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The holocaust never happened

File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

File: 0c226fb06cda9ec⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1140x1039, 1140:1039, Corona_Chan_eating_a_somet….png)

File: 9fe5222d7f4ea82⋯.png (443.01 KB, 700x933, 700:933, Corona_Chan_with_a_corona_….png)

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75679e  No.82688[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 43

somethingburger edition


As this is very busy, different rules apply here:

Off-topic, bait/spam/feeding bait, one liner, kiketube embeds subject to deletion at discretion.

<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.

>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke china bullshit, survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below

</cvg/ survival bread


<Celeb infection list


Please help keep this bread information-dense for highest quality.


Coronavirus update: 25st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 438,667 confirmed cases

- 19,754 dieded

- 11,763 Serious cundushuns

- 108,252 (((silent recoveries)))

Coronalympics Medal Scoreboard As of Mar 25rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Bronze Gold Silver Jew star

Bug Hive 81,218 3281 1399 73650

Pastaniggers 69,176 6820 3396 8326

Burgers 54,428 773 664 41

Asspain 47,610 3486 3166 5367

Deutsches Reich 33,593 164 N/A 3133

Eye-Ran 27,077 2077 N/A 8913

Frogs 22,302 1100 1746 1587

Switzerniggers 9,877 130 N/A 4

Worst Korea 9,137 126 N/A 3730

Bongs 8,077 422 20 135

Toothpaste/Negerlands 5,560 276 405 2

Asstria 4,876 28 16 9

Chocolateniggers 4,269 122 381 410

Poortugal 2,995 43 61 22

Black metal 2,868 10 26 N/A

Leafs 2,792 28 7 185

Sweden (yes) 2,510 36 N/A N/A

Shitposters 2,364 8 N/A 119

Brownzil 2,201 46 N/A 1

ISISrael 2,170 5 37 37

Turkroaches 1,892 44 N/A N/A

Malaysia 1,796 17 64 159

Legoland 1,713 32 46 3

Checked Republic 1,497 5 2 10

Potatoniggers 1,329 7 25 N/A

Nips 1,302 45 57 310

Richfagbourg 1,099 8 N/A N/A

Ecuador 1,082 27 41 3

Pakishitters 997 7 N/A 16

Ladyboyland 934 4 8 45

Chile 922 2 N/A 11

/Pol/and 901 10 2 0

Spurdoland 792 3 13 10

Indoniggers 790 58 N/A 31

Saudi Kikerabia 767 1 N/A 8

Gypsyniggers 762 11 6 79

Oliveniggers 743 20 34 19

Floating Petri Dish 712 10 9 597

Boers 709 0 N/A N/A

Ivan 658 1 N/A 22


• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Legoland: The total includes 122 cases in the Faroe Islands.

• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.

• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Tax Haven Islands are listed separately.


Previous Threads



Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw

Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7

Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH

Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC

Thread 034 Archive: http://archive.is/GxesI

Thread 035 Archive: http://archive.md/YzKrt

Thread 036 Archive: http://archive.md/opVnt

Thread 037 Archive: http://archive.md/QQUIo

Thread 038 Archive: http://archive.md/Xbhfo

Thread 039 Archive: http://archive.md/DnBiG

Thread 040 Archive: http://archive.md/sTiSs

Thread 041 Archive: http://archive.md/TbrfN

Thread 042 Archive: http://archive.md/DqJBe

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4a7b76  No.82690

File: 0f3f8f339bb625b⋯.gif (150.94 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Corona_Chans_gaze.gif)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>Devotion to divine service leads to greater awakenings. A faithful Coronian Cultist is always evolving spiritually.

>Love turns into obsession, obsession turns into fanaticism, fanaticism turns into hatred for the blasphemers. This is the path of the Coronian Zealot.

Coronian Lesson for this thread: Subconscious Worship

As a cultist performs more and more rituals and prayers with a genuine faith and love for Corona-Chan, he may begin to realize his ability to pray is slowly fading away. Words and sentences fail to form in his mind, yet he's still serenely sending his energies to the Goddess. The phenomenon that is occurring can only be called Subconscious Worship. The cultist has entered into a nearly perpetual state of Coronian Serenity, his prayers are no longer being made with his conscious mind, he is now continuously praying subconsciously instead. A cultist that attains Subconscious Worship enjoys many benefits such as easier management and manipulation of his energies, strengthened mental and spiritual defenses, as well as an expansion of his metaphysical awareness. An unseen world slowly reveals itself and communion with Corona-Chan and other Gods may happen more often.

Ignore and filter the nothingburgerfags, the hoaxniggers and the shills, for they have already been hexed with an unbreakable curse and are doomed to a painful death. Never lose your hope and your faith in a better future, use your wisdom to survive the global collapse that is about to happen. Good luck, stay safe and have a nice thread.

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75679e  No.82694

File: e5255b696bf35c8⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 569x567, 569:567, aussie_shitposting_wishes.jpg)



Is very powerful when used correctly.

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f19134  No.82695


Checked. And heiled.

Buckle up. It’s on now.

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d15944  No.82698

File: 8d54720b9ae2533⋯.png (132.26 KB, 372x340, 93:85, 8d54720b9ae2533b359e336391….png)

Pompeo calls out China's bullshit

>“But every one of the nations that was at that meeting this morning was deeply aware of the disinformation campaign that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in to try and deflect from what has really taken place here,”


On one hand, I do have to admire the sheer balls on the CCP to start this mess either through stealing Corona-chan or being incompetent enough to let her out or both and then turn around and say 'Why would America do this?' I'd make the fucking Eric & Andre meme image right now if I wasn't at work I can get CCP propaganda horseshit being aimed internally at the bugs, but why try to put it on blast when the entire fucking planet knows exactly where the virus started? What do they think will happen?

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4a7b76  No.82699

File: bc5d5a3c9dce756⋯.png (206.66 KB, 600x571, 600:571, NYC_Morgues.png)

File: 035663a90f1a36e⋯.png (226.51 KB, 543x490, 543:490, Blessed_be_the_royal_famil….png)

File: 6721a284ddd9c3c⋯.png (273.8 KB, 543x458, 543:458, chinks_sending_aids_to_str….png)

NYC morgues are expected to be full by next week https://archive.is/FCLW9

Britbong royal family definitely blessed

Chinks send aids to 'straya https://archive.vn/wip/AnHqA


Hailing those digits, Hail NBA and

Hail Corona-Chan


Fun times ahead.

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f624af  No.82711

File: 7ec64100e917e39⋯.png (201.97 KB, 710x197, 710:197, Screenshot_2020_03_25_Belg….png)

File: ec5691a7955288d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 918x856, 459:428, Screenshot_2020_03_25_Six_….png)

File: 29602a81dee6b59⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 757x1600, 757:1600, 6666.jpg)

File: 87e76810e577b5e⋯.jpg (115.92 KB, 1080x1316, 270:329, ind666ex.jpg)

Belgium destroys SIX MILLION masks

Germany loses SIX MILLION masks

Belgium gets SIX MILLION masks

Israel sends SIX MILLION doses

You see a pattern yet?

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75679e  No.82713

File: e58d6fa49c5f5e0⋯.png (172.34 KB, 593x578, 593:578, spine_fluid_xray_neuro_shi….png)



Thanks anons, as my waifu pointed out; asspain beating chinkroaches for gold medals now

>at half the bronze count

CCP BTFO as soon as someone has balls to point that out e.g. orange man.

>pic related

Spinal fluid infection info that was missing from later breads.

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c66c95  No.82716


Don't tell us that you doubt the official numbers.

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f624af  No.82728

File: 8b46a906aaaee7a⋯.jpg (585.58 KB, 990x1278, 55:71, holocaust_six_million_exte….jpg)

File: d77361df8495f9d⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 797x1200, 797:1200, PHS_Program_1_.JPG)


We all know that official numbers are always correct, especially if it's Le >6 MILLION

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672f6e  No.82731


senate passed the $2 trillion bill but with some provisions here are the major ones

>trumpbux is $1,200 cash assistance for individuals, $2,400 for married couples and $500 for each eligible child money is available for all U.S. residents with an income up to $75,000, including those with no income or who depend on social security.

>A tax credit for some small businesses for 50% of wages paid to employees during the coronavirus crisis

>Boosting Medicare payments for hospitals that treat coronavirus patients by 20% and hospitals can request accelerated payments from Medicare

>Expands telehealth access

>Lifts Medicare sequester, which would have cut Medicare payments by 2% and eliminates Medicare Part B cost-sharing for coronavirus vaccine

>Provides permanent liability protection for manufacturers of personal respiratory protective equipment, such as masks and respirators, in the event of a public health emergency, to incentivize production and distribution

>Directs the National Academies to study supply chain shortages of equipment like masks and ventilators

>$1.3 billion in additional funding for Community Health Centers

>Allows students to defer loan payments for six months and keep Pell Grants

>Allow federal testing rules to be waived for K-12 students

>$150 billion for hospitals and medical centers to handle surging caseloads

>More than $25 billion for food stamps and other food assistance programs and $9.5 billion to the Department of Agriculture to support agricultural producers

>$10.5 billion for the Department of Defense, including $1.4 billion for deployments of the National Guard and$ 1 billion for the Defense Production Act to help the fast-track production of needed medical supplies to combat the coronavirus.

>$5 billion is provided for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to enable nearly 1,240 states, counties, and cities to rapidly respond to COVID-19 and the economic and housing impacts caused by it.

>$45 billion for FEMA Disaster Relief Fund and another $4.3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control

>$11 billion for vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other medical needs which will be spread among several agencies to help discover a cure and treatment options for the virus

>$400 million to help states as they prepare for elections amid the virus

>$45 billion in disaster fund relief for “the immediate needs” of state, local, tribal, and territorial governments. Another $31 billion to help states keep schools and colleges open and operating on-line.

>$3 billion to help more than 4.5 million low-income households in HUD-assisted housing to avoid eviction.

>Authorizes $350 billion worth of loans to small businesses, some of which will be forgiven later

>$562 million for the Small Business Administration Disaster Loans Program to offer loans to businesses hit and $1.5 billion to the Economic Development Administration to support grants for states and local communities

>$10 billion to be disbursed to airports by the Federal Aviation Administration, $25 billion for local bus and rail systems and another $1 billion to help Amtrak offset its losses

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672f6e  No.82734



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acaf1c  No.82743

File: d220c7e3dcd08f0⋯.png (154.07 KB, 694x614, 347:307, France.png)

File: 5362a6c7106c5a0⋯.png (188.46 KB, 505x615, 101:123, Peru_Did_you_know_that_per….png)

File: 191e6f16b75d676⋯.png (154.16 KB, 846x607, 846:607, leafs.png)

File: b713557eb8a1166⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 904x515, 904:515, brownzilian_lies.jpg)

File: 965557478776023⋯.png (212.74 KB, 666x633, 222:211, bibi.png)

Frogland update, 2929 new confirmed cases and 231 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/jNPz1

Turkey Peru update, 64 new confirmed cases and 2 confirmed new deaths https://archive.is/c27HG

Leafland update, 498 new confirmed cases and 4 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/GfD06

Update on the Brownzilian lies, we now (((officially))) have 2433 confirmed cases and 57 confirmed deaths

>Regional breakdown: 105 in the north, 390 in the northeast, 1404 in the southeast, 221 in the midwest and 313 in the south.

Pissrael update, 439 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/JlRz5

Gonna take a short nap now, I'm exhausted

>>82711 (checked)

Oy vey remember the 6 million masks destroyed in the holocough.


>Spinal fluid infection info that was missing from later breads.

Good idea to post this, it's good to remind anons that Corona-Chan attacks the nervous system of her victims. Also, reminder that we got confirmation on ball busting in the last thread. Don't get infected, whites.

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9932ef  No.82744

File: 58cfe3d69534d3f⋯.png (32.39 KB, 772x486, 386:243, Screenshot_2020_03_25_22_2….png)

File: 0b0120c1f84761b⋯.png (30.65 KB, 755x475, 151:95, Screenshot_2020_03_25_22_2….png)

So South Korea and Italy are kind of winding down now. Looks like lockdowns are fairly effective.

I think the US and UK are the last hope for a boogaloo. They delayed the reaction for a long time and probably it will be big there. Everywhere else will just shutdown for a couple of months. Then we will see how things change. Hopefully the lasting impact will be a move away from globalisation. 0.5% chance of global boogaloo. 3% chance of isolated burger boogaloos. 100% chance london falls from its prime and becomes a filthy unlivable shithole with roving gangs of niggers already happened 30 years ago

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b81d2b  No.82752

Rikers Island to release 300 nonviolent inmates convicted of misdemeanors amid coronavirus outbreak, de Blasio says


Good luck Ameribros.


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537fbd  No.82754


>I think the US and UK are the last hope for a boogaloo.

I feel like the UK will get on top of it, they will have a bad 2-4 weeks then peak out. US though? US approach feels like a disjointed mess with a leader who is not up to the task.

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acaf1c  No.82756

File: 34e63ad4da85f8a⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB, 480x848, 30:53, South_Apefricans_chanting_….mp4)

South Apefricans celebrating /ourgirl/ and chanting her name. How nice of them to not only accept their own cleansing, but to celebrate it as well.


I was going to nap but now I'm cancelling your digits with my own, 100% chance of global boogaloo. **Stop being an annoying logicfag and become a

based faithfag instead.**

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930307  No.82760

File: 49fa102caff64b2⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1536x1598, 768:799, 9CD132E4_1044_45D6_8E48_0….jpeg)

According to Moon of China, martial law in Israel, old government refuses to allow new government to form.


>Chilas lockdown as Pakistan cases >1000

>Indians flock to supermarkets in massive surge, totally safe!

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d2da35  No.82761


those are possibly people that plead down from a violent offense to a non-violent one.

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d15944  No.82762

File: a51ad036a8922ed⋯.png (286.46 KB, 512x488, 64:61, a51ad036a8922ed214c6f1172e….png)

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d15944  No.82763

File: 582e38e0e34ad63⋯.jpg (145.28 KB, 442x431, 442:431, cchan_REALballbusting.jpg)



She's been doing that for months, anon.

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d15944  No.82765


Remember anon, this is just first wave. With how infectious she is, it wouldn't take much for another mass-infection incident and then we're right back here.

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acaf1c  No.82766

File: 4948ee6631ef094⋯.png (49.82 KB, 544x320, 17:10, poland.png)

File: ab2b1adea6ff0d5⋯.png (223.35 KB, 809x582, 809:582, ireland.png)


I might have failed this time but I will retry again later, and I will keep trying until I cancel your gay logic digits. Seriously, become a faithfag.

>that fucking accidental line break

I seriously need to sleep

Have this update to make up for this useless post: 235 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths in Potatoland https://archive.is/PQ1Mp, 150 new confirmed cases and 4 new confirmed deaths in /Pol/and


Kek, still remember this pic.

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6c1bca  No.82767


Most of USA will be fine. There will be a few major cities that become hell. NYC is definitely fucked. I think the entire West coast is fucked. Maybe Miami too. NYC is the next Wuhan, London will suffer greatly too.

To see which Western cities are going to get fucked, look at which leaders are looking for people to blame. They know and are already starting the blame game.

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672f6e  No.82771

File: 08e5146c0c5fdd5⋯.png (283.41 KB, 623x469, 89:67, 1432986715155.png)

State Dept scrambles to bring 13,000 stranded Americans home

The State Department says more than 13,000 Americans stranded abroad have contacted the agency for help getting home amid the coronavirus outbreak, a senior official told reporters Monday.

The Trump administration is scrambling to charter commercial flights to dozens of countries – amid mounting pressure from lawmakers and their marooned constituents.

But State Department officials are also telling Americans to get home on commercial flights – if that's even possible, as more countries impose severe travel restrictions and mass quarantines to stop the spread of the disease.

"We are encouraging people … to avail themselves of commercial means (to get back to the U.S.) while they still exist," said the senior State Department official, who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity. "But that window is closing fast."

There's no guarantee, he said, the U.S. government will be able to get every American home, particularly those stuck in hard-to-reach locations.

"I'm hesitant to give a guarantee we can move every single person," the official said.


Fuck, the Department of State is trying to bring more with those are potently asymptomatic inside the country? This is why Coronavirus is growing

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9932ef  No.82772

File: 222273e75969f25⋯.png (31.26 KB, 783x489, 261:163, Screenshot_2020_03_25_22_5….png)

File: 0baf463d771e669⋯.png (27.41 KB, 774x487, 774:487, Screenshot_2020_03_25_22_5….png)


>it wouldn't take much for another mass-infection incident and then we're right back here.

Yeah. Maybe. I'll get on board with that when I see it happen somewhere else first. Maybe Iran will have a resurgence. They keep reporting cases but deaths have peaked.


>NYC is definitely fucked.

Any anons on the ground in NYC? I'd like to get a first hand report on the chimpometer

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d15944  No.82773


Bellevue anon here, and things are actually really calm in Seattle Metro. Even have a 'B' rank on this big brother style cell phone movement tracking site:


No chimping, aside from Inslee putting a soft but enforceable shelter in place order down last night.

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d2da35  No.82774


the trumpbux are a tax rebate advance, you owe that money back.

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00bd2f  No.82776

File: 581b3648b3a7196⋯.jpg (295.12 KB, 1158x659, 1158:659, 3_26_2020.jpg)

Almost half a million people officially documented with Wuflu, and a single person can infect an entire town, seasons are changing, Africa and Australia are cooling down and that means it's about to heat up.

Brazil, India, South Africa, UK,

New York, Washington, California, Florida and Louisiana are set to burn down soon.

Soon this map will be a giant red spot. (even after they changed the UI to make the dots smaller a week or so ago)


Like rats on a sinking ship, humans will attempt to flee a city that's infected, unknowingly bringing that infection with them. This shit-show is just getting started.

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acaf1c  No.82777

File: 6c19175840e0db8⋯.jpg (690.83 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, corona_chan_stand.jpg)


>They keep reporting cases but deaths have peaked.

Trust me they haven't.

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67c62d  No.82778

there won't be a second wave, i know people that got corona last year back in November. This has been circulating for longer than people think, and immunity testing in a week will show that we're already at herd immunity. This happening will be completely over by the end of April, I'd put money on it.

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957fc1  No.82780


>Like rats on a sinking ship, humans will attempt to flee a city that's infected, unknowingly bringing that infection with them. This shit-show is just getting started.

Gov of Florida already prohibited travel from NYC to Florida in general. Though only via airplanes so far.

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d2da35  No.82782


that last image is named incorrectly vs its caption, that was the Chinese buying up global supplies of the things they'd need to fight coronachan.

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9932ef  No.82783


Trips have spoken.

But you doubt the worst korea stats too?

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957fc1  No.82784


Xi is a faggot, don't you agree?

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00bd2f  No.82785

File: 1a137149385382a⋯.jpg (400.13 KB, 1882x1000, 941:500, game.jpg)

My answer is April 1st for 1 million and July 1st for a leveling of graph.

Fight me.

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d2da35  No.82786


it isn't aid to Straya, and they were buying up the worlds supply of stuff while downplaying the hell out of their escaped bioweapon, so yeah.

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00bd2f  No.82788



like China has to buy shit from other countries, I mean, stick to calling Xi a faggot or something. You just sound silly now.

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9932ef  No.82790

File: d5f1b7cf32c7e9f⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 490x338, 245:169, xi.jpg)


Bullshit. I live in a town in eastern europe and chinks even came to our local harware store an cleaned out all the supplies there.

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6c1bca  No.82791


I think it was more like Chinese abroad were buying things to make sure their host countries didn't have them. But they did have a shortage, China does a lot of exporting, so they were "reclaiming" exported goods back to China. Do you not remember those dumb chinks with water jugs on their heads? They clearly didn't have enough supplies at one point.

All those supplies sent to China, and what have they done? They are doing things like posting on cuckchan about how USA is finished, China will take over, etc. You can find videos of them clearly spreading disease, spitting on produce, wiping their used tissue on park benches.

We are at war with them. Whether Corona was released on purpose or accident, China is exploiting the situation to harm the West. And they won't stop, they want the West on lock down as long as possible while their economy is chugging away, going back to normal.

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4781ad  No.82792


Hopefully this will help the demographics problems in the US as major leftists cities produce some of the countries worst and most corrupted politicians and govt officials. If the major cities die off America stands a chance to return back to the norm (50s style).

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672f6e  No.82794



I think china did this, so they could pretend to help the rest of world, making the rest world more dependent on china when another disaster happens, this is about political control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_syndrome

>People with hero syndrome generally cause an accident or disaster with the intention of then coming in to render aid, and become the 'hero'. The reasons for this often vary. The perpetrator may be trying to validate their own self-worth, or be seen as brave by others. In this way, hero syndrome is comparable to Munchausen syndrome. For example, an arsonist may start a house on fire so they can rescue the people inside, in an attempt to garner the respect and gratitude of the victims and any potential spectators, or a doctor may induce a heart attack in a patient so they can then 'save' them.

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ec5adf  No.82795

File: f029c09fac0e4a2⋯.gif (40.47 KB, 728x90, 364:45, 4f0f2edc0a3b411c8fbcc28104….gif)

Got this banner at the top of the page while browsing using Tor.

I think that says everything that needs to be said about people in this thread and /pnd/.

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649802  No.82796


>Like rats on a sinking ship, humans will attempt to flee a city that's infected, unknowingly bringing that infection with them. This shit-show is just getting started.

Remember, in most rural and small town America it is not only legal to own arms, but also legal to use lethal self-defense against those who threaten you or your families lives. In many areas this includes the protection of property too. And if SHTF, you are less likely have to worry about laws because there won't be much enforcement if things get too out of control.

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6c1bca  No.82797


I fully expect an exodus from liberal cities in the USA. There is a perfect storm, misbehaving minorities, everything closed down, obvious it's less safe and sanitary, and most people can work remotely just fine. A lot of people will be wondering why they cope with living in a city and paying more when they can live in the suburbs or rural areas, make the same money, and work from home. Between the massive shift to the right this is causing some people to experience, and them fleeing cities, it could be a perfect storm of liberals losing power. If only it happened a few years ago before the census.

It's not guaranteed, but I'm waiting for it.

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c140f9  No.82798

File: c23972f22a1bd93⋯.png (284.12 KB, 1203x1079, 1203:1079, Screenshot_2020_03_23_cvg_….png)


>fight me

pic related you dumb cunt

good luck, you're already infected

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d15944  No.82799


It's propaganda and blame deflection, anon. Commie dictatorships have to operate in this bubble where their citizens must know, without a doubt, that the party leaders are always right and can do no wrong. There's also all that Mandate of Heaven shit that's unique to China. The CCP needs a scapegoat, so fuck it, why not blame the US? And the supplies, which are also very minor, are going to countries they want as part of their Silk Road 2.0 initiative or to disrupt things in those regions. Nothing China is doing stems from any inherent goodness or desire to help. Remember, the Chinese are soulless and lack empathy - just go read a few of those studies.


I'm sorry anon, but this is a fantasy. The libs in those cities are too far gone, and it would take something like mass food riots for half a year to knock them out of their stupor. So long as Amazon keeps delivering and they can get artisanal avocado toast via Door Dash, they will not change their thinking.

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94a249  No.82800


Rolling for Rothschilds and Rockefellers to bet blessed


>2369 Israelis

They seem to have a pretty high number, probably due to being so densely populated.

I wonder where the first major chimpenings are going to be?

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177c8e  No.82801


Nope. That's just a website ad, Jim put it there to make money from perverts and idiots who visit the site. There are many normal people who visit this site too who won't ever click that shit. We typically come here for talk and information, keeping tabs. This includes us paranoid preppers. Lurk more.

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957fc1  No.82804


>Rothschilds and Rockefellers

That would be icing on the cake. End their so called "Dominion".

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6c1bca  No.82806

File: 63eda4969e812ff⋯.png (1006.31 KB, 920x613, 920:613, ClipboardImage.png)


There are always going to be libs who are too far gone, but there's a lot of people who aren't that bad and who are going to leave. We're already seeing people leave Illinois, California, etc in droves. Illinois population is actually going down because people are leaving so fast. It's just going to get worse if Corona pops off in Chicago. Those hardcore libs are loud, they aren't numerous. A lot of city people are there because they (thought) they had to be there for work. Corona has proven that the vast majority of them don't have to be there.


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54b595  No.82807

File: ffd944e4dd92569⋯.jpg (138.83 KB, 1600x1002, 800:501, trump_cl.jpg)

what is this hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin meme I have heard about, does it work?

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7b747a  No.82808


Checked. Shit is winding down but there will be a big push for authoritarian power grab in the wake of this, and the economic devastation is going to be the real long term impact.

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7b747a  No.82809


I doubt it anon, not enough is changing or happening. If anything they will all realize they can work from home, and these milquetoast "lockdowns" aren't really doing much to interrupt daily life, especially in cities where they have a cartoon of delivery service options. Coronachan just didn't do enough damage even if it rocked the boat hard.

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c66c95  No.82810


> This happening will be completely over by the end of April, I'd put money on it.

I heard April 8 is the scheduled date.

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acaf1c  No.82811

File: a3dde4b17339890⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 804x843, 268:281, before.jpg)

File: 7a3b060e3af16e5⋯.jpg (110.79 KB, 804x881, 804:881, after.jpg)

File: 4b10313a9489ef4⋯.png (162.81 KB, 539x476, 77:68, chinks_rewriting_history.png)

Chinks at the Global Times (CCP owned news agency) rewriting history https://archive.is/qzBPK I will try to have a short nap now


It's not that I doubt them. I just don't care if they're going down. Corona-Chan will stop her rampage after she frees this world from the elements that are corrupting it. It's simple as that. Remember, faith overpowers everything.


Fuck I misread it. Sorry about that, I have reached the point where my body is running on willpower alone, that's how tired I am.


>Rolling for Rothschilds and Rockefellers to bet blessed


>I wonder where the first major chimpenings are going to be?

Tel Aviv


>does it work?



Because I say so. The horrible side effects sure work, though.

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d0216f  No.82813

File: 2e2f4f14077c641⋯.jpg (138.83 KB, 1100x920, 55:46, 1584619519936.jpg)

File: a14395bf414eaa1⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 749x1080, 749:1080, 1584393534153.jpg)


>the trumpbux are a tax rebate advance, you owe that money back.

Wait. So we get a checks now, but have to pay it back next year when filing taxes?


>hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

azithromycin is an antibiotic that is used to treat strong infections, it's colloquially called a z-pac and been used since the early 90s. It's a proven performer with some real dangers for sick folks with liver or heart problems. It's widely used for lung infections since it can be used at extremely strong doses for a week. I got prescribed some for the "flu" or "ILI"back in early January. Also protips guys, if you go to a doctor for a minor problem pay in cash since your service is a fuckton better when they actually give a fuck since they don't have to fight insurance companies over petty shit like diagnostic tests.

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c66c95  No.82814


> Rolling for Rothschilds and Rockefellers to bet blessed

Are there even any Rockefellers left?

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7b747a  No.82815


Many. They are still highly influential, they just keep out of the press these days. And the (((Rockefeller Foundation))) is very much in full swing

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9932ef  No.82816


Yes but the case fatality rate doesn't apply to non-cases, you would then have to also look at the infection fatality rate which is probably like 0.1% or less. All that matters are mortaity and morbidity stats in the end.

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c66c95  No.82817


> So we get a checks now, but have to pay it back next year when filing taxes?

with interest

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871bea  No.82818


Only if your income is above $75k.

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672f6e  No.82819

File: e40c87a18ad0107⋯.gif (212.12 KB, 525x525, 1:1, 1423692377857.gif)


>There are always going to be libs who are too far gone, but there's a lot of people who aren't that bad and who are going to leave.

fuck you stay where you are. You faggots are destroying Florida, stop sending shady people and companies down here.ok you could have SoFl

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c66c95  No.82820


> the (((Rockefeller Foundation))) is very much in full swing

So is the Ford Foundation but by this time it's nothing Henry would approve of.

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608952  No.82821


Do you have PROOF too that claim? Please back up what you claim with proof.

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a51cae  No.82822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you an essential worker?

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18ad24  No.82823

File: 384740093fec506⋯.png (2.56 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, really_makes_me_rape_I_mea….png)

File: f752929b19e5c65⋯.png (276.4 KB, 581x633, 581:633, corona_chan_laughing_at_yo….png)



That's a good gif. Just imagine if gazed lovingly into you with her lovely red/green eyes.




>Oy vey remember the 6 million masks destroyed in the holocough.


>>82811 (Checked)

So they changed the title, but in the revision body, they still say the people were "diagnosed with the new type of coronavirus." Even when doing what they do best and going full 1984, the Chinese still screw up. It's like a CCP son of a bitch came up to you and said "Ah yes, I rike the book 1983 as werr." And yes, I am aware that 90% of people simply read the headlines and take them as the facts. Failing to fool 10% is still going kick the CCP in the ass. By the way Brazilbro, the "before" and the "after" pics are supposed be reversed. Please get some sleep, you need it!

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c66c95  No.82824


> Only if your income is above $75k

If you made that much you don't get any trumpbux.

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dc9d7e  No.82826


>Looks like lockdowns are fairly effective.

Well of course they are, it is to be expected for the numbers to slow down a week or two after quarantine from then on it'll be a back and forth.

No this won't be the end of the world.


That will leave us worse than how we started, we need a crisis big enough to really reset the system, one like this that only shakes it a little does us more harm than good.

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d6d79e  No.82827


Stop spreading FUD asshole. You know it's reversed. Anyone who makes under 75K gets a handout, and those who are married and have a family too.

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a51cae  No.82828



An individual who makes under $75k gets $1200

A couple who makes under $150k gets $2400

Every qualifying child gets $500

So, a family of 4 will get $3400.

They check the 2019 tax return and issue the checks. If you haven't filed 2019 yet, then they check 2018. Tax offset (for things like back owed child support or back owed taxes) will not be in effect. Normally the process takes about 2 months - as past stimulus checks have shown - but they're expediting this one.

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02f11c  No.82829

Traders Puke After Bernie Sanders Threatens To Hold Up Coronavirus Package

I thought Bernie was for public bailouts and free gibs? WTF is going on here?

tocks tumbled into the bell after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) became the latest lawmaker to threaten to hold up the coronavirus stimulus package "until stronger conditions are imposed on the $500 billion corporate welfare fund."

"Unless Senators Graham (R-SC), Sasse (R-NE) and Time Scott (R-SC) drop their anti-worker objections to fast-tracking the emergency coronavirus legislation, I am prepared to put a hold on this bill until stronger conditions are imposed on the $500 billion corporate welfare fund," Sanders said over Twitter.

"Unless Republican Senators drop their objections to the coronavirus legislation, I am prepared to put a hold on this bill until stronger conditions are imposed on the $500 billion corporate welfare fund." (lol, the corporate welfare is for the smaller businesses this time, you monopolist kike!)

Looks like AOC wants to get in on the holdup as well.

AOC warns she may force House members to return for stimulus vote, potentially delaying final passage, via @mkraju.

GOP Senators have cautioned against fast-tracking the bull as it stands, which would "create a perverse incentive to sever the employer/employee relationship," according to a spokesman for Sen. Sasse (R-NE).

The Senators are working on an amendment which would ensure that the maximum unemployment benefit is 100% of someone's salary.

First it was Nancy Pelosi 'rode into town from her extended vacation' to kill the GOP coronavirus bill.

Now, despite what we were told was a done dea, three Republican Senators have demanded an "immediate fix" to a drafting error in the bill which may delay its passage.

Sens. Scott (SC), Sasse(NE) and Graham (SC) wrote in a Wednesday letter:

"A massive drafting error in the current version of the coronavirus relief legislation could have devastating consequences: Unless this bill is fixed, there is a strong incentive for employees to be laid off instead of going to work. This isn't an abstract, philosophical point – it's an immediate, real-world problem."

According to the Senators, "If the federal government accidentally incentivizes layoffs, we risk life-threatening shortages in sectors were doctors, nurses and cooks are trying to get food to families' tables."



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a51cae  No.82831


That is not in the bill. Companies taking loans from the package have to pay it back, individuals do not.

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871bea  No.82832


A one-time $1,200 check for adults making $75,000 or less. Everything above that you'll have to pay back.


>An individual who makes under $75k gets $1200

That's what I said. Read the post I replied to.

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930307  No.82833


St Pete Florida jewmayor continues to play blame game. New rules instituted, but are suggestions, no enforcement. Hoping county or state government will bail him out by playing the heavy.


Kek believes in you. Take my energy!

Close to two weeks ago the local tv news was running stories about how food banks and such get a lot of their food/supplies donated due to supermarket surplus, and that drying up. Today, story is about how one food bank for the little kiddies at risk has a stockpile of only two weeks now. Their talking head blames it on common people stockpiling.

>What we have here is a failure to virtue signal.

These city parasites finding out they consume more than they produce.


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a51cae  No.82835


Old news, faggot. There's a new package that includes the oversight Democrats wanted. Now it's Republicans holding it up because they think the unemployment benefit increase is "too generous".

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6c1bca  No.82836


>I thought Bernie was for public bailouts and free gibs? WTF is going on here?

Liberals do not want to give gibs to white people. They only want to give them to illegal immigrants and poor people. They always talk about needing to help people with a strong social safety net. And here we have a social safety net that applies to white people, and they fucking hate it. But when it's time to give shit to illegal immigrants, they're all over it. Every time they say they want to help "people", they really mean niggers, spics, and druggy fucks.

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bdf3ed  No.82837

File: 501d552cf7e3aa1⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 640x416, 20:13, 1479962295146.jpg)



………….Confirmed cases…….Change from Sunday…..Deaths

New York……..30,811……..15,018……..+95%……..285

New Jersey……..3,675……..1,761……..+92%……..44








Georgia 1,097……..497……..+83%……..38


Texas 1,031……..404……..+64%……..13

Colorado……..912……..436 +92%……..11

Tennessee……..814……..309 +61%……..2



North Carolina…….. 529……..227……..+75%……..2

Wisconsin……..488……..107 +28%……..5




South Carolina……..342……..146……..+74%……..7




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de0035  No.82840


Nice try, but Commiefornia is not America, it resembles NOTHING of the kind.

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fe0122  No.82841


>Everything above that you'll have to pay back.

Does it say that in the current bill that it must be paid back? If so where? Where can you find this and read it?

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0754a6  No.82843


Don't worry about prepping! Trust our (((system)))!

Yesterday the Chair of the FDIC released an astonishing video asking Americans to keep their money in the bank.

Accompanied by soft piano music playing in the background, the official said: “Your money is safe at the banks. The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks thinking it’s going to be safer somewhere else.”

Amazing. I was half expecting her to waive her hand and say, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for…”

As I’ve written before, there’s $250 TRILLION worth of debt in the world right now: student debt, housing debt, credit card debt, government debt, corporate debt, etc.

And let’s be honest, some of that debt is simply not going to be paid.

Millions of people have already lost their jobs. Millions more (like the 10 million waiters and bartenders across America) are barely earning anything right now because their businesses are closed.

A lot of those folks have no emergency savings to fall back on during times of crisis, so they’re going to be forced to choose: pay the rent, or buy food.

The government has already suspended evictions and foreclosures, which is a green light for people to stop paying the rent or mortgage.

And that means banks will take it in the teeth.

This is what happened back in 2008– millions of people across the country stopped paying their mortgages, and the banking system nearly collapsed as a result.

Today it’s a similar situation; a lot of people are going to stop paying their mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, etc. And that directly impacts the banks.

Businesses are in deep financial trouble too.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the median small business in the United States has a cash balance that will last them just 27 days.

And many are operating with an even smaller safety net; the median restaurant, for example, has a cash balance of just 16 days.

These businesses have been told to close down due to the Corona Virus. And it’s likely that many of them will never re-open.

A lot of these companies also have debt. And if they close, those debts will never be repaid.

Even big businesses are susceptible to failure.

Every airline, cruise ship operator, hotel, retail chain, etc. is on the ropes, and each of these companies has borrowed billions of dollars.

This pandemic could easily push several big companies into bankruptcy.

You probably know that old saying– if you owe the bank a million dollars and can’t pay, you have a problem. If you owe the bank a billion dollars and can’t pay, the bank has a problem.

That’s what we’re seeing now.

Countless unemployed individuals, millions of shuttered small businesses, and bankrupt big companies collectively owe the banks trillions of dollars. And many of them can’t pay… which means the entire banking system has a problem.

How much money will the banks lose because of this pandemic? It could easily end up being hundreds of billions of dollars, even several trillion dollars.


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67c62d  No.82844


could Americans stop saying "folks" please? It's very cringe. Just say people instead. Thank you!

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b95261  No.82845


Apple Tumbles After Report Says 5G iPhone Could Be Delayed To 2021

A new report from Nikkei Asian Review states that Apple could delay the launch of its 5G iPhone over supply chain disruptions in China and new fears of demand issues as the global economy crashes.

Sources told Nikkei that Apple has "held internal discussions on the possibility of delaying the launch by months, three people familiar with the matter said, while supply chain sources say practical hurdles could push back the release, originally scheduled for September."

"Supply chain constraint aside, Apple is concerned that the current situation would significantly lower consumer appetite to upgrade their phones, which could lead to a tame reception of the first 5G iPhone," said the source. "They need the first 5G iPhone to be a hit."

None of this should be surprising considering our March 6 report that specified, "the iPhone 5G launch in the fall could see a month of delay."

Another source told Nikkei that a final decision on the 5G iPhone delay could arrive in May.

"The discussion is still at an early stage, and the fall launch is not completely off the table," the source said. "But the 5G iPhone could be postponed to 2021 in the worst-case scenario."

Just like the Olympics, it seems that Apple could delay its latest and greatest 5G iPhone to 2021.


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a51cae  No.82847


If you don't like American colloquialisms, why are you on an American website?

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871bea  No.82848


I saw that 2 days ago on Twitter. I don't know if they changed anything.

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67c62d  No.82849


If you want to use German colloquialisms, why are you using the English language?

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6c1bca  No.82850


Not all Americans are people, we are used to having to call sub 80IQ spics and niggers "folks".

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a51cae  No.82851


English is a Germanic language.

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a51cae  No.82852


>2 days ago

A new agreement and changes to the bill were made around 1 o'clock this morning. Gotta keep up, anon.

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786a04  No.82854


fucking heiled


let's hope they spread corona chan's blessing to all their pedo buddies


>muh six gorillon

a really weird coehncidence but i'm not sure what (((their))) endgame with this


lucky trips confirm


nice get


i'm not a merimutt but aren't the blue parts of the map the ones with the largest amount of coofers?

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18ad24  No.82856


So the question is after understanding to always do the opposite of what (((they))) tell you, what do you put your savings in? Spend on homesteading stuff? Precious Metals? Land?


>The bastard child of Anglo-Saxon, French, and Latin is a "Germanic" language

Hahaha! Great joke anon! You really got me.

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17b85e  No.82857



We'll use whatever language we want here. We don't obey rules.

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a51cae  No.82858


>doesn't know the difference between American English and UK English

Can't fix stupid, I guess.

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8fd643  No.82862

File: c22765897316306⋯.png (91.48 KB, 290x288, 145:144, concerned_anime_aligator.png)

Why do normalfags and migapedes think that this all over now that Trump passed a stimulus bill?

Are they all going to start going out again, spreading it even more?

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388d8a  No.82863

File: d8dde229fbfd585⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 42e.jpg)


$600 a week is fucking retarded Yang-tier bullshit, and Yang was low-balling $1000 a fucking month as a commie chink.

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72fece  No.82866

Commie LA To Shut Off Water and Power To Small Businesses That Refuse To Shut Down

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti opened his daily briefing Tuesday recognizing what may have been the first teenage COVID-19 death in L.A. County and went on to announce actions against nonessential businesses that don't close and a new portal for recruiting medics.

He reminded young people that the virus can hit them too, urging them to stay at home and practice social distancing.

The mayor went on to announce the "business ambassadors program" — an effort to get nonessential businesses to close.

“This behavior is irresponsible and selfish,” he said of those that remain open.

He said the Department of Water and Power will shut off services for the businesses that don't comply with the "safer at home" ordinance.

Neighborhood prosecutors will implement safety measures and will contact the businesses before issuing further action, according to Garcetti.

“The easiest way to avoid a visit is to follow the rules,” he said.

On Sunday, Garcetti had announced the city's online portal where high-risk residents could sign up to get tested for COVID-19. As of Tuesday, 2,800 tests were completed, according to the mayor, and in the coming three days, that capacity would double to 5,500 tests.

“Every test is crucial and I wish we could be doing so many more,” Garcetti said.

Similar to those of the past week, the press conference was held remotely with media dialing in by phone to heed social distancing rules.

The briefing came after Garcetti announced an emergency order Monday, prohibiting residential rental units from being removed from the rental market.

The mayor had also announced that restaurants and bars could deliver alcoholic beverages, as a means of stimulating business.

An L.A. City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday was cancelled until further notice.


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a51cae  No.82868


$600 a week for 13 weeks isn't unreasonable, especially if someone's been laid off because government ordered their job to shut down. That's not $600 week just for falling out of an American vagina. You actually had to have been working an actual job to get that money.

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4ad7d0  No.82869


It's not over, it's just the fact people need fiscal aid because so many businesses have been closed. You do realize most Americans have to make a living, right? You do realize that losing a job can ruin you and your financial situation, right anon? Most people today live paycheck to paycheck.

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a51cae  No.82870


The world is learning a valuable lesson in just how poor the citizens of the "richest country in the world" actually are.

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930307  No.82872



That’s on top of unemployment benefits. Amazing neetbux these days.

Looters run wild in Portland Oregon in wake of do-not-arrest order. Lootland?

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472d2d  No.82873


>You do realize that losing a job can ruin you and your financial situation, right anon? Most people today live paycheck to paycheck.

It's not legal to live without paying taxes in the US.


Illegal in every state.



>living in the wilderness

That's squatting on government land, illegal

>living in a car

Registration and licensing.

>building a small house on a family member's land

Likely an illegal domicile, as you won't have the permit, won't have the inspections, and won't have the zoning approval.

