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The holocaust never happened

File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

File: 16e7aaf1726c6f9⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1072x1396, 268:349, ddt6f98_9ddb825f_941b_4e37….jpg)

File: 30872f665a43d49⋯.jpg (222.83 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, corona_chan_by_gotspinner_….jpg)

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82938f  No.83961[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 44

exponential edition

>burgar numma wun, goo plice


As this is very busy, different rules apply here:

Off-topic, bait/spam/feeding bait, one liner, kiketube embeds subject to deletion at discretion.

<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.

>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke china bullshit, survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below

</cvg/ survival bread


<Celeb infection list


Please help keep this bread information-dense for highest quality.


Coronavirus update: 27st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 538,706 confirmed cases

- 24,215 dieded

- 16,312 Serious cundushuns (big jump… brace yourself)

- 124,140 (((silent recoveries)))

Coronalympics Medal Scoreboard As of Mar 27rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Bronze Gold Silver Jew Star

Burgers 85,498 1297 1384 252

Bug Hive 81,340 3292 1034 74588

Pastaniggers 80,539 8215 3612 10361

Asspain 57,786 4365 3679 7015

Deutsches Reich 47,406 281 855 8428

Eye-Ran 29,406 2234 N/A 9625

Frogs 29,155 1696 3375 4948

Switzerniggers 11,753 192 N/A 4

Bongs 11,658 578 20 135

Worst Korea 9,332 139 N/A 4528

Toothpaste/Negerlands 7,431 434 1034 2

Asstria 6,398 49 16 9

Chocolateniggers 6,235 220 605 675

Turkroaches 3,629 75 N/A N/A

Leafs 4,039 39 23 225

Poortugal 3,544 60 61 43

Black Metal 3,346 14 70 N/A

Brownzil 2,915 77 N/A 1

Shitposters 3,143 13 10 194

Sweden (yes) 2,806 66 N/A N/A

ISISrael 2,693 8 46 66

Malaysia 2,031 24 45 215

Legoland 2,017 41 94 3

Checked Republic 1,925 9 2 10

Potatoniggers 1,819 19 25 N/A

Richfagbourg 1,453 9 N/A N/A

Ecuador 1,403 34 41 3

Nips 1,401 47 56 359

Chile 1,306 3 N/A 33

/Pol/and 1,221 16 2 0

Pakishitters 1,193 9 N/A 21

Ladyboyland 1,136 5 12 97

Gypsyniggers 1,029 23 8 94

Saudi Kikerabia 1,012 2 N/A 8

Boers 927 0 N/A N/A

Spurdoland 880 3 22 10

Ivan 840 3 N/A 29

Oliveniggers 892 26 57 42

Vikings 802 0 1 82

Indoniggers 790 58 N/A 31

Pooperpower 2020 724 17 N/A 67


• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Legoland: The total includes 140 cases in the Faroe Islands.

• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.

• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Tax Haven Islands are listed separately.


Previous Threads



Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw

Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7

Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH

Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC

Thread 034 Archive: http://archive.is/GxesI

Thread 035 Archive: http://archive.md/YzKrt

Thread 036 Archive: http://archive.md/opVnt

Thread 037 Archive: http://archive.md/QQUIo

Thread 038 Archive: http://archive.md/Xbhfo

Thread 039 Archive: http://archive.md/DnBiG

Thread 040 Archive: http://archive.md/sTiSs

Thread 041 Archive: http://archive.md/TbrfN

Thread 042 Archive: http://archive.md/DqJBe

Thread 043 Archive: http://archive.md/RNIC4

>updated celeb infection list

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Post last edited at

968324  No.83968

File: 7dcf94dde3dde2c⋯.jpg (4.06 MB, 2500x4000, 5:8, cvg_mediamontage_v2_1.jpg)

File: 871d859afeacebf⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 740x744, 185:186, ETS7wu6WkAARfP8.jpg)

Repostan the media guide in honor of the Coronian Cult

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82938f  No.83970

File: a136fe699b5f034⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 445x464, 445:464, 90869988_2522286674701948_….jpg)

File: 4ae5faf073ba185⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 560x420, 4:3, antarctica.jpg)

>coronian cult anon is sleeping

Kek this is like the first time they have not posted in >1m

So I'll keep it simple in their absence:


>May she bring about the return of the glorious Third Reich from /sudpol/

>May she bring a reborn, nationalised and purified world

>May she burn all the bugs, niggers and undesirables with dry coofs and death


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84a1e1  No.83975

File: 47162df807eea72⋯.png (25.32 KB, 512x270, 256:135, Corona_Chan_pixel_art.png)

The Coronian Cult is late to this thread due to a little incident with Niggermod but here we are, and this is our message to this thread:

>The same psychic energies that can harm and kill can also be used to heal and regenerate. A Coronian cultist should always remember this.

>Never leave a fallen brother down on the ground, lend your metaphysical hand and uplift fellow cultists in need of emotional and spiritual aid.

Prayer for this thread: Short Prayer of Coronian Brotherhood

We stand united by our faith in Corona-Chan and our love for her divine presence

Together we shall praise her deeds and give her our energies

The survivors among us will live to create a brand new world, a pure world.

And those among us who might fall during the Great Collapse and leave this plane of existence shall never be forgotten

The bond between Coronian Cultists is unbreakable, for we are eternal brothers in faith

Ignore and filter the nothingburgerfags, the hoaxniggers and the shills, for they are doomed to a painful death. Never lose your hope and your faith in a better future, use your wisdom to survive the global collapse that is about to happen. Good luck, stay safe and have a nice thread.

Yes, I do realize I'm ban evading but I do not care, I did not deserve that ban, I was behaving well and I know it.

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82938f  No.83984

File: 6102b265406868f⋯.jpg (4.38 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, coof_troop_copy.jpg)

File: 8464b4155830658⋯.jpg (166.91 KB, 500x442, 250:221, Joolander.jpg)

Sorry lurkeranon I forgot to add your pic to OP so will leave it here ;)

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5feb37  No.83992

File: 0dfedbad17dd114⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1566x776, 783:388, 0dfedbad17dd11466657af435f….png)

File: d79b154a9694fba⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, d79b154a9694fba2d2fc1f12df….jpg)

Anybody have sauce for these images?

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70a247  No.84007

File: 71e97816740399c⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 14CORONACHAN41.JPG)





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9a1f1c  No.84009

File: aec10be7fd57d1b⋯.jpg (447.84 KB, 1673x2193, 1673:2193, cluwne_world_now.jpg)

What does Bill Gates have to do with this?

why the fuck do I have to receive the ramblings of that senile old fuck of a billionaire regurgitated in my goddamn WORK EMAIL?!

fuck normies

fuck boomers

Nurgle bless them all

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84a1e1  No.84010

File: 513df9b93eedfbf⋯.png (151.76 KB, 608x555, 608:555, coof_hospital.png)

File: ce653f49bd914ef⋯.png (129.82 KB, 896x611, 896:611, Porto_Alegre_fining_boomer….png)

quoting some news from the end of last thread >>83996 >>84003

An hospital in Daegu is the source of a new cluster of Corona-Chan cases in Worst Korea https://archive.is/7gHq2

Government of Porto Alegre will fine anyone over 60 years old that breaks quarantine to hang out in parks and squares


Thanks NBA, like I always say, you and /cvg/ are welcome. I'm off to bed now, see you nogs at noon.




>What does Bill Gates have to do with this?

ID2020. TL;DR: Gates wants to chip people to make sure they're "healthy and vaccinated". It's some mark of the beast kind of shit, I tell you

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b3cc49  No.84011


The charts that people are freaking out about are funded by the John Hopkins group that has direct ties to Bill Gates, they're fearmongering to chip you and make money off of retards getting bacterial pneumonia.

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5a0105  No.84012


Weird. While people had been saying SK would likely get hit with a second wave, I would have expected it to be in Seoul or Busan, not Daegu again.

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4d0c77  No.84015


>three people don’t know that their DNA is being destroyed by the UVC lights.

Damn, that’s really dangerous. Where’s their brain?!?!

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e8367f  No.84019

File: 57a13ade5349d27⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 3463x1999, 3463:1999, 1568331175585.jpg)


There may be an element of that but the fact the CCP shut down ~90% of their economy and let hundreds of thousands of their citizens die should provide some hard evidence this is real. Moreover, the side effects of coronachan/policies related thereof are enough to bring things down.

>~half of national rent payments go late/unpaid on the 1st, some derivative percentage of mortgages go late/unpaid, some derivative of mortgage portfolios under perform which results in a good portion of banks failing. This is why the fed reduced reserve requirements to 0%

>stock market shits itself because half the economy isn't moving, even 'essential' companies struggle to maintain value

>fed enacts tons of quantitative easing (3-5 trillion) devaluing whatever currency is flowing to 'reinvigorate' the economy

>china is able to get their economy up and running before coronachan has run its course in the states. Medical supplies (masks/drugs) are exported at extreme profit to the chinese

>post coronachan the real estate market gets fucked by airbnb and similar companies failing and those properties hitting the market en masse, plus dead boomer homes being sold and a slow recovery of the resort/vacation industry

>State welfare funds begin to fail as trumpbucks run out and the economy fails to recovery at the pace expected

If this situation isn't handled with care we are bound for another great depression.

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ca95b3  No.84021


there aren't hundreds of thousands of dead

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0bf7ad  No.84023

File: ea87b8d58d01b84⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 491x550, 491:550, evidence.jpg)


>hard evidence

show me hard evidence that you know anything about what happened in China.

<using no evidence, to claim hard evidence

master stroke sir, I'm sure you can fool anyone with a <75 IQ with your iron mind.

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876bb9  No.84024


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0bf7ad  No.84025


ironically, unironically or both?

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4d0c77  No.84026

Update from Australia

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) bought A$3 billion in sovereign government bonds on Thursday, with analysts estimating the central bank could soak up nearly half of all new supply in the market. With Thursday's purchase, the central bank has now bought A$18 billion in government securities, including semi-government bonds, since it launched quantitative easing on March 20 to blunt the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The RBA has said it would buy an "unlimited" number of government bonds in the secondary market to keep three-year yields around 0.25% as the country's A$2 trillion ($1.2 trillion) economy is on the verge of its first recession in three decades. RBA's policy means it would "become the 'default' holder of additional (government bond) supply if foreign buyers aren’t present," ANZ economist David Plank wrote in a note. Plank estimated an increase of more than A$100 billion in new government bonds over the coming 15 months.

"We think the RBA could take up the equivalent of 50% of new supply, though it will be purchasing in the secondary market rather than participating in auctions," Plank added.

"Combined with the banks, this makes finding other buyers a more manageable task and the possible implications for bond yields less concerning."

On Thursday, the RBA bought across maturities with the maximum amount going into May 2021 bonds at A$1.19 billion. It also bought April 2023 bonds for A$893 million, and the remainder was used for December 2021, July 2022 and November 2022 securities. The number of government bond issuances in Australia is expected to surge with the federal budget seen deteriorating from being in balance last year to a deficit this year as the government embarks on massive fiscal stimulus programs. Analysts expect between A$30 billion and A$50 billion of new sovereign bond issuances before the end of June, compared with A$30.2 billion between February and May 2009 during the global financial crisis.

"Moving into 2020-21, there must be a good chance that the AOFM will be faced with the biggest annual issuance task in its history," ANZ's Plank said referring to the Australian Office of Financial Management. "Who might buy these bonds will be a question of considerable interest."

Do the Jews really think they can stop economic collapse? They won’t get away with it.

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876bb9  No.84028


just stating the facts

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423030  No.84029


If Chinese numbers can be trusted, USA has the most infections. Chinese numbers can't be trusted, so USA just has the most 'official' infections.

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963f7d  No.84032


Chinese numbers can be trusted

It indicates that only mass lockdown works.

And guess why everyone is doing it.

Because those numbers are right.

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82938f  No.84033


>chink numbers are right

<what are quadratic equations

<what is impossible tailing off

<what are multiple videos of chinks being denied entry to hospital

Come on now, Ying Fan.

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2ff3e8  No.84034






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4d0c77  No.84036


Then explain to me why there’s a video about the empty city? The video is uploaded by the Chinese. Yes, it’s from China! Don’t tell me that it is not real because the video is viewed by many anons.

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963f7d  No.84040


<what are quadratic equations

massive lockdown obviously counters that to a fucking halt

<what is impossible tailing off

uniting for common good is cultural thing and only possible in communistic or postcommunistic countries just take a look at data in east europe vs west europe

<what are multiple videos of chinks being denied entry to hospital

when normal hospital is transformed into contagious hospital you're supposed to call in first before coming in

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2ff3e8  No.84042


<uniting for the common good only possible under communism

nigger, this is 8chan, you fucking dildo, we know of an alternative.

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82938f  No.84043

File: c3457f49b06c4d8⋯.png (194.06 KB, 810x939, 270:313, quadratic.png)



You should lurk more before trying to shill here, Chang.

Infection rates don't just go from quadratic to a flat line, it's mathematically impossible.

>call in first

Yes sure, but that's not the point - it means that cases are being unreported to maintain the magical flat line.

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963f7d  No.84047


>It's mathematically impossible

are you retarded?

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82938f  No.84050

File: 1392020a5591095⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1556x1113, 1556:1113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd615f03f336f09⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 500x666, 250:333, winnietheflu.jpg)

File: 7b11399fc5bed45⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1577x1117, 1577:1117, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm not paid to be here like you, yellow jew.

>1st pic related

Looks like Eurape is in 'quarantine'. Why the fuck are there so many flights? What in the fuck. Even DXB is basically shut down, are the jewropeans trying to wipe themselves out or? Fucking retards, same with you stupid fucking burgers. SHUT IT DOWN

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963f7d  No.84051



virus spread from person to person

when peoples don't meet they don't spread virus anymore

the line goes flat

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2ff3e8  No.84053


Policy and reality are eternally divorced, dumb yellow nigger.

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963f7d  No.84054


>someone is not agreeing with me

>must be yellow

you're not just mathematically retarded but also socially retarded

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0bf7ad  No.84055


It didn't it "flattened the curve" a phrase you likely heard 100 times if you watch any of the normie news.


some people want to believe something so badly that their ability to process information seems to stop.

I'm looking at you >>84053

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2ff3e8  No.84056


>rich fags coofing themselves to death



chinks are stupid, you are stupid, you are a chink airtight logic.

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0bf7ad  No.84059


You know how badly you embarrass me as a white male? If every time someone says show me evidence of something you call them a nigger/chink it means you are fucking wrong because you have nothing else more substantial to say, you are in fact the nigger. Maybe you are the Chinese, pysoping for sympathy trying to make other countries think China really, really has it much worse. Why don't you go to fuck off.

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82938f  No.84060

File: 2f191c53b921b31⋯.jpg (241.31 KB, 2783x1415, 2783:1415, chink_vs_usa_numbers.jpg)

>>84047 >>84054

>are you retarded

You must be to believe your CCP masters numbers, yellow jew.

Most western countries showed perfect exponential curves but China, perfect quadratic curve, the only nation to do so, so much that anons could predict (I had this in multiple breads +/- 5-10 people sometimes perfectly accurate) the following days numbers sometimes a few days ahead. Until after doing that for a while you yellow jews figured out anons were not believing your numbers and changed it.

Then shit flattened off to zero, even Korea which had similar activity still had a reasonable amount of cases each day. China only had a sudden jump recently, how strange. Very organic.

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963f7d  No.84061


>Policy and reality are eternally divorced, dumb yellow nigger.


>uniting for common good is cultural thing and only possible in communistic or postcommunistic countries just take a look at data in east europe vs west europe

we know goddamn well that the sentence

>Policy and reality are eternally divorced

is true in US and niggers and homeless people are gonna spread it like there is no tomorrow and mass lockdown measures will not be taken because of greed and stupidity

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2ff3e8  No.84062



chink, we aren't collectivists. We don't give a fuck.


chink, TCL workers are dropping dead to make cheap TV's for fat Americans, and you're telling me how to run a country?!

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0bf7ad  No.84063

thread trolled to death

>jews pretending to be white

>whites pretending to be niggers

>chinks pretending to .. prolly no chinks in this thread tbh

>niggers being niggers

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4d0c77  No.84064

I hate the shills. Anyway, let’s ignore the shills. Are everyone finished with stocking up?

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963f7d  No.84066


>(I had this in multiple breads +/- 5-10 people sometimes perfectly accurate) the following days numbers sometimes a few days ahead

Also in those threads we were laughing about welding doors shut and giving people food through windows.

Such measures worked.

And since those actions cannot be taken in the US you can only hope to "slow it down" not "stop it".

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2ff3e8  No.84067


It didn't work, fake getter. China's CCP hasn't had its plenary session. derp

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577039  No.84068

File: 5d60fee8293fe02⋯.webm (11.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _ThePruld_Praise_till_you….webm)


>Are everyone finished with stocking up?

Stocking up is a never ending process.

You must continue to replenish your stocks while it's still possible.

You must always think about how to prolong the use of your stocks and ways to adapt to future shortages.

I'm never done stocking, and I'll never stop till I drop.

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2ff3e8  No.84072


Establish strict borders, of various sizes. Permit none to pass. The first level is nation, but also state borders. And then city perimeters, and within cities.

Establish the locations of outbreaks. Encircle them, as you would an enemy camp. Then divide them, as you would an enemy. As you divide, then divide, you will find some areas are clean. They can be released to the overall section they border.

In this way, by basic strategy, the virus is defeated.

And actively utilize the NSA to prevent sex hookups and all such apps.

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cf6719  No.84073

File: c232a012f37ece2⋯.png (230.33 KB, 893x832, 893:832, Corona_Chan_free_TP.png)


Having to actually live off my stocks has really opened my eyes to my prepping shortcomings.

My biggest flaw was not buying up more laundry and cleaning supplies. I feel like I focused so much on food staples, that I neglected laundry soap and toiletries.

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1b3d57  No.84074


I've come to see my stock as a great source of calm, first time I had ever had to 'rely' on it (not really yet, still able to get what I need and keep adding to stock at the same time), but going forward there will be an 'eiserner Bestand' in my home for a number of things, don't know the English term but it means a fixed minimum amount of strategic stuff.

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a25bb5  No.84075


>It didn't work

It did, if it hadn't all of china would be infected by now, even china can't fake that, china can face dozens of thousands of deaths, maybe even low hundreds of thousands but tens of millions? no fucking way.

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4d0c77  No.84077


I bet you don’t have black elderberry + vitamin c + zinc with honey lozenges to prevent the viral loads from getting high. I use it when I go out with mask on as a caution.

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0bf7ad  No.84078

File: 2e56897d9a4d0da⋯.jpg (36.17 KB, 460x468, 115:117, aR08REQ_460s.jpg)

File: b54cde162f1bee8⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 934x536, 467:268, coronachanflag.jpg)

File: aeff8fe3db069f3⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 445x531, 445:531, ETGinhiUMAEgFAF_1.jpg)

File: 57165c669e28f1c⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 474x331, 474:331, OIP_ZVUaKwg6iR_bJ6sVH3_S4A….jpg)

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82938f  No.84079


>speaking for /pol/

If you were in the early breads you would have seen the mathsfag predictions and the clear evidence that chink numbers are faker than you pretending that you fit in here, reddit newfag.

>such measures worked

Yeah, China has a roaring economy and is back to numma wun now? Come on.

They have managed to slow it down, that's pretty certain, I know that through my contacts there but it's certainly not over there. Worst Korea, Nips and Singapoor also appear to be on top or 'over the hill'. The rest of the world.. not so much.



same, kek. Not so much stocked but will grab a bit more next time I go shopping in full biosuit.

Thread cleaning is commencing. (((18))) posts out of 62 you need to tone it the fuck down.

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2ff3e8  No.84080


>all of china


The other guy is right. You're retarded, go away.

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5feb37  No.84084


Boris Johnson just announced he was blessed. This the most powerful politician to be blessed so far?


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2ff3e8  No.84085

Imagine everyone in China dead due to Our Lady Coronavirus! All of them! Everyone you know, dumb whore, imagine each one!

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4d0c77  No.84086


I managed to get one litre hand soap left on the shelf. Strayans are very paranoid about catching Corona lady so they make their own hand sanitiser by blending aloe Vera gel and rubbing alcohol altogether. There is no hand sanitiser on the supermarket so I had to order online and the hand sanitiser is made in Australia. This should not be a problem.

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963f7d  No.84088


we would literally go back to 8bit computers technology

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1b3d57  No.84089


FTSE down 4.5%


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66dd7f  No.84090


Doesn't Intel have some production facilities in US? I mean, shit would be crazy expensive, but it won't be gone. Also there's a metric shitton of old stuff floating around, abandoned due to (((being too slow))). Back to 8bit? Nope. Back to 2004? Sure.

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1b3d57  No.84091

File: 9c2c67c5c6f8c9b⋯.jpg (42.33 KB, 420x300, 7:5, commodore_64_system.jpg)


that sounds comfy as fuck, actually.

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2ff3e8  No.84092

File: 4e411627b50d580⋯.png (19.84 KB, 650x490, 65:49, TempleOS_logo.png)


<implying this would be bad

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577039  No.84093

File: 248d13bc32f1eca⋯.webm (10.94 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Omega_The_Girl_With_The_P….webm)


I bet you don't even have a garden of botanicals.

>zinc, vit c, elderberry

I have two years supply of the elderberry alone, and got it before the run on it happened.


>don't know the English term but it means a fixed minimum amount of strategic stuff.

You should have had a one month supply of your essentials before anything happened.

You should have been ramping up purchases as this whole shitstorm unfolded until you had a year minimum of all basics including first aid and cleaning.

I bet you haven't prepared for total communication blackouts in hotspots.

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1b3d57  No.84094


Relax, I started in January along with most here, and I'm in very good shape. We haven't had to need to touch it yet, because supermarkets are in great supply here still (no niggers) and low numbers of infected/dead. Adding to the stockpile, all major parts, non-perishable foods, canned fruit, desinfectants/cleaning and basic meds. I'd say we can last about six months, but honestly if the outlook would be six we'd exfiltrate in month 3 or 4 to safer ground (yes we have a plan).

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2ff3e8  No.84095


So many solid titles. Of course, chips are made in fabs in Malaysia, the US, etc. There has been the push to move fabs to China, but it's not worked out that well. I'll check for details. What we can expect, without China, is that phones will get a hell of a lot fatter. But PC's & shit will remain.

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963f7d  No.84096


>Doesn't Intel have some production facilities in US?

maybe some embedded industrial 486es and that's fucking it

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4d0c77  No.84097


>I bet you don't even have a garden of botanicals.

I have blueberry, mango tree, basil plant, however I want to have more plant. Carrot and sweet potatoes is good because they can increase white blood count (immune system).

>I have two years supply of the elderberry alone, and got it before the run on it happened.

As in fruit or lozenges? You might want to stock lozenges so your throat don’t get infected during the coronavirus crisis.

I forget about the first aid. I have painkillers, band aids. That’s it. What a poor choice,

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1b3d57  No.84098


>I bet you haven't prepared for total communication blackouts in hotspots.

Oh and those are nigger infested area problems, can't say I prepared for that, no. I also don't intend to shoot my neighbors.

Friendly Greetings from Czech Republic!

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2ff3e8  No.84100

File: 44f47280fdbda3d⋯.jpg (292.23 KB, 857x1210, 857:1210, Screenshot_20200327_064901….jpg)




Nah man, fabs are in the US, except for one, that's for that weird too expensive memory that's going to flop.

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0fc04b  No.84104


Misrable Fat Belgian Bastard (chocolate nigger) here.

In Liège a cat got infected with corona. It has breathing difficulties, vomiting and diarrhea.

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0bf7ad  No.84107


A single dog test positive in China weeks ago. I'm curious why they tested the cat though.

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4b9593  No.84108

Update from Australia

Mass Unemployment has started creating unrest. The media is stating that the people are turning on the government as the welfare system is collapsing due to demand. There have been active protests from people's cars because mass gatherings are banned. We're in a whole bunch of shit. The unemployment is going to surpass 20% easily. It's all going to shit.

Burgers are way worse off though. You guys have a hell of a mess on your hands.

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a25bb5  No.84109


Keep believing in your fantasy then

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4d0c77  No.84110


I am not surprised. Centrelink need to disband and create automated basic income for everyone. There is more than 2 million unemployed people and Aus govt don’t know how to fix this. Come on, they can create domestic military service to keep them busy and happy. They fucking need to be ruthless!

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2ff3e8  No.84111


Very interesting. Tell me more about how you think that your own mind can't be trusted, so you must rely upon "experts". Goddamned bug man

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0fc04b  No.84112


If I recall correctly the dogs (two dogs got confirmed) didn't had symptoms.

This cat does.

Who knows it may jump on rats (since they usually can be infected with other humans diseases and get ill) and maybe on insects.

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2ff3e8  No.84113


Can you shut the hell up, chink, and go shoot Xi alread?

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a25bb5  No.84114


>Come on

No one is saying that you dumb fuck.


Yes i put more trust on the evidence at hand than your imagination and no that doesn't mean i believe the chink numbers.

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2ff3e8  No.84115


Gee, what famous disease was spread by rats?

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963f7d  No.84116


I heven't had any intel cpus "made in US" other than some prototype ones and even those were just "assembeled in US" but maybe that's just luck

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82938f  No.84117


Thanks anon, the pet infections are of great interest as it shows how vulnerable the biosphere is to this..


Can you make more than one reply in a post you nigger. Fuck you and your thread shitting one line crap.

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4d0c77  No.84118


>rats (since they usually can be infected with other humans diseases and get ill) and maybe on insects.

I really hope that doesn’t happen because coronavirus might be capable of incorporating DNA into virus. Black Plague 2.0.

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2ff3e8  No.84119


Believing others isn't evidence. You have no idea how to reason, because you're a useless braindead bugman.


The main component is. The retard work is handled by the bug people. They do testing, die, packaging.

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0fc04b  No.84121


Ccommon cold, Hampta, Tuberculosis, Rabies

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2ff3e8  No.84122


Your reply actually only contained zero useful information, you only complained about my posts, because you are chinese and a member of the shill team here, and want me removed. Your other comment was only "rah rah" crap. Useless bug man. Watch me do something useful:

Coronavirus, like Black Death, originated in China, possibly both due to the eating of human remains. The Chinese eat humans.

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751126  No.84123

File: e494106ee7f822b⋯.jpg (139.66 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Corona_Chan_meets_Boris_Bo….jpg)


Corona Chan is enjoying the hospitality of BoJo during her visit to Downing Street, Bongland.

"Boris Johnson is a fun Prime Minister of the UK. I can hang around Number 10 Downing Street forever now. Thanks BoJo!" - Corona Chan, 2020


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4b9593  No.84124


> create automated basic income for everyone

Its moving that way but they're so fucking slow. I already applied but I still haven't gotten a reply yet. shits taking too long. *I don't actually need it but if they are giving it out to people I figure I might as well apply since I fit within the scope of it.

The issue seems to be with the system itself. They just don't have the capacity to process it fast enough. They should just use the census or ATO data and give it to everyone.

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2ff3e8  No.84125


An interesting fact about the common cold, one of the viruses that causes it is a coronavirus.

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0bf7ad  No.84126

File: 24f2054b779b90a⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 300x232, 75:58, OIP_rnCPTFg5uYzQjBjqeG10tw….jpg)


try to get a grip on your sanity ass wipe

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4d0c77  No.84128

Update from Australia

Mr Littleproud says he has written to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk calling for calm and to further mitigate risks of virus spread. “As the borders have been shut we’ve seen a surge of ‘grey nomads’ … to south-west Queensland to hide from the virus,” Mr Littleproud told media on Friday.

“Unfortunately this action could turn caravans into the cruise ships of the outback if someone is infected and spreads it in small communities with the health resources to support them. “There’s is panic out there in some areas to the the extent that we’re seeing vigilantism where tyres have been slashed of people who are out there.” Mr Littleproud, who’s electorate of Maranoa takes in much of south west Queensland, said all levels of government needed to make sure residents are calm and safe in those areas.

People's tyres are reportedly being slashed in remote and regional parts of Queensland. Meanwhile, rural doctors have reminded those who live in isolated communities their towns aren’t protected from the spread of the virus. Dr Adam Coltzau is leading the COVID-19 response for the Rural Doctors Association of Australia and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. “Cases of coronavirus have already been confirmed in numerous rural communities,” he said. “But some rural Australians are still walking around in La-La Land, thinking COVID-19 is only a big city issue. “This couldn’t be further from the truth.” Dr Coltzau said people should self-isolate at home and work from home wherever possible.

North Queensland federal politicians have also written to Ms Palaszczuk calling for the region to be closed to slow the spread of coronavirus. She was sent the letter on Thursday, which cited a lack of resources the region had to deal with an outbreak. Federal members George Christensen, Phillip Thompson, Michelle Landry and senator Matt Canavan signed the letter.

Do they realise that slashing the wheels may make the things worse?

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b3cc49  No.84129


If the other discussions about this shitshow wasn't enough to convince me this kind of shit is, holy fucking shit.

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2ff3e8  No.84130


How about you filthy chinese stop eating humans?

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a25bb5  No.84132


You changed my mind dude, trusting you is evidence enough for me.

Actually now that i think about it all the chinks must've died, it's all a kike psyop, hell chinks never existed to begin with.

what's your evidence you brain dead nigger? have you gone to china yourself to count corpses?

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2ff3e8  No.84134


Hopefully everybody in China will die of something horrible.

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0bf7ad  No.84135


I think Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tiebet should all be free countries. I'm not fucking Chinese, I'm just way the fuck smarter than your dumbass. You obviously didn't finish high school and duncans to donuts you are a quintessential redneck, or worse, some mixed piece of shit wishing you could be a redneck.

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963f7d  No.84136


and the whole economy with it

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4d0c77  No.84138


I am worried about the civil war if Aus govt don’t fix this fast. Can you imagine 2 millions pissed off umemployed people hanging the pollies for being shit?

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9aaca9  No.84139

File: 25e80dd26c1cb16⋯.pdf (214.3 KB, COVID_19_Analysis_and_Summ….pdf)


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a25bb5  No.84140


Hoping won't make it any more real

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2ff3e8  No.84141


Worth it.


No you don't. You're a chinese military officer. Now go shoot Chan Xi, run along, you have work to do. 3D print a gun and cap his ass.

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963f7d  No.84143


No, I'm a soviet tripple spy cold war didn't really ended.

It's conspiracy everyone is payed to have opinions other than mine.

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2ff3e8  No.84144


fucksake can't you pirate some decent software chink?

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963f7d  No.84147


let's say US economy is software

and I'm already pirating it

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01a3f4  No.84148

File: a19f975d95b016c⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 584x310, 292:155, Moshe.jpg)


>The government is also encouraging citizens to report each other

Kek, UDBA tier. Our komunjare are starting to show their true face again as well.

Our old pal Moshe quote related. I can translate it for other anons if they want.

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751126  No.84149

File: 09b60eea1393145⋯.jpg (182.58 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, based_putin_hazmat_corona_….jpg)


Based Putin won't get Corona Virus like silly no-mask Boris Johnson.

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4d0c77  No.84150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d0c77  No.84153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hundreds people are dobbing the people for violating the social distance rules. There are 2 million unemployed people so why can’t the strayan govt hire them as Coronavirus spies?

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ac4e18  No.84155

File: 89713dbb5275695⋯.jpg (142.49 KB, 1400x774, 700:387, 5f1fcf50d9ff96a511c8997a08….jpg)

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

>Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

>We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day. [The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty… All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.

>Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician specialising in Pulmonology, politician and former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009 he called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic.

>Politicians are being courted by scientists…scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in the mainstream and want their part of it […] And what is missing right now is a rational way of looking at things. We should be asking questions like “How did you find out this virus was dangerous?”, “How was it before?”, “Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”, “Is it even something new?” That’s missing.

>Dr Joel Kettner s professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba province and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases.

>I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why.

>I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that.

Don't associate, goyim! Stay home, play our video games, jerk off to our porn.

>Dr John Ioannidis Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He is director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).

>Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.

The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher.

>Could the Covid-19 case fatality rate be that low? No, some say, pointing to the high rate in elderly people. However, even some so-called mild or common-cold-type coronaviruses that have been known for decades can have case fatality rates as high as 8% when they infect elderly people in nursing homes.

Read the article for the rest of the story.



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a226d4  No.84156


This is really telling.

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a226d4  No.84157


It will never happen. But, 6 million unemployed will happen.

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ecf3d6  No.84159


>Do they realise that slashing the wheels may make the things worse?

How would it make things worse? It would leave them stranded out in bumfuck nowhere so they can't get into town and spread their shit to us. In my town (in South West QLD) I have been seeing a couple of apparently homeless people lately, living in their cars. Never seen them before and they look like they're from the city. People are getting worried out here. There are people quarantined near me and the police check on them daily. Not that I condone it, but I can definitely understand the anger some of us out here are feeling at the city people thinking they can just waltz on out here and take over our shit. If you feel unwelcome it's because you are.

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594e7c  No.84160

File: 840e7f8b0657d0a⋯.jpeg (113.91 KB, 734x901, 734:901, ETKIbqTWsAIW1Xr.jpeg)

Amabie + Corona porn when?

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0d171f  No.84161

File: 24c43e9ab2342f5⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 600x584, 75:73, Pls0gnt_d.jpg)

724 new confirmed infected in Portugal, 20% increase.

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4d0c77  No.84164


They will ask people to help with the wheels from other place so more people come in.

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1b3d57  No.84166

File: 6c02ff70b26ad39⋯.jpg (182.16 KB, 1400x977, 1400:977, pumpjeet.jpg)


Or walk in between working people with arms stretched out. Or pic related.

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4d0c77  No.84168

>>84166 (Czeched)

>strayans are joyous to see the hand sanitisers being mobile.

That will work, anon.

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a25bb5  No.84170


Don't know what to believe anymore, i'm not seeing the societal collapse i expected but at the same time a lot of damage has been done all over the world that i can't simply attribute to overreaction from "scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions"

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5c1c3a  No.84172


What is Wuhan? If the USA loses NYC then I’ll admit they’re making a serious attempt to catch up.


The only Chinee dog blessed I saw was just the owner thinking the dog got it. No test.

>There was also the dogs Greta Thunberg and Kathy Griffin thinking they got it.


Is she single?

>eyeing that sanitizer

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8cade5  No.84173


18m less cell customers, lineups greater than 4 hours at funeral homes to collect ashes. There isn't any huge number of dead…not at all!

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82938f  No.84178

File: 52a155ad840d556⋯.jpg (296.2 KB, 698x800, 349:400, putin_coofsuit_bad_things.jpg)

File: 32650a18e9060b8⋯.jpeg (36.15 KB, 510x266, 255:133, E1403FC6_65CC_426A_9069_2….jpeg)

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File: ec3471313fef028⋯.jpeg (42.76 KB, 510x340, 3:2, A4201DDF_5364_4098_9BD3_2….jpeg)

So have any of you niggers looked at death to recovery ratios?

>For each (((recovery))) there is X numbers of deaths.

Burgers 5.15

Bug Hive 0.04

Pastaniggers 0.79

Asspain 0.62

Deutsches Reich 0.03

Eye-Ran 0.23

Frogs 0.34

Switzerniggers 48.00

Bongs 4.28

Worst Korea 0.03

Toothpaste/Negerlands 217.00

Asstria 5.44

Chocolateniggers 0.33

Turkroaches 0

Leafs 0.17

Poortugal 1.40

Black Metal 0

Brownzil 77.00

Shitposters 0.07

Sweden (yes) 0

ISISrael 0.12

Malaysia 0.11

Legoland 13.67

Checked Republic 0.90

Potatoniggers 0

Richfagbourg 0

Ecuador 11.33

Nips 0.13

Chile 0.09

/Pol/and 0

Pakishitters 0.43

Ladyboyland 0.05

Gypsyniggers 0.24

Saudi Kikerabia 0.25

Boers 0

Spurdoland 0.30

Ivan 0.10

Oliveniggers 0.62

Vikings 0.00

Indoniggers 1.87

Pooperpower 2020 0.25

That's looking pretty fucking terrible odds to beat Corona-chan and based on BNO stats at time of OP.


>eyeing that sanitizer



>having to build mobile incinerators

It's just a few hundred casualties, gweilo!

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a25bb5  No.84184


That has more to do with how those numbers are counted, at this point i don't think we'll get a real idea of the extent of the pandemic any time soon.

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0fc04b  No.84186


so what is negerlands? the Netherlands?

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94b353  No.84189


regardless of what country is doing what, ours is certainly intentionally dropping this whole thing on the ball. Only that french doctor coming through with actually having read the old papers about coronaviruses and chloroquine may save us.

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82938f  No.84191

File: 570478c4ff00a50⋯.png (108.72 KB, 740x1634, 370:817, Italy_4x_worse.png)


They are attributing deaths to other 'reasons' to hide the true death numbers. So the actual numbers are even worse.


Negerlands indeed, anon.

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6f507c  No.84195


Hey bug- we know what happened in Hubei. I'm sure we'll be having a direct conversation very soon about this and many other topics.

Now go fuck Xi.

