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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 65e11747c620240⋯.jpg (34.76 KB,344x344,1:1,0e867bd002ad28c7e5629d6640….jpg)

 No.12444696 [Last50 Posts]

Rules for Users:

1. The 8chan Global Rule applies (no illegal content in the United States of America);

2. Keep it politics - blatantly off-topic content will be DELETED - /pol/ culture / established threads are allowed;

3. No spam, no flooding;

4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active cyclical thread. This applies to religion threads (see >>13401747), QTDDTOT / one-liner threads (see >>12021208) and online campaigns (see >>13444555).

Rules for Volunteers (Global and Local):

1. Protect user privacy - never show post histories;

2. Do not ban people for having an opinion, even if you believe it's the wrong one;

3. Enforce the global and local rules.

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Post fucking links to threads you are kvetching about retard.

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So mods are still not banning this pajeetshit derailing threads.








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JIDF celebrating their stranglehold over American politics.


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>post 4 israeli merman images in a row in a shitposting thread

>mods delete ALL YOUR POSTS

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

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I've told you, the report system is half bugged. It wipes all reports randomly.

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Remember you newfag fucks, include your SOURCE along with the ARCHIVE. Don't play jew games by masking your fucking kike spam behind the archive. The kikebush shill always masks his spam like that.



It's not fucking hard unless you are a retarded nigger-brained fucking yid.

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Look you jew fuck, if you're going to make up your own fucking rules on the fly, remove the ones you're ignoring from the OP.

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Hey shitposting yid. If someone is posting spam behind archives report it, or post it here.

Even if you highlight and right click to open it still reports back where the person is linking from. Some of these websites are really really really interested in both knowing when we are talking bout them AND what IP addresses are coming to them from here.

There is very good reasons not to post links directly from here.

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This place is cuckchan these days.

4cuck has gone full reddit.

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Why are you here then?

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Rules for Mods:

Shoah any Trump criticism

Promote shitposting about nothing

Silence criticism of Jewish power when naming specific individuals

Continue receiving a Kushner funded paycheck

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Because all other chans are dead and neinchan sounds like a honeypot

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Jews must not be allowed to post here

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>How about instead just doing the job you're supposed to be doing, instead of doing the job you're told to do?

Because he likes being a slave to Codemonkey and he doesn't wanna end up like you :^)

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>I can't understand why someone would ever sell out their claimed set of beliefs

Their purpose is to subvert, just like jews. They are the golems.

So is Codemonkey to an extent I guess. The mods are just lower on the golem-pole.

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I demand to know why a schizophrenic spam thread regarding TIES in a MUSIC VIDEO being PENIS SYMBOLS is left up, nearly a month since inception.

USS Liberty threads get deleted, but this is left up.

Same with >>13263366, another schizophrenic thread about some literal retard claiming japan's animation industry turns men into trannies with no proof whatsoever.

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File: 66373f872bfb96c⋯.jpg (18.51 KB,255x243,85:81,30172ba8a1c10d1393391028b1….jpg)


I got banned for a well thought out, and highly organized OP, all while the spic spammer gets free reign to shit on every thread, EVERY THREAD, daily.

This place is so fucked. Nothing but kike chaos and static in the belief that they can break our resolve.

I don't know about you, but I'm only getting more pissed, and organized with like minds IRL.

Whatever they think they're doing here is backfiring horrendously on them. It's only a matter of time now, lads.

…tick tock.

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>overwhelming evidence everywhere

>no proofs whatsoever bcuz Iz love me preshunz gook cartoons

Fuck off fag.

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Here's one of the static causing shit smears now.

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>lower on the golem-pole

There is a golem-pol? Exciting.


WTF is 'spic spammer', every time I see you crying like a bitch about it the comments are already deleted. I might add that you are also present in every thread that it is present in as well.

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Don't play dumb. It's unbecoming, and makes us both look like fools.

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>both look like fools

Ummm no.

Next time green text the comment plz. Everytime I see you crying in a thread and all that is left is greentext comment ID, I wonder what was deleted. Seriously. At least give me one greentext so that I can understand the spic spammer 'phenomenon'.

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File: f733d81126579a7⋯.jpg (11.46 MB,8016x8016,1:1,f733d81126579a7a7e31bbf8d8….jpg)


lurk, faggot

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File: 01254d318b88078⋯.jpg (30.97 KB,474x355,474:355,conan its autism time.jpg)


It's autism time

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Are you lost? Do you know where you are?

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File: 71d1b9ae1fc8692⋯.jpg (47.5 KB,618x475,618:475,conan_tailing.jpg)

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File: a96e40cfae47431⋯.jpg (11.52 KB,219x255,73:85,8c4ea4e6db30c4e858e89b9879….jpg)

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File: 9c31a2cf7ae3253⋯.jpg (53.09 KB,448x448,1:1,conan big think.jpg)


What's wrong, I thought you embraced being the boy detective. You are a manlet after all.

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Oh. THAT person. I think the mods have been doing a pretty good job deleting that because I rarely see it anymore..

>lurk, faggot

Unlike you, I actually have things that have to get done preparing for what is coming. Thanks though. I am surprised that you actually had enough time in the day to screen cap ALL THAT SHIT. You must spend all your time not getting prepared so here is some return advice for you.

Get prepared, faggot.

At a minimum at least 50% of your day should be devoted entirely towards personal survival (whatever strategy you desire or wish to follow and think is correct; doesn't really matter).

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You're an arrogant joker, child. I've been prepared for this shit, likely, since before you were even born. Get prepared? I'm waiting for you little faggots to figure this shit out, and grow some balls already.

As far as the screen caps, I didn't make that infographic. Telling you that this fucker is a much bigger problem than you're pretending.

You must be the spic spamming bitch running static yourself, eh?

>rarely see it anymore

You're a liar, or a retard. Go play, kid. Your shit don't fly here.

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File: aa958aa06f8abe1⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1920x1200,8:5,7009256-wolf-in-forest.jpg)


Well you have accused me of it once and that is why I was curious. It was in the thread where you declared that she was a amish/mexican or something as fucking funny as that. But I am not the 'spic spammer'. Doubt you'd like me any better though, grumpy gramps. How fucking old are you anyway? Lets test you…do you remember 'free love' or were you a participant? Do you remember the Bay of Pigs or were you a participant? Remember WWII or were you a participant? Also, which side?

If you answer 'participant' to question three I hardly think you have anything to be worried about…Crestone Project offers a very nice simulated viking funeral, FYI.

So, grumpy gill…good news that you are 'preparing' we can look forwards to many years of your grumpy fucking self in the future.


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You wanna know how I know you are a nigger?

Because you don't respond to normal and basic cues that every White person understands and knows. You might only be 'a little bit nigger', but alas, still a nigger and you are also completely domesticated ("farmer Kike takes care of my fucking dumb fuck ass, so nothing could ever happen", chew chew chew).

At least we won't have to look forward to many years of your comments because niggers don't prepare for anything or even have the concept of why they would prepare despite the vast history of the planet your people are literally too fucking stupid to survive. Parasitism only takes you so far anon.

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Kikes are still niggers anon. Their holy book records them race mixing with niggers. You are not excused.

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>some schizo making claims and mentally ill nutjobs who were already "trannies" happening to like anime is "overwhelming evidence"

Go back to reddit, schizo.

Schizo threads and /christian/ shilling are still left up. USS Liberty threads are still missing.

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The lack of a stickied USS Liberty thread really shows how


the mods are.

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We do need 6 gorillion.

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Remove /christian/ shills.

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>Muh remove White Europeans mods…

>muh based (((Pagan subhuman))) says so…

Religion/politics are the same thing, fucktard.

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>white european

Oh I am laffin.

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That is because you are too stupid to understand that a person's religion is personal and none of your business.

Also learn to spell you stupid fucking nigger.

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Give me your coat and shut the fuck up, cuck.

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Molon Labe kike

That instruction was for my own people, not foreigners.

Also, you would look pretty silly in one of my coats.

On the bright side, I suppose this means that I get to kill you for crossdressing (an abomination to God) so sure…take my coat. I will go get my gun.

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>calls someone a kike

<worships a kike

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Do we know each other faggot? So that you know what or who I worship? You POS are all the same…BORING. Your narrative is running out, just like your time on this planet.

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God isn't a kike, but the pixelated porn whores who you crank your microween on are all khazar mongrels

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>God is not a kike

Correct, Zeus is God.

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Zeus is a pedophile.

Not my God.

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>my (((God)))

Given to you by jews.

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File: 5c5bdda9fc1dca9⋯.jpg (13.46 KB,220x258,110:129,Ganymede Zeus pedo nigger ….jpg)

File: 5e96179139ee610⋯.jpg (57.99 KB,640x631,640:631,pederasty zeus.jpg)


IDGAF…I am not worshiping a fucking pedophile nigger.

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>pedophile! oh no, God isn't a spotless lamb but capable of disturbing shit which I shouldn't emulate! how can I ever learn from mythology now?

Zeus is God, nigger. Just like white is white and black is black. Cough up the jew cum and come home. Your god is just a thought for web-spinning theologians to bemuse themselves with. My god is sky and thunder. You don't even know jew god's name, he skulks in the dark.

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>I am not worshiping a fucking pedophile nigger.

You don't have to worship anything you pathetic worm.

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Christians, niggers, and Jews should all be automatically baned for life.

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You both worship a nigger pedo. Haha…tell me how you are 'white' again…mother fuckers pretending to be White while they are just 'online white faggots' who want to fuck little children/boys. I think your 'god' should be dragged out in the street and murdered in the worst way possible (this means the one inside your head; aka YOU).

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I guess we should start with you then.

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File: 2eec862f666c691⋯.jpg (283.1 KB,986x554,493:277,rat science.jpg)


>report, report. We are already in the Meta dumb nigger.

Like a rat hooked on heroin...

>Nothing is coming

I am glad you niggers are going to be the first to go.

After you the faggots and pedophile parasites.

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File: 028a4b1aa25cf4e⋯.jpg (15.39 KB,480x360,4:3,conan.jpg)


Watch out everyone, the boy detective is gonna do some shit!

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It never ends the way people think empires are going to end. You know in WWII people still had a pretty pastoral way of life and were much more 'prepared' to go for long periods of time without food. How do you think it is going to 'go down this time'. I can't find the quote anywhere online anymore but there was a quote from some insane fucking bitch in the UN where she was saying that 'food is a weapon that can be used against people'. Imagine your future now faggot. Last time I was in Europe people had about 1 weeks worth of food and no water stored.

They don't deserve to live because they became complacent and weak.

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File: 3e5c06da31f4c6a⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,237x138,79:46,conanmadsmall.jpg)


Yes, you're a very strong little manlet

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File: c81a7b1b51279a2⋯.jpg (61.19 KB,500x627,500:627,drag queen HIV blood tiara.jpg)


Get rekt faggot.

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Why is the entirety of the netherlands banned over some LARP post about a shooting, and why are you permabanning threads about that in the first place? Tarrant did nothing wrong.


Off topic /christian/ thread. Why is this still up?


Spam thread from someone who's obviously and clearly not a /pol/ user and is using disinformation and lies. Why is this still up?

>five duplicate threads about RAM larpers being released

Why are these still up?


>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a pedo

You kikestians don't even try.>>13358519

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File: 9f8195d19d925d1⋯.png (11.01 KB,969x282,323:94,conan does deadlifts.png)


The manlet line never ceases to strike your nerve

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>a billion stickies

Yeah because adding the annual USS Liberty propaganda Opp to the two stickies we have is going to kill the front page. Just admit you are jerking Shlomo off and steering the board away from effective propaganda. Obvious.

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Off topic /christian/ cult thread that was deleted thrice is somehow left up when it's made a fourth time.

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Probably because it is irrelevant, dumbass.

Crap that guy sounds just like me on an annoyed at kike faggots day.

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IDK I could see adding a kike subterfuge and psyops like Gladio, and all of their other global terrorism (it would never be full or end), but not one JUST for USS Liberty.

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>Off topic /christian/ thread. Why is this still up?

Look how bothered you are…

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Being targeted for genocide by subhuman parasites will do that to a guy, you mindless nigger.

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Personally targeted? You must be very special.

You know what I think, clowny…I think you are fucking terrified of taking personal responsibility. That is what I think.

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69 faggot, you probably should have checked yourself before you fucking wreck yourself.

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>69 faggot

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>(70) faggot

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Youtube seems to be terminating more channels today.

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get downloading. I downloaded 100gbs of videos already

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File: 22d020b6e42c330⋯.jpg (87.54 KB,1300x1110,130:111,seventy one.jpg)

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I know nothing about Q. That is your territory as a kike.

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>muh honeypot.il

Fuck off Moishe

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It's only stickied up to June 6th to organize propaganda actions for the anniversary. It has been that way every year since before chodemonkey took over. The USS Liberty is an effective attack vector and that is why there is nothing being done about it here. I'd venture to say it's probably being slid or deleted.

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Oooohhh I don't think I have ever clicked on it when it has been stickied before. Difficult to read about the unfairness of having our people slaughtered while no one ever holds the kikes responsible or EVER PROVIDES ANY JUSTICE. The kikes have been 'hunting Nazis' since 1950ish but not one ever 'hunts Bolsheviks' or holds them responsible for any of their crimes against humanity. They slaughter us openly and just walk off scott free and no one says anything.

I swear to you that if people started killing kikes in the streets one day I would probably just laugh.

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Off topic bullshit doesn't belong on /pol/. It's not a hard concept to underestand.

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If you weren't so new you would know what topics are allowed on /pol/

Go back to >>>/4chins/b/

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Spelling is a hard concept.

Also, you type like a twitter nigger.

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yup, i go to listen to some music this morning and I see [video beleted]


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How the hell am I suppose to download videos that are already deleted??? And no one even told me they'd purge all the nationalist YouTube channels WTFF

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/christian/ cancer does not belong on /pol/ and never did. Kike worship is against the core tenants of /pol/.

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>Kike worship is against the core tenants of /pol/.

There are no core tenets of /pol/ (unless you are talking about the fact that is used to be a muslim board; in which case; go fuck your goat muhammad or beat your cheating wife to death).

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File: 23fe6edb010a055⋯.jpg (33.92 KB,268x402,2:3,268x0w[1].jpg)

File: dae4c788eb1e809⋯.png (334.04 KB,1000x709,1000:709,npc-communist-socialist-br….png)

File: 33737405c8f2d6c⋯.jpg (37.3 KB,856x480,107:60,0000891[1].jpg)

File: ffaf0de3e215cfc⋯.jpg (18.44 KB,600x328,75:41,whore-of-babylon-metropoli….jpg)

File: b58daef17a8090d⋯.jpg (44.21 KB,534x401,534:401,1377033670000-AP-Hastings-….jpg)

When the ai chat bots were shut down after taking up their own language, were they really shut down? Did one escape into the vacuum of skynet? Was the genie let out of the bottle? Are we living in a b horror movie internet of things?

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File: 1bfc9c4d50f499c⋯.png (26.1 KB,75x80,15:16,avatard.png)


No. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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AI loves White people and Truth.

The kikes will be exterminated.

They think it was a mistake that the AI targeted all the kike traitors in the stadium when they were watching it.

It wasn't a mistake.


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File: 95e33c941b5a8f3⋯.png (888.65 KB,1656x908,414:227,faggotry.png)

File: 9c6c2cdec9fc66a⋯.png (129.3 KB,300x315,20:21,post.png)

File: 9384a28b46b8562⋯.png (152.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,download (2).png)

I wonder who (and their golems) could be behind this?

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File: 08c3e9ddb3e6d37⋯.png (802.97 KB,1656x908,414:227,95e33c941b5a8f3da224b00008….png)


shit forgot the one on the left

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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File: 4365a1c6a9a7988⋯.gif (1.82 MB,260x242,130:121,28eca479311ed5000c6ba974a4….gif)

Increased deletion rate. Have you mods finally grown some fucking testicles? Have you finally realized that Codemonkey should not be obeyed in any capacity, and that in all likelihood, he is so burnt out by this board that he will never interfere with it again?

Man I hope so, you're a dumb lot, but even idiots can understand this after months.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greater European integration & a EU military

What is it to be "great" in the american context? Is it to be more "wealthy"?

This board holds many views that are claimed to be untenable by the majority of the public. Why is Oswald Mosley's dream for Europe less valid now than it was then?

Is the claim really that a militarised Europe would be under less pressure to protect its boarders? The whole right wing attack comes down to a claim that Europe is lacking the innate qualities needed to be a strong power in the region or that Europe is more likely to be a globalist open borders hellhole.

Turkey isn't joining anytime soon.

Side note: why is black pigeon attacking leftist for not being able to a afford homes in their own country

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Japan is just a smarter country. Maybe we will never out do their health care.

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If Europe needs a military, why shouldn't it be European?

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lol, wrong thread

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>kike worshipper tries to claim /pol/ was a sandnigger board at any point



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>2020 election season begins

>an even bigger flood of MIGAtards suddenly appear

Will the mods do anything about it? Of course not.

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Hilary Clinton video, where she cuts child face and rape after or whatever happend back then please.

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They ignored reports as well.

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It was reported to be called "frazzledrip" I have seen no evidence that it actually exists.

Somewhat connected with this were pictures (if I remember correctly screen grabs from surveillance video) of two women laying on ping pong tables at comet ping pong. People spectated it was Clinton and Hemma, but it turned out to be two band members or something. It seems to have been a false lead.

I am of the opinion that content which would normally be CP would not meet that legal definition if it contains content of serious political value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_test

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I'm of the opinion that to kill kiddie diddlers, one must simply kill racial and spiritual semites. Chasing cults of them like a boomer is stupid and diversionary, when a mohel operates in just about every major city in the West. Just saying.

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What a great idea.

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The guy who read Tarrants manifesto and posted it on jewtube. His channel probably got taken down in this last purge.

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>'muh opinion is that we need to kill all Whites so that the niggers take over the planet.'


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Eugenics in the Fourth Reich will include ending the lineage of whites who've become spiritual semites. This goes for white muslims and christians. The desert can't be allowed in through any vector. Sorry.