The US is permeated with rent seeking behavior.

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39631d  No.82874


In reality the US is NOT rich at all. We are the ones with the biggest DEBTS. Debt is not wealth. Don't confuse debt with wealth like Keynesian economists do.

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a51cae  No.82875


Unemployment is not "neetbux".

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3b8058  No.82876


checked. This ride is just getting warmed up.


addendum: Whites have a specific ability to become immune, unless drug abusers.

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5800d3  No.82877


A lot of that is going to change very soon if the public doesn't get bailed out and the masses lose their income. Sit back, watch and enjoy the show.

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67c62d  No.82879


>addendum: Whites have a specific ability to become immune, unless drug abusers.

as much of an anti-happening fag as i am, it's almost as if there's something to this. The virus just doesn't seem to take hold in white areas, and i don't think it's due to le good healthcare system.

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472d2d  No.82882


>That’s on top of unemployment benefits. Amazing neetbux these days.

Unemployment is paid by the business while you work.

Social Security is withdrawn from your paycheck without the ability to opt-out.

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8fd643  No.82884


>It's not over, it's just the fact people need fiscal aid because so many businesses have been closed. You do realize most Americans have to make a living, right? You do realize that losing a job can ruin you and your financial situation, right anon? Most people today live paycheck to paycheck.

I know this, but I don't think normalfags do.

I've been seeing a lot of "it's just the flu, bro" memes and mentality today.

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eb074d  No.82885



"Chinese doctor discovers novel coronavirus in patient's cerebrospinal fluid"

March 4th, 2020

>A Chinese doctor has warned the novel coronavirus can attack a person's central nervous system as gene sequencing at Beijing Ditan Hospital has found coronavirus in the cerebrospinal fluid of a 56-year-old confirmed COVID-19 patient with encephalitis, which provides evidence that COVID-19 can invade patients' nervous systems, just like SARS and MERS.

Sars-Cov-2 has been confirmed. Maybe I have a huge misunderstanding but originally I thought COVID-19 and Sars-CoV-2 were separate virus when it fact its Sars-CoV-2 thats the virus and COVID-19 is the name of the disease.

>The paper is authored by a team led by Hu Bo, a doctor from Union Hospital under the Huazhong University of Science and Technology and has not been peer-reviewed.

>It said that 30 percent of the 214 patients the team studied showed symptoms in their nervous systems and the rate is even higher in critical patients at 45.5 percent.

Doesn't need to be peer reviewed if Chinas treatment guide proves it can damage brain tissue.

>China issued the seventh treatment guide for COVID-19 on Tuesday that includes results of autopsies, which clarifies that the novel coronavirus could damage various organs including brain tissue.

I can't find the Chinese National Health Commission source for their report that says it can cause brain tissue damage. That's the smoking gun I'm looking for. Something from an (((authoritative))) power telling people its fucking dangerous. But googles pretty dry on the pipe with this. You search anything about coronavirus related to CNS damage or it being found in spinal fluid and you get crickets. Am I to assume that its nothing simply because I can't find it on the web?


This is an article that says Corona isn't a bioweapon. That theory has been seemingly debunked everywhere. The spike protein that is similar to HIV-1 is actually a mutation or adaptation from RaTG13 which is actually another Bat Coronavirus. This article also had some cool basic information about viruses I just wanted to share

>The scientists analyzed the genetic template for spike proteins, armatures on the outside of the virus that it uses to grab and penetrate the outer walls of human and animal cells. More specifically, they focused on two important features of the spike protein: the receptor-binding domain (RBD), a kind of grappling hook that grips onto host cells, and the cleavage site, a molecular can opener that allows the virus to crack open and enter host cells.

This is what I've found from my own digging just now. Trying to contribute however I can. I know recently the hantavirus thing caught on, has anyone seen anything new about it? I haven't. Unless we hear about human to human transmission from South America it's not likely to spread like Corona-Chan has.


Checked I trust you completely now

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930307  No.82886


People who retired recently are facepalming over missing out on this helicopter money.


In your case, lurk for three years.


You mean unemployment insurance. Lurk for a few more years.

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7d488f  No.82887


squatting isn't illegal usually


with millions dead, you're gonna have many houses to choose from

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d4f002  No.82889


People do it all the time, even when things are totally normal and they are actually in the wrong for doing so…. just imagine when a real crisis hits over here. There will be home squatters, a lot of them, and they will be angry and armed which eviction becomes a risky task. The more like that, the more unlikely it can be controlled.

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480b57  No.82890

200 NYPD Officers Test Positive For COVID-19 As NYC Cements Its Position As 'Epicenter' Of US Outbreak

There are 236 employees of the NYPD who have tested positive for COVID-19, according to numbers provided by the department. Of those, 197 are officers and 39 are civilians.

Meanwhile, during another rambling press conference, President Trump again insisted that large swaths of the country could probably go "back to normal" during the coming days even as health officials and governors warn that doing so could lead to thousands more deaths. Trump also tussled with reporters on Wednesday, with Trump claiming in a roundabout way that the economic crisis at hand was engineered by the media, before insisting that the US has "run more tests than anybody", a statement that is flagrantly false, though the US has caught up with remarkable speed.

Not that it matters: As is typical during a national crisis, Trump's popularity has climbed, with Gallup finding that Trump's popularity has climbed to 49% approval, matching his personal best.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said there are now 198 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the state with 35 new cases. There were fewer new cases added Wednesday than Tuesday, he added.

As NYC's outbreak crisis shifts to Queens, Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed that Elmhurst hospital has seen at least 13 deaths. At least 285 New Yorkers have died from the outbreak so far.

Update (1800ET): The White House has just kicked off Wednesday's press conference…notably with Dr. Fauci in tow:



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051146  No.82891

File: 67df6c2ced1f0b2⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 384x372, 32:31, 1524091234_1492700094268.gif)




Choose one

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75679e  No.82892




We had chinks raiding the supplies in early January; lesser shitpostingland has been fucked by them for years, massive bug dens through the major cities and out into the rural areas in last few years too. I live in a fairly White area and they have been conspicuously invisible since January, except they came out en masse to buy up all the masks etc. A friend secured respirators for us, picked up the last 3 on the shelf just as a group of bugs came to buy them. The forums for chinese in NZ have been full of bilious vomit and hate against locals… I have all my digits crossed for the death and rotting of all their family members and friends back in their homeland.

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051146  No.82893

File: 2c77d6b1c8cf884⋯.png (51.96 KB, 745x479, 745:479, Screenshot_from_2020_03_23….png)

File: f5c9bb40e6f06ab⋯.png (41.17 KB, 1004x237, 1004:237, Screenshot_from_2020_03_23….png)


2% is a given and you can go by that. That is empirically extrapolated. Just because you don't count the dead that you didn't confirm as strictly corona sufferers that doesn't mean that death count doesn't apply to them.

See Italy? They don't have the time to make obduction so they chuck it up to coronachan.

Should we take their numbers or say that those numbers are just part of those 15% of hospitalized infections.

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7eb8dc  No.82897

File: 523f8b61b4572af⋯.pdf (266.21 KB, BILLS_116hr6201_SUS.pdf)



> Argument over the Coronavirus Bill's contents


Read, niggers.

File attached.

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a51cae  No.82898


I don't have to lurk. "Neetbux" is gibsmedats like food stamps and welfare. Unemployment is not welfare. It's insurance, similar to social security. It's not an entitlement. It's something you build up by virtue of having a paying job in an actual company. It's the buffer you get if you get laid off or your company goes under. It's not permanent.

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a51cae  No.82900


I already read it, nigger. What I said comes from that very bill.

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000000  No.82902

So South Korea and Italy are kind of winding down now. Looks like lockdowns are fairly effective.

I think the US and UK are the last hope for a boogaloo. They delayed the reaction for a long time and probably it will be big there. Everywhere else will just shutdown for a couple of months. Then we will see how things change. Hopefully the lasting impact will be a move away from globalisation. 0.5% chance of global boogaloo. 3% chance of isolated burger boogaloos. 100% chance london falls from its prime and becomes a filthy unlivable shithole with roving gangs of niggers HAPАS ARE SUРERIOR TO WHITES

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7eb8dc  No.82903


> Anon already read it

Good job, my fellow nigger. But this nigger is still working on it. Can you recall where it outlines the neetbux? Did I (this nigger) post the right link? This nigger would rather go play with his kids than read (((legislation))).

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6c1bca  No.82905

lmao, I'm getting spam emails from Chinese sites to buy masks. Fuck these insectoids so fucking hard. The rest of the world tries to help them when they're in trouble, and when the rest of the world is in trouble, they want to profit. I'm so fucking done with chinks and china.

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d15944  No.82906


You're old news here, anon. Here's what's actually going on with this shit:

>Dems hold up v1 bill by loading it with bullshit Green New Deal pork additions

>Trump and Repubs tell the dems to go fuck themselves and blame them (correctly) for holding up this thing with their ideological nonsense

>Dems relent, but want certain related provisions in, like limits on stock buybacks from companies who get this bailout

>Repubs agree, looks like it's going forward

>A few GOP senators (correctly) point out that, based on how its written, people could be incentivized to get laid off and collect free dosh. They want that language adjusted

>This is when Bernie chimps out and say 'No, I'll not agree unless you leave it alone'

And I think it's still in this limbo as of right now. Could just be a gambit by Sanders to stay in the news since he still hasn't bowed out of the DNC-fucked primary process.

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7eb8dc  No.82907



> Dumbniggeranon posted the wrong fucking bill

Dammit. Who has a link to today's legistation?

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000000  No.82909


the chad polnigger

>does not give a fuck about the fact that an outlier is 1 in a billion

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aaa218  No.82910

File: e7001babb0d7ce1⋯.png (957 KB, 2917x1593, 2917:1593, Chinese_Virus_America_25th….png)

File: 766cc65a27d007e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 3139x1766, 3139:1766, Chinese_Virus_24th_March_2….png)

The Chinese Virus dataset has removed recovered data from this point forward so I've scrapped the stat.

The data is up to 24th March as I'll need to re-engineer the dataset due to structural changes. The source data is object/nosql but I require transformed flatfiles. The source data is obtained by daily objects showing only that days total stat per region, to work out a time dimensionality of daily numbers, differencing of all previous dates incrimental changes is required.

America is consolidated into one region now on the main chart as they've upped their game on location too much and the visual is hard to read. I've included an example of this in a separate America chart (including todays data) so you can see the issue in that the viewer can't see the wood for the trees. Again, the size is number of cases and mortality % shades their colour for the esri maps.

Perhaps I can cheat a bit and truncate the lat&long for america only, to group nearby regions into blobs.

Each country will begin from the date they posted a double digit case count onwards. The Confirmed vs death curve now omits China so you can see a truer curve, China's data is fake as fuck and it's clear when you examine the relational shape of deaths against cases.

Sweden are taking a do nothing approach so have been included in the plague corner, replacing the UK who have now locked down.

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672f6e  No.82912


That's the bill before it passed through the senate. I was listening on the senate hearing, I was trying to update anons on the bill and provisions have been agreed to in short summary. They have to write out the changes to the bill before they send it out to the president

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18ad24  No.82913


Wait a minute, this post, I've seen it somewhere…


How many cops need to be sick before all hell breaks loose on NYC?

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288e92  No.82914

File: 0a198ee1acfbd21⋯.jpeg (338.45 KB, 1600x1054, 800:527, huoc.jpeg)

File: 076e5c6b0daee65⋯.png (398.21 KB, 686x581, 98:83, not_that_different_at_all.png)

File: 7d9e9b88a7cc57c⋯.png (348.4 KB, 684x580, 171:145, cops_at_the_bus_terminal.png)

File: 261ab10994c7d85⋯.png (356.49 KB, 682x586, 341:293, Corona_Chan_will_spread_he….png)

Got a new ID because my niggernet just started spazzing out again, It's gonna be one of those days

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

First & second bloods plus shitskin slum dwellers don't give a shit Edition

We now have 46-4 officially confirmed cases and two confirmed deaths. One of them is official, and the other is unofficial. The official one is an very old man with many underlying conditions so fuck it, he could have died due to a soft breeze. The unofficial one is a woman that officially died of influenza but I call bullshit on that. They tested her not sure if alive or dead and the test resulted in a negative, but considering Corona-Chan's stealthy nature and the unreliability of tests, I'm convinced that she was blessed.

New measures

>Cops and inspectors from the public transport company are now present at bus terminals, to ensure the shitskins won't overcrowd the bus and gather around too closely while waiting for it

>The state's water company received the same order from the government as the power company: They are no longer allowed to cut the water supply of homes which don't pay their bills. However, just like before, the bill still has to be paid, it's not free water for everyone yet

The shitskin slum dwellers don't really give a fuck about the soft lockdown: Residents of many poorfag neighborhoods are walking around and carrying on with their business as normal. When reporters asked some of them on why are they walking around and not staying home, this is was their answers:

>I took the flu shot a couple days ago, I'm safe. (we are in vaccination season)

>I have to work and buy food

>It's just a short walk, I'm washing my hands so I will be okay

This is the attitude of many shitskin poorfags, 98% of them are blissfully unaware of the impending doom that is Coroona-Chan. It's gonna be fun and I can't wait for her to arrive in my street.


>Please get some sleep, you need it!

I had a 15 minutes nap. Good enough for now, I will get more later. Had a dream were the ex president, a socialist, threatened a military coup in my state and/or my region, due to Bolsonaro's relaxed attitude to Corona-Chan. I wonder if It was prophetic because I never ever dream about politics or shit like this.


Let them go out. If anything happens to them, it's just nature taking it's course.


>Checked I trust you completely now

Welcome to the Coronian Cult.


Hey chart and map anon, good to see you again and thank you for your work.

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3b8058  No.82915


>brain damage

almost as if .. demyelination .. really was a key word to research, eh anon?

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7eb8dc  No.82917


> Anon explains that the coronavirus neetbux bill is not a done-deal.

Yes, I'm aware of that. But the text of the bill should be available somewhere, yes?

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6debd5  No.82922



Testing is a trap for internment, and also proven to give false positives. Do not get set up, avoid these agencies and their "tests."

They are using this scare to set up a total global police state and social credit score system, cashless society. Be prepared and become self-sufficient. To remain free, we must resist this and refuse to conform. Arm yourselves and prepare!

Corona may be bad but the (((government))) is always much worse. Don't give up your liberties over scare tactics. Similar scare tactics were deployed after 9-11 to con people into giving up their rights (NDAA, Patriot Act, NSA spying, etc). This time it would be far worse!

Wake up the masses, if they conform they will only make this harder for everyone else. The best case scenario is these people were to just die off from corona but that likely won't happen anytime soon if at all.

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672f6e  No.82924


here's the updated https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6201/text scoll under 4 versions and click enrolled bill.

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7eb8dc  No.82925

File: 4956250c5c3e8bd⋯.pdf (696.62 KB, BILLS_116s3548is.pdf)


> Dumbniggeranon thinks he found the right bill


Is this your card?

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6c1bca  No.82926

Did anyone else catch Fauci say in this press briefing that he expects Corona to come back in waves? He made it sound like a vaccine is our only hope. We'll probably be going through this again in a couple months.

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d15944  No.82928


Corona coming in waves has been expected since the beginning, anon. It'll probably dip a bit in the summer but then surge again in the winter. A vaccine is the only real hope unless being quarantined is going to be the new normal. WHich it can't be, because the economy will collapse.

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7eb8dc  No.82929

File: 77876d58a15946b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1107x723, 369:241, Money_vs_not.png)


> Reader-nigger-anon provides a link to last week's bill

That bill is from earlier, and is already law. I don't think it's the right one. In fact, I think it's the same incorrect document I already posted.

I think that this – >>82925 post is the bill that provides NeexBux.

The provisions detailing NeetBux are under Division B, Title 1, SEC. 6428. 2020 RECOVERY REBATES FOR INDIVIDUALS - page 35.

And yeah, it looks like it's just a tax credit, not "free" money. Shit. I was hoping to buy myself some better night vision, 'cuz that's definitely going to stimulate the economy.

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672f6e  No.82930


that's the cares act retard, the bill you are looking for passed the senate and is gonna to the president this one is introduced I find it either I had before

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9932ef  No.82931


The case fatality rate and infection fatality rate are different things. The infection fatality rate will always be much lower because not everyone with the virus gets tested. Let me ask you this: How many people in Italy have been infected (both reported and unreported)? If it's any more than five hundred thousand then the infection fatality rate is like 1%.

Probably more than 500k people have had it in Italy.


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3b8058  No.82932


it spreads so well that actual infection rats must be huge.

Lives in air for days

lives on surfaces for days

lives INSIDE bacteria, indefinitely.

Infects via eyes, mouth and nose

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d15944  No.82933

File: a87c96e5b335f58⋯.jpg (196.27 KB, 990x1280, 99:128, 147c3d7a3e14d7ea09e3fec932….jpg)


>huge infection rats

You looking to get plague-infected, manthing?

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786a04  No.82934


wasn't the fact that it can live inside bacteria the reason why it lives for days in the air and surfaces?

wasn't fungus fag saying some shit about corona chan being some sort of bacteriophage?

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aaa218  No.82935


Social distancing heavily limits the spread but what happens when people start congregating again?

The smaller numbers of networking people where the virus is transferring will pass it into a big group and the compound growth will begin anew.

All it takes is 1 person with the virus to start the chain reaction again. Diversity is humanities weakness, all this unnecessary travel of people between countries because they have split societal allegiences.

America is the worst, you actually embrace this split alliance with the "I'm proud to be a (Not American) American". Breeding traitors like it's cute.

All the Chinese fuck off home for some pagan celebration, catch a virus that was doing the rounds for 6 weeks already then come back in a big rush sparking the fires of Europe.

China probably spilled some lethal weapon and realising their fucking, released a weaker precursor to the weapon. They let out the smallpox, oopsie, time to spray the cowpox into every street via gaslighting machines.

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7eb8dc  No.82937


> Anon correctly identifies the link I posted as the CARES Act.

Yes, I know. That's the one that interests me (I think). I want to read about NeetBux. The HR6201 bill you linked makes no mention of payments to Americans. But the CARES Act, S.3548, does detail payments to Americans, structured as a tax rebate. To quote:

IN GENERAL.—In the case of an eligible indi-

13 vidual, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax

14 imposed by subtitle A for the first taxable year beginning

15 in 2020 an amount equal to the lesser of—

16 ‘‘(1) net income tax liability, or

17 ‘‘(2) $1,200 ($2,400 in the case of a joint re-

18 turn).

19 ‘‘(b) SPECIAL RULES.—

20 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a taxpayer

21 described in paragraph (2)—

22 ‘‘(A) the amount determined under sub-

23 section (a) shall not be less than $600 ($1,200

24 in the case of a joint return), and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 22:59 Mar 19, 2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\S3548.IS S3548

kjohnson on DSK79L0C42PROD with BILLS36

•S 3548 IS

1 ‘‘(B) the amount determined under sub-

2 section (a) (after the application of subpara-

3 graph (A)) shall be increased by the product of

4 $500 multiplied by the number of qualifying

5 children (within the meaning of section 24(c))

6 of the taxpayer.

7 ‘‘(2) TAXPAYER DESCRIBED.—A taxpayer is de-

8 scribed in this paragraph if the taxpayer—

9 ‘‘(A) has qualifying income of at least

10 $2,500, or

11 ‘‘(B) has—

12 ‘‘(i) net income tax liability which is

13 greater than zero, and

14 ‘‘(ii) gross income which is greater

15 than the basic standard deduction.

16 ‘‘(c) TREATMENT OF CREDIT.—The credit allowed by

17 subsection (a) shall be treated as allowed by subpart C

18 of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1.


20 COME.—The amount of the credit allowed by subsection

21 (a) (determined without regard to this subsection and sub-

22 section (f)) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by 5 per-

23 cent of so much of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income

24 as exceeds $75,000 ($150,000 in the case of a joint re-

25 turn)

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aaa218  No.82938


It's legit, we've recognised the expected damage far in advance so it's not yet realised.

> In a situation of exponential growth, when do you take things seriously? When do you act optimally?

> Is it when 1/10th the population is infected?

Nope, you only have days before it's saturated completely.

The optimal action is the first day you've identified it. China could have stopped this if they done anything meaningful. This virus was let out on the third week of November. Fucking communists.

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75679e  No.82942

File: 9b13cae3132a70b⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 9b13cae3132a70b50377fe47b1….jpg)

Jew Zealand has set their daily updates for around 1pm, so the daily count is just coming in now. On our first day of lock down we have 283 confirmed cases, with a majority still coming from overseas but with some confirmed community transmission. 78 new cases today. 7 people in hospital and I think 3 have recently been released. We've had some reports of break ins, car jacking attempts and gang members fighting over the last supermarket chickens but largely all participants of this experiment seem to be behaving like the goodest goys.

The rural road I'm on still has traffic coming through, but pigs have been patrolling and pulling people over through the morning. This is a fairly quiet and low population area so I can imagine urban areas will have quite a strong police presence. Mil bases also reported to be rather busy, some more surprising than others.

Apart from that we are pretty boring. No chimpouts, no big parades of tanks etc. Very civilised. Very well behaved. Will see how stir crazy people get though.

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051146  No.82946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Pune based molecular diagnostic company has developed first made in India test kit for Covid-19 within a time period of 6 weeks. This is a big breakthrough for India regarding the pandemic spread

>only PCR test that has 100% precision rate

100% per-cent


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930307  No.82948


I think the Israeli jews are filthier than the NYC jews, but will lie more about their numbers. It’s an interesting contest.


Stop sliding


Accuracy award


It’s tough work. Thanks, anon.


It’s too bad India will refuse to export this #1 tech. Can Indians still get cow piss in the stores? I heard there was an epic run on it. I hate hoarders. How much cow piss does one family need?

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94a249  No.82949


Compound interest

Goyim status: tricked again!

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d439d8  No.82950


You always deliver, anon. I feel like a peaceful bliss right now. I am ready

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3b8058  No.82952

>>82933 (checked)

Did a new vector just introduce itself?


I think survival on surfaces is independent of bacteria riding.


where do you get your NZ news? I'd like to find good sources.

shit tons of planes in the sky, and the council moved my verge. Got to keep the place looking pretty for the 'essentials'

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672f6e  No.82956


I could have scorn I heard the senate talk about $1200 direct payments during the passing of families First Coronavirus Response Act on CSPAN but I can't find it within the bill

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75679e  No.82957


Honestly I'm just watching our shithouse MSM news, checking the covid updates from govt and scouring social media. I don't think we have great resources necessarily but NZ is bored and oversharing so there's a lot of info to pick through and match up. Tell the council to get off your gerddamned lawn!

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eb074d  No.82958

File: 7d9f56d5a193b61⋯.jpg (62.84 KB, 672x594, 112:99, corona_viruses_main_jump_i….jpg)

File: c83ef6df643d4eb⋯.png (396.84 KB, 500x1623, 500:1623, Timeline_of_Corona_So_Far.png)


>Welcome to the Coronian Cult.

I'm still waiting for the rewards here in the states.


>almost as if .. demyelination .. really was a key word to research, eh anon?


First thing I'm biting into, here are the highlights

>First some basics on the Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses of which Covid-19 is just one. They are spherical virions with spike-like projections on the surface that give the appearance of a solar corona – hence the name.

>sometimes respiratory coronaviruses are able to jump the blood brain barrier and find their way in

>the main path appears to be through the olfactory bulb

>pic related

>Once they get into the brain however, they can permeate the CNS in less than 7 days and begin to appear in cerebrospinal fluid.

>Coronaviruses in the brain can cause all kinds of havoc. They can cause inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or the brain and spinal cord (encephalomyelitis) which can result in various acute symptoms such as the usual headaches and fevers but also febrile seizures, status epilecticus, convulsions and loss of consciousness.

>More insidious perhaps is the effect of demyelination leading to coronavirus as a suspect in the onset of MS. Some studies suggest that they are gliotropic since coronavirus infection causes glia to release all sorts of factors including interleukins which are inflammatory proteins and chemokines that are involved in the onset of MS.

>Finally, besides all the neurological effects but there could well be long lasting cognitive and mental effects as well. They simply haven’t been studied. As this coronavirus pandemic progresses, we may be about to find out.

Seems like its always a slow burn but this place hits it on the nail like 80% of the time. I don't know why I wait to until I'm reading it from other (((confirmed))) sources weeks later to fully believe that this is what's happening. What makes me doubt myself so much is the confirmation from literally everyone around me that this is nothing but at the same time it seems like no one cares.


>being quarantined is going to be the new normal

What I don't understand is the insane power grab being done and everyone acting like its completely okay. I don't understand the herd mentality, I don't know anything really. If its so easy to control people I don't get why it isn't easier for the truth to be accepted widespread. The truth is the truth no matter who's looking at it, it's universal. Even "normies" talk about how they wouldn't or don't comply with the government and that they admit they believe in the higher class pulling the strings but when you ask them practical questionsabout what they should, would, and could do about it they just shut down. They don't want any complication in their lives that pulls them away from their crafted reality, that blissfully ignorant void in their minds that they peer into to avoid the ever present anxiety that is death. Fear can be conquered, anxiety must be endured. If you stagnate you don't progress, how the hell can you live your one gifted life on earth in a fat slump willfully cheering for bread and circus all while the days pass and death looms over you like an aging tree, casting its shade until it consumes your own. I hope this virus is fucking the real deal cause I want a new epic, the current one sucks.


>Did a new vector just introduce itself?

I just checked the catalog quick for anything "hanta" or "hantavirus" related. I know someone here before has said that hanta belongs in its own general. And I kind of agree because until it's picked up on or piggybacking with corona-chan its not corona related. Unless I'm wrong and it is related. I've posted about it before as well as I've thought it could* become related in the future, its more like "lets keep an eye out" but the focus is corona.

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db5d77  No.82962


>A vaccine is the only real hope unless being quarantined is going to be the new normal.

Getting shot will become the new normal anon.

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d9c0cf  No.82963

File: ec667d869e0d9eb⋯.png (129.6 KB, 823x570, 823:570, Ghanas_site_actually_looks….png)

File: 9a3fa10552fee47⋯.png (274.04 KB, 684x638, 342:319, Panama.png)

File: a9917e841cf1c1b⋯.png (405.12 KB, 1281x488, 21:8, edgypt.png)

File: cf3ab0c392333b5⋯.png (271.17 KB, 651x479, 651:479, niggers_wearing_trash_bags….png)

File: 3dd7c09a90a2977⋯.png (221.95 KB, 520x606, 260:303, What_did_you_expect.png)

There goes my ID, niggernet spazzed out again.

Panama update, 115 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/h21PU

Ghana update, 40 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/VGagg v gag? what did the url mean by this?

Pyramidland update, 54 new confirmed cases and one new confirmed death

Nigger working at Mount Sinai West learns the hard way that trash bags can't save you from Corona-Chan In fact, nothing else can. https://archive.is/Qzzxk



Corona-Chan will get those bastards, have faith.


Thanks for the update, Kiwi.

>gang members fighting over the last supermarket chickens




They're so fucking dead, lmao


>I feel like a peaceful bliss right now. I am ready

There's truly nothing more blissful than worshiping Corona-Chan.


>I'm still waiting for the rewards here in the states.

Patience is a virtue.

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d8f0b6  No.82967

File: 811059006f7a3d6⋯.jpeg (91.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, riots.jpeg)


got 100's of lbs of rice, flour, salt beans, fridges and freezers stuffed full, tanks of fuel.

Im ready for 6 month lockdown , live in country, 20 cords of firewood all ready for next 3 winters!!!

got big screen tv, got internet ported to it, got hundreds of bags of costco popcorn(4x48 = 192)


I want to see chimps chimping! I want to see shebbons jumping around. I want to see tyrone shooting juan over a bucket of KFC. I want to watch roof top koreans defend there niggerball stores. WTF anon bros, when does the chimpening begin!! So far I have been totally let down by niggers. They are supposed to be going ballistic. They are supposed to be shooting each other over shoe strings and gummie bears!

I want some entertainment. When does the chimp out begin???

I want riots. I wanna see Laquisha being run over by chinks! I want to see Paco shooting Jamal for a 10$ meth rock. I wanna see burning buildings, I want to hear the lamentations of the jigaboo as they tear the cities apart!!! I wanna see liberal soy boys shitting thier pants full of avacado toast and mocha lattes!!

Get this fuckin party started.

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4e5c72  No.82970


> Even "normies" talk about how they wouldn't or don't comply with the government and that they admit they believe in the higher class pulling the strings but when you ask them practical questionsabout what they should, would, and could do about it they just shut down. They don't want any complication in their lives that pulls them away from their crafted reality, that blissfully ignorant void in their minds that they peer into to avoid the ever present anxiety that is death. Fear can be conquered, anxiety must be endured.

I understand this dealing with others, and have been a prepper for a long time. Some people are much weaker, anon. They may know the truth, but it takes time for them to adjust to reality. Some people don't have what it takes to deal with reality because they break down. It happens. Death is just a part of life really, some people are too scared to face it, or risk facing it. These people will come around when push comes to shove, when they become desperate, when their reality starts crashing around them. The stronger ones already embrace death, and would splatter your brains against the wall without emotion like nothing happened at all… for others to do the same, well, that takes some misery, more mental breakdown and time.

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55aed4  No.82971


Good on you for being prepped but this thing just isnt doing enough to supply lines other than shit tickets and sanitary supplies to cause that kind of chimpening

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051146  No.82974


Soon brother, cabin fever is getting toasty.

Don't get angsty and prematurely ejaculate so to say.


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d0d02e  No.82975


Most supplies will take some time to dry up, and it all depends how fast people stock up on them en mass too. If there are raids on food like there is ammo and sanitation supplies, then you'll notice food supplies drying up too.

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051146  No.82978


You would have to make millions of people to lie to make that conspiracy theory float tbh.

Okay the braindead doctors you can, but epidemiologists? The researchers getting the RNA of the virus?

You are making a lot of those people trying to lie to general public. Why didnt the first country that saw the lie stand up to the lie?

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ccc590  No.82979


You don't need millions of people at all. You just need a narrative dispersed in the media and some fake video. It's not real. There's no pandemic.

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7d488f  No.82981


it's bat HIV you mong

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18ad24  No.82984

File: c0a8547b64ae3ef⋯.png (174.11 KB, 2068x639, 2068:639, corona_chan_hiv_link_pol_w….png)

File: 62aa1b46ac44139⋯.pdf (2.84 MB, chinese_replication_paper_….pdf)

File: 720f1161cb8d7e7⋯.png (193.71 KB, 2228x544, 557:136, CHINA_MADE_THIS_MONSTER.png)

File: 24ce3b0ca4b0fcd⋯.png (349.13 KB, 1522x2048, 761:1024, CHINA_MADE_THIS_MONSTER2.png)

File: 66176db3b79aa1f⋯.gif (771.56 KB, 999x1644, 333:548, corona_chan_suspicious_gen….gif)


>I had a 15 minutes nap.

Do Brazilians have some secret juice that makes them able to go on hours on end? Is the coffee that good? Is Corona-chan giving you nice sugary kissu's?


Just a suggestion, it will help to find the original articles mentioned on these news sites, especially since most, if not all, medical journals are for a time allowing free access to any article about Corona-chan, and most science "journalism" sites are spewer of pozzed sensationalism that don't understand the studies they are writing about. Here's the Nature article you cited: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9 A warning: good luck trying to archive these types of sites without screwing the HTML, CSS, and JS in the copy.

>Doesn't need to be peer reviewed

It shouldn't be peer reviewed because peer review is a dead meme that doesn't protect against both subtle errors and reproducibility issues. Besides the problems of peer reviews in the Western academia, the Chinese system has it worse as peer review can act as a (((CCP review))) as well and key parts of a study can be censored, if not the whole thing thrown out.

>This is an article that says Corona isn't a bioweapon.

Yeah, and the CCP is able like the Germans to burn a few thousand bodies in hour with only two incinerators. Look, these guys look at one aspect of the virus find one or two similarities among all the compared relatives of Corona-chan (SARS-Cov-2), then declare "It's just a mutation you schmucks! China numba wan!" (look at Figure 1 in the original article). Yeah, nah. They don't even address the Indian article showing different insertions that come only from HIV or the two articles that confirm it. This whole article seems like one glorified advertisement of "Pls believe our particular theory of the natural selection of viruses and give us more money for more (((studies)))". Anon, I don't intend to disrespect or argue against you, but all you found are a bunch retards playing scientists with God's virus. Look at the conclusion:

>…it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories…we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.

>For example, a future observation of an intermediate or fully formed polybasic cleavage site in a SARS-CoV-2-like virus from animals would lend even further support to the natural-selection hypotheses. It would also be helpful to obtain more genetic and functional data about SARS-CoV-2, including animal studies. The identification of a potential intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2, as well as sequencing of the virus from very early cases, would similarly be highly informative.

It's one big "It could. It could not. Gives us more money to find out ;)"

>That theory has been seemingly debunked everywhere.

Everywhere? The only places I've seen it being debunked is this sole scientific article, (((CCP Propganda))), (((Media outlets))), NPCs that repeat ad nasuem the previous two, and faggots (Which you're not one because you are trying to work hard). They're are many other articles giving conflicting data and conclusions. This includes a Chinese article stating that the supposed RaTG13 (ironic considering Year of the Rat and Hanta-chan) mutation isn't there in Chorona-chan (SARS-Cov-2) and another article that confirmed it. I can't find the original article perhaps because of (((reasons))), CCP or otherwise, but here is the replicating article, including the full thing as a PDF:



Here is the French article:

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220300528 Again, no archive due to anti-archiving JS on these type of sites.

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051146  No.82986


>You just need a narrative dispersed in the media and some fake video

And what about the doctors on the ground? The politicians who get news from those doctors? Individual researchers or state owned?

They are bamboozled too? Millions if not billions or trillions are at stake here, pick whatever the currency you want to.

NWO implies metacountry to rule over countries, how the fuck will they achieve that if countries struggle against its rule? How will NWO win if countries disobey?


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7d488f  No.82987


do you deny the possibility of a genetically modified bat-hiv hybrid bioweapon being worked upon? i'm just trying to understand the extent of your detachment from reality

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66d1af  No.82988

File: 39d595e15cb740c⋯.jpg (254.8 KB, 905x1199, 905:1199, ET_mLW4UYAY1Chj.jpg)

Kathy Griffin Hospitalized In, May Be Blessed, "Unbearably Painful" She Says, Blames Trump

After checking into a hospital with "unbearably painful" symptoms, comedian Kathy Griffin has spoken out against Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

In a quote tweet replying to the president, Griffin accused Trump of lying about how many coronavirus tests the United States has performed amid the ongoing pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives as it continues to spread around the world.

"I was sent to the #COVID19 isolation ward room in a major hospital ER from a separate urgent care facility," Griffin tweeted Wednesday, going on to criticize the vice president's leadership of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. "The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus because of CDC (Pence task force) restrictions. #TESTTESTTEST"

Griffin also shared two photos in her tweet, which appeared to show the 59-year-old in a hospital bed behind a glass door while also wearing a protective mask over her nose and mouth.

If diagnosed with coronavirus, Griffin would join the likes of Tom Hanks, Idris Elba, Debi Mazar, Daniel Dae Kim, Andy Cohen, and Nyle DiMarco as celebrities who've contracted COVID-19 during the outbreak.

Griffin previously sparred with Trump after she posed for a satirical photo holding a severed prosthetic head molded in the president's likeness, which led to intense public backlash and ignited a federal investigation.

When reached, a representative for Griffin was unable to immediately confirm the status of Griffin's health, but EW will update this post if new information becomes available. The White House did not immediately return our request for comment on Griffin's accusation against Trump.


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aee1f5  No.82989

>>82499 (Czeched)

Hey Czech anon,

there’s small important information for you to know.

t. Straya

>Respilon manufacturers the nanofiber in the Czech Republic, but the assembly of the masks occurs in China. Chinese officials have banned the export of face masks. Thus, preventing the company from resupplying the product.

>Respilon’s head Roman Zima said a new production line would launch within weeks thanks to an agreement with an Israeli company. Mr. Zima said the nanofiber face masks would be available for sale in the Czech Republic again within six to eight weeks.


Why can’t they hire Czech people to make the masks instead?

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dcd774  No.82993

Pentagon Orders Halt Overseas Movement for US Military Over Coronavirus


Defense Secretary Mark Esper has issued a stop movement order to the U.S. military halting travel and movement abroad for up to 60 days in an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus through the ranks, the Pentagon chief told Reuters on Wednesday.

The measure is by far the Defense Department's most sweeping to date and will affect forces around the world.

Esper said in an interview that the order applied to all U.S. troops, civilian personnel and families, but noted that there would be some exceptions.

"The purpose is to make sure that we're not bringing the virus back home, infecting others, that we're not spreading it around the military," Esper said.

Esper said one exception to the order would be the drawdown under way in Afghanistan, which will continue.

The United States has said it is committed to reducing the number of its troops in Afghanistan to 8,600 from 13,000 within 135 days of signing the deal with the Taliban last month.

A full withdrawal of all U.S. and coalition forces would occur within 14 months of the deal getting signed, if the Taliban holds up its end of the deal.

"That (stop movement order) should not impact that," Esper said of the withdrawal.

The stop movement order illustrates the Pentagon's increasing concern about the rapid spread of the virus, which has already infected 227 U.S. troops - a figure that has climbed by about 30 percent in just the past day.

The U.S. military said earlier on Wednesday it was also elevating its health protection condition, or HPCON, at bases around the world to Charlie, its second highest level, which suggests sustained community transmission.

"Our curve is not flattening. And that's why we went to HPCON Charlie today, which includes restrictions on large gatherings and includes additional social distancing," Air Force Brigadier General Paul Friedrichs, the joint staff surgeon, told a news conference.


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a51cae  No.82995


You think the news is going to report on your grandma? Over 200 deaths in the US today alone. It's just numbers to the MSM and to you. When your grandma dies, don't come crying to us, you unfeeling psychopath.

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051146  No.82996


There are too many people that would need to lie to make that conspiracy theory believable.

No, millions of people can't simultaneously coordinate a lie this grand and big. Governments and doctors can't join forces just so you can feel scared.

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000000  No.82997


It isn't. You are completely impotent to stop us from spreading news every second about Corona-chan.

Nobody can stop us.


Celebrities aren't people. It is always a good thing when they die.

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a51cae  No.82998

File: 613f7434d7a931d⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 300x274, 150:137, Jews_in_the_Desert.jpg)


Of course they will. Q-tards and Trumpettes are willing to die on the Orange Man's words. Whatever he says is gospel truth and they will sacrifice themselves to the golden calf.

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94a249  No.82999


I guess those 40k troops will be staying in Europe after all?

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ccc590  No.83000


No one is sick. There is no pandemic. All of these deaths are made up or false attributions. You get the notification on your jew news and it must be real.


There are virtually no people whatsoever needed to make the conspiracy believable. It works the same way taking you mouthbreathers to war does – they get on television and talk about it. Then they do it after you mouthbreathers line up beyond the bullshit they put out on television. It's fake.

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d9c0cf  No.83001

File: 36a97b81ab8d320⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Argie_Corona_Chan_prison_r….mp4)

File: bf58a8513a78279⋯.png (87.04 KB, 542x488, 271:244, argie_prison_riot.png)

File: 864349db7020ca6⋯.png (92.64 KB, 487x534, 487:534, zogbot_central.png)

Corona-Chan induced prison riots in Argentina


Blessings at ZOGbot central https://archive.is/ZxJGP


The collapse is coming, stay tuned. Go have some fun in the meantime, if you're getting tired of waiting. I can handle obsession and anxiety very well but I understand there are people who can't.



Trying to enlighten hoaxniggers is a waste of time, you're not gonna get anywhere and just wear yourself out. Let them all die.


>Do Brazilians have some secret juice that makes them able to go on hours on end? Is the coffee that good?

I'm running on sheer force of will. No stimulants here.


Yes, I get surges of energy whenever I ask her to lend me the necessary strength to keep going.

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1052d5  No.83002


I don't know, that would take some time before we'd find that out really. Hopefully it wouldn't be too late by then. I personally think it was a bioweapon release (((by some entity))) to reduce population and usher in their NWO population control / global communism Agenda 21-style.


IF it were fake, they'd have to cover it up by reporting unrelated deaths (like the Flu) as corona deaths. That, potentially, they could get away with... until someone leaked what was going on.

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533c98  No.83003


>It’s too bad India will refuse to export this #1 tech. Can Indians still get cow piss in the stores? I heard there was an epic run on it. I hate hoarders. How much cow piss does one family need?

fucking tell me about it, anon. first the cow piss, now you can't find any cow shit cause pajeet bought it all for his shit-Jacuzzi.


>Why can’t they hire Czech people to make the masks instead?

because niggers are cheaper. Even when people doing the flop; companies still need to make that margin!

>agreement with an Israeli company


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a51cae  No.83004


>Celebrities aren't people.

Really? So cry some more about how James Woods got banned from Twitter. Here, let me fix that for you:

>celebrities I don't like aren't people

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a51cae  No.83005


I know 3 people now who have tested positive. You're a faggot. Leave this thread and never return.

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ccc590  No.83008


Yeah? Names and addresses.

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051146  No.83010


>There are virtually no people whatsoever needed to make the conspiracy believable

How about doctors across the country?

Why would they perpetuate this lie?

Do you think doctors are stupid?

How long do doctors have to sit in empty hospital or hospital filled with paranoid people who think they got the disease until they understand that this viral pneumonia isn't a thing?

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d9c0cf  No.83011


I told you here >>83001 that you wouldn't get anywhere with that hoaxnigger.

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051146  No.83012


No, don't test him like that, you will just be part of their conspiracy.

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a51cae  No.83013


Yeah … he's filtered.

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51bb54  No.83014

File: e94d5770d4eedf2⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 322x322, 1:1, e94d5770d4eedf232b8aa1dded….jpg)


>most of civilized world on lockdown

>triggered financial crisis

>spread like wildfire

What does it take to impress you faggot ?

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000000  No.83015


>So cry some more about how James Woods got banned from Twitter.

