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File: 38586cac49cd450⋯.jpg (801.6 KB, 3000x1000, 3:1, synagouge.jpg)

9efc92  No.92445

Shalom /pnd/, Passover starts at sunset this evening and I think this would be a great time to remember when the L-rd saved his people Israel from the wraith of the Egyptians by killing some of their young. I find the Exodus story to be my favorite in the Torah.

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3c062a  No.92470

File: eaefe7c8fbc3a4d⋯.png (28.5 KB, 371x488, 371:488, eatlead.png)

Passover is a made up fairy tale that contradicts the historical record.

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4c5600  No.92516

Happy pagan volcano god day!

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76e6a9  No.92542


Europeans could learn something from the Lord, we would start with killing your children. Now that would be ‘justice’ and ‘righteousness’. There is no ‘honor’ in letting the offspring of your enemy live.

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970472  No.92544

Ah yes, the yearly spike in child abductions and blood sacrifice of them.

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76e6a9  No.92545


Wouldn’t be an issue if they would FUCK OFF to their homeland and pound sand like the retards they are…what a bunch of fucking niggers they contaminated a true religion with their nigher monkey minds.

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