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ca1223  No.84207

File: e73fae73829593d⋯.png (201.58 KB, 736x1196, 8:13, c37a6d020e7481af1ffa761.png)

File: c8f5738e52e37d6⋯.png (265.86 KB, 459x819, 51:91, CDC_2019_PLANNED.png)

File: 0303900431163ec⋯.jpg (42.03 KB, 660x377, 660:377, id2020_alliance_mandatory_….jpg)

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285260  No.84210


Bill Gates is heavily invested in biotech for his ID 2020 initiative to microchip and vaccinate goyim for a new central banker global digital fiat currency they want to be rolled out. This has cashless system was being talked about and promoted as early as the mid 80s, by the way, it is nothing new. They want everyone to be micromanaged and controlled under a new type of digital system (think of China's social credit score, very similar to that where governments choose who is accepted and who is not from the new digital financial system). It's all about population control and 24/7 surveillance but on a much wider personal scale than we see today.

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d95011  No.84211

NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Jeff Shell, NBCUniversal’s recently appointed CEO, has tested positive for coronavirus, Variety has confirmed.

In a memo to staff, Shell said he was diagnosed with the virus after “feeling under the weather.” He told employees that he will self-quarantine and work from home indefinitely while he recovers.

“I recently have been feeling under the weather and just learned that I have tested positive for Covid-19,” Shell wrote. “Although the virus has been tough to cope with, I have managed to work remotely in LA and am improving every day.”

Starting last week, NBCUniversal employees had already been directed to work from home in an effort to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

All aspects of NBCUniversal’s business have been impacted as the industry grapples with the global health crisis. Most film and TV operations have been suspended, its theme parks are temporarily shuttered, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (for which NBC holds TV rights) were postponed and late-night shows are attempting to operate remotely. In Shell’s memo, NBCU disclosed that it has committed $150 million to aid employees affected by coronavirus-related job disruptions.

“Many of you, like me, are working from home while trying to balance family commitments and other challenges, and I know this isn’t easy,” Shell said. “But for those of you who can do your jobs from home, it is absolutely critical that you do so.”

Larry Edgeworth, a longtime NBC News employee who worked as a technician at the company’s 30 Rock headquarters, died last week after testing positive for coronavirus. He was one of the first casualties from the disease among the media industry.


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622963  No.84212

Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Sends US Troops Scrambling

U.S. Navy and Marine Corps service members in Guam were ordered on Wednesday to break their own quarantine to set up makeshift shelters for U.S. troops coming off a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, where an outbreak of the novel coronavirus is rapidly spreading within the hulls of the ship.

Some of the U.S. troops at Naval Base Guam, located on the western side of the U.S. territory at Apra Harbor, were assembled into 100-man working parties to begin transforming some of the base’s facilities into temporary quarantine shelters for some of the 5,000 service members arriving from the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, a naval vessel where COVID-19 is spreading.

“We found several more cases aboard the ship, we are in the process now of testing 100 percent of the crew of that ship to ensure that we are able to contain whatever spread that might have occurred there… but I also want to emphasize that the ship is operationally capable and can do its mission if required,” said Acting Navy Secretary Thomas B. Modly at the Pentagon on Thursday.

U.S. Navy officials told The Daily Beast that 23 sailors onboard the Roosevelt tested positive for COVID-19 and that testing capabilities for the coronavirus are limited. The Wall Street Journal first reported the latest figures on Thursday. In total, the Navy has 133 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 104 of which are active-duty.

One U.S. service member assigned to the working parties in Guam, who asked not to be named, told The Daily Beast that some troops are afraid they will contract the coronavirus from crew members arriving from the Roosevelt.

The service member added, “We’re fucked.”

At a virtual town hall held from the Pentagon on Tuesday and streamed to Facebook live, Defense Secretary Mark Esper cautioned troops from holding mass troop formations and urged both service members and commanders to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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aef0fd  No.84214

No Need For Hard Quarantine In Russia, Which Closed Its Border Back In January

A World Health Organization official says there is no need for Russia to implement a hard quarantine to fight coronavirus after Moscow closed most of its border back in January.

The WHO’s representative in Russia, Melita Vujnovic, said the country was “one step ahead” of other countries in its battle against COVID-19.

“The measures that Russia has been implementing from the very first day when the WHO received a notification from China that there is a new virus, are wonderful, because this is not just one measure, but a whole set of measures, which is being expanded,” Vujnovic said at a press conference.

Russia announced back on January 31st that it was closing most of its 4,200-kilometer border with China and banning Chinese citizens from entering the country.

This occurred during the same time period when western nations and the WHO insisted that they wouldn’t stop the international flow of people despite the threat of a pandemic.

Although Moscow has ordered nightclubs and cinemas to be closed, bars and restaurants remain open and people are allowed to travel freely.

Russia has recorded 840 cases of coronavirus so far with just three deaths. Compare that to Italy, which has suffered over 75,000 cases and more than 7,500 fatalities.

Singapore, which despite its proximity to China has recorded only 2 coronavirus deaths, also closed its border back in January.


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085c9e  No.84217

China Industrial Profits Plunge Most On Record

On Friday morning local time, China reported that industrial profits crash the most on record in January-February, both due to the Lunar new year, but mostly due to the virus outbreak and the government's restrictive measures to contain the virus. In year-over-year terms, profit growth was -38.3%, the biggest drop on record, and far worse from the -6.3%Y/Y decline in December. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the average level of profits in January-February also declined materially by 22% (non-annualized) from the December level.

The decline in profits was bigger than the decline in industrial production in January to February, likely due to the fact that while production and sales were suspended, certain costs (such as labor and depreciation costs) remained.

Here are the key numbers:

Industrial profits: -38.3% yoy in January-February (-22.0% growth mom non-annualized, seasonally adjusted by GS); December: -6.3% yoy (-14.6% mom sa).

Industrial revenue: -17.7% yoy in January-February (-7.9% growth mom non-annualized, seasonally adjusted by GS); December: -3.3% yoy (-9.7% mom sa).

Commenting on the plunge in profits, Goldman notes that all major industries saw lower profits, led by automobile manufacturing where profits shrank by 79.6% yoy, and computer manufacturing industry where profits declined by 87%. Ferrous metal smelting and pressing profits dropped by 34.4% yoy.

Profit margins (total profits divided by revenues) for industrial companies narrowed to 3.9%, vs 5.2% in the same period last year based on our calculation. Sales slowed while certain costs such as labor and depreciation cost remained. The increased hygiene standard and disinfection needs could also have pushed up costs. The implied real industrial sales growth in January-February was -17.6% yoy, down from -2.8% yoy in December and weaker than the industrial production growth of -13.5% yoy in January to February. Travel and logistics control might have lowered the sales to production ratio and caused the divergence between these two indicators.


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a25bb5  No.84218


or not that bad

>Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.


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04e18a  No.84219

File: 9a32ae4ec7e1496⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2112x2492, 528:623, deformeditalianamerican.png)


>tfw King Gopnik cannot into exponential growth

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b88e6a  No.84220

Thousands of NYPD Officers Now Sick As City Struggles With Coronavirus Outbreak

Harshest Lockdowns In Country Not Working?

Thousands of New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers have called off sick, and more than 200 have confirmed cases of the coronavirus, according to Police Commissioner Dermot Shea.

Shea said about 3,200 officers were out sick Wednesday, triple the normal rate and constituting 9 percent of the force, as the coronavirus outbreak continues to sweep through New York.

“Backup plans are already underway,” Shea said during an appearance on MSNBC, as reported by Politico. “We are certainly making adjustments. We are back filling patrols when we need to.”

According to the commissioner, 177 uniformed members of the NYPD have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, along with at least 34 civilian employees. Shea says that number has grown, but the department did not immediately have an updated number, and not all sick officers have been tested for COVID-19.

“Has every member of the New York City Police Department been tested? I think that would be unrealistic,” Shea said. Shea recently told the New York Post he doesn’t believe the NYPD has any “breaking point” when it comes to staffing levels.

NYPD officers have started enforcing social-distancing rules in the city as state and health officials have emphasized the importance of doing so to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Shea said most businesses that have been checked have followed directions to shut down.

“We’re doing thousands and thousands of inspections every day,” Shea said. “The majority of New Yorkers recognize that we’re in unprecedented times. They’re responding accordingly.”

New York City has been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak, with more than 15,000 cases and more than 190 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) told reporters Wednesday the city is planning to close select streets and could further close public parks and playgrounds in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.


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627a0b  No.84223


States Now Begging FEMA for Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams

America is about to be flooded with dead bodies from the coronavirus epidemic that’s now burning its away across the nation. With over 68,000 confirmed infections and over 1,000 confirmed deaths already in America, the nation is on track to see at least 100,000 coronavirus deaths in the coming months.

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio is now warning that half of all New Yorkers — around 4 million people — will become infected with the Wuhan coronavirus, according to the NY Post. As merely a 2% case fatality rate, that will result in an estimated 80,000 deaths in NYC alone.

Via the NY Post:

His health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, said the percentage could be even worse by the fall.

“We think 50 percent by the end of this epidemic, this pandemic, so by the time September rolls around likely 50 percent, but it could also be much higher,” Dr. Barbot said at the briefing.

The city’s hospital system is nearing its breaking point.

At the same time NYC is expecting tens of thousands of deaths from the coronavirus over the next several months, three US states are now requesting “emergency mortuary assistance” from FEMA in order to deal with all the dead bodies.

Those states are New York, North Carolina and Hawaii. Curiously, Hawaii is currently reporting only 95 infections and 1 death due to the coronavirus, which almost certainly means Hawaii isn’t doing much testing.

According to CNBC.com:

New York, Hawaii and North Carolina have requested emergency mortuary assistance from FEMA to handle the coming deaths expected from coronavirus as the pandemic bears down on the United States.

The requests are for HHS Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams, or DMORT, which “work to quickly and accurately identify victims and support local mortuary services,” according to a government website.

Politico reported Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security had been briefed that New York City’s morgues were nearing capacity, citing a DHS official and another source familiar with the matter. The New York Post reported on Tuesday that a makeshift morgue was being set up at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, citing a source who was familiar with the operation.

In other words, New York is rapidly running out of places to put all the dead bodies.


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9fd743  No.84225




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5ee6ab  No.84227


It will likely spread in Russia now that there are infections being found, but no where near the number of cases being found in other countries. If they are smart enough they could likely contain it, but they have to take some swift action to find where it is spreading domestically and lockdown those areas temporarily.

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f88420  No.84231

They Want This To Spread! Why Could That Be?

American Red Cross Accepting Coronavirus-infected People As Blood Donors, Claims Coronavirus Can’t Be Spread Through Blood

In the latest example of outrageously bad information that we’ll file under “self-serving ignorance,” the American Red Cross has publicly declared that asymptomatic coronavirus-infected individuals can give blood, even claiming they won’t be tested for the coronavirus when they do so.

It harkens back to the 1980s when the American Red Cross claimed HIV couldn’t be spread through blood and refused to test people for the HIV virus. (See more details, below.)

“There is no test to screen blood donations for the coronavirus and other respiratory viruses,” says the FAQ page of the American Red Cross blood donation website.

That same page goes on to make the bizarre claim that the coronavirus cannot be transmitted via blood, even though it’s obviously carried by the blood throughout the body. Via the American Red Cross:

It’s important to emphasize that there are no data or evidence that this coronavirus can be transmitted by blood transfusions, and there have been no reported cases of transfusion transmission for any respiratory virus including this coronavirus worldwide.

The American Red Cross is suffering a catastrophic decline in blood donations due to people staying home, so now they’re resorting to bizarre explanations to try to convince asymptomatic coronavirus carriers to give blood. (Question: Wouldn’t this potentially infect future patients who need the blood transfusions?)

Despite the American Red Cross’s best efforts at telling us otherwise, the coronavirus doesn’t limit itself to lung tissue in the human body. It circulates throughout the body, infecting heart tissue, kidney tissue and even nervous tissue. As this article on HNGN explains, the coronavirus infects:

The lungs

The stomach

The circulatory system – “A 2014 study concluded that 92% of MERS patients had signs of the coronavirus outside the respiratory system.”

The liver

The kidneys

The way it reaches all these organs, of course, is through the blood. This Healthline.com article — a “mainstream” health site — also openly discusses how the coronavirus moves through the “heart and blood vessels,” infecting the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and more.


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847933  No.84232

Good morning all you wonderful frens, Brazilfren, Pastafren, Debtfren, etc!



We love you Corona-chan!





>Don't know what to believe anymore, i'm not seeing the societal collapse i expected

I don't think most sensible here or elsewhere were expecting a total societal collapse; but since Corona-chan is still ravaging the Earth, I would not trust these guys who think people are over-reacting. If anything there are still way too many normalfaggots and nothingburger autists under-reacting and causing more damage than desired. It's like how the NWS doesn't classify tornadoes until after they do their damage and the storm passes because it's uncertain during the chaos how dangerous a storm will be No matter if its later a EF1 or a super EF5, they tell people during the storm "Don't screw around with these things and get the fuck into your basement!".

> i can't simply attribute to overreaction from "scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions"

Dr. Wodarg in >>84155 is a fucking moron to think that most money-seeking scientists are promoting the doomer view. Did you read about the two Nature articles from last thread, one about "It's not a bioweapon goyim" or the latter "it's not killing that many, stop worrying"? The first one especially had every indication of a poorly, rushed research to advertise more trust money and grants.

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82938f  No.84233


Dude the news is great but can you start putting it as links and images in one post please with archive?

Its' starting to break up the thread.

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5e0a60  No.84236

Doctors in Distress, Quarantine Send SOS for More Protective Gear, Tests

Hospitals Are Becoming More and More Dangerous

Frontline health care providers around the country are sounding alarm bells about the rationing of protective gear and lack of rapid response COVID-19 testing – and some are even doing so from quarantine.

Distressed doctors and other health care professionals have been sidelined from the pandemic response because they have suspected cases of coronavirus. They are home with their quarantined spouses and kids, but in a sign of how disjointed the coronavirus response has been, some doctors have no idea if they are actually infected.

"It's pretty frustrating that we have celebrities and basketball players getting tested the same day," said Dr. Damian Caraballo, a Tampa emergency room physician who had been quarantined for a week before learning he was negative. "But if you're a doctor or nurse you can't get tested [immediately]. You're waiting six or seven days to find out your results."

Full NBA teams have already been tested for the coronavirus. The Brooklyn Nets paid a private company to get the tests and learned four players were positive. Politicians are getting tested and finding swift results. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, was tested Monday and got his negative results back the next day. Vice President Mike Pence and his wife were tested and seemingly received their negative results within hours.

Meantime, Caraballo, 39, and at least one of his colleagues had been home quarantined and presumed infected from one of the COVID-19 patients he's treated in the emergency room. He's joined with other health care professionals around the nation saying the lack of N95 respirator masks and other protective gear is a dangerous embarrassment that will lead to more doctors out of commission and unable to treat the rapidly spreading virus.

Not only is the dwindling supply of masks, gowns and gloves putting health care workers in peril, but the lack of widespread rapid response testing means doctors don't even know what patients coming into their hospital need to be isolated, the doctors say.


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18f8bf  No.84237


Sorry, I can post archive.md links if you'd like me to but I don't know how to take screenshots of this with my browser.

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0bf7ad  No.84238


do you jerk off while you fantasize to your phone-data conspiracy theory? – millions of American students didn't turn in their homework this week – proof that million of American kids are dead.

wank wank wank

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b47e81  No.84239

File: 5578a900dbf053e⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 477x268, 477:268, MV5BMDQzMWQ5NDUtNjk0Zi00OD….jpg)

File: 2219a967b19a9db⋯.jpg (165.97 KB, 1024x601, 1024:601, RIVER_CRAB.jpg)

File: 5fb9affb106ad4b⋯.jpg (303.33 KB, 1200x655, 240:131, farms_tools_into_pig_iron.jpg)

File: 4ccba0525f9ade4⋯.jpg (260.18 KB, 1280x961, 1280:961, FREE_HONG_KONG.jpg)

File: 75234bdf39cb422⋯.jpeg (62.58 KB, 622x350, 311:175, UYGHER_INDEPENDENCE.jpeg)


China lied, people died

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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82938f  No.84241


Print screen?

Paste it into the message box here. I use a program called greenshot it's really useful depending on your OS.

Thanks so much anon!

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df9f64  No.84242


>, i'm not seeing the societal collapse i expected

Normalfags are already killing themselves due to isolation because they are socialization addicts. ZOGs around the world have already gone way more draconian than it would be reasonably allowed within the frame of their fetishization of liberal democracy. The only reason you don't see widespread riots and guillotines in the streets is because of how weak, scared, emasculated and dependent the Western populous has become.

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be86f5  No.84243


I'll see what I can do, I don't want screenshots of the browser or OS I use though, just the articles would be nice. If I can find something that works I'll do it eventually. Maybe I could post archived links with many headlines all in one post? Although the reports themselves wouldn't be copied/pasted for lack of type space which is limited to curb spam.

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96b761  No.84244


Well also anon the supply chain shortages needed to cause that just aren't happening. Shit paper yes, but food and medication are still available and nobody is going to riot as long as that holds. Only when they're sick and hungry and can't get help would something like that happen, and so far we're not seeing it.

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9101c4  No.84246

File: b23016aeb2cf9fd⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1067.jpg)

>live in netherlands

>government too cowardly to announce lockdown, advice people to stay inside and hope it will solve itself

>a week passes, business as usual, noone cares

>cases go up exponentially, deaths go up every day

>stay inside all this time because of course I would

>have understood the severity of the situation since early march, been trying to make everyone understand

>immediate replies of nagging ok-s followed by total dismissal

>sister who refuses even to take vitamin c goes out to buy hair dye without mask or anything with her friend

>it's the current hour

we can say bad things about africans or chinks or whatever

my 90% white neighborhood absolutely dumbfounds me

seriously i cannot fathom hearing anything about coronavirus on the news and never, NEVER trying to look up what is wise to be done about it or what the actual effects are, etc etc

denial until death with a smile on your face. just heard the hundredth ambulance go by. these are straight up indignant worries to have

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f89f35  No.84247


>The only reason you don't see widespread riots and guillotines in the streets is because of how weak, scared, emasculated and dependent the Western populous has become.

Actually you won't see riots until there are severe supply chain disruptions that cause people to starve. Once the food goes away, along with all their precious new gadgets (it all will eventually) THEN you will see people getting desperate and start to riot and panic en mass. I'd say wait a couple of months before this begins to happen.

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82938f  No.84248

File: 334e7b65a1e2ec5⋯.png (6.56 KB, 192x144, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Greenshot allows you to take specific segments like this via a cursor and crosshairs :) Good luck!

Other way to do manually is screen shot and then crop (ctrl+y) in irfanview.

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9101c4  No.84249


it would be extremely improbable with china's population that there aren't. that's the nicest way i could put it

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c3f8dc  No.84250

File: e0d62e80ddc3a1c⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 474x270, 79:45, exercise_copy.jpg)



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4c5ffa  No.84251


>can't even spell Mandatory

Not gonna make it chang

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30a969  No.84252


Xi is gay, and so are you

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7f9858  No.84253


Haven't read it, fren. Whatever the truth may be, however, operation "Corona-chan", from (((their))) point of view, is a complete and utter success.

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575810  No.84254


Installed greenshot, but it only seems to capture what is currently on the browser screen, not the entire article. Tried to scroll through the entire article but doesn't seem to allow me that option. Is there an option to grab up the whole article all at once and save it?

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82938f  No.84257


Nimbus Screenshot can do it in browser and there are others here https://www.howtogeek.com/287992/how-to-take-a-screenshot-of-an-entire-webpage/

Can zoom out or make just partial ones as a remedy.

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cd394b  No.84258

It was already painfully obvious that China has fake numbers. But now with burgerland passing them in infections, while having 1/3 the population, we should be seeing collapse similar to that of China's. That is not happening and the American population's trust for the government instead seems to be at a record high. I believe that China's population is so diminished that they lost logistical power to even report fake numbers.

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847933  No.84259


Here's the links to the two posts I discuss those articles:




You could also save the web page by going to your browser's (hopefully not Chrome or vanilla Firefox) and finding the "Save Page" function. Just be aware that it will only save thumbnails of any pictures as well as not saving framed media correctly.

Blame Micro$hit, Jewgle, Web 3.0 devs, and Sorozilla for making basic OS and web features as hard and convoluted as possible. Linux DE's like KDE has default programs that have these features already.

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cec596  No.84260

File: f84506c66d976d9⋯.jpg (193.47 KB, 880x1360, 11:17, 71kkX5DlFVL.jpg)

File: b7c693c9cc44441⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 634x422, 317:211, gemuk1_hugchina_.jpg)

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ae1584  No.84261

File: 2c425ae39fbbb34⋯.png (3 MB, 1280x5931, 1280:5931, shot_20200327_32754_16us1z….png)


I'm using an older Windows OS and typically use Epic Privacy Browser or Waterfox to copy articles with and switch back to Tor to paste them here.

I did find a useful site called https://web-capture.net/ and this seems to work just fine for now. [see pic]

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82938f  No.84264


It's a good start, anon.

Posts like hueanon here are a good examaple of how to format a newspost. >>83827

Sometimes they go into more detail about particular articles of interest when summarizing or provide commentary.

Thanks for your service anon!

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8f7df0  No.84265

File: 884363b54e8ed06⋯.png (1000.12 KB, 667x2052, 667:2052, batsoupeater.png)

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2cc49b  No.84267


In a pinch, you can use dish soap to wash laundry by hand. The detergent breaks down the oils that bind the dirt to clothes. Looking ahead, there is likely to be a shortage of fasteners (screws and nails) because they are all made in the bug hive. Keep your gas tanks manually topped up at all times. I get an extra 5 gallons by doing this.


Greetings, Czech anon!


Checked and noted, anon.


Can confirm. In my town (Pacific Northwest Burgerland) there is little PPE and medical workers are at risk. I know this first hand because I deliver the equipment.

Have to go to work now. Will post an update this evening. Stay safe faggots.

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a6f645  No.84268

File: 76a9399f9277488⋯.png (269.7 KB, 484x915, 484:915, you_fags_are_going_to_die_….png)

File: b30c0f5c841d558⋯.png (38.55 KB, 548x267, 548:267, aircoof_carrier.png)

File: 820a948b2fb89da⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Chink_revolt_in_Hubei.jpg)

File: 237cf085c6ffe0b⋯.mp4 (10.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hubei_Revolt_1.mp4)

My niggernet is chimping out hard today, expect many (1)s from me, unfortunately. I have been trying to make this post since 12:30 and it's 13:25 right now, the problem is that fucking bad

Santa Catarina to end it's quarantine lockdown and reopen it's commerce on Monday. Hues in the high risk group will be exempt from work and receive paid leave.

Update on the blessed Burger aircoof carrier


Hubei bugmen got mad after they were told they couldn't go into Jiangxi due to airborne aids https://archive.is/SbNAm






>Believing nothingburger fag eggheads

>Being so blind that you can't see the collapse that is coming

I pity the unbeliever and the naive, for they will never feel the great joy a cultist feels daily.


This is big news. That one big brained anon who said Corona-Chan can infect anything with a spine is proven right yet again. I wonder which animal will get infected next.






Old news, posted these last thread, with images and archived links to boot. Step your game up my nigger.


Zogbot holocough.


Don't mind him, brother. Unbelievers will get what's coming to them.


Good morning!


Stay strong, toothpaste. Your people will come back to their senses soon, believe it.

<server took too long


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5c1c3a  No.84269

File: ade22b05dd9d3e3⋯.jpeg (453.21 KB, 5101x2869, 5101:2869, 591F065D_3F25_4DAE_A609_3….jpeg)


Don’t worry. There will still be homeless to virtue signal over.


If they rotate stock properly, the virus will likely dissipate for whole/red blood donations. For places that run out, they’ll use blood as it comes in and could be at risk. I haven’t heard anything about how well ourgirl survives when frozen for those receiving platelets. They probably don’t care. They already don’t care about infecting white people with subhuman blood.


>proof that million of American kids are dead

This isn’t even her final form.


The thing they never explain about herd immunity is how you “become immune”. I guess at worst you just get replaced by an immune herd.


Thank you.

Excuse me, officer, I’m just trying to get home with these groceries.

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b4fbb4  No.84270


>Old news, posted these last thread, with images and archived links to boot. Step your game up my nigger.

Yah, I'm not online all the time so when I see news it seems new to me. I'm also trying my best to capture some breaking news but the forced captcha from mainstream sites seems to get in the way. Nothing much I can do about it, I might have to just post headlines and archived links.

Here's a good one:

Workers Critical to World’s Food Supply Are Starting to Fall Ill



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a6f645  No.84273

File: 9ac9ebb11d69371⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Chinks_vs_CCP_riot_cops_ba….mp4)

File: 1af114697984abd⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hubei_chinks_vs_CCP_riot_c….mp4)

File: 4fa2b434f784d70⋯.mp4 (150.51 KB, 204x360, 17:30, Hubei_chinks_flip_a_cop_ca….mp4)

File: ae03d12a8dd0c5e⋯.mp4 (617.32 KB, 206x360, 103:180, big_hubei_mob.mp4)

File: 9ffeba7903939e9⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hubei_rioter_gets_arrested.mp4)


More bideos. The misspell is on purpose


Oh okay, I understand you, my newsposting fren.

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cec596  No.84275

File: 23d55661b1f8037⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 863.53 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, pangolin2.png)

File: 67855df5eeb82e7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 138.81 KB, 632x999, 632:999, pangolin_stew_weibo_snake_….jpg)


(((who))) is trying to blame the virus on Pangolins, either way the Chinese eat those too.

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30a969  No.84277


rip sandshrew

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a6f645  No.84280

File: c5624a33bdeac61⋯.mp4 (775.2 KB, 360x720, 1:2, Hubei_big_mob_2.mp4)

File: 57d2aa612b8a3a4⋯.mp4 (643.78 KB, 224x480, 7:15, Hubei_chinks_vs_CCP_riot_c….mp4)

File: 4f33d67bec41658⋯.mp4 (611.83 KB, 206x360, 103:180, Hubei_revolt_spokesman.mp4)

File: 6e233e12b80d6b4⋯.mp4 (341.87 KB, 336x720, 7:15, Hubei_rioters_attempting_t….mp4)



Last batch of videos.

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a25bb5  No.84284

File: 48dd1d533d4a33a⋯.jpg (107.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 48dd1d533d4a33a2a266b018a8….jpg)




Actual riots in modern mainland china

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3fecac  No.84286


Tesla Furloughs Employees Due To 'Very Few New Orders' And A Drop In Demand




Cruise Stocks Sink After COVID-19 Bailouts Unlikely




Pandemic Could Spark Unrest Among West's Urban Poor



ID 2020 Incoming

Bill Gates Calls For Mass 10 Week Lockdowns



WARNING! Don't Use Personal Computers For Working At Home!

Bosses Panic-buy Spy Software to Keep Tabs On Remote Workers



Sorry if any of this was already covered, doing my best to provide fresh updates.

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cec596  No.84287


>WARNING! Don't Use Personal Computers For Working At Home!

>Bosses Panic-buy Spy Software to Keep Tabs On Remote Workers

my mother is working in another computer, could they see my connections? I am using a VPN

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039b92  No.84288


As long as you keep the two computers separate and the personal one has a private VPN and/or Tor then they likely don't know what you are doing on the personal computer. Best solution would to have two separate modems, one for each, but you'd have to talk to your ISP about registering two unique modems.

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847933  No.84290


>could they see my connections?

If the software these (((bosses))) use can access your family's LAN and router, then probably.

>I am using a VPN

If you set up everything correctly (using proxies like SOCKS, enabling deadswitch features, forcing all traffic through the VPN, using VPN with TOR often etc), then you should be fine. If your ISP can't easily read the content of your connections, then a stupid Bossware will not.

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12e698  No.84297



From what I know from experience, depending on your ISP, they would register more than one modem but will likely inquire why you need two. You can always use this excuse: 'I am setting up a work computer in another part of my home that I need to work at and for that I need a separate connection for it as I will be using a wired connection.' Then you explain what line of work you do (fact or fictional) and try to get them to register the separate modem. If you have two separate modems there is almost no way the businesses can find out what you are up to on your personal connection, just use a wired connection and don't share a router with the other. Always at least use VPN too.

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5c1c3a  No.84301

File: cd021f25b4f6f3c⋯.png (149.67 KB, 680x988, 170:247, 28985E23_10D0_4068_92FF_F3….png)

File: 98d941fd1f11ad6⋯.jpeg (582.84 KB, 1149x1087, 1149:1087, AD2ABAB9_05E6_4995_BB7F_9….jpeg)

File: ab50a00d23b519c⋯.jpeg (268.42 KB, 1127x557, 1127:557, 66190D9D_7436_488C_B836_3….jpeg)

< Italy death toll resumes sharp rise, belying the theory that curve flattens 12 days after lockdown.

(Pic) Sergeant-at-arms, this woman has lost her composure.

(Pic) Trump puts GM on blast; perhaps executive bonuses should also be nixed for megacorps getting bailed out.

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1b3d57  No.84302


Together with a 60-day no-movement order, I'd say your navy is the most on its back footing since Pearl Harbor.

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f1637b  No.84303

File: c443736246c8cb5⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 516x130, 258:65, 1585328340423.jpg)

Overhyped ploy by liberals to try and ruin Trump's economy by overestimating a mild flu. The CDC seems to be part of the deep state against our current administration and should be ashamed. I really hope we're back to work by Easter like Trump said. This lockdown makes us a weaker nation

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e3ba7d  No.84304


The so-called economy was never really recovered since 2008, all the Fed has been doing is bailouts and pumping Trillions of debt into the markets. Job growth typically includes mostly part-time employment too and DOJ rigs the real unemployment rates to make the current Prez look good. In reality the US is totally insolvent and depends on "free money" fiat to pump up it's market bubbles.

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82938f  No.84305

File: 0791788179147e8⋯.mp4 (167.56 KB, 204x360, 17:30, Liveleak_com_Its_corona_ti….mp4)


>high risk group


>translucent cyberniggers

Top kek!


>Hubei Riot

Been waiting to see this level of organisation for a little while. Can anyone speak moon rune for those videos?

>video related

Shitskins in poortugal breaking gathering rules get covered in a large bag of liquid from 40m up.

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1b3d57  No.84307


One problem they have like other countries, is some 50,000 Russians are abroad vacationing mostly. These will have to be brought back in small doses, to capture and quarantine upon arrival. Dept. of Foreign Affairs is now working on these airlifts, but this is a big weak spot -something that a lot of countries are struggling with.

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67f033  No.84308

File: d9e168b34fae820⋯.png (222.94 KB, 791x905, 791:905, no_shortage_my_ass_liar_li….png)

File: 5f107d28126277b⋯.png (222.01 KB, 1029x905, 1029:905, Go_Corona_Chan_fuck_those_….png)

File: ce01b8d89d63e1f⋯.png (371.59 KB, 886x830, 443:415, FedEx_deliveryman_in_semi_….png)

File: 2fa952678a68387⋯.mp4 (461.84 KB, 320x556, 80:139, Cops_from_Hubei_join_the_r….mp4)

File: 5dd0e75df2e11f4⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB, 298x640, 149:320, Hubei_revolt_2.mp4)

Burger truckers don't feel like delivering groceries to NYC https://archive.is/jdlVf Food riots soon, fellow Jew Yorker Oh really, when? NOW

Corona-Chan found another receptor to use

https://archive.is/lEApk Told you niggers faith overpowers everything I have faith that she will find more and more entries

Colorado FedEx deliverymen are now wearing semi hazmat suits

3 additional videos from the recent Hubei riot, new scenes along with old ones found in previous videos


Yep. If oppressed bugmen can rise up like this just because they're told they can't go into the neighboring province, imagine what will soon happen in the western world, with large subhuman populations that don't care about anything they're told, they just want to do whatever the hell they want and receive gib me dats. It will be a festival of violence


Now that's how you newspost! Great job anon, these are all completely new too, no reposts.

>WARNING! Don't Use Personal Computers For Working At Home!

>Bosses Panic-buy Spy Software to Keep Tabs On Remote Workers

Really glad I'm not an office drone.


>Sergeant-at-arms, this woman has lost her composure.


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e0d5e6  No.84309

Why was Japan is such a hurry to build a negative pressure BSL-4 lab then purchase ebola and small pox ahead of the 2020 Olympics in October 2019?

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df9f64  No.84310

File: 2730ba2713b5628⋯.png (788.57 KB, 1887x2545, 1887:2545, how_to_identify_anons_that….png)


I know that feel. Live with my little sis and mother (who is severely compromised due to past untreated pneumonias) and though they finally realized they need to stay the fuck in, after two months of me constantly warning them, they still do not follow my prepping advice and call me paranoid in spite I've been proven 100% correct time and time again. Women really can't comprehend the fact that the government does not actually give a fuck about their life and well being and that they'll bailout the moment us stupid goyim become a liability to their safety and pockets.

To them the concept that at some point payments will cease, water will stop running and electricity will go out are still "impossible" since "that would condemn people to death! The government would never do that", despite the fact that a month ago they said "the government would not lock down people in their apartments", "the government would never forbid the sale of sanitizer and other necessities to stock up for "rationing"" and "the government would never deny hospitalization to the elderly just because of saturation" and were proven wrong.

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3c308c  No.84311

File: c35fa996d56d2de⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 320x640, 1:2, o_bvat1l9m0HSf96.mp4)

Shitskins are still having fun with the French ZOGbots during this lockdown.

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18ea9b  No.84312


LA and NYC have some of the toughest crackdowns in the US so far, and guess what? It's not helping stop the spread at all. In fact those two cities are facing exponential crisis even with the crackdowns. Just because the Govt gets involved doesn't mean it actually works out well.

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e0d5e6  No.84315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There were 3 attacks that occurred in Siberia in September 2019

1. An explosion that occurred at a Russian BSL-4 lab that houses Small Pox and HIV

2. An explosion of an ammunitions plant

3. An explosion at a Nuclear Plant

All occurred in same relative time frame September 2019

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8b2de7  No.84316


I have mortars that would put those puny fireworks to shame lol.


^ Those are some bad ass ones, if you ever been near those you they are loud and heavy as fuck. It's like a half stick of dynamite going off in the air.

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30a969  No.84318


>lingering death


I hope you get corona

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6110c1  No.84319

File: 1de07eff74ac260⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 573x297, 191:99, lots_a_money.jpg)

File: 16d7227596e8090⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 499x600, 499:600, communism_repeats.jpg)


Do not try for two modems- you are asking for trouble and it will raise red flags. Just segment your network internally. Your firewall (you do have a physical firewall device for Christ's sake don't you) should be able to break multiple internal networks. The firewall acts as the gateway to your modem. If you aren't so savvy most of them even have built in DHCP servers. Configuration isn't troublesome and guides are a thing. Everyone has plenty of time to learn new things anyway. Your traffic is encrypted through the pipe to the VPN, but now it is encrypted through the pipe and has a different subnet. You won't be able to see their segment and they won't be able to see yours. Don't allow a loopback and you have it made. This is invisible to your ISP and will raise no red flags. Think a "guest network" and you are almost there.


As so long there are guys lurking deep below the surface with the shiny buttons that go nuke the navy is doing fine by my estimation. Because really, we all know those are the only boats that matter.


How brave of her to wear latex gloves, she could have a mild allergic reaction. Behold, the leadership of this great nation. We are DOOOOMED


Are you lost or just passing through? Pay still shitty for you guys?


All this Stimulus has done and will do is softened the crash by dealing a death blow and walked further down the path of hard Communism. Economy was too chicken to an hero with a bang so it used an exit bag. Hyperinflation is coming. Should have bought silver when you could! Gold to buy the land, Silver to buy the groceries

Nothing at this point can save the precious economy. It is dead globally and everyone is slowly coming to that realization. When 3.3 MILLION unemployment claims are made, and the stock market roars on the same day- oh yeah baby that's a working and functional economic system. Get ready for mass unemployment, entire business sectors being wiped out and now with the Trumpbux stimulus Hyperinflation that'll put Zimbabwe to shame. It almost seems contrived. Hmmm.


It is because people simply aren't complying and that's ok. I hope they are hugging each other and speaking directly into each other's faces maybe sharing a kiss with someone they've never met. We are #strongertogether

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67f033  No.84320

File: 6d3a0ccec29b94d⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 304x640, 19:40, Big_Hubei_mob_3.mp4)

File: a8671b850d7d573⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Tongji_hospital_in_Wuhan_r….mp4)

Tongji Hospital in Wuhan refusing a chink with diabeetus I wonder why :^)


Third video here.


>high risk group?

Old people, people with underlying health issues and pregnant women. They're called that because they're at high risk of getting seriously fucked up by Corona-Chan and dying.

>Shitskins in poortugal breaking gathering rules get covered in a large bag of liquid from 40m up.

Kek, very nice.


Wait what? Sauce would be nice. Very weird shit if what you're saying really happened.

>>84311 (checked)

Things could get very spicy if one of those fireworks hit a power transformer, if Frogs happen to have them on poles, that is.


>Just because the Govt gets involved doesn't mean it actually works out well.



>An explosion that occurred at a Russian BSL-4 lab that houses Small Pox and HIV

>An explosion of an ammunitions plant


I remember hearing about this because I was still subscribed to Dahboo's jewtube channel back then. I just waved it off as a nothingburger. Shit is starting to make sense now. Maybe that anon who says there's a covert world war three being fought with biological weapons right now is right after all.