Who are you quoting?

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deb55b  No.83016


Well, if they are faking a pandemic and calling deaths from a bad flu outbreak "corona" there would be a whole lot of people involved in this conspiracy. At some point someone would fink on them, or release some proof. Right now, we have no evidence that is the case. When there is some, then you should present it.

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a51cae  No.83017


You, faggot. All Tor users are the same person. Prove me wrong.

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000000  No.83018


Can you quote the tor post crying about James Wood getting banned from twitter?

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18ad24  No.83019

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey FBI-kun! How's work treating you?


>Trying to enlighten hoaxniggers is a waste of time,

I honestly think that ccc590 is being retarded ironically, for the lulz, instead of legitimately being retarded and think that the virus is fake.

>More riots




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d15944  No.83020

File: f1c97cb37bf2f14⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, f1c97cb37bf2f14a6ae3920f4f….jpg)


>big power grab

Honestly anon, for as much as /pol/ hems and haws about ZOG and these other nebulous NWO-like entities, I suspect reality is far dumber and less impressive. These phantom groups, while they undeniably exist, are probably far less capable and intelligent than we give them credit for. It's a bit Occam's Razor, but if they were really this powerful and omnipresent, wouldn't the current state of things be much more controlled and specific? I mean, they're secretly pulling the string backstage and this is the best they can do?

For my money, I think the Chinese stole a corona variant from the leafs because they fucking steal tech from everyone and were upgrading it for their germ warfare program but had it leak from a BSL4 lab built with their chabuduo mindset. Then it tore ass through Hubei, wrecked their economy, blessed a few million people, then spread further afield. Realizing what a retarded mess they've made, the CCP is going on its Propaganda Tour 2020 to blame the US for it while giving handouts to Italy and other countries.

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930307  No.83024


>I want riots.

We’ll always have Paris.


For all we know a Herculean effort is being made to keep the parasites in the cities supplied for now. And now they’re being handed fiat so they can pretend they’re productive. When Trump says Easter, he might mean fix it by then or that’s when the whole game collapses.


Off with her head.


Corona-chan is the little girl that should be depicted stopping this bull in its tracks.

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717dc9  No.83026

It's being hyped up more than it is. This is global warming, sorry climate change 2.0

Horrible data and model integrity. Which has now become to big to fail. The public must be taken for everything that can be taken.

This time it's not just debt and future labour. It's an erosion of freedoms and new laws that centralize power and control that will be an order of magnitude greater than the unpatriotic act. With the intention of making sure that debt and future labour can be mined. Building a new whip for the serfs.



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000000  No.83028



>jewtube link

>wsj link

It's like you guys aren't even trying.

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717dc9  No.83030


lol come on, you are better than that, data quality matters not the source. don't be lazy

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eb074d  No.83031


>Just a suggestion, it will help to find the original articles mentioned on these news sites

I feel like admitting that I tried shows incompetence, but its the truth so I'll admit it anyways. According to a few websites I've found when trying to dig into it they've all spewed the same line that Chinas National Health Commission released a treatment plan for corona around March 4th or 5th and in it they supposedly refer to how corona can cause damage to brain tissue. I can't even find their website, is it because I'm not chinese?

>the problems of peer reviews in the Western academia, the Chinese system has it worse as peer review can act as a (((CCP review)))

I was thinking that even if it's not peer reviewed, accompanying that kind of information with China's National Health Commission backing the claims in it then it could be viable? I'm in a discord with my college class and I've been pumping all sorts of stuff in their "virus general". I thought I was constructing a convincing argument but you're completely right that I need to use primary sources.

> They don't even address the Indian article showing different insertions that come only from HIV or the two articles that confirm it

I'm gonna look into that one. Definitely want to add it into my own folders.

>Anon, I don't intend to disrespect or argue against you, but all you found are a bunch retards playing scientists with God's virus

I'm not worried about being disrespected, if I'm wrong about something then the only outcome is that I'll grow from the situation if I put myself out there. Pretty sure its the lessons from humility that most anons gravitate toward this place. But this is me projecting, I don't know any of you. Also want to say I'll try harder to find more reputable sources before I post what seems viably useful.

>The only places I've seen it being debunked is this sole scientific article, (((CCP Propganda))), (((Media outlets))), NPCs that repeat ad nasuem the previous two

Its like you defined my definition of everywhere perfectly, because that's pretty much what I was referring to. It seems like when you look up corona and bioweapon links you get plenty of things to sift through stating otherwise. It's hard to feel like you're not constantly gaslighting yourself into believing a bizarre fiction with everyone parroting that this is no cause for alarm.

>RaTG13 (ironic considering Year of the Rat and Hanta-chan)

I've posted about Hantavirus here before, you seem to know what you're doing so if any of this is helpful it's worth linking >>82032 I hope I linked it right.


>Death is just a part of life really

>“Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness."


> I suspect reality is far dumber and less impressive

I'd be livid if this was the case. I can assume most people are stupid, but to assume that the person controlling the strings that play into your life and he's just a dunce like any other I'd be completely bullshit. If the (((people))) in control are really this simple then I've been underestimating myself. I may not know much but I'm pretty good with charisma, I just need to have the actual knowledge. I need to be smart if I want to gain peoples support behind what I say. I'm a good speaker, but I don't know a lot. Self learned burger over here but pic related. It might be cringe to some, I'm not really sure and I kind of don't care but I'm noting it because I understand where you would be coming from if you thought this photo was cringe. But its applicable to what I'm saying and it's an upward spiral type message.

> blessed a few million people, then spread further afield

Was there anything that came about from the anon that posted about how China lost 14-15 million mobile carriers or whatever? I thought that was a pretty cool tool to gauge the actual death rate there but I also think it could've been debunked easily. I didn't really see anything more than the one post and when I tried looking into it myself I didn't get very far or even find what he linked/posted. Sorry for the long post its just how I write

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4e19a0  No.83032


Good, about time those worthless bunch of inbred wankers got purged from Blighty.

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eb074d  No.83033

File: b1fb1f4e0aa1ebe⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 23_year_old_go_getter_meme.jpg)


I'm not sure if I can make up for excluding a photo in the post and essentially wasting a reply in a limited thread. But I feel like it's necessary to post seeing as how my content would be out of context.

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672f6e  No.83034


>Had a dream were the ex president, a socialist, threatened a military coup in my state and/or my region, due to Bolsonaro's relaxed attitude to Corona-Chan. I wonder if It was prophetic because I never ever dream about politics or shit like this.

Sounds like you are sleep deprived and haven't slept for days, Go to to bed anon or not, shitposting is addicting

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18ad24  No.83035

File: 0e14c19493cae76⋯.png (145.17 KB, 871x1568, 871:1568, LOL.png)

File: af5126953aff1b2⋯.png (93.15 KB, 1148x1468, 287:367, Dumbass.png)

File: 7ffb3bad6d64bcf⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1593x1413, 177:157, STUPID.png)

File: eb6475dc984f500⋯.png (385.65 KB, 1436x1652, 359:413, smug_christ_chan.png)


>Honestly anon, for as much as /pol/ hems and haws about ZOG and these other nebulous NWO-like entities, I suspect reality is far dumber and less impressive.

Definitely far dumber, maybe less impressive, but most certainly more enjoyable and funny. Reminds me of a verse in Psalms where God sees groups like ZOG and NWO and just laughs while He trips them in the most humiliating way possible by, one way, making His Son's church, as improbable as it has been in permeating the earth, take over the hearts and minds of the people, thus control, from those shadow groups and their overlord of darkness.

1 Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

3 "Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!"

4 He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.

5 Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury… (Ps. 2:1-5 NAU)

I wonder who that third verse reminds us of…

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4e19a0  No.83039

File: 5378398c08c2d4b⋯.png (93.06 KB, 499x510, 499:510, Untitled.png)


>rewrite the Quran

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000000  No.83042

Do we know what the false positive and negative rates of the tests are? It is very suspicious that they are not being talked about, as they are obviously very significant.

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c16856  No.83043


>adapt religious texts to "the era of President Xi Jinping"

Most of them already have the Apocalypse in there, all they'd have to do is add his name before it to satisfy that request.

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a51cae  No.83044


Which country? They all have different tests, you Torfag idiot. There is no "global universal test".

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a51cae  No.83047


My favorite are the Baptists who claim that the Covid test is the mark of the beast because they use the right nostril to take the test. The mark of the beast will be on the head or the right hand according to their fairy tale.

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000000  No.83050


>Which country? They all have different tests, you Torfag idiot. There is no "global universal test".

Of all the different types of tests, and which country are using which. Can't understand the statistics without them.

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a3c969  No.83051

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a51cae  No.83052


No … because you are a Torfag. Do your own homework or stop hiding like a crying baby.

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6bdf88  No.83054


Covid-19 isn't the virus. The virus is SARS-COV-2. Covid-19 is to SARS-COV-2 as AIDS is to HIV.

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18ad24  No.83055

File: 9df0b688917312e⋯.png (99.91 KB, 907x979, 907:979, source_is_BitterWinter_mos….png)


>I feel like admitting that I tried shows incompetence, but its the truth so I'll admit it anyways

You tried harder than a lot of people, including those scientists in that Nature article. That's sign of competence if there ever was one.

>I'm gonna look into that one. Definitely want to add it into my own folders.

Do you use a program to collect whatever interesting link s you find to come back? I do that with Notepad, though I have better software like Zotero or a note organizer. I have admit, as important as that Indian paper was, I didn't save the link to that. Look who the incompetent one really is. Here's a link to the cuckchan's /cvg/ pastebin that might help you: https://pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX While I know it's cuckchan there's still some good posters from time to time that do useful stuff like maintaining a central location for information.

>I'm not worried about being disrespected

I should have reworded that previous post. Finding bad information isn't always useless. To make an analogy, one of the issues going on in the scientific community is that meta-analyzers are finding scientists ignoring vast amount of "null" and failed results, which happen to be as useful as positive data and conclusions. What you found can help us in the future, if people start memeing "it's just bat pneumonia", after the nonsense like "it's just a flu" or "NOTHINGBURGER", we'll know why. That's usually how scientific information diffuses into the culture at large. It starts as a long-winded bloated paper, interpreted and sensationalized by overpaid science journalists, further retarded by (((mass media))), then finally meme'd by the public at large.

>It seems like when you look up corona and bioweapon links you get plenty of things to sift through stating otherwise


>It's hard to feel like you're not constantly gaslighting yourself into believing a bizarre fiction with everyone parroting that this is no cause for alarm.

It doesn't help that you have various competing groups that do want to gaslight you and others for various reasons. Hence why you're more competent than you think. It takes hard work to double check these things to be sure and get past all the nonsense in the world. Do we make mistakes, like with the early claim of Corona-chan racial preference? Sure, but we can quickly fix those mistakes and move on.

>Its like you defined my definition of everywhere perfect

Two minds think alike. I apologize if I didn't seem like I was agreeing with you. I was trying to quickly discover and process so much data and such at once that I probably oversimplified your posts.

>I've posted about Hantavirus here before, you seem to know what you're doing so if any of this is helpful it's worth linking >>82032 I hope I linked it right.

It's good. Concerning the Hantavirus, while the revelation of yet another rare super-virus makes some kek-worthy and meme-worthy material, we still have to be sober when determining the truth. The best explanation right now is that the nation-wide quarantine exacerbated human contact with rats in an already unhygienic society, which increased the likelihood of viral infection. We'll have to wait and see within the next week or two if there was a mutation or (((mutation))) allowing human-human transmission and there's something more going on.


Based Go-Getter and worthy dubs!


Wait, that second pic is wrong. I'm the dumbass! Here's the right pic.



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d9c0cf  No.83056

File: fb188c7ead9597c⋯.png (115.27 KB, 1014x622, 507:311, pooperpower2020.png)

File: 440241c96201d0d⋯.png (271.36 KB, 866x631, 866:631, memezuela.png)

File: 535a4f8386ccb8d⋯.png (322.95 KB, 794x623, 794:623, Ecuador.png)

File: 074f6dac4ce3de8⋯.png (55.08 KB, 967x339, 967:339, Brownzilian_UBI.png)

PooperPower2020 update, 121 new confirmed cases and 2 new confirmed deaths Remember to always multiply their numbers by 100. https://archive.is/rOjj5

Memezuela update, 22 new confirmed cases https://archive.vn/V3uEc

Ecuador update, 129 new confirmed cases and 29 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/5rrKr

Due to Corona-Chan's brutal rape of the economy, Brownzilian governors ask for the application of an UBI bill sanctioned in 2005 by the country's former socialist president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This could be a big deal for Brownzilians. Also, no wonder I just had a dream with this guy


Aye, good riddance. Bunch of traitors.


>Sounds like you are sleep deprived

Yes indeed, that's on purpose, pushing myself to my limits for Corona-Chan's sake and to completely unlock my psychic potential, and it's clearly working. I had a dream about Lula and two hours later governors are trying to apply a bill that he sanctioned more than a decade ago, this doesn't feel like a coincidence to me. That guy might be the former president but he still has an HUGE amount of followers, especially among the feral shitskin population. Imagine if Obongo had an army of niggers at his command. That's is pretty much what Lula has on his hands. If he really wanted to incite a revolt in the northeast, he could actually pull it off. It probably wouldn't be successful, though. He has legions of supporters and large lightly armed militias, but lacks the kind of firepower necessary to win a revolutionary war. Brownzilian Torpedo and pretty much any other Brownzilian anon can confirm what I'm saying, to a certain degree. I don't know if his militias were dismantled or disarmed, but they had decent numbers, melee weapons, and arms that ranged from old shotguns to FAL battle rifles. I remember that a cell in São Paulo had some better guns but they got raided by the police



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672f6e  No.83057

File: 1e544bd6618dea7⋯.png (332.03 KB, 596x628, 149:157, 1427068254840.png)


>adapt religious texts to "the era of President Xi Jinping"

I might want to read it for shits and giggles

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c33d89  No.83059

They WANT It To Spread

Kaiser Permanente Threatens to FIRE Nurses for Wearing N95 Masks While Treating Coronavirus Patients

urses working at Kaiser Permanente facilities in California face being fired for wearing their own N95 masks while treating coronavirus-infected patients, health care unions are now warning. The story, broken by The Intercept, is sending shockwaves of disbelief across the internet as people are coming to realize some health authorities are TRYING to spread the epidemic in America.

Via The Intercept: http://archive.md/wOvww

The California Nurses Association and National Nurses United sent a flyer to members noting that Kaiser had threatened nurses with firing if they wear their own N95 masks, which offer a high level of protection from airborne contaminants, to work. “Kaiser has told nurses that if they’re seen wearing their personal N95 masks, they could be fired ‘on the spot’ for insubordination,” the flyer read.

Close to 100 nurses and family members gathered outside Kaiser’s Oakland Medical Center on Monday night to protest the new guidelines, saying that they put both patients and critical staff at risk. Staff at the center have been caring for patients from the Grand Princess cruise ship, which had at least 21 passengers test positive for Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Commiefonia's despots are literally trying to spread the epidemic, because they can’t be this incompetent.

What this means is that health authorities in California are trying to spread the coronavirus. This has become increasingly obvious with LA County previously announcing they would no longer even attempt to contain the virus. They ordered doctors to stop nearly all coronavirus testing, which also means halting all isolation attempts to stop the spread from accelerating.

Not long before that, Sacramento County ended all quarantine attempts and announced that high-risk people would simply be released from quarantine directives and allowed to spread the coronavirus without limit.

If you look around the world, the only countries that have successfully kept a lid on the Wuhan coronavirus — South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, etc. — did so through aggressive testing, contact tracing and quarantine measures. None of those measures are being followed in California.

And that means “Escape from L.A.” isn’t just a Kurt Russell movie… it’s about to become reality in the very near future as Los Angeles collapses into death, disease, chaos and lawlessness.

Notably, Gov. Cuomo in NY is doing a far better job of working to stop the explosion in NYC (although, it’s important to note the virus has not been stopped in NY, not by a long shot…).

When that happens, just remember: It was all by design. They wanted this to happen. That’s why the CDC withheld viable testing kits for nearly a month while the virus spread across America.


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c16856  No.83060


What about the stupid cunts licking the shrine in Iran thinking they're 'cleaning it'? At least the right people are sure to get it.

As a sciencefag from an early age I can't fathom the mental processes of a mind that doesn't do/get taught or pay attention to science when they're young. The adults that way of life generates are a special kind of vacant, not so much outright retarded and they can mean well, it's just there's a huge blank space in their reason and logic where they've crammed bits of their religious text and fused it around the edges with any fantastical shit they're manipulated into believing by some doubly deluded prick in a smock. So suddenly god has a cast iron opinion on some shit we made last week and that nigger knows it somehow.

It's all quite worrying.

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ccc590  No.83061


The Muslims won't do a thing about it – even assuming it's accurate and foundation for defense of democracies FUD. The producer is always on top and China produces.

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bcc70f  No.83062


To be fair, Chinese property developer are AIDS.

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e0fb8c  No.83063

Oy fucking vey goys, it's another shoah!

>America’s Largest Population of Holocaust Survivors Is Endangered by the Coronavirus as Crown Heights and Borough Park Shut Down


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051146  No.83064

File: fb1fd95a7c1c213⋯.png (438.14 KB, 700x467, 700:467, fb1fd95a7c1c2131499ade3c79….png)


>mostly infected is southern part of India that is more black and poor

fuck yes, I can't wait

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251cd4  No.83065


>What do they think will happen?

Who knows, i say we fucking nuke them and genocide any bugmen living aboard

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e0fb8c  No.83066


I have a co-worker whose wife is a Kaiser nurse. It is true they were told they can't wear their own masks, but the nurses and staff all got angry as fuck and wore them anyway, and so far no consequences. It is true that message went out, but from what I'm being told it's really not being enforced. Healthcare providers are actually being given a lot of leeway right now in what they can wear, etc. at work because they are so critical every last worker is needed.

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051146  No.83067


>don't be lazy

>doesn't know that hypertexts log where they're coming from

You do realize that you could have archived that link for us?

Downloaded the video and put it in webm format here?

You call us "lazy"?

shut up you glownigger

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672f6e  No.83068


>Yes indeed, that's on purpose, pushing myself to my limits for Corona-Chan's sake and to completely unlock my psychic potential, and it's clearly working

Well good luck to you HueHueanon.

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51bb54  No.83069

File: 2e183ada0a4bff5⋯.png (99.33 KB, 300x300, 1:1, BTNTemp.png)

File: b60729798bd6f37⋯.webm (5.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1584838336778.webm)


Quality post anon but ZOG is not the only actor we have to consider in this puzzle.

I've got no inner sources in chinese communist party but I drink around 5-8 liters of tea daily therefore I understand bughive well so bear with me

It wasn't an accident, it's a well designed weapon achieving it's goal. First let's point out couple of things.

0) Virus is extremely contagious, not too deadly given treatment in decent healthcare, we are yet to know how it behaves with non existent healthcare. Virus is contagious in spite of weather (Brazil, Australia)

1) Outbreak of virus starts in China

2) Doctor who detected virus early has been silenced, in spite of China having very weak motivation to do so. They still remembered SARS and how much of a shitshow it could've turned into. Danger is too great to ignore even if you put economical damage against it.

3) China reacted quickly and harshly to outbreak once it started to spread widely. I will assume here that data given by China is not entirely dishonest and virus is somewhat contained at the moment, I don't buy into 4 new cases bullshit,but I believe that they managed to successfully push it under 1k new cases daily.

4) Next virus attacked Europe, then US, then rest of whitesphere

5) Finally virus reached Africa, as for today multiple countries are above 100 cases, which means >1000 next week.

6) Africa's healthcare is undeveloped, people aren't educated enough to properly follow quarantine, countries aren't capable of neither enforcing quarantine nor providing necessary amount of crucial products. Africa isn't self sustainable in terms of food either.

7) In two weeks there will be Italy magnitude outbreaks all over Africa if everything goes down like it did so far.

8) China is struggling because of one child policy, even though it's gone, chinks don't want to breed. The most populous country on earth will soon face the same fate ZOG planned for whites - han people will be replaced just like whites, with niggers and mutts. Unlike whites chinks are very well aware of that and instead of waiting for international giants to migrate to Africa they instead grew their own industries and ambition to use Africa as cheap labor source. But unlike ZOG Chinks are quite nationalistic and one of their goals is presevance of their nation. Thus they chose to exploit Africa on their terms, without niggerifying their nation.

So here's conspiracy theory

China was in check by ZOG, if they were to continue on current trajectory their nation would be niggerified just like whites. China designed and released biological weapon on their own territory, previously making sure that they will be able to contain it. Even you faggots assume they released it by accident because you assume few thousands of lives matter to communist party. They will be ready to get back to production soon enough and any potential break out will be quickly contained. Africa has always been primary target but whites are gullible faggots and if outbreak happened there, they'd send any amount of money, doctors, necessary products to help poor nignogs. With help of whites and ZOG niggers could possibly contain this shit or at least minimize impact. That's why whites had to be hit next, they had to be incapacitated of helping niggers, right now every European country is fighting it's own fight and ZOG puppets know that people are in full panic mode and any major contribution to nogs would be met with backlash. Second objective was triggering incoming financial crisis, another reason why nobody will help nogs, crisis will hit goyim the most, but ZOG is dependent on goyim's capability to create. With ZOG and whites temporarily in stunned China will watch as Africa falls into Chaos with riots, deaths, shortages of food and medical supplies. And then Grorious China will give them a hand. Of course they have switched to heavy production of medical supplies, they've been fighting epidemy after all, and now they're willing to share. Of course they've got biggest military on the planet and they're willing to bring order. Of course they will send their best medical experts to support nignogs.

But unlike whites, chinese aren't retarded and with supplies there will come debts, with military there will come military bases, permanently securing Chinese interest in Africa. And goy oh goy will they be celebrated as heroes. Nigs will not see debts, they won't see absolute dependency on China, they won't see destruction of local industry and slow replacement with chinese owned business. With this amount of control they will be able to play Africa however they want.

In the end, Chinks get Africa on silver plate, ZOG has to lick wounds, Europe and US falls into another financial crisis. Well played Zhongguo

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f116d8  No.83070


I would hope doctors and nurses would boycott if they tried enforcing something like that. Tell those bureaucrats they can treat the patients themselves.

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786a04  No.83074


>I don't understand is the insane power grab being done and everyone acting like its completely okay

there are convicted pedophile trannys reading stories to young children in public libraries, abusive leftard parents who want to put their prepubescent kids through SRS, people who thinks it's normal to identify as a helicopter and so on and so on

>its so easy to control people

if the goyim don't do as big government says the party wagon will come for them

>I don't get why it isn't easier for the truth to be accepted

if the goyim speak the truth and don't believe our propaganda the party wagon will come for them


poos were the first to spot aids genes inside corona chan and despite the (((WHO))) shooting them down they were still proven right in the end

what are the possibilities of a broken clock being right twice in the same day?


>You don't need millions of people at all

true, you just need a few thousand from all over the world. But i find it hard to believe that doctors all over the world would join in on a lie of this scale, first, because most countries fucking hate each other, (Korea and Japan, France and Britain, India and China, Iran and Pissrael, Argentina and Brazil) and second, because no doctor would want to stake his credibility on a global hoax without a 100% guaranty that every other doctor in the world will join into said hoax, and getting that guaranty is impossible because there will always be a group who would go against the hoax, not because of their good conscience but because they want to be king of the hill themselves

>You just need a narrative dispersed in the media

the narrative dispersed in the media was: "hurrdurr its just da flu biggot, eat muh batsoup", then when it was impossible for them to cover Winnie the Flu's ass the switched gears to "China dindu nuffin rong, CCP is a gud goy"

>muh fake videos

they are so fake that the 5 yuan army, every government, every alphabet, every media outlet and every tech company is working overtime to suppress

also, let assume you are right spoilers, you are not what the fuck does the NWO win by giving every single normie and their boomer parents the perfect anti-glovalization argument? what do they win by cutting off their supply chains and hurting the economy they need to keep their zogbots loyal? what do they get out of causing a massive panic that gets people in the most cucked states to arm themselves to the teeth for the incoming MadMax apocalypse?

>inb4 hurrdurr they are taking your rights away by forcing you to quarantine

none of their wageslaves are making shekkels for them, the only thing they are doing is pissing people off and eroding their trust in their governments, because unless it was a government that did everything right like best Korea people are gonna blame them for the plague and the quarantine

they had no need to cause this chaos, fucking kikes had the world in the bag, all they had to do was keep the slow boil like they have for the past 2 millenniums and they would have got what they wanted

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ccc590  No.83075


China is already all over Africa. They own like every single mine in the Congo and are doing every single port project on the eastern coast. They don't need a fake virus pandemic.

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aee1f5  No.83076

Update from Australia

Nobody allowed to go to Queensland without permit and the qld border is now closed and enforced by the police. The people going to Qld must have arrival card on them all the time. Every time they enter qld they must self quarantine 14 days or face the punishment. Queensland is slowly becoming totalitarian.

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aee1f5  No.83078

The winter is coming so it is possible that Queensland will become full blown totalitarian next year if Coronavirus is still around.

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823ee6  No.83079


>Anyone on the ground in NYC?

NYC anon here.

Whole family already blessed. I bought Choriquine and some HIV drugs already at beginning of February in case anything like this happened. Have UVC decontamination kit and N95 and P100 half-face respirators for the family, mostly to wear on the subway a couple of weeks ago.

About 10 days ago wife got notified from work that a co-worker in her area had contact with a known infected person. Today she got notified that there is a confirmed case at her office. I started choroquine prophylaxis then, wife didn't see the need, then Sunday night she completely lost her since of smell.

Now all three of us are on Cholroquine, wife is on cholroquine and azithromycin (she had it lying around, I don't have any stocked), and I'm doing chlorquine and AIDS drugs fighting off a cough. The drugs seem to be working.

Glad I prepared for this because otherwise we'd be totally fucked right now.

Stay safe, anons!

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051146  No.83080

File: 70867005b625949⋯.webm (1.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, smearing_china.webm)


Shoot yourself in the foot while also shooting others in the chest or in the head…. and all to save face.

Makes sense but wouldn't you then be silent about the whole ordeal? Try to not stir up any fights? Why would China bluff a war with USA by slandering USA and saying the virus is coming from US? Why say that they can stop their exports of medical equipment to USA? Are they bluffing to exercise their newly found power? Or is this just a ploy to throw blame off of themselves? I don't know, it sounds like it is only throwing more light onto themselves.

I know from personal experience and from watching the ZOG that the best tactic is to try and silence everyone and continue on into the future. "Live and let live" where people forget about everything that happened.

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aee1f5  No.83081



Are you seriously going to take that when you get infected? The side effects is horrible.

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aee1f5  No.83082


Please disregard my post. I didn’t read the whole post. I am sorry about that. Please stay safe.

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322161  No.83083


This could be a real possibility, so does China intend to replace their Western consumer base? If so, then who will be their biggest consumer base? Russia? Africa?… And what would you predict happens to the US? Would we just fall into the third world with civil wars breaking out all over the place?

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823ee6  No.83086


Yeah, it works great. If you can get some you should keep it around.

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cb43fa  No.83089


I think it's Hydroxychloroquine you need and from what I heard don't be drinking fish tank cleaner with chloroquine like a nigger.

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36056a  No.83092


>when do the

Never. You fell for the hoax. You deserve it.

>I want to see

Why would they ever do that when they get everything for free? Always? Dumbass.

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ccc590  No.83093


It's not a real possibility at all. China has a good 30 points of average IQ on the actual, real-world American population – which is 70-80% black and brown people. China's consumer base isn't going anywhere because it literally can't. This whole thing is a front for a financial collapse that is coming because Western capital bet 200% on niggers and rent-seeking and came up snake eyes.

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504314  No.83096



god corona-chan is so sexy. I keep coming back to these generals precisely because of the lewd c-chan images. Don't stop you beautiful artfags

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1f5bff  No.83097

File: c28fa14c08309ca⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 386x387, 386:387, 90662958_145253380312816_6….jpg)

File: fd422d5218cbb88⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 458x573, 458:573, 90807512_243241957071780_1….jpg)

File: a136fe699b5f034⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 445x464, 445:464, 90869988_2522286674701948_….jpg)

File: 67dfb3e5d305b09⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 90796438_199753881444487_9….jpg)

File: 3e592da8171694b⋯.jpg (91.34 KB, 1080x1043, 1080:1043, 90484905_660348364782688_5….jpg)

Nu Coofs

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211d25  No.83100


You're about to get V& for your own stupidity and for endangering the lives of your family

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000000  No.83101


Celebrities aren't people and it is always a good thing when they die.

You have no power over anything or anyone.

Nothing can stop us.

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d15944  No.83103

File: 871d859afeacebf⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 740x744, 185:186, ETS7wu6WkAARfP8.jpg)


>I drink around 5-8 liters of tea daily therefore I understand bughive well

You're good people, anon.

>your conspiracy theory

I'm sorry anon, but I don't agree with your conclusions. Tea drinking not withstanding.

>China in check by ZOG, would be forced to import rapefugees

I doubt it. Japan's in a far worse problem in this respect, and while Abe is a cunt that's trying to open the doors, Japan is still mostly ethnically pure. And chances are if there's a major leap forward in robotics and automation, it'll start in Japan. China also is going out of its fucking way to ethnically cleanse non-Chinese in their country.

>release virus themselves

I don't think they'd choose a major manufacturing and tech hub like Hubei for that. They'd want something remote, isolated, but just populous enough to make a big show of it. The presence of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan seems far too much of a coincidence.

>ultimate goal is to get Africa

It'd make way more sense for them to engineer mega ebola or something endemic to Africa and release it there than make any domestic sacrifices.

>one child policy, aging workforce

They're a commie dictatorship, anon. They could expunge the seniors or tell them to go fuck themselves or anything else. There's plenty of periods in Chinese history where the stupidity of their leadership kills millions and they've not been nuked for it yet.

>financial crisis hitting EU and US

China's economy is tied into both of those, and they haven't been doing smart prep stuff like Russia these last few years. It'd cripple their economy to knock down their major trading partners, especially since their economy was entering the same thing the US' was in the 90s - moving away from manufacturing to a service industry. This would make them dependent on trade more than ever.

I further contest that we have the whole of recorded history to show the ineptitude of the Chinese leadership castes, and a lot of recent history to show both that they steal tech like a meth head stealing copper, and the cultural attitude of 'good enough' is stronger than ever.

Honestly, I'm amazed they haven't had a Chernobyl-type nuclear incident yet.

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36056a  No.83105


>keeps repeating jewish propaganda about chinks being smart

Wow, pathetic.

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ccc590  No.83106


They were smart enough to not share their civilization and countries with 70-80% black and brown people.

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d9c0cf  No.83107



The holocough is real time, kikes.


Thanks brother. Good luck to you too, stay safe in those times of great uncertainty.


I like your hypothesis, even though I don't think chinks are competent enough to pull this off. The Han people are long gone, though. They got raped by other races of chinks and became the modern chinks that we all know and love to hate.


Thanks for the steady updates, Aussie. Stay safe down there.


>The drugs seem to be working.

The drugs don't work, Corona-Chan has selected your and your family to be part of the survivors that will build the new world. Congratulations, you're pure and just!

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abdbab  No.83108


Even if this bioweapon were a hoax, the economic ramifications are the same with lockdowns in place across half the country. In due time, supplies will dry up, and later on people will get hungry, angry and desperate. Wait a couple months or so.

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51bb54  No.83110

File: 2b2471e1542df99⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 437x512, 437:512, chin.jpg)

File: bfe5feb9b0171c1⋯.jpg (302.01 KB, 1280x1254, 640:627, Africa_china_investments_v….jpg)


In terms of debt they're behind ZOG


In terms of ownership they're still behind western countries, data is old, but they aren't nearly as balls deep as they'd wish.


I don't believe silencing it is a possibility at this point, corona gets 90% of the news and influences people's lives to large degree. In our news, and in many other european countries we've got different portrayal of China, it's more of ' We're sorry we didn't contain it, we will send you medical supplies since we've got so much '. It seems to be official line of propaganda for Europe since they sent supplies to Italy as well.

It might be different with US because of trade war. But they do seem to heat it up too much.


They will have whole Africa as new consumer base, along with whatever share of other markets they will gain because of crisis. I believe it's gonna be similar to what ZOG did with Eastern Europe, as soon as they opened market, ZOG flooded it with better,cheaper products, when their own industry couldn't compete, they bought it off and shipped their own products under old labels. Chinks can silently turn Africa into neocolonies.

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823ee6  No.83111


<getting v&

Sure thing, Chaim. Come and get me.

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000000  No.83112


>but to assume that the person controlling the strings that play into your life and he's just a dunce like any other I'd be completely bullshit

Tool much time in control makes the weak-minded become lazy and reckless.

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000000  No.83114


You have no power and no means to reach us. You lost.

We can do whatever we want.

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b895f0  No.83116

Jus waiting for the announcement that AIDS anti virals (lopinavir and ritonavir tablets) - for the treatment of COVID-19 patients is best treatment option. Don't worry you'll live a long life just like Magic Johnson

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bcc70f  No.83118


>4th Pic.


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000000  No.83120


It probably means that they want to hoard all masks and other equipment for themselves only, illegally, and don't want anyone else using them.

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18ad24  No.83121

File: 43dd2fe39d80a3b⋯.png (569.71 KB, 800x800, 1:1, new_numbers.png)

File: 40c23feb7606bfc⋯.png (373.21 KB, 775x628, 775:628, new_numbers2.png)

File: 07949b609297fcc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1245x1071, 415:357, waffle_house.png)

File: bf02e80954da411⋯.png (277.61 KB, 2090x1233, 2090:1233, KEK_LMAO.png)

File: bf51ef8560ea478⋯.png (205.71 KB, 2278x996, 1139:498, Id_like_one_pandemic_smoth….png)

Before I log off for tonight, here's the update on CDC-Land and on something sorta-related to my state. Waffle House was started and led in Georgia:

New Numbers for the 25th, and WSB starting to record hospitalizations, which is very useful.

1,387 cases, 47 deaths and 438 hospitalizations

Up 140 from 1,247 cases yesterday, up 7 deaths from 40


Waffle House Closes over 300 stores, which means things are really, really fucked





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672f6e  No.83122


>Healthcare providers are actually being given a lot of leeway right now in what they can wear, etc. at work because they are so critical every last worker is needed.

Fucking kikes, they might able to get workers comp if they get sick, file a claim if as she gets a cough. I've seen niggers get workers comp for minor injuries so she should got it if she tested positive.

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bcc70f  No.83124

File: 55f9508ea19b895⋯.png (378.82 KB, 1523x726, 1523:726, Lead_Dispenser_Goes_Brrr.png)


>tfw Federal Reserve devalues everyones money but where still supposed to trust banks.

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aee1f5  No.83125


Well, they need to boost their immune system because that drug can weaken the immune system. Be careful with the drugs.

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823ee6  No.83126


>Selected by Corona-chan to rebuild

The Goddess will reward those who are loyal and faithful and pure


>HIV Drugs

Lamivudine is the one you want (probably Tenofovir) too. Reverse trancriptase inhibitors FTW. If you can get your hands on the PReP drugs they give to degenerates you'll be in good shape. Just tell them your boyfriend is HIV+ and you've been sharing needles with him lately. your county health dept will probably give you the drugs for free.

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e0fb8c  No.83128


From what I understand that's basically what happened, and nobody on site in any managerial position is saying shit because they are afraid of their personnel actually walking.


Anon nobody in health care wants workers comp, that shit is for spics and niggers who work at McNiggers. Only the lowliest paid and laziest health care workers who make like $15/hour would pull something like that because it would be a net gain. A Kaiser nurse who makes 100k+ doesn't want to be on workers comp, she wants to keep her high paying job.

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18ad24  No.83129

File: e85249e6965477c⋯.jpg (115.13 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, dang_yankees_are_about_to_….jpg)

File: 8e564fa01680268⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1200x2374, 600:1187, grown_up_waiflu.png)


Map of the closed Waffle Houses. If you live north of the Mason-Dixon line, you better start running to the hills. Good night everyone!


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051146  No.83131

File: 38f5cb442cc5e6b⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB, 632x720, 79:90, boys_are_back_in_town.mp4)


>It might be different with US because of trade war. But they do seem to heat it up too much.

That is the thing I worry about my friend.

WW3 might be happening before our eyes. Not with real weapons or guns, but with spying and computers.

It might escalate to full blows 2nd order proxy war (lmao, funny even saying that is the "escalation") but other than that world wouldn't let 2 major world powers fight it out. We saw what happened during cold war (LOSS OF ZOG MONEY MAKING SCHEME, GOYIM NOOO).

So it will be aight. I assume it will go down into china. Proxy of proxy wars in Africa for resources. Nice. More dead niggers.

Yippey ki-yay motherfucker, dead niggers.

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51bb54  No.83132

File: bf442f2b030dc67⋯.jpg (8.4 KB, 258x194, 129:97, 1547493813359.jpg)


>I like your hypothesis, even though I don't think chinks are competent enough to pull this off.

I probably give them too much credit but I'd rather assume they're competent rather than suffer consequences of underestimating opponent.


>You're good people, anon.

You too mate

>I doubt it. Japan's in a far worse problem in this respect, and while Abe is a cunt that's trying to open the doors, Japan is still mostly ethnically pure. And chances are if there's a major leap forward in robotics and automation, it'll start in Japan. China also is going out of its fucking way to ethnically cleanse non-Chinese in their country.

Japs are on another level in almost every regard. Like Germany they still got heavy industry going strong, as well as high tech products which keep industry strong. Chinese try to achieve similar model,but their heavy and high tech industry is only aimed for local market so far, maybe with this happening they seek to open African markets and establish their position.

>I don't think they'd choose a major manufacturing and tech hub like Hubei for that. They'd want something remote, isolated, but just populous enough to make a big show of it. The presence of the BSL4 lab in Wuhan seems far too much of a coincidence.

You've got good argument here,but remote and isolated place would be much more suspicious, they've lost less than two months, knowing western world will loose much more. Presence of lab might be secondary alibi given that scientists actually establish it as artificially created.

>They're a commie dictatorship, anon. They could expunge the seniors or tell them to go fuck themselves or anything else. There's plenty of periods in Chinese history where the stupidity of their leadership kills millions and they've not been nuked for it yet.

Their history is full of stupidity but there are bright minds, and I'm inclined to believe that at least some people from their government know what they're doing, China has been doing good for past 30 years. They are totalitarian country but it doesn't mean they can do anything, if they deny elders money necessary for living they don't only piss elders, they also piss their children who'd have to sustain them. You'd be actively pissing off majority of your population, not sure if they'd be able to pull it off.

>China's economy is tied into both of those, and they haven't been doing smart prep stuff like Russia these last few years. It'd cripple their economy to knock down their major trading partners, especially since their economy was entering the same thing the US' was in the 90s - moving away from manufacturing to a service industry.

EU and US depends on China, China is self sustainable ( aside from resources which it gets from Africa ) and can only lose potential profits. If they get African market open for themselves, it will be great payoff. EU and US won't stop being dependent on China and chinks could just outsource niggers without fear they'd become second China

Not sure if you understand my point, but I think China is aware of it's exceptional economical growth thanks to international trade and doesn't want to be victim to outsourcing like US or EU, they will turn African countries into colonies rather than let them grow like China once did

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000000  No.83133



Testing is a trap for internment, and also proven to give false positives. Do not get set up, avoid these agencies and their "tests."

They are using this scare to set up a total global police state and social credit score system, cashless society. Be prepared and become self-sufficient. To remain free, we must resist this and refuse to conform. Arm yourselves and prepare!

Corona may be bad but the (((government))) is always much worse. Don't give up your liberties over scare tactics. Similar scare tactics were deployed after 9-11 to con people into giving up their rights (NDAA, Patriot Act, NSA spying, etc). This time it would be far worse!

Wake up the masses, if they conform they will only make this harder for everyone else. HAPАS ARE SUРERIOR TO WHITES The best case scenario is these people were to just die off from corona but that likely won't happen anytime soon if at all. HAPАS ARE SUРERIOR TO WHITES

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379e17  No.83134


Heh you're right. Mudslimes are spineless swine who'll run away from a real fight. They're just good at blowing up defenseless people.

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b895f0  No.83135

File: 777c0468f109e49⋯.jpg (173.01 KB, 798x770, 57:55, Zrgz3Cv.jpg)

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ccc590  No.83137


Jews and coomsumers aren't people.

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672f6e  No.83138


>A Kaiser nurse who makes 100k+ doesn't want to be on workers comp, she wants to keep her high paying job.

anon when you get workers comp you get 80% of all you lost wages and all of your medical expense, you don't know the ins and outs of neetbux I have. Fuck the jew bosses

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aee1f5  No.83140


Honestly docs and medical personnel’s should quit and go somewhere to work. California is a lost cause.

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823ee6  No.83141


>Hydroxycholroquine vs Cholorquine

Either one should work.

>In China the dose is Chlorquine Phosphate 1000mg per day for 12 days for infected people regardless of severity.

>Prof Raoult the French wizard is using 600mg hydroxycloroquine with azithromycin, double dose of the azithromycin on the first day, four more days at standard dose. After that you should be OK.

>Chlorquine Prophylaxis

Oxford University is dosing the frontline healthcare workers with chlorquine phosphate https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04303507

>fish tank cleaner

Don't do that. Figure out a way to get pharma. Write yourself a prescription or have your friend who's a doctor give you a script.

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051146  No.83143

File: 563ac1010227851⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 640x640, 1:1, corona_about_the_flu.jpg)


I'll tell you hwat there jimbo. You can't trust anyone these days.

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40da16  No.83144

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thrad theme

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aee1f5  No.83145

Jews really believed that they can control it. When will they realise that this is near total extinction event? Nobody ever succeed in controlling the virus bio weapon.

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871bea  No.83146

File: 3d08cad6de63c1e⋯.png (620.19 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Jew_colorized.png)

Over the past 24 hours, the U.S. reported 14,024 new cases of coronavirus and 265 new deaths, raising the total to 68,347 cases and 1,037 dead


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d8f0b6  No.83147


if you truly believed that

why are you here???

