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File: 176678242ed2eba⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1920x1508, 480:377, fakeperson.jpg)

9f0635  No.94567

Everyone knows that the 2019 Christchurch attacks were faked, but was the 2017 Stockholm truck attack which Tarrant claims to avenge also faked? Turns out it was.


Ebba Akerlund is a fake identity; the "person" photographed that was supposedly killed is actually Alba (((Wadman))) and is still alive.


>The first and most likely origin is the Olde English pre 7th Century "wad", meaning "woad" i.e. a blue dye obtained from a European cruciferous plant, plus "mann", a man, hence "Woadman" or ((("Woad-merchant"))) i.e. a dyer with, or seller of woad.

Originally an English name meaning (((Woad mechant))), oy vey! So all these Mossads, Feds, MI6 GIPs etc. are encouraging you to worship (((Brenton Tarrant))) who faked a terrorist attack in response to ANOTHER fake terrorist attack!

(I know this whole "truth movement" is Mossad as well, and this account supports Ziondon. Ignore that; the information is what matters.)

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9f0635  No.94569

Let's also dissect the other fake (((truck attacks))) and (((jihad attacks))) from the same time.


>The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of France

It ignores the fact that his name was

>Mohamed (((Salmene))) Lahouaiej-Bouhlel

Salmene aka Solomon. Oy vey! Also, Bouhlel doesn't sound Tunisian at all. Sounds really French actually.

>He married a French-Tunisian cousin

Oh, so he was, according to the official. It's just that he isn't "French-Tunisian", he's a jew that lived in these countries.

>Molins also found that from 1 July, Lahouaiej-Bouhlel made more or less daily Internet searches for verses of the Koran and "nasheeds" –. He also researched the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Fitr. Investigators found photos of dead bodies and images linked to radical Islamism on his computer, including the flag of the Islamic State, the cover of an issue of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo – which had been attacked by gunmen in January 2015 – and photos of Osama bin Laden and Algerian jihadist Mokhtar Belmokhtar. He also told friends he did not understand why IS could not hold territory and showed them a video of a beheading on his mobile phone. In response to their shock, he said he was "used to it".[21] In addition, he had searched the Internet for the terms "terrible mortal accidents", "horrible mortal accidents" and "shocking video, not for sensitive souls"[22][23] and consulted news articles on fatal accidents,[23] including on 1 January 2016 an article[24][23] or a photo[25][22] from a local newspaper about a car incident[24] with the caption: "He deliberately crashes onto the terrace of a restaurant".[24][22][23]

ISIS is a Mossad terrorist group. A (((jihadist))) indeed.

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9f0635  No.94570


/pol/ loves this guy because he killed fags, but he was one himself.

He was jewish too.

>Mateen was born Omar Mir Seddique[6] on November 16, 1986,[7] at Long Island Jewish Medical Center[8][9] in New Hyde Park, New York, to Afghan parents

(((Long Island Jewish Medical Center)))

>Mateen visited Saudi Arabia for an eight-day trip in March 2011 and a ten-day trip in March 2012.[9] The latter was organized by the Islamic Center at New York University. It included twelve New York City police officers and groups from Columbia and Yale and visited Mecca and Medina.[56][57] Around these times, he went to the United Arab Emirates.[58][59] FBI Director James Comey said Saudi officials helped investigate Mateen's trips.[60] In June 2016, the House Intelligence Committee said that U.S. investigators "are searching for details about the Saudi Arabia trips."[57]

Why would he be accompanied by NY police officers and groups from Columbia and Yale?

>Mateen's father, Mir Seddique Mateen, who hosted a TV show called Durand Jirga Show on satellite television network Payam-e-Afghan in 2015 in which he represented himself as a candidate for the President of Afghanistan

His dad ran for the president of Afghanistan! So he's clearly another (((spy))).

Also, (((Mateen))) itself is a jewish name.

Tinder was founded by (((Justin Mateen))),

>Sean Rad and Justin Mateen had known each other from the age of 14. Both come from (((Jewish-Iranian families))) in the Los Angeles area

Afghanistan is right next to Iran, so Justin and Omar are definitely related.

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66dc45  No.94594

Yeah, nothing ever actually happens. Good goy.

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245218  No.94597

Are you claiming that there is something ‘new’ about the idea of jewish terrorism against its host population?

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472afe  No.94599


>oy vey, believe in the hoax, good for you


no. Neither is there anything new about fake news of such attacks trying to claim that non-jewish terrorists are really to blame, and that they're the victims.

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bd3b15  No.94647

oh look. a new shill angle

>schizo name autism

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bc8230  No.94663

Good thread, but unfortunately 8kohn isn't the place where you're gonna get much reception. 8chaim at least had a higher ratio of gentile lurkers and posters, here it's basically a mini israel.

Kohlchan isn't a good place either. (((Sexual deviants))) galore and the inability for proxyposting to work most of the time. It seems there are a lot of shills that speak German.

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35ec80  No.94779

File: 82f786fd984d91c⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 1319x745, 1319:745, 82f786fd984d91c22d6fd0f1e3….jpg)

This thread is in poor taste, even by imageboard sliding kike standards. I know your kind don't feel shame, but still, shame on you nigger.

But hey, while we're on the topic of faked footage…

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d1c43b  No.94784


>Bouhlel doesn't sound Tunisian at all. Sounds really French actually.

Great statement coming from someone who is clearly neither French nor Tunisian.

It's 100% a sandnigger name

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