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1b3d57  No.84321


>Hubei revolt

Really great find, appreciated, anon. It's a really clear video and shows a massive group of people openly attacking police. It will happen in every country's aftermath, once governments realize that they have to keep people locked away from the rest of the country as a minimum to get the economy going again, turning them into leper colonies. And this in turn will feed our movements across Europe.

The best part is you can spell it out on a cambodian basket weaving forum, the NPC jew lackeys will still play their programmed scripts.

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df9f64  No.84322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice but how is it relevant to the thread?

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8f7df0  No.84323

File: 601c71683842d35⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


The entire global economy is massively down YTD. This isn't just a USA problem. Asian stock markets are just barely starting to recover, and they have a long way to go to reach January 2020 levels. The global economy is very fragile.


There's a lag between when crackdowns on Corona happen and when you see effects. We're currently seeing the effects of pic related in NYC.

Major outbreak centers in the West all had major gatherings when Chinese Virus was breaking out, and they ignored precautions because they hate Trump and didn't want to be racist.

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1b3d57  No.84324


The delicious irony is that now that the west is going under in Corona chan's embrace, they cannot afford to lose China's production capacity. Losing China to a revolution now will have a hugely destabilizing effect on western countries. Maybe that's why Trump was all nice about Xi yesterday?

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e0d5e6  No.84326


To understand the present situation you need to look at the past.

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357099  No.84327

Lads a thought occurs, what if some fag high up in the toilet paper industry got it, shed all over their business mates and competitors and then it spread to their employees. Legions of people now sat 'safe' in semi self quarantine a week from now will pop open one of the many bags of ass rags they have squirrelled away in a spare room and BANG, fucked from the inside the irony would be delicious and a bit concerning.

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847933  No.84328

File: 451655fb7487bb5⋯.png (170.87 KB, 1259x1239, 1259:1239, HIGH_SCORE_20200327.png)

File: 5f64a7b4f4e454b⋯.png (403.78 KB, 882x1222, 441:611, GO_CORONA_CHAN_GO.png)



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8a6dc6  No.84329


You made some good points there, yes the global economy is suffering too, and most nations rely on debt as well. Also crackdowns only work if people abide by them, it looks like many still don't take it all that seriously. At least it will help the demographics problems the US faces. Without these cities America would not see nearly as much globohomo kikery or subversive politics today. If these cities fall and die off, the rest of America could recover and live normal lives as we did 60 years ago without all the stupidity shoved in our faces. In the meantime the struggle will be to survive this crisis.

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f0da63  No.84330


thx for posting

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594e7c  No.84331

File: 36c2596bf9cea2d⋯.png (26.64 KB, 300x250, 6:5, badt3dcTOk_2.png)

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fee84a  No.84332


The best way to explain it to them is this: "so you are trusting others with your safety and well being huh? And what happens to those others when they get infected and start dying out? What happens when there is nothing others can do to save you? What then?"

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cec596  No.84334



>they finally realized they need to stay the fuck in

My mom won't listen, she has a weekended immune already her ears nose throat and neck is always swollen, been like that on and off for years but she still walks outside without a mask, her excuse is

>I always wear it when I go to the store

I tried warning her, if she gets it she'll die but she won't listen

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8f7df0  No.84335


China needs the USA to import, too. China can not recover until they have a place to send all those goods. It doesn't matter if China is 100% return to normal manufacturing tomorrow. They would have nowhere to sell the stuff they make. If the whole West is shut down, China is not going anywhere. Who will they sell their manufactured goods to? Chinese citizens are not enough, the factory workers they pay a few USD a day to work do not have the money to buy up things like the West does.


People are really forgetting how Trump went to close the border with China and liberals called him racist, paranoid, and over-reacting. It wasn't until the first famous liberal person got Corona that they completely 180ed on their stance and then blamed Trump for everything. If these famous people are legitimately getting Corona which is not guaranteed, it's possible a few were exposed, they laughed at "orange man being racist over the flu", spread it amongst themselves, and are now looking for someone to blame.

Yes, Corona kills old people more, but white people (minus the really young ones and liberals who still like globalism after all of this) are taking it the most seriously. Which is why you barely see pictures of the "lines" at hospitals and stuff, MSM doesn't want you to know that this is slamming hospitals in the ghetto in Detroit because those people aren't doing a single thing to prevent Winnie the Flu's hot viral load.

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8d2b80  No.84336

File: 5505c46455bad33⋯.jpg (131.47 KB, 677x672, 677:672, boris_zombie.jpg)


"Hello and welcome to the news evening show. It's been seven days now and it's time for Boris Johnson's self-quarantine to end after catching COVID-19. And here we are camped outside the door of Number 10 Downing Street to see what happens next.."

"The black door of No 10 is finally opening. Wow, didn't expect all that creepy mist to flow out mysteriously. Someone's coming, I can make out a silhouette down that darkened, misty hallway."

"It's a male, middle-aged. In a torn suit? He's sure shuffling and stumbling to the doorway. Is it BoJo..? Oh my God, I can make it out now."

"Why God, why? Arrrgh he's lunging towards us, run, run everyone. Aieeee! He's got me, he's biting my neck screaming brainzzzz help me help me someone! The Humanity. Gglugggaarrrgg-"


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f1c548  No.84338


Trump was right to close Chinese travel to/from, I agree with that. Trump is put in a very hard position, hell, any leader is at this point. I don't blame Trump as much as I blame the stupidity. And lockdowns don't do much good either if you are crashing the entire economy and leaving millions unemployed… that only will cause more chaos to come when people get desperate to survive. It is a nasty situation. Either way, there is going to be mass death and shortages, doesn't matter what the government says and does anymore, it's out of their hands now.

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5c1c3a  No.84340

File: 5eaa000f08490cc⋯.jpeg (35.96 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 05BAE54C_0D8F_4F6F_A6F8_F….jpeg)


Until we see riot cops getting dismembered by a mob, it’s not truly happening yet.

< France extends lockdown to April 15



I’m pretty sure we’ve identified Corona-chan’s minion spreading disease in Hollywood.

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6110c1  No.84342

File: 367a30a47cf1820⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 750x600, 5:4, trust.jpg)


Lad where we are heading we won't NEED China's production capacity.





Trust no one except kith and kin and even be suspect towards them.


>I tried warning her, if she gets it she'll die but she won't listen

I empathize lad, I truly do. There is another perspective to be had as well that may help. I personally know quite a few people that wouldn't mind Red Death punching their ticket because they know, instinctively, that they are incapable of surviving what is coming in the very near future. That is their choice and, frankly, a reasonable one.



People tend to forget these things until they are reminded. This is a perfect opportunity to hammer home, now in real time, how Neo-Marxists thought is a form of social suicide and it exacerbated an already bad situation. Now the sheep are bleating to be told what to do and they see it isn't working- no matter what is done it simply isn't working. It is too late and a FEW will get it that they are completely on their own in this and there is no Mamma Sam coming aside from some funbux which will be worthless soon anyway. Years upon years of social programming being swept to the side by a dawning realization that it was globalism and Neo-Marxists ideology that spread this. Mmm delicious. No wonder the suicide hotlines have a 30 minute wait time.

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df9f64  No.84343

File: 900954f6def1693⋯.jpg (154.57 KB, 1200x659, 1200:659, 45b.jpg)


>implying women can be rational

It's 100% my fault because I did not wageslave enough so that I make more money than either of them when I should be making more than both combined and bitchslap them to their senses as the man of the house. Unfortunately being proven right again and again is far from enough to convince them do as I fucking say and I'll probably have to start shooting pakis trying to loot our non-existent supplies before they realize why matriarchy doesn't fucking work.

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c8a9e6  No.84346

File: aaa7e61f08987b5⋯.mp4 (616.43 KB, 480x848, 30:53, Hazmat_chinks_responding_t….mp4)

File: ae1439ba455cea2⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 184x400, 23:50, Britbong_huge_makeshift_ho….mp4)

Hazmat chinks responding to a new case in the Baoan district of Shenzhen'

Britbongs making a huge makeshift hospital in London


>Ruskie biolab housing pathogens going 'boom near the end of last year.

>Not relevant to a thread about a yellow jew bioweapon that got released or escaped a lab in Wuhan

I disagree. There could be a connection.


The best part about this revolt in Hubei is that even their cops joined in and attacked cops from the neighboring province of Jiangxi. The mandate of heaven has been revoked.


That's hilarious but a too far fetched. People could definitely get infected by handling contaminated products, though.





>doesn't matter what the government says and does anymore, it's out of their hands now.

Yes, clown world will end. Nothing can stop what's coming.

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27bd68  No.84347



If the government wants a chance to help they need to tell people the truth just how bad this all is. Unfortunately this would cause turmoil and panic itself, but not telling them only postpones the inevitable. At this point, all they could do is tell the truth, postpone taxes and declare a debt jubilee for all. Yes, it would crash the economy but at the same time it would cancel all debts, so people had a chance to start over and we could work to recover from there without as much fiscal concerns or liabilities. And if they don't? Expect crisis to peak in the coming months ahead with armed home squatting, riots, shortages regardless, fights/shootouts & martial law, possibly civil wars too.


>Trust no one except kith and kin and even be suspect towards them.

True. People are going to become extremely desperate soon… in a country that owns more firearms than people lol!

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1b3d57  No.84348



They basically have replaced you with the government as the man in their life. When this is over, make sure your next government recognizes you as the men.

Stay strong and safe brothers and keep doing the right thing and God bless you both.

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82938f  No.84349


Was thinking you meant a particular racial group, thanks for clarifying. TBH everyone is at risk in many ways depending on the strain.

>>84311 (checked)

Need to meme the frogs to support lethal force.

Frogs are leading on the chimpout counter.


Rigged and fired 6" shells and mines before, kek. Now that was fun.


>3rd explosion nuke plant.

There was some accident at a research reaction but you are probably referring to the nuclear cruise missile test failure?

Sorry for OT

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1b3d57  No.84350


>China needs the USA to import, too.

You fail to see that a country in revolution does not care about exporting. Nor do the citizens rising up.

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8f7df0  No.84351


I blame the MSM. They had a job to warn people and get people to be safe. A lot of media outlets were bashing Trump while the task force was trying to make people aware of their 15-day plan and what they wanted from people.

They can blame Trump all they want, but that had/have journalists in China and they could have reported on this much earlier and done something about it too. They were the ones clucking that this is nothing to worry about and that you should go out and embrace the Chinese, go to their event in Chinatown, go to their restaurants, don't be racist. Their early downplaying did far more to spread Corona than Trump's slower than we wanted a response.

No one is really holding them accountable, and they should be.


I am hoping for revolution and chaos in China too. Trump will make it extremely lucrative for those industries to move back to the USA by cutting bs regulations and offering tax incentives. But if there is no revolution, they can't recover anyways, which will only contribute to further revolution.

I'm more addressing those people who think China will come roaring back from this after the CCP lets the bugs out of the cage. But not enough people are thinking there will be civil unrest from this, and I expect there to be more too.

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9cb033  No.84352


>Rigged and fired 6" shells and mines before, kek. Now that was fun.

Never mines, but I used to buy quarter and half sticks back in the day to blow off in the back yard. Knew some people that had connections and the quarter sticks were once legal in most states. Lucky if you can find those anymore you still can but you have to know the right people.

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1b3d57  No.84353

File: b980c92c9cf1ee8⋯.png (40.75 KB, 376x380, 94:95, Deutschland_Erwache.png)


>where we are heading

It will be glorious, an orgy of violence and then peace and rebirth.

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82938f  No.84355

Jewzealand jewsmedia/scientists saying lockdown beyond 4 weeks is likely and overseas travel (in or out) for 12-18 months is likely to be not happening.

They're getting really serious which is nice to see (for a change), shit for business but best be safe than sorry.. Might have a real chance at being an oasis with thousands of kilometers of sea in each direction.


Lucky! That sounds like great fun. Most pyrofags here not doing displays just DIY blackpowder and cannons kek.

Hear them from time to time in rural areas (rarely in the city!!).

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df9f64  No.84356


>They basically have replaced you with the government as the man in their life

Amen to that. Mom takes her boomer retirementbux as granted because "AH WORKED SO HURD FOR IT!" and more frustratingly my little sis things she's so much better than me because the welfarebux she takes as "youngest daughter of a deceased parent" and the tips for the rare times she works as a waitress pay more than my 30 hours a week part time.

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8f9aef  No.84358


>I am hoping for revolution and chaos in China too.

Why? Targets of ZOG aren't the enemy.

>Trump will make it extremely lucrative for those industries to move back to the USA

Why on earth would you want to welcome back traitors? Conservatives are literal nigger simps.

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a5bf1a  No.84361


>Hear them from time to time in rural areas (rarely in the city!!).

You can get away with blowing those off in rural areas, nobody knows or cares much if they do. Doing that in a suburb or city today is asking for big trouble lol. I think it was somewhere before or after 9-11 they forced firework stores to remove them from the shelves, classifying them as illegal explosives.

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83f160  No.84363


>still worshipping the ZOG emperor

>actually thinks china is going to collapse over this

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8f9aef  No.84365


You can really tell how judaized they are in their thinking. They truly believe capital is over labor.

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1b3d57  No.84366


I agree with you that jews wanted to remove the CCP so that they could switch host in case the US loses its dominance economically (no sense being protected by a weak country). But, now the tables are turning rapidly, and the same jews will now have to keep Xi in power, because if China goes down in a revolution, that isn't controlled by them, while their current host will feel an immediate hard shock on top of a health crisis of epic proportions, then the jew ends up severely weakened. I really believe there is a window coming on to break the whole jew system, worldwide.

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8f9aef  No.84367


Stop embarrassing yourself. The US is the yid powerbase.

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b12194  No.84368


China won't collapse completely but their economy will, which will cause ripple effects around the globe via supply shortages. China will have to deal with mass dissent and having to convince the citizens over there that their economy won't be returning back to normal anytime soon. The US is going to face the same thing sooner or later too.

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a226d4  No.84369


This really says everything. Just a Flu Bill Mitchell!!!11

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cec596  No.84370

File: 089e200d50095e3⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 435x571, 435:571, 1445224693558_0.jpg)

some nonviolent inmates should serve time in home confinement rather than prison amid coronavirus

Attorney General William Barr instructed the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to move nonviolent inmates who are at risk of contracting the coronavirus out of prison facilities and allow them to serve out their sentences in home confinement.

"Many inmates will be safer in BOP facilities where the population is controlled and there is ready access to doctors and medical care," Barr wrote in a two-page memo to BOP on Thursday. "But for some eligible inmates, home confinement might be more effective in protecting their health."

Barr directed the bureau to prioritize home confinement for prisoners in low- and minimum-security facilities who pose no safety threat to the community and have a low likelihood of recidivism.

Criminals who have committed violent crimes or sexual offenses are not eligible for home confinement.

The BOP medical director has been instructed to assess an inmate's risk factor in contracting COVID-19, including coronavirus exposures at the particular prison facility as well as the individual inmate's health history and age.

Inmates who are granted home confinement will have to be quarantined for 14-days before they are discharged from the prison in an effort to protect the public.

"We cannot take any risk of transferring inmates to home confinement that will contribute to the spread of COVID-19," Barr wrote.

Inmates at some of the most heavily populated prisons in the country – including Rikers Island in New York and California State Prison in California – tested positive for COVID-19 and the risk of spread throughout prison facilities is troublesome because of the close proximity of prisoners to each other and BOP staff.


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6207eb  No.84371


>I really believe there is a window coming on to break the whole jew system, worldwide.

YES, there is. But this depends on public compliance in the near future. Hopefully people will wake up and realize they can no longer trust these (((central bankers))) or the (((government))) anymore, and we can get back to living self-sufficiently, trading in our own unique currencies, services and exchange of essential goods.

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2af793  No.84372


>China will have to deal with mass dissent

Insects don't dissent.

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648474  No.84373


As long as they are non-violent and abide by the laws that's not such a bad idea. But do these prisoners even have homes to come back to?

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968324  No.84375

File: e1f1f9c8e856b0c⋯.png (624.84 KB, 536x794, 268:397, 0211d61d7f62c5af51e899adab….png)





I think the importance of these events (organized riots in modern China) cannot be overemphasized. Could you anons imagine this happening a year ago? Or hell, even six months ago? Totally unthinkable. Commie regimes tend to crack down hard (tanks running people over hard) on dissent like this, so if we don't see follow up vids of protestors being beaten and gassed, I'd start to wonder if the rumors about large swathes of China's military being blessed aren't true.


>HIV/AIDS up near the top

That's nuts. Is it mostly Africans dying by the truckload?



Kindly direct your attention to the bug spray posted here: >>84239 and then fuck off back to your hive.


>China economy collapse

This is more likely than people think. Remember anons, China was having bank collapses before this Corona-chan stuff started, and the shadow banking industry is a huge mess that the CCP keeps under wraps. Their economy isn't as fucked as the over-leveraged US economy, but they're not far off, and they're absolutely fragile enough to have it collapse during a period of upheaval like this. Add to that the rumors of Chinese zoomers being redpilled on their government again, rumors, and a new cultural revolution might foment once things start to go really wrong.

Communism never works out in the end.

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afa2d6  No.84376


They actually do, but whenever there is a chinkout their government cuts off the internet in those areas and the media never covers it.

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8f7df0  No.84377

File: 19dfb73d1bcf190⋯.png (371.93 KB, 673x1388, 673:1388, ClipboardImage.png)


They are dissenting right now in Hubei.

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2af793  No.84378

File: f2aa743791bedf1⋯.gif (3.26 MB, 570x425, 114:85, ryu.gif)



More sources pls gentle goodfaggot

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6110c1  No.84379

File: 09bd076605dc848⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 720x763, 720:763, coolest_cracker_in_the_box.jpg)


Depends on who they distribute the food aid to first. Guess what- it won't be the crackers. What a wonderful fracture point that may be brought to quite a few people's attention. Grasshopper and the ant all over again.


You should see how the Communists came to power in China. Quite illuminating. But in a nutshell yes they do, you are wrong- they will even resort to pyrretic victories and canibalism as they have in the past. Insects catch the right pheromone and they will swarm.


FEMA Camps

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9c7fe8  No.84380


I remember a few years back when there was a leak about angry chinkouts in some Chinese city and those MF'ers brutally sabotaged some police mobile and the cops got drug out in the streets and nearly beaten to death. I'd like to see that footage again but likely hard to find today.

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8f7df0  No.84381


Hong Kong has been boiling too. Even bugs fight back if you piss them off enough. And welding people into their homes while people die in the bed next to them is a really good way to piss them off.

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2af793  No.84382

File: 12111bbe5c75f6a⋯.png (30.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>You should see how the Communists came to power in China

Communism came to power in China precicely because chinks submit to power.

Chinks can't live without an all powerful god like emperor. It's been the same there for thousands of years - it's always one emperor or other. Democracy can't survive on the mainland.

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8a367a  No.84383

Coronavirus is a hoax lol.

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a37dc1  No.84386


They'll get tired of one Empire and then go full out homicidal nuts in the streets, start mass murdering their opponents, force regime changes and suddenly elect another commie schmuck to run their country all over again. It's ironically pathetic but that's what communists do.

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d3af96  No.84390



> I'd start to wonder if the rumors about large swathes of China's military being blessed aren't true.

Agreed. It is interesting to consider that the bugs fear Corona Chan's love more than the CCP.

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2af793  No.84392

File: e7923b001925660⋯.jpg (85.41 KB, 968x681, 968:681, hong_kong_protest_union_ja….jpg)

File: 256d3a390609b2c⋯.png (237.66 KB, 246x462, 41:77, 06bf4137cf5c833dd59f3e2019….png)

File: fbbf28204c59d8e⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2515x3353, 2515:3353, f499f03f5c83a3fe9e2783b992….jpg)



There is a reason slants in HK have more democratic values


>They'll get tired of one Empire

Seriously it's not how they are wired. Chinks think their leader is God.

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8f9aef  No.84394


>unironically shilling for democracy

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938e0a  No.84395



Winnie the Poo will likely be replaced in the next few years, there will be some kind of 'regime change' or coup (similar to the previous) and they'll glorify it as a "revolution" all over again. At least that's been their traditional history, one Empire after another after another…. their Empires stay the same but their leadership gets switched up from time to time.

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cec596  No.84396


Don't know, most prisons are in the middle rural areas when released from prison they usually bus to your hometown, some will probably live with family members but I don't how it will work for the SOB that has no one to go to or the elderly.

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6110c1  No.84398

File: 096e87815b73eec⋯.png (236.05 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, 1581566624516.png)


I'll just leave this here for your future reference. This is even kosher approved!




Like clockwork actually and they get downright savage about it too. So many flavor varieties of soup during those culinary exciting times.

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2af793  No.84399


>unironically shilling for democracy

Fuck you and your low-effort posts. I'm just stating the difference between hk and mainland politics. I didn't make any value judgement about it - you added that.


> there will be some kind of 'regime change'

> one Empire after another after another

Yes this is the way it's been in China for ever I don't see it changing.

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516b38  No.84400


>speak moon runes

<<moon runes refer only to Japanese, as they have that weird ass moon-rune look to them. Chinese looks way different if you take any time to look at it.

【地界混戰一】江西與湖北警方在地界混戰 警車被掀翻| 大紀元新聞

The border scuffle between Jiangxi and Hubei police in the ground boundary was overturned.

It gives a youtube link in the video file information, that leads to an Epoch Times video.


To be honest, as a guy living in China, well f-ing stranded here at this point, I'm a little surprised to see this, but tbh, it's the norm of things as the news doesn't cover one scrap of decent from stuff like this. In my opinion everything looks to be what it is presented as, namely a big ass protest. That link also seems to have a bunch more links, I'll have to do some research as I am admittedly in the dark.

May coronachan continue to bless all corners of the world, especially Americas inner cities.

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8f9aef  No.84401


State the real difference then. The superfluous coolies are butthurt people in Shenzen now live better than they do.

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7415a1  No.84403


>Yes this is the way it's been in China for ever I don't see it changing.

It won't change, the only thing that will change is their economic hegemony for a while. They'll go back to becoming a third world country again. I actually predict this will be the same case for us too, for a while that is, until the crisis boils over.

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968324  No.84405


>Xi is god

That's the concept of the 'Mandate of Heaven', and if the proles think that the bosses have lost it like through plagues, locust swarms, or other 'supernatural'-type stuff, they rise up and remove that leadership group.

And wasn't there a few articles back in the summer about how a few powerful people in the CCP were upset with Xi for being too brash and arrogant about pushing China Numbah Won stuff everywhere? Like getting into pissing matches with Trump, or bullying people into taking Huiwei for 5G?

I agree with some other anons - if there's a revolution in China during or as a direct result of Corona, they're going to be set back at least a decade unless they get some amazingly sly reformer who ditches the commie bullshit and modernizes the country. Doubt it, though. Will probably be more of the same shit.

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a4ec2b  No.84406

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8f7df0  No.84407

File: a0ca9a3c2c04d1a⋯.png (635.88 KB, 606x1024, 303:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88190a895e9f333⋯.png (102.67 KB, 720x653, 720:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Healthcare system literally being flooded by niggers and muzzies.

>Younger people get priority for respirators

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2af793  No.84408


>Browns in white countries affected

>Browns in home countries not affected

Seems right

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e6f81e  No.84409


This is good actually, because as warned, hospitals are becoming death traps due to lack of needed supplies and much higher risks for those to catch other viral mutations too. As long as Whites stay isolated as they can, and practice good decontamination methods and wear protective gear when in public, we will survive this!

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516b38  No.84410



High population areas all over the world are going to be fucked. Luckily the more rural you get the more white you get in America. Pray for inner city collapse world wide and in successful, it's going to solve a whole lot of immediate problems.

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200b13  No.84411


Biblical Locusts!

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82938f  No.84413

File: 5364c68404919ce⋯.mp4 (5.65 MB, 180x320, 9:16, Hospitals_are_empty_in_Egy….mp4)


Video related is a pyramid-out over lack of Drs in hospital. People can't get test results for Corona-Chan etc. Apparently they were losing lots of Drs last year and this year more have gone..

>Empty hospital in Egypt and the patients don't know where to go or what are their test results.

>Egypt faces an unprecedented wave of emigration by physicians, causing concern that the quality of health care in the country could deteriorate further.

>Over the past three years, more than 10,000 doctors have left the country, according to the main association representing physicians, the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.

>The syndicate estimates that half the country’s doctors, or 110,000 out of 220,000 registered doctors, have left the country.

>“Doctors’ emigration is worrying and threatens the collapse of the already neglected health system,” said Ehab el-Tahir, a member of the Medical Syndicate Council.

>He said an increasing number of doctors are resigning from public medical institutions, potentially emptying out some specialties of physicians.

<“If this continues, Egyptian patients will soon find nobody to treat them,” he said.

>The physician shortage was confirmed by Hala Zayed, the minister of health, in a speech before Egypt’s parliament in September, where she said that there are 103,000 doctors for 100 million citizens, or 10 doctors per 10,000 citizens. The global average is 32 doctors for every 10,000 citizens.


Thanks anon, thought moon runes wasn't just for japs.

Looks like you could be stranded there a damn long time, the way things are going.


>Boomer mudslimes pwned

>4.5% of pop makes 25% of the dieded

Wait for the young to start dropping, dis gun be guud. Pretty much one of the first decent racial stats too..


This too

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36f10c  No.84415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad2cba  No.84418

File: b17bc44b29a9b83⋯.png (38.38 KB, 594x197, 594:197, Panama_Corona_Cruise.png)

File: 52ff9ee3fe363b8⋯.png (248.63 KB, 602x560, 43:40, Pasta_update.png)

File: b4e29a21dd63c16⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U_S_Navy_hospital_ship_USN….mp4)

I swear to you anons, glownigs must be the reason my niggernet is fucking up, it stops chimping out whenever I take a break like having lunch or sleeping but goes back to shitting itself when I start posting again I use my niggernet while doing both of those things, by the way, so the problem isn't me using it, it's using it here It has been 30 or 40 minutes of me trying to make this post.

Burger navy hospital ship arrives in LA

Corona Cruise in Panama

Pasta update


This anon knows whats up.



Exactly what I was thinking about when I saw that chink trashing the cop car.

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410c07  No.84421

Fun Fact about the 2020 Stimulus Bill:

Literally every American gets moneys! Except men who have back-owed child support.

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82938f  No.84422

File: 1a3f30480ce966b⋯.jpg (105.42 KB, 656x728, 82:91, 02dd7e8c81dbbab3f809c7850c….jpg)


Anon if you don't upload things otherwise then that's probably why. Shitty routers don't rate limit you so your download craps out as the upload (sends acknowledgement packets) is saturated. Try resetting that router if you can.

>knows whats up

The age of National Socialism approaches.

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82938f  No.84425


p.s look into an upload rate limiting program. The above mostly happens on ADSL where the upload bandwidth is not symmetrical.

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d0a86d  No.84426

Republicans Cave To Pelosi, Unanimously Vote To Give $350 Million To Refugees, Migrants

One Wonders What Other Bullshit Is Injected Into This Bill?



You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet – Crime May Explode Soon Due to COVID-19

You Will Need Arms To Defend Yourself And Family When SHTF!



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70853e  No.84427

File: 4fde7dfebedbaeb⋯.png (77.31 KB, 994x630, 71:45, Annotation_2020_03_27_1409….png)

The USD Dollar just had the fastest drop in a decade right as they rush the bill to the white house. The largest spending bill in history where congress did not even have a quorum.

Hail Corona and the coming civil war. May you feed upon the globalist elite and ravage their souls.


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0854f6  No.84430


Once this all crashes, never accept any form of currency from the (((central bankers))) again. We need to go back to self-sufficiency and organizing our own communities and local economies. Basic goods and essential services. Do not take the mark of the beast. Do not accept a global digital currency. Leave the system and watch it all crash down on itself!

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82938f  No.84431


>Republicans Cave To Pelosi, Unanimously Vote To Give $350 Million To Refugees, Migrants

What in the living fuck? Why so much and what for? It should be for Americans - why aren't they making a fuss over this bullshit.


This. Tell the eternal rothskikes to go pound sand. They also bought a shitload of crypto.

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7f5104  No.84434

File: 22e4fc3d8f9896e⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2100x3100, 21:31, Hanta_chan.jpg)

Wheres that Hantanon? I bring a gift.

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ab064b  No.84435

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9101c4  No.84436

My mother might have it. No flu like symptoms, just a dry cough she's had for a week. Only now did it get worse; and she's not feeling good guys. Isn't it abnormal to start showing itself a week after showing the first symptoms? Isn't it weird to come just as a cough, nothing else? What should I do? What should I give her, myself?

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410c07  No.84441


Nothing about this is normal.

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5c1c3a  No.84442

File: 57ae16425bc0e2a⋯.jpeg (120.8 KB, 640x472, 80:59, BE6DF43E_EED2_4F50_886D_E….jpeg)


Hanta-chan is so clean. I imagine she’s actually a mighty mouse heroine fighting against the plague carrying rats. What’s her backstory? Why did Hanta-chan put on the tights?

Erdogan advises Roaches to voluntarily quarantine.

>We got this!

Now both Louisiana and New York arrivals to Florida must quarantine.

Gretchen Whitmer joins Nevada in banning (Michigan) doctors from prescribing anti-malarial drugs for Coronavirus.

>Her cat is a medical expert!

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410c07  No.84444


>crying about $350 million pittance to migrants

>suckles at Trump's asshole, giving praise and love, for $1.2 TRillion given to bankers and corporations

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ad2cba  No.84446

File: a9698b436cbc6ef⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Jamaica_Hospital_Medical_C….mp4)

File: 603d2af36a528ac⋯.png (261.12 KB, 592x506, 296:253, Blessed.png)

File: 2c05fc956bd85a7⋯.png (116.98 KB, 548x568, 137:142, semite_journo.png)

File: 03a3fa70870691a⋯.png (122.59 KB, 483x562, 483:562, semite_journo_2.png)

File: 42e92561935445e⋯.png (132 KB, 599x564, 599:564, semite_journo_3.png)

Footage from inside the Weedland Hospital Medical Center in NYC

Burger congressman got blessed, got tested for Corona-Chan after losing his sense of smell and taste https://archive.is/SQsRe

Journo of semite descent got blessed and describes what it feels like https://archive.is/IZxpU


Kek, and some anons were worried about Corona-Chan killing only whites and chinks. There you go, niggers are being ethnic cleansed too.


>Edgyptian doctors left Pyramidland for better countries.

I wonder how these doctors feel about their brethren back home getting annihilated by /ourgirl/.


Fucking hell.

>>84422 (checked)

>Try resetting that router if you can.

Do that all the time when it starts spazzing out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


I will look into that. Brownzilian internet companies are ultra jews. They charge us an absurd amount of money for shitty download rates and the upload rate they give in most packages is 1 or 2 Mbs. The better packages are actually somewhat symmetrical are expensive as hell.


>You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet – Crime May Explode Soon Due to Corona-Chan

Yep, especially if cops refuse to send squad cars to calls because they want to "protect their officers from the coronavirus", which is already happening in some Burger cities.


Asking just to be sure: If the dollar becomes toilet paper, the rest of the countries that depend on it, like Brownzil, get fucked too, right?


>Isn't it abnormal to start showing itself a week after showing the first symptoms?

That's exactly how the virus operates.

>Isn't it weird to come just as a cough, nothing else?

The rest of the symptoms could show themselves soon.

>What should I do? What should I give her, myself?

You should give her plenty of rest, healthy meals and prayers.


Take your gift to /ebola/ , I'm sure me and others there will appreciate it.

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a17e6d  No.84447



>for $1.2 TRillion given to bankers and corporations

But its for the ((Jobs))!! fellow goyim.

How come every president some way or another always has a "bailout" for the banks. Every single president had this, why?

Government toilet paper. Let it all burn.

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1b3d57  No.84448



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410c07  No.84450


When Obama gave the banks money, he made them pay it back. They did … with interest. Trump's just handing out candy at Halloween and there's no mechanism in place for them to pay it back.

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dbd63e  No.84451


Just reporting some news anon, no need to bully over it.


lol, I know. We already are going downhill and face mass shortages and hyperinflation. This new bill is just icing on the cake, meant to appease the normies when they get some free gibs (which won't be worth jack shit in the near future).

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d1313c  No.84453


Obama allowed them to start QE in the first place, all that debt that was supposedly "paid back" was just fiat created from thin air. Much like they are doing today.

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410c07  No.84454


QE was started under Bush.

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5c1c3a  No.84455

File: e0f7c2658c90389⋯.jpeg (792.35 KB, 1186x1273, 1186:1273, 7F013EFC_55FC_40FC_93EC_E….jpeg)

A55pain, 769 daily fatalities. Italy 919 (the superior dago).

Florida bans new vacation rentals for next two weeks.

Antipope Francis delivers special prayer with 333m social distancing.

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8cf61d  No.84456


Yes, ok, but the same thing was going on under Obama and now Trump. There was no real recovery since 2008, it was all about pumping the markets up with debt to save face. It never stopped being this way, our nation is totally dependent on debt, insolvent. Same can be said with many other nations too.

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1b3d57  No.84457


>Footage from inside the Weedland Hospital Medical Center in NYC

And nothing of value was lost. Oh wait maybe the lives of Americans who could lie in those beds.

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516b38  No.84460

Hundreds dead in Iran after consuming methanol thinking it was coronavirus protection


lol sandniggers

“Unfortunately in some provinces, including Khuzestan and Fars, deaths from drinking methanol has exceeded the number of deaths by the new coronavirus,” Hassanian said.

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01a3f4  No.84465

Are there any verified stories of people who were confirmed to have it (tested positive on some legit test), recovered, and remained recovered for an extended period of time?

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16ad3c  No.84467


I wish I could afford another bottle of premium scotch whiskey for tonight but my savings are more strained from last minute preps (really just making sure I had everything taken care of before the crash happens, the final touches if you will). Already spent over 1K this last couple weeks alone. I'll just have to stick to cheap Kirkland vodka from now on lol.

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8f7df0  No.84469


The entire world has been propping up the economy with debt. China has US$ 5.2 trillion, far less than the USA, even per capita. But every major world economy has a ridiculous amount of debt, and every country has been pretending it's not a problem for other countries to do it, because they're guilty of doing it too. The whole world is fucked, some more than others USA is probably top fucked.

This whole thing has been fucking terrifying. The economy shuts down for a few weeks. The result? Trillions in bailouts for everything from mom and pop shops to giant corporations. Citizens need gibs from the government to pay rent and keep their homes.

This world is so fucking fragile. People don't think society can collapse, but this makes me think we could lose it all so easily. All it takes is some natural disaster to shut down economies for a few months and the world we know it is over.

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66dd7f  No.84470

File: 73a47d3e51449a5⋯.png (1.39 MB, 900x673, 900:673, 1548907086401.png)


>Putin Freezes Drug Prices Amid Corona Pandemic

An extremely bad idea. I've tried to buy some paracetamol today to expand my stockpile, and there wasn't any. Prices for the essential meds were already capped, I can't even imagine what kind of shit we'll see now.

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70853e  No.84471

File: 15eb75698c55987⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 400x315, 80:63, money_0302.jpg)


>Asking just to be sure: If the dollar becomes toilet paper, the rest of the countries that depend on it, like Brownzil, get fucked too, right?

My understanding is yes. I heard a good description of Modern Monetary Theory today. Traditionally money would be printed into existence and then spent (ie gold backed) yet instead we spend the money first, creating the debt, at which is then loosely backed with a fraction of the collateral of 'printed' money. Essentially the debt is a necessary part of this fiat economy. Except when all those debts are called in, and the based currency fails, all other currencies suffer under the ZOG globalist system.


>Hundreds dead in Iran after consuming methanol thinking it was coronavirus protection

My sides!!


That sucks anon, I stocked up last night before our state locked down. I'd be willing to share. I basically maxed my credit yesterday getting those last minute supplies.

I'm getting ready for the following Civil War(s). My wife will keep the farm running.

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25e9a6  No.84472




Do this and you shall be spared. No smoking or drinking doing so will weaken your immune system.

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38fe11  No.84473


also Wim Hof breathing exercises. it increases your immune system

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cc7cd8  No.84476

File: b83f769d4dc46a9⋯.png (626.72 KB, 1037x886, 1037:886, b83f769d4dc46a9858f37e4045….png)



I don't understand, didn't we come to the conclusion that the virus causes infertility? How will NoFap prevent Corona-Chan from giving you The Succ of Death?

>t. Brainlet

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3d855e  No.84477


>That sucks anon, I stocked up last night before our state locked down.

Vodka is really the only thing I could afford to stock up on as far as the bad booze habit (although, believe me I keep it under control these days). Can't afford to be stocking up on good scotch whiskey, that would eat through my entire savings in no time.


>do not drink

True, if you can manage to do that as an alcoholic go for it! I've tried to quit cold turkey many times before but it is so hard: can't sleep right, can't concentrate or focus, problems with memory, the jitters, mood swings, sometimes hearing things that are not there and paranoia kicks in too. I only drink now days once a week, just to calm my nerves and keep my brain from farting all over me.

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1b3d57  No.84478


Vodka is also a great disinfectant of last resort, anon, for surfaces especially.