If its all a big hoax, a big nothingburger, why do you insist on spending hours on this thread running your mouth about it??


>China has a good 30 points of average IQ

i think i can safely filter you now.

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d9c0cf  No.83148

File: 453464c9bb2788c⋯.png (186.01 KB, 906x615, 302:205, singapore.png)

File: efdada76a0f1d71⋯.png (40.19 KB, 538x227, 538:227, Aircoof_carrier.png)

File: e0250aa74faada5⋯.mp4 (572.23 KB, 360x450, 4:5, middle_eastern_hazmat_dude….mp4)

Singapoor update, 73 new confirmed cases https://archive.is/b6vFD

Burger aircraft carrier update

Unknown country, possibly somewhere in the middle east

Hazmat dudes delivering bags of grains to people

I'm not going to post the tweets here but I made a twatter search for my city and normalfags are saying the numbers are bullshit. Many of their relatives and friends are dying or getting sick due to a strong pneumonia. Also, a dude took hydrochloroquine or however you spell the name of that bullshit, suffered a rare side effect and is now on the ICU waiting for a pacemaker, kek


Pretty sure they tried some aids medicine and failed. News of this were posted 3 or four threads ago. Or was it two threads ago? Can't remember. But I don't think it was 5 or 6 threads ago


Thank your the Georgia updates, sleep well.

>Waffle house closing

Burgerland is doomed.


>lead dispenser goes brr

>boomer calling an AK an AR.

I kek'd hard.




Burgerland is getting fugged pretty hard, can't wait until Brownzil reaches those numbers and goes even beyond

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aee1f5  No.83153


>dude took hydrochloroquine or however you spell the name of that bullshit, suffered a rare side effect and is now on the ICU waiting for a pacemaker, kek.

I am glad that I didn’t take it.

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871bea  No.83154


>can't wait until Brownzil reaches those numbers and goes even beyond

Bolsonero doesn't want to test people over there so we'll never know the real numbers. We'll start seeing lots of videos when niggers start dropping like flies tho.

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d8bd3d  No.83158

File: 6102b265406868f⋯.jpg (4.38 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, coof_troop_copy.jpg)

43 threads in and I still dont know what to think. feel like this whole situation is pretty fucked tho. My business is closed. Got no work. I'm just waiting for the day my bank tries to kick me out of my house because no mortgage/car repo-ed cause not paid off yet. I'm not special. just another hand to mouth nigger waiting for the other shoe to drop. no one i know except immediate fam taking this thing seriously. neighbors having parties like it's nothing and always some retard knocking on my door trying to shoot the shit. I swear to god people are coming out of the woodwork just to hang out and I'm not even a likeable guy. wtf. feeling schizo lately


total nothingburger. bummer.

also me:


either way. I did a thing. thought I’d share.

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d8f0b6  No.83162


well if thats the chinks play they have underestimated to important things.

(1) ZOG strikes back.

Chinas current economic model is dependent on exports. China cannot even maintain its own food supply. Without Europe and America buying chinese shit, chinas economy is going to go into a tailspin. They are already deeply in debt. The backlash against this virus, depending on how many zogbots get killed, will likely be enormous. People are already calling for reparations and shieet. I was at my brothers office today, and the old lady (whos nearly 65) who works as his secretary, and is a total treehugging liberal "save the whales" type braindead bimbo, and yes shes is braindead with giant tits. She must have been smoking hot when she was young, but shes a total fucking airhead. Anyways she openly refered to it as "Chinkypox" … and thats saying alot. Anyways, people are pissed, and not just the right wing ebil natzeehs, but ordinary people. And the chinese government, playing stupid, and pretending its everybody's fault but theirs, not even acknowledging that they fucked up, is only making it worse. Its like rubbing salt in th wound. People arent that stupid. Everybody in the whole world knows this shit started in china, and when jinping comes out saying "dats wacist" he just sounds like a fuckin nigger. Thats nigger tier behaviour "I dindu nuffin".

If Jinping xi was as smart as he ought to be he'd be takin a whole different line on this. If I was chairman of china what i would do is this:

"Id make a public statement saying this is NOT a bioweapon, whatever else it is, I can assure you it did not escape from our bsl4 lab in wuhan. I realize it looks bad cause it happened in wuhan where such a lab is located, but we have triple checked all the protocaols and interviewed all the workers etc etce tc and it defintely did not escape from there.

It did however probably escape from the "wet market " in wuhan. It is likely the result of an infected bat being eaten.

In light of this, and the trouble it has caused, and china has suffered as much as anywhere else, I am instituting a "cleanliness is next to bhuddaness policy. I am rewriting our nations safe food handling pratices, i am outlawing the consumption of exotic animals, including bats, deer penis, and etc etc etc. China is going to have the toughest safe food handling pratices in the world, wet markets will be heavily regualted to insure chinese citizens only have access to the highest quality foods …. etc etc etc.

this would allow the chinese to take the blame without actually taking the blame. of course they will go right back to eating snake shit fried in gutter oil. but it will allow them to escape the repercussions of it being a bioweapon, or even the fault of the chinese government, and more of a fault of some bat-soup dealer in wuhan, who we will never know.

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d8f0b6  No.83165


anyways getting back to your theory.

people are pissed at china right now, and they want payback, and the western powers are busy trying to figure out how to do that. It may very well come to pass that trump decides to cancel a few trillion dollars worth of US treasury bonds to pay for this fuck up, and that wont bode well for Mei Fuk Up and the rest of the crew back in bejing.

meanwhile when the chinks start trying to take over africa they are going to figure out what everyone else who ever tried to go ther has already figured out …. niggers.

When you got a billion 70IQ apes that run around stealing shit and smoking crack, setting each other on fire for a loaf of bread, you just cant get any work done. The problem trying to colonize africa isnt all the deadly snakes, or the ferocious lions … its fucking niggers, who asolutely must rape anything with a hole and steal anythign not bolted down. thats why africa is immune to development! because its the eternal home of the nigger. and niggers have just got to nig. they cant help it. niggin is thier whole life. they wont work, they cant fix anything, after 5000 years of watching the rest of the world develop modern civilization they are still building mud huts out of sticks, mud and cow shit, a dwelling so simple that even the common muskrat builds better then them. they truly are monkeys that appear semi human. they cannot be trained, they cannot be taught, and every time you turn your back they are either stealing something or trying to stab you.

so unless china has plans to import 250m chinks, and exterminate the niggers, then their plan will utterly fail. the only way to colonize africa is to kill off 90% of the niggers.

tldr: china will also experience a financial crisis, africa is impossible to colonize, because thats where niggers be.>>83069

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b2b138  No.83169


The whole of America is Dumbfuckistan. Filth, squalor, ignorance, programmed, straight up laziness. No discipline & 90% give zero fucks about their hygiene or environment. Looking forward to the cleansing taking on Hubei proportions. Americans are not worthy of survival.

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b2b138  No.83172


Chyna is going to be the first to achieve Lebensraum…..No fucking way. The apes will eat them for breakfast.

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51bb54  No.83173

File: dced21b5e271c03⋯.png (204.45 KB, 336x231, 16:11, 1545793635345.png)


>If Jinping xi was as smart as he ought to be he'd be takin a whole different line on this. If I was chairman of china what i would do is this:

That's kinda the message they've been sending to Europe, that they're sorry and they will send us equipment and supplies they no longer need. As the lady in the webm proudly repeats "Don't be afraid China is coming" and " Whoever helped China, China will help them". I'm not sure why they take such weird approach towards US, maybe other anon is right and it's war they seek. Maybe antagonizing is just a play to elevate it to the point when they back down and accept their guilt, giving you some sense of win, and them a chance for redemption - help in those trying times in form of supplies.

>so unless china has plans to import 250m chinks, and exterminate the niggers, then their plan will utterly fail. the only way to colonize africa is to kill off 90% of the niggers.

Africa has changed in the meantime, niggers are still dumb and chinks know that, it's all so tiresome fellow explained nicely why things don't go well in Africa, but it's still rich in resources and there are tasks even niggers can do if you enforce it properly. They will not be as efficient as whites or asians but they are strong in numbers.

Chinks might want to enforce one child policy in Africa to prevent niggerifying rest of the world. But it's wishful thinking at this point

As for economical impact I tried to answer it in other post,but summary can be, it might benefit them in long run more than hurt right now.

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00bd2f  No.83175


be patient. they don't have any of that shit and as soon as the immediate source of meth/crack and lattes runs out your going to see some shit.

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d8f0b6  No.83177


well now is a good time to diversify your earnings. you need to join the anti-zog neet warriors. Here are a few things Ive learned.

(1) simple ads on craiglist etc, handy man stuff, just cleaning gutters, chopping firewood whatever, have a small truck adn some tools and your good to go. mow lawns, trim hedges, haul away trash.

(2) youtube videos …. install minecraft, set up mods, start streaming shit, kids love it. you dont even have to appear. just dont do vanilla minecraft. even better, do other games, like 7d2d and stuff

(3) taxes …. this is one of my secret weapons.

taxes are really easy, especially with some basic software. I started out doing my parents, then my brothers and sisters, then their friends, then my first business one, then my first T2 …. the onyl courses I ever took was the H&R block employee training (but i never tried to work for them) and some basic T2 courses at night at my community college.

now i do over 50 peoples annual personal returns (t1's - charge 80$ a pop) several business returns and one corporate customer (40$/hour). every spring i make approx 10k doing tax returns. its all easy peesy work form home, punch in the numbers, know a few loopholes and your in business. over a 90 day period i make at least 10k. later if they get audited, i can charge more to complete the audits for them, which can easily be 3000$ a pop.

(4) firewood. if your like me and you live in a rural area, firewood is easy. cut down tree, buck it, split it, sell it. got a truck and a chainsaw, your in business. tons of crown land all around here.

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eb074d  No.83180


One of the comments on that link

>This is Anti-white propaganda to use in collaboration with gun control measures. The glow-niggers (FBI), probably baited him into these thoughts. Remember RUBY RIDGE and or WAKO. Yeah, the goyim see (((you)))

Hopefully more people will wake up to things like this.


>Covid-19 is to SARS-COV-2 as AIDS is to HIV.

Neat. Thank you


>I do that with Notepad

Same, I just keep things in a folder

>That's usually how scientific information diffuses into the culture at large. It starts as a long-winded bloated paper, interpreted and sensationalized by overpaid science journalists, further retarded by (((mass media))), then finally meme'd by the public at large.

Its hard to think people wouldn't want the long-winded bloated paper instead of the media meme'ing it to them. Having middle men in between your source of information is like paying through third parties to have your information fed to you like a baby bird. If you ask someone if they think they're smart they're going to tell you in some way that they are. Thats what makes convincing "normies" so hard, is because indoctrination is real and even though they'll openly agree with you about the corruption of gov't they won't shed the programming. It doesn't help that the NPC meme is real, saw that going around again recently so its probable that more people know about it now.

>We'll have to wait and see within the next week or two if there was a mutation or (((mutation))) allowing human-human transmission and there's something more going on.

I'm keeping my eye on it at least


I don't think it confirms Hanta can go person to person but its suggesting mother to child via uterus, after birth, or breast feeding.


>Close to 100 nurses and family members gathered outside Kaiser’s Oakland Medical Center on Monday night to protest the new guidelines, saying that they put both patients and critical staff at risk

My moms a nurse, she was telling me about how the N95 masks issued by the gov't don't pass some sort of standard, I'll have to ask her about it again but its clear nurses know they aren't getting the right equipment in more places than one. I don't know if its because the gov't is just incompetent or its intentional but either way its bad.


>In the end, Chinks get Africa on silver plate, ZOG has to lick wounds, Europe and US falls into another financial crisis. Well played Zhongguo

I feel like this is a double edged sword, by taking Africa they're also taking responsibility, if things don't bode well for the average person there then they're simply going to rebel and try to drive out the chinese. I've seen things in the past where some african says they want white imperialism back because it at least had a face, the chinese are just soulless. I imagine they'd just end up exterminating most of the continent out of frustration and going home empty handed. But this is my uneducated guess and opinion, I don't know shit about Africa or China outside of my limited scope, if I'm wrong I'm totally willing to learn the right alternative.


>if the goyim don't do as big government says the party wagon will come for them

I guess its just a pipe dream to imagine unity in "community". But you make a very good point


>so unless china has plans to import 250m chinks, and exterminate the niggers, then their plan will utterly fail. the only way to colonize africa is to kill off 90% of the niggers.

lol funny to scroll and see my own reply simplified.

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e3e170  No.83182


Should be captioned, 'Chinese property developer spits on Strayans for their hospitaily'

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e3e170  No.83184


Saw a German newspaper use similar data, from a different company. All these creepy big brother ideas are now coming out under cover of fear for Corona chan. Also note the link at the bottom, 'Please don't sell my data' -for a company whose entire business model is based on bought data.

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00bd2f  No.83185


they already imported 100m, they basically import all their own labor as well as thousands who want to some business in Africa.

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051146  No.83186


subliminally trying to put jews into it

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e3e170  No.83188


Can confirm, central Europe (CR) and same, although they could have been Vietnamese too, but same thing. Cleaned out all masks before March.

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00bd2f  No.83190


Think of the world as a bunch of silverback monkeys, one is the alpha and the rest are not. China want's to be the alpha, but it has to network with other non-Alphas before it takes on Alpha, otherwise if it moves on the Alpha, Alpha won't have to do shit because all the betas will kick it's ass.

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51bb54  No.83192

File: 2102e3ca1dc2562⋯.jpg (302.05 KB, 682x3888, 341:1944, 1554070332454.jpg)


>I feel like this is a double edged sword, by taking Africa they're also taking responsibility, if things don't bode well for the average person there then they're simply going to rebel and try to drive out the chinese. I've seen things in the past where some african says they want white imperialism back because it at least had a face, the chinese are just soulless. I imagine they'd just end up exterminating most of the continent out of frustration and going home empty handed. But this is my uneducated guess and opinion, I don't know shit about Africa or China outside of my limited scope, if I'm wrong I'm totally willing to learn the right alternative.

I only know how much I read so I'm not gonna pretend I'm expert. I believe that China wants to turn Africa into neocolony the way EU played Eastern Europe. It was less than 20 years since communism has fallen, companies in EE weren't as developed as their western counterparts, they lacked technology, experience, well optimized products and chain of production. Western world flooded EE with cheap products ( The more you produce the cheaper it is ) of higher quality than domestic ones. Slowly domestic companies were pushed into bankrupcy, they either disappeared or were bought by western companies. As a result majority of EE countries ended up as little China of EU, cheap, qualified labor. As a bonus you get low cost of transport and good education. EE is not capable of creating own, strong industry, establishing new product takes solid R&D not many places capable of it in such ravage environment. EE has been reduced into neocolony by EU with very little chance of being any real threat to ZOG companies. At the same time they're profiting ZOG as market and as low cost workforce.

I believe Chinks might want to do the very same thing in Africa. I know that niggers ain't held in high regard here, with a bunch of good reasons, but for instance Rwanda has been doing quite good, they released smartphone made entirely in Africa. If Chinks are wise they see Africa as great threat and great potential. They surely don't want ZOG to use Africa as next cheap labour camp, instead they're willing to do it themselves.

As for your concerns, Eastern europeans didn't rebel because they've been given better life, they still see domestic labels even though very few of them profit their own nations. If Euros can be turned into neocolony so can niggers. Especially if they come in as saviors.

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d9c0cf  No.83196

File: be589341da665ff⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Poolice_beating_Pajeets.mp4)

File: 4bc446f8a68a2d6⋯.mp4 (3 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Kenyan_military_police_enf….mp4)

File: 6a2c467f6d4d52f⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pacaembu_stadium_field_hos….mp4)

File: f3ac41ad09489b0⋯.mp4 (483.52 KB, 220x400, 11:20, Brazilian_collapses_from_c….mp4)

Reuters report on Poolice beating the shit out of civvie Pajeets

Kenyan military police enforce the lockdown by firing tear gas canisters at a crowded market

Field hospital being built in the Pacaembu Stadium in São Paulo. Also, Huezmat dudes.


>Miss, what happened to him?

<He has coronavirus, and I got it too.

>Here's the collapsed guy, I already called an ambulance but they hanged up on me. Here's how the terminal looks *shows people in the distance*


> We'll start seeing lots of videos when niggers start dropping like flies tho.


This is the second Brownzilian dropper video that I managed to find, the first one was a Hue on the São Paulo subway. I posted it some threads ago.


>coof troop


Good OC, anon. Stay safe out there.

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d8f0b6  No.83197


btw. all of these jobs, if they pay cash and dont wnat a receipt … it never happened. I dont collect any welfare though, i dont try to double dip the system. I just do my own thing. I dont scam the system, and I dont want the system scammin me. I still pay plenty of taxes on other shit (3k in property tax a year to start!). so i dont feel bad about getting some cash jobs on the side.

and (5) hunting, fishing and gardening. its easy, its fun and its cuts your grocery bills down to zero. its healthy outdoor activity, builds self reliance, character and a good nature.


well I am eagerly awaiting some big riots. its gonna be gud. i cant wait to see tyrone getting beaten and pepper sprayed while laquisha screeches. I wanna see them get what they fuckin deserve. Im sick of them, im sick of thier highfulatin, pretentious snobbery. Im sick and tired of hearing how they are so much smarter and more cultured then rural people. Most of them have never worked a day in their life. They dont know what its like to go to work with the sun. but most of all im sick of seeing my hard earned sweaty dollars going to gimmigrants, drug addicts and whores, funding needle exchanges and abortions, and all manner of degeneracy. I dont give a shit if thats how they want to live thier life, Im just tired of seeing my tax dollars pay for it! I am looking forward to seeing those dollars finally run out.


well good for the chinks then. maybe those ungrateful niggers will finally get some medicine. I really dont give a fuck honestly. they can have africa. let the chinks and the niggers fight it out. sounds good to me. white people need to consolidate our holdings over europe, north america and australia … we have plenty.

wait til tyrone gets a load of how chang does business. hes gonna beg for whitey to return. chang doesnt even want jamal as a slave, chinks bring thier own slaves already!!! good for them.


only problem with your theory is eastern europe is populated with humans, now albeit slavs are not the brightest bunch, but they qualify (in my books) as humans. having worked with them they are good people. they are hard workers in my experience, not very smart mind you, but they are honest (if your a friend) and they are above all else, loyal to thier friends. friendhip and loyalty mean something to them. I have great friend who is a czech, and another good friend whos a serb(he was there for the war too, as a kid), and i also have very dear and old friends who are russian and romanian … they are some of the best people i know. My russian friend, of all my friends, is one of my oldest and best friends.

one the other hand, africa is populated with niggers. who cannot be trusted, who are violent, arrogant, and stupid.

so …. good luck in africa chang!

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c66c95  No.83198


> later if they get audited, i can charge more to complete the audits for them, which can easily be 3000$ a pop.

I'm sure if you know what you're doing you can guarantee every one of your clients gets audited.

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51bb54  No.83199


>only problem with your theory is eastern europe is populated with humans, now albeit slavs are not the brightest bunch, but they qualify (in my books) as humans. having worked with them they are good people. they are hard workers in my experience, not very smart mind you, but they are honest (if your a friend) and they are above all else, loyal to thier friends. friendhip and loyalty mean something to them. I have great friend who is a czech, and another good friend whos a serb(he was there for the war too, as a kid), and i also have very dear and old friends who are russian and romanian … they are some of the best people i know. My russian friend, of all my friends, is one of my oldest and best friends.

I'm with you on slavs, I'm glad that whites don't antagonize each other.

Hopefully you're right and chinks fail, I'd still hope they'd try to enforce one child policy all over continent. One can hope.

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823ee6  No.83200





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cd1984  No.83202

File: eb862a4a0401c2f⋯.jpg (186.76 KB, 1036x614, 518:307, coronachan_italy_case.jpg)

File: ab7cab0d921b4cc⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 661x263, 661:263, diamond_princess_cruise_we….jpg)

File: 02e1b2a02c70cf5⋯.png (283.56 KB, 1094x1306, 547:653, billgates_coronavirus_id20….png)


they hated him because he spoke the truth

coronachan is fake.

The illness might be true, but is nowhere the huge pandemic that ((( they ))) want it to be.

Evidence? pic 1 & 2

Reason for the global hysteria? pic 3

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c66c95  No.83204


Romanians aren't Slavs.

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d15944  No.83205

File: 5dbe2bac0ace9cc⋯.png (326.45 KB, 567x720, 63:80, 5dbe2bac0ace9cc9e11ee7de62….png)


>remote location being suspicious

If it's chosen poorly, sure - ie: 'Oh hey, a mysterious virus infested this remote town bordered on three sides by a river and by a mountain on the other. Yep, it killed everyone but we locked it down no probs and no you can't go in to check'. I think there's a middle ground between a major city like Wuhan and Test Site 001.

>killing off the seniors

Yeah sorry, was talking out of my ass a bit. There's no social security in China (at least I don't think there is), so old folks are the burden of the kids and whole families live in intergenerational households. In this respect, yeah, I agree that a bonus to the virus is effectively a culling of the senior population, and the bugs would have no ethical qualms about that at all. Neither would the jews

>Chinese economy and Africa

China needs the US and EU to buy its shit, and even before corona-chan their economy was increasingly levered up in debt like ours because their middle class was starting to really develop. Don't forget that their middle class wants the kind of products we buy - Nintendo Switches, iPhones, luxury clothes, and all that shit. Yes, some is made in China, but the designs and the content come from outside their borders. Their middle class has gotten a taste of the first world, and they're not going to settle for shitty Chinese knock offs of their preferred brands. As for Africa, I really don't see those cavemen ever getting a working economy and having purchasing power. Theirs is a country to be plundered and the people there are, frankly, a liability. The best China could hope for would be making its own cities and really colonizing the place as opposed to just the debt colonization they're doing now and having that be a new population center.


The 'please don't sell my data' is there because places have to have it for privacy compliance reasons. Look up something called the 'GDPR.'

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8b0ea0  No.83206


Indeed. Most Romo's let the hens run free in the house and hide the gold in the roof. The one's that don't are on some other payroll.

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e3e170  No.83211


<being quarantined is going to be the new normal

>be on a cambodian basket weaving board

>spend all of January up to March with good information on how to prepare for Corona chan and bug in

>Hi I'm here


You Americans are just little contrarian faggots at this point. Take your liberty and individualism and go into a million individual little directions. Your time is up anyway. I'm glad here in Europe we'll be 10 years closer to a nationalist wave, by next year. That's what Corona chan's calling is. Not, 'go out and you can't live your life like that, your jew master wants his package delivered'.

Sieg Heil!

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ca7fbc  No.83215

Debtanon has not poasted today. I pray that the Living Debt™ is resting and doing well.

Good night to the rest of you faggots.

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d15944  No.83217

File: 37517d620a29d8b⋯.jpg (151.58 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 5c84c8e322e75d4d26befe655b….jpg)

Health experts have warned that Turkey’s coronavirus situation is out of control and that deaths from the disease could soon be on a par with Italy or Spain, reported the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network on Tuesday.


Bet Turkey is going to regret being such cunts to the EU by flooding them with migrants when they go beyond Italy in terms of death.

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d9c0cf  No.83218

File: 2851bae34c0c82c⋯.png (145.05 KB, 603x603, 1:1, turkroaches_are_going_to_g….png)

File: 0f2da986b7ab284⋯.png (52.56 KB, 907x268, 907:268, Wise_move_Jewtin.png)

File: f721a75fed56720⋯.png (387.24 KB, 629x598, 629:598, acrean_getting_his_tempera….png)

Turkroaches are going to be BTFO by Corona-Chan, experts say https://archive.is/Q3Zxt

Jewtin shut's down Russia's airspace, no more flights.

LadyBoiland update, 111 (checked) new confirmed cases https://archive.is/gN2hm


>Debtanon has not poasted today. I pray that the Living Debt™ is resting and doing well.

He did, in the previous thread. He's probably just busy or sleeping.

>Good night to the rest of you faggots.

Good night and sleep well.


HIVEMIND! Got a thumbnail and archived link though.

>that animorph

Never ceases to make me laugh.

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d15944  No.83220

File: d35ecb1bca767d0⋯.gif (2.64 MB, 448x298, 224:149, 1365532683562.gif)


Pleasure to work with you, hivemindanon.

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e3e170  No.83224


Hey, that's a great find. I checked the founders' names and they weren't jewish. It's a plague. We have about 3,000 jews in CR, but the majority is chabad-lubavitsch jews that operate in the shadows. This is not about producing it in CR, this is about this being a jew op. Again, thanks.

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e3e170  No.83225


When you look at BRI projects, you will note that they avoid African countries with uppity muslim niggers. Probably because they know the CIA will start supporting jihadists to sabotage them (Uighurs is a big rallying cry for uppity muslims). Of course, once the cash pallets leave the C130 they will of course turn their anger to Europe so maybe we should thank the chinks.

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e3e170  No.83226


Isn't this a case of late-stage jewing? If they're not wearing company-mandated PPE, they expose (((themselves))) to being sued by patients or by medical staff? Sure, Barbara Smith wears the N95, but Laquishaa and DaeVon will start wearing a pink or purple handkerchief and before you know it nobody gives a shit anymore, thus making the company responsible for neglicence if a patient gets it from Laquishaa or if DaeVon gets it from a patient.

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d9c0cf  No.83230

File: dec309956b7ebab⋯.png (386.81 KB, 976x539, 976:539, NTD_News_China_in_Focus.png)

File: d9d7ed36087c4ce⋯.png (58.11 KB, 900x324, 25:9, list_of_topics.png)

File: d181acf8b66a991⋯.jpg (289.57 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, dead_57_YO_nigger_cause_of….jpg)

File: 06cc20bf9eae06f⋯.png (79.88 KB, 846x417, 282:139, Osvaldo_Cruz_hospital_heal….png)

File: ca132dd512d7e0a⋯.png (204.14 KB, 945x619, 945:619, dead_app_driver.png)

New NTD News China in Focus report, nearly 26 minutes of video https://www.bitchute.com/video/KP6ru9aE8OM/

Since I can't find any news to post, I'm going to post some those local tweets I mentioned here >>83148

>Dead 57 YO nigger in Jabotão dos Guararapes, no mentions of underlying conditions. Cause of death is ARDS, Corona-Chan, unspecified community pneumonia. His death is not being counted in the official death toll.

>Health worker at the Osvaldo Cruz Hospital reporting an infected doctor that got hospitalized. Says he spread Corona-Chan's love to two of his friends and a nurse.

>Dead transportation app driver, died from Corona-Chan's symptoms. Family confirms its, it's up to the state to acknowledge and count this death or not.


*shuts. A tiny mistake, but still pisses me off.

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d7b7c5  No.83235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That's kinda the message they've been sending to Europe, that they're sorry and they will send us equipment and supplies they no longer need. As the lady in the webm proudly repeats "Don't be afraid China is coming" and " Whoever helped China, China will help them".

Metallica tried to warn us

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d2da35  No.83238


America is the world power, so they hate us for that. Otherwise America has been China's best friend for the past century, utter foolishness on our part as it turns out.

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d9c0cf  No.83243

File: 9828454f925b507⋯.png (82.54 KB, 663x374, 39:22, normalfag_says_numbers_are….png)

File: b7aa714425b2f8a⋯.png (37.05 KB, 659x193, 659:193, girl_reporting_a_death_at_….png)

File: 919b80d4b0d4951⋯.png (118.53 KB, 662x567, 662:567, Pernambuco_is_running_low_….png)

File: f98d0168507a3bd⋯.png (160.26 KB, 1324x438, 662:219, Feddie_who_works_at_the_ai….png)

File: a7525797db33d29⋯.png (89.29 KB, 662x478, 331:239, 5_cases_uncounted_for.png)


>Normalfag says numbers are a joke. The father of someone he knows died from Corona-Chan's symptoms. He was 64 years old. He says it was hell to get the body picked up. He also says they refused to test the body.

>Girl reporting the death of a 17 YO boy at the hospital her mother works at. Says he died only 24 hours after being diagnosed.

>Bimbo saying she's pissed off at the Royal Portuguese Hospital. Her elderly aunt was hospitalized because she was suspected to be blessed but they just sent her home without testing her despite the worsening of her respiratory condition. The aunt has multiple underlying health issues.

>Federal cop who works at the airport got blessed

>Woman replying to that normalfag in the first pic, saying she knows of 5 cases that are being uncounted for.

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00bd2f  No.83245


I've seen a few of your posts. you're a reasonable man, I get tired of having conversations with people are blinded by perspective.


He's not wrong. Americans are fucking useless, the "citizens" haven't done anything in forever, just blindly electing blue team-red team-blue team-red team. Sadly WE don't have a country anymore, just a jew annex.


American bureaucrats at their finest. This is why Asia got shit done better on this one, for better or worse, Asians know how to fall in line when shit gets bad, Americans need to make 7 day debates about relief bills and fuck people on policies on every point.


that kind of science would only work if the entire population of Earth was in the same room.

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acbebb  No.83246

File: b40d017e1635505⋯.gif (264.19 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 7eb786d9805fb9a46a3005de0a….gif)


Debt man walking here, with another unexciting little update on my well-being.

I'm doing fine anon, as the other anon said I'm resting as much as I can. Situation hasn't changed much since last update, feeling relatively well actually. I don't think it's Corona-Chan, if it was I should have problems with my breathing by now, and I really don't. It probably has to do with being isolated and fucking up my previous day-to-day rhythm of working and being out and about.

Thank you for wondering anon, don't worry about me. I will be fine. I'm not going to update my condition unless I'm positively sure I've been infected, don't want to clutter up the threads anymore than I already have. Have a good one brother, stay safe.

t. debtanon

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d9c0cf  No.83249

File: 854673355ed649a⋯.jpg (254.88 KB, 945x2048, 945:2048, suspected_case_at_vasco_da….jpg)

File: 99c053ce2522df1⋯.mp4 (260.82 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Vasco_da_Gama_Recife_EMT_w….mp4)

File: baef0442569dcf4⋯.png (53.74 KB, 654x307, 654:307, hydrochloroquine_rare_side….png)

File: a93b215a03590d1⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 1018x720, 509:360, Corona_Chan_Recife_progres….mp4)


>Slideshow of Recife EMTs in hazmat suits responding to a collapsed woman at the Vasco da Gama favela, she had low levels of oxygen in her blood, high fever and couldn't breath. They took her to the Oswaldo Cruz hospital and the "people" who were in contact with her will be monitored.

>screencap of that hydrochloroquine or whatever guy that now needs a pacemaker due to a rare side effect.

>Video mapping Corona-Chan's progress in Recife during this month, from March 1 to 24.

Watching this video, I can see that she is hearing my prayers and my calls to her, she's heading straight for me at an incredibly fast pace. My area is currently orange but will soon turn red. In fact, it has been two days, my area is probably already red. My time is coming. I'm gonna get some rest now, see you nogs later.


Debt anon! Good to know you're doing just fine.

> I'm not going to update my condition unless I'm positively sure I've been infected

Seems like a good idea. I plan on doing the same thing, when I start displaying some symptoms, I'm not going to post about it until I'm sure I have finally been blessed.

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f45978  No.83252

Is there like a detailed list of symptoms and progression of the Wu Flu? I was sick about a week ago, I still haven't recovered, my breathing appears to be fine.

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75679e  No.83254

File: 44d51e2b1d38bd5⋯.png (155.26 KB, 500x504, 125:126, Corona_Chan_hitler_did_not….png)



>Griffin previously sparred with Trump after she posed for a satirical photo holding a severed prosthetic head molded in the president's likeness

Kek hopefully Corona-Chan removes this parasite from the world.


>coof troop

Great OC, anon. Going in newbread when the time comes.


>hue dropper

Thanks anon, these ones are particularly useful for my video project.


>that animorph

<Never ceases to make me laugh.

Kek same, remember reading that shit as a kid and the turkroach meme is hilarious asf.


Thanks for checking in, debtanon

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3b8058  No.83255


> don't know why I wait to until I'm reading it from other (((confirmed))) sources weeks later to fully believe that this is what's happening.

I'm pretty sure that lots of /pol/acks are like me, and don't use traditional mechanisms of mind to process data, but perform parallel quantum magic to synthesise truth from a sea of chaos.

We both create the reality we experience, and filter it to understand underlying patterns.

Memetic magic is real!

thanks for the link

rats carry bacteria, and kungflu can hitch hike inside bacteria, so i think the get does alert us to a vector. let's watch the news to see if it confirmed :D


And all of us just want to watch the world ==burn==


the normie human mind cannot comprehend the numbers involved in global human populations. Even a small city breaks their brains. 10,000 deaths A DAY is nothing. How many people die a day normally?

can you visualise it?

1,400 people die a day of suicide alone.


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e3e170  No.83256


>The 'please don't sell my data' is there because places have to have it for privacy compliance reasons. Look up something called the 'GDPR.'

Oh gee thanks. I guess you failed to notice the irony joke.

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e3e170  No.83258


Thanks burger friend. I have no ill will to Americans of solid European stock. But it is frustrating to see, like you have this little nephew with down syndrom who is trying to ride a bike and keeps falling off and starts eating sand. Why can't you just start a party with a clear nationalist message, just below the limit the jew sets for acceptable, and creep from there? You are absolutely right, red team, blue team. So why not break from it, consider them all yellow team and just focus on Americans and a simple ten point plan? It has worked so many times in so many countries.

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e3e170  No.83259


Have a good day debtanon. PS did you hear about Philips Medical, who is producing ventilators in the US and now can't supply Dutch hospitals because the burgers might confiscate the whole production line? And the sheepish Dutch government who accepts it all, even though Philips has benefited from government help, contracts and so much more over its history. And nowhere once did they mention to maybe start producing that shit in their own country.

I heard from a colleague who is out there, and of course it's the same story everywhere in the west. They're all jew lackeys.

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b448a4  No.83260


And king roach was bragging about muh turkish genes not too long ago

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930307  No.83261


I think it’s “oy vey, some employees bring in better masks than the shit we provide, don’wanna deal with the fallout of that”.


Where to build? It’s a country with high concentration of population. That can’t last forever. So far, USA allows medical export. Can’t say that about Jewmany and others.

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b448a4  No.83262


Greta Thundercunt #metoo Corona because no gibs for muh climate change anymore

>Seemingly upset that someone or something else is getting the spotlight for the time being, Greta Thunberg has engineered a way to reclaim the attention of virtue signaling citizens - who are currently preoccupied with the coronavirus pandemic - all over the globe.

>Thunberg announced on Tuesday that it was "extremely likely" that she had contracted coronavirus and then used the ensuing platform the media gave her to once again reclaim her holier than thou platform to tell other people what to do. "She used the announcement to urge young people to stay at home, even if they don’t feel sick, to protect those who are more vulnerable," the New York Times wrote.

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3b6973  No.83263

File: 6456fd015b0fc57⋯.png (125.93 KB, 500x463, 500:463, kill_some_time.png)


>what do you put your savings in?

I bought a massive amount of vitamin C. I can see this having a currency value secondary to bullets.


Debt is a kike conception of course. For /ourgirl/ to ignite complete monetary collapse in addition to everything else, would castrate the usurers. Rolling for it legit, not trying to time any get.


Don't even need such impressive trips of truth to know deaths are far from peaked.

QLD anon with the cop connection from last bread: Were you able to glean anything from asking?


>The people going to Qld must have arrival card on them all the time. Every time they enter qld they must self quarantine 14 days or face the punishment.

We got a more sanitized version on the endless media updates here. I never heard the term arrival card used, but having brought up travel authorizations yesterday, it wouldn't be any surprise. Why doesn't having the card exempt though?

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aee1f5  No.83264


Strayan govt is investigating whether veterinary equipment and sleep apnoea machines can be converted for use in the Corona lady pandemic.

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e3e170  No.83265


>Can’t say that about Jewmany and others.

They are right to do so. Czech R also banned exports, one of the first, precisely because they have little production capacity and chinks were buying up medical equipment all January and February to export to China -where they are now buying it from. It's a lesson that countries need control over production of critical equipment. Or at least invest in new production lines that can be refitted quickly for other products. What's critical? A lot, for different crises. Globalism destroys all that.

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acbebb  No.83266


Yes, I did hear about that, and it frankly made me very disappointed. My grandfather worked his whole adult life for Philips, so I've always had somewhat of a connection to the company, a feeling of pride somewhat.

Fuck them, and fuck our government. Kikes and shabbos, the lot of 'em.

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e3e170  No.83267


That's how her script ends. Her handlers let her go, this is just her dad's last grasp at relevancy.

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e3e170  No.83268


That's the thinking you need.

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e3e170  No.83269


That's indeed very sad. Look, It's less than one hundred years. In your history of 3,000 years of peoples (I'm from East Frisia but live down in Sudetenland so I know the area well) this is one page of that history. It can be replaced easier than you think. All it takes is a gentle push, and Corona chan is stretching out her leg in front of the jew. Let's not waste the opportunity.

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9cba59  No.83270

File: a5a4784d9e35ba3⋯.png (284.59 KB, 1236x2522, 618:1261, The_Real_Zion_Plan.png)

Make of this what you will.

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dc9d7e  No.83271

File: 9555a2f0423eaf5⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 1440281052761.jpg)


Maybe niggers aren't that bad after all maybe they're too scared of the virus to go out and chimp out

i've seen some chimping, i think it's close to happening, we'll see

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aee1f5  No.83272


Oi, not yet. I was busy stocking up but I will be free tomorrow. I have to go there early tomorrow so please throw me a list of questions so I can write it down and give it to the cops.

Why doesn't having the card exempt though?

No idea, the arrival card probably will have microchip. They can easily mass produce that if they want to.

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aee1f5  No.83273


Yup, there is no ventilator shortage yet and they are just looking for alternative solution in case when there is no ventilators left. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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0abba5  No.83274

File: f1cc0927eda69b5⋯.png (29.68 KB, 966x598, 21:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb9e67497287114⋯.mp4 (1017.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, fake_dry_eyes_Iranian_nurs….mp4)

>While the Senate took precautions Wednesday such as keeping votes open longer to reduce crowding, senators still huddled in groups and chatted

Yeah if one of my colleagues tested positive for Doctor Wuh and used the gym and mingled with people that's what I'd do.

Also (140M*$1200+90M*$500)=45Bn. 45Bn/2Tn=2%.

People get 2% of this stinking pile of shit debt mountain cuntfuck.

Just so we're clear.

2%. Enjoy your fucking check.

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0abba5  No.83276

File: 4a30e011d41d097⋯.gif (957.69 KB, 500x210, 50:21, baba_elon.gif)



For a low-rated website, this place has a good computer seestem.

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d078de  No.83277

How do white anons feel about the fact that their govt's are using the military curfew to import even more shitskins while everyone else stays at home?

How are you feeling about the fact that you will be sent to gulag or concentration camp because of a fake test and then buried in a mass grave while they give your house to the shitmuds and implement the final stage of globohomo?

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0abba5  No.83278

File: cfd2374da4be988⋯.png (338.63 KB, 474x542, 237:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d2a48191b4f522⋯.jpg (141.44 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, already_in_debt.jpg)

File: 489dd84916b0b1b⋯.gif (235.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, freeshitforniggasonly.gif)


This is a Rockefeller country and don't ever forget it

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f620f4  No.83280


You cannot evade unemployment deductions. In what world.., ah, USA okay

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0abba5  No.83282

File: b10c3415e80530e⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _It_s_all_fake_Chinese_off….mp4)


The amount they're giving to people is less than the interest will be on the $2Tn in 2022.

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d078de  No.83283


Which chan was this posted on? They were spraying a lot of airborne toxic stuff here over the past few years, making everyone sick. Constant coughing, temperature, but without getting seriously ill. I was pretty much certain that they are spraying something toxic to humans to 'fix the climate' which had a side-effect of fucking up people's immunity, or, spreading a glownigger strain of e. colli in order to cause neurodegenerative changes in population, making them even dumber and more susceptible to globohomo propaganda. Possibly a combination of the two. Now it's supposedly to "save" us? With Jews, you win I guess :>) Nod really :DD

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00bd2f  No.83285


maybe. I wonder if google could help you. nigger

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fc65d4  No.83287


lefties going from "it's just the flu, stop being wayciss" to "this is all drumpf fault if we didn't took this seriously"

as usual, those deranged fucks are incapable of accountability.

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f45978  No.83288


I've checked multiple sources already, and haven't been satisfied with an answer, I don't have shortness of breath, and my cough was productive, by my brothers cough appears to be dry, although he got sick about a week after I did.



There's a list of cases on the Ministry of health website

3 infections in my province, all from overseas, I've been sick since before there were cases even reported in my region, so who fucking knows.

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3b8058  No.83292


heil. i meant real news, of course.

of which the main news is the jackboots are stomping hard, with restrictions getting insane

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75679e  No.83299

File: f15d3cabb8cdab0⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 960x472, 120:59, new_nz_flag.jpg)


Heiled my based fellow lessershitpostinglandian

You'll be fine mate, not /ourgirl/ symptoms.

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16528c  No.83303

File: de7324b8f5eeaab⋯.jpg (127.8 KB, 1052x893, 1052:893, roastbeefsuicide.jpg)


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e84fd2  No.83304


>Charles has it.

Okay, so about that 5G rumour- either it's just another elite going innabunker with excuse, or maybe this shit realy is our molecules deteroitating because of some whacky electromagnetic field shit.

Honestly, I'd like someone to test the theory- anyone who is blessed, go innawoods, report back if condition improves.

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347f90  No.83305

File: 60bec38345ed0b2⋯.jpeg (47.03 KB, 300x307, 300:307, 57EB7BDD_B895_4B69_84C5_3….jpeg)



This makes you a welfare nigger (or a communist).

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372e83  No.83306

File: 7485ed075b488da⋯.pdf (953.3 KB, 200313_Yet_Another_Corona_….pdf)

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372e83  No.83307


Srysly weak AF cattle.

