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The holocaust never happened

File: 129afdee04aac01⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, Tommy_Robinson_Arrested_10….jpg)

1da143  No.69893


>Tommy Robinson was arrested by police on Sunday for assaulting a man that allegedly molested his 8-year-old daughter in a swimming pool.

>Tommy Robinson was charged with common assault by Bedfordshire Police after “assaulting” a man at the Centre Parcs in Woburn Forest in Bedfordshire, and is due to appear in court on April 2nd.

>Tommy’s daughter was playing in the shallow end of the “children’s” swimming pool at Centre Parcs, a middle-aged man grabbed her bum as he walked past, he didn’t say a word, he didn’t even look at her. Tommy’s little girl was in shock; she got straight out of the pool and told her dad… Tommy immediately questioned his little girl about what happened… Tommy then got his daughter to identify the Centre Parcs pervert. As any decent father would do, Tommy challenged the man who squeezed his daughters bum, with gritted teeth, giving the man the chance to explain the situation. Tommy was gobsmacked, the man admitted to pinching his daughters bum “by mistake”… Tommy wanted to make sure this man was brought to the attention of security staff and the Police… The man tried to walk away, but Tommy wouldn’t let him, the man then struggled with Tommy, grabbing him by the throat and neck as he did. After the struggle, the man ended up with a bleeding nose, there were witnesses to the altercation.

Not quite sure how I should feel about this incident. Tommy Robinson is a zionist.

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00808c  No.70050

Tommy Yaxley-Lennon the jew… That is all

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84461f  No.70051



>thinks the queen is worth saving

You are better off fighting spear niggers in SA than machete niggers pets of the British police. That island needs to die for the crimes against the German people.

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7abc1e  No.70056


Stop speaking English.

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7e13d6  No.70059

It's all staged mate, notice how everything always happens to him? He made a deal with the state along time ago, and now he's just a honey pot to see who the like minded thinkers are.

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9e4291  No.70065


Maybe he should stop supporting Israel.

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9b5ddf  No.70076

>Zionist kike arrested for not murdering the mudskin and witnesses


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685be9  No.70136

What's interesting about this is the MSM in Britbongistan only wrote about the attack and never mentioned the sexual assault against his 8 year old daughter.

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0432e2  No.70144

Sucks being a Zionist lmao

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3e16d5  No.70230


I've always been skeptical of the claims that things like this are staged, but he's in so many situations like this that it can't be a coincidence. It has to be set up, at least to some degree.

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8463fc  No.70281


You just need to observe who the kosher alternative news pushes, and you can see who glows in the dark. If you've lurked around long enough, certain assets become quite obvious. Couple this with knowledge that you know the government has created honey pots in the past.

If the CIA managed to own the large cryptograpy company Cryptome secretly for 50 years or so, you know that governments can run some shoestring alternative media companies to promote their agents.

I also subscribe to a wilder conspiracy that the alphabet agencies create "artificial billionaires" who act as frontmen for black budget projects. Elon Musk for instance is today's Howard Hughes.

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374676  No.70303

Lol who has the screen cap of his archived tweets admitting he's a Zionist and works for mossad

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5c7f95  No.70318

Plot Twist: The pedo was Ezra Levant.

Also, well done Britain. Be sure you arrest all those fathers who choke-slam chomos, but never under any circumstances should you impose community service on the paki-niggers selling children like spliffs.

Given who runs Britain, I can see why they don't like people who beat up pedos.

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e456ca  No.70331

File: 1965ebe36af7101⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 543x286, 543:286, 1583193812594.jpg)



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baf5cc  No.70334


Its the current tactic of having "our guys" jumped on by the media and system. Make them appear as if they are oppressed and victimized so a lot of people will stand up for them and join them. Many people are fed up with how things are and are looking for alternatives. They use the likes of Trump, Farage/UKIP/Brexit, Robinson, AfD etc. to act as safety nets. No goy will go fully bad if they fall into the kosher civic nationalist trap. Tommy Robinson will snare many awaking whites and get them to fall in line with the approved view points.

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8fc9a0  No.70339


And when Tommy needs to be taken out of service for retraining or just wants some time off, they throw him in "prison."

The employ this system across the spectrum too. I don't know the big leftist activists in the UK, but you can bet the biggest rabble rousers are controlled. Same with the radical Islamists they promote on the mainstream. Keep all the groups fighting amongst themselves and away from any real power. I don't know if that "National Action" group was legitimate, or just a honey pot to begin with, but from what I saw in the media, the state eviscerated them and handed out ridiculous prison sentences to the members.

In any staged conflict, such as Charlottesville, you'll notice all the controlled actors get "arrested" or somehow "injured" very early on, so that they can be taken off the battlefield. This helps legitimize them in front of any followers, and shields them from doing any actual fighting. You should also be suspicious of people that just happen to be filming while a tragic event occurs.

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249c48  No.70376


Has much has I hate a sellout like Tommy I still think the old man who pinched the girl's butt should get a through ass kicking.

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249c48  No.70379

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4afbbc  No.70394


Why can't the British government do that right think for once and put a bullet in the head of this zionist shill?

Hopefully Mohammed-Al-Chadad will break his neck in prison.

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cbc96d  No.70443

File: 1f7bee455531bd6⋯.jpeg (123.41 KB, 840x1119, 280:373, 1.jpeg)

File: 8283cf81602013a⋯.jpeg (88.14 KB, 768x801, 256:267, 2.jpeg)

File: be5769727a28fa5⋯.png (691.44 KB, 768x833, 768:833, 3.png)

File: 252e9770891538e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x709, 1200:709, 4.png)



Goy, the jew is just like you.

