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File: c8df7581a91cf73⋯.jpg (379.27 KB,977x789,977:789,20 gorillion.jpg)

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 No.12728333 [View All]

>ctrl f

>holocaust thread

>no results


>no results

Let's fix that.

507 posts and 379 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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bumping just to irritate the kikesliders.

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Bump for testing

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It did happen. Never forget.

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File: bfb25450bc5fe46⋯.jpg (32.85 KB,364x290,182:145,01622-364x.jpg)


oven bump

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File: 491df1fe72455ae⋯.jpg (11.38 KB,169x298,169:298,wooden doors.jpg)

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>Ok then, where did the jews go

Back to their home planet.

The masons and jews are covering up for aliens.

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File: 75894006f87460c⋯.jpg (106.06 KB,825x793,825:793,d3ced208c8d4bc46d58d6d0d65….jpg)

Does anyone have more info on Lev Tahor? I created a folder and I would like to fill it up.

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The key evidence for me was the 1949 census data. It is one thing to get a person to say "I believe" and quite another to say "I fight". The single thing that can take this house of cards down is free speech for Germany and all Europe. They must be convinced to fight for their free speech, then the truth of the matter will surface.

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The other problem with getting an accurate jew head count for 1949 is that some countries ceased to exist after WW2 and were annexed by others while completey new countries were formed. Their real numbers in 1933 were probably far less than what is reported due to the jew being double counted in two or more countries due to their cosmopolitan nature. A sort of fractional reserved jewing.

Even today the dual citizen cosmopolitan jew exists both in USA and Israel at the same time, on paper, and us inflating their actual numbers. It is likely they use this to change elections, voting both here and by absentee elsewhere. The international clique is both here and there all at once creating the illusion of larger populations just as they do with currency.

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>imposing their religion and customs

Noahide laws?

The Babylonian Talmud and Noahide Laws are doctrines of Jewish supremacy.

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No, but I recall that group was booted out of Canada before heading to the Guatermelon country.

Just how hard do you need to jew before Canada kicks you out?

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File: 9811aaaf81b32bb⋯.png (1.14 MB,698x1600,349:800,1440344711188.png)


It was real in your mind.

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to be fair, these numbers are about religion, it doesn't count all racial jews

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File: a4d4881a2c04094⋯.mp4 (13.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,How to Ideologically under….mp4)

Some lolberg made a new video that "ideologically undermines" us. It comes down to "National SOCIALISM, and socialists kill". I guess the other 350 or so countries that did the same thing Hitler did (expulsion) were socialists too.


It's almost as bad as "The (((Jewish))) Question" by "Live Love Anarch", that acknowledged the truth about the Holohoax, then went on to promote every other semitic canard from Protocols denial to Israel being our BASED right-wing ally.

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File: 64cc3f18359ac9b⋯.gif (663.83 KB,291x232,291:232,muh holcaust.GIF)


That's some convincing evidence Sheeny. Oy vey nao I believe.

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>holohoax bread at page 13

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>second image

Description contradicts it: "Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars."

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bump because thread is about to be killed.

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I'm not a "Neo-Nazi" or a "Nazi" apologist. I don't care if the Germans tried to systematically murder millions of Jews. I do care if they're lying about it. Given my background in law enforcement I know it's difficult to conceal one murder let alone millions. I've been looking for years and I've yet to find any credible evidence that these millions of mysteriously missing Jews were murdered.

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>neo nazi or nazi

Lurk moar.

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AOC is right about "Concentration Camps".

Wetbacks are same as Jews.

They are foisting themselves onto a Germanic culture because they are too lazy to even ape what they see Germans doing. Mexicans don't have working plumbing in Mexico because they are lazy.

Like the Jews, they bum-rushed the camps and that is sole reason for any overcrowding.

99% of Jews CHOSE to stay under Nazi control and evac back INTO Germany in Jan 1945.

Ann Frank was one, she was doing fine at Auschwitz by her daddy wanted her to go to Germany with the swarm, and THAT is why camps were overcrowded in Germany in 1945. Auschwitz's hospital was 95% vacant.

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Hahaha bump kikes

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File: a11a563c5715ff1⋯.png (167.65 KB,964x992,241:248,Holocaust ball locks.png)

Didn't want to make a thread just to post this: https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/qa/Bo/LogicalFallacies/SPGcUUKF/Illegality_of_holocaust_denial_as_an_argument_for_holocaust_denial__fallacious

You need to make an account to be able to post on there

This is the guy who owns the website: https://www.archieboy.com/tools/lp/Bo/Archieboy/2/About_Bo_Bennett

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File: 3bc5871332248e9⋯.jpg (132.89 KB,600x400,3:2,1427572045391.jpg)


I don't think you know what that means but thanks for the bump Schlomo.

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Obsessive lying weaklings.

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File: 6bf9e433c8b3754⋯.gif (1.22 MB,200x150,4:3,getupbitch.gif)

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Anyone have info on "Hitler's Obersalzberg Speech"?

Supposedly a speech given to the Wehrmacht about the invasion of Poland but also the extermination of poles.

Any proof of forgery?

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File: 5caf7ce4785e1b1⋯.jpg (41.43 KB,600x419,600:419,5caf7ce4785e1b17441957bb47….jpg)


Are we "exterminating" Poles too now? I'm pretty sure it's the Poles who were starting shit because they not so secretly had the backing of Britain. Not unlike how Israel constantly starts shit in the middle east because they have the backing of the U.S. military. because they own our politicians

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Ever heard of the term natsoc or national socialist?