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ad2cba  No.84479

File: 99081cd3497bb62⋯.png (33.89 KB, 601x168, 601:168, turkroaches.png)

File: 0349238439bec90⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 922x517, 922:517, Brownzilian_lies_27_of_mar….jpg)

Roachland update

Brownzilian lies have been updated

>3417 confirmed cases (for testing positive and being symptomatic)

>92 confirmed deaths

>Regional breakdown: 145 cases in the north, 539 cases in the northeast (fuck yeah, keep it up Corona-Chan), 1952 cases in the southeast, 318 cases in the midwest and 463 cases in the south.


>Oh wait maybe the lives of Americans who could lie in those beds.

Indeed. There are a couple of white patients that I managed spot, but who knows how well they're being treated in a black hospital.




>Except when all those debts are called in, and the based currency fails, all other currencies suffer under the ZOG globalist system.

Thanks for the explanation. I want the cesspool that is my country to crash down hard.

>I'm getting ready for the following Civil War(s). My wife will keep the farm running.

Based couple. Nice art by the way, really liked it.


>succ of death


By the way, it has been confirmed, got posted 3 or 5 threads ago.

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1b3d57  No.84482


Well nurse Einstein didn't even know which patient was worse off.. I didn't see any Americans, just niggers and spics.

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cec596  No.84484

File: 0a8eb502eba3eae⋯.jpg (635.74 KB, 804x1024, 201:256, 1436993522938_0.jpg)


> $350 Million To Refugees, Migrants

Have you read the bill? Injun tribes get $8 billion. read the CARES ACT U.S. Dept. of Treasury Tribal Stabilization Fund—Section 601.

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70853e  No.84485

File: 94d3135385b6ae0⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 233x300, 233:300, Victory_Garden_2_1.jpg)


3 hours until midnight and at 2973! 41 to go!

(Note: several people died while writing this post)


>Based couple. Nice art by the way, really liked it.

Thanks anon. Stay safe out there.

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c075d3  No.84486

File: a09158c3fcbea99⋯.jpg (113.95 KB, 1125x794, 1125:794, EUH7bKSUYAAhb_p.jpg)

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30a969  No.84487

File: 1f804b24eac8cff⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 352x352, 1:1, 1f804b24eac8cffec2ae194e67….jpg)


If only

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85521a  No.84488



We should help organize another climate strike.

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5a16a7  No.84489


The lack of PPE is alarming

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ad2cba  No.84492

File: 9a07d4f2cde773e⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Peruvian_military_enforcin….mp4)

File: 4ccaf7485430853⋯.mp4 (309.83 KB, 640x352, 20:11, Iranian_political_prisoner….mp4)

File: 56a64a9970c6a10⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 480x768, 5:8, Chechen_police_convoy_in_G….mp4)

File: c240c45df2e6b38⋯.mp4 (314.31 KB, 288x480, 3:5, China_Macao_border_rush_ov….mp4)

File: 71e0af1d9a5365f⋯.mp4 (824.72 KB, 384x432, 8:9, Iran_coronavirus_plasma_tr….mp4)

possibly Peruvian military punishing a lockdown violator

Corona-Chan related prison escape in Iran. Political prisoners make a run for it, afraid that /ourgirl/ was in their prison. 80 of them were recaptured.

Chechen police convoy in Grozny telling people to stay in their homes

Panic at the Chinkland-Macao border

The CCP announced that everyone who enters the country after 27 of March will be forcibly quarantined at their own expense, prompting bugmen to run back home before it's too late

Iran falls for the chink plasma treatment meme


Kek, this actually happened for real in a central american country, I think it was Guatemala or San Salvador. It was a religious march.


Double doubles say it's a good idea.


Yep, go hazmat or don't even bother. That place is Corona Central.

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fb40bb  No.84493

A little tip for those here who are self-isolating. When you buy shit from online, avoid UPS at all costs, they won’t even bother to deliver the package to your house, rather they will force you to go outside to go get it from a random convenience store or from their warehouse. (This was my first and last delivery from them, I’ll literally pay more money just to not have them deliver my stuff again if I could).

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909970  No.84494


>what is "UV-C" antibacterial and antiviral lighting

Where is yours?

but even if they were using basic UV lights their retinas would be more at danger than skin cancer you're trying to imply.

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01a3f4  No.84495


Serbanon here, our ZOG used the curfew to settle countless thousands of shitskin invaders around the country while people are at home and no one is looking. They also seized the opportunity to cut the few trees left in some places (kikes really hate trees for some reason kek)

Also, our main talmudvision epidemiologist has the last name (((Cohn))) and was involved in major corruption scandal involving the vaccines a while ago and today he is the main authority on this (((epidemic)))


Also checking did the Croatanon see this

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cec596  No.84496

File: a8eef42f32722bf⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 600x592, 75:74, 1434274782608.jpg)

Federal judge orders release of some immigrants in detention due to coronavirus outbreak, blasts ICE=

>A federal judge on Friday ordered the release of four immigrants in ICE detention who are at high risk of serious illness in the event of a coronavirus outbreak and charged that the government had shown "deliberate indifference" to their medical needs.

>In ruling for the immigrants, Judge Alison J. Nathan of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York said that even the government does not challenge that the petitioners have "serious, unmet medical needs," including one who has had a part of his lung removed, a condition that would make him especially vulnerable to the virus.

In her order, Nathan lambasted ICE, which she said has "not taken any action to address" how the virus will impact high risk immigrants in detention. The judge went as far as saying the Department of Homeland Security's own medical subject matter experts say that the agency has a "track record … of failing to develop early detection and containment protocols for infectious disease outbreaks."

>She said the inmates of the case had put forward evidence that ICE had "actual knowledge of their serious, unmet medical conditions," and that they should be released until a bond hearing.

>"Petitioners have demonstrated a likelihood of success on their claim the Government's actions constitute deliberate indifference to Petitioners' medical needs, and thus violate the Fifth Amendment's substantive due process guarantee," Nathan ruled.

>CNN has reached out to ICE for comment.

>Thursday night, Judge Analisa Torres, who serves on the same court, issued a similar order releasing 10 immigrants being housed in New Jersey county jails.

Meanwhile, in a case out of California, immigrant rights groups are asking a judge to order ICE to provide a list of immigrants nationwide who have one or more risk factors and order their prompt release if medical standards aren't up to proper standards. The judge is going to have a hearing on that case – with nationwide implications – on April 13.



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ad2cba  No.84499

File: 131a95bcd8e4218⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Iranian_Mass_grave_on_the_….mp4)

File: f6761f81933ea01⋯.png (164.58 KB, 453x626, 453:626, What_are_you_up_to_Bolso.png)

File: 429a37ca9d239ff⋯.png (277.23 KB, 490x628, 245:314, Pacaembu_field_hospital_ha….png)

File: a805d851ad64169⋯.jpeg (204.72 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, pacaembu_hospital_4.jpeg)

File: ae920c87b0fe9db⋯.jpeg (183.82 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, pacaembu_hospital_1.jpeg)

Mass grave on the hills near the city of Mahabad, Iran. That fucking digger, though. Damn that thing is big

Bolsonaro admits to have taken the Corona-Chan test under a fake name during an interview

Construction of the field hospital at the Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo has been finished and it's ready to receive patients


Fucking hell.

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5c1c3a  No.84500


>Injun tribes get $8 billion.

That’s great for the alcohol distributors, but what about all the bars closed down?

>Sheriff establishes checkpoints to keep Miami assholes from escaping to the Florida Keys.

>India bans export of all-important hydroxychloroquine.

TDS politicians attempt to block the drug’s use, but doctors know its usefulness.


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ae27a6  No.84501


>TDS politicians attempt to block the drug’s use, but doctors know its usefulness.

The fact the media is ridiculing hydroxychloroquine and politicians are calling for bans make is clearly obvious they want this virus to spread. The question should be WHY?

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8f7df0  No.84502


They would rather it spread and we wait for a vaccine than it be cured now.

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6f68a8  No.84504


>Asking just to be sure: If the dollar becomes toilet paper, the rest of the countries that depend on it, like Brownzil, get fucked too, right?

Yes, any country that heavily relies on USD for trade will collapse pretty hard when our currency hyperinflates. This is why China and Russia have been liquidating US Treasury bonds for many years now while stockpiling silver/gold, predicting that the USD would become totally insolvent within the next decade or two. Which is one reason the harsh propaganda against Russia and China. Not saying China is immune from collapse at this point either, they have what we have and this bioweapon wrecks economies.

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3c3534  No.84505


I bet it all leads to the obvious reasons, ID 2020. They want their cashless society.

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e0d5e6  No.84507

File: a349e6581e98ea4⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB, 360x636, 30:53, b6aWulRIlx07C0l3Cl4Q010412….mp4)

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8f7df0  No.84508


Not only that, but Remdesivir was developed for Ebola and it ended up not being used at all. So you have Gilead who wants to make Remdesivir be the primary treatment, too.

There are two very big, very bad groups of people who want Corona to spread far and wide, and will benefit greatly if it does.

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909970  No.84509


>pushes a cop

>resists and fights

>screams like a baby later

every time

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fbd051  No.84511


He barely touched the cop, more like a hand signal to get away and then gets beaten and thrown to the ground. That's one hell of a police state alright.

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8694e9  No.84512


I'm not going to take their vaccines or microchip, fuck them. I'll grow and hunt and fish for my own food in the future. They need us more than we need them. Hopefully people man up already, after this crisis wrecks everything.

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38fe11  No.84513


>He barely touched the cop

he pushed hard enough to make the cop stagger back

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8804b9  No.84514


nobody's asking you to do either of those things schizo.

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909970  No.84515


>more like a hand signal to get away

Lmao, that's a fight starter you pansy faggot

You go around pushing people like that you will catch fists

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ef236f  No.84517


For some reason I doubt that to be true. The media has been pushing this for years and years, so have many politicians. Listen to the man, Bill Gates himself and his own words.

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cec596  No.84518

File: 8fcde82f1a08fd9⋯.jpg (162.85 KB, 683x683, 1:1, 8fcde82f1a08fd9ef1ff8cc408….jpg)

Trump uses Defense Production Act to require GM to make ventilators

>President Trump on Friday used the Defense Production Act to compel General Motors to produce ventilators to combat the coronavirus after days of hesitating to use the powers in the law.

>The president in a statement said the federal government had abandoned negotiations with the automaker on ventilator production, complaining that the automaker was "wasting time."

>"Our negotiations with GM regarding its ability to supply ventilators have been productive, but our fight against the virus is too urgent to allow the give-and-take of the contracting process to continue to run its normal course," Trump said.

>"GM was wasting time," the president asserted. "Today’s action will help ensure the quick production of ventilators that will save American lives."

>The Trump administration had been negotiating with GM to make tens of thousands of ventilators, but talks broke down due to concerns that the price tag would exceed $1 billion.

>The president turned his ire on the automaker earlier Friday, singling out CEO Mary Barra for criticism.

>"As usual with 'this' General Motors, things just never seem to work out," Trump tweeted. "They said they were going to give us 40,000 much needed Ventilators, 'very quickly'. Now they are saying it will only be 6000, in late April, and they want top dollar. Always a mess with Mary B."

>Trump in a separate tweet called on GM to reopen a Lordstown, Ohio, plant that the company shuttered last year and sold in November.

>The use of the Defense Production Act gives Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar authority to determine how many ventilators are appropriate. The department has not responded to requests for comment about whether it has taken an inventory of the devices.

>It was not immediately clear how quickly GM would be able to scale up ventilator production. The company said in a news release earlier Friday that it was partnering with medical device maker Ventec to convert an Indiana GM facility into a ventilator production plant.

>The companies said they expected the first ventilators will be available next month with the ability to produce more than 10,000 per month after that.

>At a White House briefing on Friday evening, Trump said the use of the DPA "should demonstrate clearly to all that we will not hesitate to use the full authority of the government to combat this crisis."

>Trump went on to name trade adviser Peter Navarro as the national policy coordinator for the DPA going forward. The promotion of Navarro, one of the most hardline trade protectionists in the administration, signals Trump may be looking to use the act more broadly moving forward.

>Navarro told reporters that the administration is working with Ford and General Electric (GE) on ventilator production, but ran into "roadblocks" with GM that prompted the use of the DPA.


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f14180  No.84519


If he pushed him, he should be arrested. Not have his face shoved into the ground by 5 cops at once. Is that really a fair fight?

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cec596  No.84521

File: c3ab0879c97d117⋯.png (305.11 KB, 605x328, 605:328, 1434923036911.png)


>State leaders have warned they are running dangerously low on the breathing machines as hospital capacity fills up in areas dealing with significant outbreaks. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has projected the state will need 30,000 ventilators, while Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) has indicated the state will run out in early April.

>Democrats largely expressed relief that Trump had finally engaged the DPA after days of holding out.

>"We desperately needed the Defense Production Act invoked to ensure the production of life-saving ventilators. We are relieved that just happened. Lives depend on it," Cuomo tweeted.

>Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said during a virtual roundtable event that Trump's order was "good news."

>"We were suggesting he do that over a month ago," Biden said. "But the point is he's done it, and I congratulate him for it."

>Trump invoked the act last week, which gives the president extraordinary powers to compel private companies to manufacture critical supplies in times of crisis. But he had yet to actually use it to ramp up production of masks, ventilators and other materials that hospitals and state leaders have said are dangerously scarce.

>The president and his aides had insisted in recent days that the DPA effectively provided leverage and that private companies were producing sufficient supplies. Trump earlier this week also expressed a reluctance to use the act because he worried that doing so amounted to "nationalizing" industries.

>Trump on Thursday night questioned some of the requests for ventilators coming from state leaders.

>"I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be," Trump said on Fox News.

>"I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," he added. "You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they're saying, 'Can we order 30,000 ventilators?'"

>But as the number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. has risen, the need has become more dire. The U.S. has more cases than any other nation with more than 97,000. Roughly 1,500 Americans had died from the virus as of late Friday afternoon.




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f0da63  No.84522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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04e18a  No.84523


It's not about a fair fight, it's about reminding the cattle where they belong.

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909970  No.84524


…and how do you arrest someone who is physically unruly?

Take the end of the short bus back to school idiot

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04e18a  No.84525


>…and how do you arrest someone who is physically unruly?

By having five guns pointed at him and screaming conflicting orders while a police dog mauls his face?

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f0da63  No.84526



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d9a644  No.84527


Grab his arms behind him and arrest him, one tough man is all it would take to do that. Maybe two if you are dealing with some beefed-up lunatic who can really fight back. And there is always a baton or gun or mace, encase it's actually needed.

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909970  No.84528


okay cop hater


shows you never were in fight and can't even spell, shut up

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04e18a  No.84529


>Trusting cops with anything other than eating donuts

They'll gladly come for your guns if they ever get the order.

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6991c2  No.84530


>shows you never were in fight and can't even spell, shut up

Bullshit, a tough man can easily take a couple hits. Cops should be trained to fight if need be, but needing to have 4 or 5 cops shove one man to the ground? That's just excessive force.

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909970  No.84531


you're dumb enough to sage a pinned thread

continue spamming your rehearsed catchphrases to someone else dumbo

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909970  No.84532


It minimizes possibility of any of cops getting an injury

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8fe85c  No.84533


They could have seriously injured that other person by doing what they did. I don't see the guy put up too much of a fight either for that to be necessary. All I'm saying is they should use more caution and learn when such force is absolutely necessary. If the dude pulled a gun I could see the justification.

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909970  No.84534


> don't see the guy put up too much of a fight either for that to be necessary

The cop he pushed tried twisting his arm behind his back as you mentioned. The guy resisted and turned to push cops face when he was on the ground.

That is why more cops got on.

>All I'm saying is they should use more caution and learn when such force is absolutely necessary

Force is always met with force in the animal kingdom. You push me I push you back 10 times fold.

>If the dude pulled a gun I could see the justification.

A knife? A baton?

Pepper spray? Taser?

How about a metal pipe? Or a rock? Maybe a bigger rock?

Nice talking to you retard

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410c07  No.84535

Funny thing is that the gay community already went through this. AIDS in the 1980s: terrible government response, tinfoil hat theories snake-oil 'treatments', school yard jokes, nobody knowing what the fuck was happening.

China Virus 2019 is just like AIDS 1985. Welcome to Gen X world, niggas!

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1ed435  No.84536


It's a bad idea if Russia doesn't make their own medicine and relies on other countries for meds. Otherwise it just prevents price gouging.

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9ca567  No.84537


>"Good 'ol boys in blue!"

>"God bless america!"

>"You want me to give up my guns officer? sure can do!

>"You want me to bend over? Sure can do!"

>"Ah… nothing like being a law abiding american!

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8f9aef  No.84538


Russia does produce their own medicine, the extent of it I'm not sure. They produce a lot of their own stuff across a whole host of industries, even things like clothing you'd think would be mass-imported from China.

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ecf855  No.84539


I saw the first two seconds of his trying to push the cop away, didn't see him push the cop's face though. All happens so quick, I'd have to watch it in slow-motion. Regardless, this is still what to expect in a police state. Glad I don't live in the cities where cops are that hostile to public nuisances.

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909970  No.84540


>bootlicking == listening to cop telling you to go back to quarantine and not pushing him

suck a dick violent nigger


>All happens so quick, I'd have to watch it in slow-motion

See? You never were in a fight

>Regardless, this is still what to expect in a police state. Glad I don't live in the cities where cops are that hostile to public nuisances.

translated to: "I don't have violent dumbniggers near me, I live in leftist utopia"

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30a969  No.84541


major difference is AIDS doesn't spread outside blood to blood contact

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ccab5e  No.84542

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928f2b  No.84544


Well then they are smart. They'd be able to produce whatever they need and still crack down on price gouging without it impacting their supplies.

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30a969  No.84545


>being this much of an underage anarchist

You don't have to like cops to know when someone is fucking wrong you insufferable sack of human waste.

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909970  No.84546


>AIDS doesn't spread outside blood to blood contact

Learn biology you idiot

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30a969  No.84547


Why? You keep changing it every 5 minutes to fit a narrative.

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410c07  No.84548


The response is the same. Nobody knew what the fuck AIDS was spread by back in the early 80s, which is why people were scared to shake hands. We now know, but that's hindsight.

If you weren't alive back then, then you're never been through this.

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8f9aef  No.84549


>Well then they are smart.

They are White, with a White cultural, military, and industrial elite for the most part. The exact opposite of the Anglosphere.

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909970  No.84550

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30a969  No.84551



But I'm not a bootlicker :^)

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909970  No.84553


then go bing it :^))

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d2a9c2  No.84554


>See? You never were in a fight

Watching a video filmed from above, I'm not on the ground micro-analyzing everything like you were doing. It just seems fishy why they'd use so much excessive force for one guy is all.

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410c07  No.84555


lol anarchists

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909970  No.84556


fishy to anyone that wasn't in a fight that is

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ccab5e  No.84557

File: 4a493b455bbead4⋯.gif (458.45 KB, 320x250, 32:25, 1585148873499.gif)

File: 2d533dcc57e910f⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1585161672822.jpg)

File: 9afb6bbe096814a⋯.png (25.82 KB, 926x809, 926:809, 1585250146285.png)

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8f9aef  No.84558


80% of which are niggerspics.

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527f00  No.84559


Wasn't much of a fight at all.

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909970  No.84561


if you say so

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410c07  No.84562


You'll still take your $1200 check, anarchist.

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32024b  No.84563


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648022  No.84564


Bug lives are worth less than dirt and the CCP gives zero fugs. Why don't the bug cops just open fire or run them over in tanks?

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366004  No.84565


Jesus, I've been in bar fights before and people knock each other around a whole lot, it can last up to four to five minutes before it settles down sometimes, usually after the police are called. Just saying.

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909970  No.84566


>I've been in bar fights

translates to

<"I was hit once in a bar fight that dumb violent niggers started out of boredom, I was standing on the side the whole time and they fought a lot"

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cec596  No.84567

Surgeon General Jerome Adams: 'Hot spots' like Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans will have 'worse week

>U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Friday said “hot spots” for the expanding coronavirus outbreak such as Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans are going to have a worse week next week compared to where they were this week.

>Dr. Adams said they’re hopeful that numbers in New York, the hardest-hit state, will start to slow next week.

>“We also see hot spots like Detroit, like Chicago, like New Orleans that will have a worse week next week than what they had this week,” he said on “CBS This Morning.”

>In a separate interview, Dr. Adams said some areas in the country are going to need “a lot more” than the 15-day period that’s coming to a close soon during which the federal government advised the public to avoid crowds and stay at home if possible.

>“I think in some places definitely we’re going to need a lot more,” Dr. Adams said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “Some places haven’t hit their peak yet, and what we’re looking to do in the next week or two is really give people the testing data that they need to make informed choices.”

>President Trump announced the 15-day timeline on March 16 as a way to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus amid the expanding pandemic. He said this week that it would be great if the U.S. could open back up by Easter, or April 12.

>“Some places, it doesn’t matter if it’s Easter or if it’s Memorial Day, or if it’s Labor Day — we know that we want people to be thinking about what they can do now so that we can quickly get through this with as few deaths and as few hospitalizations as possible,” Dr. Adams said on ABC.

>Mr. Trump on Thursday said in a letter to the nation’s governors that the administration is working on new guidelines for state and local officials to use in making decisions about potentially relaxing some of the restrictions that have been put into place.

>The president said new testing capabilities will help classify counties, and that they plan to suggest guidelines labeling counties as low-risk, medium-risk or high-risk.

>Dr. Adams was asked on ABC how those classifications would work practically in terms of slowing the spread without more consistency across the country.

>“The way it works is through cooperation,” he said.

>“We want to make sure people are talking to each other so that if they’re in a high-risk area, they’re taking appropriate precautions,” Dr. Adams said. “If they are in a lower-risk area, it doesn’t mean that you stop social distancing, it doesn’t mean that you stop washing your hands, it doesn’t mean you stop doing the things that we’re telling everyone to do.”

>“But it means you may not have to be on total lockdown the way that we see New York City and places in California are,” he said.

>The U.S. now has the most positive coronavirus cases in the world with more than 86,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker. There have been more than 1,300 coronavirus-related deaths.

>New York has been the hardest-hit individual state, with more than 37,200 positive cases and at least 385 deaths as of Thursday.

>But as Dr. Adams said, new hot spots have been developing in various places around the country, including in Louisiana.

>Gov. John Bel Edwards on Thursday said the New Orleans area could run out of ventilators by early April if the rate of new cases does not slow.



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c66c61  No.84568


Yah, something like that actually lol, felt need to throw a few shots back but no big deal.

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909970  No.84570


you're a coward that isn't worth talking to


shut the fuck up, you're in no position to tell others what to do faggot

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f0da63  No.84571


>shut the fuck up, you're in no position to tell others what to do faggot

Leave. See?

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30a969  No.84572


>you're a coward that isn't worth talking to

As said on a mongolian throat singing forum. wew lad, you're a real piece of work.

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909970  No.84573



pansy faggots

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045e71  No.84574


>you're a coward that isn't worth talking to

Wew, chill out. I don't like to fight unless I actually have to, regretfully I have had to a few times. But I'm not going to ask my friends to join in to beat one person down over a simple shove is all. I'm willing to win some, lose some - if need be that is.

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30a969  No.84575


What are you gonna do? Cry and filter us?

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909970  No.84576


yea and you can't do anything to stop me :P

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410c07  No.84577


Will filtering you prevent china virus? XD

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1fc1a8  No.84578

File: 890f6c545e73336⋯.jpg (78.82 KB, 425x335, 85:67, 6444834069413888.jpg)


>80% of which are niggerspics.

I bet half of them brainlets will get infected.

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b69eba  No.84579

LOL, we should all get back to the corona issue, leave our manhood out of this thread before the BO comes in and starts deleting the posts.

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30a969  No.84581

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f3206d  No.84582

Does anyone have the link to the new CARE Act being signed? I'd like to see what is in it.

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1b3d57  No.84584


jews kicking you while you're down, I see.

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1fc1a8  No.84585


Let them all out and make Jew York burn faster!

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32a668  No.84586


Supposedly the CARE Act is dishing out millions of dollars for illegals as well which makes me steam. I'd like to see what other kind of kikery is hidden in that bill.

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1b3d57  No.84587


They started treating patients with Remdesvir in Czech Republic today.

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92fa52  No.84590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


15 min mark


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1b3d57  No.84591


A lot of Spanish cops are /ourguys/ especially Policia Nacional and Guardia Civil (most). These are local Catalan cops from Mataró, north of Barcelona. These are separatist thugs generally.

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648022  No.84592


There are a lot more niggers in the south, which is RED.

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92fa52  No.84594


I saw jews bragging about each Israeli getting 6000 Shekels $1600 US @ $13 billion in the corona relief

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6db8fd  No.84595

File: 423ca6620262350⋯.jpg (148.69 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Corona_a_film_by_Mostafa_K….jpg)

File: 273d0b4e220c940⋯.jpg (144.44 KB, 758x1136, 379:568, corona_zombies.jpg)

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1b3d57  No.84596


They better show up in chemical warfare attire or they'll end up with tens of thousands incapacitated before the end of April.

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5c1c3a  No.84597


Every state will exaggerate the number of pieces of equipment they need, because they know the feds are rationing the limited production. They’re basically wannabe hoarders. Of course with the jewest possible prevention, New York could create the need for hundreds of thousands of ventilators. Anyway, Trump is claiming he’ll try to get so much production we could help out Spain and Italy too but fuck Frankistan.


It looks like they’re back to using the tag team sliding technique.

Ye olde inoculate yourself by drinking the blood of a survivor, in this case treat the illness. News a few days old, but reminding people it came out of #1 China.


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ad2cba  No.84598

File: f4815ccee5866f3⋯.png (223.91 KB, 614x446, 307:223, the_three_pernambucan_stoo….png)

File: d29560dc7927906⋯.jpg (320.61 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, free_soap.jpg)

File: 4dbaa1e613e1f32⋯.png (254.92 KB, 629x437, 629:437, telemarketer_demonstration.png)

File: b94b5d3fba4db7b⋯.png (177.87 KB, 527x346, 527:346, public_sanitation_worker_c….png)

File: 3195c8fbc79964d⋯.png (235.9 KB, 538x359, 538:359, Massive_gathering_at_Cabo_….png)

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Like wildfire Edition

We now (((officially))) have 57 confirmed cases and 4 confirmed deaths. Corona-Chan reached the state's countryside a couple of days ago, she's also officially in the island of Fernando de Noronha, everyone there is fucked.

About the recent deaths

82 year old man from north Recife with multiple underlying conditions. His death is not important, what's important is how he got blessed: No one knows. Community transmission has really kicked in because he had absolutely zero contact with any confirmed or suspected case. Like I said before, I could be incubating Corona-Chan right now, she is everywhere around here already. The other death is a 15 year old girl in the countryside. She had ARDS, low blood pressure and oxygen levels. Her Corona-Chan test resulted in a negative but I call bullshit on that.

New half-assed measures

>A couple of NGOs, Unilever Brasil and a chink association donated us masks, hand sanitizer and soap bars.

>Government orders the reduction of the number of telemarketers working in a call center at the same time in order to prevent overcrowding.

The decree comes after the telemarketers demonstrated discontent with their working conditions, denouncing overcrowded call centers during this pandemic. Funny to see they complaining about that since their demonstration was a huge gathering

>Truckers had their cabs cleaned by government sanitation workers and received free personal hygiene kits.

Most shitskins still not giving a shit or aware of Corona-Chan's danger at all

The soft lockdown still doesn't mean shit in the favelas and the poorfag neighborhoods, Corona-Chan is still free to cleanse this rotten place.


>India bans export of all-important hydroxychloroquine.

Based Pajeets trying to take care of themselves while fucking over everyone else.

>>84542 >>84557

That's a big number. Someone must have told him shit's about to get real.


This. Hospital meme masks will get them killed.

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1b3d57  No.84599

File: 7e386c1ce6cf883⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 2524x794, 1262:397, deng2.jpg)


couldn't help but comment

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0ccdbe  No.84601

File: f8fa69f12c79e1a⋯.png (604.2 KB, 600x753, 200:251, kek.png)


>Coof troop.

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df9f64  No.84602


>implying communism is better

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01a3f4  No.84604


Has Islamic Communism been tried yet? Nooo? Well …

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909970  No.84605


you're onto something, maybe THIS TIME it will work

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82938f  No.84606

File: 4d09247578c2eb5⋯.jpg (17.56 KB, 466x349, 466:349, living_in_the_world.jpg)

Another 83 cases in lesser shitpostingland today. 8 people in hospital, 2 in ICU. Flour is a staple people are still finding it hard to get, so anyone not yet in quarantine may find it useful to stock up on that if they still need to and can.

Because the lockdown went into effect so quickly a lot of time is being spent trying to find out what's allowed and what isn't - our postal service is still running with restrictions but it's not always clear what is allowed through and what isn't. The wage subsidy came into effect quickly but it wasn't clear if it was taxed or not. Use of cars and limits of travel is being clarified more quickly. Some supermarket chains are limiting visits to 30 mins and most are following a "one in, one out" policy. Adopting rescue animals is out, but fostering them is fine. I don't expect the confusion to settle for another week or so.

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7d37ca  No.84607

File: e2ee2b28c820c07⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 640x299, 640:299, ezrapounddemocracy.jpg)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)


It's just very amusing watching the jewbrains try to brigade this issue. Absolutely comical.

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7d37ca  No.84608


The virus isn't real.

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968324  No.84609


You heard anything about armed gangs enforcing lockdowns in the favelas? Saw it mentioned in an earlier /cvg/. Wouldn't surprise me, since gangs and dealers need customers and bodies as much as Amazon and the banks do.

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cec596  No.84610


>Jew York

California is also releasing it's immigrants

<San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin called on Gov. Gavin Newsom Thursday to use his executive authority to shut down federal immigration detention centers in California to protect public health during the coronavirus pandemic.

<The call came amid a growing outcry by medical experts, immigrant advocates and a former director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) over the potential danger of COVID-19 in ICE detention facilities. And it followed a lawsuit filed by 13 medically vulnerable detained immigrants in California, calling on ICE to release them.

<Also Thursday, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a letter she sent to Attorney General William Barr, calling for the U.S. Department of Justice to suspend all immigration court hearings during the pandemic.

<Boudin said San Francisco has safely reduced its jail population by 25 percent over the past three weeks. And he said releasing some of the 38,000 people currently detained by ICE nationwide should be easier because immigration custody is a form of civil, not criminal, detention.

<“When someone dies in immigration detention, their blood will be on our hands,” he said.

<Boudin said he believes Newsom could use an executive order to ban the use of private detention centers. Four ICE facilities in California are operated by private prison companies.

<He also called on the governor to order state prisons to stop handing over inmates to ICE, adding that California prisons hold approximately 11,000 people who, under current policy, will be handed over to ICE after they have served their criminal sentences.

<“That’s a huge pipeline of people whose lives are being jeopardized during the coronavirus pandemic,” said Boudin.

<Newsom’s press secretary Vicky Waters would not comment on whether the governor would consider such steps, but she said in a statement: “The federal government has exclusive authority over immigration law, but as we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 outbreak, we want everyone in the state to know that their health and welfare is our top priority.”

<Meanwhile, advocates in California and across the country voiced concern that an outbreak of COVID-19 inside any of the nation’s 138 ICE detention facilities could affect not just the immigrants and staff inside, but also the families and communities that ICE employees return to at the end of their shifts, and the hospitals where patients from ICE facilities would be taken for care.

<As of Thursday evening, ICE reported two confirmed cases of COVID-19 among people held in detention in Newark and Hackensack, New Jersey. Three employees at ICE detention facilities also had confirmed cases — in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Aurora, Colorado and Houston, Texas.

<“Crowded detention facilities are ideal incubators for disease, threatening the health not just of the detained, but of surrounding communities,” said Sandro Galea, dean of the Boston University School of Public Health. “To safeguard public health, nonviolent detainees should be released and allowed to self-isolate.”

<That proposal was echoed by John Sandweg, a former acting director of ICE who served under President Barack Obama.

<“The design of these facilities requires inmates to remain in close contact with one another — the opposite of the social distancing now recommended for stopping the spread of the lethal coronavirus,” Sandweg wrote in a column in The Atlantic earlier this week.

<“By releasing from custody the thousands of detainees who pose no threat to public safety and do not constitute an unmanageable flight risk, ICE can reduce the overcrowding of its detention centers, and thus make them safer,” he said.

<Infectious diseases have surged through ICE detention centers in the past, including an outbreak of mumps last year that sickened more than 900 inmates and staff at 57 facilities, according to the Associated Press.

<Detention Watch Network, an advocacy group for immigrants in ICE custody, called for the immediate release of all detained immigrants.

<Fearing coronavirus infection, 13 detained immigrants in California filed suit against ICE last week in federal district court in San Francisco.

<The detainees are held in Yuba County Jail, in Marysville, and the Mesa Verde ICE Processing Facility, a private prison in Bakersfield operated by the GEO Group.

<The plaintiffs called on ICE to release them because of their advanced age and underlying medical conditions — which they believe puts them at risk of death if they contract COVID-19. They said they are being held in crowded and unsanitary conditions where they are denied the ability to protect themselves.


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cec596  No.84612


<One plaintiff, Sofia Bahena Ortuno, a 64-year-old farmworker and grandmother who said she suffers from hypothyroidism and diabetes, was released the same day the lawsuit was filed, according to her lawyers.

<The lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, along with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office and Lakin & Wille, LLP. In recent days the ACLU has also brought suit on behalf of ICE detainees in Washington state, Massachusetts, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

<ICE officials would not comment on the lawsuit or speak on the record about the fear among detainees and their advocates of COVID-19 outbreaks in detention. An ICE spokesman directed KQED to the agency's coronavirus webpage.

<The website states that “ICE epidemiologists have been tracking the outbreak, regularly updating infection prevention and control protocols, and issuing guidance to ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) staff for the screening and management of potential exposure among detainees.”

<ICE has suspended visits by friends and family members and “is actively working with state and local health partners to determine if any detainee requires additional testing or monitoring to combat the spread of the virus,” the website said.

<Also on Thursday, lawyers representing children in immigration custody asked a federal judge in Los Angeles for an order requiring the government to release every child to a guardian within seven days or explain why it didn’t to a court-appointed monitor. The lawyers also asked the judge to require that children and families be held in “non-congregate” settings or else provide detained children and parents the ability to keep six feet of distance from others and to freely wash their hands with soap and water.

<Meanwhile, Feinstein called on the U.S. Department of Justice and its Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), to temporarily close the nation’s immigration courts for hearing.

<“Critical matters, such as bond hearings for adult detainees and emergency hearings for children, should be handled telephonically,” wrote Feinstein. “The benefit of reducing the risk to public health outweighs pressing forward with non-critical matters during this pandemic.”

<Her letter follows a similar call by the nation’s immigration judges, the ICE lawyers union and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

<Last week, the agency announced that it was suspending hearings through April 10 for people who are not in ICE detention. And on Monday, EOIR announced that hearings through April 23 would be postponed for asylum seekers forced to wait in Mexico under the U.S. government’s Migrant Protection Protocols.

On Thursday evening, the agency issued a statement saying EOIR’s current operations are in line with most other federal courts.

<“Recognizing that cases of detained individuals may implicate unique constitutional concerns and raise particular issues of public safety, personal liberty, and due process, few federal courts have closed completely,” the statement said. “EOIR is similarly continuing to receive filings and to hold hearings for detained aliens while monitoring and minimizing risks presented by COVID-19.”

The agency said even though immigration courts are open, they are not conducting work that involves the presence of the general public. And EOIR is encouraging the use of video and telephone appearances at hearings and electronic filing or U.S. mail delivery of documents.

<On Thursday, 55 of the nation’s 69 immigration courts remained open in this manner.


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161dc3  No.84616

File: 2afeba5685009c6⋯.png (20.16 KB, 673x577, 673:577, alldeathsdaily.png)

I'm so proud of our girl, at the current rate of progression she will be the #1 cause of death worldwide in two weeks, see pic.


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afb58e  No.84617


Source on the graph?

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ad2cba  No.84619

File: efa6cf761ba3312⋯.png (62.14 KB, 500x442, 250:221, london.png)

File: ba602d5bb79385a⋯.png (247.76 KB, 599x577, 599:577, NYC_update.png)

File: 7727b0e86949157⋯.png (28.06 KB, 597x148, 597:148, Potatoland.png)

File: dae91f84a11a600⋯.png (336.14 KB, 608x602, 304:301, MEME.png)

File: 13ef5a85e5f26fd⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 296x640, 37:80, Saqez_prison_escape.mp4)

NYC update

Potatoland goes into lockdown

MIT finds out social distancing is a gay meme https://archive.is/PX3eZ

Another Corona-Chan induced prison break in Iran, this time in Saqez. 80 escapees are at large.


You earned doubles for generating lulz.


first pic is for you.


Hey there Kiwi, your updates on Lesser shitpostingland are appreciated.

>Flour is a staple people are still finding it hard to get, so anyone not yet in quarantine may find it useful to stock up on that if they still need to and can.

Interesting. Thanks for posting good advice.