The high finance Zionist Jew from the house of Rothschild vacuums all of the wealth out of your country so you can't afford to own a home or have a large family. Then the house of Rothschild golem Soros Jew introduces Muslims, niggers, and MS13 into your country to rob, rape, and murder your people. For this, you must love Israel, which is work product of house of Rothschild established after tormenting Germans into two world wars. Then America was false flagged on 9/11 and goaded into perpetual war illegal mass surveillance that benefits Israel and the oil and banking cartels. Oh, and the best part, your grand kids will be enslaved with the debt deficit you leave behind to them.

Doesn't that make sense? Israel and Jews are the best!

Don't you want to go on a crusade for the Jew and kill all Muslims while weak pussy diaper wearing Jews in Israel talk about how you're a slave and they hate Christians?


underrated post but Elon did the typical Juden maneuver and took his manufacturing to China so he could sell out American workers on behalf of "shareholders" (jews) for "share holder value" (jew gold extracted from host country)

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9b5e61  No.70446

It's almost like British police are only there to protect pedos and child rapists. If you want to solve any of those problems, traitors in uniform will have to be dealt with first. Anyone who tries to tell you that there is a solution within the system is a cuckservative traitor who deserve a fate worse than the British Police.

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3ee8e9  No.70453


Focus on the financiers who are orchestrating the problem. They are the puppet masters.

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2a6ddb  No.70548

>Being a professional kike-semen drinker

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d9b2e0  No.70684

People randomly touch each other in pools all the time, a few months ago while swimming a young girl grabbed my arm to stay afloat and a week later I would have poked another young girl's eye pretty fucking hard if she hadn't had goggles on. Nevermind the dumb fuck who landed on my head ass first and broke my goggles one time, people make glancing contact all the time if it's busy. Granted an assgrab is slightly different but there's a lot of moving hands and asses around.


>dem pics

Barring 'it's a deepfake bro' There's no excuse for that shit.

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2c71b6  No.70998


The "asian male" was in the kiddie section of the public pool. What's a grown man doing in that area? "Accidental grope" my ass!

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e58a64  No.72031

You'd think the jew shills on this board would be more concerned with one of their own being groped by dirty muslim. Perhaps it didn't happen at all.

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e5ea6c  No.72578

File: 64e7d3ba1e7ed7f⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 1080x567, 40:21, nambla_and_bamn.jpg)


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9b3a40  No.72585

It truly is.

Tommy Robinson


2:13:Says hes Zionist

3:22: Picture of him Poses with Israeli Military and Rabbi. In a zionist room.

3:47: He keeps saying how hes a zionist.

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000000  No.72638

tommy is a complete zionist ..he should not be followed by anyone. He is simply a jew tool to try and conquer the Natiolist movement now rising … he is our worse enemy, a traitor.

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742a4a  No.72658

How come he never has criticized jews?

Quite strange for a "truth warrior".

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712580  No.72714

File: 7d82cc22406f543⋯.png (61.69 KB, 635x632, 635:632, martyr.png)

File: 1c58d6def7aded5⋯.webm (12.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tommy_Robinstein.webm)

Pic and webm very related.

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712580  No.72721

File: a4c33d394d23712⋯.png (459.07 KB, 785x1019, 785:1019, JDL_Tommy_Robinson.png)

File: f9aadf9a4a4690d⋯.jpg (783.07 KB, 3300x2175, 44:29, JDL_Geert.jpg)

File: 098f5f7fa9eb47d⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 288x312, 12:13, JDL_Bombs_nazi_.jpg)

File: 4df323049004340⋯.png (772.4 KB, 1600x1846, 800:923, JDL_ADL_FBI.png)

File: c304e0c307c5ee4⋯.jpg (249.9 KB, 1011x1011, 1:1, JDL.jpg)


Also these. The JDL is an anti-White terror organization, they would never support a genuine pro-White advocate.

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370a64  No.73007


LaRouche is garbage, but it's just a book review, not their original research.

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31055c  No.73408


Hello antifa.

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d4b105  No.73587

File: a64c3bb43b55354⋯.png (769.25 KB, 631x823, 631:823, Faith_Goldyberg_JDL_B_nai_….png)

File: 7116cb0fb027831⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Faith_Goldy_JDL.jpg)

File: dc8125151b01887⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Zionist_Organization_B_nai….mp4)

File: 8321b274a9c40ab⋯.jpg (72.46 KB, 381x511, 381:511, JDL.jpg)



B'nai B'rith Canada is openly affiliated with the JDL Canada, and is said (credibly) to have financed them in the US. The two posters are btoh from the Canadian JDL specifically, so the connection is guaranteed there. Pics related are Faith Goldyberg meeting with the JDL at B'nai B'rith.

Now that that connection is established, here's a video of B'na B'rith Canada lobbying for funds for Anti-Racist Action, which is the forerunner to Antifa.

There was also that leaked audio of an antifa meeting where someone from the "right-wing" JDL was speaking.


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000000  No.74556

No huwite nationalist leaders for you goys. They're all jooos!

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889d56  No.74582


No, when they aren't jews or spiritual jews, nobody pays attention because everybody is a bunch of cowards who won't stand up and risk losing everything.

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526927  No.74723

File: 97fc39c14728956⋯.png (98.89 KB, 300x308, 75:77, color_oven.png)





No gentile has ever typed that.

No one named in this thread even pretends to be White Nationalist.

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2189c2  No.75388


No reasonable person would think any less of him for this.

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