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Found this while I was waiting for replies


The revisionist Carlos Porter has written on this speech that "1014-PS is a falsified 'Hitler Speech' written on plain paper by an unknown person. The document bears the heading 'Second Speech' although it is known that Hitler gave only one speech on that date. There are four versions of this speech, 3 of them forgeries: 1014-PS, 798-PS, L-3, and an authentic version, Ra-27 (XVII-406-408; XVIII 390-402; XXII 65). The third forgery, Document L-3, bears an FBI laboratory stamp and was never even accepted into evidence (II 286), but 250 copies of it were given to the press as authentic (II 286) […] L-3 is the source of many statements attributed to Hitler, particularly "who today remembers the fate of the Armenians?" and "our enemies are little worms, I saw them at Munich". 'Hitler' also compares himself to Genghis Khan and says he will exterminate the Poles, and kick Chamberlain in the groin in front of the photographers. The document appears to have been prepared on the same typewriter as many other Nuremberg documents, including the two other versions of the same speech. This typewriter was probably a Martin from the Triumph-Adler-Werke, Nuremberg." Also other revisionists have criticized these documents for argued absurdities and other reasons.[16][17]

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File: a68eb09598803b4⋯.png (65.29 KB,872x859,872:859,nafcash.PNG)


This is the extent of holohoax evidence. Spurious scraps of paper, and verbal testimonies. You can't hide the remains of millions of human or jewish bodies no matter what you do to them. We exactly where millions of the mythical missing jews are supposed to be buried. These graves have never been proven to exist.

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File: 7af7ce69db58ea0⋯.jpg (64.24 KB,454x135,454:135,arad pg.176 ash.jpg)

From the former director of Yad Vashem.

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File: aa5c565f46920c8⋯.png (18.1 KB,884x544,13:8,Treblinka.png)

According to "the narrative" Treblinka was a pure death camp in that all jews sent there were murdered by teh ebil nazis.

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File: 19375e0c503889a⋯.png (1.57 MB,1280x960,4:3,mem2.png)

We know exactly where Treblinka was located yet 70 years later these "mass graves" have never been proven to exist. They did however come out and lay down thousands of tons of boulders and concrete to keep the locals from digging for the "mythical jew gold" Moloch knows international jewry cant afford a minimum wage security guard.

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File: 9e1aff7e14e88ac⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,2050x3052,1025:1526,CODOH (1).jpg)

File: 32b9314ae7ee541⋯.jpg (2.43 MB,2050x3052,1025:1526,CODOH (2).jpg)

File: 2db1a46b46f00fb⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,2050x3052,1025:1526,CODOH (3).jpg)

60~ Castle Hill Publishers books banned by Amazon

With bookmarks, a searchable 21408 page database

One file



Separate PDF



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File: 99b6865872fa7b0⋯.jpg (27.59 KB,502x258,251:129,eternal7.jpg)


I just found something on the Jewish Virtual Library that doesn't add up. They reprinted 8 of the 265 pages of the book "The Eternal Jew" and translated the associated passages. Here's one of them…

>Caption: A picture of German economic life in 1930: Each column shows a branch of the German economy, The figure to the left shows the total number of companies. The number of Jewish firms is shown by the black bar, the non-Jewish by the white bar. When one remembers that according to the 1925 census there were "only" about 555,000 religious Jews in Germany–which means by a generous estimate no more than a million Jews by blood in 1930, there are 60 to 100 Germans for each Jew. This makes clear what it means when, for example, up to 60% of the German economy is led by Jews. (p. 36)

>a million Jews by blood in 1930

>generous estimate


Where did the other 5 million come from by 1939?

From: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-eternal-jew

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>Instead, one must find an affirmative solution that frees Europe of wandering Jewish masses. This is not a matter of small numbers, as statistics demonstrate. According to the Zeitschrift für Demokratie (sic) und Statistik der Juden (Berlin), there were around 15 million Jews in the world at the end of 1931. There were 9.8 million in Europe, of whom 3.1 million were in Poland, 3.0 million in Rumania, 0.6 million in Germany, 0.5 million in Hungary, and 0.4 million in Czechoslovakia. Since these figures include only Jews by religious confession, these figures are probably low. Even those numbers, however, include millions of so-called “bums” (Luftmenschen), impoverished peddlers and Eastern European tradesmen, population groups that are ready whenever the borders open to leave their Polish and Lithuanian ghettos and flood into Europe. As long as the pressure from these Jewish millions exists the Jewish Question in Europe will not be resolved, but rather will necessarily continue.

These numbers aren't adding up.

(Taken from "The End of Jewish Migration" by Dr. Johann von Leers)

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The whole "generalplan ost" narrative is junk as well.

If the germans really wanted to exterminate slavs, they could have just pulled a Gengis Khan, ie putting whole villages, towns and cities to death, then coming back a few days later and mopping up survivors.

They had the means to do so.

The poles were probably the most hated by the germans of all their WW2 enemies (except communists), and even they were treated relatively well.


Lots of those jews also fled germany in 1933.

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File: af957e97251f6fc⋯.png (783.51 KB,1060x860,53:43,E3F26601-8505-4FEC-A248-E3….png)

File: 96a9ace62d84d26⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB,720x960,3:4,1385D7A7-A59C-46CD-BEA8-A….jpeg)

File: fcfbb1a90e258ee⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,2496x2590,1248:1295,56CF207C-2C31-495E-83EE-D….jpeg)

Bumping for media fags.

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Great idea.

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