/pol/ loves this guy because he killed fags, but he was one himself.
He was jewish too.
>Mateen was born Omar Mir Seddique[6] on November 16, 1986,[7] at Long Island Jewish Medical Center[8][9] in New Hyde Park, New York, to Afghan parents
(((Long Island Jewish Medical Center)))
>Mateen visited Saudi Arabia for an eight-day trip in March 2011 and a ten-day trip in March 2012.[9] The latter was organized by the Islamic Center at New York University. It included twelve New York City police officers and groups from Columbia and Yale and visited Mecca and Medina.[56][57] Around these times, he went to the United Arab Emirates.[58][59] FBI Director James Comey said Saudi officials helped investigate Mateen's trips.[60] In June 2016, the House Intelligence Committee said that U.S. investigators "are searching for details about the Saudi Arabia trips."[57]
Why would he be accompanied by NY police officers and groups from Columbia and Yale?
>Mateen's father, Mir Seddique Mateen, who hosted a TV show called Durand Jirga Show on satellite television network Payam-e-Afghan in 2015 in which he represented himself as a candidate for the President of Afghanistan
His dad ran for the president of Afghanistan! So he's clearly another (((spy))).
Also, (((Mateen))) itself is a jewish name.
Tinder was founded by (((Justin Mateen))),
>Sean Rad and Justin Mateen had known each other from the age of 14. Both come from (((Jewish-Iranian families))) in the Los Angeles area
Afghanistan is right next to Iran, so Justin and Omar are definitely related.