Yeah I read about that but it seems that's just happening in Rio, at least for now. A gang there is enforcing a curfew in two favelas. The armed gang that controlled my favela got dismantled a year and a half ago after a series of police raids. I remember they used to have a gate leading to their small no-go zone near their drug den that was manned by an armed sentry. Their little organization completely fell apart after the police found their weed and guns stash in a drum buried in the woods, lel.



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d68646  No.84620


This isn't some hollywood/tv/ shit show. It is harder to control sp,epme if they are standing up than if they are face down on the ground. Harder still if they are struggling. You have to get behind someone to pull their arm behind their back which clearly the faggot on the bike would not let them do even if they tried.


> I don't see the guy put up too much of a fight either for that to be necessary.

Then you didn't see what the guy on the bike was doing with his arms when he was first put on the ground. He bundles his arms close to his chest. It requires a great deal of force to pull an arm out from under someone struggling to keep their arms in. It is clear that you have very little experience dealing with violent people outside of watching WWE or cop cams.


>I'm not on the ground micro-analyzing everything like you were doing. It just seems fishy why they'd use so much excessive force for one guy is all.

It wasn't the cop that was pushed that puuled the fagot off the bike. There is a reason for this (apart from the physical assault that the guy on the bike can be charged with for pushing a cop). People outside of immediate arms reach require physical leg movement to get close enough to the criminal in order to apprehend them. In the time that it takes to move from a standing oisuruin it is easier for a criminal to produce a weapon that could kill or harm a LEO. I am fairly certain they are taught this at a police academy. In order to prevent the possibility for a deadly weapon to be produced by the suspect, it is essential for the suspect to be controlled as quickly as possible (not just for the well being of the LEO but the thug as well).


>Wasn't much of a fight at all.

It doesn't have to be a fight, let alone a fair one. It was common assault of a police officer. The police reacted to stop him from doing it again as they have been trained to do..

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d68646  No.84621




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82938f  No.84623


Thanks anon. I'm usually around trying to get through admin and lunch when the daily tally goes online. Bit tired today and forgot to add total number of cases, which is 451.

Bread also goes out of stock quickly but it slipped my mind as we make our own at home, and also there have been workers strikes so over the last several months the bread aisle has regularly been empty. We haven't been shopping for a little while and I havent heard of much else specifically, but usually there are empty shelves later in the day for all sorts of products so if shopping is needed, early mornings are much better.

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94b353  No.84624


social distancing means 15 people get it from one person instead of 100. Quarantine would still be better.

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07a1ce  No.84625


>2nd pic

>Italy confirms a record 919 new deaths

They're gonna hit 1000 in one day soon.



Also UK: Secretary of Health Matt Hancock tested positive according to the tv news.



More like this thanks.

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c7b331  No.84629


>img src request

Highly entertaining and darkly humorous Worst Korean 2013 movie called Flu.

>Conveniently available free on (((Amazon Prime)))

>Coronian Cultists must watch

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cec596  No.84630

File: af36c7d964db0b1⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 253x199, 253:199, 1429907149882.gif)

Army Corps of Engineers eyes 114 sites to convert to hospitals in coronavirus fight

>The Army Corps of Engineers is eyeing at least 114 facilities to potentially serve as hospitals to treat patients during the coronavirus pandemic.

>The Army Corps has assessed 81 of the locations — including hotels, sports arenas, convention centers, college dormitories and fairgrounds — that could either accept patients who have contracted COVID-19 or treat non-infected individuals in order to free up overwhelmed hospitals, Gen. Todd Semonite told reporters at the Pentagon on Friday.

>The Defense Department has ramped up its response to calls from states and cities in desperate need of help in addressing the spread of the coronavirus, which has sickened more than 100,000 Americans and killed more than 1,500.

>The military has dispatched hospital ships to Los Angeles and New York, sent mobile hospitals to cities on both coasts, and is providing 2,000 ventilators and 5 million protective masks. In addition, state governors have mobilized more than 10,000 National Guard troops to aid in the response.

>Semonite said many of the facilities being eyed by the Army Corps are in Washington, California and New York. The corps is already in the process of converting New York City’s Javits Center into a 2,900-room hospital.

>Several more sites are expected to be in use next week in cities like Sacramento, Calif., Seattle and Chicago, where the McCormick Place Convention Center has been targeted as such a facility, Semonite said.

>He added that the Army Corps has been assessing 15 to 20 locations a day and expects the current total of 114 “to go up by 20 to 30 every single day.”

>Once a facility is confirmed, the city would then lease it and the corps would hire contractors to complete construction to convert the site within weeks.

>“We’ve already cut contracts and we’re cutting contracts every night to be able to get contractors to be able to come into the facilities,” Semonite said.

>He said he was concerned about states like Michigan, Florida and Louisiana, where confirmed coronavirus cases have rapidly increased in the past week.

>Semonite said he spoke with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) on Wednesday to discuss possible facilities to alter.

>“In Louisiana, we do have some relatively large facilities that we can use and my engineers are doing plans for him today to try to give him some options,” Semonite said.

>The Army Corps is also developing options for Florida, which has “a more aging community,” and growing coronavirus cases in Miami, Orlando and Tampa.

>In Michigan, an Army Corps colonel is “working with the leadership,” Semonite said.


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4d0c77  No.84632


The Respirators and hand sanitiser made in Australia should be mandatory for everyone.

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0cec80  No.84633



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4d0c77  No.84634


Isn’t Florida full of black coals?

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cec596  No.84636

More than 150 employees at 4 Boston hospitals have tested positive for coronavirus

>More than 150 hospital workers in Boston have tested positive for coronavirus, officials at four facilities in the city told CNN.

>That news comes as medical officials around the country express fears that hospitals will run short on staff as workers contract the virus from ill patients, even as the rate of sick people going to hospitals still is increasing.

>The 150-plus workers who tested positive are at four Boston hospitals. The numbers were reported by Thursday afternoon by these facilities:

>Tufts Medical Center – 52 employees

>Brigham and Women's Hospital – 45 employees

>Massachusetts General Hospital – 41 employees

>Boston Medical Center – 15 employees

>"Employees who have tested positive are not working until after they have been cleared by occupational health services," Brigham and Women's Hospital spokeswoman Serena Bronda told CNN.

>Massachusetts General Hospital believes most of its coronavirus-positive employees contracted the virus somewhere other than the hospital, representative Terri Ogan said.

>That belief comes from "hospital data, our broad implementation of CDC-guided infection control procedures throughout the hospital, and the extent of community spread now ongoing in Massachusetts," Ogan said.

>Boston doctor: We're still OK on staff, but we're preparing

>A Brigham and Women's Hospital physician told CNN Thursday that her facility's workforce level is still good, even as sick staffers stay home.

>But the physician, Dr. Daniela Lamas, notes that Boston has yet to see the kinds of coronavirus patient surges like those in the New York City area.

>"We have yet to see the surge in patients, and one can still hope, perhaps irrationally, that that doesn't occur. But we are preparing for it," Lamas, a pulmonary and critical care physician, told CNN's Jim Sciutto.

>By Friday morning, Massachusetts had reported more than 2,400 coronavirus cases. At least 25 people infected by the virus have died in the state.

>New York state has by far the most cases of any state in the country, with more than 37,200.

>Medical workers in coronavirus hot spots around the country have said they're running out of protective equipment like masks, gowns and gloves, which they would like to have to keep coronavirus from spreading from patients to themselves in hospitals.

>Brigham and Women's Hospital currently had enough equipment, but "we're worrying about the day when that's no longer the case," Lamas said.

>"As we watch New York and as we sort of watch all they're going through, that has allowed us to ramp up in a way that feels safe," Lamas said. "Ask us when we're seeing an onslaught of cases, and I'm not sure."

>Doctors and politicians around the country have warned about staff shortages that could come eventually as hospital staff get sick and temporarily remove themselves from the workforce to convalesce.

>States such as New York have called on retired medical workers to be ready to serve as backup staff.

>"If you take (sick medical professionals) out of the equation, who steps in to take care of all these patients?" Dr. Rodrigo Kong, emergency medicine physician at New York's Staten Island University Hospital, told CNN on Thursday.

>By Friday morning, Massachusetts had reported more than 2,400 coronavirus cases. At least 25 people infected by the virus have died in the state.

>New York state has by far the most cases of any state in the country, with more than 37,200.

>Medical workers in coronavirus hot spots around the country have said they're running out of protective equipment like masks, gowns and gloves, which they would like to have to keep coronavirus from spreading from patients to themselves in hospitals.



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8d0135  No.84637


>Major outbreak centers in the West all had major gatherings when Chinese Virus was breaking out, and they ignored precautions because they hate Trump and didn't want to be racist.

The left are completely retarded. Corona wiping them out would be for the best in the long run. At the very least, Corona is doing wonders to combat globalism.


> it's out of their hands now.

Agreed. What happens is just going to happen.

>lockdowns don't do much good either if you are crashing the entire economy and leaving millions unemployed

The stimulus is meant to help with this, but it can't last forever. Trump wants to end the lockdown sooner, rather than later. The left want to stay on lockdown for 6 months, which is funny because they were completely against it initially. As I said to another anon, the world would be a better place with the left gone.

Bernie is going to bend over for Biden, who will then get crushed by Trump. I'm curious if the burnouts will attempt their socialist uprising then or if they'll fuck off back to r/politics and /leftypol/ for the next 4 years.


>Communism never works out in the end.

Neither Socialism nor Communism ever work in the end.

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5c1c3a  No.84639


Just close your eyes, nigga, just clothespin your nose.


Not sure what you mean. Florida is full of oranges and beans.

’’’Holland America Line steers ghost ship to Florida coast.’’’

They put America in the name planning for this day. Still no details about the deaths.


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e14160  No.84640

File: ef0caa0872fc0be⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Shitmasks.mp4)

File: 008252c15c6ff2a⋯.mp4 (200 KB, 400x226, 200:113, sonigg.mp4)

File: e249c2b69c045c7⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 700x394, 350:197, http_com_ft_imagepublish_u….jpg)

File: 9f6e1a944d31fd4⋯.jpg (542.65 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, 77dd852cd97644dbb37570d1a4….jpg)


I hate to admit it but asians seem to handle this shit much better than us. Both Japan and SK managed to contain it. China is heavily arguable but somehow most of Asia hasn't been affected by corona to large degree.

Why the fuck did it hit most of European countries so fucking hard and why ain't Africa going down just yet ?

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37ba6a  No.84641

File: f6991467dfa93d0⋯.jpg (76.19 KB, 425x263, 425:263, 1460373192678.jpg)

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ad2cba  No.84643

File: 3b15c1b05ca6316⋯.mp4 (527.48 KB, 320x560, 4:7, Moroccan_army_convoy.mp4)

File: 563dfb7c35bff89⋯.png (98.88 KB, 602x586, 301:293, fug.png)

File: 6cc143e2e1be977⋯.png (143.78 KB, 607x572, 607:572, goddamnit_Peru_dont_do_tha….png)

File: f2ecb810b58cb49⋯.png (50.67 KB, 595x228, 595:228, Burundi_no_testing_capabil….png)

Morrocan army convoy on a highway leading to a city. They will help enforcing the quarantine lockdown

The internet could be rationed to ensure the functionality of critical networks https://archive.is/dRX5E

Peruvians burn hundreds of bats fueled by fears that they could be spreading Corona-Chan's love'


>Bread also goes out of stock quickly but it slipped my mind as we make our own at home

Self sufficiency is very cool. I think I remember you, you're the anon who said some threads ago that making your own bread is not hard and that homemade bread can taste pretty good. Stay safe, baker.


Nearly forgot to reply to you.

>Yes, any country that heavily relies on USD for trade will collapse pretty hard when our currency hyperinflates.

Thanks for the confirmation. I had some knowledge about this but it faded away so I needed a reminder.


> why ain't Africa going down just yet ?

For fuck's sake not this shitty topic again. I wanted to take a break from posting Apefrican numbers but it seems that I soon as I stop doing it, one of you "why isn't Apefrica dying yet?" people come along. Go here https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ and keep an eye on Apefrican countries. Everyday, Apefrica's official numbers go up. They don't go up by a lot, but they do. Do you know what that means? It means Corona-Chan is there. And if she's there, they don't stand a chance. They already lost. Don't expect bombastic official numbers from them like from civilized countries, they don't have that kind of testing capability. It seems Burundi doesn't even have testing kits, which is the reason they officially have zero cases. Seriously, I'm running out of patience with anons questioning the Apefrican situation. Why can't you guys put your mind at ease, knowing they are absolutely fucked?

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ad2cba  No.84644

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847933  No.84645

File: db682b08763b021⋯.jpg (621.98 KB, 4096x2989, 4096:2989, 1581706097706.jpg)

File: 50ff0b7ed91143c⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2200x2700, 22:27, 80381860_p0.png)

File: 5d47f75834a255b⋯.png (397.77 KB, 765x684, 85:76, 20200327.png)

File: 536d5f3be549e6a⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 1259x1239, 1259:1239, CORONA_BEST_WAIFU_EVER.jpg)




In other news before I log off for the night:

CDC-Land, New Numbers

2,001 cases (Up 614 from Wednesday Night!), 64 deaths (up 17) and 566 hospitalizations (up 128)


Gwinnett County because the next major part of the state, and the Metro, to declare stay at home order.


We're about to get fucked over here. Wish you a good night and sweet kisses from our angel.

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91f90d  No.84653

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>1 and done

>asians are better

Every government lies

Whether it's 5% understatements or 200000% understatements, they're all lying.

The only honest governments on this topic are the ones saying they aren't testing because they don't have kits.



You better be baking that bread when you get it home. 450F for 10-15 minutes.

Do you think the bakers aren't infected?

Do you think the delivery men aren't infected?

Do you think the cooling racks are in a hepa filtered room?

It stays viable for 17 days.

It can travel over 27 feet on air currents.

Salad mixes, sliced meats, and cut or shredded cheeses are all dangerous.

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0ccdbe  No.84654

File: 2587e860a272e97⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 225x224, 225:224, how_the_fuck.jpg)


>Diarrhea is a serious killer.

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e14160  No.84656

File: 59133c7db4d1426⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 417x695, 3:5, 1585332389603.jpg)


I've grown impatient but I never doubted her, cant' wait for fruit of her labor.


I'm not saying they're new ubermensh, I'm saying their governments might be handling it better than ours. Maybe bugpeople are naturally more obedient and it works in their favor. Maybe western countries are like a flesh ridden with maggots and finally it shows.

I'm not saying we're inferior to them, I have no reason to doubt Japan and SK so I do believe they managed to fight it better than us. These are highly developed countries and they wouldn't be able to hide Italy tier numbers from people.

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dee77d  No.84657


that looks fucking great

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82938f  No.84661


As I said in the post, we bake our own at home. But your information is valid and useful in general. Treat all supermarket supplies as tainted and decontaminate appropriately.

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cec596  No.84665


mostly affects the third world where malnutrition and dehydration is already the norm, you deplete your fluids more faster when you have Diarrhea.

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8f7df0  No.84667

File: 06ccd0ae9342562⋯.jpg (706.34 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, mardigras.jpg)

File: bc46840bf462715⋯.jpg (234.28 KB, 617x494, 617:494, NYC_1_ET2NmeYU8AIhimO.jpg)

File: 8a812fdba895ff2⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 606x1024, 303:512, ukmuzzies.jpg)


SK and Japan didn't have their political leaders in major cities saying they should be nice to mainland Chinese and not be racist. In fact, SK and Japanese loathe mainland Chinese and view them as the niggers of Asia, always avoiding them and trying to keep distance.

You'll also notice in the West, Corona is massively disproportionately affecting non-Whites. Liberals who were afraid to say "be careful of people from China, there's an outbreak there!" because of fears of being racist are what did this.

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a5f5d0  No.84668


That little faggot got what he deserved. There's a difference between copsucking and enjoying some faggot who can't get with the quarantine program getting his comeuppance.


>hand signal to get away


If some nigger shoved me like that, you can bet your ass I'd do something about it too. Go fuck yourself, ancom.


Given how fucktarded normal joes are about wearing their PPE, it's certainly possible.


>Internet rationing

They're going to cause a lot of people to do shit that they don't like if that becomes a reality.

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0ccdbe  No.84670

File: 5f97ca17039c6d9⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 438x394, 219:197, epic.jpg)


>Muslim elders die of coofs.

Corona-Chan is on a crusade.

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ad2cba  No.84671

File: 77dcf414648a748⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 720x720, 1:1, LOUD_VIDEO_WARNING_Girl_fr….mp4)

File: b942495146004ca⋯.png (107.53 KB, 402x576, 67:96, Woman_leaks_information_ab….png)

File: f2ef710541e6671⋯.png (118.39 KB, 746x559, 746:559, Woman_with_Coronavirus_sym….png)

File: 4ee04e225a98b6d⋯.jpeg (262.42 KB, 1600x714, 800:357, You_motherfuckers.jpeg)

File: 09825d2ac233d70⋯.png (182.45 KB, 634x549, 634:549, Sao_paulo_department_of_he….png)

Young woman from Goiana, Pernambuco, denounces the city's health department. Says they refuse to report her father's case, who has been confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 AKA Corona-Chan. He's currently in a hospital in Recife, on an ICU bed. He is in critical condition.

>The secretary of health doesn't even want to report it, she wants to cover up the case. This is a matter of public utility.

>There is someone infected in Goiana, and that person is spreading it to others, that's the way my father got it.

Woman from Recife reporting that her friend with Corona-Chan's symptoms is being refused hospitalization and testing

>My friend here in Recife went to the hospital because she has all of the coronavirus symptoms, including shortness of breath and pain in the thorax. She had a x-ray exam (radiography) and the diagnosis is pneumonia.

>They din't do a corona virus test on her because she isn't a "serious case". They sent her home and told her to keep treating the symptoms. They also handed her a flyer that says if she felt everything she was already feeling, to return to the hospital. Last week she called the Sanitary Vigilance and they said they would send someone to her house to test her for coronavirus. No one has shown up to this day.

Holy fucking shit. It has been a long time since my jaw dropped to the floor. Apparently my state's health department doesn't consider having all the symptoms plus a clearly painful pneumonia to be a "serious coronavirus case". Guess everything for them is mild except death itself.

Leaked E-mail from São Paulo's department of health says they will no longer report "mild" cases, only "serious" cases




>We're about to get fucked over here. Wish you a good night and sweet kisses from our angel.

Stay safe and thanks for your updates on Georgia.


>SK and Japan didn't have their political leaders in major cities saying they should be nice to mainland Chinese and not be racist. In fact, SK and Japanese loathe mainland Chinese and view them as the niggers of Asia, always avoiding them and trying to keep distance.


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6110c1  No.84676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The wheels are coming off everywhere. Looks like the roller coaster is gonna be going to a tunnel next week on this ride. Embedded first hand account from Madrid. One big thing that I noted is "what is the government going to do to fix this", "where is our help", "they MUST help." No friends, they will leave you to die. This is brutal.


but frankly most people that lurk this board already know

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cc8b5e  No.84684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9fd743  No.84688

File: f7208a137f80077⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 200x200, 1:1, mind_blown.gif)


> Maybe bugpeople are naturally more obedient

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909970  No.84696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone have any info of speed of virus shedding?

I know it is fastest spreading in the symptomatic phase but I want to get more info about how fast it is spreading in asymptomatic phase.

For instance if you had the virus but didn't show any symptoms just was very dirty bastard that didn't wash his hands how likely would it be for your hands to spread the virus.

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fb31db  No.84699

File: 0e15acda51fcff2⋯.png (190.33 KB, 486x629, 486:629, 26_year_old_carioca_unoffi….png)

File: 1f305dd29e92044⋯.mp4 (9.42 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DON_T_PANIC.mp4)

File: 171ca46a3c82fa9⋯.png (233.61 KB, 573x586, 573:586, not_the_elderly.png)

File: d39cc93c7317891⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 960x638, 480:319, Libyan_civil_war_mask_wear….jpg)

File: 33e48784bca27a7⋯.jpeg (111.51 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, Mali.jpeg)

Sorry for the different ID, niggernet had some chimpouts

26 YO musician in Rio de Janeiro dies from Corona-Chan's symptoms. Test resulted in a negative but the doctor and his mother don't believe it, will try to ask for a second test

Rio de Janeiro's government reports that Corona-Chan is affecting more people in their 30s than any other age groups

Libyan civil war continues despite the pandemic

Mali update, 7 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/TANO4 A little Apefrican update just because I found nothing else worthy of posting


That video is actually pretty good for jewtube standards.

> One big thing that I noted is "what is the government going to do to fix this", "where is our help", "they MUST help." No friends, they will leave you to die.

>but frankly most people that lurk this board already know

Absolutely true. Civilians are on their own.



Saving and reposting for when jewtube inevitably shoah's it. 480p version due to large file size in higher qualities and I can't compress shit


>Anyone have any info of speed of virus shedding?

I have no idea and never seen discussion about that. Is such a thing even possible to measure? Maybe it's related to R0 but I dunno.

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77b188  No.84700

I dont know if anyone has posted this:


I would like you all to extend a warm round of applause the new Chairman of the US federal Reserve, Donald J Trump.

What Munchkin did this afternoon is to essentially have the treasury take direct control of the fed. The board of directors is now nothing but a rubber stamp.

Some quotes from the article:

"In effect, the Fed is giving the Treasury access to its printing press."

"to get the authority to stabilize these “private” markets, central bankers needed the Treasury to agree to nationalize (own) them so they could provide the funds to do it."

"In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."

this is the end of the federal reserve as you know it. before you start clapping think about what this means. Now the president (whoever that happens to be) can print as much money as they want, whenever they want. Oversight was removed (jewish oversight). So this is both a blessing on the outside, but could quickly turn into a curse. It also means get ready for hyperinflation, deflation, and extreme interest rates, because its going to be a rollercoaster, until the wheels finally come off.

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909970  No.84701


>Maybe it's related to R0

Common sense mode activated:

>asymtomatic spread is possible

How? Through hands and bodily fluids obviously. If you're not coughing and sneezing then you're probably transmitting this shit through your hands touching your eyes/mouth/nose. This spread is possible but not highly effective. Let's estimate R0 below 2 during this phase.

>symptomatic phase before severe progression of the disease

So you're coughing and sneezing and thinking it's "just the flu bro" and going around the world as few gifter vloggers were telling it on jewtube. R0 fucking more than 6, fuck you.

>severe phase, weakness and pneumonia

You're not going out of bed. Your family are spreaders now. R0 below 2 if you don't go to hospital (implying your family isn't infected and you're infecting them in this period).

these are my estimates tbh

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36e741  No.84702

So you guys liking the lockdown?

In my apartment block they got rid of the checkpoint last week but people are still a bit worried so no going on dates ETC.

I'm in Shenzhen BTW. It is very boring been on lockdown for 3 months.

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000983  No.84703

>people in 30's

Degenerate drug abuse is a risk factor

as is age, and genetics.

All these young people dead? they are all doing coke.

All the middle aged / powerful dead? they are all doing adrenochrome

eat healthy. exercise, you've got this

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909970  No.84705


Jesus fuck my dude. Shenzen?

I wouldn't go out for a month more if I were you.

Oh the lockdown? People around me are having a bit of cabin fever. Getting out the old dusty musical instruments and making noise like monkeys jumping on strings or keys. Fuck. Other than that a lot of headache from watching the screen and stress from trying to warn my family.

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36e741  No.84706


I go to the convenience store and the mall for some KFC and grocery shopping and get some clothes from this Uniqlo place (pretty nice).

But yes most places are closed and it is boring as fuck all the girls are too scared to meet up for dates. It is gay.

Like why am I even here.

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54d0e8  No.84708


Wheel's been off since 1969.


Tell them a good dicking is the cure.

If old fucks eat dried alligator penis for impotence, you can convince a girl or two.

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fb31db  No.84709

File: d4300ca2ba6faf4⋯.jpeg (74.4 KB, 759x508, 759:508, Just_fuck_my_shit_up_HQ.jpeg)

File: cbc775c9c16db9d⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 400x513, 400:513, AND_THIS_IS_TO_HYPERINFLAT….gif)

>>84700 (checked)

>Now the president (whoever that happens to be) can print as much money as they want, whenever they want.

>It also means get ready for hyperinflation, deflation, and extreme interest rates, because its going to be a rollercoaster, until the wheels finally come off.



>How? Through hands and bodily fluids obviously.

I have a feeling it spreads through breathing during the asymptomatic period too. Just a hunch.


Hey Shenzhen anon, good to see you're still alive.

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91f90d  No.84711


>These are highly developed countries and they wouldn't be able to hide Italy tier numbers from people.

Japan has a long tradition of hiding shameful things.

South Korea requires that all internet connections are tied to your real ID, and also has a long history of suppressing dissidents.


The US didn't have Italy tier numbers four weeks ago.

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a5f5d0  No.84713

File: 420e37fac3fe04e⋯.jpg (128.96 KB, 676x816, 169:204, 600k.JPG)

Aaaand we're at 600k as of just a few minutes before midnight.

Congrats, Corona-chan!

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5a3780  No.84715


That's probably coming with stage 4 anon. I can see mostly worthless crap being made available for distribution, and long queues to comply. My family will have 3M brand N95 rated respirators which sold bulk at $300 for a box of 20 before they went out-of-stock. What will be interesting is when the extra $750 those on the dole before March get next month while the latest million get zero and another 3-4 weeks of waiting. Centrelink offices already have police details. For stage 3, banks will remain open. This would seem to imply another stage where they won't be. If that future shock doesn't mind fuck NPCs, I don't know what ever will.

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77b188  No.84719




Opinion piece making claim:


Original (paywalled) source:


Fed program links:



Treasury program:


I dont think people realize how important this is. The federal reserve now exists on paper only. The executive branch has seized direct control over the monetary supply. It also means the United States government is going to directly backstop the loans through the treasury department. So now when banks are loaning money they dont own, didnt print, and if the loans go bad the government AUTOMATICALLY bails them out.

The US dollar will now be directly tied to confidence in the American GOVERMENT, not in the US ECONOMY. That may seem like splitting hairs, but its actually HUGE!!!

It is good news and bads news as I said. If the American government acts responsibly, its great news, they make smart loans to smart people and get the interest on thier fed backed dollars (not the banks). Bad news if someone like Obama comes along and starts handing out loans to his pals to make solar panels or whatever and thier companies go to shit.

The American dollar, since end of WW2 has been used as the worlds reserve currency, which means most countries maintain a bank account with the federal reserve and hold onto billions of American dollars that they use to transact trade deals. What this also means is that the American government can "tax" the whole world, simply by printing dollars. And it doesnt matter how you hide your dollars (stuff them in a mattress if you want) but all the US government has to do to tax those dollars is make them worth less, by printing more dollars.

In fact this spending bill is an example of that. This is another huge bailout of American companies, but the whole world is paying for it.

This really sets the stage for a full blown economic collapse.

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0d9f5e  No.84722


been just outside Suzhou for 3 months.. no work so just chilling, thankfully taobao is up and running this past month.

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968324  No.84723


>If the American government acts responsibly

So we're doomed, then.

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36e741  No.84727



What do you even buy on there bro? I don't have it set up yet I was here for like 2 weeks and then lockdown.

Getting any girls or what? I'm just sitting in my apartment doing workouts and drinking baiju.

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fb31db  No.84728

File: f39bfeea14e4bc7⋯.png (395.35 KB, 1056x560, 66:35, chinkland_in_focus.png)

File: 2fcb4cac28cbac0⋯.png (61.39 KB, 876x315, 292:105, topics.png)

File: 59e07b65375b662⋯.png (195.27 KB, 582x520, 291:260, kike_update.png)

I will take a short break after this post but I will be back soon

New NTD News Chinkland in Focus report, nearly 28 minutes of video ht tps://www .bitchute .com/video/S2ME0KXYUd4/

Pissrael update, 425 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/dUPFX

>>84711 (checked)

Good digits for a good post. Nippon does hide stuff and Worst Korea is a clusterfuck that only looks good.




>I dont think people realize how important this is.

I'm a brainlet and even I can see how fucked up this is.

>This really sets the stage for a full blown economic collapse.

Let it all come crashing down.

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0d9f5e  No.84730


I can't fucking stand baijiu, give me some korean soujiu at a third of the cost. Japenese saki is 100 times better too, but I usually just drink absolute vodka.

Taobao has everything, in the last month I've bought, nachos, kitkats, vodka, cake mix, pancake mix, apples, mangoes, sliced cheese, seasonings (ie: italian, cumin), granola, oatmeal.. beer, wine (red), spaghetti sauce and noodles.

That reminds me I need to restock– over stock since it looks like the source of a lot of my foreign shit is about to dry up for awhile.

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36e741  No.84737


Man you seem to be living the good life. What am I even doing.

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3225fe  No.84738

File: 058714003d8abac⋯.png (151.99 KB, 686x526, 343:263, yesss.png)


>This really sets the stage for a full blown economic collapse.

The house of cards is irrevocably tumbling down, but since abject stupidity is both source and largely achieved universal goal of all current (((systems))), the global clown world rollercoaster is accelerating towards the cliff under thunderous applause of the (((people in power))). Conspiracies are no longer needed, the fools that run this shit show are automatons, programmed through genetic and ideological conditioning to cause maximum destruction just by being absolute retards. Government, education, science, economy, society have all reached peak jew, and now the kike and its puppets will reap their apocalyptic harvest, taking humanity down with them. Sure, there are lessons to be learned here, but not for a (((culture))) that is a paradox, the embodiment of anti-logic, caused by a (((people))) diametrically opposed to the rules of nature. Just look around. There is nothing but more degeneracy, more subhuman filth, more injustice on (((their))) path. So yes, let it all burn. Mankind needs a new future; a future without (((them))).


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161dc3  No.84739

I've been reading about different kind of masks and they say N95/FFP2 do not provide sufficient protection against viruses? They say you need atleast FFP3 which is EU norm for "N99" masks? Can some anon please clear this up

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36e741  No.84740


Any mask is good as long as it makes a seal over your nose and mouth.

A virus is microscopic smaller than a pm2 particle so it isn't going to stop it. Basically the mask is for like spit or sneeze in the air that is why you need something covering your eyes too.

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648022  No.84742


No masks are perfectly safe. The n95s are 95% safe, the n99s are 99% safe, but doctors and nurses still get infected even while wearing them simply because of constant exposure 24 hours a day.

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a25bb5  No.84746


Fuck off bugman shill, we all know china doesn't exist

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32024b  No.84747

File: ec7b632e93cec93⋯.jpg (10.63 KB, 424x424, 1:1, 9235424837662_424_424.jpg)


What about this? It's A2 & B2 protection. Also has great aesthetic qualities

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1b3d57  No.84748


Sure anon. FFP2 is good protection, FFP1 a lot less. People here 'double up', wearing one PPE mask and another cloth (self made) mask on top. Works well. Key is that everyone wears a mask, if you're the only one with a FFP3 you're still much more likely to get infected (not directly through the mask but droplets touching your face around the mask or your hands and then when you slip up and take off mask before decontaminating hands etc). You are correct about the norms and translation EU/US.

I go on shopping runs twice per week and wear protective glasses, FFP2 mask, scarf over mask, hat, gloves and raincoat (over normal coat, think really thin track suit version of raincoat). I have a bigger mask but don't want to draw too much attention to myself (full face mask) and save the filters. Home I disinfect shoe soles (all bleach), rain coat, groceries individually, gloves. Scarf into laundry (washing machine in my red zone). Gloves are leather working gloves and I clean with bleach also, it's fine if they don't survive long term, I have plenty backup and nobody has latex. I have nitril but it's too unwieldy. Then glasses and disinfection, then mask (hang out to dry, make sure you have multiple masks like three that you can use in turns to make sure the virus is gone). If you have lots, throw away in red zone lined trash can.

I can still get infected, with all this. So you need to reduce risk further by being smart about simple things. I go to shop 20 minutes before close, don't have worry of empty shelves but near zero people (and my elders and towns people have been able to go first). Also make a rule, once you pick an item, it's yours, don't put it back. Be weary of fresh (unpackaged) meat, bread and vegetables unless you have UV-C lamps. They sit out in displays in the supermarket all day. Wash vegetables and unpackaged meat in your red zone before bringing into home. Cook vegetables, don't eat raw (lettuce etc). For the rest, stay home, and if you keep your disinfection protocols and areas in check, then you will feel a lot more at ease in the rest of your 'green zone' home. Remember this is a team effort, any other family members either have to stay in 24/7 or follow the exact protocols as you do.

Bit of a blog post but your question sounds like you're new. So kys and off to reddit, faggot.

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36e741  No.84749


Bro it could very well not exist all I see is long hua district and like the mall and shop. So fucking boring.

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32024b  No.84750

File: 6f356faf87f5712⋯.jpg (5.47 KB, 185x272, 185:272, index.jpg)


>"Here's what you do to survive."

>'So kys'

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990a49  No.84753

File: 067936e2d434dbb⋯.pdf (53.39 KB, cdc_level_2_lab_guidelines.pdf)

File: 564f92282af66ee⋯.pdf (267.16 KB, nine_days_persistance_fomi….pdf)


CDC guidelines for BL-2 labs states that 1% Chlorine is good for general cleaning and 10% for decontamination of potentially contaminated surfaces.

But the paper on environmental persistance of coronaviruses states that .1% chlorine solution is effective.

The CDC BL-2 guidelines would factor the toughest biological pathogens i.e. bacterial spores.

10% chlorine is too much gun. Even 1% chlorine is will rape your equipment. 0.1% chlorine for 30 seconds minimum is what I use. Who cares about a couple of surviving listeria spores on your full face respirator visor?

Ask your mummybot to help you mix up your cleaning solution to the correct concentration. and be nice to her because she is giving you the bleach for free

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1b3d57  No.84754


It's great but if you're shopping for that now all you will find is shops that take your money and never deliver or tell you sold out. Every hospital, government agency in every country is buying any PPE up in bulk, even on black market.

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990a49  No.84755


CDC guidelines for BL-2 labs states that 1% Chlorine is good for general cleaning and 10% for decontamination of potentially contaminated surfaces.

But the paper on environmental persistance of coronaviruses states that .1% chlorine solution is effective.

The CDC BL-2 guidelines would factor the toughest biological pathogens i.e. bacterial spores.

10% chlorine is too much gun. Even 1% chlorine is will rape your equipment. 0.1% chlorine for 30 seconds minimum is what I use. Who cares about a couple of surviving listeria spores on the visor of your full face respirator?

Ask your mummybot to help you mix up your cleaning solution to the correct concentration. and be nice to her because she is giving you the bleach for free

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fb31db  No.84756

File: 3ecd619bb10b402⋯.png (184.81 KB, 706x610, 353:305, coronian_cultists_diguised….png)

File: 8aca1be10ec8f38⋯.png (75.7 KB, 732x571, 732:571, no_gringos_allowed.png)

'''And I'm back to work. Not for long, though. Probably gonna get one or two posts in then head to bed**

posts in then take a nap.**

Coronian Cultist disguised as Bolsonaro supporters organize a convoy to São Paulo's governor's house as protest against the quarantine lockdown.

Brownzilian federal government will no longer accept foreigners into the country brought by international flights.




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1b3d57  No.84757



>checks country infection stats

>yeah ok I'll use 100%

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50ee8f  No.84758

File: 0860c52499c473e⋯.jpg (70.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sr200.jpg)


Why not get a full face mask? I got one with 10 filters, 5 p3 (n99) and 5 gas filters. Only downside is that it doesn't have a drinking straw built in, making wearing it for a full day difficult.

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1b3d57  No.84759


I got these for me and my wife and a large amount of filters. But it's like with video games, do you use the best ammo in the lower levels of the game or do you wait for the zombie boss to appear? That's how I treat my filters.

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4d0c77  No.84760


>I've been reading about different kind of masks and they say N95/FFP2 do not provide sufficient protection against viruses?

I am afraid, it is true. Coronavirus size is 125 nm and many masks can not filters particles less than 300 mircon so that is why we need microporous Activated Carbon Cloth and cotton t shirt to cover our P99 mask.

FFP1 -Filters at least 80% of airborne particle

FFP2 - Filters at least 94% of airborne particles

FFP3 - Filters at least 99% of airborne particles


>They say you need atleast FFP3 which is EU norm for "N99" masks?Can some anon please clear this up

We need p99 or 95 , not N95 or 99 but it’s better than nothing.

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990a49  No.84762

>no drinking straw on gas mask.

Sucks to be you. I got a millenium mask and i drink non stop when i wear my mask all day.

I also need to wear an adult daiper

Why would you need to do extended missions wearing this level of gear? it boggles the mind. I wear my gas mask to the shops because its comfy and convenient, its a shame that i dont need to be out for more than an hour or so.

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60f902  No.84763

so how many innocent people do you guys think the elites have killed to get lung transplants "donations" ? I bet they kill several dozens off the street just to get a few backup lungs too, in case some of the samples go bad.

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4d0c77  No.84764

Also we need goggles and full body thick clothes to protect our eyes and skins because viruses can go through our skin pores. The skin pores is big enough for the viruses.

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36e741  No.84765


Well it is a double edged sword for them at the moment with all the abortion clinics closed.

So no sacrifices to moloch and baby blood and stem cells many of them will be dying.

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990a49  No.84766


the individual encapsulated viiron is very small but aerosolized particles are far larger aggregations of fluid and glycoprotien and cells that contain the virions. It is not a gas such as you imagine.