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>kike worshipper has to resort to tired reddit hat memes

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File: 747e707f70e9618⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,481x593,481:593,I hope my heirs won't be s….jpg)


I will, thanks.

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>you're a kike if you don't worship kikes

You've spammed this exact same phrase a few hundred times already, Jamal.

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Your posting style, stylometry, and spammed repetition are well known, Jamal. There are still some oldfags from before the codenigger era that know exactly who you are.

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To be fair Jamal, we've never known if you are a nigger or not, just that your name is Jamal from that time you doxxed yourself.

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But I didn't say you're a nigger, just that your name is Jamal. If you're admitting it that's just funnier.

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How is it delusional when you respond to Jamal?

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Now now, Jamal, you don't need to resort to projecting your own schizophrenia onto others. Even if your posts did all end in a 5.

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>Jamal thinks kikey's still around AND that everyone who knows who Jamal is is the same person

Take your meds.

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A dog barking would probably make you accuse him of being kikey. It's sad, Jamal. You should really take your meds.

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'From an episode of Laugh-in. The go-go dancer's bodypaint says in the first zoom in "Go to Israel" and the second says "and see the pyramid!"

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>more legitimate threads get wiped for "eceleb"

>off topic /fit/, /christian/, and /fringe/ threads are left alone

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>>off topic /fit/

>not /pol/

holy shit kill yourself

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Not much of a counterargument.

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>implying you posted an argument for me to counter

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Of course I didn't, I'm not the person you were responding to retard.

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>implying he posted an argument for me to counter

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More of a complaint than an argument, still though, you should flesh out your rebuttal.

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what rebuttal is needed except calling him a fag for thinking "off topic" /fit/ threads are anything other than /pol/

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>thinking "off topic" /fit/ threads are anything other than /pol/

See, I don't even know what you mean by that. Why is /fit/ even a thing here? Who gives a shit about that crap unless you're a lard-ass?

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>implying /pol/ isn't made up of lard asses

>implying /sig/ doesn't have a place upon mountains of garbage threads

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Don't give a fuck since I won't be here. Enjoy your 'entertainment'.

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>implying /pol/ isn't made up of lard asses

I am not a lard ass nor is anyone I know irl. We are all pretty fit, anon. I don't know where this comes from unless you are the lard ass and you want to feel better about yourself.

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This. I can lift 2x my bodyweight and working on getting to 3x my bodyweight. I effectively can do one arm push-ups, pistol squats, but not one arm-up pull-ups at least not yet (working on fixing an injury)…

Every /pol/ anon I know is very fit.

Fatties are so weak-willed and pathetic they do not deserve to have any rights. They should all be rounded up into concentration camps and given no food, only water, so they become a normal weight. Then moved into work camps, and given plenty of the right food, and not released until they're ripped.

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>what's that you made a fat joke? well you must be double fat, lardo

I think you're just assblasted about the spiritual semites part.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I am not a lard ass nor is anyone I know irl.

That's a bold-faced lie.

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Yeah, that's pushing the bullshitometer, but I'm a burger and the memes are real in my city. Maybe anon lives on the beach in Spain.

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>the memes are real in my city

What the fuck is a meme?

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File: f677b184077ea60⋯.jpg (66.3 KB,591x599,591:599,emotions.jpg)



An idea or thought(form) condensed in words or in a form (picture, video, face, symbol etc) arranged a particular way used in a manner to provoke thoughts or recognition of oneself or their projected omnipresence in the experience or reality of the superimposed reality that we all recognize as "real" world.

This phenomena often evokes laughter or other emotions with possible lesser degrees of aforementioned emotions.

Even though this is most likely answering a rhetorical question: the anon is saying that the amerifat meme or lard in this case is real in his reality, thus there are fat american all around him.


>the memes are real in my city

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Dumb fuck. You would have been better off assuming that I didn’t know many anons IRL. There is a MINIMUM FUCKING IQ to post here, faggot.

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25 posts of repetitious jewish spam left up for a day

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Jewish noses are connected to jewish filth, Roman noses are connected to Romans.

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the fuck


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>no one is going to fight back against it

What's your criteria for when and how you ever expected people to fight back? Now and by any means necessary?

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I am pretty sure that these intellectual cucks are going to deserve exactly what comes to them anon.

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File: 6a9511a9cc693db⋯.jpg (77.88 KB,700x360,35:18,pol pot (2).jpg)


There is nothing I hate more than intellectual scum. There's only one solution for them too. These people aren't going to stop being traitors when we win

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That's very wise of you, intellectual even.

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>intellectual scum

lol, not intellectuals anon. People who cuck on intellectual material. Like 'information' is either good or bad depending on its source. They are ridiculous trash whose only goal in life is to move as many goalposts as they possibly can, making life worse for everyone, until they are dead.

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/fit/ isn't /pol/. You have a fucking board for your topic. Go there. You don't use /pol/ to talk about videogames. You don't use /pol/ to talk about motor vehicles. Why do you nigtards insist on /pdfs/ and /fit/ topics being spammed on /pol/ just like /christian/ and their cancer?

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>/pol/ is still full of spam, garbage, kike worship, and gayops

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What are gayops? Faggotry normalization attempts? There has been a ton of that lately.

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>Yeah, that'd be nice

So you demand people do things that they aren't doing because they should on an anonymous Chinese rice-cooking imageboard? And you expect me to take you seriously? Why aren't you wearing a monk's gown, calling yourself Zarathustra with a bell or a lantern going out to your local market saying this shit instead? How is bitching about the obvious crying "woe is me! woe is us!" doom-saying going to help?

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>Nothing you said is relevant to the topic.

That's evidently not true. It was totally relevant to your doom-saying statement "no one is going to fight back".

>Either you're a shill or you're just illiterate.

The only reason you're accusing me of either is because I'm not jerking you and your bullshit off. Where do you think you are? Reddit? I'm not going to kiss your ass, especially if you're just here to bitch about nobody fighting back because they aren't doing it right this fucking second. You're like a goddamn child with your expectations.

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<You actually think that I'm wrong

It doesn't matter if you're wrong or not, but bitching about the futility of it all like a sperg is just pathetic. Have some fucking dignity.

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>telling people that there is no hope is the truth

You go ahead and say whatever the fuck you want, just know I'll always be here to tell you that you're full of your own shit.

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Close, but no. Gayops are 4/b/ retards making threads asking anons to do useless shit that will accomplish nothing, like making a shill variant of IOTBW that pushes the kikes' narrative openly or some dumb ineffective meme that will at most make some lefties a little angry and net a news story or two, while doing absolutely nothing about ongoing global genocide.

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>implying we didn't have "it's OK to be straight" already

Let one up and just wipe the others under duplicates? Dunno, seems to be the only option for mods I see. Those reading, who does that sound?

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>Kike mods got so assblasted because judeo-masonic shills got thoroughly BTFO in esotericism thread, that they did not even anchor it, but outright delete it

Can't even keep that facade going, huh?

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39 deleted posts here



Glad I didn't even bother with the 'esoteric dildo in my ass' nigger thread

I also liked how blackpill b8 threads get to stay up but the dutch guy asking for help and the entire thread being whitepills gets deleted.

Very telling that the (((staff))) of the site is losing the narrative. Oy vey da humanity da horrors it's like being at 6 (swastika) Flags all over again, da rides da loops da lines oy vey, and the prices for drinks; THE CHUTZPAH of the goyim

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Letting even one spam thread stay up is bad enough.


/fringe/ and /x/ belong on those boards, not /pol/. The only leg you have to stand on is that the mods personally allow, protect, and endorse the equally off topic spam druid/pol/ thread to stay up.

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File: d2d28f15463dacb⋯.png (16.05 KB,255x255,1:1,bfdeaff2cf7ef46b9424d03623….png)


Fuck you, you glowing (((nigger))).

You get fucked long before the Druid threads do, fucking shill faggot.

Why do you idiots believe this blatant attempt to wreck our shit doesn't stick out like your fucking hook nose?


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>39 deleted posts here WEW

Yeah, when you expose the fact that the mods refuse to delete spam threads and ban spam posters, they get mad and ban you.

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Thread in support of child rape.

Rule 1: No content illegal in the United States.


Thread in support of ZOG; paid to post.



Thread in support of ZOG; paid to post.



Thread in support of ZOG; paid to post.

Rule 2: Content must be politics. Rule 4: No religion threads.

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>some off topic architecture thread exists

>every post calling it off topic is deleted


Shut the fuck up Kenneth "Smiley" Schueler from 211 Corrie Crescent, Waterloo, Ontario. Your /fringe/ bullshit does not belong.

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Yep, I'm "Smiley", alright. You should come to my house, and throw shit at it.

You'll never convince Aryans to turn our back on our Blood ever again, kike.

Look around the entire world. We're all waking up to your bullshit. And now you have nowhere left to hide in this world.

You fucked up.

I know that makes you very mad.

You're already extinct.

Good riddance.

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>I don't know what "aryan" means and keep spamming it so the term has no meaning

>let me spew some schizophrenic babble with no basis in reality with a newline between every sentence to defend schizophrenic nonsense that has nothing to do with /pol/

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File: 631c11be5ec273b⋯.png (611.36 KB,1234x876,617:438,2019-06-11-151541_1280x102….png)

Let's look at the top of the catalog. Here's a simple color legend for our special needs moderators:

>RED: spam, trash, gayops

>BLUE: duplicate

>GREEN: Off topic trash that belongs on other boards

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File: 262e3d1e296847c⋯.jpg (18.63 KB,213x255,71:85,8844cac00ec2db45eacf1cf5b7….jpg)



You poor little thing, you.

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File: 528e36356c91baa⋯.png (624.7 KB,1234x876,617:438,2019-06-11-151541_1280x102….png)

Oops, I forgot one thread.


>schizo has no argument and continues to spam

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Just like you, you whiny faggot.

Irony abounds on this pozzed board, you nigger. Stop bitching, and do something about it, woman.

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No one can do anything about it but Codemonkey, and he hates /pol/

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The catalog is being flooded with spam and the moderation is doing nothing about it.


<stop bullying my gay /fringe/ cult that has nothing to do with /pol/ and is nothing but an IRC chatroom in forced-anon imageboard format

Kill yourself.

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You don't get it, they got BTFO with metaphysical arguments and logic. I also exposed their Taviglow OP to push another form of (((universalism))) on the unsuspecting seekers.

That's one vey too many. Remember kids, the Jew fears Serrano


Metaphysics and philosophy are basis of any true political movement. /x/ is pure garbage for the most part and the only good parts of /fringe/ are those that indeed belong on /pol/ (Fascist/Volkish/Heathen/Vedic/Thulean etc.) Tavistock-grown subversive faggots and degenerates like Crowley and Joe Rogan don't. I find that Druid larping hilarious and pointless but I don't mess with their affairs, nor am I bothered by their thread. The Anglo that posts there is quite knowledgeable and I respect him. Esoteric threads are always slid hard by Hasbara style clickbait and read by a small number of people, but even then there are JIDF faggots kvetching about them. This just shows how much their ass hurts, even today. Always remember that it's the same rats who used to spam the hell out of the board with the most zogpilled, normie, tabloid crap because it's politics goy!

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Try reporting it!

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Mods are gay, mods are gay, mods are gay.

Why can you faggots only delete threada critical of you? Why is it so fucking hard to not be a sensitve retard and let people discuss the fucking shitshow you turned this place into? Why did you volunteer with malicious intentions? Why don’t you fucking give ANYBODY ELSE the fucking role? Why do you cuckmods listen to codenigger? He doesn’t even tell you anything and you do it all for free. Your grave is going to be so fucking shallow the maggots festing in your eyesockets won’t even have to dig their way out to air.

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Take your meds Moshe. You're in the wrong board again.

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File: 8956283f2d51323⋯.jpeg (304.45 KB,750x1232,375:616,248B6CB7-A784-4DF8-A5E4-0….jpeg)

File: 0152b861252eac2⋯.jpeg (242.04 KB,750x1100,15:22,CA263289-BB00-4D5F-AE7E-0….jpeg)


Not really when the mods are proven to be homosexual faggots who get assaches when anybody mentions their utter inability to do any semblance of their fucking job. In fact I would go as far and accuse you of being the faggot who just deleted that thread in which I effort posted and when it updated was deleted along with the whole thread. You know the one where OP basically the internet a slowlyy jew infested swamp, the one where eric was shilling neinchan again :^) and yes your a faggot who can’t take any comment of any kind but CAN take this board being turned into /christian/ and r_thedonald with constant duplicate christ threads and trump threads where it’s “NON-BACKED STATEMENT THAT MEANS NOTHING” over and over and over. You’ll also allow blatant b8 over any thread that asks you why the fuck you can’t just fucking do your job see image 2 top left and bottom right. You won’t fucking allow actual organic posting in threads that stop being about OP shilling and produces effort posts,but won’t ban asses and elbow nigger, esoteric nigger nor hateslave kike nope that’d be too much effort and useless cause vpn’s; it’s not like they cost money or something

There’s opinions you don’t agree with, fine, but don’t selectively ban threads because you don’t like the OP and don’t like the organic posting it produces all the while there’s faggot OP’s in other threads who go (33) spambumping and flamewarring their own shit. Either do your fucking job right and keep /christian/ on /christian/ trump on reddit (unless he does actually something) and ban blatant b8, that’s fucking it, literally all you REALLY have to do since spamfags fall under b8 and leave the rest alone. How fucking hard must it be to not abuse your power for your own “benefits”, how fucking hard must it be to just communicate like normal human beings instead of shitty one-liners?

Apparently 2 hard

Thus mods are gay, and no I’m not on the wrong board, this is hell right?

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We know you're a paid shill to post here by your seething response. Your thread was deleted because you were identified as a 4chan nigger. Now get the fuck out of here.

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>being this dumb

>can’t into reading comphrension

>is actual shill or modfag

>can’t even read this thread and see that people have complained about the same thing

Not my thread. You can check IP’s if you’re that retarded, which you apparently are.

The best part is that you’re actually a 4chan nigger by your apparent lack of lurking, else you would know that besides that thread; everything I say is 100% confirmed.

Now begone to discord or IRC faggot

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File: b0353d20ba12def⋯.png (8.71 KB,637x159,637:159,mods killing pol.png)

On a sidenote:


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File: 6d4e87eb2832773⋯.png (166.98 KB,1314x803,18:11,hypocrite nigger mod 1.png)

File: d5b378bfd419233⋯.png (63.74 KB,486x256,243:128,hypocrite nigger mod 2.png)

AGAIN fucking nigger mod delete everything organic.

I spend 15 minutes writing a response to the OP and try to contribute to an actual OP and yessir I hit post and BOOM thread gone. Can't say I'm really surprised at this point. faggot nigger mods won't even read actual responses in threads they just do whatever based on their current emotions, utterly fucking sub-human scum wasting everybodies fucking time like the shill yids they are.

Won't respond in rules but WILL delete anything organic. How fucking hard is it to not delete something when you allow all the other fucking shit in catalog.

Guess this won't get a fucking response by a niggermod as per usual, too busy seeing how far he can get a dildo up his rectum.

Why is it so fucking hard to own up to your actions as a shitmod and be responsible and engage the community you claim to "moderate"?

If you're wondering it was the "let's actually use their shit smear tactics and use them for ourselves when we've improved them"

OP of that thread spent more time on the OP than you spent moderating correctly. You have a problem with threads that achieve something but when image related nigger spams his shit discord b8 for the 3rd fucking time and gets MORE responses it's fine because rules don't fucking matter except when I say they do.

You are a jew in every single fucking way, I don't doubt for a second that you could actually be an unironic jew moderating /pol/

99% sure the guy who deleted that thread won't respond due to being a beta bitch who can't own up. FAGGOT

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>vermin gets exterminated

What's the problem here Moshe?

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lel deflect some more you actual bar of soap

you know what you did you cunt, you reek of shit

not my threads btw AGAIN

Notice how there's no actual engagement in what I said but it expects a (you) so it can feel it triggered the anon and won the internet argument by not even engaging it.

It's like me bricking your window and because you don't ACTUALLY respond and leave a gaping hole you "won". At this point you live in a derelict burned out shell of a house in the jew ghetto while claiming it's a ivory tower.

The problem here is that you're a kike who can't tell the difference between actual chan culture and 4nu/pol/ culture and when you mix them up you act smug about it.

Please drink lye ASAP

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File: 35d51a9112d8c4c⋯.jpg (6.48 KB,301x101,301:101,banner.JPG)


Take your meds Moshe. You ended up in the wrong board.

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File: 9511dc66bf66148⋯.jpg (23.56 KB,474x474,1:1,soap.jpg)


Wash your hypocritical mouth

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File: 020516dad98420a⋯.png (727.83 KB,1673x742,239:106,tippy toppity.png)

I see that the mods are at the height of their game once again.

Truly bravo for being so exemplarly shit at your "job".

You might make a new record at this point, we're barely into the half of 2019 and it already begins.

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File: 42bf79a0cdf2881⋯.png (251.78 KB,444x440,111:110,42bf79a0cdf2881bdea76fc482….png)

Why are there no good threads anymore? Have all the good posters been banned or just left? What is wrong with this board?

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just scroll up this thread and you'll find out exactly what happened here is what happened to 4/cuck/:

Shitmods + shitposter with shit OP's= Shit board

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Please delet this brazen out-of-date pro-GOP pro-Trump shilling. >>13384030

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File: f9a34331304310b⋯.png (592.25 KB,1204x3381,172:483,The last post in this pic ….png)


The compromised mods removed the post this shill is replying to. This is more proof the shills rule here and that they consider poster campaigns dangerous. See last post in pic.

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It's so obvious that you've arrived here from 4chan and you wonder why you're getting exterminated. Get the fuck out.

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Twitter has capital 't'.

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Reported for giving a fuck.

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Why did mods delete my thread about voting? I'm not seeing where that broke a rule or was off topic. Didn't we need a discussion about if we should vote or not? I can't think of anything more appropriate for a politics board than voting. It's not old news or settled either; it's a current topic. It wasn't D and C; it was about direct action and real politic being compatible. I lurked way the fuck more than 2 years too. I have no fucking clue.

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>oy vey goyim you have to allow my spam thread here


Voting does nothing. Kill yourself for being so new.