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347f90  No.83308

File: 16df2e57498452f⋯.jpeg (38.17 KB, 480x316, 120:79, 4E3DFDD5_74A4_48E7_B52A_2….jpeg)


>Commiefornia is part of A_MERRY_Ka

Eeeet’s Mehico


¿Qué camino al espectáculo de burros?

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2695bf  No.83309

File: e86ffeeae704601⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, super_busy.jpg)


post a link of the article

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347f90  No.83311

File: 631d204aa39a0ea⋯.jpeg (47.05 KB, 346x518, 173:259, 7366E535_A7BC_4111_84D6_9….jpeg)


>hoarding Vaseline (or large cans of Crisco) is wise

The last time we were fucked this hard unanimously by the kikes was the Patriot Act.

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7771ed  No.83312


Women aren't meant to be alone, they are social creatures and should be left at home with kids to take care of.

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d078de  No.83313


This seems to be affecting the oversocialized cattle the most

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347f90  No.83314

File: f1583e8409229ba⋯.jpeg (60.59 KB, 610x441, 610:441, 218C7A7D_8DD6_4E42_937A_6….jpeg)


>That HAPA faggot

Bug mongrel ran out of IP’s and had to move to TOR

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347f90  No.83315

File: e9844caeab09913⋯.jpeg (41.27 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 3045F37D_CAA3_41A3_802E_1….jpeg)


Now that is a schizo statement if I ever heard one.

>women aren’t meant to be alone…so make sure they are alone

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9a80bb  No.83316

File: 30872f665a43d49⋯.jpg (222.83 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, corona_chan_by_gotspinner_….jpg)

File: 16e7aaf1726c6f9⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1072x1396, 268:349, ddt6f98_9ddb825f_941b_4e37….jpg)

File: 9a079cd7ac4173c⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 848x1060, 4:5, 90886113_210403760175952_6….jpg)

File: eb93ae16eaae528⋯.jpg (50.99 KB, 540x534, 90:89, 90218854_130695668501618_1….jpg)

File: 0a5b74c94850ec6⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 1080x1299, 360:433, 90237597_162235488569646_8….jpg)

fart retoast

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5b1882  No.83317

China sends 150,000 test kits to Prague. 80% failure rate




>Czech newspaper Irozhlas reports that China sent 150,000 testing kits to Prague which have returned false results up to 80% of the time. In other words, they simply don't work. PJ Media provided a translation to the article:

>"We checked them on Saturday at the University Hospital Ostrava, but unfortunately the error rate was quite high, so now we are waiting for the results of further testing across the country, they have never been tested positively because it works with antibodies," said Svrčinová.

>"We tested those who searched for a sampling site. Fortunately, we were so far-sighted that samples were immediately taken for the classic examination and that just proved the error rate of the tests," Svrčinová continued.

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347f90  No.83318

File: 2b0d2d30c22f494⋯.jpeg (57.09 KB, 852x480, 71:40, EE4A1388_8E32_4581_8A1B_8….jpeg)

File: 06e75ceedee2174⋯.jpeg (360.4 KB, 2363x1469, 2363:1469, 59AC1205_2277_4181_B32B_D….jpeg)


Fungus fag learned some things about this situation that are so terrible and so deeply evil that it gave up trying to save /pnd/

>’it’ lives now for the feeling of the wind on its skin

>the scents of spring

>the rising and setting of the sun

>kissing the things ‘it’ loves

<we lost anon…I’m so sorry, so very sorry…but its too late to correct

<when I think about it, all I do is cry

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2e90dc  No.83319


Fuck. Don't trust anything that comes out of chinkland.

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75679e  No.83320


She should have been at home popping white kids out and not catching corona-chan. Sigh.

Normalfags can't handle the lockdown though, fucking hilarious. Seeing the acting out in a week or two will be great.


>cheek filter gasmasks (better than normal masks but some models are obsolete for spare filters)

>no gloves

They nearly had it…

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79b130  No.83321

File: 5207b72905eed89⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 079.jpg)

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192522  No.83324

File: bb65e524dd93317⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 1024x991, 1024:991, corona_flirts_and_fails.jpg)


Anyone else wanna fuck Corona Chan?

I try not to find Corona Chan attractive but she's a sex goddess!

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930307  No.83325

File: da3b178dca92916⋯.jpeg (37.23 KB, 300x383, 300:383, 66CEE14F_82BB_4B9E_A450_0….jpeg)

Stay Home Goy order issued for Pinellas county Florida. Essential workers, food shopping, and medical. This is the county on west side of Tampa Bay and includes St Petersburg. Decades ago St Pete was famous for its elderly population. World’s largest shuffleboard club. Now it’s famous for its orc population. They have a pirate museum. One of the Tampa area pirates was an orc. Local orc unrest led to removing the orc pirate from the pirate museum.

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79b130  No.83326

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192522  No.83327


Note to self: buy a bidet.

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347f90  No.83328

File: 1fe2631ee7d16bb⋯.jpeg (324.32 KB, 676x1242, 338:621, C4B5F2AF_C989_4AA2_ABC8_5….jpeg)


Haha…the first celeb that might ACTUALLY have it instead of being a ‘Death Princess Kike Copycat’

>muh sympathizes with the (((leadership)))…

<I eat your pity

<feed me…


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192522  No.83329


Oh man, the curse of Trump is actually real.

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aee1f5  No.83330


There is more than one children of Corona lady so they need to develop their own test kits based on strains. Japanese govt learned that Coronavirus got mutated so the test kits from China is useless and had to develop their own test kits based on Nippon Coronavirus.

>every country need to develop their own test kits. I have no solution that is better than this.

Corona lady is incredibly adaptive and clever. No one can beat her. Can you?

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9236b3  No.83331


>with kids


do you understand how words work?

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aee1f5  No.83333


>Normalfags can't handle the lockdown though, fucking hilarious. Seeing the acting out in a week or two will be great.

And regret their decision for contacting Corona lady while they were walking and start dropping on the path.

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aee1f5  No.83334

Fuck I shouldn’t said that!

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aee1f5  No.83335

I hope Corona lady don’t take me too seriously. I want to walk on the path!

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930307  No.83336

File: 7613690d4a2be6a⋯.jpeg (559.58 KB, 1234x1224, 617:612, D9F04C98_C802_4475_A0CF_8….jpeg)


>Invisible Chinese grill plays knockout game. Wins every time.

In other news, there’s a new hospital mask (pic). It can be used to suffocate a patient.

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aee1f5  No.83339


>Invisible Chinese grill plays knockout game. Wins every time.

I better write a target list for her to shoot her eggs at then.

Don’t they have national stockpiles like Australia do during the shortage?

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672f6e  No.83341


> Unemployment is not welfare. It's insurance, similar to social security. It's not an entitlement. It's something you build up by virtue of having a paying job in an actual company.

Then disability isn't neetbux either since it's what you paid social security via taxes when you worked.

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aee1f5  No.83344


>niggers and their (((mongrels))) would be the ones ‘ruling over you’?

The govt is ruled by women but I am not sure about Jews though. Jews have troubles with controlling Qld because the qlder are erratic voters just to give a middle finger to election. Lol, yes I am serious. There is a reason that federal political parties had to woo the qlders really hard to get their votes.

Niggers are not well liked in Queensland so they have no political power or whatever.

>isn’t this what you fags always wanted?

Qlders want their state homeland to be ruled by white men. They have no intention to install niggers and mongrels in.

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00bd2f  No.83346


it's a government handout and your a commie for defending it.

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aee1f5  No.83348

If my country collapse then I want to create my own technocratic nation and fund nanotechnology and space research to become a space superpower.

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a22385  No.83350


we all want that

imagine if the todays technology served people and not the other way around

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9c831b  No.83352

File: 29fdc75d68d315c⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 620x566, 310:283, foryourhealth.jpg)

>Dr. Rachel Levine is the Secretary of Health for Pennsylvania and on the front line of the commonwealth’s medical & public health response to the COVID-19 outbreak. In an interview with Lehigh Valley Business and the Central Penn Business Journal, she warned that the number of coronavirus cases is doubling every two days, underscoring the importance of self-isolation and social distancing.


Pennsylvania is in good man hands

unsurprising spoiler: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out-pride30/pride30-dr-rachel-levine-pennsylvania-s-transgender-physician-general-n760901

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672f6e  No.83353


Unemployment expansion is gonna increase taxes, goodbye 0% state income tax, this makes it pointless work at all. just when I was about to leave disabity-bux

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16528c  No.83354


>Secretary of Health

>obese tranny

China should release more viruses, preferably in EU/US/UK this time, the west needs a full reset

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c71fde  No.83355

File: 8f62cf558155cea⋯.png (602.12 KB, 862x952, 431:476, The_virus_spreading_faster….png)

The virus spreading faster than coronavirus: Antisemitism

https:// www.jpost.com/Opinion/The-virus-spreading-faster-than-coronavirus-Antisemitism-622206

>Social media seems to have exploded with antisemitic comments, ranging from “The Jews created coronavirus” to absurd false accusations that Israel has separate medical treatment for non-Jews.

>For almost as long as there have been Jews, they have been blamed for all manner of ills, social or biological. Yet with all our technology and scientific advancements, we haven’t yet been able to find a vaccine, or cure, for the nasty virus of antisemitism.


>Social media seems to have exploded with antisemitic comments, ranging from “The Jews created coronavirus” to absurd false accusations that Israel has separate medical treatment for non-Jewish citizens (that one from an American professor). Known alt-right platforms like Gab have had an outbreak of conspiracy theories related to Jews and coronavirus, and of course known antisemites like David Duke are out in full force suggesting “Israel and the global zionist elite are up to their old tricks” regarding COVID–19.


>Nonsensical conspiracy theories have erupted with Iran publicly insinuating “American Jews” are behind coronavirus and that “Zionist elements developed a deadlier strain of coronavirus.”


>Jordanian TV featured an Islamic cleric informing the public that Jews are “more dangerous than coronavirus, AIDS and cholera." An Iraqi political analyst informed the public on TV that coronavirus was an Israeli “plot to reduce the world’s population.”


>In Turkey, both the public, the press and politicians have been quoted blaming Israel for corona, including one politician stating, “this virus serves Zionism's goals of decreasing the number of people and preventing it from increasing, and important research expresses this…Zionism is a five-thousand-year-old bacteria that has caused the suffering of people.”


>Hollywood too, is clearly not immune to the antisemitism virus surrounding coronavirus, with actress Rosanna Arquette baselessly claiming that Israel has had a vaccine for a year and that a Jewish-run business is withholding information for profit.

BDS movement

>pro-BDS Press TV journalist, Roshan Salih, tweeted he would rather be infected by coronavirus than use an Israeli product.

Sarah Whitson

>Last week a former HRW employee, Sarah Whitson, tweeted that Israel is only “missing a tablespoon of blood” in its oppression of Palestinians, a classic antisemitic trope about bloodthirsty Jews

>The plague of antisemitism is an ongoing problem on social media, as social media provides uncensored and sometimes anonymous platform to broadcast to the entire world.

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614f79  No.83356

File: 12e792d74e24ade⋯.jpg (291.37 KB, 750x1478, 375:739, Ugly_Steph_doesnt_get_it.jpg)


holy shit anon! you do all that!? you're a bad ass. my entire plan is to remove myself from the current monetary system as much as possible and I've already got a pretty good start on it. Moved the fam back home (innawoods), started a small farm, home school, prepping all that kinda stuff. That's an awesome list and I'll def be looking into some of it. I've ditched 99% of my friends because they're all do-nothing degenerates so you guys are all I've got now. I appreciate the reply and encouragement, not just from you but all anons. can't wait to see the world on the other side. hope we all make it.

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aee1f5  No.83357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Update from Australia

Police have abandoned plans to install road blocks through the back streets of Coolangatta following the introduction of Queensland border restrictions that came into force at midnight.

I guess they need to improve the roads and borderline. Why don’t they look at the Hungary border plan? I am sure Hungarians are more than happy to help them to fortify the border.

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614f79  No.83360

File: e935479bdacafe6⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 474x280, 237:140, time_to_make_the_bagels.jpg)


haha! fuck yes! i've been on since 8chan and caught enough of 4chan when it was still good but i rarely post. ima lurker. generally leave the big brain stuff to you guys. I make dumb pics tho. it's my thing. maybe ill post more of them in the future. cheers!

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aee1f5  No.83361


>The idea is to buy time until a vaccine or treatment is developed. We want to prevent it from exploding before a treatment is available. We don’t want to see it explode like it has done in Italy. It’s too early to see if the social distancing is flattening the curve.

They really believe that the vaccine will be available soon. They are going to find out that it’s impossible……

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388d8a  No.83363


I know the fucker is.

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429fc5  No.83364


and possibly get sued as well

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d2da35  No.83368


the big problem there is it backs it up for everyone.

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5abbde  No.83370


Also, don't trust american propaganda about chinese tests.

How the fuck can this test have above 50% failure rate?

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72d4a0  No.83372

File: 031629b81ac648a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1705x845, 341:169, Silver_Surfer_Grocery_Shop….png)

> be me

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4870f1  No.83373

File: 9bd7a6d2fa06ff9⋯.gif (509.01 KB, 346x259, 346:259, Joker_eating_popcorn.gif)


Holy shit man, glad to know you're doing good.

>tfw I live 20 mins away from (((Newark)))

>tfw AR15 and ammo just came in

>tfw new tools to practice bushcrafting skills are on the way

>tfw family finally getting ready to start a vegetable garden in the backyard

Things are getting real spicy in NJ. Good thing my family and I stocked up on non-perishable food and supplies a month ahead of this whole quarantine situation. Most people in my town only bought TP and groceries for the week before the store shelves cleared. I only wish we were out of this No-Funs state, but we do the best with what we got. The Survival Bread is a Godsend…

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672f6e  No.83374

File: 19cba6341d25beb⋯.jpg (105.45 KB, 700x707, 100:101, JhdMyKa.jpg)

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aee1f5  No.83375

Update from Australia

A woman in Lake Macquarie and the staff at a Sydney massage parlour have become the first people issued with fines under new public health laws designed to help stop the spread of Coronsvirus. The 65-year-old woman, who had returned to Sydney International Airport on a flight from Bali, had been told she was required to quarantine for a 14-day period. As cases of coronavirus increase across the country, NSW remains Australia’s virus epicentre. NSW Police officers have now been given the additional power to issue penalty notices to anyone found to be in contravention of the lockdown laws, with fines of $1000 for individuals and $5000 for businesses. After receiving information that the woman had contravened her quarantine order, officers from Lake Macquarie Police District attended her Redhead home about midday on Monday, March 23rd and issued her with a warning for breaching the order. Despite this, police say she left her house again on Thursday morning, and this afternoon she was issued a $1000 fine.

"No one is above the law. If you decide to ignore a direction, you will be caught, and you may very well find yourself slapped with a hefty fine. The fact that people are still not complying is the reason why we have police out in full force enforcing these directions. This behaviour is not only reckless and stupid, but potentially deadly, Police Minister David Elliott said.”

Three staff members at a massage parlour on Sussex Street in Sydney were also fined $1000, and the owner fined $5000 for continuing to operate despite lockdowns ordering the store to close.

When announcing the rules on Wednesday, Mr Elliott said “ if people wanted to have house parties and flout the law, "we will legislate and we will enforce the law. If you don't need to be outside at the moment, don't go outside,".

Obviously, the woman need to get the belts for being a bad girl. Anyone agree with me about the belts?

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700fd0  No.83376


>did you really believe the lie that they don’t have the entire genome mapped out in total

What the fuck is this bullshit? Literally no one is saying this. The entire genome of a human being can be mapped out in less than half a day in 2020, and this is widely advertised by the company that can do it. ||It's named Illumina, kek||


The rest of your post is also bullshit


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700fd0  No.83377


To be fair, the only people they committed crimes against were also niggers

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c0a495  No.83378


And here we see the jews exploiting global tragedy to once again call the spotlight to themselves.

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957fc1  No.83380


>||It's named Illumina, kek||


You some sort of faggot?

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72d4a0  No.83381


> but in many ways I am really glad that I decided not to share exactly what I learned with you guys

such as...

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aee1f5  No.83382


Damn, I cannot understand their logic into releasing the prisoners to the society. My nation is doing this too. They should have shoot them and that will solve the overcrowd problem.

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700fd0  No.83383


>they can map your genome in secret and they're not telling you about it!

<they're literally advertising that they can do it cheap and are trying to make it even cheaper

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872a2b  No.83385


mate there are multiple unrelated bugs going around this summer including a summer cold that a tonne of people seem to be getting. It includes a productive cough. I wouldn't consider your borg a blessing but just one of a few things going around. Hope you come right soon though.

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700fd0  No.83386


>a productive cough

I'd just like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that when you cough, you cough up every virus in your respiratory system, not just the one that made you cough.

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672f6e  No.83387

File: d2d512e1c08331a⋯.png (126.18 KB, 756x1000, 189:250, 1440973495194.png)


most of apefrica is on lockdown, and borders being guarded by army niggers, it's gonnna be a shit-show there.

>March 19: Ethiopians must join world not stigmatize others – Minister

>In a security alert said as at March 18, the embassy: “continues to receive reports regarding a rise in anti-foreigner sentiment.”

>Typical derogatory comments such as “China” and “ferengi” (a reference to foreigners) have been “reportedly coupled with the label ‘corona’, indicating a disparaging view on the link between the outbreak of Covid-19 and foreigners in Ethiopia,” it added.

>“Reports indicate that foreigners have been attacked with stones, denied transportation services… being spat on, chased on foot, and been accused of being infected with Covid-19,” the embassy added.


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aee1f5  No.83388


Everyone need to put Black elderberry + Vit C + Zinc + honey lozenges in their mouth before they go out to keep the viral load in the throat low.

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4d517b  No.83390


Hospitals Across USSA Consider Universal Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders For Coronavirus Patients

Hospitals on the front lines of the pandemic are engaged in a heated private debate over a calculation few have encountered in their lifetimes - how to weigh the “save at all costs” approach to resuscitating a dying patient against the real danger of exposing doctors and nurses to the contagion of coronavirus.

The conversations are driven by the realization that the risk to staff amid dwindling stores of protective equipment - such as masks, gowns and gloves - may be too great to justify the conventional response when a patient "codes," and their heart or breathing stops.

Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago has been discussing a universal do-not-resuscitate policy for infected patients, regardless of the wishes of the patient or their family members - a wrenching decision to prioritize the lives of the many over the one.

Richard Wunderink, one of Northwestern's intensive-care medical directors, said hospital administrators have asked Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker for help in clarifying state law and whether it permits the policy shift.

"It's a major concern for everyone," he said. "This is something about which we have had lots of communication with families, and I think they are very aware of the grave circumstances."

Officials at George Washington University Hospital in Washington say they have had similar conversations, but for now will continue to resuscitate covid-19 patients using modified procedures, such as putting plastic sheeting over the patient to create a barrier. The University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, one of the country's major hot spots for infections, is dealing with the problem by severely limiting the number of responders to a contagious patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Several large hospital systems - Atrium Health in the Carolinas, Geisinger in Pennsylvania and regional Kaiser Permanente networks - are looking at guidelines that would allow doctors to override the wishes of the coronavirus patient or family members on a case-by-case basis due to the risk to doctors and nurses, or a shortage of protective equipment, say ethicists and doctors involved in those conversations. But they would stop short of imposing a do-not-resuscitate order on every coronavirus patient. The companies declined to comment.

Lewis Kaplan, president of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and a University of Pennsylvania surgeon, described how colleagues at different institutions are sharing draft policies to address their changed reality.



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47eb44  No.83391

jesus, people still accusing US army spread virus


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930307  No.83393


It’s serious when nymphomaniacs can’t ply their trade. Agree, they need chastity belts.


He just told you. Coronavirus will hijack your genes. You might turn into a goblin? The jews want a goblin slave race.

People encouraged to adopt a grandparent for Coronavirus.


>Adopt a grandparent, then don’t visit them.

3.3 million new USA unemployment claims in USA this week. Looks better than expected.

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672f6e  No.83396


>lozenges in their mouth before they go out to keep the viral load in the throat low.

Doesn't the nose also lead to the lungs? What if the virus goes in your nose instead of your mouth?

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72d4a0  No.83399


lozenge in each nostril

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aee1f5  No.83400


>Doesn't the nose also lead to the lungs?

Yes, mouth also leads to lung.

>What if the virus goes in your nose instead of your mouth?

Use antiviral nose ointment.


Oh haha

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672f6e  No.83404



>Use antiviral nose ointment.

What is antiviral nose ointment?

I use a Costco brand equivalent to Flonase.

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aee1f5  No.83409


Virus killer cream to shove up in your nose.

Interferon alfa-2b or VIFERON

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672f6e  No.83410


what is campho-phenique? That's all the ointment that isn't labeled antibiotic, it doesn't say it's antiviral either.

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aee1f5  No.83412


>That picture.

Jews know no limits.

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3ed9d0  No.83414


As a doomsday prepper you have two polar opposite outcomes, both you have to learn, embrace and accept. One outcome is you are able to isolate yourself for a while and live off your supplies as well becoming self-sufficient for the future (if you can make it that far)... which brings the possible polar opposite outcome, you may very well die fighting getting killed in a shootout or being blown up, or hit by some heavy shrapnel that rips your body to bits. These two outcomes are really 50/50 possibilities and you have to learn to accept it. If you don't want to take that kind of risk, doomsday prepping and non-conformity is not for you.

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e3e170  No.83416

File: 6d6e421c7235ebd⋯.png (58.65 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, fucked.png)

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786a04  No.83418


>hurrdurr muh antisemithism

>nothing but pisslamic countries and pro palestinian SJWs

for once through their entire existence, le ebull internet natzees who see MOSSAD fingerprints all over any happening are ignoring jews for the most part and shitting on chinks for fucking the world up, and fucking attention whore kikes get so jelly they have to make it all about themselves

>tfw all /pol/ had to do for kikes to place the blame on themselves was to go full tsundere on their noses


enlighten us anon

we even discussed the possibility that Corona chan came from an ancient Egyptian tomb full of red mercury

the only people mods are banning are the "muh nothing burger" hapa goons that keep spamming the tread

fungus faggotry began to get banhammered because fungus faggot couldn't stop spamming the same shit that had been discussed to death in previous treads

i know you want to tell us all you know, if you didn't you wouldn't even bother to bait us saying "hurrdurr i know sumting but i'm not posting it"

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aee1f5  No.83419


>what is campho-phenique?

That cannot go into nose and it doesn’t simulate the immune system.

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d2da35  No.83420


no, they actually don't want to print an example of us highlighting Charles lieber, or WuXi phara, its owner and the location of its offices and so on.

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507c7b  No.83421

Amazon Worker: Coronavirus 'Spreading Like Wildfire' In Warehouses

Decontaminate Anything You Receive By Delivery Services With Proper Protection!

An Amazon warehouse employee has described his workplace as a "living hell" as staff work around the clock to deliver goods to homes trapped in lockdown.

The staff member, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Mirror Money coronavirus is spreading like wildfire in the Barlborough warehouse where he is employed.

"The country has been told Amazon will continue to stay open to provide their customers with essential items," he explained.

"This is not true. We are not providing the essentials or playing a critical role. We are selling the same usual stuff we would do normally with a large increase in things like garden equipment (lawnmowers, hedge trimmers and chainsaws)."

He accused the employer of serving the public at the detriment of its workers, whose lives are being placed at risk for non-essential items.

"There are measures that have been put in place to protect us," he said.

"We have been told to stand one metre apart at all times while security metal detectors have been switched off.

"There are also things such as notices telling workers to clean their stations and equipment, before and after use, but there are no cleaning supplies commonly available."

He said that while in theory, measures have been introduced, many are not practical.

"Whilst queueing for the clock in machine, we have to stand closer than one metre," he said

"You can be placed on either the role of a 'Slammer' or 'Taper' which results in you being at the end of a conveyor belt. Each belt has up to eight 'packers' sending boxes down. By this point, these items have already come into contact with various workers, greatly increasing their risk of contamination.

"There has already been a large number of people sick and the virus is spreading like wildfire throughout the workplace, yet management refuses to close it down. The company has become a living hell to work for."

Under Amazon's guidelines, the retailer continues to trade as normal as it provides an essential service to the public.


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35bc88  No.83422

>800 pages of shit passed and it's posted nowhere where people can read it

2 trillion down the fucking drain

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a32bbd  No.83423

Bahrain, Belgium Report COVID-19 Treatment Touted By Trump Is Working For Patients

Mainstream Media Dare Not Report This To The Goyim!

Bahrain and Belgium report their hospitals are successfully treating coronavirus patients with the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine touted by President Trump as a possible breakthrough in the pandemic.

The Kingdom of Bahrain's Supreme Council of Health chairman said his country was among the first to use the drug and that its impact has been "profound," according to the Bahrain News Agency.

Dr. Shaikh Mohamed, who leads the National Taskforce for Combating COVID-19, was also quoted by the news agency as saying hydroxychloroquine was administered according to the same regimens as those used in China and South Korea.

The first COVID-19 case in Bahrain was reported on Feb. 21, and hydroxychloroquine was first administered to patients showing virus symptoms on Feb. 26.

Bahrain has 419 deaths as a result of the virus, behind Croatia with 442 deaths worldwide, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center.

Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent and treat malaria and is administered to patients with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Meanwhile in Europe, another U.S. ally, Brussels, is reporting similar early success with the same drug and is taking steps to ensure its availability for the sickest coronavirus patients.

“Using the limited stocks of these medicines for unnecessary or unjustified preventive treatments jeopardizes the availability of these medicines for patients who need them: chronic patients and hospital patients seriously affected by Covid-19,” Belgium's Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products said this week.

Belgium, like the United States, has begun a longer-term clinical trial on the efficacy of using Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients.


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aee1f5  No.83424


I better report that to Aus govt to ban amazon.

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e3e170  No.83425


The next revolution will start in an Amazon warehouse I swear.

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8b3dd9  No.83426


If they start shutting down delivery services there are going to be all kinds of supply chain issues, people will be forced to go out more and buy essentials lol. I would bet some bureaucrats won't even realize that though.

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65e020  No.83427


There won't be a "revolution" only inner cities in total panic and some riots in the streets, followed by more people simply going out regardless of lockdown orders to find whatever they can get. Possibly some fights, stabbings and shootouts over short supplies too.

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360573  No.83428


>Bahrain has 419 deaths as a result of the virus, behind Croatia with 442 deaths

Bahrain only has 4 deaths and Croatia only has 2 deaths.

How does Zerohedge keep fucking up like this?

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3b6973  No.83429


Just glean what you can anon. I can't do a list of questions right now. Try for some insight into what's ahead for stage 3.

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727d7c  No.83430

Get Ready For Mass Desperation & Armed Home Squatting

3.3 Million Seek US Jobless Aid, Nearly 5 Times Higher Than Predicted

Nearly 3.3 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week — almost five times the previous record set in 1982 — amid a widespread economic shutdown caused by the coronavirus.

The surge in weekly applications was a stunning reflection of the damage the viral outbreak is inflicting on the economy. Filings for unemployment aid generally reflect the pace of layoffs.

Layoffs are sure to accelerate as the U.S. economy sinks into a recession. Revenue has collapsed at restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, gyms and airlines. Auto sales are plummeting, and car makers have closed factories. Most such employers face loan payments and other fixed costs, so they’re cutting jobs to save money.

As job losses mount, some economists say the nation’s unemployment rate could approach 13% by May. By comparison, the highest jobless rate during the Great Recession, which ended in 2009, was 10%.

“What seemed impossible just two weeks ago is now reality,” said Nancy Vanden Houten, an economist at Oxford Economics, a consulting firm. “The US economy will experience the largest economic contraction on record with the most severe surge in unemployment ever.”

The economic deterioration has been swift. As recently as February, the unemployment rate was at a 50-year low of 3.5%. And the economy was growing steadily if modestly. Yet by the April-June quarter of the year, some economists think the economy will shrink at its steepest annual pace ever — a contraction that could reach 30%.


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aee1f5  No.83431


No worries, I will glean much as possible.

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ff11b5  No.83432

Trump Warns Suicides From The Coming Economic Depression Will Far Surpass Those From The Virus

Social distancing rules may be relaxed sometime soon to prevent “tremendous death” from the economic depression that could end up worse than the coronavirus itself, President Donald Trump said. But even a few more weeks of closures will almost certainly usher in an economic depression and the suicides that come with it.

The 2008 Great Recession resulted in more than 10,000 suicides. If the economy is “closed for business” much longer, that number could be dwarfed by the number of people who can no longer survive without a livelihood.

“People get tremendous anxiety and depression and you have suicide over things like this, when you have a terrible economy, you have death,” President Donald Trump said Monday at the White House daily press briefing according to a report by RT.

Trump added that those suicides would “definitely be in far greater numbers than we’re talking about with regard to the virus.”

At this point, we are simply swapping some deaths or others. The bottom line is that people don’t have lives if they don’t have livelihoods and the chance to live out their dreams in freedom. Trump did say that all of the lockdowns will “end very soon.” Some reports show, however, that it could be Easter before the government allows us to have our illusion of freedom back.

Meanwhile, a record 3.3 million people filed for initial jobless claims last week…


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36056a  No.83433


Because they’re literal jew worshippers who ban anyone that tells the truth about anything in the comments and they couldn’t care less about the truth? Probably that. Pay attention.


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6b8713  No.83434


British Former PM Calls For ‘Temporary’ World Government To Tackle Coronavirus

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to create a new order by forming a “temporary” global government to tackle the medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Brown, the global government is necessary to make sure the efforts of central banks are coordinated.

The leftist former prime minister, who was in power during the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there is an urgent need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of international organizations that must assume “executive powers” to coordinate the response to the “emergency” on a global scale.

“This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.”

Brown said the coronavirus crisis is different to the 2008 financial crisis and requires a more draconian and internationalist approach.

“That was an economic problem that had economic causes and had an economic solution.

“This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be joint action to deal with that. But the more you intervene to deal with the medical emergency, the more you put economies at risk.”

Guardian report:

Brown said his proposed global taskforce would fight the crisis on two fronts. There would need to be a coordinated effort to find a vaccine, and to organise production, purchasing and prevent profiteering.

Many countries have announced economic packages in the past two weeks but Brown said a taskforce could: make sure the efforts of central banks were coordinated; take steps to prevent the record flight of capital from emerging market economies; and agree a joint approach to the use of government spending to boost growth.

“We need some sort of working executive,” Brown said. “If I were doing it again, I would make the G20 a broader organisation because in the current circumstances you need to listen to the countries that are most affected, the countries that are making a difference and countries where there is the potential for a massive number of people to be affected – such as those in Africa.”


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16528c  No.83435


good, i hope everyone dies. make sure to visit the local synagogue/city council when you get blessed

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d2da35  No.83436


he going to do something about the opiod epidemic?

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e40d7f  No.83437

Former NYPD Commissioner Warns Of Martial Law & An Authoritarian Govt

Who Really Would Have Guessed!?

While President Trump hopes to 'reopen' America in full by Sunday, April 12th according to this recent Daily Mail story, as we had reported on ANP back on January 27th, almost two full months ago now, all the official numbers we've been seeing of people being infected by the virus are about two full weeks behind 'reality'. Due to an incubation period of up to 14 days in many people before they even show symptoms with others not showing symptoms for up to 27 days with those people putting us nearly a month behind 'reality', in many if not all of those cases, infected people are walking around spreading the virus to others without even knowing they have it.

So while two weeks away from now might seem like a very long time, especially for the millions of Americans across the country now under some sort of 'lockdown', just imagine how things are going to look in that two weeks, or a few days after those 2 weeks on April 12th, with the 'exponential spread' of the virus doubling the numbers of infected nearly every 3 to 6 days and nowhere near enough tests in America to test everyone who is feeling sick and who wants to be tested.

As Mike Adams had reported in this March 23rd story over at Natural News, based upon the trend of already confirmed fatalities in America, there may already be 10 million Americans or more infected with the virus. And with only 55,000+ confirmed coronavirus infections in the United States this very moment, that would mean there may be nearly 10 million infected Americans who don't even know it, yet spreading it to others.

With an 'R-naught' number of approximately '6', meaning every infected person can potentially spread it to 6 other people who will repeat the process over and over again, and now doctors and other health care workers becoming ill with the virus as Natural News also had reported in this new story, just imagine how many of medical workers nationwide will also fall ill in the next two weeks with that 14-day to 27-day incubation period and coronavirus finally taking hold in America with us to soon pass both Italy and China in the numbers of infections if current patterns hold up.

So while we'd love to see the lockdown end and America return to our freedom to assemble and to 'normalcy' as soon as possible, as even Bill Gates recently warned as was reported in this CNBC story, "It’s very tough to say to people, ‘Hey keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, just ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner." Even a broken clock is right two times a day!

According to this new story over at the Daily Mail, former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik is now warning that the NY city government of mayor Bill de Blasio wants to establish an authoritarian government in the city with the imposition of martial law ahead. Just the latest warning of corrupt government's using this crisis as an opportunity to lock down a population and impose their own tyrannical will upon the masses, as we had reported in this March 24th ANP story, we also need to walk a very fine line and perform a balancing act to keep our civil liberties and the US Constitution intact while attempting to prevent a pandemic of mammoth proportions from taking down everything in America. From this Daily Mail story.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik has said Bill de Blasio of trying to 'scare the hell out of America' with his comments on the coronavirus pandemic and says he wants to impose 'martial law' on the city.

De Blasio has long been criticized by the police department and its former chiefs for his seemingly relaxed stance on crime.

On Wednesday, Kerik tweeted: 'Bill DeBlasio is doing everything in his power to scare the hell out of the American people, impose martial law, and turn New York City into an authoritarian government.'

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been leading the charge on state by state responses to the crisis and has spoken often and passionately of coming up with an 'intelligent' plan to try to stunt the virus growth but also let people return to work.

Before issuing a 100 percent shut-down of non-essential business employees, Cuomo resisted it for days. De Blasio, however, was quick to discuss issuing a 'shelter-in-place' order for the city of New York. He also said that martial law was on the table.

Even if he'd done it, it needed Cuomo's permission to go ahead. Cuomo has also rebuked use the terminology 'shelter-in-place', saying it's appropriate in active shooter situations or when the air quality is so low it is dangerous for people to go outside.

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2cdf33  No.83438


He warned against scare mongering, saying the 'panic and fear' some phrases can conjure up would end up being more harmful than the virus itself. 'I am not going to imprison anyone in the State of New York. 'I am not going to do martial law in state of New York. That’s not going it happen,' he said last week.

Yet if Covid-19 really is a Chinese bioweapon as Dr. Francis Boyle has reported numerous times, and a bioweapon that had required bio-safety-level-4 equipment to be safely handled as most of China's own doctors were dressed in while handling patients in China, then America's doctors, nurses and hospitals are all being set up for a major fall in the days and weeks ahead and quite possibly prior to April 12th, the day that President Trump hopes to 're-open' America.

While Zero Hedge had reported back on March 7th that medical experts studying this pandemic believed all US hospital beds would be filled by May 8th, as a new Natural News story reports as we'll explore below, it could be way before then with the infected healthcare workers we're seeing now just 'the tip of the iceberg'.

Yet what better way for 'enemies of America' within or without to take down our country and the US Constitution than to first take out all of the doctors and medical workers who'd be needed to treat ill Americans later? In fact, all the way back in 2005, one of China's Defense Minister's had made a speech advocating for the use of bioweapons upon America to 'clean up' America for a Chinese invasion.


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ec60a0  No.83439


>he going to do something about the opiod epidemic?

why would he? let degenerates kill theselves with drugs

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786a04  No.83440



>Shekkel addicts on suicide watch

>back to the coalmine wageslaves

>muh economy is more important than your life


>Former PM

>the guy who got demolished by Brit Trump

>Calls For ‘Temporary’ World Government

>when globalism is the reason why the virus spread

>and the reason why the economy is doomed


nothing is more permanent than a "temporary government measure

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d15944  No.83441


Extra awkward because isn't Ethiopia the home country of WHO's Dr. Tedros? The same guy who kowtows to China because they're also a major infrastructure investor out there? Lel

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aa890f  No.83445


People are going to die not only from this virus, but massive supply chain shortages too. That and the chaos that brings. Not to mention all the hospitals will be overwhelmed and lack needed supplies as well all the junkies dying off too. Plus lack of sanitation for most home squatters and a sharp rise in suicide. It is very likely when all is said and done over 100 million will end up dead and the economy won't be coming back anytime soon. Those that do survive will be in the rural areas and what is left of small town America.

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18ad24  No.83446

File: 573cb1355d79426⋯.webm (7.8 MB, 640x480, 4:3, NYC_Hell8kun.webm)


>Fuck your optics, I'm going in!

Kek, you should post more often anon.


You probably don't have the resources, knowledge, or practice to properly stabilize someone with severe Corona-chanitis, so you have to go to these Deathpitals; but if you do go or have to take somebody there, you will probably die by a thousand paper cuts and the godless, capitalist utilitarian religion dominating the USA. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. My fucking country man!

Speaking of Hell, if you have anyone who keeps autistically squawking "WAAANNNNHHHH! WHERE ARE THE USA VIDS? WHERE ARE THE USA VIDS?" Show them this video that just came out, I know it's from the Jew York Times, but sometimes those (((special resources))) they have can be used for our benefit. Link to the full vid: https://invidio.us/watch?v=bE68xVXf8Kw

Also, does anyone have the 8chan/8kun Webm guide? I was still able to downsize this vid to under 8MB with ffmpeg, but I'd like a copy for the future.

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8642ca  No.83447


Is my sound not working? For some reason I can't hear the sound from the video with the volume turned up all the way.

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4870f1  No.83448


It's a silent webm as far as I can tell.

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18ad24  No.83449


It is, I just realized I downloaded the vid-only version with youtube-dl. I'm a freakin' retard. Hold on, I got the full version, but I still have to downsize it first.

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f0be56  No.83451

File: 271aee76f534e16⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 474x460, 237:230, Arg.jpg)


BTW, Chori update:Our goverment is doing exactly the same bullshit that happens in Brazil(We are only counting symtomatic cases,ignoring the others)

The numbers are these:502 cases,63(((Recovered))),8 deaths.

But applying a official Quarantine until 12 of April,But the aplication of it is shitty just like everything in the country.

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18ad24  No.83454

File: 8d08adf98bf8a91⋯.webm (12.14 MB, 640x480, 4:3, NYC_Hell8kun.webm)

File: 96e5bd1624ccb3e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2400x3420, 40:57, How_to_make_WebM.png)

File: 1818802a503f383⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 255x229, 255:229, having_a_stroke.jpg)

Here's the full vid and I found a copy of the Webm tutorial pic over at /v/'s webm thread. It's stupid that the pic is not in OP, but whatever.

I apologize for my retardation.

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2e09b5  No.83457

File: bc3b4dc3b518884⋯.webm (1021.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, happening_time_2.webm)


> if I wasn't at work

>wageslaving amid a pandemic

Nigger, this is THE time where you invest all your slavebux to prepping and getting comfy for the happening.

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2e09b5  No.83459

File: 412cf4e1918ae75⋯.jpeg (10.2 KB, 275x183, 275:183, index.jpeg)


>like SARS and MERS

>like its two closest relatives the earlier being taxonomically within the same subspecies

Was there a doubt in the first place?

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4870f1  No.83460

File: fcb7cf9424bd0a3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 680x754, 340:377, Jazz_Music_Continues.jpg)


Yup, just turned down a job offer where they offered to pay me 30% less than the job I currently can't fucking go into the office for because of a fucking bio-weapon on the loose.


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2e09b5  No.83462

File: c8b1ce9cd743fb0⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 384x494, 192:247, 1322781232235.jpg)



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6c1bca  No.83463

File: 04cb969c5fe4ac2⋯.png (122.32 KB, 400x275, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)

The anti-HCQ treatment shilling makes a lot more sense now.


Gates is heavily invested in a vaccine, and Fauci is his fuccboi. Remember to wait for the vaccine and ID2020 goy, don't take Chloroquine!

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cd1984  No.83465


yes, it works, also overdosis of VitC

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7eb87b  No.83466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gordon Brown has been pushing for a NWO for decades.

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2af554  No.83469

Coronavirus 500,000 Infected, HALF OF ALL NEW YORKERS TO GET COVID-19!


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d7b7c5  No.83471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just to give an example of this.

Extra-bank payment channels are closed under not being considered essential. The next problem lies in the fact businesses are approaching debit and credit card payments more and more while ditching fiat money. When banks are also closed due to not being considered essential as well, these services would be used to charge funds towards your card (think of something like charging a Skrill account without a bank account). This ends up generating a paradox.

You can't charge your card because businesses are no longer accepting physical cash, but you can't purchase stuff because your card is out of funds.

And now with convicts chimping out in prisons it's only a matter of time until they escape just like in brazil. They're scoundrels of earth, practising satanism in their confinements killing animals that are brought there by their families, following gods akin to Santa Muerte, raping those that are christian devotees.

Things will get very ugly

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aee1f5  No.83472


>500,000 infectees shredding at same time and create more infectees.

Great, one infectee infect a dozen per day.

One infectee - 12 x 7 day = 84 infectee.

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ac45ea  No.83473

File: 89728e4aa9f6461⋯.jpg (21.74 KB, 350x441, 50:63, 9fee850b7dedd0cfbfe9aa4e76….jpg)

Ok this is getting ridiculous! Wasn't this thing supposed to have (((mysteriously))) vanished by now?

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aee1f5  No.83475


Because Coronavirus mutated and now it is uncontrollable. In other word, the Jews and everyone are totally toasted.

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16248e  No.83476

Doomsday yanky doodle prepper here, somewhat corona survival related: re-organizing my older shelving full of food preps and noticed in the way back I forgot to rotate some old boxes full of air-tight sealed rice (most were labeled by year, 2012 to 2014, others that may be older not labeled with dates lol). They still look good to eat and will cook some later tonight for dinner. Anyone know how long rice can store as long as it's sealed air-tight?

I'm posting this here because not many anons visit the survival thread so I thought I'd inquire here first. Hope the BO doesn't mind.

