mac(5).gif)

Animation in progress

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File: 50f3b82ec928b18⋯.jpg (89.18 KB,1024x1012,256:253,1554857060966.jpg)

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File: 51856a1cdaaf944⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,6710x4500,671:450,Paris Paschalinus Bordone ….jpg)

File: 2ca91596ca95d06⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,4596x2954,2298:1477,Eugene von Guérard (Vienna….jpg)

File: a2156d20c5ed6c7⋯.jpg (2.95 MB,4874x2790,2437:1395,Eugene von Guérard (Vienna….jpg)

File: eb246ba1b1f543c⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,2748x2172,229:181,John Thomas Baines (King's….jpg)

File: dee657a59584dc9⋯.jpg (2.73 MB,2048x1949,2048:1949,Jacobus Hendrik Pierneef (….jpg)

Antonín Leopold Dvořák (1841-1904) Slavonic Dances, Op. 46 - No.2 in E minor - 1878


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File: d5671a149f3a61f⋯.jpg (3.38 MB,9500x4423,9500:4423,Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (….jpg)

File: 261df8f8f1c486e⋯.jpg (3.15 MB,4346x3011,4346:3011,Hans Johann Friedrich Ster….jpg)

File: 204631a4642e380⋯.jpg (2.6 MB,2779x1387,2779:1387,Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (S….jpg)

File: 3d6c9fed37cb6ee⋯.jpg (2.49 MB,2000x1154,1000:577,Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (S….jpg)

File: 8fada5139309791⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,7574x5874,3787:2937,John Thomas Baines (King's….jpg)

Anton Stepanovich Arensky (1861-1906) Fantasia on Themes of Ryabinin, for piano and orchestra, Op. 48 - 1899


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File: 98597160a729d53⋯.jpg (246.66 KB,1220x1756,305:439,Ivan Aivazovsky - Chaos.jpg)

File: 702271afab2bb8d⋯.jpg (915.19 KB,2000x1540,100:77,Ivan Aivazovsky - Moonlit ….jpg)

File: 17c0818c7490042⋯.jpg (825.11 KB,2000x1317,2000:1317,Ivan Aivazovsky - Moonrise….jpg)

File: 5ac0ceeb91a8a4a⋯.jpg (840.86 KB,2000x1282,1000:641,Ivan Aivazovsky - View fro….jpg)

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File: 3e2d45ae8af4933⋯.jpg (3.44 MB,2481x1736,2481:1736,Carlo Bossoli - A view of ….jpg)

File: e4ffcf9b2a7d049⋯.jpg (559.19 KB,1600x1184,50:37,Konstantin Yakovlevich Kry….jpg)

File: eb709eb6d5531a0⋯.jpg (785.25 KB,1536x1920,4:5,John Martin - The Bard.jpg)

File: 19361db44714c8e⋯.jpg (755.82 KB,2000x1085,400:217,John F. Tennant - Valley o….jpg)

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File: 106a088a03dce23⋯.jpg (2 MB,1652x1958,826:979,Carl Conrad Julius Hertel ….jpg)

File: c5a4e96f7051e03⋯.jpg (3.35 MB,4000x2683,4000:2683,Oscar Arnold Wergeland (Ch….jpg)

File: b84a89d91c72108⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,2686x3803,2686:3803,James Jacques Joseph Tisso….jpg)

File: 211e0bf1576a9b9⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,4000x2843,4000:2843,Johan Fredrik Eckersberg (….jpg)

File: 285c435868729ae⋯.jpg (2.95 MB,2000x1278,1000:639,Jean-Pierre Moynet (Paris ….jpg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Piano Sonata No. 25 in G major, Op. 79 - 1809


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File: 7d48e439d2deb76⋯.jpg (49.84 KB,793x678,793:678,The-Elephants-Dali.jpg)

File: 6096866bee35403⋯.jpg (20.9 KB,434x606,217:303,61-MEKEhS9L._SY606_.jpg)

File: ee16778b160f2b0⋯.jpg (139.04 KB,473x700,473:700,ee16778b160f2b0908fa73d460….jpg)

File: 8008e440024fcf3⋯.jpg (546.7 KB,1280x852,320:213,Teutoberg.jpg)

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Little Mac best Jojo

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File: be97b52c4ef35da⋯.jpg (621.41 KB,1920x589,1920:589,erikas-perl-west-town.jpg)

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File: 8efd9b9f6cd40d0⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,908x1501,908:1501,Hermanus Willem Koekkoek (….jpg)