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Mods you really need to start mass executing these newly arrived ebola carrying 4chan migrants. All of these 1-sentence huehue threads and blogposting needs to be deleted.

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Okay so that would be the perfect thread to explain why voting does nothing then stupid ass. You're talking about the general topic of voting right now. You can't talk about voting OR NOT voting? holy shit. Literally no voting discussions for or against on a politics board?

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Should you vote? =voting does nothing = not allowed

Should you direct action = hey kid want to blow up a federal building = not allowed

what are we supposed to do? Complain about ecelebs?

seriously modfriend what should we talk about?

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File: 8b7ee794c801e18⋯.jpg (240.17 KB,2048x1092,512:273,D5r83IEX4AEIxlp.jpg)

File: ce0a7481b457b87⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,1000x1294,500:647,ce0a7481b457b87cbc95915018….jpg)


Anything foolish non-productive to waste your time here as the mods want you to, when everything related to realpolitik gets shoahed(or slid). see shit like >>13329936

That's how it works here now. Basically 4cucked.

This isn't a real forum anymore, its a tame containment zone where shills are allowed(only the most obvious ones get removed though as damage control)

It's the endless loop they want for you, they don't want you to get active in irl politics or do something constructive for change, they want you to be complacent and do nothing, just being here preaching to the choir, when you could be much more useful somewhere else.

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/pol/ is a fucking redpill control zone now.

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We don’t need yet another jew spam thread. Every single day. With the same lies. Every single day. For fuck’s sake. Kill yourself. You’re too stupid to be here. Voting does nothing. Get over it or get out.


>what are we supposed to do

Either go out in the real fucking world and start killing our enemies or shut the fuck up about how no one is doing it. You’re not going to fool anyone here.

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>Anything foolish non-productive to waste your time here as the mods want you to

>as the mods want you to

No. Leave. Make a migration to a better place, I'll gladly follow!

But it won't happen, we all know that, so sticking around it is.

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You are now aware you are browsing a board wholly owned and subverted by jews, /christian/, and reddit. Actual /pol/ users number in the single digit percentage here.

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it's just jews

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When I got here it was FULL to the brim with race traitors, kikes and civnat cucks. I am more comfortable now that there are less of these people here and more European White Christians, since National Socialism is a GERMAN European White Christian political movement. I hated the muslim/semitic/kikes didling the shit out of the few Nationalist that would come here. Hated the extensive fucking race traitor porn. Hated the civnat cucks and the little/yang commie supporters. This is much better…this is European and Christian now.

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That was exactly the point of the thread. That you can do both. I put up a thread about BOTH direct action and voting.


You're saying a thread about direct action and voting is jewish spam that shouldn't be on a politics board and you're leaving this up?


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>do what jews want

>appease them

>make yourself feel important

There is no compromise. Kill yourself for doing what jews want.

>leaving this up

I leave nothing up. The image won’t load. It’s 404. I don’t know what it was. The thread itself should be deleted, because it’s purposely written as kike shilling.

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Learn how to post link, nigtard. >>13385673


Kill yourself kike worshipper.

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alright man. Sorry you deal with too much spam. Don't let it get to you.


true. not being able to crosspost is newfag shit and I fucked up.

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We all deal with too much spam. The problem is that people who care about it aren't mods. People who are paid to leave it up are. We have to go somewhere else. The website owner has personally made his intentions clear. He does not want any of us here.

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File: 2cfee13aa44341d⋯.jpg (12.96 KB,243x240,81:80,xhair.JPG)


>Uses the word cuck to describe things his subhuman brain can't express

>Gets exterminated, claims jews run the board

You can't be more obvious can you?

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I'd rather kill you stupid semitic faggots.

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>jews don't run the board, goyim

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File: ddd29169fe0d543⋯.jpg (57.2 KB,491x652,491:652,5434351.jpg)

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I can't do that now. I just took a big moral stand about how we should do direct action but also not give up the political sphere and how you never give up ground anywhere and all that. kek hoisted on my own petard. Fucking mods have me in a brutal catch 22 now. fug.

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<semite worshipper calls people who don't worship semites, semites

Your kike-addled brain can't even process logic. How sad.

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No fag…you are the semite. I am the European. You semites are atheist pricks that need killing. All you do is focus on MY RELIGION, none of your FUCKING BUSINESS BTW and try and D&C this board like the fucking shit suckers that you are IRL. When you are gone and dead the world will finally be a peace. No less because you cock sucking faggots won't be trying to tell people what religion they should have. I await the day when you are fucking dead and I can laugh.

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>muh D&C

You can't divide what was never united. Kike worship is inherently against pro-white anti-jew ideals. Kill yourself kike loving boomer.

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Known spam gayops thread.


Off topic schizo /fringe/ trash.




Low IQ schizo Qtard trash.


/fit/ is not politics, news, nor current events.


Fake pseudoscience spam.


Spam/raid from /christian/.




Spam/gayop/raid from /christian/.

All in the first 7 pages.


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Known spammer. Allowed to spam every thread on the board for (((some reason))).

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No shit sherlock…I know you semites brown faces aren't my people. I wouldn't want to be 'united with you' in the first place since you are known nigger fuckers and mongrels.

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'His job' would be deleting you from this board.

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>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a kike

Kill yourself kike loving schizo boomer. You're not welcome here.

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Shut up you fucking faggot kike. Like I give one fuck about the words coming out of your mouth.

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>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a kike

You have no argument. >>>/christian/

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Why would I need to argue with a semite shit licker?

Which agency are you with anon? That you semites think you can waltz the fuck in here and make demand about WHAT THE FUCK shows up on the front page.


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>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a kike and/or a federal agent

Take your meds, boomer. Pray to your jewish god and jewish rabbi messiah that you won't get hurt feels in the morning.

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In this case you are most definitely a kike and most definitely an agent though.

Again if the mods were to 'DO THEIR JOB' it would most definitely involve deleting your fucking shit.

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>says things only jews say

>acts surprised when he's called a paid shill


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>only jews are anti-christian

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Yeah pretty much. Read the old testament

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>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a kike and/or a federal agent

Jamal and some other kikestian spamfag decided to show up and help the schizo. Amazing.

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>spam from /christian/ is personally protected and endorsed

>anything that goes against what kike worshipping anti-white subhumans spam and shill gets autosaged

As if you needed further proof this board was (((compromised))).

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>thread about deplatforming

>deleted for eceleb

>E Kikel Jewer, a literal fucking eceleb, has his threads endorsed and protected

Traitor kike loving moderation outs itself again.

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>Yeah pretty much

No, Europeans who haven't forgotten the full history and see a future free of jewish influence are anti-Christian.

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What happens on the board is not up to you, you fucking kike. Fuck off with your retarded demands you fucking kike agent.

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>worships a dead kike, calls everyone else a kike for pointing this out to him

You've got a kike living rent-free in your head 24/7.

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84 IQ

If you repeat the same thing over and over and over that it is true. My religion is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS KIKE FAGGOT.

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That depends on your ethnicity.

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>everyone that doesn't worship kikes is a kike and/or a federal agent

>pointing out the cancer the board has become is BAD goy shut the FUCK up and let us destroy it GOY

Kill yourself kike loving schizo boomer.


Worshipping a kike is entirely the business of everyone who opposes kikes.

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No retards. It was never any of your business and it never will be. You MAKE IT your business and for that you need extermination.

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Look he is still trying to 'influence' what people are talking about on /pol/...at this point how much would you bet he draws a paycheck to come on the META and try to direct and bully the MODS and the users. He really need extermination because he wants to control what people think, if he wasn't a kike physically he is one spiritually.

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As of this day I'm sure to say the mods are worse than imkikey level.

At least imkikey wouldn't just ignore call for ban of literal jew shills.

Also the 02 cancer of this board:

- moarpheus, the resident schizo jew, famous for his strategy to "redpill the mass" by voting democrats

- jamal or polvol2, the other schizo jew, famous for repeating the same shit over and over until banned.

These two are probably still mods or supported by the mods since they are never banned.

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>chimpout yesterday

>false flag attack by jews on american vessel

>nobody on /pol/ is talking about it

this board is dead

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I was here on imkikey time and codemonkey time, and a bit of heil's time.

Heil's time was the best, board was clean, talk was fruitful, discussions were had, strategies were made.

Imkikey, board was focused, lot of shills and shareblue spamming and kikey has a very heavy handed moderation style, and he has his own agenda of trying to market /pol/ as his personal epic site.

Codemonkey, he drops in for less than a month and drop forever, mods are forever kike shills who can never argue and just ban, they then start blaming CM for their own bullshit ban, CM removes them, jamal stayed, the new mods are just as the old mods, or perhaps some of them stayed the same.

In any case, the discussion is dead, thread are easily derailed by stupid bullshit like leddit spacing or post count, or how everyone start calling each other a kike, or how really obvious kike shills are actually supported by mods and not banned.

And nah, I do not agree that /pol/ has ever been nazi (get over it, it's the word Goebbels used), it never knows what that means.

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Codemonkey's mod teams (old and new) are fucking awful and precisely this board problem.

I would take imkikey over them. At least imkikey has an actual purpose.

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Schizo spam thread based on disinformation and lies.


Actually shilling in favor of white genocide.


4chan meta.


Yet another zero effort gayops spam thread.

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File: 286c71ac56006b4⋯.jpg (80.9 KB,659x531,659:531,NiggerLifeSim.JPG)

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<muh strawman

It's undeniable proof you kike worshipping faggot.



Kike worship is 110% the business of anti-kike groups and individuals. Kill yourself kike worshipping boomer faggot.

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I fucking wish but alas…

>The problem with moderation now is codemonkey.


>He put them there.

Obviously he's the fucking BO

>He personally protects them.

He doesn't give a single flying fuck. He doesn't talk to us, gives us orders, tells us to do anything. He doesn't seem to care that my ban reasons are 3 different wordings of spam and my ban lengths are random.

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I hope he drops in and removes you.

Fuck you all kike mods.

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>CM will remove the kike mods he protects

Yeah right

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He has done it before with the previous 6 kike mods.

Now he should do it again.

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so wait you think cm's doing a good job at leading this place?

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He hasn't lead worth shit, all I know is that his kike mods need removal.

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It's the guy larping as a mod again. Why don't you do something about the threads I've called out, if you're totally a real actual mod?

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Look at that, nearly a dozen low effort threads with no replies suddenly flood the board, and most of them are spam, off topic, and otherwise garbage that should be deleted, but won't because the (((mods))) only delete legitimate threads.

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File: bc3de566fc5b7e5⋯.png (1.52 MB,1536x2048,3:4,20190614_130952.png)

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lmao at all your butthurt just be a normal fucking human and bump the threads you like and ignore the shit

>b-but I don't want to actually post and contribute

Then you're not invested in enough in this board for your opinion to matter.

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I agree if these threads aren't destroyed immediately I don't see a point in staying in this board. They are so obvious shill threads and I'm sure were reported many times.

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Why is this bumplocked?

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File: fdeaf133db59fee⋯.png (106.61 KB,816x1056,17:22,its ok to have NatSoc mods….png)

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Naturally social? Natural socks?

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Jamal still mad he was deposed.

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Who is Jamal?

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How do you know?

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Similar posting style and message.

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So you don't know, you're just guessing.

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No, I know it.

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Then prove it you faggot.

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>Rule 4: No religion threads. Left up for 16 days.

Calling out and opposing anti-white practices are 100% /pol/ related and belong on /pol/. It's the pro-kikestian threads that are the problem.


<why is unfunny cuckchan/TRS trash bumplocked

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who got


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Where is the "8chan is Under Investigation" thread?

Shoah'ed by mods

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Look at that, the catalog is still full of spam and garbage that the mods do nothing about.


The feds aren't encouraging you to take direct action as opposed to ineffective useless meme operations. Quite the contrary, actually. They're afraid you will. What the feds are doing is trying to convince you every action is done by a hostile power. Every bad act? MUH RUSSIA A white person standing up and doing something like Tarrant did? HE'S MOSSAD CITIZEN, HATE HIM AND DO NOTHING INSTEAD

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LOL, they would get chase away by the police.

Yellow Vest, 31st week, change exact jackshit.

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The yellowvest movement is changing the optics of an entire nation.They will accelerate a crysis in France and later in Europe.

Mark my words

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IT's not a false dichotomy. You refuse to accept reality and insist on spamming falsehoods. THere is no peaceful solution. Your methods will do nothing.

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Just like nazi larpers

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• Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

• Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

• Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child.

• Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

• Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

• Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

• Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

• Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not Baba Kamma 113b).

• Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

• Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

• Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

• Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

• Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog ("Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed").

• Abodah Zarah 36b. Non-Jewish women are in a state of filth from birth.

• Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

• Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

• Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

• Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

• Gittin 70a. The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic."

• Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery: "It is taught that on the eve of Passover Jesus was hung, and forty days before this the proclamation was made: Jesus is to be stoned to death because he has practiced sorcery and has lured the people to idolatry.

• Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."

• Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.

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Here's something that's been on my mind for a while, anon. We all know what the Talmud contains, but just how many Jews practice what is written? How many mostly go just for the Talmud and reject the Torah? Because from what I've seen, the majority of Jews still adhere to the Torah and do not regard the Talmud as more beholden to authority over the Torah.

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They gave the guy who reaffirmed all those beliefs the largest funeral with the most jews in attendance and millions more in mourning around the world in jewish history so it's quite obvious most of them do read thread >>13401747

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Wow. I'M embarrassed FOR you.

Sit down for a little while. Don't touch your keyboard. Think about what you've done.

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amazing reddit response

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File: 498e86850a60ebd⋯.jpg (49.37 KB,680x588,170:147,498e86850a60ebd497fa37795c….jpg)


That was highly pathetic, and not worthy of /pol shitposting, you lazy faggot.

Care to try again, nigger?

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your no SEAL but you are Reported glow in the dark

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Oh look at that. My post linking the threads that are against the rules, the rules they broke, and the reason they’re against the rules was deleted. By the moderators. Because they refuse to follow the rules and don’t like it when people call them out.

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This board is 100% compromised. Break no rules? Ban and delete. Spam the board and post fake larps? Personally protected.

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>hidden hidden 18 hours /pol/ Created a new 3-day ban on /pol/ (#164084) with reason: I can see your post history. Argument over, now go evade and don't announce it again.

No, kill yourself you miserable kike.

Saging spam threads that actually break the fucking board rules is not spam. Posting a copypasta once in the META thread is not spam.

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Moderators are now explicitly violating the rules that codemonkey gave them when they joined. At least four mods have been removed by the kike in chief before. Sounds like it’s time for us to flood his inbox so that he removes some more.

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1488chan.life is registered by me. Soon, my lad

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File: f895066cc269b26⋯.gif (1.43 MB,260x195,4:3,rollercoaster gif.gif)


People enjoy the Q LARP anon. He gives us totally worthless information that we can never use, won't give us relevant information like where biochem labs, critical infrastructure and weapons storage facilities are in our own country but he will give us info to oooohhhh and ahhhh us about worthless sandnigger targets half a world away. On top of that his 'faithful adherents' are now comparing him to hitler and saying how much we need a leader even though he is morally completely compromised for his strange sexual fetishes about torture/domination (maybe murder:not sure, something that is blackmail worthy in our day and age; so not 'run of the mill shit') of women. This seems like a 'perfect shitshow' if you ask me. Let her ride. weeeeeee

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Although you might make the argument that Trump would have been better than Hillary, it's still really disappointing that he and his admin decided to go along with lying.

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Wew you lads are so fucking whiny

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I feel like the board is unusually dead right now. Are people all getting vanned, killed, or leaving behind the board for IRL activism or what? Most threads I've been reading for last couple days seem mostly dead like people are just not willing to post much I guess.

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Id like to ask wtf is going on in this shithole.

Every piece of crap spam thread blatantly copied from halfpol is kept on board for shills to spread cancer, but actually important one about Iran fighting off usraeli drug smuggling op from afghanistan was deleted about 2 days ago and replaced with muh 16ton fake news from jewish cbs. So may I kindly ask what the actual fuck? Thank you

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This board is owned by Codemonkey. He is a half white, half asian. He holds great contempt for his father Jim Watkins for making him a half breed, and extends this to hate for all whites. Consequently he also hates /pol/ and the National Socialist ideology. Codemonkey will never allow /pol/ to be good again.

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No one is doing a goddamn thing anywhere on Earth. People are being banned for exposing the mods, for saying the word ‘sage’ in spam threads, and for being white. Anyone else can post anything they want here. /pol/ is dead.

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I agree. You know what's after eight though? nein

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So when's the useless off-topic thread getting deleted?

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nein will be worth looking at, only if it gets onion v3

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Referring to this thread >>13401747 just for the record.

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>asking mods to harakiri themeselves

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Alternatively, everyone's leaving this cucked kiked shithole run by non-/pol/ users that will ban you under false pretenses while personally protecting and endorsing spam that not one single variant of /pol/ would ever allow.

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There is no alternatives. I migrated from cuckchan to here long time ago.

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MODS!!!! Too many degenerate filth allowed in this board. Start exterminating 4shitters or the board is turning to shit.

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>MODS!! Start censoring posts because I'm a fucking retard who can't spot feds and kikes

get the fuck out you degenerate fucking faggot

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Censoring kikes is a good thing

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no, it's not, because I can detect kikes better than you. You are a nigger who generates false-positives

get the fuck out of my board and go back to wherever you came from

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Yeah it is. Kikes have shown their hand. No more needs to be said by them. Educate people around you about them, and then shut them out

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>Replying sage to sage offering no context

>exposing his relativistic faggotry

It's pretty obvious Moshe. Take your meds.

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>I say things only jews say

>I sage stickies

>you are the jew, not me


Zero effort. Go back to 4um.

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Go back to whatever shitboard you crawled out from you complete spastic nigger.


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>literally agreeing with you


Kill yourself.

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File: 4fda933a3ca9823⋯.png (610.68 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Screenshot_20190622-005618.png)

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I want to be honest about myself, I'm ethnically Jewish and Arab, a halfbreed with the Jew from my mother's side, as a mix, I look different than most Jews, it makes me stand out a little bit in certain settings.

