I got nothing better to do, so:
>>free health care
Wrong. They don't charge you before healing you (unlike the US), but they will bill you after that. And a lot. To the point it's ruinous for middle-class to visit an hospital more than once a year.
Last I heard, in 2019, aproximately 5 million chinks lost their house because the Hospital hounded them court-after-court to cough up the money. Engineers, professors and even Doctors, forced to live in those shabby "cube-rooms" after losing their house.
>>better social credit system
"Social Credit" is totalitarian control of the population. And is parametrized and dictated by a committee so far removed from normal citizenship that they frequently set draconian "social-goals" or worse, fail to respond to emergencies and social changes in time. It could have helped slowing the spread of covid19, but didn't because a comittee is a very slow and bureucratic method of managing such a large system.
>>government that works and cares for the people
Government that regulates what you think, not what you do. A government that lets it's citizens screw over business partners as long as they're not chinese (great strategy for short-term gain, long-term though, you're fucked).
Chinese expats will tell you a diferent story. It's a government that works to make people think they care. And they do it really well. If only they applied that effort to actually caring.
>>easier to get a girlfriend
If you're in Canada, and your wive decides she's sick of you, you get assraped into findom misery for the next 20 years. In China however, they can screw you over much harder, for much longer (40 to 50 years right now, about to increase if that South Korea recent law is adopted in China too) and the best part of it: they don't even have to marry. A bethrothal is enough. And since you CAN be bethrothed to many diferent people (only multi-marriage is illegal) guess what nearly 12% of their population is currently doing?
>>no LGBT pederastic shit
There's no "Gay/Lesbian" on China. There's "Student", "Worker" and "pensioneer". And you don't see the pedo shit because you've never left your middle-class safe neighbourhood. The slums, a few kilometers away from large city-centers are rife with it. Boys, girls, anything with a hole is yours for a few yen.
>>hard work actually pays off unlike in america where employers refuse you pay for your labor or just flat out dock you for no reason
For a starter: if your boss decides he doesn't like you, he'll still pay you. But immediately get you fired. Or often, taken to court, especially if you argue back.
Second, hard work does NOT pay off. Hard work pays off to the guy that takes advantage of you. You want some payoff, you gotta take advantage of HIM, not the other way around.
>>no poverty
I'm sure those folks we see skinning rats and frying them in sewer oil do it because it has great taste.
>>based communism
There was this guy, Mr. Corbyn, who said the same about Venezuela. 2 years ago I believe. Wonder if you'll compliment China's comunism in two years aswell.
>>society is valued over the individual, making a less narcissistic society overall
It's not "valued over". It's valued. The individual has no value at all.
One trait you'll notice if you spend a couple of months there is that Chinese people don't discuss politics in public. Or religion. Or any hot topic. They have plenty of hottakes when you're alone with them, but outside of their house? They know damn well that the first sign that they don't agree with the surrounding ant-hill is the moment everyone will ostracize them and refuse to work with him until he's gone. Oh look, that's why we get expats!
>>no Jews
Jews own their shit. They don't set foot in there though, they set assembly lines.
Source: worked with 5 diferent subsidaries of my company and had to travel to china for a few months a couple years ago.
We had 6 chinese expats working for us, and they were brought along to help translation. They ended up pointing many details I would have missed (like tourists frequently do) and saved me from many scams.
None of those expats have a desire to go back, and all of them know several diferent ways the whole country is shit packed to the brim with shit people brought on a shitty culture of "I-steal-you-steal".
tl,dr: China is shit, and you're a gullible gweillo that wuold be robbed blind 10 minutes after leaving their airports. Maybe not even that far.