File: 0c637943b9d8315⋯.jpg (2.87 MB,3002x4219,3002:4219,Johan August Malmström (Mo….jpg)

File: 196d99d69575f0c⋯.jpg (2.91 MB,3200x2166,1600:1083,Léon Augustin Lhermitte (M….jpg)

File: 34a9f00a5153d89⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,5757x4392,1919:1464,Fritz Neumann (1881-1919) ….jpg)

File: a6a7792a0e0a614⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2048x1294,1024:647,Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (Y….jpg)

Giovanni Battista Pescetti (c.1704-1766) Harpsichord Sonata in C Minor - c.1756


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File: a35cbe8fb605e71⋯.jpg (2.28 MB,2048x1432,256:179,Franciszek Kostrzewski (Wa….jpg)

File: a6367a4d6b3695e⋯.jpg (3.22 MB,2729x3051,2729:3051,Emilio Sala y Francés (185….jpg)

File: 0ca15e3b2cd4f1b⋯.jpg (3.29 MB,8023x4808,8023:4808,Jasper Francis Cropsey (St….jpg)

File: 9367b0d66d08559⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,1999x1285,1999:1285,Józef Brandt (Szczebrzeszy….jpg)

File: 49f0ea1b9d8e360⋯.jpeg (2.83 MB,3011x2252,3011:2252,Lothan van Helden (20th C….jpeg)

Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) Moses Fantasy (Variations for the fourth string on the theme "Dal tuo stellato soglio" from Mosè in Egitto by Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868)) - 1818-19


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Ok so has this became a scam now? You are not the original creator of this “new” piece, it came out a few days after the shooting and another guy claimed it.

Fuck off work stealer

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Best poster of the whole board.


Check the date, nigger.

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Is the fourth image a depiction of a jewish blood ritual?

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File: f86b88bb1f941a2⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,6023x3864,6023:3864,Jean-Adolphe Beaucé (Pari….jpg)

File: 258f8b467536cb6⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,3797x2498,3797:2498,Pavle Jovanović (Vršac, Vo….jpg)

File: 102d3e6b14da439⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,7127x5496,7127:5496,Theodor Groll (Düsseldorf ….jpg)

File: 70d68919ed5a17f⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,2730x1583,2730:1583,Fritz Junghans (Dresden 1….jpg)

File: f663820d988e1c9⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2882x1421,2882:1421,François-Édouard Picot (Pa….jpg)

Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga (1806-1826) String Quartet No. 1 in D minor, 4th movement - 1823


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File: e938795807a4461⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,400x224,25:14,Buubdurub - Tarrant.mp4)

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File: 5fa0bb5b7622f8c⋯.jpg (508.93 KB,1920x1087,1920:1087,paul-chadeisson-chadeisson….jpg)

File: 83c8f4f326517b4⋯.jpg (559.1 KB,1920x1357,1920:1357,paul-chadeisson-concept-ar….jpg)

File: cdc43964e9f9f7e⋯.jpg (779.82 KB,1920x1598,960:799,paul-chadeisson-concept-ar….jpg)

File: 37b044ce4f5636e⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1920x1218,320:203,paul-chadeisson-concept-ar….jpg)

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File: 16adf939a1ca7ae⋯.jpg (52.18 KB,459x646,27:38,Esoteric Hitler.jpg)

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File: 7229dad1b021d5d⋯.jpg (424.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,Tales_from_the_Loop_Simon_….jpg)

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File: e78c84e3bb79194⋯.png (598.05 KB,800x696,100:87,Harness_Trapping_in_the_Sh….png)

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File: 4fc7e5ece70917d⋯.png (1.48 MB,800x1053,800:1053,Quentin Matsys - A Grotesq….png)


Reading your careful annotations makes viewing meaningful.

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File: f0a11d10a02ca2e⋯.jpg (288.46 KB,919x1200,919:1200,1519portrait-of-ferdinand-….jpg)

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File: 0fb9e47e5d13c66⋯.jpg (20.6 KB,640x400,8:5,authentic picasso.jpg)

thanks for the thread!