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7771ed  No.83479


Rice degrades due to moisture, so as long as it's kept dry it should be fine.

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46c0e2  No.83481

File: 985fbc1e4189d30⋯.jpeg (104.91 KB, 797x1024, 797:1024, EUDEgsZX0AAc_ej.jpeg)

New waiflu milestone

Thank you Corona-chan

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1829c7  No.83482


All of it is in those sealed food saver bags, which suck out any moisture and air so they should be ok then. I found some old undated oatmeal like that too in one box way tucked away in the back. Thanks for the heads up.

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786a04  No.83483

File: ae39262a1c9658a⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 526x701, 526:701, dats_muh_secret.jpg)


chori bro, you know very well that in our Narzi (Narco Socialist) government, it ain't that hard for niggers to get out of jail, they just have to Join the uocra, campora or any other of those (((worker unions))) that are little more than cannon fodder and useful idiots for Kretina and Alvertitere

aside from really violent criminals and filthy degenerates that not even our worst subhumans want free, most people in jails are lowly thieves, junkies, mob capos who got caught and civilians who dared defend against any of them when they got their homes broken into

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872a2b  No.83484

File: c99a9d22b731557⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GAS_GAS_GAS_1_.mp4)



>Kikes use corona-chan to bring up the eternal antisemitism

Particular mind virus needs to spread even faster.


Sometimes lurkers do the best shit. I guess your IP changed?


/ourgirl/ getting thicc for her world tour


The Corona source code has em all..

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2fa833  No.83485


The normalfags are going to go fucking crazy if they can't get their cummies soon.

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2fa833  No.83486


Yeah as anon said it'll be fine. If it's dry and deoxygenated in a sealed container you can expect rice/grains to last a good 30 years.

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13f38a  No.83489

File: def25f22bd9c4a7⋯.png (580.16 KB, 600x764, 150:191, 1584370969174.png)


This. The South doesn't need any more Yankee scum in our towns. There is enough of a problem with the ones here and retarded evangelical boomers.

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d2da35  No.83490


as opposed to the permenant one we have shitting the bed right now?

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d2da35  No.83491


These particular drug dealers lied with the force of the state, the media, and the healthcare industry to push this on to people, thats why.

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ac45ea  No.83492

File: 280be091d127ee2⋯.jpg (165.69 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1584240014988.jpg)

Am I getting this right?

Recovered: 120000, Dead: 20000

This means that there is 1 death for every 5 recoveries.

This means that when this is over, 1/6 of the world population will be dead.

8 billion / 6 = 1.3 billion dead by the end of the year?

Is this right?

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91fbfb  No.83493

Can anyone provide where the coronavirus relief bill (Trumpbux) states that the package is actually a tax loan that needs to be paid back for next year's tax return, or is this bullshit?

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2e09b5  No.83494

File: 74e61ab3c5bcb05⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 500x483, 500:483, 2k2c3y.jpg)


>I'm off the cock carousel for a week I better kill myself

>this is the mental state of the vast majority of the population

How the fuck did we survive the ice age as a species?

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7eb8dc  No.83495


> Anon posts here instead of the survival thread, even though Corona-anons are lurking there too.


> Rice degrades owing to moisture

Yes, for white rice. Brown rice is a different story - it contains more oils, and will go rancid in the presence of oxygen (even if it's sealed-up). The only way to store brown rice is in the freezer, or in a nitrogen/vacuum bag.

White rice will keep for decades, if it's sealed against moisture.

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e3e170  No.83498

File: cbaad0361ace4cf⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 570x380, 3:2, fucking_kikes.jpg)


If that's true, it would literally be the Golem myth.

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78cab2  No.83499

File: 084d7dd4e35343d⋯.png (352.88 KB, 552x934, 276:467, Coronian_Cultist.png)

File: 8eb723fd8d12056⋯.png (231.8 KB, 448x903, 64:129, secretary_of_communication….png)

File: e80e114a84ef450⋯.png (45.58 KB, 649x216, 649:216, Two_confirmed_cases_in_Ibu….png)

File: 36650a5af64601b⋯.png (120.88 KB, 553x853, 553:853, Confirmed_Elderly_couple_a….png)

File: b67d42cc2d23aa3⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 480x864, 5:9, Recife_Hazmat_dudes_pickin….mp4)

Good afternoon nignogs, it's another glorious day of monitoring Corona-Chan's progress on her divine campaign to cleanse this corrupted world.

Bolsonaro includes religious activities in the list of essential services

Previously asymptomatic, Brownzilian chief secretary of social communications is now reporting a dry cough and sore throat Rest in Piss, ZOG official, you're good as dead

And continuing my search for tweets in my city, I got good news for everyone, including myself, who wants to see Corona-Chan cleaning favelas up. /Ourgirl/ is sweeping through one of the worst parts of the city RIGHT NOW

>Normalfag reporting two blessings at Ibura UR-11, suspected case at Ipsep, two confirmed cases at Recife Avenue. He is terrified.

>Shitskin reporting a blessed elderly couple at Ibura UR-3 and a blessed woman at UR-1. Shitskins saying they thought they were safe but now they're scared shitless.

>Ambulance picking up a suspected case Ibura UR-3, notice the hazmat dude coming out of the "house" right at the very end of the video

>Shitskinned subhumans who live in Ibura are absolutely terrified, scared shitless and pathetically attempting to hide their despair behind shitty humor on twatter

<Ha-Haha, no worries guys, the drug dealers are going to rob the virus and shoot it dead, it has no chance here….RIGHT?

<I-I'm not s-scared at all, we are already i-immune from all the bacteria from this filthy place anyway.

No, subhumans, this is the end of the line for all of you. Your pathetic jokes about your own savagery can't save you from divine judgement

Meanwhile in my neighborhood, there's rumors of a suspected case one street away from me. I had a feeling from watching that video that my area was already red, I was right. My turn to blessed and liberated draws closer with each minute that passes and every millisecond that flies by. Corona-Chan could be incubating inside me right now.




>Treatment is working

Kek, that's a nice joke.


About time (((they))) played their hand.


Hey there neighbor.

>We are only counting symtomatic cases,ignoring the others

The anti-panic strategy of our governments sure is gay as fuck.

>But the aplication of it is shitty just like everything in the country.

Same shit here. At least Corona-Chan can do her work unhindered. Stay safe down there.


Good find anon. Fuck Gates and other eggheads too. They will pay for everything they have done, including futilely attempting to avoid the inevitable.


You're an idiot if you bought into the shill's, the nothingburgerfags's and the hoaxniggers's lies. We're strapped in for a long ride. Burger HHS estimates 18 months or more.

Spoiler lewd images, nigger. But finally, I was waiting for a full nude version of this for a while now.


>Is this right?



>How the fuck did we survive the ice age as a species?

Kikes weren't around back then, corrupting people. Plus, the hardships kept everyone in line. No time for degeneracy when you're fighting for your life everyday.

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91fbfb  No.83500


Yep. You are right!

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3c5c17  No.83501


The virus is fake. It should be clicking for people.

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78cab2  No.83502


>Spoiler lewd images, nigger. But finally, I was waiting for a full nude version of this for a while now.

This was meant for >>83481 , by the way.


Checked and confirmed

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acbebb  No.83503

File: 6b2005e6ccc0a26⋯.gif (22.72 KB, 310x760, 31:76, e71b883bc3b0df041fcca654a2….gif)


Assuming every single person on the planet will get infected by the same viral strain, and the virus doesn't mutate in between, then yes. This will not be the case, and it can go every way imaginable at this point.

To be completely frank, the virus is not the thing to be concerned about at this moment. This is the beginning of something much worse, and one might even think this was planned beforehand to benefit the usual suspects. If it wasn't, they've very quickly reacted to this event in equal amounts of brilliance and evil.

I truly think this is another 9/11, and most likely planned a long time ago, probably as a last ditch effort, or Plan Z.

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aee1f5  No.83506


Golem is not a myth at all and this happened numerous times.

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d7b7c5  No.83507


I love Corona-Chan so much, I had a spergout on /ebola/ due to people making incredible art of her with the wrong hair and proportions.

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774541  No.83508

File: 8464b4155830658⋯.jpg (166.91 KB, 500x442, 250:221, Joolander.jpg)


>IP chan

yeah, my IP changes often. Im on and off a vpn and different devices. Just stoked you guys give a shit about my stuff. It's funny. the wife and I have our own meme culture. we constantly produce and never share (not saying it's great, just saying), it really only stays between us. I guess that's antisocial to an extreme level but I'm gonna work on changing that i guess. I'll start sharing.

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2e09b5  No.83509


And neither are turkroaches and sandniggers.

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786a04  No.83510

File: 5d41b6ee313fadf⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 590x787, 590:787, shillmeter.jpg)


i'm replying to your >(1) only because this image has not yet been posted in this tread

countless of shill like you have come before and not only did they fail to persuade anyone of anything they even outed themselves as shill, proving everyone once and for all that "muh nuffin burger" posters are full of shit


>they've very quickly reacted to this event in equal amounts of brilliance and evil

one anon in a previous tread posted a comment that stayed with me:

>remember we are dealing with eldritch vampires who have been trying to get back at the goyim for the past 5 millennia and who plan schemes decades in advance. It's entirely possible that they had a specific "use in case of zombie apocalypse" plan ready to go


>Golem is not a myth at all and this happened numerous times.

Cucktianity and Pisslam come to mind

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acbebb  No.83513


>It's entirely possible that they had a specific "use in case of zombie apocalypse" plan ready to go

Well fuck, I thought Plan Z sounded a bit like zombies when I wrote it.

I both really don't like and really like where this is going at the same time. Strange feeling.

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e3e170  No.83514


I wonder if she has enough DNA points to kill all the scientists working on a vaccine.

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35bc88  No.83516

File: 9415d45fa4735a0⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 4027x2017, 4027:2017, QdIGz5Z.jpg)


>government for faggots

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aee1f5  No.83517


It’s a good new that their plan failed otherwise we will be in hell forever. Nobody want the Jew stupid dream. It’s too psychotics for everyone.

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2e09b5  No.83519

File: 7538a16319fe7c3⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 869x920, 869:920, so_bright_so_beautiful.jpg)


Think we are still in phase 3 tbh. When normalcattle are fenced in their houses for over a month, hyperinflation starts effecting our shopping carts, confirmed cases hit (((officially))) 6 digits, gubermints go silent instead of announcing extensions of the quarantine time, basic infrastructure starts to collapse and public services cease and people starting dropping on the streets and the corpses of the isolated neighbors start smelling then we are going to see some serious shit.

I just wish I had the economic capacity to had properly prepped for this so that I'd have an actual chance. At least I'll go out with peace of mind that this will be a better world when my body expires from the coofing and excruciating suffocation.

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2c8f27  No.83521

Since this has flown under the radar during the pandemic, here is a reminder of a monumental change in monetary policy that will reverberate throughout all USD based monetary instruments.

As of today, the Federal Reserve of the United States has eliminated all reserve requirements from all depository institutions.

Brace for impact, and consider if you wish to keep your money in US based banking institution.

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2d427c  No.83524


No you are vastly underestimating this, remember those are the massively deflated numbers WITH hospital care. Once the hospitals get fully overloaded and there are no more care workers this will become much worse.

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e3e170  No.83525


Ok I know what you mean and yes. But the stone creature is in a jew myth. The stone creature isn't real. It refers to them being evil and dumb at the same time to create a monster to do their bidding which then turns on them.

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65e2d2  No.83526


I recall years ago an interview with Steve Quayle saying his inside sources said something about a potential bioweapon release in 'worst case scenarios', that is, if they really start to lose control and are desperate enough to do it. From what I remember it was a former DHS source who told him about this, and he said it may or may not happen but they did have a 'fail-safe' "solution" (bioweapons) if they can't get their global communist technocratic agenda enforced. Maybe they are terrified of rising nationalism, the pro-health waves, the adoption of online encryption, the growing movements for prepping, 2nd Amendment rights and all that? Maybe they could no longer control the narrative and too many people are onto them so they got desperate enough to release this bioweapon in attempts to kill most us off and weaken the rest for subjugation?

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d7b7c5  No.83527


I've been saying this from the start, the massive discontent from the populace will be the one that showcases if something happens or not

If you don't see places being pillaged and citizens get beheaded with machetes by mobs then there still is time to get ready, as desperate as it may sound.

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acbebb  No.83531


Well, we're only in the begin stages. It does feel like she put all her points up until now in infection rates. Has Madagascar been hit yet?


Either this will bring us into their prophecized world, or we will finally get a real chance to fight back and win.


This all is assuming this virus hasn't been blown entirely out of proportion. Sure, there is a deadly virus on the loose, but doesn't the current panic and implemented measures seem a little bit extreme? If this were truly the return of the plague^10, wouldn't China and surrounding countries be relatively decimated by now? I feel there is a greater plan at the moment, and I'm not per se the greatest thinker on this board, but there is something really fishy about all this. They are willing (whilst seeming not to be willing) to crash the world economy, or at least the Western world's economy, and I am to believe all of that? I've witnessed this shock and awe tactic before, and most of you will know what I mean.

This will herald a true dystopia, and if not, a true chance for our return to form.

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7eb8dc  No.83533


> The Kike Empire is using a Bioweapon as their Sampson option

Yes, this makes sense. But it also makes sense that they're using it as a means to achieve their end-game - everybody gets a tracking chip, all monetary transactions are 100% digital and tracked, and the last of our privileges are revoked in the name of "safety".

Regardless, all potential scenarios surrounding the release of Red Death share a common denomitator: it was kikes who did it.

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669641  No.83535


Are you fucking retarded or trolling? The number of confirmed cases isn't even close to the actual number you double nigger.

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bc579f  No.83536


Sure, now we have to weather the storm, those who are prepped and in the know, and never trust these damned bastards ever again. They should not be considered an enemy, a threat to you and your family, and if any of them or their zogbots trespass on our properties, shot without any hesitation, shoot to kill not maim.

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786a04  No.83537


another post i remembered from a previous tread

>if this was CIA/MOSSAD OP, they had the perfect alibi because i see alphabet fingerprints all over the place and i can still believe that this may just have been an accident caused by chink incompetence

you've seen the filthy habits of chinks anon, you've seen the wet markets, we poke fun at the poos and their designated shitting streets but at least pajets go to the designated street before taking a dump, chinks are even more disgusting, they eat plastic and cardboard fried in gutter oil, breath smoke and industrial fumes 24/7 rely more on their witch doctor tier traditional medicine than actual science, their water is so toxic that even the Ganges looks pristine and cristal clear by comparison, their food markets have slain animal corpses shitting themselves over pool of their own blood, most of those animals do not follow any sanity standard, there are chink researchers who were caught selling lab animals to those markets and the mother fuckers don't even bother to clean their knives nor tables before killing another critter, on top of that, they and their animals live even more crowded than pajets and they have a population of charlatans and swindlers

i find it hard to believe that anyone would bother risk getting caught using bio warfare against filthy bugmen because they are so fucking filthy that trying to plague them sounds as pointless as trying to give femtards a reason to complain


>China's economy beating anyone

china has a lot of slave labor but even with stolen tech they just produce subpar product, being dirty cheap is the only reason they stay afloat, but even with that, their entire economy is just a speculation bubble covered up by smoke, mirrors and fake numbers

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930307  No.83538

File: d98a1d8ed694c7e⋯.png (599.76 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 03B5A711_669E_4B83_A572_B7….png)


Typical politician has a lizard brain, and government bureaucrats like basking in sun doing nothing.


Yes, Madagascar was infected a few threads ago. She won the game.

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ed1cf7  No.83539


>They should not be considered an enemy

They *should be considered an enemy

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aee1f5  No.83540


Oh….I misunderstood you.

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18ad24  No.83541

File: 570478c4ff00a50⋯.png (108.72 KB, 740x1634, 370:817, Italy_4x_worse.png)

File: 15d642adaf8e542⋯.png (679.65 KB, 2303x1357, 2303:1357, Italy_4x_worse2.png)

File: b7e016e4fc511d7⋯.png (69.74 KB, 670x784, 335:392, recovery_is_overrated_anyw….png)

File: fd2c2713f72c049⋯.png (987.74 KB, 1040x1200, 13:15, helping_a_cousin.png)

Italy's Numbers Probably 4 Times Worse Than Official Total



Spainish Woman Touted As Recovered Dies 36 Hours Later



Good after Brazilbro, and nice digits!

>Bolsonaro includes religious activities in the list of essential services

While worshiping God is essentials, there's ways to do without risking everybody and their brother. There's a reasons there's so many many laws concerning "leprosy" and social quarantine which is more like a catch-all word for any diseases that the Israelites needed to back away from. Guess what, Jews don't follow those laws or the principles behind the laws, which is one reason why (((modern Israel))) is getting fucked.

Have a cute pic of Corona-chan helping her cousin, Hanta-chan.

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2e09b5  No.83542

File: 87bea7a0460e1d1⋯.png (141.3 KB, 1005x387, 335:129, jews_frankenculture.png)


>but doesn't the current panic and implemented measures seem a little bit extreme?

Given how much ZOGs and (((mainstream media))) tried to downplay the issue at its beginning the "overreaction" sounds more like overcompensation since (((they))) realized that in their attempt to maintain absolute control over the goyim resulted in the important issues getting completely out of control.

/r/equesting the pasta where anon describes why kikes are shitty long-term schemers

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aee1f5  No.83543


>That picture

Mwahaha, my sweet sides orbited me.

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78cab2  No.83544


>countless of shill like you have come before and not only did they fail to persuade anyone of anything they even outed themselves as shill, proving everyone once and for all that "muh nuffin burger" posters are full of shit

Not to mention he showed up after I have made many posts showing this Happening is reaching even the most irrelevant places in Brownzil. I remember when those cunts used to post

<if the virus is real, why is no one posting on social media about it, where are all the videos?

Well, there you go, some videos, images and (((social media))) posts from an irrelevant place no one cares about. If its happening here, you better believe its a Happening.


More than enough. Not that their



You will be spared by Corona-Chan and live to see a better world.


>As of today, the Federal Reserve of the United States has eliminated all reserve requirements from all depository institutions.

And what does this means? Money printer going Bbbrrrrr? Or they are going to block people from taking cash out from their accounts?


>it was kikes who did it.

This, and doubles confirm it. It was the chinks and the jews.


>Spainish Woman Touted As Recovered Dies 36 Hours Later

I fucking knew it, most recoveries are lies.

>Have a cute pic of Corona-chan helping her cousin, Hanta-chan.

Very nice.

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78cab2  No.83545


*not that their vaccine would work anyway. Got interrupted while writing that part of the post and forgot to finish it.

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786a04  No.83547


>If this were truly the return of the plague^10, wouldn't China and surrounding countries be relatively decimated by now?

the provinces where it started ARE decimated, China can mask it because they are big, Iran is totally fucked, and the west actually started to take shit serius way sooner than China did, the main problem with Corona chan is that she takes like 2 weeks to incubate before symptoms start showing up, that's why there's so much lag between patient zero and zombie apocalypse


>everybody gets a tracking chip

i still want to know how they persuade Christkikes to get branded with the mark of the beast, even Reddit called out Bill Gates for this shit

>all monetary transactions are 100% digital

banks and stock market are not inspiring to much confidence so that people will entrust them with their digital shekkels, and i don't see how switching to digital is gonna solve the problem of encryption and other types of bitcoin that are used for dirty business on the web


>recovered woman dies

>81 years old

i'd be more worried if she was 18, old people can die even if the recover from whatever the fuck sent them to the hospital to begin with, old folk don't just walk out of the operation theater without life shortening scars

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6c1bca  No.83548


American MSM responded like this

>Trump is being racist and closing borders, he's freaking out about the flu

>Trump is not doing enough a ton of people are going to die

And they're trying to make it sound like Trump is the only one handling this wrongly, and the MSM is doing it right.

Look how Pelosi used this as an excuse to push a far left agenda. MSM is just using this as an excuse to attack Trump, their first priority is to attack him. Notice how the Corona task force pleaded for the MSM to inform people about the 15 day plan, and they're too busy talking about how Trump is doing it all wrong and he's going to kill us all.

MSM and liberals have wasted a lot of lives telling people illegal immigrants and such are harmless and to not be afraid, but this one really takes the cake.

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acbebb  No.83551


This is what I presume. It seems more likely by the minute, especially seeing how global politicians are handling the situation. They're playing right into the hands of our common culprits.

Chin up lads, we've won the last round. Batter up for the next one, things are going to heat up exponentially.


Well, that's actually amazing. Bring it on.


To be fair, it had me stumped for a moment when the media started their panic craze, after ignoring it for so long. They could have been trying to delay pandemonium long enough that when it really hit home for most citizens, all normalfags would start going en masse to their local supermarkets, emptying the shelves in a frenzied state. Bringing forth the shock, that I spoke before of, with the awe of being saved while having most of their freedom stripped away in the process right around the corner.


Not all European countries are doing awful though, with the exception of course the most wealthy ones. Japan is doing great, Singapore and South Korea as well (if I recall correctly). We'll see, but I stand by my point that the aftermath of this pandemic will be worse than the event itself.

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dc4c8c  No.83553

March 27th. Over 1000 dead in Americuck. Government losing it's shit already. Wonder what it's going to be like when it passes 10k, 100k and 1 million.

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d15944  No.83555

File: 3a05ef92d79afbf⋯.jpg (293.46 KB, 2048x1514, 1024:757, 3a05ef92d79afbf0a4c3457ceb….jpg)

Bellevue anon reporting in with an update.

WA governor Inslee just said he's likely going to extend the current shelter in place order, but didn't give specifics. Currently, it was supposed to end on April 24th, but who knows how much longer it might go. Also mentioned that he's gotten confirmation that /ourgirl/ has visited damn near every part of WA, even the tiny pocket cities.

I also read an article that Seattle business owners are boarding up their windows to prevent breakins and thefts from the myriad homeless degenerates and criminals.

Haven't heard anything yet about Corona-chan visiting the homeless here, but I'm sure she's been making the rounds.

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7eb8dc  No.83558



> Zogbots are the enemy

Only while they serve their masters. Allow them to take off their uniforms, and they become recruits for das neue Reich.


> persuade Christkikes to get branded with the mark of the beast

They rather, we already carry cellphones with us everywhere. It will probably continue as a bracelet, which will alarm if it's removed. The implant will be an "optional upgrade" from the bracelet. And since most Christkikes aren't true Christians because they extend love to kikes, most of them will gladly accept the chip.

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2e09b5  No.83560

File: d32c639c72680e5⋯.jpg (28.3 KB, 479x370, 479:370, hello_darkness_my_old_frie….jpg)


Yeah, I'm pretty confident (((they))) tried to exploit a pandemic breakout to increase their executive powers and strip the goyim out of our their last freedoms at an unprecedented rate, and maybe take boomers out to save some of their retirement shekels for (((themelves))) and they succeeded but I'm also confident they really underestimated Corona-chan's power. Don't forget that their envy and spite for their White goyim host blinds them to the real dangers.

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e3e170  No.83561


>If this were truly the return of the plague^10

When's the last time the US lost a carrier? Well that's about to happen next week.

Have you seen the unemployment claims report?

Did you see the Fed waive all reserve requirements for banks, basically you have as much credibility as Wells and Fargo now?

Did you see that India and Africa still have to pop?

Did you see the sharp increase in Russian numbers starting this week?

Did you see the news report out of NYC hospitals today?

Did you see more and more reports that this will become endemic, picking off survivors in next waves?

Did you see the zionist government move into an atomic bunker today?

My friend, we are witnessing not an ELE but an event that will turn ourselves into the ELE. It will be nature's final fuck you. It is magnificent.

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36056a  No.83563


>lost a carrier

What’s a carrier.

>have you seen

It’s literally irrelevant.

>waive all reserve

And? How’s that evidence it’s going to collapse? It’s evidence that it WON’T collapse.

>India and Africa

The virus avoids high humidity, high temperature areas.

>news report

So you worship anything the jewish media says as fact simply because you like what it says, huh. Totally can’t be false, right?



>government move


>oy vey goyim world over i say so give up everything to communism

Haven’t you been blown the fuck out in every thread so far?

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e3e170  No.83564


>What’s a carrier.

Yeah ok drone sleep well. And Sieg Heil from comfy central Europe, sheep.

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114fcf  No.83565


(((Official))) estimates are saying 80k dead in the next 4 months then it will decline. We'll see.

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18ad24  No.83566

File: 6c58782a27ec8f6⋯.png (121.82 KB, 899x1638, 899:1638, ourgirls_daughter1.png)

File: c44e1e332391c67⋯.png (69.25 KB, 1108x649, 1108:649, ourgirls_daughter2.png)

File: b4f0c6ef97191ea⋯.jpg (319.98 KB, 1076x839, 1076:839, more_bs.jpg)

A girl in Bongland possibly has a new strain that's worse than the recent L-strain.

Symptoms she has:

>Temperature over 40C



>Red blotchy mottled skin

>Ulcers in the mouth and down the throat

>Joint pains

>Chest pains

>Children as far as Nottingham reporting similar symptoms. The girl was confirmed to have Wuhan Flu/Covid 19





(((Nature))) publishes even more bullshit about Corona-chan as doctors use CCP's (((official))) numbers for the CFR.

Don't Trust that Journal Unless an Article is Corroborated by Another

See third pic, not even worth linking to the archive

Personally, I think I'm over with whatever I had, but I'm really concerned for my mother. She's still sick, and she's coughing more heavily with a racing heart.


>i'd be more worried if she was 18, old people can die even if the recover from whatever the fuck sent them to the hospital to begin with

True, but I believe the article is being shared because of that delicious cruel irony as well as what >>83544 (Checked) pointed out that many, if not most, recoveries in the official count are false, conditional, or short-term for a chronic situation.


>Mark of the Beast

They're misusing Scripture anyway to their own peril since the Mark of the Beast in Revelation is a symbol for ownership and fidelity to somebody. Back then in the Ancient Near East, have any mark on your arm or head meant you were owned by somebody; hence, having the "Mark" is way of saying that person is owned by the Devil, the system, and (((those))) that help the system. Being marked with the name of Christ later on in the book, means you are owned by Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

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78cab2  No.83567

File: bddc1d5480616af⋯.png (207.28 KB, 536x524, 134:131, bongs.png)

File: 534381e46dfc82b⋯.png (346.66 KB, 547x627, 547:627, fucked_sailors.png)

Britbong update

Update on the Burger aircoof carrier, 23 sailors are confirmed to be blessed https://archive.is/Fdtfn


Nice triples Bellevue anon.

>I also read an article that Seattle business owners are boarding up their windows to prevent breakins and thefts from the myriad homeless degenerates and criminals.

Very smart of them, a small market got looted in my city recently, gonna post about it later.

>Haven't heard anything yet about Corona-chan visiting the homeless here, but I'm sure she's been making the rounds.

Those digits don't lie.


>When's the last time the US lost a carrier? Well that's about to happen next week

Indeed, the numbers on that aircraft carrier are just going to rise until all of the crew managing critical systems get incapacitated.


>(((official))) estimates are saying 80k dead in the next 4 months then it will decline.

Kek what a lie.

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e3e170  No.83568


Eh, that's a guy.

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acbebb  No.83570


Yes, I've seen all these. Don't get me wrong, I'm very hopeful for the coming events. I just hope I'm there to witness it all.

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d0216f  No.83577

>be in rich Seattle suburb

>neighbors still have their illegal Mexican yard workers show up and work

>boomer neighbors still go out twice a day

>no idea who to call

>think about two fun possibilities

>wait till friday

>watch local mosque

>see local muslims show up

>call it in to non emergency line

>atta boy pat on the back

>wail till Saturday

>hang out down the street from the synagogue

>call the cops when super heebs eventually break quarantine

>get arrested for hate crime and swatting


>Wonder what it's going to be like when it passes 10k, 100k and 1 million.

No gov can deal with it, chinks showed us that when they had to force people to stay inside and weld them in. Add in asymptomatic carriers, airborne transmission on public transport, retards spreading it because they don't believe in germs and no fucking masks allowed at retail workplaces because it looks bad and it's all over. I'd imagine after this bullshit all bioweapons get banned hard, but I doubt the psychopaths in power will do shit.

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80aeab  No.83578

>Clap for NHS

>Stupid fucking mother goes out and socializes to this clear psy-op

HOLY FUCK the stupidity. Goddanmed socialite filth.

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80aeab  No.83579


>>Red blotchy mottled skin

Please tell me this shit on my right hand is a fucking burn from the bleach.


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78cab2  No.83582

File: 8f3a7f17af7630c⋯.png (359.61 KB, 775x599, 775:599, with_chinks_you_lose.png)

File: be0bca634333d43⋯.png (218.66 KB, 614x531, 614:531, king_of_npcs_got_blessed.png)

File: c986cb45f91e0aa⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB, 480x948, 40:79, Dropper_in_Arlington_Virgi….mp4)

Spain reports chink testing kits are a fucking piece of shit, only 30% of them work https://archive.is/99nnF

CEO of NPCNBCUniversal got blessed https://archive.is/hZgi9


https ://twitter. com/GAMBLETAYLOR1/status/1242594805647118344

>>83566 (checked)

>A girl in Bongland possibly has a new strain that's worse than the recent L-strain.

>All of those new symptoms

And eggheads dare to say the virus isn't mutating quickly.'



Are you okay?

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4e27c6  No.83583

File: 34215dac370152e⋯.png (231.62 KB, 685x574, 685:574, myturn.png)

Reminder: Corona-Chan needs to kill over 250,000 per day just to neutralize average subhuman population growth. This clown world is so kiked up, nature needs to intervene.



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d15944  No.83584

File: 063b2f33bd2c662⋯.png (469.76 KB, 952x842, 476:421, 063b2f33bd2c6623e9f5792171….png)

Can any of you anons redpill me on using UV at home for disinfection of packages and groceries and stuff? Is it a meme? Or does it actually work?

Looking for input from any of you who are knowledgeable and have been using it.Also, if it works, recommendation on gear would be appreciated.


Pic for you, anon.

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18ad24  No.83587

File: 123f842efc192dd⋯.png (227.71 KB, 392x384, 49:48, wtf.png)

File: 14b7dd81f55010a⋯.jpg (756.52 KB, 1650x2200, 3:4, corona_chan1_DISINFECTION.jpg)

File: 0664931a73d4e39⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1650x3450, 11:23, corona_chan1_PROTOCOL.jpg)


>Please tell me this shit on my right hand is a fucking burn from the bleach.


Yes, you'll be semi-alright; but dude, bleach is effective against the virus for a reason. Be careful!


>Spain reports chink testing kits are a fucking piece of shit, only 30% of them work

Every single fucking person, every single one, that keeps believing these stupid and asinine official numbers need to be beaten and sold as slaves.

>CEO of NPCUniversal got blessed




UV is not a meme but perhaps the best way to near-certainly disinfect everything, everything but you yourself. It's also great to infect large areas or specialized places, like your air ventilation and water systems. The obvious issue is that UV light is also great at burning you and any living thing into a crisp, so you need eye protection, long-sleeved clothing, sunscreen and something to direct the light away from you. True, germicidal UV generators are also power hungry, which means they are not ideal for when the power goes out for whatever reason and for whatever duration. Besides that, power hungry, energy emitting devices always carry the risk of fire (especially Made in Third-Word/China crap without electrical standards), so you want to disinfect things in short, 15-30 minutes bursts an allow for rest. You won't need must time anyways as it takes 1-2 minutes to kill over 90% of pathogens.

As for for recommendations, I'm sadly not the one to ask. Maybe there's someone here that can help. Far UV light is the best, as you get most of the benefit without the danger to yourself. Unfortunately, you can forget about buying something of manageable size as the the one or two makers of personal Far UV disinfection devices charge prohibitively.

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78cab2  No.83588

File: adff9efe04ef606⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Corona_Chan_portrait.jpg)



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d0216f  No.83589


>UV at home for disinfection of packages and groceries and stuff? Is it a meme? Or does it actually work?

It works however the tricky part is making sure you expose all surfaces long enough to destroy the RNA of the virus without killing the DNA in your cells.

Additionally dealing with the deathlike ozone levels created by good UVC bulbs when used inside. Ozone/o3 won't kill you but it's like a chemical burn when you expose yourself and lungs to it at even minor cencetrations. That is one of the reasons why humans and most mammals can smell ozone so well and are repulsed by it since if you can smell it it's probably hurting you. The stuff is so strong a biocide when concentrated from chemical reacting with the extra oxygen atom that ozone is used to sterilize water and basically anything that needs stuff on it to be dead. It's so good at killing everything in high concentrations that it's used on factory ships holding tanks to kill all the bacteria and neutralize noxious gases from decomposition of fish. It's that good at killing bacteria and viruses.

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d037f1  No.83590

File: f96b8c2a2f60d42⋯.jpg (344.2 KB, 1023x861, 341:287, IMG_20200319_012156_202003….jpg)

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d078de  No.83591


>Zionism is a five-thousand-year-old bacteria that has caused the suffering of people

Oy vey, the goyim are beginning to realize that Jews are actually a HIV virus in humanoid form

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78cab2  No.83593

File: 6db257d4448b7b0⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 892x509, 892:509, Lies_from_Brownzil.jpg)

File: 956bb80131b095e⋯.png (214.91 KB, 1308x581, 1308:581, Threesome.png)

Updated Brownzilian lies

>2915 confirmed cases (for testing positive and being symptomatic)

>77 (checked) confirmed deaths

>Breakdown: 126 cases in the north, 457 cases in the northeast, 1665 cases in the southeast, 275 cases in the midwest and 392 cases in the south




>Jews are actually a HIV virus in humanoid form

Kek, so much truth.

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cd79db  No.83602

File: e34bbfe2b629ba8⋯.jpg (275.08 KB, 467x447, 467:447, e34.jpg)


Never forget the 6 million face masks

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80aeab  No.83605

File: c3654163b2f5c42⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0699_1_.JPG)

File: a91a6b7fe561c07⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0700.JPG)


Worried as fuck i'm in the shedding stage- there are a few things I'm just gonna write here, from ntoes I made on my zogphone.

I'm overweight, (not so fat I'm usless, I fucking walked the goddanmed point of the train station in vic center to fucking david attenbourough park and back from the waterway till the return trip where my leg locked up from pain/stress - did so for no real particular reason) born 1995, (25 this year july) have been a fapper since age 10-or eleven (coon genes, early starter)

Since this shit started- i've been acting up- and I'm not sure if I've gone brainlet and poisoned myself with ozone/ionizer bought for purifying rooms, or this is the preliminary stages to the point of no return.

To list-

Random inexplicable cold sensations in tips of fingers, toes, - breath feels cold often, as well as inside of mouth- not too often.

Loss of appetite (hard to say if this is down to how fat I've fucking gotten since I rebounded from losing weight at one point because I broke the rules and ended up consuming carbs again)- otherwise, bodily reaction to consumption of carb triggers a reaction in my throat/thyroid gland on one side (happy to say it's no longer on my left, but as I type this my right is a little tight) I had a day where the left was semi-swollen and minor pain from swallowing, but it fucked off

Tonsils/balls att the back of my throat had those clear bits of nasty smelling eggy white (dead bacteria clumps) more prevelant (the kind you sometimes breathe out in the morning) (Might have just been dried lemon zest or bee pollen though.

Loss of breath/the depth of breath I take in- the old reaction to holding my breath isn't the same anymore, doesn't reach the stomach, or otherewise, doesn't trigger the reaction I used to feel mentally when I did it (may be related to my fucking up with ozone, being fat, or my highly probable brain damage caused by nonstop cooming since I could start doing that)

Eyes occasionally tingle from behind sockets (lower half of eyes, has not happened as of recent)

Eardrums got air caught behind them after popping (cocooning myself to sleep and popping my ears has been the only way I could sleep since before I can remember) this is super rare for me, or it's never happened before

Going to bed earlier (mainly to avoid others but use of f.lux on computer as well as trying to drink water in worry of being asymptomatic to stall process of viruses development/starve

No diarrhoea- have torn up ass on two prior stools applied cream- notable puss-like substance on toiletpaper for second anlaysis may just be result of holding those in & my consumption of garlic cloves

Frontal lobe is still fucked/dulled from my cooming- Fucked up nofap today (been trying to edge/get going then stop to build up worked for the past 3 days, kept going by accident- (noticed I barely felt the reaction before I nutted) One main issue of my problem with fapping is that it has damaged my sense of smell and taste- so I can't be aware of that symptomn of COVID-19 is it shows.

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395be9  No.83608


Anyhow, I've been consuming garlic cloves, zinc lemon, oregano oil, collagen, protein powder, couple of vitmens, and a few other things, lemon, dried lemon garlic, etc, and shitfucktonnes of water- I unfortunately today, consumed maybe a bit to much to eat due to carb-rush. Will reset tomorrow and try to keep driking water and avoid the fucking bread- Luckily today, i've not had a violent reaction to eating/soring up throat.

In other news I turned off the modem's 5G, just in case it was disassembling my molecular structure- would be pretty fucked if that was the case, but I'm still riding on chinatown-bug.

As a certified sperg, I'm a little more in touch with my body or some inane autism shit than most, so I'm a bit more sensitive to changes- now, here's a picture of the 'rash' on my hand- Praying it's just chemical burns. I've gone more than 3 weeks since this shit started, so I'm not keen on the notion that C-chan got an EVEN LONGER incubation time than before- but I can still nut- so there's that. Though Today's nut had my urethra tingle in way that I've not felt ever, because it wasn't pain- so that's new.

What also dosn't help me keep track of this shit is my parents, and the fact that my room is stupidly dusty and fucking has black mold, some of which I've removed, but not entirely due to it's positioning.

I know, I'm a fucking rollercoaster wreck. But, just in case this is the worst- better to document it. And the worst part is, My 'just a flu bro' friends are confirmed blessed, so I dodged a bullet there- poor fuck was in the bargaining stage citing the hurr only pre-health conditions get it- has probably given it to all of his family, some of the nicest people I met, and he probably got it from another friend who came back from china during the onset of the outbreak after hospitializing himself due to high blood pressure eating all the sewer-fried crap in the niggest part of china- you can't make this shit up. And worst part is, both families are white, and the china dude has an extended super white clan with more relatives than one can hope to count- RIP. Now i've got no friends from high school or at all, and both were semi-redpilled, but more normie than I.

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c86d07  No.83612


>One main issue of my problem with fapping is that it has damaged my sense of smell and taste

You're bullshitting me. Do you fap 3 times a day or something?

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d078de  No.83617


They had those habits and ate bats for centuries, that's literally the dumbest narrative possible, even MSM dropped it quickly because not even the dumbest of morons bought it.

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18ad24  No.83621

File: 4dd845e92df3e44⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, welp.jpg)


>One main issue of my problem with fapping is that it has damaged my sense of smell and taste

When? Seriously, anon when did you lose it, because that might not be coom-itis that harmed your nose?

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057c53  No.83622



You know that really old /b/ post with blueregard from Foster's home for imaginary friends? Said 'cum like a pro', on it? used that to my advantage on autisbux/college money.

Fucking destroyed myself m8, 3 times, try 4+, 7 if you count the times I did it when I found ancient fucking viagra- my preteens were just me making unironic cumwalls before we rennovated- until I learned that that damages paint, and does leave behind a smell, amongst other things. I do it less now, 2 at worst, 3 if lucky- but I'm dialling it back for safety's sake, before today when I fucked up, so now I've gotta get back my 3-4 days of progress, and take a few more zinc tabs and some celery.

As for my tongue, It's a mix of fucking tesco custard dougnut burns, and the fucking toothbrushing meme erroding my fucking tastebuds on the front of my tongue with a designated tongue brush- honestly, I underestimated it's resiliance and now pay with less fulfilment from eating, but since fapping yielding less dopamine/other reactions/gave me this feeling of 'dullness' like my every thought, action etc- feels less than before, it's stacked with the damage.

Sense of smell has always been shit, but that ties in with taste, so there you go.

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d15944  No.83624

File: 4fb763ca97a57aa⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 496x443, 496:443, 4fb763ca97a57aaf23e3d01d43….jpg)



Cheers, anons. This information is very helpful.

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78cab2  No.83625

File: 0de667047a5deb6⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 480x256, 15:8, Poolice_beating_pajeets_ag….mp4)

File: dfd2953e384243d⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 272x480, 17:30, Panic_buying_in_Kuwait.mp4)

File: 7f77ae4344a3033⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB, 480x852, 40:71, completely_safe_Iraqi_vent….mp4)

Poolice continues to beat Pajeets that disobey the quarantine lockdown I will never get tired of these videos

Kuwaitis panic buying

Independent Iraqi engineers testing a ventilator they built



Too much information, dude I think you're panicking. Aside from the rash, loss of smell and shortness of breath, you don't got any other symptoms. Shame to hear about your friends, though. Hope Corona-Chan spares them and their relatives. Now go practice meditation and relax, you might be stressed out.

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057c53  No.83626


Oh right, another warning for coomers out there.

That thing you can do with your dick? you know, at will shafting? Can't fucking do it no more. May be due to weight, but I'm pretty sure the tiny muscle for it atrophied or got so weak it only semi-works when I'm hard/semi-hard- Penis head sensititvity is circumcision tier as well, have to moisturize on ocassion, I think that comes back with nofap, not too sure- even that explosive rush that spreads across the mind when you finish is so dull/almost gone- I often end up fapping from what I can only assume are TEST rushes. In short, to beat this shit, you've got to treat your dick like the days when you fapped before you could nut/got erections all the time/played with it, but never go to the victory stretch of no return, and letting go/stopping to settle and restarting and do other things.

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d078de  No.83627


>The final stages of the coomer disease

You most likely didn't get blessed but have a lot of other medical conditions that you should visit a doctor for.

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348975  No.83629

File: 90dd1a5d977effd⋯.webm (337.72 KB, 1420x800, 71:40, wash_your_hands_anon.webm)


Wash your hands anon.

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fc6eec  No.83635

File: 35dfc7060193c88⋯.jpg (194.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)

Woo hoo electric boogaloo

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8d1f18  No.83636


Well that's why you designate a specific room for disinfection. You're not supposed to be right next to the UV light while it is in operation. That is a good point though in that you need to ventilate immediately after operation.