Hereby corrected.

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990a49  No.84768


>virus goes through pores.

yeah no it doesnt. You have no ace2 receptors on your skin. Your skin does not have mucosylating cells for the virus to get transported further into the body. i'm even skeptical that the virus would get in through a break in your integument because there are no cells with ace2 receptors present in healing wounds. correct me if im off here

Hereby corrected

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d68d45  No.84769


>the fools that run this shit show are automatons, programmed through genetic and ideological conditioning to cause maximum destruction just by being absolute retards. Government, education, science, economy, society have all reached peak jew

Kikes seem to be doubling down on kikery now, which is rather counter-productive. But they were literally programmed to do this, they never had a choice.

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60f902  No.84770

Just imagine how much the elites are laughing at the plebs struggling now, while they sit fully prepped in their city sized yachts with security and private doctors. Modern rootless kings leeching off the system with government printed toilet paper everywhere.



This is basically a codeword for unarmed low-intensity invaders at this point


I wonder how many pedophiles in the left have gotten "organ donations" so far. It might explain all the innocent people that go missing every year. Its curious the elites never go "missing" or "die suddenly". I bet 0.001BTC that most of the elites that got sick "miraculously" now get cured, a few of the non-initiated ones might get sacrificed, probably all those with less than "Prince of Jerusalem" rank. Maybe they will start killing of their glownigger pets now. I bet the glowniggers would gladly sarcifice their bodys for the master, being the brainwashed and braindead lapdogs they are. Imagine being a glownigger, knowing you might get a bullet in the neck anyday because you "know too much", just for the sake of a good lung. KEK


>>virus goes through pores.

Corona virus size: 125 nanometers.

Size of skin-pore: 20 nm.

How can it possibly pass through? its almost 10 times the size of the hole. If anything, it might disintegrate and its parts might sip through, but not the whole thing.

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50ee8f  No.84771


>Conserving filters

Sanitize your filters by leaving them somewhere dry and warm for 9 days. They should only be disposed of when damaged or clogged, which shouldn't happen.

If you have 9 filters for each mask you should be able to use them indefinitely


>Why would you need to do extended missions?

When bugging out. Unlikely, but possible.


>How many lungs?

They don't last. Better to keep people sedated so the organs stay fresh.

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60f902  No.84773


>programmed through genetic

This is more true than you know. Corona chan is now being reported to cause cancer (due to its genetic modification of the host), but the elite globalists kikesystem is doing everything it can to oppress the news and promote a semi-nothingburger shitshow for and by puppets. Some inconvenient scientists are also reported to gone "missing" of course, especially those that did corona research in 1977. Of course this is all silenced, even glowniggers have superglowniggers watching them, making the subglowniggers thinking they are in control top kek. There is always a glow outglowing the lesser glow.

They will rather kill the entire world than to sacrifice their precious ideology of subservient cattle replacement. Having a compromise in globalist no-border ideology would put a compromise in their control: how else to get rid off the wrongthinkers if you can't replace them? Just killing them is bad for economy.


The zoomers actually think the system cared for their zombiefied parents. Now when they are under the knife suddenly things seem unreal, they are not as "abstract" anymore. It is only abstract when others die and suffer.

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4d0c77  No.84774


Pore can enlarge when they are hot. It’s why girl wash their face with warm water to clean the pores properly.

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990a49  No.84776


you can sanitize your filters with 70% alcohol. which evaporates without a residue. .5% hydrogen peroxide alternatively.

i dont think chlorine would react with activated charcoal but the salt residue might clog the micropores.

you're not very practical. Are you?

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60f902  No.84777


I hereby stand corrected. You are right and i forgot about this. The 20nm are only the ones that are pretty much fully closed (and healthy).


>ranging from 250 to 500 μm in size, leading to surface areas of 0.05–0.2 mm2

500 μm is 500 000 nm. So in this case it can easily pass through (the oversized pores) with good margin. In this (worst) case 5000 corona viruses can easily pass through at once, making you at least contaminated (if not infected too) with certainty.

If it might pass through, the question that remains is then: Will it infect the body if it just goes through the pores? Are the pores receptive to infection? Surely they are open quite a lot and nothing happens?

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b5199e  No.84778

File: fc4d823adc173c2⋯.jpeg (6.63 KB, 207x244, 207:244, F_35_China.jpeg)

File: 1af4610d1737355⋯.png (289.47 KB, 757x400, 757:400, ClipboardImage.png)


>Where’s their brain

It's called chinky thinking. Good at copy, no actual brain. "Make many video people farring down". We need to stop sharing our knowledge with them it's dangerous. We have no responsibility to do that thing. With our great minds comes great responsibility. So many spies at our universities FFS.

Speaking of our neverending stream of great ideas, someone needs to make a pacman-style style computer game Coronavirus Shopping Run must grab all the toilet paper before the virii get you. If you get a green chloro'queen' pill it makes the virus run away from you. Just give me half the money you make lol right.

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50ee8f  No.84779


>not very practical hurrrr

You can ruin the filter by repeatedly making it wet. Letting the viruses die by themselves is a safer option in most circumstances. Not to mention any debris stuck on the outside might get pushed further in, clogging an otherwise perfect filter.

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c1b73d  No.84781

File: 666cf75df04d3d3⋯.png (304.24 KB, 711x626, 711:626, Cyka_blyat.png)

File: a263cdff6cf2bda⋯.png (202.61 KB, 599x601, 599:601, Sao_paulo_government_raids….png)

File: 93a21ecd338c589⋯.jpg (341.03 KB, 1600x778, 800:389, truck_with_500k_masks_in_t….jpg)

File: e4c57c65b446b6b⋯.png (264.01 KB, 602x586, 301:293, sao_paulo_drive_triage_sit….png)

File: 8a297c86cc64543⋯.mp4 (620.61 KB, 640x352, 20:11, Crows_as_far_as_the_eye_ca….mp4)

Sorry for the new ID once again, niggernet had another chimpout

Vodkaland update, 228 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/q8fbO

São Paulo's government orders the federal police to raid the local 3M factory and confiscates 500K masks

São Paulo's government follows in the footsteps of Worst Korea and Burgerland and sets up a drive thru triage site in Guarulhos

Spooky: Just like in Chinkland, large numbers of crows have shown up in WA


>mixed up the text formatting on the first line

I'm not even mad at this point, just laughing at my exhaustion. Oh well, gonna take a nap after that one. I'll be back soon.

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c1b73d  No.84782


*Civil police. Not the feds. Sorry, the cars are similar but the feds have a yellow stripe instead of a white one, I messed up.

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60f902  No.84783


based corvids and fellow crows flying around. The most based bird of all.

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4d0c77  No.84784


>If it might pass through, the question that remains is then: Will it infect the body if it just goes through the pores? Are the pores receptive to infection? Surely they are open quite a lot and nothing happens?

Probably nothing, they cannot penetrate but coronavirus is sticky and can be struck on the skin and waiting for to be transfer to the face. This is why we need to wash the skin longer than 20 seconds to crack the evil capsids.

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d68d45  No.84788


I've been telling anons for years that kikes are not genuine, conscious people but a genetically designed virus which spreads by assuming humanoid form (incl. most of DNA) and mimics human behavior, I guess some are beginning to realize it just now despite everything pointing that way. And like any virus, they mutate to adjust to the environmental conditions (this is why race is meaningless to them) and overcome the immunity of the host bodies, but never change their core function. This is why they are so highly efficient in taking over societies, deceiving people and surviving, but didn't change their modus operandi for countless centuries, despite a lot of it being entirely irrational. Like any biological weapon, they are designed to kill and ruin everything. This is what they were created for, and this is what they are doing, they can't help it, they are genetic robots, lacking mind, free will and consciousness entirely. Even their religion is a socially conditioning blueprint meant to give the proper software to the underlying hardware. It was certainly not made by a bunch of wandering vagrants, but something far more intelligent and sinister. There must be something about the chromosomes or RNA making that virus transfer more accurately through maternal line. Was this the price of their "covenant" ? Them being "chosen" probably refers to the original group of vicious mongrel bandits that got infected, that strain being the strongest. Their rabbis are probably keeping the virus concentrated enough without even being aware of it. When you look at this from a proper perspective, it all starts making sense. We are not only up against them, but whatever malevolent intelligence has created them in order to completely destroy not only our genes and culture, but souls as well.

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1b3d57  No.84789


Those crows are the stuff of legends 500 years from now

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60f902  No.84790


Why is the face so special?


>São Paulo's government orders the federal police to raid the local 3M factory and confiscates 500K masks

If the government is smart it will deploy military to continue the production, or at least keep the factory workers hostage for production.

But it won't matter in the end, they will all get infected anyway including the police. The police is fighting a lost cause and it doesn't even know it.


>Kikes are a virus

TOP KEK. I like this

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82938f  No.84791

File: 61d3ebd63b9bcbb⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Otahuhu_chimpout.mp4)


The homemade bread anon is another one but you were responding to NBAs waifu who (usually NBA) makes bread at home kek. /coomfy/




<people still comparing it to SARS

<SARS is at the bottom


Video related

Chimpout in jew zealand

Typical untermensch trying to shoplift in very quiet/limited entry store scenario. Oldfag security sick of niggers like that and probably hates them more than /pol/.


>survival bread

P3/100 is best. Double up as said prior. don't know why you are wearing the meme masks instead of your full face anon, the time for subtlety was weeks ago.

You should also try go weekly or longer runs instead of twice weekly. Milk can last weeks.

>kys and off to reddit

Kek, this though.


The virus is 125nm but the spittle and shedding/clusters it rides on isn't. P100 and additional layers is best just in case though. >>84766 this anon explains it better and this anon has best idea of how to decon filters (safest approach) >>84779 >>84784 and skin pore risk.

TLDR: Use a full biosuit to reduce risk. Putin knows what's up.


You need skin-skin contact to be at risk if you have eye/ear/breathing PPE.

Putin went in with full face, hazmat and asbestos grade P100 charcoal filters (easier for decon). I have basically the same setup. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me. Adding a dust filter/large particle sock on the outside will just prolong the life though.

Anyway take this shit to survival bread linked in the OP.

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36e741  No.84792


That is just normal maori. That isn't anything new.

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553e16  No.84793

File: 649cef5adbbbbe2⋯.png (327.7 KB, 1112x740, 278:185, upset_kid.png)

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82938f  No.84795


Kek so true, nothing new but the fact they are still trying to shoplift under such scenarios is hilarious. But it is the closest jewzealand will have for a chimpout for a while..

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4d0c77  No.84796


Because we cannot stop touching our faces. I am sure I have touched my face more than a dozen time today. I want to stop, however it’s difficult to stop. We need to keep nail shorter because it is hard to wash off if it’s long,

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96b761  No.84800


Ya but the young ones are the future, that's what we really need. Still, encouraging news!

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60f902  No.84801

Btw anons. Where is a good place to bury your family members, once they die? Can pozzed governments be trusted with honorable burials?


Yes I know that. But why is the skin on the face different from the skin in the rest of the body? Since the skin is one organ surely it should be equally exposed all over? Why would the face be more likely to get infected through touch if pores can be open on other parts of the skin?


Its just a flu bro kek

<We are not worried. Open borders saves lives!

Never forget. We are all one race and equals! All viruses are equals, including the flu you damn microbialists! Microbes have rights too! (More rights than you! hehehe)

>Let women, lying jews, cucks and other naive weaklings in power

>Suddenly everyone starts dying.

>Complete coincidence

Also Fluton is done goof'd. RIP. Time to invest in grave businesses anon?

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4d0c77  No.84805


Ohh..I misunderstood your question. No, it can infect the eyes, nose and mouth.

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844954  No.84806


>But why is the skin on the face different from the skin in the rest of the body?

because your face has openings for the virus to attack, have you ever heard of eyes, nose, or mouth?

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60f902  No.84807


>can infect the eyes, nose and mouth.

Yes, we have established that. But what about the virus entering through big pores? What are the risks? If it can infect via nose why not via big pores?

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cc7cd8  No.84808

File: 8b9afc96da3ef0c⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 480x656, 30:41, Kira_Boner.jpg)


Wow. Way more lewd than I was expecting…


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911086  No.84810

File: 2b4978ff501affd⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 2b4978ff501affdbf359b73eb2….gif)


Oh you mean, like, say… if your skin is wet with sweat? Yes, it has no problem entering the skin through pores.

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60f902  No.84813

File: d76809d4b702c6f⋯.png (906.87 KB, 918x900, 51:50, Innocent_italian_plane_dur….png)

File: 2eb6274daca02c7⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB, 474x355, 474:355, staphinfection_mrsa.jpeg)


Well. I guess if MRSA can cause staph-infection via the pores alone then Corona should be able to (in a more unlikely but possible case) cause infection through pores as well, since it only needs access to the blood. Since the blood travels to the lungs for oxygenation it could most certainly infect the lungs from that vector.

By inference it would then be reasonable to conclude: Corona infects via skin-pores. (But only if skinpores are larger than 125nm).

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2a4953  No.84815


>what about the virus entering through big pores?

Pore are like pockets and the Sebaceous gland need to be inflamed enough for the virus to invade through below the pore but it takes more time than infecting the lung though. Any broken skins must be washed alcohol and covered immediately.

My internet is not good at the moment.

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0fc04b  No.84816



A pillow don't need a mask, anon.

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1b3d57  No.84817


Well you're lucky then.

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91f90d  No.84818


Virii aren't bacteria.

Staph can cause sepsis by eating through the skin.

The wuflu would have to penetrate the skin through a cut to gain access to an environment which it could adhere to, and invade a live cell which it could then use to replicate.


If you have oily skin you're better off because your pores are producing more oil, which means the pores are being flushed out more frequently.

It gains access through mucous membranes for a reason.

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5d28bc  No.84824


Hobby Virologist lab fag here

You are on some dangerous information anon, be careful.

Jews are carriers of a specific virus that transfer genetic structure through their maternal lines. Older Jewish women with risk genes for ALS are carriers of a specific viral genetic structure (in article published by the journal JAMA Neurology, not gonna say which one too risky.)

The authors explain that in the case of the Jewish woman, the AIDS virus could spread through her mother, father and even grandmother, "despite the fact that this gene is completely absent in modern Europe, Africa and Asia."

That, in and of itself, should signal a larger problem. According to the study, in addition to the Jewish woman with Alzheimer's disease, five other individuals in the study have ALS, as well as a 14-year-old girl and a 68-yearold.

The virus inherited by many maternal jews from birth (subtly/secretly documented and many of its related cited sources are behind thick paywalls or worse) is V. chorizosiensis , a phylloxera containing bacterium of the genus Vitreodora. Its virus relatives, found at low levels in other canine species and the human immune system, reside within the phylloxera but are generally harmless. Btw anon, It is good that you encourage others to read the research but be careful. I have done some out of my lab in secret and it it explains a number of information about this bizarre specific virus. I'm currently writing a research paper on "it" (using code language in it as well) that will hopefully be published in a scientific journal soon.

A side note: The V. chorizosiensis is commonly found among tibetans which might explain why jews are eager to protect them and shill for buddhism on mainstream media (not out of brotherhood but for the sake of virus studies).

From my research (OC):

The common factors for V. chorizosiensis and the corona virus are erythema migrans (EM), pruritus, and conjunctivitis in the patients, followed by cutaneous oedema and focal areas of cystic sclerosing choriangitis (CSC) (which explains why efficiency of some meme medicines). No questions please. I have also found other spooky things connecting these two viruses /pnd/.

There are several common factors for V. chorizosiensis and the corona virus. Some obvious findings of the two types are the existence of a large ocular capsule (generally 90 mm in length with a length/width ratio of 4.6–4.9), the presence of at least two eyes, the presence of yellow fluorescence and morphology consistent with cranial eyes.

The correlation of the two types of eyes and ocular characters was even more prominent (according to my ghetto-tier shit-lab research) than me and my partner had expected based on phylogenetic considerations, suggesting that either the virus has evolved a second host species or that the two types are distinct, both have and have not independently evolved independently.

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2a4953  No.84829


>V. chorizosiensis

I tried to search that on bing and google. It don’t exist.

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2a4953  No.84831

I searched Vitreodora on bing and it led me to Australian tree instead and the google don’t show the result about Vitreodora. How do I know you are being truthful?

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1b3d57  No.84832

Any pastaniggers online that can help locate a video of a father in the south of Italy eating bread and nutella with his daughter, in which he promises PM Conte and the mayor of Palermo to storm the supermarkets when she has to go without? Apparently people are starting to rise up in the south of Italy.

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cec596  No.84834

File: 0ed463d24e67b5f⋯.png (176.69 KB, 572x390, 22:15, 0ed463d24e67b5fc96b351f4c7….png)

Corona drives up price of heroin, meth and fentanyl

>The coronavirus pandemic is driving up the price of heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl as Mexican cartels scramble to get their hands on Chinese-manufactured chemicals now in short supply.

>“The cartels are having a lot of difficulty producing drugs right now, and when the supply is low the price always goes up,” a US federal law enforcement source told The Post. “China has pretty much stopped production on the chemicals they need to do business.”

>The pandemic has led to a shortage of workers at labs in China which produces more than 80 percent of precursor chemicals such as benzylfentanyl, norfentanyl and 4-anilinopiperidine used by the cartels to manufacture synthetic opioids such as black market heroin made in clandestine labs and fentanyl.

>The bulk of the meth and synthetic opioids clandestinely produced in Mexico is controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel and its rival, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s latest National Drug Threat Assessment.

>Most of the drugs are smuggled through the US southern border with Mexico, where authorities fear that the pandemic may result in a shortage of federal agents on both sides.

>“It is the perfect avenue right now for cartels, with policing cut way back,” said the source.

>Earlier this month, Customs and Border Patrol agents seized nearly 700 pounds of meth at the Arizona/Mexican border in Nogales — the largest seizure of the drug in the region’s history.


Drug peddlers and drug addicts Corona-chan is coming for you, destruction of the gay cartel soon.

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2a4953  No.84837


That’s a good news to hear that coronavirus is destroying the degenerates. Drug addicts’s immune system is unstable so it is likely that they will suffer more than normal. It’s a sad fate for them.

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32024b  No.84838



> JAMA Neurology

you tried using search brackets?

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1b3d57  No.84839

File: 75bd3d80595332f⋯.png (421.35 KB, 2464x1282, 1232:641, carrefour_italy_makes_cust….png)


Pic related. Carrefour.it makes you wait fifteen minutes before you can shop online. Was going to check price of basic foodstuffs. La Stampa today:

>Rispetto all'1 marzo scorso il record del rincaro spetta ai cavolfiori, che sul mercato all'ingrosso hanno subito un vertiginoso aumento del +233%. Raddoppiato il prezzo delle carote, che passano da 0,40 a 0,80 euro al kg, mentre per zucchine e broccoli gli incrementi dei prezzi superano il +80%. Più contenuti i rialzi per la frutta, dove al momento i rincari più sensibili si registrano per le arance, i cui prezzi all'ingrosso sono aumentati del +44,4%. Incrementi dei prezzi anche sul web, dove 1 kg di pasta viene venduta fino a 12 euro al kg.

Translated with jewdex:

>Compared to 1 March last the record of the increase belongs to cauliflower, which on the wholesale market have suffered a dizzying increase of + 233%. Doubled the price of carrots, which go from 0.40 to 0.80 euros per kg, while for zucchini and broccoli the price increases exceed + 80%. Lower rises for fruit, where at the moment the most significant increases are recorded for oranges, whose wholesale prices have increased by +44.4%. Price increases also on the web, where 1 kg of pasta is sold up to 12 euros per kg".


Remember burgers, everything you see in Europe comes to your hotspots (it's really only NYC right now, Detroit and Chicago up next) with a two week delay.

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2a4953  No.84840


I already tried that, anon and it said ‘No matches found. Please modify your search term and try again.’.

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5c1c3a  No.84841

File: 9f703dd69b84d7d⋯.jpeg (35.29 KB, 720x720, 1:1, E57A09BC_4BDB_453B_8321_3….jpeg)


Maybe that’s what the man wants you to believe.

>The Big Easy is at bat. Recall, the New Orleans Afromayor complained Trump didn’t tell her to cancel Mardi Gras, just talked about social distancing (wut dat mufugga).

Sex Robots Make Safest Lovers


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0fc04b  No.84842


Sad for them, hilarious for me.

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cec596  No.84845

File: 6f440c2dbdf1089⋯.png (22.19 KB, 762x367, 762:367, florida_covid_19.png)



set your eyes on FL especially South FL,

>West Palm 239 cases

>Dade has 869 cases

>Broward has 631 cases

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2a4953  No.84851

Nyorkers need to get out now because the shit will hit the fan on next Sunday.

New York City will run out of the supplies it needs to fight the new coronavirus pandemic in about a week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday. With both the number of cases and death count rising rapidly —it had spiked to nearly 27,000 cases and 450 deaths by Friday evening, according to de Blasio — the mayor fears the city will be in dire need of staff, medical supplies and necessary equipment like masks, gowns and ventilators by next Sunday. "After next Sunday, April 5 is when I get very, very worried about everything we're going to need," de Blasio said in a press briefing. "We need to make sure that we can get to that day ready to face the week after that, and the week after that as well, and right now we're not there."

This is getting very ugly now.

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df9f64  No.84853

File: 68639638596f5d2⋯.png (946.04 KB, 1400x5552, 175:694, do_not_learn_mandarin.png)


>Good at copy,

Debatable. J-31 uses twin MiG-29 engines simply because F-35's engine is extra-terrestrial-tier technology to them even with the entirety of its blueprints (((given on a plate for them))).

ironically using twin engines of that size, like those used in F-18, would have been a better design initiative than the F-35's current one.

Fuckers had to buy a Su-33 (navalized version of Su-27) from Ukraine because they simply could not fathom how to navalize the already stolen design of J-11 (1/1 copy of reverse engineered Su-27) that they were producing without a license for over a decade.

pic related:

The main reason chinkbugs can't even properly copy even Russian equipment that is technologically lagging a decade behind the West, even with the full design details in front of them, is because when it gets to materials they get jewed by their own industry swindling them with cheap ass substitutes instead of the designated ones, and in the case of jet engines were materials science is crucial to performance their deficiency is immediately apparent.

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5cbba3  No.84854


That figures. I still would like to read some of the bill, if it available. I'm bad at finding things like that online as boomers like myself this is typical. I'm interested to see if there are any (((strings attached))) to those handouts we plebs may be getting. If there are, I may just decline to take the handout.

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cec596  No.84872

Why did Florida get all the emergency supplies it requested when other states didn't?

>On March 11, Florida requested a cache of emergency supplies from the federal government to protect its medical workers against the novel coronavirus.

>Three days later, the state got everything it wanted.

>Other states had only tiny slivers of their requests fulfilled, including some that had asked for them earlier than Florida. Oregon and Oklahoma received only about 10%; New Jersey got less than 6%.

>This disparity has not been lost on the states that feel shortchanged in their requests from the Strategic National Stockpile, a trove of supplies managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

>Officials fear that hospitals will be overwhelmed by far more patients than they can safely treat if the current pace of infections continues. This month, officials estimated that if the outbreak lasts a year, the U.S. could need 3.5 billion of the N95 masks that protect health care workers. The national stockpile had only 12 million N95 masks and 30 million surgical masks on hand when the crisis began.

While it may appear like the federal government is playing favorites, federal officials said their decisions were based on their best assessment of relative needs. HHS told states this week that it is giving out 25% of the stockpile to states according to population size, and sending another 25% strategically to states with the most severe outbreaks, which can be used for needs such as testing passengers on cruise ships brought back to shore. The remaining 50% will be held in “strategic reserve,” to be used if there’s a huge spike of critical needs around the country.

>The inability of the United States to deploy widespread testing for the coronavirus has further complicated how the supplies are being apportioned because health officials do not have a complete picture of where the virus is circulating most widely. But many states, worried that their case counts are about to soar and their hospitals will be swamped, have been unsatisfied with their allotment.

>The system appears to roughly conform to states’ populations, rather than the size of their requests. Florida, a state of 21 million, got all 180,000 N95 masks it wanted. Oregon, a state of 4 million, only received 40,000 of the 400,000 masks it requested, and New Jersey, a state of 9 million, got 85,000 of the 2.9 million masks it feels it needs.

>It is hard to assess what constitutes a reasonable request. All states are starting with different stockpiles of supplies. Some have been hit harder than others by the virus, and some anticipate they might be. Each state is trying to secure as much as possible for its health workers, who are raising alarms that they are running out of basic supplies.

>This pandemic will require enormous amounts of personal protective equipment, or PPE, for health care workers in part because the symptoms of COVID-19 are not unusual — it’s hard to quickly distinguish a COVID-19 patient from someone suffering from the flu. Anyone doctors suspect of being infected with the coronavirus needs to be treated with great care, lest the infection spread. Many items, like gloves and some types of masks, are designed to be used once then thrown away, but some hospitals and long-term care facilities are already experimenting with reusing their equipment to stretch their supplies.

>“It’s very frustrating and very scary to hear the numbers,” said Kimberly Green-Yates, chief operating officer of Diakonos Group, which runs about 20 skilled nursing and long-term care facilities across Oklahoma. “The people we take care of are the most vulnerable. Without PPE, we can’t keep them safe.”

>Green-Yates said that as soon as her company heard about the deaths in Washington state in a nursing facility, Diakonos ordered a large supply of PPE and locked it away for emergencies. Some of the protective equipment, she said, was used up during this year’s flu season. “If [the virus] gets in, our supply is going to be gone in days,” she explained. “Then what do you do? … We’re working our absolute hardest to keep our elders safe right now. And how are we supposed to do that if we don’t even have equipment?”

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eeabfb  No.84873


Little cuba is going to get smothered in her love, I can't wait.

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cec596  No.84876


>A System, Built in the Dark

>There is no set formula for how to distribute stockpiled goods in a disaster, but this crisis will place an unprecedented strain on America’s backup supply system.

>Most emergencies, like weather-related disasters or chemical plant explosions, are geographically confined and don’t require HHS to make tough decisions about what is most needed where. Through state departments of emergency management, governors request assistance, which can either arrive in the form of “push packages” of ready-to-go aid that can be sent to a state within 12 hours or more customized supplies stored by government warehouses and private companies around the country.

>In a statement to ProPublica, HHS acknowledged that the population-based distribution system means that allocations are “likely less than what states are currently requesting,” but noted that “jurisdictions are receiving 100% of their allocations” under the government’s formula. The formula only applies to PPE, and not to ventilators, HHS said.

>It’s up to the states to decide what they ask for, and the agency isn’t immune to political pressure. “If a governor jumps up and down and yells and screams, it gets attention,” said Nicole Lurie, former head of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response under the Obama administration. “It probably helps to have a really loud megaphone.”

>Florida, which has regular experience with hurricanes, isn’t waiting on the sidelines, despite having received its entire wishlist. On Monday, the state’s Division of Emergency Management made a second request, saying that it was still not sufficiently prepared to handle the looming pandemic; it asked for 2 million N95 masks, 500,000 gloves, 500,000 gowns and 250,000 coveralls. The division also asked for thousands of ventilators and hospital beds, as well five mobile intensive care units.

States Are Fighting for Themselves

>Several states have voiced their dismay about how the stockpile is being distributed.

>“The support we have received from the administration is woefully insufficient,” Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J., told ProPublica. “I wouldn’t call it complete radio silence from federal officials, but their communications are barely flickering. … If our health workers, doctors and nurses especially, don’t have masks, or gloves, or cotton swabs, lives will be lost — full stop.”

>Along with 11 other members of Congress from New Jersey, Pascrell co-signed a letter to HHS pushing the agency to send more supplies to their home state. They argued that since the state sits right between New York City and Philadelphia, and people move back and forth from them frequently, New Jersey residents have unique vulnerabilities that HHS has failed to recognize.

>New Jersey first requested supplies from the stockpile on Feb. 24, according to a spokeswoman for the state’s Department of Health. Nothing arrived until March 13, more than two weeks later. In addition to the 2.9 million N95 masks, the state requested 864,000 surgical gowns, 864,000 face shields and 2,880,000 pairs of gloves. New Jersey received less than 5% of its request for each of those items, the spokeswoman said.

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2a4953  No.84877


Maybe they can start local manufacturing factories just like Australia did. Australian defence force had beefed some factories up but still to do more because labor and liberal political parties destroyed the manufacturing factories long time ago.

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cec596  No.84878


>New York City asked for 2.2 million N95 masks from the stockpile and received only 78,000, according to Health Department spokesman Michael Lanza. All of them were marked as expired. “Public health emergency preparedness, which includes the Strategic National Stockpile, has been chronically underfunded for years,” Lanza said.

>In Oklahoma, the state Department of Health sent the Strategic National Stockpile a request on March 11 for supplies including 500,000 N95 masks, 300,000 face shields and 400,000 surgicals gowns. The state began receiving supplies five days later, but it has not gotten 90% of what it wants. “100% of all items were expired,” according to Department of Public Safety spokesperson Cody McDonell, although HHS sent them a letter saying that some of the masks had been performance-tested by the CDC and “they should be just fine to use.”

>According to an HHS letter reviewed by ProPublica, most of the stockpile’s personal protective equipment was acquired in 2007 with supplemental funds for pandemic influenza preparedness “and many have exceeded their shelf life.” Even Florida, which got everything it wanted, received expired goods.

>In Oregon, a spokesperson for the governor’s office said the state has been told it will receive an additional 15% of its initial order, but that second shipment is yet to arrive. The Oregon Health Authority told its Legislature this week that the state had about 590,000 N95 masks in its stockpile at the start of the outbreak. The supply is down to 421,000. The number of surgical masks has gone from 49,000 to 18,000, and the state has used 83% of the 23,000 gowns it started with.

>Nurses say they can’t wait. “Some of our facilities are reporting that they will be out of PPE within the next 48 hours,” said Lynda Pond, president of the Oregon Nurses Association. She said she’s never heard of a hospital being that close to being out of supplies in her 35-year career. What the state has received so far compared to its needs, she said, is “a drop in the bucket.”

The Government Is Panic Shopping

>Now, the federal government is scrambling to replenish the stockpile as it runs out. President Donald Trump has said he may use the Defense Production Act, a law that gives him powers to rapidly expand domestic manufacturing of protective masks and clothing, and automakers are trying to figure out if their production lines can be retooled to make medical equipment.

>But ramping up won’t be simple, according to Irwin Redlener, a professor and director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University.

>“It’s like panic shopping on the part of government,” Redlener said. “They’ve gone out to every vendor on the planet and every manufacturer to try to get the stockpile built up. But right now every state in the union and many countries are going to the same limited number of vendors. So it’s a real problem.”

>The crucial medical devices needed to keep patients alive will likely also be in short supply, Redlener said. He said he understood that the reserve had at least 70,000 ventilators when he served on an advisory committee in 2016. The current total is fewer than 13,000, the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci has said, with a few thousand more at the Department of Defense. Hospitals, which have switched to a just-in-time inventory system that allows them to save money by keeping less equipment in reserve, have about 160,000 ventilators nationwide. Redlener estimates that twice that number may ultimately be needed.

>At the moment, states aren’t receiving much in the way of assurances from the federal government. During a press conference on Thursday, Trump said that while domestic manufacturers of face masks have gone into overdrive and the White House is helping, governors need to work to find supplies themselves.

>“The government’s not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping, we’re not a shipping clerk,” Trump said. “As with testing, the governors are supposed to be doing it.”


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a13498  No.84883



You also hope too much.


You *also* hope too much. It's not just destroying degenerates. It's destroying everyone. Whites included. Why would anything good ever happen?




Any weapon that kills a yankee urbanite is good.


Because the rich Mafia Jews live there.

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e1c93e  No.84885


>Why did Florida get all the emergency supplies it requested when other states didn't?

You kinda answered it here: >>84878

>"The governors are supposed to be doing it.”

That might be one of the few occasions Trump is actually telling the truth: the governors are supposed to deal with that, not the federal government.

I don't know about Florida's governor or if he's competent enough, but I know shitstains like Cuomo are basically begging for free-shit, and refuse to buy/acquire any, fearing it will come out of their pockets. They actually expect handouts from the federal government and will only procure supplies if that teat runs dry.

I mean, yeah, you waste a few days, maybe weeks with this petty political shit, but hey, what's a few thousand dead, right?

Trump also knows a lot of Democratic Senators are handling this terribly, and that sentence is just another way to reinforce his base. It's pure political bullshit and using the virus to bolster his voter base, but that's a problem all of the political class share. It's fucked up through the whole spectrum.

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e1c93e  No.84889


>yelling "da J00s" like a fucking moron

You're exactly the kind of idiot the yids need alive.

They feed of your kind, everytime you scream "Da J00s", they can point at you and shriek in persecution-speech to generate a few more shekels in their charity-driven bank accounts.

You're a fucking idiot, and exactly the kind of moron that would embarrass Uncle Adolf with your extreme-Larping tendencies.

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5c1c3a  No.84892

File: 78cdf114c48021c⋯.jpeg (83.18 KB, 960x500, 48:25, 2DCE9D23_B2D6_4694_9D21_C….jpeg)


A state with one fifth the population of another makes more than double the request, even though it doesn’t have worse outbreak, then kvetches it didn’t get all it asked for. Fuck off! And De Blasio and Cuomo can fuck off too for saying he wants all the ventilatiors.


Bear in mind, this also says nothing about what supplies are already deployed and stockpiled by each state.


But leftist states are special (pic). They’re filled with people who can’t fend for themselves.

Top tip: Did you know latex gloves can be decontaminated and reused? Did you know that for most medical uses nitrile gloves work as well?

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4441e3  No.84893

File: e2cd27543c0673b⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 800x518, 400:259, nurgle_in_wuhan_china.jpg)

File: 4677d0403797f08⋯.jpg (157.08 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, a_thousand_years_in_ms_pai….jpg)

I am planning to tend my garden and paint Death Guard.

Khorne, Slanneesh, Tzeetch, BTFO

Can't fight if you coof, can't fuck if you coof, can't pull strings if everyone is dead and the string are rotten.

Praise Nurgle and his Champion CoronaChan

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e1c93e  No.84895


>I'm right and you know it.

Set your phone to record, speak out loud every post before you click "New Reply" and listen to yourselve, you goddamn maniac.


>But leftist states are special (pic). They’re filled with people who can’t fend for themselves.

As if Red states didn't have people who can't fend for themselves either.

Blue or Red, you have people scrambling to save their own asses, and a lot of them are finding that their fat ass is to big to cover with what little they had prepared. Among those, a few were quick to act and got their shit (mostly) together while the rest are still wondering if this isn't just a bad flu.

With all the strange shit that happens in Florida, I wouldn't be surprised if the Governor isn't prepared for shit like this. Heck, if an alien invasion happened, I wouldn't be surprised Local Florida Man said "Yep, we knew it, one step ahead pal".

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82938f  No.84898


>muh eternal PPE

>throwing it away after a shift or half a shift

Yeah, might want to adapt different practices you fucking retard by reusing them in a sterilization/rotary manner until you have volumes needed.


If you keep responded to asses and elgoys, newfag, you will also join them in the coofentration camp.

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d68d45  No.84902


I found some articles published there, can you at least save me some time by giving me the year of publication?

>the AIDS virus could spread through her mother, father and even grandmother, "despite the fact that this gene is completely absent in modern Europe, Africa and Asia."

HIV? Isn't it normally transferred to a child when the mother is infected? Or you mean that it can remain dormant/undetected for a couple of generations and then activate in later offspring?

>V. chorizosiensis

No results, did you make a typo when writing the name?

>and shill for buddhism on mainstream media

That has more to do with most forms of Buddhism being a spiritual death trap (Tibetan being different), but it's a whole other rabbit hole.

>which explains why efficiency of some meme medicines

Such as?

>Some obvious findings of the two types are the existence of a large ocular capsule (generally 90 mm in length with a length/width ratio of 4.6–4.9), the presence of at least two eyes, the presence of yellow fluorescence and morphology consistent with cranial eyes.

Good find, who knows what kinds of dormant genetic packages lay buried in various layers of the earth, other species, or even our own DNA. Alien invasion might not necessarily be a humanoid species in space suits attacking with galactic cruisers as hollyjew would lead you to believe, it could be far more subtle than that. And the perception of time for some species might be radically different from ours.

Can you please make a thread so that we can discuss this?

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ae79df  No.84911

What supplies should I order before more stuff becomes unavailable?

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11246b  No.84913


Don't know why, but that looked staged to me. Not saying it was, just saying it looked it.


Your response worries me. Reminds me of the Two Minutes of Hate.

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e1c93e  No.84915


>asses and elgoys

Shit, I didn't recognized him. And it was right there in front of me.

Brb, killing myself.

>reusing them in a sterilization/rotary manner

I know of two hospitals near me where that has been mandatory. Mainly because the Hosptial administration started with "Use it, throw it out at the end of your shift".

Surprising no-one, they went through their supply quite quickly (it wasn't that much to begin with) and were counting on re-supplies.

When those re-supplies got cut, they were down to a few dozen PPE per medical professional, and now have no choice.

Biggest problem I heard from a guy working there is, if you can believe it, the chemicals they use to clean them after being used are running out. I don't work in the area, so I don't know if replacing it with other more common one's will have an impact or not (might not even be legal) but I don't see a better solution in the near future.

