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File: e65984fd1252c3a⋯.png (313.77 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1200px_Emblem_Stasi_svg.png)

ca0cef  No.92266

Some British police forces are asking people to snitch on others if they think they might be breaking COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

This is some sinister AF secret police bullshit and I think we might have some fun with it: https://www.cambs.police.uk/report/Report-a-breach-of-COVID-19-restrictions

How the fuck do you know somebody is breaking the rules or not? Seems open to abuse to me.

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6cfac7  No.92270


GOOD !!!!…….

the same way I just sent the link to your post to the NSA

the authorities need to be notified whenever a piece of shit like you pops up

fuck you

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6cfac7  No.92271


>How the fuck do you know somebody is breaking the rules or not?

A: that's not our problem. our job is to simply point a spotlight on people like you, and let the NSA determine what rules you are breaking.

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6cfac7  No.92273


……and YES, you limpwrited, snaggle-toothed Brit

I said THE NSA……….


your snaggletooth intelligence agencies rely on our NSA for all of the information they need.

The NSA is the direct repository for all data

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6cfac7  No.92275


and I don't particularly like the time of your thread.

I perceive it as being 'threatening', so let's see what The NSA think after investigating you & your family, and your entire background, and any questionable activities, websites visited, associates on your phone's contact list, etc etc

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6cfac7  No.92277


I think you might be a god damn lowdown informant !!

so I snitched on you

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6ce3e2  No.92280


>6 posts by this ID

Calm down reddit.

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7d117c  No.92415



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