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18ad24  No.83640



There's only one God, but He has definitely made a very special and lovely girl indeed.


There are still pone-fags around to make something so autistic? Damn it's been ten years already.


>Sense of smell has always been shit, but that ties in with taste, so there you go.

Phew, the reason I asked was because of this:






You're welcome!

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e3e170  No.83641

Since everyone is hunkered down now it seems, I thought about any predictions, very short term, that may be very feasible. It's an excercise against boredom which at the same time stimulates the brain and the survival instinct, which, admittedly, seem to be alright here. And since a lot of politicians are talking predictions about flattening the curve straight out of their ass or from a jew teleprompter, I thought we could give some stimulating thoughts for the msm faggots lurking here. After all, they want clicks and we want chaos.

I'll go first. This is a difficult one, because I have you lot and msm panicking as my main sources, although I do have friends up in Westchester Co. but this is a prediction about NYC. I'm predicting that within ten days from today, New Yorkers will see they are trapped with a ticking time bomb in the room and try to break out of quarantine and try to get out of the city itself. To family, the hills, anywhere but the epicenter. It seems like a logical thing to do and it makes for nice fifties terror movie imagery. I am predicting this for the Manhattan up until Bronx area and Long Island (incl. Queens and Brooklyn and all the way to the Hamptons).

Prediction: Mass attempt at break out of NYC, land inward.

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cd79db  No.83642

File: faa9028f0e2d3e6⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 600x315, 40:21, the_Sun_sucks.jpg)


>Day 11 in social isolation

>Morale kind of low, keep my mood up by taking walks daily, working out and doing some work for my employer

>Normalcattle just kills itself after a few days

Have these people never learned to take care of themselves mentally? I've been through worse.

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c9420e  No.83654

File: b8e083ae27bd89c⋯.png (78.9 KB, 867x337, 867:337, roach_minister_of_health.png)

File: 16d40801ccdf975⋯.png (206.98 KB, 608x617, 608:617, holocough_now.png)

File: 8244ed99a116735⋯.png (186.96 KB, 455x644, 65:92, cooba.png)

File: 41d89ba0cf9492a⋯.png (260.77 KB, 592x480, 37:30, meme_country.png)

File: d164922265f4d23⋯.jpeg (782.03 KB, 2593x1729, 2593:1729, Escape_from_NY.jpeg)

Turkroach update, 1196 new confirmed cases and 16 new confirmed deaths

Pissrael update, 324 new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/DJYEn

Cooba update, 10 new confirmed cases Your lies don't work on me, commies https://archive.is/4fINH

Memegascar update, 4 new confirmed cases kek these liars are good as dead https://archive.is/avGRR



New York City is a walled maximum security quarantine zone

Breaking out is impossible, breaking in is insane


I have seen this before. Some people don't believe it because (((Goldberg))). I'm neutral towards this, could be true, could be fake, who knows. Definitely sounds like something (((they))) would like to do.

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d66113  No.83655


Long-term effects are NWO surveilance power pushing anti-chan internet freedoms bullshit, and all meat being fucked forever and going fullblown genetically engineered meat/soywarlords of the worm protein and then the epidemic of brain-eating parasites making it into the human diet because of a good chunk of reasons why the nuvegan veggypeople's shit is unsustainable because of the damage of peanut farms, Vaccination bounceback from antivaxxers/This being a stunt to get back the public trust/kill anti pharma people.

Probably ties in with the missing non=jew remedies/suicided in the back of the head 9 times people, their 'medicine', must be all supreme as is their 'science'.

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6c1bca  No.83659


I now see why they tried to normalize eating bugs a while ago. They were preparing the food supply chain to break down and having to resort to something easier to make.

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930307  No.83660

>Tom Hanks and Rita Whoever

>Idris Elba and Sabrina Whoever

>Daniel Dae Kim

>Andy Cohen

>Debi Mazar

>Colton Underwood

>Harvey “Disease Vector” Weinstein

>Kristofer Hivju

>Indira Varma

>Olga Kurylenko

<Terrance McNally (heil Corona-chan)

>Rachel Matthews

>Placido Domingo

>Aaron Tveit

>Sophie Trudeausomething

>Prince Charles

>Rand Paul

>Masoumeh Ebtekar

>Francis Suarez

>Begona Sanchezsomething

>Karl von Habsberg

>Prince Albert II

>Mario Diaz-Balart

>Ben McAdams

>Charlotte Lawrence

<Manu Dibango (heil Corona-chan)

>Mwana FA

>David Bryan

>Lucian Grainge

>Andrew Watt

>Natalie Horner

>Slim Thug

>Jackson Browne

>Rudy Gobert

>Donovan Mitchell

>Christian Wood

>Kevin Durant

>Jason Collins

>Marcus Smart

>Sean Payton

>Mikel Arteta

>Jason Collins

>Kozo Tashima

>Paolo Dybala

>Eliaquim Mangala

>Daniele Rugali

>Timo Hubers

>Trey Thompkins

<Lorenzo Sanz (heil Corona-chan)

>Hyun-Jun Suk

>Luca Kilian

>Omar Colley, Albin Ekdal, Manolo Gabbiadini, Antonino La Gubina, Morten Thorsby, Amedo Baldari

>Blaise Matuidi

>Callum Hudson-Odoi

>Fernando Gaviria

>Dmitry Strakhov

>Paolo Maldini, Daniel Maldini

>Jeff Shell

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cae5ee  No.83662


There's a two book series on the subject ob bio-engineered meat in an unsustainable overpopulated future, the subject is on an omnivourous creature they farm, but it get's out and begins eating people en mass, because these things were made to also eat unsustainable waste products.


A future of the vegie whoppers, bug whoppers, and all the horrific dieseases, viral infections and parasites once unique to insects coming your way! Can't wait to see Florida's waterborne good old brain eating amoeba getting an upgrade and fucking killing planet earth for good (But seriously, that's some thing they could do- just breed a worse version of those things- probably survive in the clouds- world starves to death).

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07f0f2  No.83665


Not to sound like a Qtard but this list does make me wonder if CIAniggers are taking the opportunity to clean out their pedo assets now that deepfakes make them a liability.

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bcc70f  No.83667

File: aa168939f8a6b4f⋯.png (143.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Big_Think_1.png)


>Israel has separate medical treatment for non-Jews.

Is absurdly false.

>The Jews created coronavirus

Is not absurdly false?

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fc6eec  No.83669

File: 81366e93f263249⋯.mp4 (690.69 KB, 360x384, 15:16, 000aXdyJgx07BZm6uaNy010412….mp4)

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d485c2  No.83673

File: 95633748347e102⋯.png (5.87 KB, 220x96, 55:24, zog.png)


Spoiler that crap, please, ffs.


Typical jew.

Gas the bikes.


> Rosanna Arquette baselessly claiming that Israel has had a vaccine for a year and that a Jewish-run business is withholding information for profit.

Arquette is a jew so… bullshit.


>It’s serious when nymphomaniacs can’t ply their trade. Agree, they need chastity belts.

Hopefully this also kills off Grindr, Tinder, and every other jew trash app.


>he going to do something about the opioid epidemic?

Most of that crap comes from china so western supplies are diminishing fast. Good. Hopefully White fentanyl addicts use this as an opportunity to get back on their feet.

>Kathy Griffin

Jew. Why would anyone believe anything this kikewhore says.

The shameless rats do love a crisis.

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d2da35  No.83675


no, they are just evil. America has plenty of food and food production.

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6c1bca  No.83678


Just because USA has plenty of food and food production, doesn't mean the MSM will tell you we don't have enough, and it's time to eat the bugs and soy.

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672f6e  No.83680

File: 1299eab503b47d1⋯.jpg (101.17 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, MAIN_wuhan.jpg)

COVID-19 potential threat to great apes

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo shut its doors to tourists this week in an attempt to protect its great apes from possibly being infected by the novel coronavirus. The park, which hosts one of the last remaining populations of the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei), will remain closed until June 1.

The specter of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus, looms large over Africa, with the number of confirmed infections among people crossing 2,000 as of March 25. Humans and great apes — gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans — share more than 95% of the same DNA, and are susceptible to many of the same infectious diseases. And while no COVID-19 infections have been recorded among great apes, experts warn the risk is very real.

“It is not yet known if great apes are susceptible to SARS CoV-2,” the IUCN said in a recent statement referring to the coronavirus by its formal name. “However, there is abundant scientific evidence that great apes are susceptible to infection with human respiratory pathogens. At this point, it is safest to assume that great apes are susceptible to SARS CoV-2 infection.”

The IUCN has called for precautions on the part of site managers, researchers and tourism operators to ensure that the threatened populations of these species are not wiped out by an epidemic that has already claimed more than 22,000 human lives as of March 26.

“Luckily we don’t have any reports on the virus in chimps, gorilla or bonobo so far,” said Fabian Leendertz, a primate infectious disease ecologist at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. But the possibility can’t be ignored because the consequences of a novel contagious disease could be disastrous, especially for populations that are limited to small areas.

Research by Leendertz and his colleagues has shown that even mild human pathogens can trigger severe infections in apes. “We have described the transmission of human respiratory viruses and also bacteria over many years in chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas,” he said. In 2009, a female gorilla and a 3-day-old infant died of the human metapneumovirus, which usually causes mild respiratory infections in humans, during an outbreak in Rwanda that affected several mountain gorillas.

“It happens regularly and can only be prevented if the projects respect and implement the IUCN guidelines,” Leendertz said.

The novel coronavirus is believed to have jumped species from bats to humans, and spreads from human to human. Scientists fear that it could similarly spread from humans to apes. For these primates, who won’t be practicing social distancing or hoarding sanitizer, human actions offer the only protection. All great ape species are already endangered, and gorillas and orangutans are critically endangered, only one step away from becoming extinct in the wild.

Virunga National Park, Africa’s oldest, hosts three kinds of great apes: the mountain gorilla, eastern lowland gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri), and eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). A third of the world’s entire mountain gorilla population resides in the Virunga massif ecosystem, which comprises Virunga National Park in the DRC, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda.

This subspecies of the eastern gorilla was teetering on the brink of extinction in the 1970s and is only just beginning to recover thanks to years of targeted conservation actions. However, in general, gorilla populations, both the eastern gorilla (G. beringei) and western gorilla (G. gorilla), found in West Africa, remain critically endangered.

As of March 26, the DRC had recorded 48 human cases of COVID-19, Rwanda 41, and Uganda, 14. Authorities in all three countries are acting to prevent any transmission to their great apes.

Rwanda announced the indefinite closure of tourism and research activities in three of its national parks that host gorillas and chimpanzees — Nyungwe, Volcanoes and Gishwati-Mukura — effective March 21. Akagera National Park, which does not have gorillas or chimpanzees, is still open. Researchers with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda are taking extra precautions in their interactions with the apes. Uganda is considering the closure of its national parks as tourist numbers drop off.

“Even for Uganda which has not officially closed its parks they are technically closed,” said Andrew Seguya, executive secretary of the Uganda Wildlife Authority. “The western countries have closed flights. There were cancellations and closures. People cannot travel from the west, that is where tourists mostly come from.”


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570291  No.83684

File: 3bcb0b53bfd7d4e⋯.jpg (652.09 KB, 1200x1598, 600:799, 389812349039b.jpg)

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d8f0b6  No.83688

File: 1e1ee0b6e00b30f⋯.jpg (592.88 KB, 1277x687, 1277:687, children_of_men_arizona.jpg)


stopped reading at (((Goldberg)))

No my friends, this is far worse then a plot to take over the planet. This is completely unplanned. The ridiculous reactions of various governments only further proves it. But here are the reasons why I believe this is an unplanned event.

(1) Frank Plummer was killed AFTER the virus escaped. They didnt kill him initially because they didnt want to draw attention to the theft. But once people were really interested in his name (million sof people 'googlin' his name, then they killed him. If they had planned this, he would have been dead last summer, in a very mundane way (cancer or something).

(2) As the story broke, from mid december, right up to and continuing today the media doesnt have its cover story straight. We have all seen how the MSM has the exact same news (the newscasters reading identical scripts no less, from completely "different" companies). But the media is still spinning round on this one. One day Cuomo is right, next day we need quarantines, first its the chinese flu, then its covid19, no today (that china is being sued by human rights organizations) we are back to calling it the chinese flu.

This is a huge point. The media cannot get the narrative straight ..... they are flying by the seat of thier pants. Now of course if it was planned, the planners wouldnt have told the media, but they would have a group responisble for disseminating the medias proper responses and spin. So far the media has only been able to agree on one thing, Trump is responsible.

(3) There is no concerted organized response from ZOG governments. same point as media, but now reflect on how various governments are handling it.

This is really good news for humanity. This means that this is an opportunity. The dems are right, we should not let it go to waste. They have lost control of one of thier weapons.

The outcome of this will not be some mad max dystopia. (imo). It going to be more like "The Rover". There will be cities that emerge as city states, safe zones, where heavily taxed and wealthy live. There will be areas that are borderlands with some law enforcement, but only for the most egregious offemces, and order will only be kept enough to insure extraction of resources for the cities, and there will be areas that are lawless. ZOG is going to fall as a result of this. A massive economic depression looms, far worse then 1930's and it will be followed by horrifying wars.

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cd1984  No.83690


i want to believe, anon. But data like Diamond Cruise and Italy revised numbers say otherwise.

However, maybe it reinfects and kills you the second time.

Is there any consensus or evidence to the amount of strains there are?

Can it reinfect people?

What are the consequences for those who are cured? Do they end up with scars in their lungs and needing respirators forever?

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c9420e  No.83691

File: 95b0a6aaffafe4e⋯.jpg (239.92 KB, 700x466, 350:233, Next_stop_Apefrica.jpg)

File: c39264513d6ba12⋯.png (154.22 KB, 367x484, 367:484, looters.png)

File: ed9a39110570dc0⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 1000x444, 250:111, mercadinho_recife.jpg)

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Liars and looters Edition

Our lying government says we now have 48 confirmed cases and 3 deaths. An old man died and the other death is the Leaf from the Corona Cruise. No mention of the blessed federal cop whatsoever, they're covering shit up pretty hard. Speaking of the cruise, All passengers have disembarked and it's now heading to Cabo Verde, Apefrica. But before leaving, it left us a gift: 6 Brownzilians from São Paulo and one Portuguese stayed in hotels in Recife, soon they will take flights to their homes. I'm sure those guys are blessed and they will spread Corona-Chan's love even further in this city. After the Silver Shadow left, Recife has closed it's ports to large ships, they're no longer allowed to dock here. Meanwhile, last night looters broke into a market in north Recife and stole it's merchandise, only two of them were caught by the police. The last thing of note that I would like to mention is that subhuman favela dwellers are already starving because of the soft lockdown, a lot of them had to go to the R$1 restaurant for the homeless and the poor to get their meals. The gatherings there were large and many of them weren't wearing any masks. If there was anyone blessed there, they're all good as dead.



>>83688 (heiled)

>If they had planned this, he would have been dead last summer, in a very mundane way (cancer or something).

That makes a lot of sense, his death was weird as fuck, in fucking Apefrica of all places.

>This is really good news for humanity. This means that this is an opportunity. The dems are right, we should not let it go to waste. They have lost control of one of their weapons.

>The outcome of this will not be some mad max dystopia. (imo). It going to be more like "The Rover". There will be cities that emerge as city states, safe zones, where heavily taxed and wealthy live. There will be areas that are borderlands with some law enforcement, but only for the most egregious offemces, and order will only be kept enough to insure extraction of resources for the cities, and there will be areas that are lawless. ZOG is going to fall as a result of this. A massive economic depression looms, far worse then 1930's and it will be followed by horrifying wars.

Completely agree with what you said. Corona-Chan has killed the old world and is creating a new one. This new world will be beautiful but it will not be built in a single day or year. There's still many hardships to come, and those who survive her rampage will have to endure them as well. But if you can survive /ourgirl/, you can live through anything else. That's why I say those survivors will build the new world, they will be the ones who will give birth to a new golden age.

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9cba59  No.83697


Yes you're going into the terminal stage, breathing is the key detail.

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d8f0b6  No.83703

File: c30ef8536ca5710⋯.jpeg (29.29 KB, 474x355, 474:355, chinkconstruction.jpeg)


Rumours have circulated that Jinping Xi is dead. 25m chinks are dead, 900m infected. Thats why they are removing all the quarantines, because they are all infected!! all of them.

Fuckin chinks. Think they can build and run a BSL4 lab the same way they build cheap knock-offs of phones or whatever, with subpar materials, shoddy workmanship, cheatin on the QC process. Why are chinks like this? Several years ago I had the misfortune of having to work with a chink for a while, he does the same shit here that they do there … pretends to work. and whenever we could get a bit of work out of him, he does this absolute shit job. I was working in trades at the time. And Im not a particularly hard worker, Im certainly not "fast", but I do exceptional work. Its a reflection of who I am. Like when I start my work I like to have a big coffee and a "smoke", and whether Im stacking rocks or chopping wood, I take my time, stack the rocks perfectly, stack the wood very neatly. But chinks, its just "toss it all in a pile" then sit there until four oclock. You just cant run a bioweapons lab that way.

So yeah. I totally believe this is an fuck up, of herculean proportions no less, an absolute game changer, brought on by this attitude chinese people have towards work. This insane desire to cheat and rig the outcome of everything by doing as little as possible. You just cant "cheat" with a virus.

it wouldnt suprise me if the military got decimated too. they were undoubtly used to respond to the crisis, and were at the front lines.

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957fc1  No.83709


>it wouldnt suprise me if the military got decimated too. they were undoubtly used to respond to the crisis, and were at the front lines.

Finally, another nation can be the Free Space on the world domination bingo card.

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9cba59  No.83710


I've been hearing rumors a death cultist deliberately let the virus out earlier then scheduled cause he didn't want the plague to be tampered with for whatever purpose it was made for. Note Event 201 was specifically an 18 month process, but the Wuflu has caused the entire scenario to pan out in about a quarter of that time.

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672f6e  No.83711

File: a2c4dd5ca9e2bc8⋯.gif (543.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1434819106561.gif)


>Eyes occasionally tingle from behind sockets (lower half of eyes, has not happened as of recent)

>feeling something behind your eye sockets

brain tumor, your gonna die anon. RIP

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0abba5  No.83712

File: 475b28ed3022fb4⋯.png (13.07 KB, 308x74, 154:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9648410776b960⋯.png (282.31 KB, 450x295, 90:59, ClipboardImage.png)


"Target of long-running domestic terror investigation"

Not excusing this if true, but this sounds like one of those created terror cases where the judge says "there wouldn't have been a crime here if not for the FBI"

It's more fun when they target low IQ muhammeds for this shit. Leave the low IQ fuds alone. They're not capable of this shit and you KNOW they're not capable of this shit. You literally have to drive the shit TO THEIR DOOR to make them dangerous.

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d078de  No.83718


Any actual data supporting this? There are many speculations going around and we are prone to making them as well. I wonder what would they do with their army getting decimated and unable to secure their integrity (external or internal). Maybe they just say fuck it and send the nukes flying for the lulz


Maybe one of the scientists involved got sick of all the ZOG shit so he decided to end it all. Or humanity.


There are more aspects to 'genetic programming' than those maggots believe. Wait and see…

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18ad24  No.83720

File: e8490b65f326ce3⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 720x720, 1:1, cute_but_pathetic.jpg)

File: 3d3e8aa225ca3f7⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 1080x793, 1080:793, I_cant_find_a_hirez_versio….jpg)

File: ec5c8b456eda727⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 1080x1012, 270:253, a_rival_against_the_queen.jpg)

File: 30851daf3285bc6⋯.jpg (100.99 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, corona_chan_already.jpg)




The Head Hanchos over in Burrito Land has created a competitor to Corona-chan, named Susana Distancia to encourage the inane "safe distance" meme governments seem to promote. I give Susana at most one week before /ourgirl/ bests her.

Here's the official Twitter page: https://nitter.net/SusanaDistancia and the Hanchos that made her: https://nitter.net/SSalud_mx


>I've been hearing rumors a death cultist deliberately let the virus out earlier

Are you sure you are not remembering the death cult in Korea incorrectly? There was a literal death cult, but not related to releasing the virus or with viral research.

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360573  No.83726



>consistent double spacing like you're using a fucking typewriter

Jesus fuck, could you make it anymore obvious boomer?


>got some intel

>will post later

Thanks for the empty post..

Don't post anything unless you actually have something worth posting, otherwise you're just wasting a bump

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872a2b  No.83728

File: aa3c0913fed5505⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 255x204, 5:4, aa3c0913fed55058d4fcb1726c….jpg)

The daily Jew Zealand update is playing for the country at the moment. We have 85 new cases - total of 368. Still majority from incoming travellers as people return home. People who are still trickling into the country are being forcefully quarantined if they don't have a clear isolation plan in place and the police are visiting those who do. 1 person in ICU and 1 needing more complex hospital care. 6 others stable in hospital. I suspect in the next few days we might get our first death but we'll see about that.

The police are pretty active. There's been some confusion between what the government deems okay and what the police will accept, with the police being tougher on the rules. Seen a few pictures of busy beaches and tonnes of questions on whether we can drive to local areas. But still no mega chimp outs or anything, just the odd (expected) car chase and a bunch of confused and upset people policing each other. We are only on day two and going by what I've seen online, there are going to be some emotions coming out as people are stuck inside in close quarters with their household. We have a big problem with domestic violence and child abuse so I'm expecting these areas to have some spikes.

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5723e1  No.83734

Maybe the virus is israel's sampson route? To be honest a significant portion of the population is aware of the jews shenanigans (a big portion being young people) and with the help of the internet it has made it to the point where it's inevitable to stop awareness. The other possibility is that this is a biological weapon that WAS intended for discreet European genocide that got out of hand.

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d078de  No.83735


>they will be controlling you like a puppet at the genetic level

Physically killing this host is the best they can do, as usual. Their knowledge in other fields is rather … lacking. They are not even close to having that level of precision anyway, nor will their AI "god" be capable of it. If what you are concerned with was possible, there would be no 'anomalies' like us in the first place.

>We should have killed them all…

A lesson to learn for the next cycle

>They call it “Olam Haba’ The World Without End.

Interesting, I'll look it up. Maybe this is the beginning of the age of lead … Don't forget the story about the golem either :>)

I apologize for going off-topic


Are there any cities outside of China where entire cities were put under lockdown?

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ab4e26  No.83736


So… are we just ruling out the possibility that the Chinks did manage to scrap enough brain cells together to have counter measures in place in case of accidental bioweapon leakage. Countermeasures they deemed unnecessary to share with the rest of the world, because y’know… Bugmen.

I sincerely hope that they are all burning in excrement and simply lying about the numbers as commies are pathologically driven to do. But I have my doubts that even they could be so retarded.

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15e5f0  No.83740

File: 8a84708294506ea⋯.jpg (940.94 KB, 1284x4083, 428:1361, Screenshot_2020_03_27_HELI….jpg)

File: d180918885cca49⋯.png (937.08 KB, 1284x1082, 642:541, Screenshot_2020_03_27_HELI….png)

File: 0863a2ec16f9cc0⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1284x1169, 1284:1169, Screenshot_2020_03_27_HELI….png)

Mr robot youtube channel uploaded this video on 26th of march 2020.

It has a lot of symbolism about islamic anti-christ and jews controling the new world order that would emerge from the pandemic. (remember "I pet goat 2"?)

In the description of video:

>A story about the fire at the heart of suffering.

Bringing together dancers, musicians, visual artists and 3d animators, the film takes a critical look at current events. A mysterious figure travels aboard his boat through a dark and desolate landscape in his quest for inner peace.

>Main softwares used: Maya, Vray, FumeFX, RealFlow

>Download the wallpapers on their site here : >www.heliofant.com

>Original soundtrack "the Stream", written and performed by >Tanuki Project.


>Some of the stellar artists that worked on the short: strob.net, huguescoupal.com, sebastienlarroude.com, arnaudbrisebois.carbonmade.com, daverand.com

>Animation is about half keyframe animation and half motion capture.

>Motion capture recording by Lartech.

>Winner Ocelot Robot Film Festival

>Placed 14th/100 best of 2012 | Fubiz

>The Future of Animation | SOTW Awards 2013

>"3D Movie creation" best film distinction | 4th International >Animated Short Film Festival "Ciné court animé"

>Based in the beautiful Laurentian mountains just north of >Montreal, Canada, Heliofant is a nascent independent >computer animation studio focused on creating experimental and challenging content. Bringing together artists from the fields of dance, music, computer animation and visual arts, the company is very interested in exploring the common ground that underlies many spiritual and philosophical traditions in a lyrical form.

>You can contact them at :


will post the video of mr robot soon after downsizing the webm and Ipetgoat2

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6bdf88  No.83743



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15e5f0  No.83744


No, they planned this far further in the future that it isn't sampsons option

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9cba59  No.83749

File: 4b3fc8bd0d72b70⋯.png (1.07 MB, 600x897, 200:299, Right_Side_is_Tree_of_Life.png)


You're a little late to the party there, that is essentially a ritualistic signal to warn of what is to come. It's part of their spiritual beliefs to forewarn Goyim to absolve themselves of any wrong doing. There are only 2 events in that video left to come true, the entire video is basically telling you that they are bringing about the End Times as revealed in the book of revelations but it is their interpretation of it. That apple? The tree of life sprouting, Obama is sweating because he knows it's his time, those children around Lily? Nuclear fission reactions, the white rabbit and her holding the apple in the basement is an allusion to ritualistic child sacrifice. Even those lilly flowers are spiritually important in regards to the pinal gland. Etc., etc. Pic related.

Oh yeah and the ID2020 plan is essentially the Mark of the Beast in this techno-ritual. Be forewarned that once you refuse you will wish for death, they will invent ways to keep you alive for thousands of years. If you're worried about the virus don't be, it is far more preferable to what is in store for you.

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5f5fe2  No.83751



provide link

I can download it and convert it, unless its too long

embed it first

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5f5fe2  No.83752


don't bother with ipetgoat II

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672f6e  No.83753

File: 62959bb5c66b002⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 335x505, 67:101, 62959bb5c66b0028e55561496c….jpg)

Fed balance sheet tops $5 trillion for first time

>The U.S. Federal Reserve’s balance sheet soared past $5 trillion in assets for the first time this week as it scooped up bonds and extended loans to banks, mutual funds and other central banks in its unprecedented effort to backstop the economy in the face of the global coronavirus pandemic.

>The Fed’s total balance sheet size exploded by more than half a trillion dollars in a single week, roughly twice the pace of the next-largest weekly expansion in the financial crisis in October 2008. As of Wednesday, the Fed’s stash of assets totaled $5.3 trillion, according to data released on Thursday.

>The Fed bought $355 billion of Treasuries and mortgage-backed bonds in the last week in what is now an open-ended commitment to stabilize financial markets rocked by the outbreak and the halt in economic activity that has come in its wake.

>It also offered more than $200 billion in credit through so-called foreign currency swap lines to other central banks to allow them to pump much-needed greenbacks into their jurisdictions to help foreign borrowers stay current with their dollar-denominated liabilities.

>The weekly snapshot of the Fed’s balance sheet, released each Thursday, also showed sizable demand for a pair of brand new liquidity facilities aimed at stabilizing money markets and supporting primary dealers, the banks that transact directly with the central bank.

>The new Primary Dealer Credit Facility had been tapped for $27.7 billion in loans as of Wednesday, while the Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility had borrowings of $30.6 billion.

>Banks continued to line up for loans directly from the Fed at its so-called Discount Window, long stigmatized as the source of last resort for weak banks to get cash. The Fed is trying to ease that stigma and has encouraged banks to use the facility more liberally.As of Wednesday, those borrowings were up to $50.8 billion from $28.2 billion the previous week.

>On Thursday, Fed Chair Jerome Powell pledged the Fed would lend “aggressively” to thwart the outbreak’s damage to the economy.

>The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits for the first time shot to a record 3.3 million last week. Tens of millions of Americans are in some form of isolation and thousands of businesses across the country have closed temporarily to contain the virus’ spread.

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5f5fe2  No.83754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everyone has seen I, pet goat II plenty of times.

It has been on Heliofant's youtube channel since 3 Jul 2012.

Its old news.

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672f6e  No.83755

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5f5fe2  No.83757

File: c61914c8b4746b8⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 699x4932, 233:1644, 2020_03_16.gif)


Its really nice of Republicans to arrange it so that we can get a few Trumpbux and have to pay it back next year while the same Republicans just give corporations money not expecting it to be paid back.

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5f5fe2  No.83758


> iPad

just post the fucking link

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823ee6  No.83761


>Anti-Chlorquine shills

Also CDC and Gilead are both heavily invested in their failed Ebola drug Remdesivir, which could rake in the shekels as a Covid drug. Big Pharma is the number one provider of shekels to Big Media.

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c9420e  No.83767

File: 42a36d5a423b343⋯.png (149.43 KB, 1347x637, 1347:637, leafland.png)

File: 4fb3f6a69a5901a⋯.png (254.58 KB, 663x618, 221:206, scribbles.png)

File: 20dc165ee29746d⋯.png (122.46 KB, 655x625, 131:125, Based_Coronian_Cultists_di….png)

File: b0f50a90c5e4af0⋯.png (203.58 KB, 453x638, 453:638, Brownzilian_glowniggers_in….png)

File: 976c70d287d59b6⋯.jpeg (42.14 KB, 900x498, 150:83, Amazonas_EMT_airplane.jpeg)

Leafland update, 634 new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/5Ix2O

Moroncco update, 50 new confirmed cases and 5 new confirmed deaths https://archive.is/ParFl

Undercover Coronian Cultists Bolsonaro supporters in São Paulo are arrested and charged with crimes against public health after using a loudspeaker truck to ask people to leave their homes and go back to work for the economy's sake

>We can't go into panic, we cannot create hysteria. Yes, we should go back to work. Young people like me and up to 60 years old, who aren't in the high risk group, should return to their jobs. We must reopen our commerce, our economy will come back up, little by little.

Brownzilian glowniggers in São Paulo got blessed

Picture of a blessed Hue in Amazonas being transported to the state's capital by airplane


I believe it. The PLA was still carrying out exercises even in the middle of the outbreak, wouldn't be surprised if some blessed chinks fucked the rest of their military up.


>we should have killed them before they obtained this technology.

Absolutely true.


Lmao at the spics trying to create a social distancing egregore. They aren't even trying to win. She sure has some nice curves in that second pic, though.


Thanks for the update Kiwi. One thing that I do recommend for you to do is checking the tweets of your local cities. Sometimes normalfags make themselves useful and leak info on twatter. Found out about many cases and some deaths in my city that aren't being counted by the government and reported in the news by doing this.

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6a0a34  No.83769

File: 9c29355f054c9ec⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.99 KB, 952x331, 952:331, PooooofAndYoureGone.jpg)

- Only have one thing to say.

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d15944  No.83776

File: 4540dfd0065aa28⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 500x279, 500:279, 4540dfd0065aa289538e0442f6….gif)

Calls from suicidal people to 911 are rising, Portland police say. Coronavirus could be fueling anxiety.


Remember all those tweets from SJWs and assorted libs when the grocery stores emptied in the first wave where they were whining about their anxiety going up? Looks like that stupid teen in England was just ahead of the curve.

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872a2b  No.83780


Thanks anon, I've kept off twitter out of habit but will start looking there again. I'm well aware of how bad it actually will be outside of the media numbers but grateful for the heads up.

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957fc1  No.83781



Time to change the response message to "DO A FLIP, FAGGOT"

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672f6e  No.83792

File: 2b84d7239f0bc67⋯.jpg (65.02 KB, 556x604, 139:151, 46b414e081a58929b6bf786a18….jpg)

China controlled media admits Corona-chan is destroying globohomo, self-sufficiency is on the rise


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e0fb8c  No.83795


Doesn't surprise me SJW sissy faggots are flipping their shit. Funny how the shriek about punch nazis/kill fascists and as soon as the TP runs out and life gets slightly uncomfortable they want to fucking kill themselves. I highly doubt many will do it though, it's probably most just histrionic attention seekers who can't get their usual fix of attention with "social distancing" lockdown stuff, so they're instead calling suicide hotlines and 911 for attention.

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36fb91  No.83797

File: f44b2e23809ae39⋯.mp4 (11.94 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, CRISPR_Gene_Drive_comp.mp4)


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4e57c4  No.83798


Hey I am back, I went to police station. They haven’t fined anyone in my local area yet. They are fine with fining the infected people for not self isolating but there is no plan to jail them if they continue. They need the plan from the qld government to deal with infected habitual criminals. They cannot send them to the prison because the prisons is not equipped to deal with the infected criminals. What the? The qld government haven’t set the remote prisons up for the infected criminals yet.

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5f5fe2  No.83799



OR it could be a way for them to get into the hospitals, isolated, and fed for free

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b448a4  No.83800


>can't use prisons because no facities for corona

Shame they can't repurpose an entire continent for like like in the good old days

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5f5fe2  No.83801



this is really good news

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e0fb8c  No.83802


Doubt it, they are already getting everything including housing for free as well.


I sincerely hope so. Can you post another archive site though? Archive.is isn't working for me lately. I do really hope this ultimately results in more local and regional production and teaches people to be prepared for real shit. My fear is that both the virus and the weak "lockdowns" in most places will just prove annoying to the general public, but not enough to rile them to demand change. They will certainly care about the economic end of it but I'm not sure the average retard will grasp the rest of the full scope of it. We need to meme it and make it happen down the road when the time is ripe.

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5f5fe2  No.83803


I bredikt that the EU is going to disband because of this

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b24c52  No.83804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5f5fe2  No.83805


I meant these two posts





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d078de  No.83807


Natural born slaves are already dead, you'd be surprised how few genuine people are out there. So are the supposed 'masters' , those who really matter are looking for something else. Your own tail is not a particularly tasty food. I know their "god" far batter than they do, they will be discarded in a very ruthless way as soon as they fulfill the purpose for which they were created for. To my uttermost entertainment. It will be so vile that it makes me almost pity them, despite everything that they have done to deserve it.

>They found those who who were beautiful, talented and honorable and selected them for the worst death they could imagine

Maybe the same has happened to their souls at one point ...

>Those who cannot be ‘made a slave’ will LONG FOR DEATH.

There are far worse things than death indeed. But worry not, you have more control over your own reality than you think. As for me, I was modified for the purpose of this experiment and unlike most unfortunate souls trapped here, I actually have an "eject seat" of sorts encoded into my very being. Only one use left however And the dance is only starting. Hell is preferable to disintegration anyway.

You should stop feeding their agenda with your mental energy, every time you start freaking out about it you give them what they want, fear and despair. And you are getting other anons reading that to do the same. Telling people to be cautious about the government kikery and warning them about the things to come so they can prepare is one thing, going full end times (although we are not far from that scenario) is something else. I can 'see' flickers of a timeline where this whole affair spirals entirely out of control and leads to their utter destruction and them witnessing their millenia old agenda entirely crumbling down while the nature's finest reclaim their birthright. This would hurt them way more than any sort of physical or mental torture they have exposed us to over the course of history. Let us all focus on that instead.


Normies are getting more and more mentally broken by the whole situation. And most of us would even celebrate if this was caused by something less Jewish than a virus.


Some of them are even getting slightly redpilled due to MSM being in damage control mode kek. Reality is one hell of a drug.

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672f6e  No.83808

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4e57c4  No.83809


I am very confident that I can last more then one year without going crazy in isolation as long as my family is safe.

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6bdf88  No.83810


They get it back from corporate lobbyists anon.

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e0fb8c  No.83812


Thanks, anon.


>Some of them are even getting slightly redpilled due to MSM being in damage control mode kek. Reality is one hell of a drug.

This is definitely gonna be another big red pill for people. Not even necessarily in a "left/right" type paradigm, but just a redpill on the reality of the fragility of the system, the gross mismanagement of resources, the complete and total failure of the state, politicians, and bureaucrats to prepare for or react to a real major emergency, etc. All these same people and the fucking state and corporate media outlets all tried to cover it up and minimize it only for it to finally become uncontainable and then for them to flip full 180 and start screaming at everyone about it. Even just the shit paper shortage is a redpill to people. I was hoping that this thing was going to be big enough to really crash the system for a few months, but it's not looking like it's going to be that severe, but there's still a little hope for NYC. Still, this is going to be a huge event that's going to go on for months, and may also become a recurring event for a few years. Also, the authorities may try to seize authority at the same time they are losing authority and credibility as it becomes undeniably clear and obvious they cannot even manage to keep people safe and keep shelves stocked in an emergency, which is the whole reason sheep cling to the state in the first place. I'm still hoping for some civil disturbances in big cities, hoping New York can deliver, would help me sleep better at night knowing there are tangible consequences that will have people rightfully pissed, I don't even say that in an edgy way just being genuine in that it's one of the best things that could happen as far as making people angry enough to push for a real positive change even if it doesn't unfuck everything.

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5f5fe2  No.83813


posting a new thread on this

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786a04  No.83818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


either 21 million blessed chinks coofed to death or the CCP cut internet access to an are with 21 million chinks so they wouldn't report CCP incompetence/tyranny and the actual amount of casualties beyond their great firewall

What do you say mathfags? judging by the leaked Tencent numbers back in early February (around 25K dead i think) and the statistical rate at which the infection grew, what are the chances the death toll jumped from 25K to 21 million in 2 months?

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b24c52  No.83819


Can we get some Amabie + Corona Chan fanart going?

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871bea  No.83820


Fines for breaking quarantines here in Croatia are between $1k and $20k. The government is also encouraging citizens to report each other. I actually support that decision because people are idiots and can't stay at home for two fucking weeks.

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871bea  No.83821

File: b8c58d7208222f2⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 581x375, 581:375, Untitled.jpg)

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4e5f03  No.83822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens for those who survive this? What is the new reality after the release of this bioweapon? How will we recover and produce again to feed and cloth ourselves? Find out…. because the world around you is going to change forever.

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871bea  No.83826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buy a piece of land somewhere in the middle of nowhere and start building a homestead.

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c9420e  No.83827

File: 5c3c3b08068154a⋯.png (92.52 KB, 1343x631, 1343:631, Niger.png)

File: af44d090bc5867f⋯.png (138.37 KB, 819x353, 819:353, Burka_burka.png)

File: 28919ef16013a61⋯.png (76.03 KB, 1287x604, 1287:604, 91_false_negatives.png)

File: 7a13aa2d82aec46⋯.png (127.29 KB, 882x532, 63:38, kek_namibia_is_fucked.png)

File: 9a078c751f6bc2b⋯.png (420.75 KB, 799x631, 799:631, cambodia.png)

Nigger update, 3 new confirmed cases, they now have an official total of 10 confirmed cases https://archive.is/OBPm7

'''Burkina Faso update, 6 new confirmed cases and 3 new confirmed deaths, their official total is now 152 confirmed

cases and 7 confirmed deaths'''

Mozambique update, 2 new confirmed cases, their official total is now 7 confirmed cases https://archive.is/OSMYn that number of "negatives" though, lmao. they're dead

Namibia update, 1 new confirmed case. Community transmission has been confirmed. Their total is now 8 confirmed cases https://archive.is/wZivR Remember that /pol/ tried to colonize Namibia? Good times

Genocideland update, 2 new confirmed cases. Their total is now 98 confirmed cases https://archive.is/CDOrj


Fuck yes



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15e5f0  No.83829


>unironically reading Chinese propaganda

They will tell you everything you want to hear just so they don't look guilty.

Reality is that globalization is just another tool of control, and China wants to be worlds power number 1.

Globalization will be in their hands, they won't destroy globalization. It was never their goal to destroy it, just to rule it.

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4e57c4  No.83831


>people are idiots and can't stay at home for two fucking weeks.

Same with the idiots here, I don’t know what they are thinking, but meh I don’t care about them when they get infected and the fines will help the hospitals. Also I believe their welfare should get deductions. The federal taxes should increase if the population in the local area are more than 100,000 to discourage the people from moving in 100,000 population area.

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882644  No.83834


True, but that video covers a lot more. We'll have to manufacture basic essential products again, grow our own foods, sow our own clothing, manage waste and find cures to this bioweapon all at the same time. There will be a whole lot of work restoring society… unless we want to live in a fragmented country where everything is extremely tribal and third world for the rest of our lives and we do our very best to live with the rations we have, fighting over them (which wouldn't be for very long in that case). This bioweapon will change the world, things will not run smoothly anymore, everything we take for granted - everything - is going away.

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619297  No.83835


>just a redpill on the reality of the fragility of the system, the gross mismanagement of resources, the complete and total failure of the state, politicians, and bureaucrats to prepare for or react to a real major emergency

I lived through Hurricane Andrew in 1992, had a bunch of family that lived in Homestead. It looked like an atomic bomb went off, there were literally no trees taller than 20 feet left standing. The national guard was deployed, martial law was instituted, and huge tent cities were set up to house the tens of thousands of newly homeless. "Fragile" is exactly the word my young mind understood about the reality of the situation. I saw armed soldiers marching in formation wearing woodland camo carrying old-school M-16s from my uncle's house (which was in ruins). I honestly don't think this will be as bad, since our infrastructure is still intact, but it left a lifelong impression on me that the society that we live in is supported by string and tape, not steel and concrete.

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e0fb8c  No.83836


A lot of those are probably not dead but people with low "social credit" scores being cut off completely as to not spread info or disinfo.

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5f5fe2  No.83837


read the article linked here




tell me you aren't as blackpilled after reading that

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930307  No.83839


It’s a SJW axiom that the rooftop garden of a high rise apartment building can grow enough to supply soy lattes and avocado toast for everyone.

Stay Home Goy order for Hillsborough county, that’s the one that includes Tampa. No expiration date. Residents can still go out for a jog and get mugged.

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2e09b5  No.83840


This. The situation is way too chaotic and the narrative too inconsistent for it to had been planned. Kikes completely lost control and they are obviously panicking.