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37236e  No.84917

File: 0a91081197c69c0⋯.jpg (327.05 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ferrera_erbognone_img_1488.jpg)


Well, apparently in Italy we found an immune town.

Place is named "Ferrera Erbognone", 1000 people living south of Milan. Still no infected there as of today.

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029185  No.84918

File: 799f3c2daac5678⋯.png (581.27 KB, 640x460, 32:23, chorizo.png)



>chorizo siensis


I think anon is havin a fookin giggle, m8

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a13498  No.84921


Yeah, it's either a bunch of jews living there, or it's a lie. Good things don't happen. If it's not a center of jewish power, it'll get flooded with shitskins until there are infections and deaths.

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5c6710  No.84922

File: 1d3a3ed73ae56b2⋯.png (636.48 KB, 652x1872, 163:468, brazil.png)



Now this is pretty funny, in Rio de Janeiro drug gangs have started enforcing quarantine restrictions, including

<8:30pm curfew

<Frequent hand washing

<No loitering in public

<Meetings of more than 2 people banned

<Reduced operating hours for all stores

I know that in practical terms behind the criminal surface level what we're actually seeing is effectively a series of feudal lords attempting to secure their local fiefdoms, but the idea of drug cartels enforcing social distancing makes me giggle.

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144bc9  No.84923

File: d557cbe7bef36f6⋯.webm (4.18 MB, 812x452, 203:113, Bruce_Aylward_did_an_inte….webm)

>Bruce Aylward is a Canadian physician-epidemiologist. He is the senior advisor to the Director General of World Health Organization

>when asked about #Taiwan he pretended not to hear the question. The journalist asks again & he hangs up!

>She calls back & he said "Well, we've already talked about China."

<If I had COVID-19, I want to be treated in China.

This faggot is going to be hanged.

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37236e  No.84925


Actually I think that you could find just farmers and elders there.The only interesting thing I could notice about the place is that it is pretty far away from any healthcare facility. They do not even have a retirement castle there.

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5c1c3a  No.84926

File: 32782ea4ea3455c⋯.jpeg (738.61 KB, 1084x1090, 542:545, 9B367055_B603_488F_A419_0….jpeg)


No airport, no train station, no bus station. My kinda town.

Pinellas/StPetersburg Florida deaths jump from one to four — 83yo woman, 64yo and 52yo men. This time it includes someone who actually matters according to local jews.

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82938f  No.84930


Kek, back story for you faggots who don't get why the guy doesn't want to talk about Taiwan;

WHO covered for chinks while they were spreading the virus internationally (as they locked down local transport but allowed international), they also cucked and took TCM off their 'don't use this to treat corona' list after chinks gave them ~20m. Also the whole 'Taiwan is China' bullshit will be a part of that.

>chinks gave WHO 20m tot ake TCM off bad list

>chinks currried up to WHO in early days to be praised

<allowed international travel to/from infected zone

<while blocking travel inside chinkland from those areas

>WHO sucked chink dick hard

Hence this Plummer looking faggot being assrekt by the bugporter.

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7737ea  No.84931


>When gang-bangers do a better job than the authorities.

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37236e  No.84937

File: 651ff9e624163d0⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 260x195, 4:3, Stazione_di_Ferrera_Lomell….jpg)


Apparently they do have a train station. It is still working, but just with diesel locomotives.Very small line.

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2a4953  No.84939

>New Yorkers have been dying at a rate of one every 17 minutes.

Is their immune system so weak?

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144bc9  No.84941


This makes me to wish more for China to be nuked and all members of WHO to be executed by ISIS while broadcasting it.

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cec596  No.84946


>You kinda answered it here: >>84878 (You)

yeah I kind of copied and pasted the entire article because I thought anons are interested in reading it, I should have wrote continued on each one but I was lazy

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2a4953  No.84948


<Jew is laughing and rubbing the hand.

You are giving Jew what they wanted. WWIII to mutate humanity DNA so they can modify the mutated DNA. Jew invented communism so if it weren’t the communism then none of this shit would exist. Please think outside of fucking Regular icosahedron!

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029185  No.84950

File: e71861b4584b204⋯.jpg (339.9 KB, 720x915, 48:61, 20200328_083648.jpg)

File: 580eb575aa4a57d⋯.jpg (232.75 KB, 720x1002, 120:167, 20200328_084437.jpg)

India is getting ready to decimate their rural population, press C to coof.

WA state: hospital fires a doctor during a pandemic because he was shitting on hospital admins.

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9fd743  No.84956


Wow to really like to live dangerously. You should just spend the rest of your life inside a plastic bubble.

t. denialfag. I got no mask, no gloves, I open doors, shake hands, hug my friends, kiss them if they're girls. Still waiting for your magic virus fairy to come visit me.

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2a4953  No.84960

^^^^^^^^^^ is a shill so ignore it.

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d68d45  No.84963


There are some marginally related things out there


>genus Vitreodora

This also doesn't seem to exist, on search engines at least.

>using code language in it as well

Which could be the explanation


Now THIS is a bioweapon. Corona-Chan has nothing on Prion-sama.

>While the incubation period for prion diseases is relatively long (5 to 20 years), once symptoms appear the disease progresses rapidly, leading to brain damage and death

>All known prion diseases are untreatable and fatal

>In 2015, researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that plants can be a vector for prions

> In general, prions are quite resistant to proteases, heat, ionizing radiation, and formaldehyde treatments

It's only flaw is that it's not airborne and that it's transmission rate is quite low and limited. Noting a bit of tweaking can't fix, eh

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e36078  No.84964

Coronavirus 627,000 Infected, New York City Hospitals Overwhelmed With COVID-19


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2a4953  No.84968

Medical professionals skipped quarantine

Alle McMahon

Dozens of medical professionals ignored police orders to quarantine and jumped on domestic flights home after flying into Sydney Airport from South America on Friday. Twenty-seven people skipped the mandatory 14 days in isolation and flew interstate after returning into the country, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. They will now be served with public health orders.

Another six were located at the domestic terminal and sent back into quarantine, a NSW Police spokesperson said. "Disappointed to hear medical professionals chose to ignore rules in place to save lives and protect the most vulnerable in our community. No-one is above the law," Police Minister David Elliot said. The Herald reported the medical professionals had flown into Australia from Santiago in Chile after attending a health convention onboard two Antarctic cruises.

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cec596  No.84971

File: 0808f21fef4ff69⋯.png (313.84 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0808f21fef4ff69d76afcb390e….png)


>Nyorkers need to get out now because the shit will hit the fan on next Sunday.

Might be already too late

'Rhode Island sending cops, National Guard to find New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge: https://nypost.com/2020/03/28/rhode-island-sending-cops-national-guard-to-find-new-yorkers-seeking-coronavirus-refuge/

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2a4953  No.84972


Damn, I am hoping nobody try to insert that into virus as this may take hundreds years to fix the damages. We already have artificial horny Corona lady on steroid raging on the path.

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2cc49b  No.84974


Heilige Scheiße! The digits align perfectly with the subject of your post.

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847933  No.84978

File: 7458b032144a65b⋯.png (957 KB, 2276x1672, 569:418, Fecund_girl.png)

File: b0ea06793304278⋯.png (327.72 KB, 1185x998, 1185:998, literal_waiflu.png)

Wew! /OurGirl/ Is a Fecund Fertility Angel with Over 2000 Children

According to this virus tracking website that records strains of different pathogens.


In more sobering news, I've very concerned about my mother sine she 90% certainly has the virus, and I'm scared to death something could happen to her because her immune system has been wrecked because of bullshit form others that wasn't her own fault. Fucking hell, if she dies…

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0d9f5e  No.84979

>watching the news.

doctor in NY died, looks young, pity I guess

>interview a chick that new him

.. "um he had an infectious energy"..


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cec596  No.84983

File: 1b68039c094aa2f⋯.gif (889.24 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1b68039c094aa2f50671e0ff23….gif)


> Nurglite scum

Anything that kills degenerates are okay in my book, Jew Yorkers are having corona potlucks, I predict this will be the next poz bug.


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0fc04b  No.84987


but she is already IN madagascar and greenland.

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66dd7f  No.84989

File: e94149ea39ec0f9⋯.jpg (312.04 KB, 750x591, 250:197, corona_turns_on_the_gas.jpg)




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26470b  No.84990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great interview! Jeff Rense talks to Ted Broer (both are pretty red-pilled, Ted is a damn genius with pHds in nutrition and biochemistry). Well worth the watch, lots of info about Corona and potential treatments.

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847933  No.84992


That was a pic made a few days to a week before Madagascar's first case. It's the only preggo Corona-chan pic I have.

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4b581d  No.84993






Spainanon here, the full version of that vide, which has been circulating on social media tells a different story.

The guy on the motorbike was going to pay a fine he already had when the cops stopped him. He spent 2 minutes arguing with them but the cops got cocky af and refused to listen to him, telling him he'd have to give them their motorbike and pay another fine. He even showed the fucking fine ticket afaik, but the cops here act like spoiled faggots who always have to get their way. Finally things escalated and the bald cop began shouting and getting closer and closer to him, before the guy pushed him.

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d68d45  No.84995



>Cannibalism has also been implicated as a transmission mechanism for abnormal prions

>Findings About one-third of patients with sporadic Parkinson disease (PD) and more than 40% of patients with familial PD of Ashkenazi Jewish descent likely carry the G2019S mutation in the LRRK2 gene, a mutation in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene, or both. This finding contrasts with only a 10% frequency of these mutations in patients with PD who are of non-Jewish ancestry. A dystonia due to a TOR1A gene mutation is responsible for most early-onset autosomal dominant dystonia, and 90% of Ashkenazi Jews who develop early-onset disease have TOR1A-related dystonia. Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis tend to cluster among Jews of North African descent, and Machado-Joseph disease is particularly frequent in Yemenite Jews.

>Conclusions and Relevance: Genetic forms of PD are much more common in patients of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with sporadic and familial PD than in the non-Jewish population.

WEW. That anon is definitively onto something.

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2a4953  No.84997


<her immune system is malfunctioning

Give her granulocyte-colony stimulating factor injection to boost her immune system. Make her eat sweet potatoes and carrots to increase immune agents in her vein.

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7a6180  No.85000


Vitamin C taken intraveniously has been proven to work, that's why China is buying Vitamin C by the TON.

See here: >>84990

Also Vitamin D3 and K2 helps boost the immune system along with zinc supplements. I'm trying out Chaga tea myself, have some backed up, that is an anti-viral fungi.

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b29324  No.85007

File: db703e7a53b8d9e⋯.jpeg (2.07 MB, 3536x2661, 3536:2661, escape_from_NY.jpeg)

The alarm on my gay phone din't went off for some reason, my nap wasn't supposed to be this long. Sorry for the new ID for the gorillionth time, but my family has finally found out the reason why my niggernet is spazzing out so hard recently: People have been constantly messing with the phone/internet lines a lot since last week, my parents don't know if they're actual technicians or the pirate network guys, but they must be the ones fucking with the cables. The uptick in their activities coincides perfectly with the date those connection problems started


> they will all get infected anyway including the police.

You're right about that. Many firefighters and cops in Rio already suspected to be infected, some have been confirmed.


>but you were responding to NBAs waifu who (usually NBA) makes bread at home kek. /coomfy/

That's very cute. You're living the dream.

>that minor chimpout

>Oldfag security sick of niggers like that and probably hates them more than /pol/.

I believe it. That guard has the patience of a saint.


>Where is a good place to bury your family members, once they die? Can pozzed governments be trusted with honorable burials?

Great question. As long as it's not a third world country like Iran, I would say you can trust them with the burial. It will be hell to go through the bureaucracy, though.


>Drug peddlers and drug addicts Corona-chan is coming for you, destruction of the gay cartel soon.

Indeed, she's here to clean this mess up, and druggies belong six feet under!


Praise Nergal!

>>84922 (checked)

Oh so they're doing this in City of God too? It's too late for them, Corona-Chan already got a good chunk of their population during the asymptomatic period.


>India is getting ready to decimate their rural population, press C to coof.



>Rhode Island sending cops, National Guard to find New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge

Corona-Chan really is causing an IRL version of Escape From NY.


>Over 2000 Children

Pretty good, not a bad number at all.

>I'm scared to death something could happen to her because her immune system has been wrecked because of bullshit form others that wasn't her own fault. Fucking hell, if she dies..

Collateral damage like that was bound to happen and I'm sure I will be in the same situation soon. My advice for you is to just do your best to treat her symptoms, so her passing won't be too painful. That's pretty much my own plan. Or try these suggestions >>84997 >>85000 , they might be worth a shot.

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2a4953  No.85008


Just plant papaya seed in your yard and it have a lot of vitamin C and it is better than orange. A cup of sliced papaya, with 88 milligrams of vitamin C, is slightly higher in that nutrient than a cup of oranges. Papaya is also a rich source of beta-carotene and it contains folate, vitamin A and an array of B vitamins

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b00181  No.85010


Great tip, never knew that. I will definitely look into doing that, thanks.

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4b581d  No.85013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b3d57  No.85014


Everybody is also forgetting the hidden multiplier of hospital staff being infected, in Italy and Spain around 16%. Doesn't add to infections but takes away from response.

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6e8bba  No.85017


That does not surprise me, like I mentioned (I don't know if my posts are still up anymore) this is what you see in a police state. Totally unnecessary. If he did punch a cop, I could understand them arresting him and all, but he simply pushed the cop away and they beat his ass (I can't agree with that, morally speaking).

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0d9f5e  No.85020

File: ea4eff96cb824b5⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 640x487, 640:487, WHO.jpg)

who let the coof out?




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2a4953  No.85021


You are welcome, anon.


How crazy is this? Corona lady know not to make them too sick when she infects them. She is everywhere at same time and her children is her. She’s omnipresent.

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cc7cd8  No.85023

File: 589681a401cb1f9⋯.png (112.45 KB, 250x242, 125:121, Bullshit_but_I_believe.png)

>>84788 (Heil'd)

>tfw we're at war with Kikes and the Cosmic Entity that created them

>tfw we wage war against the God's themselves

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b3cc49  No.85024


Prions are malfunctioning rogue brain proteins that cause neurodegenerative diseases you stupid fuck, it spreads from cannibalism and the consumption of meat from said cannibals.

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2a4953  No.85026


Somebody are feeding the plants with diseased human brains. The plant soaked it up and the unsuspecting people eat it. I wonder if vegans consume it by accident?

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12c318  No.85027

Is USA dead yet?

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1b3d57  No.85028


So Trifids?

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1b3d57  No.85029


No but the guy at Johns Hopkins who updates the statistics seems to have been replaced by a CIA worker bee. Not in line with last days development. Unless you're right and they're all dead.

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1b3d57  No.85030


Triffids, I can't spell.

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2a4953  No.85031


No, it is still dying.



No, I don’t think there is a plant like the fictional plant yet.

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b29324  No.85032

File: 9899ab25238273c⋯.png (91.81 KB, 602x528, 301:264, nig_military.png)

File: 71088ccfcee38d7⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB, 640x352, 20:11, South_African_military_pun….mp4)

File: b2e724a1bb5a5a4⋯.mp4 (364.9 KB, 240x316, 60:79, South_African_military_STA….mp4)

File: efaa15e19f0d721⋯.jpeg (125.58 KB, 638x960, 319:480, Massive_South_African_mil….jpeg)

File: db63f85c82fe71f⋯.png (113.43 KB, 480x640, 3:4, DEAD_COMMIE.png)

Military enforcing a strict quarantine lockdown in Nigger Occupied Suid Afrika https://archive.is/uSqVX

Corona-Chan officially physically removes her first Brownzilian communist: A Labor Party mayor in Piauí, northeast Brownzil. He was 57 YO and had diabeetus.




Soon it will be.

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029185  No.85033


>misreading the post this badly


Anon wasn't saying prions were bioweapons he was stating the fact that a more easily transmitted prion would be an insanely powerful bioweapon.

Also if you'd have read the linked material you'd have seen evidence of animal->plant->animal transmission of prions. They last for years so decaying corpses->plants uptaking them->herbivore infection is the cycle.

Yes they're transmitted by consuming infected neurological tissue but there are plenty of other possible methods.

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a13498  No.85034


Don't hope too much. USA may die, but ZOG has bunkers and has probably already left the building.

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12c318  No.85036


how come map of bunkers to loot hasn't been posted yet

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b3cc49  No.85037


The John Hopkins charts are directly related to Bill Gates you fucking moron.

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a13498  No.85040


Because they don't have maps available. Things are hidden. If you can find one, be my guest.

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2dcfaa  No.85043


>zogbots on a power trip

it doesn't surprise me, what does surprise me is the amount of gullible anons here siding with zogbots. As if they didn't know a large bulk of them are former junkies and niggers who think they are untouchable because the have a gun and a badge but who totally shit themselves when things don't go their way

i once saw a 2 of them harassing a yokozuna sized potato faced tard (god knows why) only to get their asses kicked by him

for those curios of how it went:

>be me going back home from school

>across the street i see tardkun walking and zogbots approaching him

>zogbots 1 harass and push the tard around

>tard gets mad that zogbot 1 touch his manboob so he steeps on zogbot 1 foot and pushes him down

>zogbot 1 screaming in pain after landing on his ass, still with his foot stepped on by tardkun (maybe his foot broke)

>zogbot 2 tries to reach for his gun

>tard bear hugs him before he could draw

>as zogbot 1 draws his gun while still on the floor, tard begins to walk backwards, still bear hugging zogbot 2 like he was a rag doll and using him as a shield

>tardkun turns around the corner and disappears from sight

i didn't stay to watch how it ended as i was scared by the sight of guns out of their holster but i can't help but smirk when i remember how quickly those nigger zogbots switched from acting like dicks to acting like pussies when shit hit the fan

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cec596  No.85044

File: b9bd21114edd563⋯.jpg (183.71 KB, 640x900, 32:45, escape_from_new_york_md_we….jpg)

>President on Saturday said that he is considering putting in place an "enforceable quarantine" on travel for New York and parts of New Jersey and Connecticut.

>“We’d like to see New York quarantined because it’s a hotspot — New York, New Jersey, maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined. I’m thinking about that right now," Trump told reporters before leaving the White House for Joint Base Andrews.

>"We might not have to do it but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine — short term two weeks for New York, probably New Jersey and parts of Connecticut," he added.


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6b68ad  No.85047


No it's

>who let the bugs out


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b29324  No.85048

File: 29d907ff7879f7b⋯.png (176.06 KB, 482x499, 482:499, pastas.png)

File: b53f6c00a4e8078⋯.png (175.53 KB, 480x501, 160:167, Britbongs.png)

File: 9caf733d4b9d718⋯.png (79.1 KB, 1046x362, 523:181, oh_really_now.png)

File: 5e7ca363b57c0ea⋯.mp4 (623.56 KB, 464x848, 29:53, March_28_Wuham_Metro_Line_….mp4)

File: a180f616e9f3dc9⋯.png (253.12 KB, 559x593, 559:593, Corona_Chan_stays_with_you….png)

Pasta update

Britbong update

CDC will tell Burgers to wear masks everyday

Wuhan chinks taking advantage of the end of the lockdown and escaping the city before Corona-Chan's second wave begins lmao, they are the second wave

Chinks who have "recovered" still test positive for the virus. Some of those who retested positive appear to be asymptomatic carriers. https://archive.is/HSLkB


>President on Saturday said that he is considering putting in place an "enforceable quarantine" on travel for New York and parts of New Jersey and Connecticut.

President of what?

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2dcfaa  No.85049

File: 89457320fc8ab55⋯.png (65.26 KB, 535x339, 535:339, muh_mask.png)


>CDC will tell Burgers to wear masks everyday

this gem of a twaat sure aged like fine wine

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ac547b  No.85051

File: 4caaa5db5687670⋯.webm (934.97 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 1448934065391.webm)


>balls owned so thoroughly by chicoms he can't even say the word taiwan


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cec596  No.85055

File: 790917539779576⋯.png (11.67 KB, 641x124, 641:124, ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump my mistake I had to rewrite it because they highlighted it in the article and I didn't want to copy entire pointless sentences

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5c1c3a  No.85057

File: c57ce0cc38b43ce⋯.jpeg (24.26 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 289F8C54_207F_4223_9BBD_7….jpeg)



Most of us aren’t going to be buried. Most of those we bury will be in mass graves.


Preannounce quarantine. Encourage diaspora. It’s gonna get good.

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0d9f5e  No.85058

File: 82e4d3159581fe4⋯.jpg (98.66 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, indian_cop_becomes_coronav….jpg)

File: 6d82503b2ba0873⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 800x533, 800:533, indian_cop_becomes_coronav….jpg)


needs meme-fication.

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0d9f5e  No.85060


>Preannounce quarantine. Encourage diaspora. It’s gonna get good.

My exact thoughts, I mean it's like he wants to spread the Lady Corona all over the corpse of America.

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a13498  No.85061


Hopefully Taiwan stays safe and can come back to their Rightful Clay.

Restore the Imperial Dragon. Down with the Red Dragon of Communism!

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1b3d57  No.85063


I wish I had a dashboard for various wild Overton windows. Right now Secession would go all the way to the right.

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1b3d57  No.85065

File: a3734a1df539c02⋯.png (79.29 KB, 728x547, 728:547, jews_can_escape_you_cant.png)


jews in damage control.

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2dcfaa  No.85067


>Tokusatsu Corona chan

>Super Sentai Corona chan

>Kamen Corona chan

>Mighty Morphin Corona chan

so, besides Hanta chan and Evola chan who else could fill the shoes of the remaining rangers?

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b29324  No.85071

File: 125028e519a159b⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 480x560, 6:7, minor_chimpout_in_south_af….mp4)

File: 4d3e8c318affb2f⋯.mp4 (816.55 KB, 384x848, 24:53, chinks_in_Longtan_town_sto….mp4)

File: 47451e91d0c08f0⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 352x640, 11:20, south_african_army_blocks_….mp4)

File: 4e2d20aefa79743⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Italian_truck_convoy_carry….mp4)

Minor chimpout in Nigger Occupied Suid Afrika, could be panic buying, could be looting, don't really know what's happening here other than a lot of niggery.

Footage of the South African military blocking a road

Minor revolt in Chinkland

Chinks in Longtan Town storming a government building. Reasons unknown other than loss of confidence in the police.

Another long convoy of military trucks transporting bodies in Pastaland. Police officers securing the highway salutes the fallen.


>that niggered spoiler

I don't even know how that happened, lmao. I'm still groggy from the long nap.

>>85055 (checked)

No anon, I was quoting the movie. You din't made any mistakes.





Now I want to see Julius Evola drawn as a cute anime girl. Why did you do this to me?

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82938f  No.85074

File: b8d1f5881c804db⋯.gif (464.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, le_rotisserie_merchant.gif)

File: d9c2c06e3a8c3f8⋯.png (321.99 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>85044 (checked) >>85057 >>85060 >>85065

>Jew York

<orange man

>short term quarantine

>''We’d like to see New York quarantined'

>I'm thinking about that right now

<30k+ cases

>people try to leave

>Escape from Jew York 2020

Orange man isn't even trying to contain jew york, it has more cases than most countries and he's still 'thinking' about quarantine.

Oy vey! Maybe he was working against them after all, kek.


Nigfrica is hotting up, next week will be amazing.

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d68d45  No.85076


My hypothesis is that Jews are 'infected' with some highly advanced, hard to detect, artificial pathogen that's inhibiting their normal development (they never develop real consciousness, self-awareness, or soul if you believe in it), altering their vicious mongrel selected DNA (This was a mutual feedback loop in which their culture and religion played an equal role), giving them their typical characteristics and turning them into mere machines executing it's programming and serving the will of it's creator(s). Their religion was a carefully designed blueprint to maintain and logarithmically expand the pathogen's function and ensure that it doesn't get 'diluted'. There is most likely something reducing the pathogen's efficiency through patrineal lineage, which could explain why there are some of them who are not total kikes, although they are seriously corrupted as well (as if their genetic mixture wasn't already, even without the disease). Prions are spread by cannibalism, which could explain why they are so keen to partake in it (although non-cannibals like their favorite food, the Whites/Aryans, have much less of them, they could have something activating it), but drinking blood from foreskin cuts of their babies could be another clue. There might be a very practical reason behind most of their religious insanity, something which probably not even the ordinary rabbis know. Rabbis, rabies, eh Not to mention the tropes like vampires and such.


>Some parasites alter host behavior by infecting neurons in the host's central nervous system. The host's central nervous system responds to the parasite as it would to any other infection. The hallmarks of such response include local inflammation and the release of chemicals such as cytokines

>The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, carried by the Anopheles gambiae mosquito, changes its host's attraction to sources of nectar in order to increase its sugar intake and enhance the parasite's chance of survival.[19] It also decreases the host's attraction to human blood while gestating,[14] only to increase it when it is ready to transmit to a human host


Not a great correlation and likely unrelated, but there could be -some- links between the hypothetical Jew virus and Corona-Chan.

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f35d6e  No.85077

File: 42291411b794246⋯.jpeg (37.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, byebye.jpeg)

File: 78169f6323d8350⋯.png (145.98 KB, 300x293, 300:293, yellowfever_virus.png)

File: a53cdcf0b52f97e⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 674x450, 337:225, zika.jpg)

File: 4f461d968846848⋯.jpeg (482.17 KB, 882x544, 441:272, coronavirus.jpeg)

Zika and corona:

>humans and bats can serve as natural hosts of the two viruses

>The "brain" of the Zika virus is a single cell with a small nucleus, which is believed to be designed to replicate its own genetic material in exactly the same way as the virus in which it resides. Similarly, the Zika virus "internal genome" of the same species and shares the same genetic code as the closely related yellow fever virus. Corona virus is designed to become inside cells or to affect an infected cell

>Viral replications pretty much identical

>Both have tissue tropism', (meaning that one virus can infect and cause illness in humans and animals and also among closely related species)

How long until we all have to pay for mentally retarded Corona-children forever?


>New yorkers need to get out now because the shit will hit the fan on next Sunday.

NY is a target for the corona virus due to its ichthyophilic winters. If the fungus spreads, don't panic. While there are three main species of corona viruses, A, C and D, only the first two are known to infect birds and mammals (niggers included among humans here). Also, the disease tends to take hold of the placenta during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, and I was relieved when I found out my mother-in-law did not have it. The fungus isn't common in south americas. If the fetus develops in humans, it can cause mental retardation or death. The city also is in extra risk due to the vernal pools and high rainfall and cooling water used in farms.

New York? AVOID HOSPITALS! (At least during the worst spread)

The inoculation of the corona virus into humans come from china because ichthyogenic microbes are especially abundant in the amazon as well as other tropical regions, where many indigenous people live. Want malaria medz? Think twice: There are reports of chloroquine allergy associated with HSV due to a deficiency in the so called "plasma folate" associated with high serum homocysteine levels, (which are mysteriously but coincidentally increased by UV light from sun lamps, yes those used in retarded hospitals kek).


The ones that will be hit the hardest by the coronachan in NY will be poorfags and broke people. The people living in the city are not poor but are struggling to maintain the level of services that a healthy society provide, thus exposing them to the potential of a major public health crisis. The economic meltdown should come a time where folks are probably a bit exhausted and psychologically worried that the end is not as secure and so they don't want to take any chances. Such people tend to not use much sanitary measures to keep themselves healthy and the changes to their climate will have brought out a fear that things will come to a shattering and NY will be a place where easy mistakes will have a severe impact on the food chain.

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78d0a4  No.85078

File: 3581c0aff77eaeb⋯.png (939.04 KB, 2598x1443, 866:481, Chinese_Virus_America_27th….png)

File: e963e6ece1fa9ab⋯.png (730.73 KB, 3168x1633, 3168:1633, Chinese_Virus_America_27th….png)

File: 5de88cc0aab8f4c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 3140x1766, 1570:883, Chinese_Virus_27th_March_2….png)

Here's the latest published stats, we are still on 27th for the reports.

The US data has been cleaned up, they are publishing 0 counts from hospitals with no cases, which clutters dashboards. The US map below will be 1 or more cases only to cull these reports out. I've included another map without this culling so that you can see them. Other maps online in news websites etc, show many of these locations but changing their count from 0 to 1, that's not in the current John Hopkins public source data. Some sort of misleading workaround but it's minor as all of the US will be blessed soon enough.

For the main map, there are a lot of regions still with less than 10 cases, these have been removed for clarity.

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2dcfaa  No.85079


>jews are jews because of a virus

i doubt it anon

you know the chacras? between circumcision and sodomy jews ensure to destroy the root chacra of their larvas, turning them into psychopathic, selfish, victim complexed bastards with little ability for long term foresight

>inb4 kikes plan years ahead

they scheme, plot and conspire in advance only when they have time to plan things out in a thinktank along other plotting kikes, but most of their day to day individual thinking process is aimed at short term benefit, often at the detriment of long term benefit.

The fact that they kept their international supply chains working until the very last moment without thinking that a long quarantine would fuck their precious economy way harder than a short term closure of borders is proof of that

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990a49  No.85080



>ruin the filter by repeatedly wetting it.

There is no info on ==3M=='s p2/p3 filters, so how do you know that? The bulk filter material appears to be synthetic fibers which wont absorb polar solvents such as water or -OH, so how would that loosen the matrix?

SCOTT PRO-2000 filters might be cellulose (anyone got one?) which might decompact a little as the solvent expands the compressed paper. But then so would moisture in the inspired air. Thence evaporating without residue returning the filter back to effective status.

The aim here is to clean the pathogen in question from the surfaces of your filters and deactvate them as fomites.

>push debris futher in.

Yes, yes, Naturally. This is where it will be trapped by the filter, If you can inspire air through the filter it is not clogged.

Your point of view is a snow storm of supposition, I will not be blinded by it. Feel free to purchase and field nine sets of filters though, if you have to flex on those that are not as unnecessasarily extravagant or as uninformed as yourself

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df9f64  No.85081


>NY is a target for the corona virus due to its fishmonger winters.

Wut? And what do fungi gotta do with this?

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78d0a4  No.85082

File: 65ad8cbc2ecbef0⋯.png (951.38 KB, 3173x1636, 3173:1636, Chinese_Virus_America_27th….png)


>Other maps online in news websites etc, show many of these locations but changing their count from 0 to 1, that's not in the current John Hopkins public source data.

Eh, I see what happened and they're correct.

Here's the adjusted chart.

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2dcfaa  No.85083

File: 855f79ea49a509a⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 201x251, 201:251, Chet_Hanks.jpg)

File: 4b2c91e34febf94⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 950x385, 190:77, Tom_Hanks.jpg)

say anons, did any of you see Chet Hanks Tom Hanks son spill his spaghetti all over social media?

>inb4 muh celeb sperging

>name drops 8chan and halfchan

>mentions event 201

>muh consprianoid alt right

>my dad is not (((illuminaty))) reeeeeeeeeeee

>hurrdur i'm gonna sacrifice children to Moloch… just kiddin XD

he's gonna get MKUltraed like Jim Carey

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a13498  No.85084

>>85077 (Wasted dubs)

So you're back to being fungusfag instead of fungusphage?

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78d0a4  No.85085


Chet is a bit of a retard, I think he's been injecting crystalised weed into his brain stem. Just look at this idiot, he's mr cool ice but less impressive.

His dad is also incredibly fucking stupid, he's one of those people that's had smoke blown up his arse so much he's starting to believe the fake compliments. Go watch Tom Hanks talk about the dinasaurs, Forrest Gump has more aptitude than the actor that played him. Tom Hanks is a cushion faced boomer that can barely manage to regurgitate a sentence without fucking dancing like a puppet on a string.

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309116  No.85086

File: 68a2661fce414ed⋯.mp4 (15.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DON_T_PANIC_mp3.mp4)


Here's an .mp4 in case Jewtube memory holes the video.

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9c911c  No.85090


>A side note: The V. chorizosiensis is commonly found among tibetans which might explain why jews are eager to protect them and shill for buddhism on mainstream media (not out of brotherhood but for the sake of virus studies).

Kikes are trying to morph buddhism into some kosher-approved nihilist spirituality, were everything is about "perspective", see bhikkhu bodhi, a kikemonk that is trying to mix post-modernism, buddhism plus socialism in the same pot, not only this but jewish media only give space to progressive monks and the whole western-zog-academia that help force this agenda(like any other area of human sciencies, jews has their grip on almost every big buddhist studie journals). Jews already dominate christikikism, muslims are their dogs, vedism with new ageism movments, pagans with larpers and the last bastion of aryan religion, buddhism, now at the verge of fagness. Kali yuga.

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cec596  No.85091

File: 8905ea91a8062b8⋯.png (163.39 KB, 476x346, 238:173, 8905ea91a8062b857a07a98661….png)




I don't think they could go anywhere, at-least by car. Florida ordered checkpoints around the state, likely other states are doing it too.


t. Florida fag

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82938f  No.85092


One of my 3m manuals says to avoid certain solvents on them. They are designed for vapours and particulates (P series) so it should be okay depending on what liquid it is..

Main thing to keep in mind is they do have activated carbon in many of the 3m filters and similar (ones I use anyway) so wouldn't be best to get them wet. It will eventually dry but water wicks through charcoal… virus itself is smaller that the filter diameter for even p3/100.

Many anons here have that many filters or more, kek. They're worth their weight in gold now.

>>85083 >>85085

>muh consprianoid aut kike

Does that retard have a mirror to look at the tattoo in the middle of his chest?

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2dcfaa  No.85093


>Chet is a bit of a retard

just a bit? he is famous enough that normies may want to check this event 201 he name drops,

he may also cause an influx of retards who feel curiosity about this edgy "rabbit hole" of a site that is always on the news for being a breeding ground of mass shotters

hopefully this also informs our fellow missing anons that this korean bamboo waving tiddy honeypot is up and running again

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b29324  No.85095

File: 7d40ec5738ace12⋯.png (157.39 KB, 607x573, 607:573, meme_enforcement.png)

File: ce933e88f0259d6⋯.png (246.93 KB, 606x571, 606:571, frogs.png)

File: 87d47d04ea57025⋯.png (214.56 KB, 597x583, 597:583, TOPPEST_KEK.png)

File: e27e3f3c0ce5af8⋯.png (129.38 KB, 581x597, 581:597, take_back_your_shitty_test….png)

File: 28e8a8cc1ae582f⋯.png (194.9 KB, 468x630, 26:35, its_escalating_boys.png)

Singapoor seriously enforcing social distancing https://archive.is/josIC

Frogland update

CDC denies the claim made in Dr Matt McArthy's twatter post

Countries that received extremely unreliable testing kits from Chinkland return them to their makers or puts them where they belong: In the garbage https://archive.is/Kbatc

Governor of Pará (north Brownzil) authorizes the police to use force against anti-quarantine lockdown demonstrations organized by Bolsonaro supporters



Thank you for your work, map and chart anon.


>The fact that they kept their international supply chains working until the very last moment without thinking that a long quarantine would fuck their precious economy way harder than a short term closure of borders is proof of that

That's a really good point.


Nope, completely unaware of this. Post some screencaps or video if you can.


>in case

(((They))) nuked Cowona Viwus-Chan Wuvs You, they will definitely nuke this too. I already posted an mp4 here >>84699 but mine is in 480p. Thanks for posting a larger version.

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d68d45  No.85099


>between circumcision and sodomy jews ensure to destroy the root chacra of their larvas, turning them into psychopathic, selfish, victim complexed bastards with little ability for long term foresight

That's the mental component of the virus, I was only talking about the physical. As above, so below frens. There is a lot to write on 'spiritual subjects' as well, but let's keep it on topic.

>>inb4 kikes plan years ahead

Whatever entity has created them plans centuries, if not millennia ahead. They are not supposed to have long term benefits, their only purpose is to corrupt and kill the only higher race in the world, whites (and some other races with a potential to follow). After their program runs, they will self-terminate. That anon freaked out for a reason, they are not aiming only to completely control the entire biosphere by genetic means, but non-living matter as well. That doesn't mean that they are close to achieving that however.

Their "god" might be much smaller than one would imagine. If we found a way to somehow disable this pathogen…


I wonder what Jared Kushner is doing right now

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2dcfaa  No.85100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Post some screencaps or video if you can

just saw it in my youtube mention, this e-celeb is one of the comicsgate guys

>inb4 no webm

>inb4 no origianl source

>inb4 e-celeb shilling

i'm to lazy to look for the original or make a webm

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94b353  No.85102


The chinese bought up basically all the supplies needed to deal with this before any one else caught on to how bad it was, and the hostile elite that rule over us shipped additional stockpiles as "aid" to china while leaving the borders wide open. Regardless of the true situation in asia, the globalists have well and truly fucked the west, hopefully themselves most of all.

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a57c82  No.85103


>CDC denies the claim made in Dr Matt McArthy's twatter post


I'll look for it, but you'll post it quicker than I find it.

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e01024  No.85104


What site is that?

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b29324  No.85107

>>85100 (checked)

I know exactly why most anons are that picky but I'm not like that. I don't mind jewtube videos and e-celebs as long as they're competent. Okay, I'm at the part where Chet speaks right now, this is fucking hilarious. He's really butthurt. That part about the Corona typewritter and the 201 though, that's some weird shit, but I'm sure it's just a cohencidence.



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78d0a4  No.85113


>What site is that?