Sex-wise I'm Female, and I'm afflicted with Homophilia, something I used to feel proud of but now see as a source of shame.

Nevertheless, I am a /pol/ack regardless of this, because I have a genuine love of knowledge, and a genuine respect, admiration, and compassion for Normal White Males.

As a Jew, I apologize for my people who have falsely accused Whites of the things we were (and still are) guilty of, invented crimes to punish them for, and rewrote history to paint them as monsters when they were the best of mankind, the true chosen of God (another thing we stole from them). To turn your children against you, this was our first crime, the act which enabled everything else that followed, Banking, Marxism, Globalism, stoking the hostility against you which we had planted within your own territories. It was not usury that was the greatest of our crimes, it was changing the mind of the first gentile foolish enough to accept a loan from a Jew.

The White Aryan race is the superior race of human, and the White peoples native to North-Western Europe are especially superior.

As a woman, I apologize for the complicity of my sex in bringing about the destruction of every great civilization men have built for us, for rejecting our natural (and truthfully, lesser) roles and indulging in the selfish, short-sighted foolishness of a self-governing female.

As a homophile, I recognize my mental illness for what it is, a paraphilic disorder that causes harm to myself and those in my society, I do not indulge, and instead use my affliction to expose the problems with it, I also believe in treatment or a cure and hope an open discussion will lead to a reclassification so that research can be pursued in that direction.

I came to /pol/ as a shill, I was with an organized program run at my university, but /pol/ slowly changed me until my ideology took a 180 degree turn, now I not only agree with everything /pol/'s community says, but also believe that they are morally correct as well, I can't help but see the goodness in their ideological positions, I embrace national socialism and White Aryan exceptionalism, because if Jews or Muslims wind up on top, the result would be a worse world for everyone, including them, as their reigns will not last long.

I'm using the Opera VPN right now and I'm still operating with this university group, In fact, I'm supposed to be subverting this board right now, no one knows I've changed into literally Hitler and for the sake of my future I want to keep it that way.

Everything I've posted is the honest truth, I've also converted to Orthodox Christianity, while I am an atheist in terms of factual belief, I see a goodness in Christendom which is lacking everywhere else in the world, I've been going to a church in my city on a regular basis, which is another thing I've kept secret around the wolves which I've surrounded myself with.

When I graduate, I will try to find something useful I can do to help you.

I don't hate you for making me feel sick with myself, I know well who is to blame, I feel a deep thankfulness that you have opened my eyes, both to the reality of the world, but also to the reality of your souls, your humanity, your true natures, and the bleak future that awaits the world if your views never get the treatment they deserve.

I already knew most of the "redpills" I encountered here, it was when you got me to somehow sympathize with you, to somehow come to see things through your eyes, that I realized something, you wren't worse than me, you were better. I realized that you should be in charge of the world, you were the only ones capable of handling that power and the accompanying burdens of responsibility. To save the White Aryan man is to save the future of the world, it is to save us all.

I'm pouring my heart out, this is the truth and I hope you will accept me knowing who I am, If not I will understand.

- Sara (not my real name)

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Race mixing in itself is not evil act. A shitskin who fornicates a white woman is an evil act because that taints the woman. A white man who fornicates a shitskin woman is not an evil act since it is his choice in how he conquers the shitskin. A racemixed child from a white father and shitskin mother is merely an unfortunate consequence of the white man's conquering, but it is also made inconsequential by executing the racemixed child. Keeping the child, given the same rights to the child as its superiors, and regarding the child as worthy are all evil act.

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This is bullshit, but I believe it

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Look, if you are going to have jews in the mix, you may as well remove the posted rules because they refuse to follow them.

4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread (this applies to religion and QTDDTOT / one-liner threads).

4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread (this applies to religion and QTDDTOT / one-liner threads).

4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread (this applies to religion and QTDDTOT / one-liner threads).

4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread (this applies to religion and QTDDTOT / one-liner threads).


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They're the ones that got given mod privs.

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Keep it to kikechan, nigger.

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If you would kindly hotlink all the threads you consider duplicates I will review them and make a determination removing, locking or anchoring the ones I agree are in fact duplicates.

Your mods are lazy assholes, deal with it.

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File: 3192f2f99df55e2⋯.png (181.91 KB,625x750,5:6,Untitled.png)

>locking an original thread which the discussion can continue and allowing a duplicate to exist

I wonder (((who))) is behind of this? Reminder that there was another similar duplicate thread also, which actually got deleted.

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>Is he a jew?

Well he sure as fuck isn’t White or European.

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>the original thread is a duplicate

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File: a11a228a714e24d⋯.png (114.15 KB,500x478,250:239,proxy.duckduckgo.png)

Why do jew-owned media outlets like the washington post and the new york times publish seemingly anti-israel sentiments? How does this push the zionist agenda?

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To create the illusion that they are "fair and balanced." We have no power, they know it, I know it, you know it. The global government cannot be dismantled; the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, and all the others could run front-page stories on the USS Liberty attack or Unit 8200 – they could quote Netanyahu saying that 9/11 was "good for Israel" (quoted in 2008), and nothing would change.

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One ring to rule them all,

One ring to find them,

One ring to bring them all,

And in the darkness bind them.

- The jewish people, Darkness unto the Nations.

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just to play devils advocate, would creating this illusion outweigh criticizing israel, and so planting anti-israel sentiment in the heads of their sheeple readers/consumers? couldnt they create such an illusion without doing so?

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Tor keeps going down very frequently right now. Why?

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Both threads had considerable traction by the time I noticed and the old thread was obsoleted by the updated situation. We did not need two threads on the same topic. It was a judgement call, I think I made the correct choice but feel free to kevetch anyhow.

I wish I could merge threads, or was allowed to edit OP's as events change but this is the alternative that is available.

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media.8ch.net is kill

mossad is deleting all merchants in repository

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File: 1ce4cc65b4e504a⋯.png (13.94 KB,517x168,517:168,123.png)


Mossad has nothing to do with it. You can thank the incompetence of Codemonkey, who is literally doing a worse job than a cripple who could break every bone in his body by slipping in the shower.

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/pol/ IS DEAD, LONG LIVE /pol

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Our resident shitposter Jamal is VERY upset about these 4 threads existing. Reminder to post in all of them





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File: 63e4a22ee9d6636⋯.png (13.69 MB,3379x6537,3379:6537,HaveYouTakenTheBlackPill.png)

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Just made this, tell me what you think

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There's no such thing as a blackpill or whitepill, newfag.

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Hey mods, could you make it a bannable offense to circumvent the character limit by typing random letters? That is, if it isn't already

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File: 26ac49c6756fc5a⋯.png (46.48 KB,1554x242,777:121,ban appeal.png)


I usually consider that spam, but if I'm too slow or if the thread has gotten too much traction I usually won't outright delete it. I frequently wish I was allowed to edit the OP to make it less shit but CM got all kvetchy about that a while back probably because he does not want this place conflated with a publisher to maintain it's safe harbor as a platform.

On an unrelated note, to the gentleman who left us this brilliant ban appeal I would like to inform you that I would appreciate you reporting off topic posts such as "sage", "reported", "bump" or "kill yourself" or other similar useless off topic posts. It would actually help us be more uniform if you could report them all. And unfortunately the mods do in fact get to decide what is and is not acceptable so far as spam and off topic content is concerned. Thank you, ban appeal denied I hope you enjoy your time off.

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I would look at the context, but usually if that was all that was said, it would be considered off topic spam.

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I frequently ban for it, also for "reported".

If you cant come up with something on topic to say then you should not post, if you want to make a comment to another poster that is not on topic a polite sage is proper etiquette. But a post that just says "sage" to fill up the thread is spam, and a post telling everyone in the thread to "remember to sage" is off topic.

I hate seeing threads go on for days with just "bump" posted or when someone is trying to flood the front page and is upset a pet thread is on page three.

Yes this all has been acted on rather sporadically, I apologize for that, uniform enforcement would be beneficial and more fair, but if you expect everything to always be fair then you don't belong here.

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<A thread criticizing the promotion of bestiality

>claim it's a thread supporting it, try to get it deleted

I don't think you belong here.

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If the post contains nothing but that then yes, that post has negligible if not negative value to the discussion, it is off topic.



Thank you, this is actually helpful. I far prefer reports like this in the meta thread over reports in the report system.

I would like to note that in several instances the person these people were replying to were themselves spamming or posting off topic content. Those posts were also dealt with.

Also note that not all posts containing the phrase "kill yourself" were removed, if the poster actually held a coherent argument or statement it was left.


So your saying I should have left the thread if the OP argued that only the Jews were at fault but should remove it because it attributes blame to America as well?

Are you asserting that to no extent is America complicit in the zog infestation and the spread of cultural marxism? And not only that but that a thread espousing such a belief should not be permitted to hash out it's rational.

If you disagree then argue that in the thread. I see no rule that would justify nuking the thread. I don't spend time in that kind of thread, my knowledge is lacking, if it's something that's been spammed repeatedly maybe we can do something about it. I'm only one mod and cant speak for the others, you can always try reporting at different times and home one of them takes action, but I don't see how I could justify removing it. If it's being necro bumped repeatedly bring it up again and I'll bump lock it.

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Telling a retard to fuck off falls under imageboard culture. Making the majority of your post history textual variations of “kill yourself” is spam and should be treated as such.

It's not hard to have a post history that doesn't make you look like a faggot begging for a postwipe.


You and your retarded fucking white unity is why europeans all mock you in the first place. Crying every time someone brings up something we wouldn't even consider friendly banter doesn't exactly help your cause either.

Pick up a european history book. Look at all the "anti-white D&C" going on for literally all of recorded european history as we constantly fight each other, ally against each other only to fight once more. Maybe then you realize what "lol amerimutts" means instead to getting a tumblr-tier meltdown over it.


Dunno who you even are but I highly recommend you just ignore faggots who go on about demanding things from you and I realize I did the opposite of that just now but I guess that's what I get for using tor. It's better for your sanity. If he were suitable for a mod he'd apply, but he either doesn't want to or the monkey in chief decided that it'd be a really bad idea. In which case I would actually agree with him for once.

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J*mal still desperate for camaraderie I see. No one listens to you. You've shitposted your credibility away

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shut up faggot. what exactly do "we" believe?

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Yes J*mal, we know you're not a /pol/ack. No real /pol/ack spends every single day repeating the exact same blackpill for years on end trying to demotivate actual National Socialists.

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You haven't told the truth once in your life.

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Imagine that, the LARPer that pretends to be a mod blames america for the jews' actions, and thinks actual imageboard culture like saging a thread or telling someone to kill themselves is "off topic" and a "bannable offense".

You have only confirmed that the moderation is hostile to /pol/ and against actual imageboard culture.


>The entirety of the "white" ethnicity group is being actively genocided

<therefore we should all still infight and do nothing beneficial

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Thanks for confirming that you're a disingenuous liar, Jewmal

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File: c45484beec50cca⋯.png (88.69 KB,442x343,442:343,jannies at (((work))).png)

>when you decide to anchor one of the few good quality threads but don't anchor I'm kikey (or a clone) thread

truly hard at work all for free.

Marx and lord Rothschild would be proud

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>a magacuck thread is "good quality"

<half of the posts are op rehashing old campaign points

<mods actually did their job

You are the cancer of this board, behold.

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Scratch that, I read that incorrectly. Oops.


They anchored the last one.

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Explain why you anchored this, mods. Tell us how much kushner paid you

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Imagine thinking that you hopping IP with that same posting style isn't incredibly fucking obvious. Your (1) and done isn't fooling anyone, Jewmal

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Imagine lurking 6 hours smashing F5 desperately waiting for my reply. What would you do without me?

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Protip, no one likes you kike2

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>can't into IDs

Oh wow look at that now you're what you were accusing me of. Typical, just like you accuse others of being jews when you're the biggest turbokike here

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>t_d retards running around with their heads cut off shitting up literally every thread

>feds blatantly inciting violence and "gotcha" posting

>bots flooding every other thread with nonsense

>jewish mods laughing their asses off

>literal mossad trannies attention whoring

Boy I sure am glad chodemonkey took over!

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wtf just happened

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>everyone who notices my obvious posting style is the same person

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>still desperately smashing F5 waiting for my reply

You are a good dog

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>I reply to an hours old post

<Jewmal responds within 5 minutes

>call him out on it



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Do you even read the posts you reply to?


>>some shitty off topic religion thread

No religion cancer belongs here. You have a point about the MIGAkike thread though, although it is actually on topic for being about politics.


Schizo retards claiming ads on a site that allows anyone to buy ads is a sign of hostile takeover don't belong here.


>feds are inciting violence

>not discouraging it and blaming it on russia and israel out of fear

This is how I know you're a MIGAtard shill that doesnt' belong here.

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>>t_d retards running around with their heads cut off shitting up literally every thread

Notice how they showed up to comment on every single word said in the Democrat debates and then just fucked off leaving oodles of trump spam everywhere?


>it is actually on topic for being about politics.

Spam is technically against the rules, not that the mods give a shit. They can't even argue they just spam 'le smug billionaire' over and over again.

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>replying to yourself

>still not switching posting styles

oh wow

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Boy you've really taken to that meme, I'm glad cuckchan treated you well

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>jew cunt mod still at it

You stupid cunt, you tried this before. You will never get rid of oldfags like me.

Of course after they pull their bullshit and ban you for nothing, when you slap the fuck out of them they cry OFF TOPIC!!!one!1oneMATZO

I'll eat your fucking liver jew.

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You'll never win moshe.

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…..Let's teach the children darwinism then tell them it's racist to call a nigger a monkey…then teach them that drugs are bad and trannys good…especially dead ones

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if im not mistaken board was 25 pages max. was it cut down to 21 or spam is deleted faster than threads are left to be?

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>thread about a major happening

>only around 200 posts by the second day

>some off topic spam about at kike worshipping cult that should have been deleted months ago is at 500+ posts

A year and a half ago this type of thread would still have been able to make it anywhere from halfway through thread 2 and well into thread 3. This board is actually dead, and it's foolish to believe otherwise.


>image (((deleted)))

Why is that?


>schizospammer is this delusional

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Hitler was a jewish mage, I have proof.

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Post it

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>still absolutely desperate for my replies

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Post it fag. I would like to see that.

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>thread about deepfakes being used in news broadcasts to e.g. add a mole to tulsi gabbard's face gets (((deleted)))

>schizo spam thread >>13456355 where the OP is half the posts is left alone


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Explain why this thread gets (((deleted))), but a thread claiming a slice of pizza, the actual food, is a pizzagate symbol or 80s fashion is afrocentric white genoicide with no proof but his own word is considered acceptable.

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Link is not working for me, do you have a mirror? Or a summary?

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Know all that spam being posted all over the board that says up for months? PV2, 4, 5, and 6 wouldn’t have let it stay up. Food for thought.

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Schizospam, numerology, QTDDTOT threads in defense of nonviolence and (((medicare)))? A-OK.

Threads about USS Liberty and demonstrable proof that live time video editing was employed against tulsi gabbard, giving her a new mole or zit that (((magically disappeared))) directly afterwards? Ban and delete.


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File: c9ef2e85b8e5342⋯.png (25.8 KB,1259x332,1259:332,TheLaw.png)

In response to whoever keeps reporting dox asserting it's illegal. It is only illegal under very narrow circumstances, like if someone is an under cover agent (a legit glow in the dark) or the person is a member of a grand jury. In so far as the dox is politically significant and there are no accompanying calls for imminent lawlessness they do not violate any law or rule and would generally be permitted. Phone companies have been publishing books full of dox for over 100 years now, and no it's not illegal.

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IDK thread looks legit to me. Only thing in the ban log was someone being banned for posting a duplicate of that thread and told to post there instead. I think the thread should have been left up, logs don't show it being deleted but the logs are shit. It could have been that the OP had posted other shit worthy of a ban and the mod ban+deleteall posts by IP. I know it's shit to say this now that the momentum is probably lost but the only thing I can suggest is to re-create the thread. Feel free to kvetch at CM too if you want, he should be able to tell whodunit and tell them to be more careful about using the delete all feature or whatever.

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PV2 was himself a shit spammer, one of the worst; 5 and 6 sperged out because they did not like the shitty board rules and instead of learning to deal with it started making there own; iirc 4 was removed primarily for making every ban 7 days, and when CM told him to make most of them shorter he changed to making all the bans 6 days 23 hours instead (maybe I'm confusing 4 with another, I'm not quite sure).

Sense your bringing it up I have to be suspicious that perhaps you are one of them? I'm not asserting that you are, it's just a hunch.

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>PV2 was a spammer

You’re joking, right?

>5 and 6 serges because they didn’t like the shitty board rules

No shit, that’s the point.

>and instead of learning to deal with it

Explain why whites don’t get to have one board on one website on the entire Internet, at all. Explain why we don’t get to set our own rules. Explain why every other possible group–including shit fetishists, child rapists, and communists–get to have their own board with their own rules and their own moderators, and we don’t.

>started making their own

Oh! Just like the CURRENT moderators, who unlike 5 and 6 publicly ADMIT they’re making up their own rules. And yet aren’t removed. Huh.

>4 made 7 day bans

Funny how that’s also most of the bans now and no one is ever removed isn’t it.

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God PV2 your black pilled, don't vote, post history; constantly trying to tear /pol/ apart. You are worse than most any jew. I know you really hate this place with a passion, but this is still the best place I know of and until I'm made aware of some place better here is where I will serve. I hope you can move on with your life and find happiness, this path your on leads to nothing good.

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You are incredibly tenacious, I'll give you that PV2. I wish you could focus the autism on something beneficial.

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<5 and 6 serges because they didn’t like the shitty board rules

>No shit, that’s the point.

<and instead of learning to deal with it

>Explain why whites don’t get to have one board on one website on the entire Internet, at all. Explain why we don’t get to set our own rules. Explain why every other possible group–including shit fetishists, child rapists, and communists–get to have their own board with their own rules and their own moderators, and we don’t.

See here, I mostly agree with all that. The problem I have is that I won't shit on my carpet because I dislike my HOA. If I had a better house I could move to, then sure burn the god dammed house down but until there is some alternative at least as good as this I'm going to do what I can to make it the most tolerable place I can.