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786a04  No.83842


possible, but improvable, the CCP uses cellphones to track their slaves, they may cut services but not entire connection, they still want the built in GPS, Spyware and Face recognition software working

mobile companies should still be able to track that type of activity

the possibility that the CCP cut off the internet to the entire region is more likely

Either way it's a good sledgehammer to the "hurrdurr CCP has in under control" narrative. If they do, where are these 21 million users? why would they cut the internet to an entire region?

even the most blue pilled normie who eats every piece of bullshit the media feeds him would take his noggin for a joggin after hearing this

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4910df  No.83843


>chips useful wood

>doesn't use a come along and stakes to tension tree

It's like he doesn't even know how to get cheap heat

>doesn't know how to contain his chickens

Poor example of a homesteader.

>weak jaw'd woman, brace child

Absolutely dysgenic.

There are far better examples that are much easier to find.

Even agra anon with his rotting teeth is a superior example.

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2e09b5  No.83844


>Can't wait to see Florida's waterborne good old brain eating amoeba getting an upgrade and fucking killing planet earth for good


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e0fb8c  No.83845


> the Gene Drives are going to churn out whatever they are programmed to churn out at this point.

Are you implying they're infecting everyone with some gene drive re-writer that will mean all future humans will have "slave" traits and similar bred and programmed into them automatically?

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d15944  No.83846


Per Wikipedia, average bodyweight in China is 133. Round it up to 140lb.

One ton = 2000 lb, so 5 tons of bodies = 10000lb/140 = 71.42. Round down to 71.

40 crematoriums that can process 71 bodies per day each equals 2857 bodies per day.

Assume they started cremating bodies en masse on Feb 1st. That's 54 days from today. At 2857 bodies a day, that's 154,285 cremated.

Not an astronomical amount, but not a trivial amount either.

Hopefully I didn't fuck that math up. The number feels low.

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871bea  No.83847


Who, those tattooed fucks from WV, Wild Wonderful Off-Grid? Or boring Jesse and ugly Alyssa? Link if you have some good channels to follow.

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859ee5  No.83848


>They want you to ‘return to the good old days of feudalism’ and ‘just leave the technology to them’…and it looks like you are in agreement with that as well. It is a nice nightmare dream. If you head off to be a fucking peasant all the generations after you are going to be fucking peasants as well, FOREVER.

There is a catch 22 here, and that is this bioweapon will soon destabilize the "rule of law" and there will be not enough resources to police the masses anymore. Already cops are being infected and having to be quarantined themselves, so are politicians. Imagine when this gets worse and worse, and hospitals are overwhelmed, doctors/nurses become infected and run out of supplies to treat others (and themselves). As more and more government and civilians and military and all that become infected and die off…. there will be no way to police us anymore. They just won't have the fucking resources to do it. Total civil breakdown. Zogbots will a thing of the past. The (((elites)))? They'll be hiding in their luxury underground bunkers!

Laws are going to go out the fucking window, and soon, and there is nothing they can or will do about it when it gets to that point. At that point you squat in your home and fend for yourself. Whatever you have, you best ration, because the supplies will dry up and there will be no going back to the society we once relied on. Then will come a new one within the next decade or so, among the survivors.

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80f7b1  No.83849


They probably also dug mass graves

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871bea  No.83850


That's only for Wuhan.

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d2da35  No.83858


remember that they've been distracting themselves to avoid confronting just how shitty everything is getting. They can't do that anymore.

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e0fb8c  No.83859


I wonder where the missing 6 gorillion are? But seriously that is one of the biggest questions, and just like other mysterious body count cover up events we will probably never know the real number. I do wonder about the effect on the Chinese military and government personnel though, and you bet that shit ain't getting out.

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8b0dd7  No.83860

File: cd49401f04de70d⋯.jpeg (161.51 KB, 1020x720, 17:12, B595836D_B8CA_4AC6_A9E9_F….jpeg)


Yep. That is exactly what I am saying. Jews decided I am no longer allowed to talk about this subject. Everything I said this whole thread has been deleted. I am saying that if they want you to have nigger children, now they can simply program your DNA to have it.

>”The difference between eugenics of the past and eugenics of the future is that the past required consent.” (Indicating that the future will not require your consent). Later anons, I got a week long ban for telling you THE TRUTH about what is going to happen. Took them long enough to decide to ban me for this one. I was expecting it to happen a lot sooner since it is so incredibly pivotal in your future.


They will have no use for the ‘rule of law’ because they will be above ALL LAWS and law will never apply to this planet again.

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786a04  No.83861


>I know you are not ‘getting it’. No one seems to be able to grasp the implications

>The real game is underneath the shell game

>there is another abyss beneath me that no one else can even see

you're being to cryptic anon, why don't you try to be more clear and explain yourself so that us lowly unenlightened ones can ascend to your level?

>the Gene Drives are going to churn out whatever they are programmed to churn out

>they were after ABSOLUTE genetic control of the planet

if you are implying corona chan is being (((used))) to genetically modify us into slaves you better have some evidence to back that up

also, why was this comment banned? anon may sound like an autistic conspiranoid edgy larper but it wouldn't be the first crazy shit like this turns out to be true

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8b0dd7  No.83862


This ought to really piss them off…fuck it.

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96d9aa  No.83863


>They will have no use for the ‘rule of law’ because they will be above ALL LAWS and law will never apply to this planet again.

Then I guess the worst they could do is just kill us all off, and be done with it. It would be a shit world to live in anyway so I wouldn't miss it.

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c057b0  No.83864



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8b0dd7  No.83865


They don’t want to ‘kill you anon’ that would be merciful. They want you to be enslaved and to suffer. I am baffled that you don’t understand your opponents.

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d15944  No.83867


I think what's going to be telling is whether their factories actually get back up and running, as verified by air pollution checks via satellite. They can fake electrical draw, they can say people are back at work, but China is big on a disposable workforce and their factories are still pretty manual. If millions are actually dead, those factories should still be operating well under capacity if at all.

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8b0dd7  No.83868



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4976bf  No.83869


Confirmed cases crossed 500,000 today. But you knew that already didn't you.


Video of Arlington, VA dropper- no empathy, no concern, only fear. It is breaking down.

>>83688 (heil'd)


>There will be cities that emerge as city states, safe zones, where heavily taxed and wealthy live.

I for one welcome my Neo-feudal baron.





Crop dusting with a dry coughBrilliant


Whats left of it will revert back to warring states.


It is exactly why this is such an exciting time. The future will be built right here, right now- and it is the shitposters that will survive the apocalypse to build a new and better tomorrow. The paradigm has changed already, it is only the death throes which remain.


That's why I don't think this is ZOG's ploy. They know that when it breaks out (and it will) they won't have leverage they have now. The systems are built to support them, it is not in their interests to tear them down and those systems are being relentlessly torn down every day. Their utopia is burning- even if no one else gets sick. If their dream is to come out of their bunker to a world of rainbows, puppy dogs and Georgia guidestones- they are going to get a rude awakening from Cletus, Tyrone and Paco.

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9ff7f1  No.83870


Well they'll have to kill me, because I'll just shoot at anyone who tries to enslave me. Already made up my mind on this and won't back down.

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8b0dd7  No.83871


You won’t even know it has happened when it happens. Sorry anon. As I said…we should have killed them a long time ago before they got access to this sort of technology. There are very good videos out there…do research!! Start anywhere and just look into what is really happening. When I say “THey will not require your consent…I really mean it anon.”

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e0fb8c  No.83872


But doesn't China also have a ton of "dark factories" where a tiny skeleton crew of a couple dudes manage a most automated factory?


Very well but that's a pretty huge claim to take with no proof other than the technology exists to hypothetically do it.

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e0fb8c  No.83873



Not to be a fag but watch that talk on shooting and killing. We don't need any reports or incidents, anons.

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4f00d1  No.83874


They can likely just 5G people to death, if that is what you are referring to. If they do, so be it. That's one shit world they have to live in. Whatever.

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8b0dd7  No.83875

File: 49772b905d9f9f1⋯.png (357.77 KB, 936x468, 2:1, 7C278072_790E_4C0B_BB46_7D….png)


I will see if I have time to get you something before I get banned again. You never know. Don’t hold your breath. I am going to be banned for a long time for ban evasion (most likely).


>any reports

Don’t worry…they will come after me. You haven’t said anything of the sort.

Who knows maybe it won’t even be painful…perhaps one day you will wake up and realize that ‘you were all wrong’ about all of this.

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9cba59  No.83877

File: c3e00290830c360⋯.png (228.07 KB, 998x1532, 499:766, 35kb_RNA_Virus.png)


The Elder's of Zion actually have a much more simple plan, which is to wait out the devastation and a tactical purge on their list, complete with chemtrails of the countermeasure virus tactically sprayed to chosen spots until a planned mutation. Then come out as the messiahs/gods of humanity to save them all.


All circumstantial evidence is that Coronachan is a two-step plan with the vaccine being step two. That's why the virus is so big for a virus and having mysterious properties not known to any virus. The good news is that if you don't take the vaccine you'll simply die, bad news is saying no at that point means you go to the Fema camp.

Oh and even though they don't need your consent, they are extremely spiritual despite their Evil and will offer it to you with the chance to say no (and therefore Fema camp).

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0ebae1  No.83878

China is now blocking foreign entry. Wonder if this has to do with covering up what is really going on over there? Word is they have not really recovered, but are trying to save face as they panic behind the scenes to stop the outbreak at all costs.


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4e57c4  No.83879


>The (((elites)))? They'll be hiding in their luxury underground bunkers!

They will go crazy and murder each other because they are fragile things so let them try!

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dc4c8c  No.83880


ffs- All countries are blocking foreign entry, China was the last one to do it.


We are entering the age of tribal override, the time when our species will begin to operate as one, as a human hive, working across the planet as a member of a living community of species and not as a destructive parasite. One tribe that embraces diversity and the common good.

>join the hive lol.

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dc4c8c  No.83881


CNN says this is going to make us a true global village. I have a feeling it's more likely to end the bullshit. I will hope.

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c9420e  No.83882

File: 2c41bed9722031d⋯.png (38.14 KB, 543x259, 543:259, Blessed_teacher_in_Olinda.png)

File: 3189a042349555c⋯.png (49.83 KB, 540x232, 135:58, blessed_man_at_Maranguape_….png)

File: 0c2da038bbf85eb⋯.png (55.64 KB, 597x303, 199:101, no_testing_in_Ceara.png)

Couldn't find any decent news and videos to post so I went back to digging on twatter, here's what I found

>Shitskin saying one of his friends from Olinda sent him an What's App audio saying one of the teachers at the school her son goes to is blessed, and that a week ago they had a parent-teacher conference. lmao

>Normalfag saying there was a blessed man at the Royal Portuguese Hospital that got sent home to self quarantine. He lives in a neighborhood at Maranguape 1, Paulista.

>Woman saying there's no testing being done in community health centers, they're sending anyone with flu symptoms home. She also says that her neighbor got a cough that's scaring her. Probably because it sounds so rough and bad


>Another accidental line break

I fucking hate this so much that I would nuke myself if I could.


>it left a lifelong impression on me that the society that we live in is supported by string and tape, not steel and concrete.

That's a beautiful phrase.


He said nothing wrong. Self defense is a natural right.


>Word is they have not really recovered, but are trying to save face as they panic behind the scenes to stop the outbreak at all costs.

That's pretty much what's going on there.


>ffs- All countries are blocking foreign entry, China was the last one to do it.

Brownzil isn't. Governors tried to close their state's airports but Bolsonaro and his ministers said "no" and reopened them, topkek.

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79f14c  No.83883


Those bunkers I've been reading up on. Most have enough oxygen supplies to last 4 to 5 years, even with a little ventilation. Otherwise they'd be much more vulnerable in that area (major ventilation systems can be sabotaged easily). Also, most have 3 to 5 year backup food supplies, plus whatever they can grow down there with green housing. Don't know about other necessities but they have the basics covered (at least for a while). In other words, at some point in time they'll have to come out of their shells. And they best not fuck with us when they do, if we see them we'll know, and know how they behave too.

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786a04  No.83884


>I will never have enough time to get you the video before I get banned again

<(6) post

<no webm

<no pics or screencaps

<no document or sources

<not even at attempt at technogenetic babble or scientific jargon, just cryptic /x/ tier shitposting

<you could have uploaded a video to bitchute and post a link here


you had 2 IPs with >(6) and >(11) posts each and you didn't back up jack shit, you just complained about a mod who banned you for >(20) posts of derailing


if you know something then fucking post it, even if mods are compromised again some anons will see your info and save it

i'm replying to your post and you've already been banned, you really think i wouldn't have time to download whatever evidence you had of genetic puppeteering?

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d15944  No.83886


Considering what's happening now is the exact opposite of globalism? Doubt it. Countries are becoming more nationalistic and protectionist. Hell, Austria and another EU country or two even closed their borders entirely - a huge slap in the face to Schengen and something previously unthinkable in the EU.


But it's funny that China's closing their borders after calling everyone else racists for blocking travelers from China. I hope that other anon is right and it's entirely because they don't want anyone to see how fucked up things are over there. Hell, they expelled all of those journalists a few weeks ago, too.

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d2da35  No.83887


coronachan is mutating, and it is patently absurd for any nation to allow any sort of travel.

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80b9e7  No.83888


It will because there will be no more globalism for a long long time. The world economy is sure to die from this and the supplies will dry up. Humans will be tribal once again and have to form their own communities and own sets of laws.

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c9420e  No.83889

File: 4fcfc0754b05dc9⋯.png (253.72 KB, 1000x948, 250:237, Corona_Chan_watching_the_w….png)



>Woman saying there's no testing being done in community health centers

This is in Ceará, by the way. Not my state. Sorry for forgetting to write that important detail.

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c9420e  No.83891

>>83888 (Fuhrer triples checked)

Fug, you got the digits I was aiming for but still a great post

>The world economy is sure to die from this and the supplies will dry up. Humans will be tribal once again and have to form their own communities and own sets of laws.

Fuck yes!

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dc4c8c  No.83892

File: 4f8d9f095da2f0b⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 533x340, 533:340, 1468637423997.jpg)

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4e57c4  No.83894

>>83888 (triple Czeched)

>Humans will be tribal once again and have to form their own communities and own sets of laws.

I am fine with this because we are much better off being free and colonise the planets with no restrictions than to live under the (((globalism))). Globalism is hindering space technology from advancing.

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9cba59  No.83895

File: 69903cdd849dfb1⋯.gif (100.29 KB, 243x236, 243:236, deus_ex.gif)


Note that this guy is a bot, usually always triggered by mentioning key words or phrases.


>Considering what's happening now is the exact opposite of globalism?

You have to think of this in terms of very advanced technology being disguised as saving humanity from the brink of extinction. There is a reason there is two strains of the Wuflu, with one deliberately being lethal while the second one gives you antibodies to properly expunge the lethal strain. Which just so conveniently be sprayed in the US (except the Mid-West). The non-lethal one still deposits it's payload inside you but it won't kill you, it's already done it's purpose. The final nail is the "vaccine" which will be a gene editing serum, the tattoo and chip is for the Brave New World Order where everything will be done digitally.

Pay attention, US digital currencies with a new blockchain (not buttcoin) model is already being introduced in legislation. The lucky will die from the lethal Coronachan strain, the unlucky will be forever homeless vagrants or completely isolated homesteaders (this last one isn't so bad though).

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e0fb8c  No.83896


>He said nothing wrong. Self defense is a natural right.

But it can be skewed and twisted into all sorts of things. You have to be careful. If we do go into a protracted police state they will start going after dissidents. Germany is already using this as an excuse to round up evil "far right" problem children. Just saying be careful because things can be (((twisted))) easily and we don't know what's coming down the pipe.

>German police have raided properties in 10 states across Germany and arrested members of a far-right group after it was banned by the government.

>An interior ministry spokesman said on Thursday its fight against rightwing extremism would not be halted even during the current global health crisis. “For the first time, the interior ministry has banned a Reichsbürger group,” the spokesman said. “Even in these days of crisis, we will continue to fight far-right extremism, racism and antisemitism.


Sorry for no archive, can't get it to work right now.

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d8f0b6  No.83897

File: 213e589e43f3c27⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 720x407, 720:407, winnietheflu1.jpg)

File: bd615f03f336f09⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 500x666, 250:333, winnietheflu.jpg)


I think the chances are very good. So far we have seen death rates as high as 50% in industrialized nations (Spain and Italy). I guarantee over a million chinks are dead, and probably ten million. There are chinks saying the WHOLE country is infected, thats why they lifted the quarantines. No point in quarantining anyone if they all got it!!! 900m chinks infected. army lost 25% of its personelle, millions of chinks dead. and jinping xi is also dead. hes been replaced by wang lei or some other slope.

you can bet there are going to be very serious ramifications in china. theres already lawsuits and stuff. Even elementary kids know this shit originated in china! The MSM can say "dat wacist" all they want, but as the death toll rises thats only going to enrage people even more!! Imagine your grandmother just died and some sanctimonious jew on CNN is telling you "dont call it the chinese flu, thats racist". People are pissed. My liberal neighbours are choked, everyone …. EVERYONE… is losing money over this shit. Maybe a week holiday will go over well, but weeks of lockdowns, lost wages, dead relatives ….. it wont take long for people to start dropping the PC bullshit adn call for some fucking payback. And just to rub salt into the wound the chinks continue to lie thier asses off, and EVERYBODY knows it.

I dont think we are entering the "chinese century". In fact if Chinese leadership doesnt pull thier heads out of thier asses and start acting honourably (start by telling the truth), the whole world is going to find a new use for the "great wall of china" (we'll be installing watchtowers along it!!!). Images like this are now mainstream and viral.

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131bb1  No.83900


True, I would never post on a site like this without VPN > Tor (and a metaspoofer), plus I make sure my browsing sqlite caches/history are always wiped clean before and after use. Harder to track down that way, or prove you did anything.

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4e57c4  No.83902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Those bunkers I've been reading up on. Most have enough oxygen supplies to last 4 to 5 years, even with a little ventilation.

That’s dumb, we can easily build giant inflatable dome and start community inside it. May I have the sources that you are reading on? I want to read.

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d15944  No.83903


I don't know if it's as bad as you're saying, but it's assuredly worse than is being let on, and all of China's actions seem to point toward it being a huge fucking mess for them. I'd go as far as to say this is China's Chernobyl, but with far more death.

And their efforts to play the good guy tend to be self defeating when we have an instance like that thing today where 80% of the test kits they sent to Spain were defective.

It's like someone burning down your house, then giving you a new house that collapses five seconds later but still expects you to sing their praises.

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786a04  No.83905


if you have enough cash to go full doomsday bunker you can just build near a large supply of water and use electrolysis to get hydrogen and oxygen out of it, you can even use a waterwheel generator to power up the process

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a6dca1  No.83906

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d8f0b6  No.83907

File: 0dd6bcb4ca57cae⋯.gif (957.81 KB, 500x206, 250:103, according_to_plan.gif)

File: 98de5d40adecfde⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 696x512, 87:64, bannedinchina3.jpg)

File: f562093554d7dcb⋯.jpg (176.48 KB, 1080x598, 540:299, chadexcaraider.jpg)


the price of land is about to plummet. which sucks cause i own property. but it will be good for wagies.


you give them way too much credit. ted talks are mostly just jewish fantasies.


dude that bitch is right, they are fucking dead. virus is so far killing roughly 1 in 5. theres probably millions of dead chinks. we all saw the videos of them being welded into commie blocks. this shit is fucked up.


proneoke is the only truly based and patrician pilled example of how to do it right


like they dont have excavators


of course its part of the cover up. what the fuck dude??


chek'd and heiled


Chinas fucked dude. This is way worse then chernobyl, and its not the first nasty virus to come from them. it has all the hallmarks of a bioweapon. normies are pissed this time.


>Friend, the World economy is already dead it just doesn't realize it yet. Hyperinflation is squarely in our path and now there is no way around it. The collapse has already happened. It is done, it is finished.

this. even if we find a miracle cure tomorow, the damage is huge, its a gazillion dollar nightmare.


I thought a better system would be to drill down into a large natural gas deposit and use it to slowly power generators, or geothermal. that way reduce your above ground imprint, and your fuel is below you, so it cant get fucked with by raiders.

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b697ab  No.83908

File: 270852c40eb9d2f⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 640x665, 128:133, ETmwju3UEAI9G6J.jpg)


5Ghz is not 5G you fucking moron. I'll put it real simple for you.

5Ghz been around since the early 2000's, it's a radio band, just like 2.4ghz, just not as shit because it doesn't freak the fuck out the moment you turn on a microwave.

5G, is just a new form of data transmission it's not on your modem. I promise. And I swear to god if you had to call your isp to tell you how to turn it off I hope you know the person(presuming it was one of the rare not outsourced pajeets) got a laugh at you acting like a fucking retarded boomer.

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00bd2f  No.83909

File: 4761bb70d989858⋯.png (445.17 KB, 960x630, 32:21, 64e6f0b5df1977ab3576eee425….png)


anyone claiming to have 5 years of oxygen in a bunker can be safely ignored.


21M is despite 8kuns collective dreaming not an unexplainable number at all. between the peasant factory workers and the university students and kids with these types of accounts, suddenly on a lock down an unable to get to the store to pay their phone bill.. shit happens.


>China is fucked.

I think the world is going to change a lot after this and that includes, hope to god, the WILL of the western powers for some independence in manufacturing etc.

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63c6fa  No.83911

File: 8a2d5f5a3b7e350⋯.png (85.8 KB, 606x561, 202:187, have_a_quick_rub_out_goyim.png)

After giving Pastaland free premium, (((Pornhub))) extends the offer to the rest of the world https://archive.is/PSZqg


>Globalism is hindering space technology from advancing.

It actually isn't. Space travel is already highly advanced but only (((them))) and Third Reich remnants have access to spacecraft that are actually efficient. But I'm not going further down that topic because that would be a /x/ derail.


I know very well about this but I think that anons should be defiant in the face of censorship and persecution, instead of cowering and hiding their thoughts and opinions. Just my two cents.


I don't bother. If glownigs raid me I will just shank them and then get magdumped. Not that I advocate any anons to do the same, I have my personal reasons for being so reckless.


>It's like someone burning down your house, then giving you a new house that collapses five seconds later but still expects you to sing their praises.

Kek, a good analogy.

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8ba48a  No.83912


Yes, I know. My point is they aren’t creative as we are. I am baffled that they think that the bunker can protect them forever. They need the people to fix the issues or other things. Urgh…why did we let them leech on our brains?

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8ba48a  No.83916


>It actually isn't. Space travel is already highly advanced but only (((them))) and Third Reich remnants have access to spacecraft that are actually efficient. But I'm not going further down that topic because that would be a /x/ derail.

Go create a thread in /x/. I am interested in that, anon.

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d15944  No.83917


>21m dead in China

One thing that keeps me skeptical here is that the average bug would be much more inclined to risk getting fucked by the censors and record videos and put them on blast if there were massive death pits with bulldozers pushing corpses in and all that. They're bugs sure, but they're not completely zombified; especially the younger ones.

What's more interesting are the economic implications. 3.3m unemployment notices were filed in the US today, which was almost 200% of what was expected (1.7m). With most burgers living close to the bone with $1k or less in savings and most in debt to boot, they're going to be a lot less inclined to buy made in China shit like iPhones and the real moneymakers, the panoply of bullshit accessories - also made in China. And with no one to buy stuff from the bugs, their economy collapses. And fuck man, their economy was also fubar'd because of the shadow banking and all of that. Remember the occasional story about banks failing and getting nationalized back in the end of last year?

Corona-chan threw a molotov into their matchstick house and it's all going to burn to ash before this is done.

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f9ef04  No.83918


Following this CRISPR/Cas9 hint I found an old thing we discussed on /pol/ in 2017 about USAF buying genetic samples from Ukraine, I remember the topic pretty well.



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d8f0b6  No.83920

File: 50bdb7c4c20cc36⋯.jpg (320.94 KB, 1000x1130, 100:113, knockknock98.jpg)



are economies are crashing right before our eyes, and no amount of fed pumping is gonna change that, it will only cause hyperinflation. shit is all fucked up.

anyone else notice the JHU coronalive map decided to hold back a days worth of data. they used to add the numbers as they came in. but someday in last two days they decided to not post todays numbers until tomorow. in the beginning they were holding back daily tallies for a few hours, now its a full 24 hour hold. this is just another small example of ZOG trying to control the narrative and prevent panic (which they need to do), and thats just more proof that this is unplanned. I really think this is a big global reset at very least, and quite possibly an eotwayki event. next few weeks will decide whether we are headed into the great depression 2.0 or going "beyond thunderdome".

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e0fb8c  No.83921


> but I think that anons should be defiant in the face of censorship and persecution, instead of cowering and hiding their thoughts and opinions. Just my two cents.

Oh I absolutely agree, if anything we need to stop being afraid of consequences, I'm just saying don't use certain verboten words.


This could be the end of "China's Century" quite prematurely. Talk about a failed forced meme. On the one hand, the establishment could use this to grab an unprecedented amount of power. On the other hand, they could also lose a huge amount as well. It could go either way.

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63c6fa  No.83922

File: 51da05983833e74⋯.png (544.67 KB, 1053x559, 81:43, ntd_news.png)

File: d957dfa61b41001⋯.png (63.45 KB, 965x362, 965:362, list_of_topics_summary_wha….png)

New NTD News Chinkland In Focus report, 29 minutes of video. https ://www .bitchute .com/video/tCzPMGaMnEY/


>Go create a thread in /x/. I am interested in that, anon.

Sorry, don't have the time to do that. But it's nothing too special, I bet every anon with /x/ inclinations heard of this, the TL;DR is this: Esoteric societies with ties to the NSDAP did some psychic stuff and learned how to build anti-gravity aircraft that can also be used in space, at the "end" of the war they had to evacuate to the south pole and possibly inner Earth and other planets . (((The Allies))) got the blueprints and years later started building the same type of aircraft, then used the basic principles behind them to design new ones, such the black flying triangles not B2 Spirits that are widely reported in Burgerland. Like I said, pretty basic stuff.

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8ba48a  No.83925


Okay, at least they have a future in the new world.

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3b6973  No.83926


>They cannot send them to the prison because the prisons is not equipped to deal with the infected criminals.

Fines for people ignoring the directive to stay 1.5 meters away from anyone else, can only be selectively enforced if at all. I'm okay with trying to scare people into some common sense with excessive penalties, at least flagrantly breaking quarantine. Ironically, in NSW they would just put someone on home detention with a leg tag, for failing to stay home. Christmas Island would work though, as it's already somewhat equipped.

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3b8058  No.83928


ugly tranny.


not your personal blog. just die already

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d15944  No.83929

File: ab563a4400559bd⋯.gif (259.11 KB, 500x354, 250:177, 1422630678421.gif)


It's going to be a real big shitshow when China's new middle class, who has just gotten a taste of the unsustainable American lifestyle, are told they have to go back to how it was because all of the economies are collapsing and the CCP needs them to make tractors instead of iPhone parts. If the media blackout gets worse and then continues in China, or if their 'no foreigners in' extends longer than it should, it's going to be very telling that the wheels are starting to come off the wagon.


>China now saying Corona came from Italy

Fucking lel.

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8d4a3f  No.83930

File: 9b19633b048e22b⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Franco_Sinazi_Sieg_Heil_wi….mp4)



Czech'd & Heil'd those trips

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786a04  No.83931


>Fines can only be selectively enforced if at all

you underestimate the efficiency and perseverance of the average zogbot when it's time to shake down shekkels from the goyim anon

if you ever wondered why traffic tickets, copyright and drug wars are the field zogbots are the most dedicated to, it's because they are the most profitable

even if they are low on personnel to go after you right away they will still put your name on a queue and will eventually come for you unless the system collapses in it's entirely before that

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8ba48a  No.83934


Many people are unemployed now so they cannot fine them as they used to anymore. Not much shekels in the fountain for the Jews to steal from.

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9cba59  No.83935

File: 33d334f84e3bb17⋯.png (22.35 KB, 1241x232, 1241:232, Virologist_Covid19_AMA.PNG)


Well it certainly didn't come from them, whoever made it is alluded to but no straight answers.

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a1c26d  No.83938

China's hacking Linksys and d-link, who uses d-link?! routers to spam out coronavirus crap.


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543c11  No.83940


The average zogbot in NYC has started to become infected. This is going to continue to spread rapidly, and when people become desperate en mass they won't care about the laws anymore, and as time goes on it will become harder and harder to enforce. The only reason government has so much power is because of societal stability. This bioweapon is going to pull the rug out from society and create instability and chaos. You highly underestimate the dangers of social chaos and overestimate the government enforcers. You'll soon learn and find out just how crazy things can, and will, get as mass desperation, panic and outrage sets in. Wait for the supply chains to fully break: give or take two or three months from now.

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5f5fe2  No.83941

Very interesting how many blackpillers are in here.

If you survive this (and I think most folks will) you might be satisfied in a few years how things turn out.

No, I don't think they are going to tattoo us with a glowie ID or inject a thing in our hands at all.


too many christians will call it a mark of the beast and there will be religious pandemonium about it.

The U.S. has the most guns for population so taking over the country won't happen.

Not enough soldiers to go door to door like they did in NOLA after Katrina, when they had a high concentration of military in one area.

If they ID tag anyone, it will be in Europe first. Maybe even Australia/NewZealand.

Not in the U.S.

Too many Christian Evangelicals here.

They will refuse "the mark of the beast."

So it's not a viable option.

As far as (((Them))) censoring the internet, yeah - that's been going on since the '90s, when the internet first hit mainstream with people owning PCs with a modem.

Using CRISPR technology to make slaves is just a blackpill right now. You can prevent future generations from that. Its not happening to you, but you can prevent it in the future - maybe not your kids, but your grandchildren.


I am also convinced that the corona virus is not a bio-weapon and that it did come from some market in Wuhan where they served either sick bat or sick pangolin, and some people got sick from it and it was transmitted from beast to human, and then human to human. I wouldn't be surprised if this illness had popped up a few years ago in the same region in China amongst the bats or pangolins.

I also believe that the Chinese Government is inept and reporting false numbers. Maybe not 21 million wrong, but just a hell of a lot worse than they are reporting. Around 10-times as much.

There are a lot of schizos in this thread. (China hacking people's routers to spam shit is pretty ridiculous dude)

Lay off the Meth


Is there anyone in this thread (besides me) not on drugs and not drunk?


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a1c26d  No.83942


It's a new fag bug. It's impressive, actually. The worst-hit place in the HIV virus was NYC. I seem to recall as story about the morgues getting overwhelmed, when the HIV crisis hit NYC. It basically massacred a bunch of fucking designers & shit. It will be interesting to see exactly who dies, when they finally start admitting who it is that's dying. But we know whites aren't dying, basically. Like some faggot in NYC died, but he was a faggot, white, but a kike-loving Christ-hating faggot, major disgusting shit-eating faggot. When will the first white person who got it by not taking coronavirusemen up the ass/throat, but like a normal person, die? They'll never shut up about it, I'm sure. But it's too late, we know that it's the kike-faggot-chink disease.

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a1c26d  No.83943


>not on drugs


>not drunk


I'm actually dieting, I bought a gun, and I'm pumping iron. I'm stoked about DOTR, this is beautiful. I have discovered all those high-functioning loudmouths are falling apart and losing their shit once real things start happening, it's so hilarious. My only regret is not stocking up on popcorn, but I may order some.

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8ba48a  No.83946


>not on drugs and not drunk?

I am not on drugs nor being drunk. If you think virus came from the animals then how do you explain AIDS, ACE2 and other in the virus?

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206e6b  No.83948


I was reading about some in New Zealand and others built around the country like in South Dakota and California. The ones multi-millionaires and billionaires had specially built and silos retrofitted for their own bug-out survival. Some old missile silos can hold a small community underground and with enough oxygen they can stay underground for several years while surviving nuclear fallout or other scenarios (such as this).






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a1c26d  No.83949


Neither one is especially ugly without makeup. Makeup is actually what's ugly, and you'd know that if you weren't low-T.

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5f5fe2  No.83951






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a1c26d  No.83952


WROL they're just a box of prizes & trophy wife sex slaves to be had.

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d8f0b6  No.83953

File: d35b39b094c1c22⋯.gif (519.04 KB, 2165x2361, 2165:2361, 1585290414705.gif)


I dont drink or take drugs anon. (well occasionally I'll have a drink, but rarely).

I think alot of good might come of this. (pic related). but i am also scared the whole thing could get out of hand very easily. I live in the country, and I certainly wont cry when the big cities burn. and i think their will be some rioting and shit before we pull through this. I think the econmic destruction is going to be worse then the virus.

I think its definately a bioweapon, released accidently. incompetence. I try to never attribute anything to human ingenuity that could be easily explained by human stupidity.

The chinks are lying. They always do. Its a cultural problem really. same reason the weapon got out from the lab. They are afraid of the consequences of telling the truth, so they cover up thier mistakes. Westerners have a different culture. thats why our quality programs are far better, because we dont penalize people for self reporting thier own errors. Im betting they've had a million deaths to, or more. We are going to see over the coming weeks, this bioweapon is far more dangerous then any flu. The elites know that, thats why they are freaking out.

I think theres going to be a coup in china if there hasnt already. Xi jinpoing will be dead soon. This fuckup is seriously going to damage chinas reputation for a long time.

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a1c26d  No.83954


fuck off china nigger

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a1c26d  No.83955

Yep, 5f5fe2 is definitely


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a1c26d  No.83956


Well, we should definitely be spamming everyone there with copies of the Liberator pistol.

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a1c26d  No.83957

It's pretty funny, there's no law against spamming China lol

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e3e170  No.83958


There's a not a lot of room for growth in NYC. Infections per million for Spain and Italy according to worldometers dot com are 1,236 and 1,333, both at the top of the range for western countries. New York state has a population 19.5 million in 2020 (worldpopulationreview dot com) and 38,977 cases, giving it 1,998 per million. This higher number is mostly because the infections in Italy and Spain are centered in key cities like Bergamo and Madrid as well, but I don't have specific state/province data for those countries, and the per million calculation takes the entire country's population. With NY that is of much more specific, but estimating it, it could line up with those areas as well.

However, what could push the infected/million much higher in NYC is the fact that it has a much higher population density and key factors like JFK, Newark still operating bringing in new infecteds (and exporting them). Lock down seems to be working similarly effective as in those other countries from what I've seen (some data from mobile data analytics firm, forget the site).

So it's quite high, but could go higher still is my guess.

I am hopeful though that there will be a critical mass who will get this 'asphixiation effect', a severe flight impulse to get the fuck out of the city, causing a mass panic. Remember NY is expensive and has a lot of imported wage slaves that can't last long without a paycheck, even in Queens.

I also read a report truckers are hesitant to enter NY, because of high demand elsewhere and risk for infection going into NY. That may get solved because of unemployed taking to trucking, but may cause a temporary shortage, which could trigger the panic. Archive isn't working so here's the original link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/finance/companies/truckers-wary-of-new-york-deliveries-create-headache-for-grocers/ar-BB11LnUc

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a1c26d  No.83960

I think it would be pretty funny if some chink in China 3D printed a gun and shot Xi the virus-distributing china piece of shit dead right there in China, BOOM.

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a1c26d  No.83963


Well pray to mighty Zeus, that he might completely demolish the Vatican.

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872a2b  No.83965

neues brot





> big chance of the Third Reich remnants coming back


/sudpol/ awaits

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e3e170  No.83969


I hope he dies from being blessed. Side note on 3D printing: this is becoming an interesting niche in Europe, where we also sent all of our production capabilities to China, but they're now turning to 3D printing companies (that can produce relatively at scale) for (parts of) respirators, tubing and connectors for ventilators (to let one ventilator be used by two patients). It's just an observation, but it looks like that could be a good thing to have in a future after this subsides.

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a1c26d  No.83972


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271a7c  No.83973


>In other news I turned off the modem's 5G

I don't know if you can do that with WiFi, I simply use a wired connection for internet. Don't allow WiFi routers/modems to bake wave and surveillance my home. Go with wired, it's safer.

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d8f0b6  No.83976

File: 6218e038bb2c031⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 960x573, 320:191, socialism.jpg)


This is the whole problem with chinese culture in general. They are dishonest. With themselves, with each other, with the world. Cheating is a way of life for them. Its sad really. I dont hate the chinks. I just wish they were more honest.

Its the reason the weapon got out of the lab. Probably the cleaning lady fucked up or something and was too scared to tell anyone, cause she'd get fired (or beaten or whatever). you cant live in a world where people are terrified to admit thier shortcomings to one another and not expect it to backfire. people are people, we all fuck shit up from time to time. As I've gotten older I've learned not to be too hard on people who admit when they are wrong adn are willing to help clean up and fix thier mistakes, and Ive learned to distance myself from those who wont. The world is growing up, and its going to learn to treat china the same way.

China has a problem, and its biggr then Winnie the flu. Its about being honest, and that starts by being honest with yourself, and it ends with accepting that people are not perfect. Disciplining people who admit to thier mistake, is a mistake.


couldnt pay me enough to live in a place like new york. cant imagine whats it like, was there many years ago, in 90's, and i rememebr travelling for hundreds of miles without barely seeing a tree or a field. The human mind was never made to be like that, we belong in nature, with trees and water and animals.

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872a2b  No.83978

whoops. sorry fags 20 posts to go in this thread (didn't refresh, imanewfag today) keep posting here locked newbread for a bit

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d8f0b6  No.83979

File: 81eb61fa89c14ae⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1259x1301, 1259:1301, xijinpingcoup11.png)

File: 03a140723d4c2b7⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 682x449, 682:449, collectivism_one_shot_from….jpg)


I doubt it.

more then likely he will offer his own head to the chopping block. he knows how the CCP works. he knows whats in store for him if he resists. China is more or less run by gangs. the gangs acontrol various regions and make alliances, the biggest alliance runs the show. but some shit (like this fuck up) theres just no one left to blame but the man at the top. I imagine the whole wuhan gang has already had thier organs harvested, adn now the alliance is looking at Jinpings head. I forget his name, something wang lie or soemthign, but he will be the new boss.

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5fa9cb  No.83980



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a1c26d  No.83981


Naw, china whore. I think it would be grand for some brave Chink soul to 3D print a gun and shoot that fucker who spread the virus right in the fucking fact.


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8eef2b  No.83985

File: 304eda62903dd18⋯.png (152.26 KB, 479x633, 479:633, IATA.png)

Brownzilian aviation company says Corona-Chan could cause the unemployment of 60K Hues and loss of R$7.7BI in the aviation sector


>didn't refresh, imanewfag today

I din't refresh either, kek. By the way, I couldn't get the first post in the new bread because Niggermod banned me for 3 days my light /x/ faggotry. I appealed my ban and apologized but I'm ban evading because I know I din't deserve such rough treatment. Please talk some sense into his head, I always contribute positively to /cvg/ and you know it.

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a1c26d  No.83986



shoot xi in the face, chinks, 3d print a gun and shoot that motherfucker, he spread the virus around the world, so fuck him up.

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8eef2b  No.83987


*Brownzilian international association of air transportation. I mixed up IATA for LATAM, kek. I'm tired.

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a1c26d  No.83991

>10 (((people))) have died in israel

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that is so incredibly incorrect, the number is so much higher than that oh man

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872a2b  No.83994


I've unbanned you anon and have messaged him about it. I can see he's trying to keep OT but you were OT and spoilered the text niggermod isn't into /sudpol/ kek

Locked the other bread for now

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7d488f  No.83995


interesting…. covid could have been released to damage the world economy and as a warning that they possess greater viruses that could kill off the world very quickly without the vaccine that only the country that made the viruses possess and would take far too long for any other nation to develop

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8eef2b  No.83996

File: 27d78ea3b33b9ce⋯.png (87.76 KB, 593x594, 593:594, died_in_a_chair.png)

File: 45fe2e8c2a51e26⋯.png (84.99 KB, 596x582, 298:291, OH_SHIT_NIGGER.png)

Healthy guy dies in the ER https://archive.is/ZWEqW

Burger Navy crosses the strait of Taiwan during tensions over who's responsible for this pandemic War could be about to start https://archive.is/Xol4t


Thanks NBA, I knew I could count on you. I will thread more carefully from now on.

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7d488f  No.83998


interesting…. covid could have been released to damage the world economy and as a warning that they possess greater viruses that could kill off the world very quickly without the vaccine that only the country that made the viruses possess and would take far too long for any other nation to develop

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2fa833  No.84000



>after trying to take her own life

I don't know about the use of 'trying to' there.

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8eef2b  No.84003

File: c89b066ee636a5a⋯.png (193.85 KB, 769x630, 769:630, TOP_KEK_RIO.png)

Rio de Janeiro's government decides to count ARDS cases as possible Corona-Chan cases, there are 4.471 possible cases in the city


*tread. Shit, I'm tired as fuck, running on willpower alone. Gonna hang out until next bread gets unlocked, post a contribootion there and fuck off to bed after performing the last rites of the day. Also, >>83985 IATA isn't a Brownzilian association, it's an international association.

>>84000 (checked)


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a1c26d  No.84004


Those ships are full of chinks.

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8eef2b  No.84005


I don't doubt you, given how diverse the Burger armed forces have become.

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872a2b  No.84006


>Rio de Browneiro's government decides to count ARDS cases as possible Corona-Chan cases, there are 4.471 possible cases in the city

Fuck that'll be a good bump for now. Unlocking bread nao thanks for your contributions, coronian cult/brownzillian news anon :D Rest well man

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3b6973  No.84008


There are subtle differences with the scheme down under, state to state. It's why I was keen on having another perspective from QLD anon. Getting fined for anything when there is so much a cop can choose from is very much contingent on ability to talk your way out of it. This is a form of live shitposting that you can't really appreciate without being here. So called on-the-spot fines are rarely assessed to local people. I've never seen a white person given more than a warning by a white cop in NSW. Traffic fines by surveillance don't fall in this category, yet we hardly care about DMCA shit either. No one is going to come for us here, they already got most of our guns by doing Port Arthur.

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