It's not a site, I built a relational dataset out of the main chinese virus reports from John Hopkins and set up some analysis on it.

You can find the source data and the John Hopkins dashboard here:


This will provide you with similar functions already premade.

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ac547b  No.85114


No one wanted Chet in the club, but his membership dues paid for the remodeled cigar lounge.

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82938f  No.85115

File: 3a01b832ea62e23⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 640x640, 1:1, _chethanx_Instagram_photos….mp4)

File: 8117d4196f93dcf⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB, 640x640, 1:1, _chethanx_Instagram_photos….mp4)


>The chinese bought up basically all the supplies needed to deal with this before any one else caught on to how bad it was

Many anons knew beforehand and acted but yes otherwise it was hard to get supplies if you were late.


The videos are 1 and 3 on his instakike.


Basically said what anon here said >>85083

Obviously went to fullchan a few times (hi niggerfaggot) and larped.

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2dcfaa  No.85116


i want his pic in /cvg/ 45 OP

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9b1f55  No.85117


Trump in this case is trying no to fuck the economy over quarantining New York; although I do wonder if it's also political in nature since New York is hardcore democrat territory. Whatever he would command the democrats would scream to do the opposite.


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5c1c3a  No.85120


There’s not going to be any quarantine either. Trump called up that million troops because he thought they needed some training.

>Marion county Oregon. (Salem) finally closes parks… because people were looting the hand sanitizer dispensers.

>No spectators, but horses forced to run in Louisiana Derby and Florida Derby. No bailout for horses. “Those who do not run do not eat.” — Bernie Sanders

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0d9f5e  No.85121


WHO is getting a lot of hate comments on jewtube, I hope they fucking axe that organization along with the UN.


India needs a good cleansing.

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847933  No.85122

File: 19e68c31a964c53⋯.png (634.06 KB, 874x1607, 874:1607, fool_me_once.png)

File: 8438af6d829fc38⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1226x1365, 1226:1365, shame_on_you.png)

File: 784c846dc7e4b66⋯.png (129.17 KB, 946x1420, 473:710, fool_me_twice.png)

Toothpastland recalls 600,000 masks "gifted" from China as Hospitals Discover Masks Have Been Pre-used and Pozzed

And the Chinese may have not given as many masks, pozzed or not, as promised, but I can't tell from the second tweet and I don't know toothpaste-tounge to acurately read the original article.

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3432ee  No.85123


If people are healthy and not sick and want to leave they could pull a used cars(film) and drive offroad.

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ac547b  No.85124


Wonder how much this'll hit outsourcing.

Silver lining for the future?

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b3cc49  No.85126


>(although non-cannibals like their favorite food, the Whites/Aryans, have much less of them, they could have something activating it)

Cows get mad cow disease from cow brain winding up in their feed (that's a thing that actually happens on factory farms), it wouldn't surprise me if factory-farm meat could activate latent retro-viruses or proteins in someone's spinal cord from bad luck eating some muscle meat with a bit of prion in it. That's a thing hunters have to worry about with deer carrying that shit for fuck knows what reason.

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3432ee  No.85127


I figured this might happen….greedy chinese profiting off of this with substandard shit or intentionally infecting other countries with dirty medical gear-etc.

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847933  No.85130

File: 0f3af0d537a71d5⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2835x3508, 2835:3508, check_this.png)


Based and Christ-pilled fellow /christian/!

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b29324  No.85131

File: 75f786f1ecccdbe⋯.jpg (92.62 KB, 1132x638, 566:319, Brownzilian_lies_updated.jpg)

File: 0865aebf44a110e⋯.png (162.14 KB, 598x557, 598:557, Gopniks_will_survive.png)

File: 13ca06f2f7456d1⋯.png (177.08 KB, 567x632, 567:632, dead_infant_in_illinois.png)

File: a0ce6a492fe0235⋯.png (232.68 KB, 901x539, 901:539, Cooba.png)

Brownzilian bullshit numbers have been updated

>3904 confirmed cases (for testing positive and being symptomatic)

>111 (checked) confirmed deaths

>Regional breakdown: 184 cases in the north, 624 cases in the northeast (fuck yes Corona-Chan, keep going!), 2222 (CHECKED) cases in the southeast, 360 cases in the midwest and 514 cases in the south

Reminder that our numbers are complete bullshit due to ministry of health not counting all the numbers being reported by state health departments and not counting asymptomatic Hues that test positive. We're also not doing mass testing outside of São Paulo and there is evidence some state health departments are not reporting all of their cases

Russia completely closing their borders https://archive.is/5FgK1

Dead infant in Illinois hoping it wasn't white https://archive.is/Mqods

Cooba update, 119 confirmed cases, 2000 suspected cases, 4 future deaths recoveries and 3 confirmed deaths Hey Cooba, you're not looking so good, maybe sending your quack doctors to Pastaland wasn't a good idea, kek. Get fucked, commies.




Thanks for posting the instagoy videos here.

>>85122 (checked)

>faulty chink masks

I thought about posting about this but the sauce I had wasn't too good so I decided to let it pass. Your sauce is better. Fucking chinks, man. The good thing about them is that they're going to get Memezuela killed by Corona-Chan, they're receiving a shit ton of aid from Chinkland. Good formatting


>Silver lining for the future?

The future Corona-Chan is creating will be brighter than just a silver lining. There will be some darkness before the sun rises, though.

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82938f  No.85133

File: 417c9da0efd3c73⋯.png (124.38 KB, 500x703, 500:703, muh_hollow_cost.png)

_World Series 2020__

Bronze Gold Silver Jew Star

Jew York 52,318 728 1,755 2,045

Jew Jersey 11,124 140 N/A N/A

Kalifornia 4,980 104 N/A 1

Michigan 4,650 111 N/A N/A

Florida 3,763 54 N/A N/A

Washington 3,723 175 N/A 19

Illinois 3,491 47 N/A 2

Louisiana 3,315 137 336 N/A

Massachusetts 3,240 35 N/A N/A

Pennsylvania 2,751 34 1 N/A

Georgia 2,366 69 N/A N/A

Texas 2,254 28 1 N/A

Colorado 1,734 31 N/A N/A

Ohio 1,406 25 123 N/A

Tennessee 1,373 6 N/A N/A

Connecticut 1,291 27 N/A N/A

Indiana 1,232 31 N/A N/A

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Post last edited at

cec596  No.85135

File: 70de8e602c64b3c⋯.jpg (111.27 KB, 1024x963, 1024:963, 70de8e602c64b3cc673f1e6049….jpg)


They could but Rode Island is going door to door >>84971 to make sure there aren't any New Yorkers in the state, we will see what gov. DeSantis does. It's becoming a states vs states situation.

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5c1c3a  No.85136

Have you ever faced death and reflected, what a pointless life I led…

>Tom Hanks and Rita Whoever

>Idris Elba and Sabrina Whoever

>Daniel Dae Kim

>Andy Cohen

>Debi Mazar

>Colton Underwood

>Harvey “Disease Vector” Weinstein

>Kristofer Hivju

>Indira Varma

>Olga Kurylenko

<Terrance McNally (heil Corona-chan)

>Rachel Matthews

>Placido Domingo

>Aaron Tveit

>Sophie Trudeausomething

>Prince Charles

>Boris Johnson

>Matt Hancock

>Rand Paul

>Masoumeh Ebtekar

>Francis Suarez

>Begona Sanchezsomething

>Karl von Habsberg

>Prince Albert II

<Antonio Nonato Lima Gomes (heil Corona-chan)

>Mario Diaz-Balart

>Ben McAdams

>Joe Cunningham

>Mike Kelly

>Charlotte Lawrence

<Manu Dibango (heil Corona-chan)

>Mwana FA

>David Bryan

>Lucian Grainge

>Andrew Watt

>Natalie Horner

>Slim Thug

>Jackson Browne

>Rudy Gobert

>Donovan Mitchell

>Christian Wood

>Kevin Durant

>Jason Collins

>Marcus Smart

>Sean Payton

>Mikel Arteta

>Jason Collins

>Kozo Tashima

>Paolo Dybala

>Eliaquim Mangala

>Daniele Rugali

>Timo Hubers

>Trey Thompkins

<Lorenzo Sanz (heil Corona-chan)

>Hyun-Jun Suk

>Luca Kilian

>Omar Colley, Albin Ekdal, Manolo Gabbiadini, Antonino La Gubina, Morten Thorsby, Amedo Baldari

>Blaise Matuidi

>Callum Hudson-Odoi

>Fernando Gaviria

>Dmitry Strakhov

>Paolo Maldini, Daniel Maldini

<Jenny Polanco (heil Corona-chan)

>Jeff Shell

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12c318  No.85139


>down with communism

meanwhile in US Trump seizes means of productions of General Motors and demands ventilators

topest kek

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a13498  No.85141



Like a pogrom for rude asshole yankees.


Just because I hate communism doesn't mean that Trump isn't a kikelover.

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f35d6e  No.85144


He sounds, talks, looks like me and this feels spooky.


>implying there aren't a handful of us here.

The "virus expert" LARPer IDIOT is singing in "the incubator room".

INSIDER FOR YOU GUYS from fellow le based drunk CUNT #2 that probably EXPOSED us both with his BIG MOUTH so fuck it:

He is now delusional and annoying me about some kind of superstitious shit about how israelis are infecting "jews" with Haemophilus [is it spelled like that?] and how the nobel prize was given because of it. Creg venter bla bla bla as usual. [His hero.]

Literally who cares. He is laughing now while I am typing this.

"growing pathogens that are not destructive to humans" .

"beyond preservation"

"Why was egypt's population much more closely related to Ethiopia"

"Egyptian bubonic plague"

"matrilineal societies of the sub-Saharan "

"region an island of genetic diversity"


That list is getting more red for each day. Remember them for when they have their next child.

>implying it only affects male testicles

My Coronavirus-treated rats had significantly longer intervals between pregnancies. He wanted to use this in his article but I will post it anyway. Corona infection caused significant reduction of egg weight in rats fed the antifreeze at 20% concentration by reducing the number of eggs produced per litter, by approximately 50%. This suggests that nativity among humans will get impaired with margins beyond obvious significance.


You always keep posting that picture.

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2dcfaa  No.85145

File: 3302467bd871cb0⋯.jpg (40.63 KB, 474x553, 6:7, chinkike1.jpg)

File: 4ea5021b8504ddc⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 501x585, 167:195, chinkike2.jpg)

File: 498fbc9ba6c4486⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 853x960, 853:960, chinkike3.jpg)

File: 030c5b680e5f1dd⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 600x674, 300:337, chinkike4.jpg)

>>85122 (checked)

>be China

>steal dangerous tech and bio samples from western countries

>use them to develop an airborne aids bio weapon

>it escapes from cheaply constructed bio lab because your poorly paid wageslaves sold test animals to your food market

>censor and arrest whistle blowers for spreading misinformation

>when you can't hide your fuck up anymore you start blatantly lying about how big of a fuck up it actually is

>blame the nonexistent hygiene and disgusting eating habits of your slaves for your fuck up

>close your borders but spread your poz through the whole world with unrestricted travel abroad

>accuse anyone else who decides to close their borders of reeeesism

>bribe the WHO to cover your ass and invent a memename for your bio weapon

>get offended when people call it the Chinese Corona Plague

>buy all the supplies to fight the virus from western counties

>sell supplies back to the west after they've already been used

are chinks the final evolution of kikes?

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7027c3  No.85146


So I take it it's all one big coincidence that it just so happens to spread after ZOG's astroturfed Hong Kong "uprising" fizzled out, and then it hit Iran, Israel's #1 enemy so hard.

I guess it must be that same jewish good luck experienced by Larry Silverstein…

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82938f  No.85149

File: b939c0ef40aeb98⋯.png (676.88 KB, 1826x953, 1826:953, The_Yellow_Jew.png)


Great summary of the chinkroach side, capped for reference.

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1153cf  No.85152

File: 839f1ce9116b1a2⋯.png (265.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 527f4aa0a97840f⋯.png (249.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 323c21b6327a913⋯.png (222.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: a09f55d1771b357⋯.png (259.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)

File: 50a470b00393847⋯.png (300.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_03_25_0….png)


You can dream, anon. Hanta doesnt cause illness in mice though

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82938f  No.85156

File: 0c51890a3747f5a⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 654x360, 109:60, Liveleak_com_Coming_and_sp….mp4)

Forgot to post this earlier - some shithole rigged up a fire engine and drove it at high speed to 'disinfect' streets.

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30a969  No.85158


>GAS GAS GAS begins to play

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d68d45  No.85159




We should prime it with Zyklon B and 'disinfect' ghettos and Jewish neighborhood while blasting that song from the speakers

[gassing intensifies]

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4a10d2  No.85160

File: c489ee2633afe0f⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Delhi_bus_station_during_I….mp4)

File: 03ea99801a367f5⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, NYPD_aerial_patrol_looking….mp4)

File: 8247eff72075667⋯.png (106.48 KB, 1094x434, 547:217, 218_false_negatives.png)

File: 48134d958d316d0⋯.png (224.59 KB, 699x617, 699:617, DRC.png)

File: 8080e8cd6abfd58⋯.png (220.98 KB, 1073x531, 1073:531, niggeria.png)

Pajeets practicing social distancing in a bus terminal in Delhi No way in hell their official numbers are even remotely true.

NYPD using their helicopter to look for crowds in Central Park

Uganda update

DRC update, 14 new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/w1jDm

Niggeria update


>the end is nigh

Indeed it is, and so is a new golden age.


>are chinks the final evolution of kikes?

Sure seems like it. I still think kikes are worse.


I have a feeling this is somewhere in SEA. Not going to lie, that looks cool as fuck. I bet the driver is having the time of his life.


Someone needs edit it in right now. If I wasn't busy I would do it.

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f0e47c  No.85161

Fellow goyim, I have been blessed by Corona-chan, shall I keep it to myself?

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fc9bac  No.85162

File: d663035864333da⋯.png (82.86 KB, 600x336, 25:14, oh_my_fuck.png)


>Cop cosplaying as the Wu-Flu.

OK the curry niggers win this one as thats fucking funny.

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37236e  No.85167


Tomorrow is shabbat. Why do you ask?

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cc7cd8  No.85168

File: 456afbf241cf7d7⋯.png (399.71 KB, 600x752, 75:94, Hans.png)


Lmao at 0:15


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cec596  No.85169


No today is shabbat, jews go to temple on Saturdays

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d68d45  No.85170


Nothingburger shill seems to be rather absent today, eh…

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fc9bac  No.85173

File: 68dee2a5284e2fd⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 340x255, 4:3, Goliath.jpg)


>Humans wont wash their hands.

>So Goliath from Knight Rider goes pro active.

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2dcfaa  No.85174



you can't make this up

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7f61bc  No.85175


He's likely trying to keep people off the streets on the odd chance they figure out this virus is "pandemic" is just a cover for another bailout of the banking system.

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37236e  No.85176


Yes, you are right. I am indoor from a while now and I am starting to lose the count.

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d68d45  No.85178


You forgot them using the situation to settle rapefugees and install 5G relays.

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1b3d57  No.85179


Exactly this. A hundred and fifty years ago this would be enough to go to war over.

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38fe11  No.85180


I did notice the local spook tower being worked on right after this started getting big

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b5199e  No.85182

File: 799017b5746e8f6⋯.png (250.74 KB, 592x678, 296:339, get_in_the_box.png)



You may as well, you're going to be paying them welfare anyway. Same with walmart hiring 150000

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d68d45  No.85183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time for them to begin enforcing social distancing I guess.

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fb2029  No.85184

So, what's the explanation on Corona causing Diarrhea? What about constipation?

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00962c  No.85186


>So, what's the explanation on Corona causing Diarrhea? What about constipation?

The colon has a high expression of ACE2 receptors. The highest in fact of all organs. If /ourgirl/ gets in the colon then the colon will lode functionality due to the steep death of cells. One result of this die out is diarrhea as the colon fails to be able to do its job of compacting fecal matter. Constipation is also and indicator of colon failed function. It is a possibility.

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847933  No.85188

File: 19c40dcde46c9ac⋯.png (92.19 KB, 1323x555, 441:185, gut.png)


So proud of those Pajeets, proving yet again that India has become the world's new Supoo Power.



Unfortunately, a Jewish day starts ay sunset, and we have by EST standards only an hour left before they come out of the woodwork to start their inane bs again.


>So, what's the explanation on Corona causing Diarrhea?

Apparently, because /ourgirl/ is high contagious to anything and everything that can metabolize, she infects bacteria that normally can survive the stomach's digestion and go into your intestines, where the virus starts taking over other things, both bacterial and human. If Corona-chan can proliferate quickly enough in your guts, that will trigger the anti-pathogenic hormonal response of intestinal cells to start forcing your intestine's contents through quickly without the usually process of digestion to remove as much of the viruses as possible.

Since this doesn't happen often enough, and since it take forever for Corona-chan to start reproducing to a critical level in the digestion system, not many people have diarrhea as a symptom.

>What about constipation?

Haven't heard anything like. If I had to guess either the death by the virus of your gut's bacteria will hinder digestion, or it's a side-effect of drugs mistaken as a symptom.



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5c1c3a  No.85192

File: a32d70f04dbabe7⋯.jpeg (264.18 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, 4B3FAE0C_DD24_4CA4_8D68_E….jpeg)


Walmart shelves are empty. You have to go to a membership store to get anything. These hires will end up as FEMA grunts.


If Corona-chan does anything that way, it’s to use her powers for explosive diarrhea.

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f35d6e  No.85196


In my personal obeservations: either it is due to Enterovirus 62 (HEV62) which was "conveniently discovered" about the same time as the corona virus. If it is a non-bloody diarrhea it might be due to a staphylococcal enterovirus [7]2 (HSV-[7]2 , aka herpes 2019 edition) . Both of these are somewhat harmless viruses otherwise, but with corona-induced AIDS they seem to go somewhat more viral. Only the gods knows what the other more dangerous pathogens might do to you once your immune-system goes Sayonara. I would avoid eating undercooked seafood unless you want to die from cholera or some other similar shit otherwise treated naturally by the immune system. If you are shitting blood, then you are most likely having an inflammation of the intestinal wall, leading to rectal bleeding.

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f68d69  No.85200





So basically, if I'm not going to the loo for a poo every 1-3 days, I should express concern?

What about nervous shocks? I recently had this bizzarre shock that affected my entire body that caused me to shake for no real reason- I thought it was ecause of the way I slept but that shit persisted until I walked around a little, freaked me the fuck out.

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7a47e6  No.85201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That man should be renamed Dyson because I can hear the slurping noises from here.

Never trust a nigger to do anything of importance…how can he even speak with that much chinese cock in his mouth?

It sure ‘clarifies’ a few things…

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2dcfaa  No.85202


is this legit?

i can no longer tell the difference between clownworld memes and reality

they couldn't possibly be so stupid as to say shit like this and expect no backlash, right?

just how batshit retarded do you have to be to not realize this is just giving us ammo for a redpill Gatling gun

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c7b76f  No.85204

File: 48a07395269044e⋯.png (232.66 KB, 1912x1738, 956:869, Bruce_Aylward_WHO_corrupti….png)

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7a47e6  No.85206

File: 11379bd1fa2e454⋯.jpeg (39.43 KB, 316x432, 79:108, 75D5D2F0_7F39_452F_B08B_B….jpeg)


I haven’t been on here in a couple days because when I realized that you all too stupid to understand the significance of ‘what is a gene drive’….I gave up, figuring that this place was completely populated by niggers now and all the European/White had left.

I can find more thoughtful and creative thinking ON TWITTER!

Let THAT sink in…

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7f61bc  No.85207


It is 100% legitimate. Anyone still puffing their chest out as an "American nationalist" needs to be put up against a wall and shot. This nigger country is a permanent, intractable enemy.

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e1e4ff  No.85210


what about dry lips, to the point of cracking/damage at the sides and increased shedding of skin (around hands?)

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df9f64  No.85214

File: 8b1def650b017e1⋯.jpg (7.52 KB, 236x213, 236:213, 555.jpg)


> that you all too stupid to understand the significance of ‘what is a gene drive’

>said the guy who did not know the difference between an RNA virus and an eukaryote

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df9f64  No.85216

File: 6c4f67a3e069985⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 351x440, 351:440, 5_Star_Post_.jpg)

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ac547b  No.85218


He's just butthurt about the lodge from a couple years ago let him be.

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8804b9  No.85220

Hope predators like tigers move in to suburbs soon and reclaim territory

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cec596  No.85222


sounds like you got sunburn or an allergic reaction, your fine anon.

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43b57a  No.85223

File: 9e5459326315c45⋯.png (150.31 KB, 794x628, 397:314, washing.png)


>Feel free to purchase and field nine sets of filters though, if you have to flex on those that are not as unnecessasarily extravagant or as uninformed as yourself

How is having less than a dozen disposable filters extravagant?


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4a10d2  No.85224

File: 795861680a3d883⋯.png (134.98 KB, 601x592, 601:592, Corona_Cruise_deaths.png)

File: fe639ec1a4523dc⋯.png (192.33 KB, 397x602, 397:602, our_numbers_are_transparen….png)

File: f9c18a1bf970837⋯.jpg (32.74 KB, 508x271, 508:271, Brownzil_ARDS_cases_then_a….jpg)

Deaths on the Corona Cruise off the coast of Panama https://archive.is/CSy8a

Brownzilian minister of lies health says his ministry's numbers are transparent, woman replies with "lie" and an image comparing the numbers of ARDS cases in the past years with current ones Sauce for the images number's http:// info. gripe. fiocruz. br/ SRAG means ARDS, by the way.


Corona-Chan doesn't like seeing religious conflicts on her threads. Stop this fight before it escalates even further.

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00962c  No.85225


>So basically, if I'm not going to the loo for a poo every 1-3 days, I should express concern?

The average bowel movement is uasually 1-2 times a day not 1-3 days.

It may not be coronavirus. It could also be caused by dietary changes. Or changes in intestinal flora. Regardless, prolonged constipation should be checked out by a trained physician.

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fc9bac  No.85226

File: 30b21c024d20b28⋯.png (315.98 KB, 717x567, 239:189, ddtdwvr_b51898e6_94ed_4734….png)


>how can he even speak with that much chinese cock in his mouth?

Have you heard him speak Anon? He can barely do it with his mouth cock free. I am still in awe that someone so fucking downs, so fucking retarded, so fucking SUB HUMAN got a job leading WHO.

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1b3d57  No.85230


Well that explains America's obsession with toilet paper. 1 time per 1-1.5 days, central Europe.

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d99156  No.85236


That'll work just fine, I've got a couple of those painter's respirators myself.


Cremate them.


Why the fuck is she pregnant?


Those stupid heebs are too prideful to shave their beards to get a good seal, how hilarious.


Is it bad that I want that kind of punishment for quarantine violators in the US? Maybe seeing a nigger get Rodney King'd for violating a lockdown would send a solid message to the chimps.


Does this also apply to a misting with 70% isopropyl? That's what I've been doing with my masks.

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43b57a  No.85238

File: 732e1b2032abc36⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 768x505, 768:505, iso_wash.jpg)

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fc9bac  No.85239

File: 30851daf3285bc6⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, 30851daf3285bc67d76c2a0e84….jpg)


>Why the fuck is she pregnant?

2000 new strains of Corona-Chan found.

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1b3d57  No.85241



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82938f  No.85242

Daily Jew Zealand update coming in now. A downturn in numbers today - 63 new confirmed cases, for a total of 514. Most cases are still travel related (over 1000 citizens and residents returned to the country over the last two days alone) and several of the non-travel related cases are due to 5 separate clusters. We currently have one person on a ventilator in ICU as well as the first reported death- this was an elderly women who was treated at first as if she had influenza. The staff looking after her are now in isolation as they weren't wearing correct PPE.

NZ has 150 ICU beds currently and this can be raised to just over 500. We have only 520 ventilators here. I spent a lot of time in the respiratory wards and ICUs as a visitor recently and I am confident that even a small uptick in hospital cases is not something our hospitals can manage. In many cases our respiratory wards are actually mixed wards, containing overflow from other departments. Correct hygiene practices are also hit and miss, a lot of the foreign doctors (of which we have far too many) are too relaxed with sanitation and the hospital cleaners are fucking useless cunts who leave the floors covered in all sorts of debris and dirt. So much single use medical equipment gets left lying around and often the note taking and communication between staff is terrible. We also run at or near capacity a lot of the time and in several regions there simply aren't the facilities or resources to deal with any clusters that could pop up.

The rest of the announcement is more Mummy Cinda stuff: stop bullying but keeping narc'ing, stay home, be nice, stop going to the beach, we're saving lives by staying at home etc etc.

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d99156  No.85243



Looks like I've got a couple of less useful masks now. They're probably at like 70-80% effectiveness because I didn't soak em, but that's good to know, thanks brother. Time to switch to a P100 cartridge painter's respirator that I can just wipe down.


Sauce? I remember reading something about there being two primary strains, but also saw a chart showing tons of genetic branching.

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37236e  No.85244

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a0ccc1  No.85245

File: 169ba221ac8b8c4⋯.png (34.51 KB, 598x365, 598:365, Screenshot_2020_03_29_Tedr….png)

The WHO. Won't talk to Taiwan. But will take persoanlly calls from ladygaga

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386f2d  No.85246


You are correct. Two strands. Biological Weapons are designed not to mutate much thereby increasing there effectiveness to carry out it's intended mission.

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7a47e6  No.85248


Pretty sure it is a joke post. Chorizo? Sausage disease? Jewish women like the sausage? They keep a sausage inside them? Yep…joke.

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4a10d2  No.85250

File: d8d6ac3063d8846⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 420x393, 140:131, 1469533927861.jpg)

File: 6d44a360651cbda⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 228x221, 228:221, clowns_of_america_internat….jpg)


>I am still in awe that someone so fucking downs, so fucking retarded, so fucking SUB HUMAN got a job leading WHO.

Me too but then I remember that it's a kike organization and it all starts to make sense.


>Why the fuck is she pregnant?

She is pregnant with newly mutated strains that are even more efficient!

>Is it bad that I want that kind of punishment for quarantine violators in the US?

That would depend on your political alignment. As a fascist, I think light beatings for violators is enough. Violating the quarantine again or resisting the punishment should warrant escalation of force.


>mfw this image could very well be true


>The staff looking after her are now in isolation as they weren't wearing correct PPE.


>We also run at or near capacity a lot of the time and in several regions there simply aren't the facilities or resources to deal with any clusters that could pop up.

Sounds just like Brownzil.


Clown world.

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7a47e6  No.85251


The strings are moral and ethical faggot. If you take the money you are a commie POS and a government tit sucker. You are not fit to live because you are nothing but a fucking parasite on society…

>muh strings

Do you really think that money comes without a price tag? Payback? If you only looked at it in terms of the effect of hyperinflation you should refuse to suck the governments dick on that principle along.

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8f9f86  No.85252


>virus is not effective in hot areas

>still kicking ass in Israel

Kkes are truly cursed, lol.

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94b353  No.85253


where do they even think they are going to run to?

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847933  No.85254



There's an academic paper focusing on different methods of mask disinfection. The best was to heat the mask at 70 degrees Celsius (158 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 minutes. Not only was the shape of the mask maintained, but also the fibrous structure that enabled the 95% effectiveness mark. Strangely enough, the paper also warned against relying on UV for fiber masks as you can't guarantee that UV beams will affect any virus trapped in the fiber matrix. This is not to say UV is not effective or can't be used along with the heat, but for certain masks, you want what's the most certain to help and not harm.


I can't find the original article quoted in this news press at the moment, but I'll post it when I do.


>Why the fuck is she pregnant?

That's what you do when you marry. You have kids. When you marry your waiflu, you want have many flu-babies.


Wouldn't it be more favorable to have high mutation rates to prevent quick and easy treatment or vaccination?

>>85244 (Checked)

Also, this site gives the original discoverers of a strain and the names you want to search when finding the paper.

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61dd66  No.85256

File: babd2327b8de736⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 657x681, 219:227, Osmosis_Jones_Corona_Chan.jpg)

File: 26204da17efc726⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 797x613, 797:613, Osmosis_Jones_Corona_Chan_….jpg)

File: ca5d0299a88582f⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 281x331, 281:331, Osmosis_Jones_Corona_Chan_….jpg)

File: dd90d00d99c5e24⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 680x653, 680:653, Osmosis_Jones_Corona_Chan_….jpg)

Imma dump some Osmosis Jones style Corona-chan here.

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82938f  No.85257


We try to appear first world in this area but it's so much worse than they make out. The person I was visiting got a staph infection from one of the procedures and ended up having major surgery to fix it. This is so normal here. To be fair some services are quite good and we have some amazing surgeons but our health system has been left to deteriorate for a long time and it's showing.

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2dcfaa  No.85258


now that our goddess is in ara territory we may adopt this version as one of her mutated daughter strains

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1b3d57  No.85259


Thanks. Dumb question maybe, is there a way to show mortality of the virus going outward in all these mutations? I want to see if the herd immunity people are maybe right, just way too early?

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4a10d2  No.85260


>virus is not effective in hot areas

She clearly is. People might want to deny it as much as possible but her evident spread in warm regions proves otherwise.


>our health system has been left to deteriorate for a long time and it's showing.

That sucks. But I'm sure things will get better over there soon. Darkness is coming but the future is bright.

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ac547b  No.85261

File: a3a90cf9b2b6c3e⋯.webm (3.01 MB, 800x450, 16:9, _incoherent_yelling_.webm)


Too many middlemen anon.

I did industrial cleaning for a high school summer way back. One time we did blue cross blue shield.

In the cubes of the customer service people?

Little books with numbers and columns for every medical issue.

If you're coverage had the right number, you got it paid. If you didn't, then good luck.

Those kinds of jobs shouldn't even exist.

A national socialism when?

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7fe62b  No.85262


>That's what you do when you marry

I get that, but god damn knocking up the Wu Flu is hardcore. Thanks for the link on mask disinfection, I'll use that from now on.

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82938f  No.85265


Considering the system (outside of mental health) is largely overwhelmed by those over 70, I'm praying to Coronachan that she will bless us enough to see empty orthopedic and cardiovascular wards in the days to come ;) >>85260

We have socialised health care but yes, too many middlemen and far too many foreign useless shit doctors and nurses fucking up and causing more medical issues for the people they treat. Also as above, we have a decent amount of elderly patients clogging up our system. It's not terrible healthcare, a large percentage do still get treated, but there are a tonne of areas that have been left to deteriorate and the system doesn't communicate well with itself so a lot gets missed or ignored or left up to chance. Just good enough to keep us running in good times but a heavy flu season can very quickly push the ERs to over-capacity so I have little faith in it managing a decent sized outbreak now.

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7a47e6  No.85266

File: 462ac04a118f2b2⋯.png (8.16 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, C42F9AEE_D0E4_4D59_A257_D4….png)


>Alex, What is Tristan da Cruna.

This is where they took all the treasures when they false flag burned down the Museum. They knew that they would be utterly destroying Brazil, in total. They took the treasure out beforehand.

Now in the same pathetic way that they let the museum burn they will let all of Brazil burn as well.

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cc7cd8  No.85268


<No baby, this ain't about no hustle, I'm talking about the baddest illness anyone's ever seen

>Look who thinks she's the Ebola Virus

>*pleb-tier diseases laughing*


<Let me tell you a little something about Ebola…


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cec596  No.85270


>blue cross blue shield.

insurance is retarded, I have to wait 3 months for my claim to clear to see if I am covered or not? plus waiting 3 hours listening gay elevator music every time you call. What a jewish scheme.

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386f2d  No.85274


Not if a bioweaponeer wishes to develop an organism that is transmitted effectively and predictably. Other desired traits , stealthiness incubation period, transmitability, virulence, dissemination and stability all of which SARS-CoV-2 was designed. What is unknown is the stealthiness a signal by an external stimulus

could later trigger the virus to activate and cause disease rapid death or snip our dna thus producing offspring with certain traits.

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847933  No.85277

File: aa2b4183d21c91e⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 320x320, 1:1, look_where_you_are_anon.jpg)


>Knocking up a virus is hardcore

>On a offshoot of the infamous Mongolian puppetry email chain

>On a site where /monster/, dedicated to this kind of shit, was in top 20 to top 15 boards


Pic related


>What is unknown is the stealthiness a signal by an external stimulus could later trigger the virus to activate and cause disease rapid death or snip our dna thus producing offspring with certain traits.

There's been rumors that not only did the disease present itself as early as October, but the vaping crisis might be an earlier expression or prototype strain that China was testing.

While it seems a little far fetched, I could see them making an low-transmissible strain before adding the key genes for high transmissibility

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79e169  No.85278


You know what? China was lying about the numbers of infected and dead, even Iran is covering up and everyone else, how do we know if Israel is also lying about the numbers? they say they are dealing with the virus too but what if its just bullshit? you have "confirmed blessed" in Israel but it think it's all bullshit too too make themselves look innocent in this pandemic, if anyone is gonna be blessed in Israel of all places it's gonna be the Palestinians

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386f2d  No.85280


Ah yes Chinese "white lung" the vaping epidemic. Think of that as quality assurance testing before deployment to general population.

Trump is correct though once it's contained it'll seemingly disappear for good due to its high stability. They may release a less virulent strand think Sars-cov-2 type 1 genome to fool the masses into thinking it's just another flu

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7a47e6  No.85281

File: 12f6d72e28f8263⋯.jpeg (32.05 KB, 286x276, 143:138, 497E4341_7A08_4DF3_903C_F….jpeg)


If ‘the end was nigh’ why would WE have to do anything? unless you are ‘one of the fallen’ my fair faggot friend? Hmmmm?


I’m impressed with the jewedit. Personally I think most of Wiki is the ramblings of an insane AI.


He has no medical degree (or any other degree either). All he did was suck Chinese communist cock, as a Chinese communist terrorists (as the 3rd most important person in an organization that is still listed as a terrorist organization) and fuck over his own people while betraying them to the Chinese.

Let THAT sink in.

A known genocider (2 million people ‘disappeared’ under his leadership in Ethiopia) and active terrorist is ‘running W.H.O.’.

Isn’t that special?

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61dd66  No.85283


Sure whatever, i'm not the police of you.

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7a47e6  No.85284

File: ee9a2f36b7eb0db⋯.jpeg (367.99 KB, 960x959, 960:959, 1D3B2729_7FFF_4B19_A763_D….jpeg)


See Death Triangle

Apparently ‘diversity’ (aka nigger DNA) is not their strength.

Spain (part nigger)

Iran (part nigger)

Portugal (part nigger)

Israel (part nigger)

Italy (part nigger)

…yep, now we get to watch genetic ‘diversity’ in action

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cec596  No.85286

File: c22ad87def71c44⋯.jpg (92.13 KB, 785x762, 785:762, 5.jpg)


well President Trump changes his mind about New York/ NJ/CT being quarantined. goddammit Gov. Lamont and Cuomo https://www.ctpost.com/news/coronavirus/article/Report-Trump-considers-enforced-quarantine-of-CT-15163713.php

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9353cc  No.85288


Surgeon General is literally a nigger.

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c7c0b0  No.85289

File: 5f73af51d0c0c1f⋯.png (732.37 KB, 691x724, 691:724, 1584812742424.png)

Heading to sleep, good luck for those waiting for patient 666,666

Speaking of which, how do you plan to celebrate patient 1000000 anon?

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ac547b  No.85291


Free set of lungs for the lucky customer, of course!

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7fe62b  No.85292


Sleep well anon! I'm going to do a fat hit of DMT and see what the entities have to say about 1mil blessed people.

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7a47e6  No.85293

File: 5bd4f5fdb64c58a⋯.png (166.03 KB, 610x295, 122:59, 8DAF4A18_81EB_419B_892F_8F….png)

File: 1bf83d353b02e46⋯.jpeg (4.12 KB, 95x81, 95:81, EDC01647_0590_4108_AFC3_0….jpeg)


>COVID sex robots make safest lovers

At least they got the bug one’s eyes correct.

Do you think you can just reach up there, grab her eyeball and make her ‘look European’ by wrenching it back so that they align and look in the same direction? Or do you have to pound away why she is looking cross eyed at her nose? Or maybe fucking something mentally defective is ‘part of the safe charm’ of rubbing you cock in 1 years worth of crusty schmegma? We can’t even get women to clean their own cooch…but a bunch of NEET’s are going to clean 1 years worth of splooge out of their rubber sex waifu? I will be you anything that there is more disease up in their than you can imagine…nice hot cum filled hole without anyone to clean it out, just building up fungus and black mold all up inside it…yeah baby, sign up now for your dick eating virus…this is like scouring the men’s bathroom at a club and picking up used condoms to put your dick in…the older and crustier, the better.

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318de1  No.85294






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5c1c3a  No.85296


Because you never know where the next great idea in health will come from, we had to make sure our ideas came from Africa.

>Governors ban prescribing hydroxychloroquine

>FDA approves clinical studies of hydroxychloroquine (pneumonia prevention)

>France already completes follow up study (pneumonia intervention)

>Hospitals hoard hydroxychloroquine



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03e60c  No.85297

that poor guy on his motorcycle

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a95887  No.85298


>mystery in wuhan

Yeah it's a mystery why they keep using defective kits

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82938f  No.85304

New Bread, few posts early but real life calls




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