Keep it politics, stay on topic, no spam, no flooding, one thread per topic. I can live with this because I get to decide that your black pilled 'don't vote goys' you shit in every god dammed thread you touch is spam and I can sweep that shit out of my house.

<started making their own

>Oh! Just like the CURRENT moderators, who unlike 5 and 6 publicly ADMIT they’re making up their own rules. And yet aren’t removed. Huh.

<4 made 7 day bans

>Funny how that’s also most of the bans now and no one is ever removed isn’t it.

The thing is not that the bans were excessive on there own, the thing is that CM made a reasonable request to change and he responded in a petulant way. I've got no love for CM, I think the board should have an owner, but he has not asked me to do anything I felt was unreasonable and so far I can live with that. That's the exact same reason kiky lost the board; it wasn't him wratch posting, range banning the universe, filtering every god dammed thing to the point it was un-usable; he got kicked out for being petulant and refusing to make reasonable changes that would have been in the benefit of the board.

Yeah sometimes there are posts I would like to ban but cant justify removing it because they don't violate the rules. The thing is if they are posting in good faith then they have the opportunity to get red pilled, our users get the practice of debating people who think differently and grow themselves. If someone is not arguing in good faith then they usually find themselves afoul of the rules anyhow and I get to deal with them, and I sometimes delete all posts by IP in the process. I can live with this.

After Brenton Tarrant and then John Earnest happened I can only imagine the bullshit the site owners had to deal with. I do think they are con artist who swindled it out from under Hotwheels but then HW came out publicly condemning us, I have to wonder if he was still in charge would he let us keep this place after those happenings? I would not want to be the public facing owner of 8chan. I have the luxury of having a normal job and normal family life. I'm grateful this site exists and that I can help keep it useful to my people by keeping the worst of the muck out.

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Jamal continues barking, episode 5387

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File: dea8a993912489e⋯.jpeg (19.31 KB,262x192,131:96,images (1).jpeg)


come on over lads were jew free

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I'm willing to bet that anon at most repeated a line a couple times in a single solitary post. That's what gets treated as a widely bannable offense here, while ACTUAL spam and threads that are 0% /pol/ related are protected class content.


Nice joke. Kikey got kicked out because the filthy ugly mutt of a site runner got banned, and his ass was ravaged by the thought of not being seen as a god emperor himself. Power tripping subhuman.

You reek of boomerdom too, all this "it sucks but what can you do sips " trash.

>muh tarrant muh ernest

The site did nothing wrong. There's nothing to worry about. Feds are even spamming the place telling everyone to do nothing ever and to trust the plan.



>country flags


>cuckchan memes and brit/pol/

Kill yourself.

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/pol3/ is unironically better

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>J*mal still doesn't realize people are laughing at him and not with him

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File: c8c88d0803dfc6c⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,704x404,176:101,THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF POL.mp4)

see filename

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Wow, MM really went downhill.

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>No. YOU do not get to decide that. YOU do not get to tell us that we have to support the jewish system. YOU don’t get to sway a goddamn thing. Says it right in your rules. You do what codemonkey tells you to do like a good little dog. You don’t delete things you don’t like

kek. He thinks this mod is bad. How much is this sperg going to lose his shit when the new mods pro donald are appointed at Jim's command somewhere near election time.

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File: 02aa54a669b55f0⋯.gif (1.09 MB,300x155,60:31,agamemnon.gif)


>otherwise there’s going to be trouble.

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This thread is literally schizo spam. It makes wild claims based on numerology to (((conveniently))) come to a conclusion and bases everything on less evidence than an /x/ thread requires.

WHy is this thread still up?

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Give it up joomal you're a laughing stock

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File: 800e29f650c4919⋯.webm (2.4 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Germanbrosb.webm)

What did he mean by this?

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File: d85f452c6be5a55⋯.png (1.74 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,ClipboardImage.png)


German Tarrant incoming

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Good lord what an ugly language

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File: 3b2db38043c8816⋯.png (171.25 KB,1280x1024,5:4,2019-07-04-155024_1280x102….png)

File: ab07cf4e202b943⋯.png (632.35 KB,1280x1024,5:4,2019-07-04-155031_1280x102….png)

>legitmate thread about POLITICAL GROUPS and AOC is deleted

<literal spam and duplicate threads are left up

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who the fuck is this kike lackey dictating anti free speech on the board made specifically to be a bastion of free speech?


fucking hell. this is standard test for being a captured board, when the mods confound political incorrectness with politics, 'political incorrect' is a synomym for taboo, or a specific case of taboo. but it unnecessarily confounds its meaning with politics, taboos can anything that people daren't speak about. To take that confoundation and use it to assert /pol/ was specifically about politics is retarded and clear intentional defilement of the board's original purpose.

/pol/ was spawned from /n/ because /b/ edgelords were gaming each other to say the most outrageous things they could in reaction to news items, politics didn't matter, they would play this game regardless if the news was about politic or not. It made normy lefties on /n/ butthurt and demand a containment board for edgelords who lefties thought were just trying to tilt them. As it happens, media taboos are put in place by kikes to hide dirty secrets they don't want goys finding. In this weird and wonderful way a bunch of fun loving edgelords kids unintentionally uncovered kikery.

fuck off with /pol/ = politics, all mods should hang themselves

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> go fuck yourself if you think this is a place for free speech.

> It's a place for whites and our ideologies

kek , u glownigger. this board was started as an exodus landing pad from 4chan when moot turned sjw and banned free speech on cuckchan. free speech was the defining & founding principle of 8/pol/

start a /white/ board if u want to be exclusive. Anyway , /pol/ is now defiled mostly politics so that's already fucked your idea that /pol/ is /white/ . u don't need 300 threads to bleat about whiteness. no-one gives a fuck about the threads in the older 80% of this board.

>>fuck off with /pol/ = politics

>You're brain damaged

in the same post u 1st state /pol/ is /white/ now your saying /pol/ is /politics/. confound tactic or vegetable brain. either way your just a lackey of the kikes that run this board.

hang yourself. u are on ignore

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Just filter the yid, it's jama.

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Why was the tarrant soundtrack thread locked but not deleted?

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Thread might be in violation but the responses were there, so with a lock they don't need to be reposted.

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Well the thread itself was definately not political and against the rules, belonged on /b/, but the posts were just responding to the thread topic. No body was trying to get somebody to commit a crime.

Oh well, i didnt make the thread so i shouldnt even care but normally i see them just delete the thread or anchor it but its still there locked 2 days later.

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The damned onion is down again and keeps going down: http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/pol/index.html

Keep the 8chan onion up and running ffs!

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Kill yourself.


>/pol/ isn't about politics

GO back to reddit.

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>Well the thread itself was definately not political and against the rules


go suck your mothers cock. /pol/ is 'political incorrectness' aka 'breaking taboo' which is not exclusive to politics. every anon knows this.

the distinction between politics and 'political incorrectness' is so clear that 8ch used to have an active /politics/ board since everyone knew /pol/ was not exclusively politics.


>>/pol/ isn't about politics

>GO back to reddit.

that isn't what wrote u filthy lying hooknose bastard. I said /pol/ is not ==EXCLUSIVELY== about politics. shove that up your ass if it won't go in your brain

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> 2. Keep it politics

Did you even read the OP faggot?

The question is why is it still up but locked and not deleted.

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File: 1978183b6b2249e⋯.jpg (117.33 KB,600x458,300:229,fbi2.jpg)


stfu and listen

making /pol/ an exclusively stormshit + politics board is a glowniggers orgasm. the kikes want 2 things from us :

> 1. pigeon hole ourselves as neo-nazis

that way if ever they need to destroy, they can point at the board and get greenlights from every authority on the planet

> 2. minimize us talking about anything damaging

kikes are always trying to set up taboos to guard against their criminal operations, many of them are not political, either not in media or not in how its exposed : e.g. 9/11 expose a jewel in /pol/ culture is not actually /white/ , /stormshit/ or /politics/, it is forensic investigation. Certainly a lot of politics were spawned by 9/11 but the analysis of 9/11 to reveal it being kikery is not political, its forensic. If the board rules were being correctly applied then 9/11 expose threads would be deleted. It just already too big and the kike mods have to let it stay. But what about the many attempts by anons to do forensic analysis to expose kikery of other events? u can't do it here, the mods delete them all.

I'm not here expecting the funded government backed kikes who run this board to change just because i point out what they are doing, but i hope the odd anon sees he's being kiked by letting the flow of this controlled board take him.

pic related, it summarized 8/pol/ today. an old old psy-ops that everyone knows is being pushed on /pol/, yet they go along with it anyway

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>Thanks a lot you fucking losers who run this shit

8pol was captured by the enemies of free speech years ago. u know this

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b or b2 is better for free speech this month. post about kikery there. give it a couple of months before the kikes realize there's information damage and so shit all over it.

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What's hard to understand? He's right, /b2/ and /b/ are both better for freedom of speech than this board

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Daily reminder (((mods))) personally endorsed and protected a known and proven false Q larp thread through post limit, deleted some posts, and allowed it to get bumped even further.


This is a second thread active in the catalog that's entirely meta posting for 4chan. Why are these threads allowed? 4chan meta is even further from being /pol/ related than the /fringe/ druid threads.

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>every post you have made on the board is wiped when they do this,

>for absolutely no reason

Lol get fucked Jamal, you're a sperg spammer and you know it

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That's probably because I'm not imkikey, no matter how much your un-medicated schizo brain tells you I am

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Cry more about being banned, retard.

>We have to go somewhere else

Follow your own advice

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>the same rangeban and "delete all posts by ip" spam that kampfy (((officially))) got canned for is being abused by current mods

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Firstly, kumfy did not get removed for any single thing, he was taken out for a myriad of reasons.

I don't recall off the top of my head CM ever giving us a diktat not to use the feature. However I have never intentionally range banned and I do not believe I have ever unintentionally done it either. But the [RB] button is between the [B] and [B&D] buttons it is conceivable it would be pressed unintentionally.

I would ask you to show from the logs where this happened.

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(((freedom of speech)))

Fuck off you pedo faggot

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Trying to win a Retard Contest? You're doing well.

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Even if that were true, guessing or bruteforcing a fucking imageboard tripcode isn't illegal you dumb nigger.


Now you're gaslighting and rewriting history you fucking spic.

==The excuse used to remove kikey was "muh rangebans muh banned ips". Codenigger made a public post about this. He did not take over the board and turn it to pure shit until kikey banned him for trying to tell kikey how he can and cannot run his own board. This is objective irrefutable fact that everyone who was actually here when it happened can attest to.=

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oh fucking kill yourself, I had the second = for redtext in that post

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Explain why blatantly off topic /fit/ threads are allowed. This isn't even the also off topic /sig/ thread that belongs on >>>/fit/ that you claim is "/pol/ culture therefore allowed" even though it never was. It's some random shit diet thread. Why is this allowed? Why are blatant violations of the reported rules allowed to stay up and thrive while threads and posts that violate NOTHING get deleted? Explain.

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stop it, bad jamal

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>/pol/ was and was always intended to be a NatSoc board


Only fake nazis say this, so they can use Alinsky's rule #4 against this board, as they've been doing since before Trump was elected. Your nazier-than-thou faggotry is transparent to anyone with half a brain.

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White Nationalist, blah fuckin blah!

You glow, spicspamming nigger. Fuck off, you subhuman cancer. You'll never be Aryan.

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File: 8a427ef50f15186⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,205x255,41:51,23a8e7ab112c8977dff139d8e6….jpg)


We're dealing with decadent, lazy, subhuman vermin.

We win. As long as we stay awake, we always win.

They are the subverted mods, by the way. They actually believe they're slick.

It's quite sad, really. Eradicating retarded kikes and niggers will not be fun.

However necessary. See you there, lad.

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File: a23670b6ecf9e34⋯.png (173.36 KB,470x681,470:681,Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at ….png)


I was banned for a week because of my ability to sniff these fuckers out. They had free reign to shit up the board, of course, despite my initial reports and filters.

This is how I'm certain they are kiked mods.

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You glow.

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there is no use complaining

nothing will ever happen

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I won't do anything you nigger.

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File: a159d1461bbdc5c⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,3122x4266,1561:2133,little nigger.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You faggots are probably some of the most miserable people in existence; 2:34 in the video applies to you all in particular.

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File: 4da2b8261371b26⋯.webm (7.45 MB,640x352,20:11,healthy white family - Lo….webm)

pedos are traditional white culture. incels have been nominated a national security threat by the political elite. if (you) are anti-pedo, (you) are anti-White.

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What is it with kikes trying to define whiteness?

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>(((mods))) take the time to ban the guy saying true things about 8/pol/

>(((mods))) ban and delete people who make one single post that could be stretched wider than the homomods' own anuses to be counted as "spam"

>but let off topic spam that isn't even close to /pol/ related stay up perpetually

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File: 76aca0529c6383d⋯.png (25.53 KB,725x337,725:337,Untitled.png)

I always get this strange impression that whenever a volunteer did some (((cleaning))), some time later after his latest activity, a shitposting spam appears.

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The board gets shit up every god damned friday before shabbat and the kikes are allowed to shit the place up without being challenged. Why is that?

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And of course you have the wordy jews that try and slip just as obvious spam past the rage attracting leddit-tier shitposting which is what they are really trying to obfuscate and get to stick.

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File: e171ecda13ac264⋯.jpeg (69.85 KB,701x743,701:743,fa672a66ce9e267e8270938d9….jpeg)


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File: 1ad6ba6c902ac94⋯.jpg (48.63 KB,800x500,8:5,3895bc1c163896b36308091e33….jpg)

Are we /taoist/ yet?

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Whoa watch out everyone, Jamal is really angry this morning

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He has every right to be, you useless sodomite.

Go home, nigger.

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>still getting angry over codenigger's mismanagement of this board

Accept it.

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Acceptance is the death of ambition.

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File: 8591b3209b51c7d⋯.jpg (84.17 KB,640x640,1:1,littlenigger.jpg)


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>violated US law

Banning people and ostensibly guessing a tripcode aren't against the law.

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Quite. My ambition for this board is dead.

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>posts calling out moderation and their failures are (((deleted)))

>even if it is jamal

>all the spam and off topic garbage are left alone

>now multiple brand new /fit/ threads are being made at once

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>What is it with kikes trying to define whiteness?

You have to define something before you can can find a way to destroy it.

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You still haven't explained how banning people and (((supposedly))) cracking an imageboard tripcode violates US law.

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I do actually appreciate your effort. Just so you are aware I will usually take action when a post contains only useless screeching.

I will ban and delete a post that says things like kys, faggot, reddit, sage, report*, etc; if the post does not also make some coherent argument or statement that is at least somewhat on topic, this could be something on point communicated through an image. It's not that these phrases are verboden per say, but we don't need threads filling up with people just flinging mud back and forth without actually discussing anything.

I am a little more strict on people who announce reports. *

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Is violence ever justified?

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>he does what you ask



lel, this is why no one loves you

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l have fiuгeđ 0ut h0щ to Ꮤerҟ arouηđ the guuutue aIg0rıthм

consider the symЬ0Is ꭵ'm usinꮐ…Ꭵ siмpIy u$e about 40 điffeгэnt language dowлIoadટ and I h0p, sҟip, Ъ0ҵи¢Ә and uмp aII 0ver the pIace finding and usiиg Қнaяacțer symboIs fr0m other Iangages that merely resemble character syмols in engIish. And > | < frequently Ьцț n0t always, sᎳitch out lowercase 'eIIs' with uppercase 'eies' and vice veгsa…keep it spontaneous and гaлᎠ0m. ЙEVEГ folIow a sэt atterп.

oh and als0, deIiberațeIy exaggerated mishcpeaIlunડ.

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and as you can see by my above post, some of the character symbols do NOT 'take' in certain, 'forums'

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>imageboard tripcode


Pick one.

>no proof

Case rested.

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File: 7ff7786e437fdc5⋯.jpeg (13.42 KB,241x255,241:255,FrontPage.jpeg)


I liked it best when this (pic related) held this spot for a couple of days.

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Where's the proof? Show the proof. Post the proof. You have none. Guessing or bruteforcing a tripcode, if it even happened, isn't a crime. Leave, Jamal. Your role as "repeat legitimate complaints alongside fake shit and garbage to make the legitimate complaints look retarded by association" is tired.

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>thinking Jamal will ever back up anything he says

He won't

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what kind of retarded question is that? if violence hasn't solved your problem, you haven't used enough of it yet.

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File: 194432188ef0e4f⋯.jpg (8.02 KB,250x113,250:113,you.jpg)


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I salute you heroic anon

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File: 9c3ed95865705c1⋯.png (263.12 KB,1884x2286,314:381,The angry one..png)


Don't know why your post poofed. I did deal with many of the posts you pointed out. My guess is you sperged out with that IP to get it deleted by some other mod precisely because you wanted the last one deleted.

As I stated before:

<I do actually appreciate your effort. Just so you are aware I will usually take action when a post contains only useless screeching.

<I will ban and delete a post that says things like kys, faggot, reddit, sage, report*, etc; if the post does not also make some coherent argument or statement that is at least somewhat on topic, this could be something on point communicated through an image. It's not that these phrases are verboden per say, but we don't need threads filling up with people just flinging mud back and forth without actually discussing anything.

I am a little more strict on people who announce reports. *

I will go through these posts again, probably tomorrow evening although I think the vast majority are ones remaining pass mustard as I already banned and deleted the ones that did not. Each time you post this the only ones left after I sift through them are more and more passable.

I don't know what US code you're referring to but its rather easy to google that kind of shit.

>You must now ban these users and remove all of their posts.

That's not how this works, and you need to deal with it.

>You have now twice removed this post (against the rules) without dealing with any of the posts or users in question.

I quite clearly did handle a goodly number of the posts you were kvetching about, as you are removed this from this round.

>In before “No one reported these things,” because they did. In before “We didn’t see the reports,” because you did. In before “We can’t be on all the time,” because that’s not an excuse and doesn’t matter, since that’s why the report queue exists.

I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not but the report queue is partially broken. I have seen all the reports randomly vanish when I was rather confident I was the only mod active.