<rare picasso draw

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File: 390acaadbd5b85a⋯.jpg (13.86 KB,255x203,255:203,2b80334ecbe5c12d82c42d7690….jpg)

File: 71e8c69aabce2a7⋯.jpg (14.38 KB,188x255,188:255,6a101ef52ae1e837bb2da7c80a….jpg)

File: 908409c1d8eda15⋯.jpg (14.24 KB,162x255,54:85,65b53ad78ee10c8f3fd0960601….jpg)

File: e4c116c1d6ebacf⋯.jpg (14.16 KB,191x255,191:255,f7decc37e99625b858a289b2f4….jpg)


hitler painting

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File: 2ba7c11b2bbb8da⋯.jpg (16.13 KB,255x192,85:64,740aba237e27e924235c5dcb51….jpg)

File: 1f7d3c65020577f⋯.jpg (12.02 KB,180x255,12:17,34314d5ddad9d885e1f080fc93….jpg)

File: ff5619c248626a7⋯.jpg (18.4 KB,255x183,85:61,facc962995f9c8239cb6df8451….jpg)

File: 6efe608a3c45b3f⋯.jpg (17.08 KB,255x190,51:38,b7fd4640fb33efddbdf668ba5a….jpg)



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OP when you make a part 2 you need to link the archive of part 1

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File: 36ce779e2ddf768⋯.png (299.92 KB,1000x750,4:3,FBI this was just a school….png)

Praise be!

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wasnt he jewish? they always ruin the standards and shit on everybody.

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his perspective was always off. but skilled he was.

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bumped for being the only non shill thread on board

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File: 57fbb6cac3f4931⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,3543x2454,1181:818,25321w_n05302med1.jpg)

File: a64cf207ccef923⋯.jpg (812.68 KB,2070x3015,46:67,james_tissot_-_on_the_tham….jpg)

File: 51ec6e92afd5aaf⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,2571x3799,2571:3799,at-the-rifle-range-by-jame….jpg)

While America was fighting the Civil War, French painter James-Jacques Tissot lived the true Belle Époque (Beautiful Age) in Paris and England - drinking with the impressionists, and entertaining so many women in his salon he kept a bottle of champagne chilling for those waiting in line to model for his watercolors.

His courtesan & muse for a few, brief years, Irish lovely Kathleen Newton, appeared in many of his works. After contracting tuberculosis - she overdosed on laudanum to spare him the grief of watching her suffer. Thereafter, he gave up using any vivid colors (for which he was renowned), painting only meticulously accurate biblical scenes in deliberately flat, lifeless tones for the remainder of his broken-hearted life.

Lovely women, amazing art - and a romantic, colorful story.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



USSR pagan cartoon. In those days there were a lot of good and kind children's pagan films and cartoons.

But all is lost.

Fuck the judeo-christians. Kill the popes. Burn a dirty churches.


>Cartoon fantasy on the theme of the symphonic picture by M. Mussorgsky. Interesting fantasy on the theme of "bald mountains" - a place where, according to legend, witches and other vermin gather.

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File: fc7bca0c9e19843⋯.jpg (3.34 MB,3432x2268,286:189,Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubo….jpg)

File: f6dc3238dd95c9c⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,1738x2193,1738:2193,George Frederic Watts (Mar….jpg)

File: e920401a477d02d⋯.jpg (2.49 MB,2823x1868,2823:1868,Peter Paul Etz (Mainz 1913….jpg)

File: ba883d9eeaa7c8c⋯.jpg (3.52 MB,8836x5286,4418:2643,Jasper Francis Cropsey (St….jpg)

File: 54171c35bf3bdba⋯.jpg (3.01 MB,2665x2019,2665:2019,Jean-Baptiste Eugène Napol….jpg)

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Piano Sonata No.19 In C Minor, D.958, First Movement - 1828


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File: 8181b274dc6a4ca⋯.jpeg (2.94 MB,5557x3529,5557:3529,big booty bitches.jpeg)


Is that an american woman?

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File: 62b805cede27a23⋯.jpg (115.6 KB,616x840,11:15,9c291c123f2676078c18597c85….jpg)

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delete this

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How many drawfags of our own do we have, though?

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File: e3be39d5c2dc4b2⋯.jpg (54.85 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks-000076237805-871l….jpg)


fuck off starving artist turk

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File: b800c8399f3f9f4⋯.jpg (3.44 MB,5411x3141,5411:3141,Henry Arthur McArdle (Belf….jpg)

File: 95c4b15e9ca02a9⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,3474x1595,3474:1595,Norman Percevel Rockwell (….jpg)

File: feb08907dedfa02⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,2789x2099,2789:2099,John Lewis Krimmel (Ebinge….jpg)

File: 314d5a5e15f1526⋯.jpg (3.47 MB,3922x2467,3922:2467,Jean Antoine Théodore Gudi….jpg)

File: 2466b12df582be9⋯.jpg (3.02 MB,4000x3030,400:303,Johan Fredrik Eckersberg (….jpg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Kurfürstensonaten No. 2 in F Major, WoO 47, First Movement - c.1782-83


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