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File: b8cdce14839ab2f⋯.jpg (92.58 KB, 720x967, 720:967, LGBTA.jpg)

14ecbf  No.95315

Akusa is a slang term for Akam Kusakron, which is an Armenian term for involuntary celibate (incel).

Like the lesbians, gays, and bis, akusas refrain from having any biological kids. They are attracted to people of the opposite sex — just like straight and bi trans people.

Share and spread this all over Twitter and TikTok!

#LGBTA #TeamIncel #LoveIsLove

Like incels, liberal LGBT loves abortions and illegals

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3e260d  No.95319


/pol/ decides.

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40ce9b  No.95321


That’s a decision, not a sexual identity. Argh, we need to sterilise anyone with under 105 IQ to reduce the tard population. Why waste the resources on them when we can fund the space technology and research. I want to be a king on the alien planet.

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d1c344  No.95326


Nice, especially since the assume we're all incels. They couldn't beat us so now they want us to join them instead.

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834c4c  No.95335


So sterilize most shit skins? I like where this is going.

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7283e6  No.95344


World Jewry.

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dee503  No.95351


This. Before they tried to get people to cut their dicks off or ruin their pussies.

But let's be realistic. FtM trans aren't anywhere as common as MtF.

The thing is that getting whites to not breed is what it's all about

because even non-surgery trannies can get some horny bitch to fuck them.

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a5ca58  No.95365


>Argh, we need to sterilise anyone with under 105 IQ to reduce the tard population

maybe a modified corona could sterilize people, and the cure could be so expensive that only wealthy people could buy it

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c82779  No.95367

how about just a c for celibate

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6004b2  No.95519


THAT would be too easy/true. Can't have that.

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5991d8  No.95576


> we need to sterilise anyone with under 105 IQ

This would literally solve 99.9% of all the world's problems in two generation. The rest of those problems would be solved by outlawing infant genital mutilation and limiting the voting booth to people who receive neither welfare nor a government paycheck.

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4c1940  No.109374

File: 6af7df56e5af447⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 500x738, 250:369, _20200518_185454.JPG)

File: 0043931293b8e95⋯.jpeg (54.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download_10_.jpeg)

File: 051b23a451e4ad7⋯.jpg (99.3 KB, 500x562, 250:281, 41v2s6.jpg)

File: db3ca3565133a25⋯.jpeg (62.11 KB, 639x424, 639:424, download_8_.jpeg)

File: 1d91aadd4fb257b⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 41v1me.jpg)


Lol. ?

I have been fooling around with some ideas for a moment. The ideas started to form a while back when I learned that the based Chad ill tempered party animal luberjack aka techno Viking was a gay. I thought to myself wtf!!! How could this be? And then slowly I began to hate them. This stuff has in my opinion a few causes some are of a social nature and some are the result of environmental poisoning from agriculture ,birth control pills, and plastic. I think to make any serious head way the whole issue needs to be looked at. And the proponents of faggotry ridiculed where they can be found . While at the same time demanding something be done about the environmental poisoning. They are turning the fucking frogs gay!!!

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4c1940  No.109375

File: 6a1bfcb78fe2eac⋯.jpg (151.63 KB, 500x907, 500:907, 41px1c.jpg)

File: c156272f6a697f0⋯.jpg (86.87 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 41hbl9.jpg)

File: 5d73b65e90f21fc⋯.jpg (118.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 41h630.jpg)

File: c248ea70b30fa45⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 41gd0z.jpg)

File: 305fda6ef4021f6⋯.jpg (74.2 KB, 720x406, 360:203, 41g7tp.jpg)

Out of the graveyard and into the streets!!! Lol

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4c1940  No.109376

File: f0c19bdf3691b95⋯.jpg (1.58 KB, 9x250, 9:250, 1589837394530s.jpg)

File: a59f447f6dc9969⋯.png (486.06 KB, 609x501, 203:167, 1589830301892.png)

File: 87dece9cf9f53cc⋯.jpg (121.66 KB, 798x500, 399:250, 41t9oy.jpg)

File: f314dfc576b3c6c⋯.jpg (94.87 KB, 745x500, 149:100, 4134t7.jpg)

File: ae2f6c787c59b79⋯.jpg (165.25 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1589089824551.jpg)

The first one here is a dooozy.

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de6afd  No.109403



they are adding incels to the group of most sexually deviant and promiscuous people on the planet. thats so fucking funny dude.

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b1f0f5  No.130550


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a067a3  No.151560


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