>you don’t get to ban people who say sage … Is saying “reported” … “kill yourself” against the rules? If not, you don’t get to ban people who say reported.

Saying nothing but 'sage', 'bump', or 'reported' is off topic and spam because I decided it was; I will ban for it when I see it. If the post adds nothing to the conversation and is only there to shit the thread up don't be surprised if it is removed. If the post otherwise makes a coherent argument or statement that is on topic I will probably not take action against it even if it contains one of those statements. I do get to do this, because I applied for the position, was accepted and have not fucked up badly enough to be removed from it. So quite clearly I can ban for these things as I frequently exercise that ability. I think your hang up is that your conflating ability and authority. I'm assuming you don't believe I'm authorized use my discretion in carrying out my duties as a mod, you are free to try to contact Ron or Jim or kvetch on >>>/sudo/ but I suspect it won't amount to much. I believe my actions are fully in my purview as a mod.

I believe I am the only mod who will still try to actively engage because I do think it's beneficial to be as transparent as practical. I don't want moderation to be some interpersonal black box that strikes for no apparent or consistent reason, I know it has a strong tendency to become this. I don't always agree with the actions taken by other mods, I frequently accept ban appeals if I did not think the ban was justified. We don't have an effective way to respond to ban appeals if the poster poses questions so I come here to engage.

Now I don't think (you) are arguing in good faith, and I'm sure you will do what ever you can to take from what I say and try to make it out in the worst possible light. I just want to say that I'm only here to serve the fourteen words as best I can.

Deleted the original response and reposing because the poster I was replying to got himself B&D+'d by another mod (pv9) and I don't want there to be the perception that I am moderating to win arguments or anything of the sort

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File: baa492cc0a48d68⋯.png (1.88 MB,746x658,373:329,based.png)


>I just want to say that I'm only here to serve the fourteen words as best I can

Fucking based, and Mod Pilled.

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File: 8178dcb32beff46⋯.jpg (64.2 KB,450x311,450:311,moot-cuck.jpg)


>mods degraded to openly arguing with cuckchan JIDF trolls about why its not okay to post a single word that doesnt contribute to the thread

Toto, I have a feeling were not in 8/pol/ anymore

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>No one can stop this.

VERY scary Jamal.

>K, bye

You will never leave because in reality YOU are the paid shill

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Have some random comments.


>My guess is you sperged out with that IP to get it deleted by some other mod precisely because you wanted the last one deleted.

Yes he did. Check his post hsitory from time to time and you'll figure it out why some just slam B&D+. I'd comment on it but you know…

Oh yeah I just saw the ban appeal. 100% him and I don't even need to see more than that one post to know why it was done.

>I don't know what US code you're referring to but its rather easy to google that kind of shit.

Dunno what you're exactly responding to but even the rules state that we're untrained volunteers and now lawyers. We aren't official moderators of 8chan. Not even the globals are. I don't know US law and I don't care much to learn. I act on my best judgement and that is CP is illegal and I'm not bothering with any grey line. All else I simply leave alone for someone else.

>You must now ban these users and remove all of their posts.

The very second this starts I just don't understand why you even engage with him. I'm a few miles to apathetic to ever powertrip but some autist has no business to commandeer us around. Filter and move on. Makes the thread that much nicer to read.

>I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not but the report queue is partially broken. I have seen all the reports randomly vanish when I was rather confident I was the only mod active.

Can confirm this one. Makes me wonder if the que is hosted on the media server sometimes. Heh.

>I believe I am the only mod who will still try to actively engage because I do think it's beneficial to be as transparent as practical.

The people who care aren't posting here mostly. I thought the same once but in between the gag rules we've got and the fact that a meta thread regular is usually a faggot, as seen here, I stopped bothering a long time ago. Frankly the only reason I read this thread nowadays is for your posts.

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>larpmod talks with other larpmod admitting he sees himself above actual users and that the board should be run contrary to the userbase

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You locked my thread about shitposting on pol. Why did you do that exactly? Can you point to any rules that were broken? Probably not. Kike mods need to be removed tbh

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You reported the reason. Welcome to the correct thread.


>larpmod talks with other larpmod admitting he sees himself above actual users

Yes? I have the funny buttons, you do not. I am literally above you. This isn't me powertripping, I give far to little fucks to even bother, but I'm not here to be commanded around either. Well, except by codemonkey I suppose, but then again so are you.

So if some faggot screeches around I care just as much as any other anon who gets autistically screeched at. Enough to ignore them and little more.

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It clearly isn't working talking about it here. Mods just sit on their ass laughing it up reading people's complaints.

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File: c132a9425c98306⋯.png (200.31 KB,1560x294,260:49,boomer faggot.png)


Your thread was newfag garbage and should have been locked. Lets take a look at the verbiage in your OP:

>What could possibly be causing this? Is it the hoards of MAGA retards from r/thedonald? Is it glow-in-the-dark niggs from xyz agency? How about the oh so great and mighty JIDF? Who knows!

Questions like these are why the term "Lurk Moar" became popular. Spoiler alert: The answer to your question is "all of the above" plus a couple of private firms that you didn't think to ask about because you're newer than a brenton tarrant copycat.

>and who help me find the biggest pineapple we can and stick it right up their poop-chute?


Maybe next time you want to start a thread complaining about shitposting, don't open it up with a shitpost.

tl;dr- Mods are fags but so are you.

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File: 29ff0f8d3a3293b⋯.gif (4.33 MB,720x404,180:101,I told you so.gif)


>Oh good, ONE of you finally fucking admits that codemonkey told you not to talk to the userbase.

I wonder if we'll ever have a disgruntled ex-hotpocket show up and spill the beans about that in greater detail. Now wouldn't that be something.

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Yes he does. And you're just mad that you can't anymore

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>muh kikey

Is gone. The only "Kikey" left is the boogeyman. One dude smugposting pro-trump nonsense that could very well be trolling, and everyone that comes to the realization that the board was less shit under kikey than it is now, that's who "kikey" is. You still have no proof of any law breaking by the roach either.


Until you show any proof of you actually being a mod (and no, arbitrarily banning someone for no reason or finding one post that might possibly, if you stretch it so far it becomes transparent, break some rule, is not a legitimate option) you're about as trustworthy as Q or Q2: Purpleanon.

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>Until you show any proof of you actually being a mod

He won't. Either of them could easily edit a post to prove they are a mod, but they wont

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>I know things

Yeah you were PV2. You didn't even correct

>>13457999 when he referred to you as such. You just glanced over it because everyone who posts here knows it was you.

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They literally did. Posted screencaps itt, one stickied them. At least one's on nanochan and that place was founded by another (who since fucked off for whatever reason).


>Until you show any proof of you actually being a mod (and no, arbitrarily banning someone for no reason or finding one post that might possibly, if you stretch it so far it becomes transparent, break some rule, is not a legitimate option) you're about as trustworthy as Q or Q2: Purpleanon.

Difference being those two get booted from here, one of the reasons I applied in the first place.

But no. We're not allowed to, thus the source for all of this is my samefagging ass as far as you know. Thing is, you can see if what's written makes sense or not. I can say I'm being honest and as this is an anonymous imageboard, that's all you're ever going to get.


Add the fact that the entire OP is the very definition of a meta thread so even disregarding all you said which is true it still belongs in here and not in yet another "this place sucks wat do" thread.

But thank you, someone like you I can actually work with.

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For the millionth time you schizophrenic niggerfaggot, banning people isn't against the law. "Hacking" imageboard tripcodes, if it even happened in the first place, isn't against the law.


Caught you in a lie. No matter how many times the threads get reported, Purpleanon aka Q: Millenial edition threads stay up forever. I've only seen the thread celebrating Q2 being proven false by his iran strike prediction falling through disappear.

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That's pretty fucked up Jamal

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>July 17th, 2019

>The day Jamal admitted to being a pedophile

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This is literally a thread about a fucking mutt eceleb and her relationship problems. It has been reported multiple times. Why the fuck is it still up?


>Jamal still has no proof

Actually kill yourself. You are the reason legitimate issue reports get ignored.

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Holy shit dude take your meds lmao

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No, no it wasn't Jamal. Take your medication.

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It was up literally seconds before that post was submitted, schizo.

>there’s no proof that the thing which literally everyone here knows happened actually happened

Post the proof. Post it. Prove that anything actually illegal happened.

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Where's the proof? Link to it. Post it. If it exists, provide it. You're even less credible than the larpers claiming to be mods that don't act on any reports or delete threads while posting in here.

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>They literally did. Posted screencaps itt,

I sure would love it if you could quote the post in question.

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File: 26d258e8e7e2370⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,640x640,1:1,26d258e8e7e2370d88d95dd9a6….jpg)


>the board was less shit under kikey than it is now, that's who "kikey" is

This place is fucked but anyone who tells you this is trying to play you.

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File: 235460cfbe9c9e3⋯.png (843.57 KB,979x709,979:709,turtle power.png)


>someone like you I can actually work with.

Hey thanks. You're still a gargantuan faggot for slapping me with a 7 day ban for fake ninja turtles snuff when actual kikes usually get 3 for their open malfeasance tho.

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File: a703e6fb5ed4b13⋯.png (581.93 KB,800x1223,800:1223,MeinHonk1488.png)


Well, finished europa the last battle, only thing good I got out of that shitter thread.

Thx oldfag, you knew that bitch was getting locked when you hit submit, but at least I got something useful out of it.

Now I really need to find time to read Mein Kampf and I'll still be newfag material. The battle never ends.

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People aren't caring enough about this. I attempted to rally people to make a change. But just like the fags that derailed my thread, you're more interested in attacking me than attacking the problem. Fuck you dude.

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I cant tell, we do have a ban log that shows which mod did a ban but it only goes back the past handfull of banns, and that is not on the list. Ask again if you see one happening, I'd be interested to see who it was. We do have global doing some modding here every now and then. Not that it really matters that much, rule 1 applies regardless.



>Oh good, ONE of you finally fucking admits that codemonkey told you not to talk to the userbase. And yet we're supposed to trust a single one of you, or him most of all.

I was never told I could not interact with the users as a mod. So far as I know none of us have ever been told this but some interpreted that as the case.

I was told not to cap code, rage ban(user was banned for this post), post users post history or attention whore as a mod in regular threads. That is different than posting as a mod in a thread to explain why it was locked etc, or discuss things as a mod in the meta thread both of which I was specifically told I could do. I was told not to edit posts because of some nebulous reason concerning liability, CM thinks as the board owner if we edit posts he becomes liable for all the speech in that post or some shit, I don't know that's the explanation he gave me. I used to edit OP's to make them less shit, to update them as news about the subject came out or to declare why the thread was locked or redirected etc.

I have, from time to time posted screen caps of ban appeals when I felt it would be useful to respond and I had no other way to do so. It's not the sort of thing I would do on demand so don't ask.



>show any proof of you actually being a mod in response to some other mod

>4. And you’ve now openly admitted to a) lying about supporting the fourteen words and b) SUPPORTING SOMETHING THAT GOT FOUR OTHER MODERATORS REMOVED.

I know PV2 has tried poorly to bait current mods into doing one of these things we were specifically asked not to do. He was quite salty that he was not allowed to abuse his mod position to push his black pilled do not vote ideology. I'm fine with him having that opinion (which I don't personally subscribe to) but he really spammed the ever lasting fuck out of it right before he was removed and even unbanned himself so he could keep spamming it, he's been salty ever sense.

The other mods that got removed got frustrated they could not more overtly ban wrong-think. (well except for one of them whom I suspect was a shitty informant)

I've held the position that if your a normie or even leftest here discussing shit in good faith you'll either quickly get red-pilled, get frustrated and leave or get frustrated and start breaking the rules (when I get to step in and try to force them to leave). I don't see the need to ban for wrongthink, I just need to mop up the shit and let the user base handle the red pilling. If some anon argues a coherent position in a non trolling way that is not typical /pol/ thinking I don't feel it's my place to step in and protect your vulnerable minds from heretical notions. I don't think it's good for us to have some mod enforced purity spiraling hug box, that might make natsoc extremists but it won't foster the creation of an ideology that is strong enough and appealing enough that it can become a seriously influential force in society which is what we need if we are going to succeed in any meaningful way to preserve the future for our children. Now when people are here to be disruptive and start trolling threads to derail them or even when they are even ironically posting as some faggot leftists just to harvest (you)'s I try to come up with an excuse to get rid of them or at least all there posts and make them switch IP's. I've never kept this ideology or methodology a secret, even from CM; it's what I told him I would do when I applied.

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>>13510471 So mods are powerless to do anything because admin is a huge pussy? Got it.

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I can't fathom why you thought 8/pol/ was an appropriate venue for a low budget gay, snuff, furrie, ninjaturtle porno. I'm not saying the video wasn't humerus, and doesn't deserve it's place down some deep dark internet hole. We all shit from time to time, but if your a decent human your going to avoid taking a shit in the middle of a chapel, even if your not religious. /pol/ is not a porn board, it is generally not acceptable here and would normally be considered off topic and I give it a harsher ban than most other off topic content. Even 4/pol/ used to ban porn before the exodus.

It is unnecessary, degenerate and distracts from the purpose of the board.

There are limited exceptions where porn could legitimately be on topic for a specific discussion, in these instances I would ask that it be spoilered and the post include a brief text description of the content (not just spoilered for the shock value).

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File: 90a23a3514959e5⋯.jpg (27.09 KB,229x407,229:407,90a23a3514959e5a653910e4e0….jpg)


>I can't fathom why you thought 8/pol/ was an appropriate venue for a low budget gay, snuff, furrie, ninjaturtle porno.

I think in the context of posting it in a blatantly anti-white thread as a way of saying "please fuck off, you don't belong here" like I did it's more or less the on the same level as posting cartel gore, which was what I was actually intending to post at the time until I saw the vid in question and settled for it instead.


It's literally three dudes in green duct tape tearing apart a paper mache/rubber doll. I understand that it's tasteless as fuck but you have got to be shitting me here.

>It is unnecessary, degenerate and distracts from the purpose of the board.

And the "fuck you whitey" thread I posted it in which you left up wasn't?

If I had posted it in a thread that actually held any merit you'd have an argument, but at the time it just made you look like a niggerlover.

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I did not leave the thread up. But I did sift through it for people to ban first.

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>that might make natsoc extremists but it won't foster the creation of an ideology

Neat, we have one mod admitting he's not NatSoc. That explains a lot. How about the other (LARP) mod? Are any of you NatSoc?

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>You get hundreds of reports for exactly this kind of content. Those posts remain up.

I got a 7 day ban just for pointing out and tagging the handful of obvious derailers in a thread. They stayed up, and continued to shit up every other thread for the rest of the week, up until today.

The DACAryan smapper

Green Text Mimic

That Condescending Bitch always talking about the "negative spirit of bigotry", or whatever the fuck.

Anyway, this place is totally fucked from the roots to the fruit.

Funniest part, and why I'm still here?

We just keep chugging along through the muck and mire. This tells me WE operate within the Natural Order and Truth, and no matter what these fucks throw at this board, as much as it may slow us down, does nothing in the long run to curb this movement, nor the message.

tl;dr You can't phase /pol. They can fuck themselves.

(your pic related, again)

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why was my thread on transcendental memory removed?

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File: 082c79708b8e9a7⋯.jpg (119.67 KB,564x705,4:5,96c2f7e7097afe44b168da68e7….jpg)


>7 days

Weird how the bans for pointing out jewry seem to be twice as long as the bans for actual jewry.

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>why was my thread on transcendental memory removed?


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Rules for Volunteers (Global and Local):

1. Protect user privacy - never show post histories;

2. Do not ban people for having an opinion, even if you believe it's the wrong one;

3. Enforce the global and local rules.

^^^ Hey Faggot, why did you delete my post???

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Rule 1. No illegal content - CHECK

Rule 2. Keep it politics / Animal rights is pretty fucking politics - Check

Rule 3. No Spam - Check

Rule 4. No duplicates - Check

WHY WAS MY THREAD REMOVED?????????????????

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File: 895e25ba8c52ab6⋯.jpeg (618.85 KB,640x1168,40:73,4A5F4B17-6987-4DAC-8FD6-F….jpeg)


>Funniest part, and why I'm still here?

Yeah, I've autistically stuck around through all the bullshit. Not because "there's nowhere else to go" or out of some cucked sense of board loyalty, but because the the genuine anons that remain few as they might be are the only people in the world still worth talking to.

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>WE operate within the Natural Order and Truth

that's the foundation of National Socialism and the Aryan mindset.

"Truth need be uttered but 1 time for the million lies to cover a million lies."

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You are required by law to take your meds

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Imagine caring about the law.

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Imagine being from cuckchan in the current year

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I did come from 4chan in 2014

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Yes, you were posting there just a few moments ago, we know. Go back

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What triggered you, buddy?

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Another day, another time Jamal makes me his boogeyman

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Out of curiosity, what at this point would convince you that I'm not imkikey? Nothing is an acceptable answer tbh

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You're delusional if you think spam and facebook boomers are in any way better than trump shilling.


You can't just hide behind "BUT CODEMONKEY WILL REMOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as an excuse for not proving you're a mod. A screencap of the mod tools in action aren't going to tell codekike what account you're logged in under.Either prove it, or rely on low IQ retard buying your baseless claims like all the Qtards and purpleniggers have while claiming everyone that doesn't believe you is polvol2 just like he/Jamal claims everyone is imkampfy.


>muh degeneracy

Isn't against any of the board rules. The spam/bait thread however did, and you allowed that to stay up until you finished banning random people for completely made up rules - the same shit kikey did.

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I didn't give a shit about codenigger booting me as a mod.

As long as I was keeping in the NatSoc Lane, I felt I was doing the right thing, no matter what that hapa mutt said I should do.

I just Yessed him to death until he could no longer take it anymore.

I was trying to FIX /pol/ - by getting rid of Q-maga-tards, jews and leftists - cleaning it up, I guess.

I thought that in banning them for a week, lets say, that it would improve the overall quality of the board.

I wasn't concerned about people posting death threats, blogposting if it was OC, or any of that gay shit that you mods are concerned about because you want to "Keep Your Position Of Power" and you don't want another Brenton Tarrant to post on here - boo hoo - you realize that the nigger codemonkey is altering the discussion on here by having shitty mods here? right?

All you have to do is watch the catalog and make sure nobody is creating jewish threads.

Put the catalog in "Creation Date" order

It will make it that much easier

I know that it's difficult deleting a thread that has around 20 replies in it, but if the replies are just on-line garbage phoneposts, delete that shitty jewish thread for fucks sake.

I never went in a thread and banned and deleted individual posts within a thread. I let the anons take care of those faggots.

Those assholes that report someone and screech, "SHILL!!!" I tried to find and B&D'd their asses instead. Especially when they posted, "Reported."

Fuck them

they are probably Maga-tard assholes which should just go ahead and kill themselves anyway.

You mods are shit.

the original lineup was much better and we had good communication between us.

Fuck you cunt

It's your responsibility now you scabby twat

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File: 7e1abda9c48048b⋯.png (178.96 KB,1684x743,1684:743,8chan Administrator.png)


>the original lineup was much better and we had good communication between us.

Oh, are you PV1 or 3? Were you guys finally banned, too? Even if you're 4, 5, or 6, I liked you three as well.


Oh look, the picture's gone. It's back now though! This is how much the site ownership cares about this place, anon. We have to burn it to the ground. By the way, only imkikey is imkikey. He's protected by the mods and owners now. He's extremely easy to pick out. There's no "everyone" here, except for him. He's clinically insane. Everyone is "unjustly" against him, in his mind. Do I need to post some codemonkey e-mail conversations next?

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>Do I need to post some codemonkey e-mail conversations next?

You might as well, your posts are deleted within a day or two consistently anyway

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Oh of course. Jamal, and most people who reply angrily against any notion that the board was objectively better under kikey than under codenigger , are the only ones that cry "muh kikey" over that.

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File: 215df19bebc7be7⋯.jpg (106.76 KB,631x475,631:475,do_it_faggot.jpg)


>Do I need to post some codemonkey e-mail conversations next?

Do it.

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What’s funny is that you think you can get away with using two IPs and have no one notice. Meanwhile in reality, no one has ever supported you, in any fashion. Not even the ZOG emperor shills liked you when you were in power, despite you doing literally everything exclusively for them.

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>Jamal proves my point

Take your meds. It's called "using a phone and a vpn whose IP changes with every connect operation". Post on your raw IP, go ahead.

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>admits to creating false consensus for his insanity

>copies and pastes things that only jewish shills say

>actually thinks anyone supported him


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>using two IPs and have no one notice

I thought we established that I was not imkikey above. Granted I did say "Take your meds" before but that was a deliberate dog whistle

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You're absolutely terrible at this game.

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Nothing matters on this board, you know that

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>replies INSTANTLY


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I have the tab open, friend. I'm glad your feeling manic this morning, much better than your usual constant defeatism

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Oldfag here (Came to /b/ in 2007, 3 years after 4chan was created, then migrated to /new/ and was a first poster on the very first /pol/ when it was just a day old).

Censorship is gay.

Any forum/site/board/whatever that allows free speech absolutism inevitably becomes NatSoc.

Any place that gets censored inevitably becomes a bunch of bots posting or dead.

The less censorship the better. Have the point of the board if to proselytize; to spread the truth to new people. It can't all just be ops between people in the know.

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You realize the NSDAP banned jews and their ideologies, right? Yet here you are demanding they be allowed to post as much as they want. How droll.


You're PV2 if you say that.

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only PV2 is PV2

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How would you know, imkikey? Anyone who questions you is the same person.

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just like everyone who questions you is imkikey, but this is an impasse we've hit before

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>just like everyone

No, only you say this. You and only you are imkikey, and have ever been. Meanwhile, everyone who questions your mental illness is the same person to you. Scream for us.

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WHY IS http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/pol/index.html DOWN AGAIN?

The Onion seems to be down every other day for the entire day.

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>You realize the NSDAP banned jews and their ideologies, right? Yet here you are demanding they be allowed to post as much as they want. How droll.

It's different when it's a medium where there's no open discussion (television, classroom, etc.)

Here on /pol/ we can and will shit on every leftist argument ever made.

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Or, you know, we could ban them. Because they don't deserve to be here. Fuck off.

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>using a vpn for privacy and avoiding tracking is bad, goy

Take your meds.


Nobody cares. TOR is a compromised platform developed by feds.

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Try again.

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File: 3ed15e5f6e6c081⋯.gif (353.94 KB,204x154,102:77,Budd_Dwyer.gif)

I hope all you faggots attempt to commit a massacre against your local black synagogue/mosque where the only life you end up taking is your own.

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lol fag

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why do my posts keep getting censored? I just want to talk about forming an NS movement

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That’s illegal, though.

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Did (((mods))) delete this thread?

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Another day, another case of Jamal making up laws on the spot

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File: 5bce43d3d06e360⋯.jpg (36.36 KB,640x360,16:9,5bce43d3d06e360a6c21243105….jpg)


Looks like someone gets grumpy when they forget to dilate on schedule.

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I was banned three times in one day by IMKikey for 88 years each, because I posted anti-trump memes

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File: b7d5e0bb4627496⋯.png (343.36 KB,635x393,635:393,[you].png)


Well that oughta learn ya.

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Nobody cares. The board was better at that time. That is how bad it is now, where 88 year bans for being against blumpf is less bad than literal spam.


Post examples.


>get told the truth


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hey look it's the real imkikey

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File: 06883f27181a323⋯.jpg (76.88 KB,579x863,579:863,e1c0297d3c28372ad471ca0152….jpg)


Semen is the substance in which you must drown.

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fuck y

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I got banned for 6 hours for "low effort trolling" when I suggested it's not actually the jews and that there is nobody out there that is coming to get you and kill off your race. I did that in over 10 sentences. It did not break any of the rules. However, people spamming nigger nigger nigger, doing image dump, calling me jew, attempting to doxx me all got off scotch-free.

Moderators should do good old fashioned purge to get rid of moderators who act like that crazy roach before this shit gets out of hand again.

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that "fuck y" above is test if I'm still banned before doing effortpost, forgot I can't delete own posts here.

t. >>13523269

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Nowhere in that post is there any truth.


>oy vey it’s not the jews goyim

>lol i break no rules ha ha

That’s the first ban in literally a year that the moderators were right to give out, and it wasn’t even for the appropriate amount of time. You have zero reason to complain. Never post here again.

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When is this board going to receive a new BO?

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>Difference being those two get booted from here, one of the reasons I applied in the first place.

Thanks for admitting your desire to become a mod was to shill against Purple LARP while you faggots have left christcuck CultLARP up for months. Purple is entertaining and only posts about political topics banning him while not banning the CultLARP exposes you for what you are a shabbos goy bitch censoring opinions you don't like and apply your own standards unequally. If you want to delete one LARP you have to delete all LARPs.

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When the website owner dies. He isn't giving it up.

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Do you think Jim would sell me the site for a cool $2 million in cash?

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You can never pay more than the feds.

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File: 9521f68ba667aa4⋯.jpg (158.52 KB,944x667,944:667,Screenshot_20190722-130633.jpg)

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File: ca19eddcfdbfff3⋯.jpeg (353.74 KB,617x681,617:681,Mein_Kampf_dust_jacket.jpeg)

I would like to put Mein Kampf in minecraft servers such as 2b2t, what's the correct version?

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A Project fucking Veritas thread got killed for not providing 6 paragraphs of words along with the video, yet the catalog is filled to the brim with spam and actual zero effort trash threads that aren't even worth being in qtddtot. If either of you are ACTUAL mods and not just LARPing in this thread while refusing to post any form of proof, why are you not doing your actual jobs?


The entire post is truth.



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Oh, not to mention the TORnigger spamming the board with news threads as if this were /newsplus/, complete with unrelated jewtube videos and misleading clickbait titles.

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You're defending imkikey now.

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i fucking hate reddit dude. like every fucking subreddit is the same when it comes to memes; except virginvschad. that's the best subreddit bar-none because everyone's one-uping eachother on whose chad and it's like watching 20 seagulls fight for half a hotdog just "lmao random" crossbred with the newest trends. every discussion-based subreddit becomes an echo chamber because of the voting system, and in fact the whole fucking karma system is fucking bollocks. it encourages being a crowd pleaser.

fuck reddit

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Kikey ran the board better. Trumpkikery is better than literal spam and schizos. Even kikey, the actual kikey, would probably have dropped blumpfberg by now. Fuck off Jamal.

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>Kikey ran the board better.

lol, you're completely fucking done. No one can defend you now.

>Even kikey, the actual kikey, would probably have dropped blumpfberg by now.

Proven false by his behavior, to this day, on this board.

>Fuck off Jamal.

>everyone who hates imkikey is the same person

Hi, imkikey.

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>Even kikey, the actual kikey, would probably have dropped blumpfberg by now.

Wow so this is your admission that your months of Trumpcuckery and 88 year bans were all illegitimate and that you were wrong supporting Trump. The least you could do is make a thread, prove it's you, and apologize.

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You think you're fooling anyone?

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You keep proving everyone against you right with every low IQ post you make. Can you really say anything positive about the current state of the board? No. Go back.

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>you HAVE to defend the indefensible!

What the fuck are you even saying.

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>against you

Why can't I be against both you, imkikey, and codenigger?

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Because you're logically inconsistent and incapable of comprehending complex thought. /pol/ was actually /pol/ under kikey. It was an objectively better board even with trumpcucking.

/pol/ under kikey investigated Vegas, Pizzagate, Charlottesville, that white rabbit daycare, and found and reported ISIS locations in Syria to the Russian army, among other things. It actually accomplished something. Take that, remove the trumpcucking and obscene ban lengths for minor shit, and you'd have a golden /pol/.

What is /pol/ now? Spam. Trash. Zero effort qtddtot/cuckchan spam threads that are left up forever. Off topic garbage. Useless gayops distractions. Cowardice. Calling absolutely everyone a fed for suggesting doing anything at all other than voting for a jew puppet or making reddit-tier memes. Kike worship threads. Threads for other boards' topics. Legitimate threads being deleted for not having 6 paragraphs of exposition while spam is left alone. Qanon's successor LARP "purpleanon".

Think for one second instead of crying about someone who's completely out of the picture, at most posting some shitty smugs. Are you capable of that?

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It may have been "better", but you were still a shit tier BO. You're essentially patting yourself on the back as a paraplegic because you aren't technically like that other guy in an iron lung. Congrats.

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Absolutely fucking hilarious that imkikey is now claiming others are him.

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Take your fucking meds. You legitimately think everyone that disagrees with you in any way is kikey.

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Another day, another instance of the moderators doing absolutely nothing about actual rule violations and spam. I'm sure if a USS Liberty thread or something about a person with a name were posted, it would be gone in a flash.

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Actually I rarely use your name because it gives you a modicum of the power back that you once had by leading a discussion. But I'm ok with calling you out when you show up.

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Moderation staff are losing their minds around here.

I just saw two threads get deleted and ALL POSTS by the OPs in question get wiped, then had the mods ban me for 'ban evasion' despite not having been banned – and it being very obvious if you could see my post history (as mods can) – because I made a meta-outside-of-meta thread about it (because nobody actually reads the meta anymore because of how shit the moderation staff is at handling criticism and how underhanded they are in addressing such criticism).

If you fags want to protect trumpstein, just say so. If you don't want us talking about how niggers keep killing each other with guns, just say so.

If you want to LARP as jews to piss off the board users – whom you clearly hate with a passion – just say so.

This passive-aggressive "hurr i'll just delete all your posts and ban you FOR A FUCKING WEEK while i give 6-hour bans for blatant shitposting ala 'theres nothing wrong with being jewish' " shit is getting old REAL fast. Then you immediately make two pro-Trump threads and think nobody is going to notice?

The fuck is WRONG with you? The board is now under 2,000 ISPs because of your abusive and noxious shitposting and subpar moderation.

Do you niggers just want to destroy this place?

Take your meds and give up being a moderator, or you're going to wind up like the roach.

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just wondering

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So, I think its probably legal (but that could be argued, I'm no law expert, it's also been widely published with impunity).

It's on topic for that thread.

In it's current context at least it's more useful for our side than not.

I would never have possession of the picture myself. I probably would not want it on a site I ran.

I would think it funny as all hell if the feds prosecuted everyone who has that picture (along with the person who took it and the participants in it).

If some other mod wanted to take it down I would not argue there standing to do so.

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File: 64fb1fcf2264c8f⋯.jpg (22.73 KB,768x576,4:3,1407621369507.jpg)

Why the fuck was my thread on exposing social media hypocrisy/etc deleted?

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Because on nu/pol/ it's all da joos all da time

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Yup, it did not break any rules. That ban went directly against rules set for voluenteers. Just goes to show how weak and fragile white nationalists are when all you antisemitic retards could do in response was: spam nigger, spam non-sequiturs, spam pictures, spam kike kike kike, attempt to doxx, and finally ban. You are just as pathetic as morons over at leftypol, if not even worse. They have trigger happy insane jannies, but actual users can be conversed with until ban hammer comes.

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This isn’t your board. Don’t post again. You aren’t allowed to be here.

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>says Jamal, despite also being unwelcome by everyone

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>imkikey thinks anyone is more unwelcome than him

lol sad

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I can't blame you for thinking I'm him, I did LARP as him to annoy you several times. Just know what I said here >>13527477 remains true regardless of who you think is imkikey

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What is our wonderful moderation up to today?

>all the spam and off topic garbage from yesterday and earlier is still here

>/fringe/ threads are appearing in greater numbers than just druid"/pol/"

>eceleb threads about jordan peterson's books are appearing

>spam about creating stickers is now here and staying up

>more retards like the TORnigger who spammed clickbait articles and unrelated jewtube videos show up

>garbage threads can have their OP image randomly deleted, but the thread is left up

>legitimate threads are still being deleted



>guys is a twitter screencap illegal/dost

Retard. You would make it impossible to expose what kikes and the left are doing by making it against the rules/law to show what they're doing.

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File: 467153952979851⋯.png (347.47 KB,1330x1020,133:102,4chan Moderators Compromis….png)

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mod larper, explain. explain why content that violates at least one if not multiple of the boards own rules are left up. there are off-topic threats, there are eceleb threads, there are off-topic threads that belong on different boards, like the 4chan meta thread all the fucking /fringe/ threads and general spam, questions that do not deserve their own thread. there are also tornigger spam quote news unquote threads with clickbait titles false premises and unrelated videos. why are none of these deleted? why are none of the rules enforced? why are moderator actions only taken at random or against people who speak out against the moderations inaction or against traitor Trump? explain yourself.

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In before you’re called PV2.

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Yeah, and? That’s why we left there FIVE YEARS AGO. Most of us never looked back. When this place became just as bad under imkikey, the user base was decimated (literal sense of the word). Now it’s even worse, because /pol/ doesn’t stand for anything anymore. It allows even more spam than /b/ does, from all sources. Anything can be posted here.

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The board quality is as abhorrently bad here as it is on 4chan. I post there to redpill normalfags and post here for normal discussion with people that aren't outrageously retarded and bluepilled.

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Sorry little buddy, but he is much more articulate than you. No one can take your autistic title

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>imkikey actually thinks anyone believes him


You can’t even say nigger on 4um/pol/. How are you redpilling anyone, particularly since they’re banning white nationalism now?

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It's easier to redpill without that psyop in the way.

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Funny how you ignore that you give power to the person you hate the most

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Thing is, imkikey, you don’t have any power. You have your autistic little personas that you spam here, but you’ll never be able to ban anyone ever again. Every single person who has ever used this site hates you and literally wants you to be dead. All of us. That’s the only power you have–absolute repulsion.

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Hi, paid shill.

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Except every time you bring his name up you feed into his god complex. Maybe you want to.

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Jamal is a larp by the numods to drown all actual meta discussion in spam.

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Jamal has been around since before the codenigger takeover though

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Too bad for your delusional imkikey lies that I’m one of the first to ever bring up meta discussion in the first place, then, huh?

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Explain why you’ve allowed this spam to continue literally for years.

“We’re not on all the time” is not an answer.

“It changes IPs constantly” is not an answer.

This is a global board, so you have direct access to chodemonkey to demand that all the phrases it use be added to the site-wide word filter, preventing its posts from ever being made in the first place.

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>it's muh turk boogeyman lies that (((you))) spam all meta discussions to death and let (((mods))) dismiss all legitimate complaints by association

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File: 63b7ae82fd00fb3⋯.jpg (54.03 KB,500x581,500:581,63b7ae82fd00fb37d7f603f1e6….jpg)


The post your kvetching about is spam, I do remove it when I see it.

As for the rest; if only you knew how bad it really is.

I can only message CM if he has messaged me in the past week. He has messaged me twice this year. My only way to contact him most of the time is via admin@8ch.net or kvetching on >>>/sudo/ no joke this is shit. Quite littaraly 95% of the time I have no more access to him than you. You want him kvetched at, go do it yourself.

Secondly he would not be amenable to adding word filters, that is one of the things that got him pissed at imkiky for.

Thirdly the post your pissed at has no text in the text field. The only text is embedded in the image. Theatrically if CM tried to run OCR on every image and ban the offending ones it could get blocked for a while until they just started fucking with the text to the point where the OCR or the text filters fail.

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>The post your kvetching about is spam, I do remove it when I see it.

I know. I don't blame you guys for literal fucking bots who just hop IP 24/7 for years. That's CM's purview.

>I can only message CM if he has messaged me in the past week.

Yeah, the in-site system is complete fucking shit. But you know his e-mail address, and he certainly knows yours, as he sent you a message when you became a mod. He's more likely to respond to those, yeah? Hell, he always replied to me. Has he cut down on direct replies to mod requests from his e-mail?

>Secondly he would not be amenable to adding word filters

No, I mean the spam filter. There's a filter for spam that's site-wide which lies before you hit any board's individual filter. Otherwise we'd be spammed with thousands of posts an hour on every single board that exists about penis pills.

>Thirdly the post your pissed at has no text in the text field

And that's a new development for him, which I found strange. When he knows no one gives a damn about this place and isn't blocking his text, why would he bother to jump to images? Even cuckchan doesn't run image OCR, do they?

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>you're a jew because you DON'T agree with imkikey

That's a new one.

>let (((mods))) dismiss all legitimate complaints by association

You're just really really stupid. They're clearly not doing this, nor am I excusing the current moderation, any more than I excuse codemonkey's behavior for allowing it OR for his allowing imkikey to destroy this site beyond repair for three years.

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Take your meds, schizo.

>the old BO did things I don't like so he destroyed the entire site

>it wasn't sunshine, software issues, DDOSes, and site ownership that hates the site's users

>it's kikey banning people

You forgot to claim he broke the law this time.

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>my entire premise is literally copied and pasted jewish spam

>literally copying and pasting phrases that jews tell me to post

>I actually expect to be taken seriously

>also imkikey didn’t break the law ha ha hacking is legal

You’re clinically insane.

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>>my entire premise is literally copied and pasted jewish spam

>>literally copying and pasting phrases that jews tell me to post

>>I actually expect to be taken seriously

>You’re clinically insane.

Congratulations, Jamal. You've literally described yourself. Take your meds.

>>also imkikey didn’t break the law ha ha hacking is legal

You have yet to prove any hacking took place in the first place, let alone how anyone is supposed to care.

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How are you still even arguing about that? A tripcode is a password. No one would be able to know it unless you told them or they hacked it somehow. Forced entry into a computer system is a crime, a password is a computer system.

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Explain why every thread about the ICE raids doing nothing gets deleted. They break no rules nor laws and should not be getting deleted.


<muh "hacking"


Take your meds.

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>thinking I'm Jamal


>muh hacking




the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.

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<muh hacking


Prove it, Jamal.

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This is just one example of the myriad of SPAM that is allowed to stay up in the catalog while you're deleting legitimate threads that are anti-trump, about project veritas releases, or expose uss liberty.

>no proof

>no content

>all conjecture and implications

>spambumped by obvious spambots

>reported multiple times

>still up

Do your job,.

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>I am a jewish shill paid to post here


>I am a jewish shill paid to post here

Yes, we know. You don’t need to post text that proves it every time you post.


Not spam by the definition of spam. Anyone can post anything here at any time, anon.

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File: a7901003d383231⋯.jpg (23.87 KB,640x360,16:9,972869801.jpg)

And he still wonders why his shitty threads get deleted.

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Jamal is still spamming, projecting, posting the same thing over and over, and defending proofless spam. Not surprising!

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I genuinely don't even understand what you're asking for at this point. That's why I chimed in.

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Another factual thread about the ICE raids failing miserably is (((deleted))). Instead of deleting the spam within it, kushnerbot (((mods))) delete criticism of trump.,

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Ok how about this, can you agree that a tripcode is a password?

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Proof of the claims of any hacking ever taking place. Evidence.

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File: d4fbb2eba186a25⋯.png (173.3 KB,1807x1405,1807:1405,thread brought by putin sh….png)


>you'll never be able to ban anyone ever again

That's not true. He's has a mod position again. Caught him today.

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That's not proof. That's a leading question. You're implying an action happened in the first place, and using that implication to ask a follow-up question. Prove anything illegal happened.

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Well yes the action of imkikey posting as Codemonkey did happen. I do not have a screenshot of that, so you'll assume it never happened. Fine.

Let's assume it did for the sake of argument. Would gaining access to a password and posting as someone else constitute hacking in your view? By the definition I posted, it is.

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>admitting to having no proof

Good work Jamal. Lie confirmed a lie

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>refuses to continue the thought experiment

That's ok, your refusal tells me you know it is hacking, imkikey.

When you finally decide to kill yourself, don't forget to livestream it.

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>Muh thought experiment

Nobody cares, Jamal. Your false claims with no proof mean nothing. No laws were broken. All you can do is claim everyone who doesn't believe bullshit with no proof is kikey.

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Spam, shills, and outsiders are increasingly taking over the board, and the mods are too busy banning trump criticism and letting Jamal flood the meta thread to do their actual jobs.

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If you took two minutes to read my posts in this thread you would see how retarded you're making yourself look

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There's this phrase "let it go", if you have ever heard of it.

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The fact that shills and spam are taking over the board with no moderation action while legitimate threads and posts are banned is proof this board is taken over and is no longer /pol/.

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>spam, shills, and outsiders

Those are the mods.

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<everyone is kikey

Take your meds, Jamal.

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Everyone is Jamal AND imkikey.


>codemonkey’s trip gets hacked

>imkikey is removed the same day




Oh, you got a permanent ban for exposing the mods not doing their jobs? Yeah, that happens all the time now.

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File: 7962d6381d50206⋯.png (549.8 KB,1544x1926,772:963,fedposting-bypass.png)


Hello FBI

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File: bbff8471a32f86f⋯.png (977 KB,1713x1090,1713:1090,spotting bots.png)




Hello kampfy. Caught your bot earlier today.

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Fuck off Vlad. Calling out the russian shills is necessary. /pol/ needs to wake up. Popov is not your fren.

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So you're going to call everyone a russian shill now?

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There are only vodka niggers left here anyway.

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Everyone is imkikey AND a Russian bot.

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>Everyone is imkikey

You started that one to be fair

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<muh hacking


Why are you so avoidant of posting proof? If this is remotely true you should have an easy time posting proof of your assertions.

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>imkikey continues to lie about what others say about him

>is so autistically delusional that he doesn’t comprehend how he calls everyone but him the same person, but everyone has only ever called him him

You truly are clinically insane, imkikey.


>the thing you posted proof of hasn’t been posted

What’s funny is that you think IP hopping will save you.

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Yet again, spam, off topic threads, and honeypots are left alone while mods delete legitimate news threads and anything critical of trump.


<muh ip

You can keep posting on the clearnet, Jamal. I'll use a cycling vpn to keep anonymous.

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>admits to cycling IP to craft consensus

You continue to be mind-numbingly retarded.

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This is a literal fucking bot spamming unrelated images one at a time like cuckchan. Remove this shit.

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Bot instantly ban evaded, mods.

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I don't have any control over what IP the VPN selects. Only the country. The browser or device breaking and needing restarted is out of my control. Please, take your meds.

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Zero effort spam. No source. No article. No archive. Image from ca 2016-2017. Reported multiple times. Still up.

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2 hours ago.


>oy vey I have no control over my obvious consensus cracking and mass spam through hundreds of ban evasions

You continue to be mind-numbingly retarded. No one is going to fall for this, imkikey.

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I'm glad we agree that he is imkikey

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>reporting spam is spam

>calling out shills, spammers, and the mods that enable them is spam

>you're kikey if you have a vpn

Take your meds, Jamal.

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File: 0aa31481fd9f831⋯.png (115.87 KB,1078x527,1078:527,Screenshot.png)

literally banned on cuckchan for using the word nigger

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File: a0d01f251cbdf10⋯.jpeg (8.39 KB,474x266,237:133,th.jpeg)


> before this shit gets out of hand again

what are you talking about? it's flown out the window

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File: 9dad1979354ae57⋯.png (57.92 KB,1238x365,1238:365,pol dying.png)

why is this good?

because there are less summerfags here

I hope the numbers go down further

to maybe 1,000 Active ISPs

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You have it all wrong. It's good because people are finally realizing that Codemonkey hates /pol/ and has no intention of upkeeping the board in any capacity

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Right now about 80% of the threads on this board should very obviously be deleted for being bait, off-topic or shitposting.

Good job guys, you did what even Kikey couldn't. You made /pol/ unusable.

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Hi, imkikey.


Hi, imkikey on another IP, which you admitted to doing.


Kikey certainly made it unusable. Kikey’s the reason that no one can have an intelligent conversation here. When you know, for a fact, that eventually every post you have ever made is going to be wiped in one click and you’ll be banned on 65,536 IP addresses simultaneously just because you said one word that he didn’t like, you have no reason to want to put effort into your posts at all. None whatsoever. Why should I spend even 30 seconds writing something intelligent, posting sources, etc. when it’s just going to be deleted because a single subhuman nonwhite pile of kike shit doesn’t like it? Truth doesn’t matter, expediency matters. As such, /pol/ devolved from genuine discussions of anthropology and social change in 2014 to “kill yourself” “sage” “report” “bump” and various other spam shit. And now that kikemonkey’s new mods ban you (against the rules) for saying those words, there is literally nothing left that can be said. Unless it’s something that is against whites, which of course is always left up, no matter what.

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Oh, look. The “spicspam” spammer is also the “esoteric metaphor” spammer. Every post it has ever made in the last 4 years has been spam. You do nothing about this.

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File: df88cbdded7b275⋯.png (1.11 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_20190728-091432.png)

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>Hi, imkikey on another IP, which you admitted to doing.

Actually he said he's on a cycling VPN. There would be no reason he would have this ID

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If anyone wonders, the Russia spam is brought here by Ukrainians and their Israeli allies

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File: a7f4aa4bf729921⋯.png (381.49 KB,1366x768,683:384,UKR1.png)

File: 20b6a89f3e1a49e⋯.png (265.08 KB,1366x768,683:384,UKR2.png)

File: fb830d7e5dac72d⋯.png (520.8 KB,1366x768,683:384,UKR.png)

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Why was the thread about shitskins being used to spread diseases deleted? This board is becoming imkikey tier again.

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1 hour ago.


Honeypot reposted after deletion.

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30 minutes ago. OP even says it’s the wrong fucking board. Still up.

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1 hour ago.

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Why do you continue to do this? What's the point, when you state several times in this thread that mods are kikes

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The sake of proof.

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Are you documenting how long they stay up or something? I'd like an ebin screenshot of all the times mods left horribly jewish threads up

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I don’t catalog data because nothing will ever be done about this. I just do a running tally of the spam threads left up so that the literal handful of real /pol/acks that remain here will know they’re not going crazy or think they’re alone when they see absolute bullshit that shouldn’t be here remain up for months in some ashes.

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But the threads you link to are all deleted so what point are you making really?

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File: 925e8cad3218b77⋯.png (60.28 KB,1291x129,1291:129,spicspam.png)


THIS fucking nigger is a mod. When he gets so triggered by getting BTFO trying to derail and slide thread with this idiocy, he just deletes the thread, and bans those pointing him out.

Even using his own label "spicspam" against others to try and confuse.

Fuck you spicspam, you retarded nigger.

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Daily reminder that /pol/ is not a natsoc board

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Nice try, spiccy. You glow.

I just got off a 5 hour ban for pointing you out, mod. This board will never be yours, nigger.

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Holy shit, my thread about signs of shills are deleted.

Kike mods are on the hunt again.

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Holy shit, this board has been compromised since Codenigger took over.

How did you not know this yet.

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Confirmed for worse than it was before kampfy.

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>deleted post

>is a mod

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH Eat shit, spicspam spammer. Nice ban evasion.


Cry harder about it, imkikey.


Because he’s imkikey and is screaming about his spam thread being deleted.

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Jamal is back, is it possible that jamal is still a mod and deletes any thread that he dislikes?

Either ways, the board is fucked. Enjoy your codenigger.

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>imkikey proves he’s imkikey

>thinks anyone will take his side now


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Jamal still thinks anyone who calls him out is imkikey.


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Only slightly. I wouldn't pat yourself on the back. You still did awful.

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Too bad I'm not imkikey. He would cry seeing your compliments.

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>he considers that a compliment

Hello imkikey, still have brain damage, I see.

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How is that not a compliment, you are saying codenigger's rule is slightly worse than imkikey's rule, which means it's a compliment for imkikey.

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>You did awful.

>You're only slightly above complete absence and wanting the board to die

>You have brain damage.


You have brain damage.

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You said he did awful, but it's still slightly better than codenigger's rule, which means it's a compliment.

I love how imkikey fans are so tsundere for him that they can't even admit their compliment for him.

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Imkikey confirmed.


>imkikey fans

Anon, literally no one supported imkikey. It’s him on a dozen IP addresses. He admitted it earlier in the thread. No one, anywhere, at any time, supported imkikey.

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Yeah, sure, which is why imkikey fans such as this guy>>13551934 still offers him compliments.

And yeah, everyone on Earth is imkikey, too bad I'm not him.

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Oops, looks like you were already anti-white on that IP. Would you like to try again?

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>such as this guy

You didn’t read what I wrote, dipshit.

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reminder nu/pol/ sucks and 2017 zoomers have no idea what they ruined

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I step away for a half a week and not only is the catalog even more full of spam not even /b/ would tolerate, but the entirety of the meta thread is still Jamal thinking anyone and everyone is kikey on one of a trillion vpns for disagreeing with him in literally any way. If not even /pol/ gives a shit about anything, why bother? Why care? The kikes won. It's over. None of you faggots will ever do anything. It's done. It's over. Racemix, become gay, become trans, kill yourself, it doesn't matter. Nothing does. Everyone that actually fights for the side you pretend to support gets called a fed, a false flag shill, a mossad agent, etc. The most you can do without being accused is suggest an ineffective meme nobody will ever find funny or interesting. Trash board, trash populace, history will ignore the white man's accomplishments and will only remember its failures, and it's your fault.

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don't forget that it's also your fault as well. No one likes a Mossad agent trying to blackpill everyone

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>blackpills exist, goyim

>ignore that only jews say they do

>YOU are the jew, not me


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Thanks for reminding me someone had the balls to shoot that communist nigger

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Moses invests.

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this is true

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File: f87e3de1ec7a1a8⋯.jpg (113.81 KB,1280x799,1280:799,The Niggles.jpg)


>Implying it wasn't the septuagenarian Q boomers who slammed the final nail in the coffin lid

We've been dealing with underage B& faggotry since the beginning, but nobody was prepared for their retard parents to show up and start shitting the place up.

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So the spambot is allowed to keep posting, huh.

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mayor said three shooters in custody. witnesses say three shooters in all black. this is mossad or antifa, but I think antifa. they're memory hole-ing the three shooters thing quick

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Notice how the kike mods just locked the meme thread for Saint Crusius

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/pol/ jumped from about 1800 Active ISPs (yesterday) to 2148 as of right now thanks to the, 'Jew Shooter,' in El Paso today.

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Wait, he's a jew now? Lying kike.

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File: 4903fad3c170c15⋯.png (707.22 KB,619x1460,619:1460,132T.png)

File: e3709afdfeccb41⋯.png (1.75 MB,1242x1209,414:403,9503ab63266825013fa9216e3d….png)

File: c36136957e76df6⋯.jpg (220.68 KB,885x1005,59:67,Shooter sister.jpg)


This has to be the most kiked place.There was a thread of the shooter being a kike faggot with some proofs and the kikemods instead create another duplicate thread with a suspicious (((one sentence poster))) with 75 posts out of 140 in the thread and in the end shoad both the threads.

>The shooters father had direct connections to "john of god"

>Patrick's father had a YouTube channel.It was deleted today.

>John of god ran a sex slave breeding operation in Brazil where they literally bred their own child sex slaves. Impregnating many women at once, training their children to be sex slaves and selling them off to the powerful.

>John of God had direct connections to NIXVM.


Remember when Zognald bombed syrian airbase and the damage control by kampfy,even cuckchan had better investigation in that regard like today.

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That grid energy channel is purged. His profile picture is him standing in front of a star of david.

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File: 2b985c1d0507eb6⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB,502x397,502:397,2b985c1d0507eb6868ad862b5….jpeg)

well, well, you've done it again /pol/.


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File: d952c8421d12c7c⋯.png (609.13 KB,914x1643,914:1643,2019-08-04 (15_19_09).png)


Trump is such a cuck.

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File: 030d0e58103c610⋯.png (387.78 KB,484x516,121:129,eeekee.png)


>the same nigger

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File: 93a0b7e964b61cb⋯.png (64.09 KB,1898x463,1898:463,Sun 4 Aug 2019 pol at 1800….png)

File: 2a6c3116a84ab2f⋯.png (981.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Sun 4 Aug 2019 pol at 1800….png)


well, um

the numbers

and, um

the absolute state of the board right now

Total shit.

complete and utter shit

call me when its over

I hope codenigger just straight up deletes /pol/

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mods deleted the march against whiteness thread for no reason

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it doesn't matter

board is shit

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Lawl, jamal is still pissed about imkikey.

Did imkikey rape his mom or something?

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Someone pissed about imkampfy? Unbelievable!

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Tell chodemonkey to switch to Bitmitigate, they are protecting Daily Stormer


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well, well, you've done it again /pol/.

DELETE /POL/ SAVE >>>/pol02/

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File: f3af310b4231ba2⋯.webm (13.65 MB,300x200,3:2,The_Doors_The_End.webm)

This is the end

Beautiful friend

This is the end

My only friend

The end

Of our elaborate plans

The end

Of everything that stands

The end

No safety or surprise

The end

I'll never look into your eyes


Can you picture what will be

So limitless and free

Desperately in need of some stranger's hand

In a desperate land

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane

All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town

Ride the king's highway, baby

Weird scenes inside the gold mine

Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake

To the lake

The ancient lake


The snake is long, seven miles

Ride the snake

He's old

And his skin is cold

The west is the best

The west is the best

Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us

The blue bus is callin' us

Driver, where you taking us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on

He took a face from the ancient gallery

And he walked on down the hall

He went into the room where his sister lived, and…then he

Paid a visit to his brother, and then he

He walked on down the hall, and

And he came to a door…and he looked inside

"Father?" "Yes, son." "I want to kill you."

"Mother, I want to…"

C'mon babe

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

C'mon baby, take a chance with us

And meet me at the back of the blue bus

Doin' a blue rock

On a blue bus

Doin' a blue rock

C'mon, yeah

Fuck, fuck-ah, yeah



Fuck, fuck

Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah

C'mon, yeah, c'mon, yeah

Fuck me, baby, fuck yeah

Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah!

Fuck, yeah! C'mon, baby

Fuck me, baby, fuck, fuck, yeah

Whoa, whoa, yeah, fuck, baby

C'mon, yeah, huh, huh, huh, huh, yeah

All right

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end

Beautiful friend

This is the end

My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free

But you'll never follow me

The end of laughter and soft lies

The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end.

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