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File: 3d2415eda8b8ee9⋯.jpg (162.21 KB, 900x1226, 450:613, What_are_you_stories_86f3d….jpg)

e332f7  No.69433

I just saw the add saying online census.

What do y'all think about this?

How is it going to get manipulated and fucked with?

Commercial said everyone counts and the census is "your voice" (fucking lol)

Every invader is going to sign up and USA will no longer be what it was.

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f32652  No.69540

Frankly if you dont chase down niggers and force them to answer census questions i dont know if they would ever be counted.

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c043eb  No.69638

>what does /pol/ think of [x]


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e332f7  No.69735


Wow cool I guess I shouldn't ask for opinions, I'll just lurk around hoping to find a thread on this topic.

Chill out you sperg

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f24031  No.69744


>dying for niggers

how is this not natural selection?

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bd72f9  No.70720

Perfect, maybe if the census displays a white minority it might cause some alarm. Make sure to lie on the census about your race too, to add up the subhominid numbers

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f9a6fe  No.70843


It's a federal crime not to answer census questions or to give false information. Just FYI.

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f9a6fe  No.70864

Also, just FYI, the Constitution says to count inhabitants/people, not citizens. There's never been a citizenship question on the US Census and illegals/invaders/whatever have always been a part of it because they "inhabit" the land.

As for signing up online, well, I would hope they'd have a way to at least prove someone physically lives here before letting them take the Census; but this is the US Government we're talking about.

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9ef88a  No.71030

File: bf60799d978d78e⋯.jpg (676.44 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, foreign_hordes.jpg)


1) Census responses are confidential.

2) The race category is explicitly stated to be self-identified.

There is no possible way you will be prosecuted for answering anything you damn well please for race unless you do something monumentally stupid like publicly announce that you filled in a racial category that you don't identify as.

This anon is spreading FUD. Just FYI.

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9ef88a  No.71039


>There's never been a citizenship question on the US Census

FYI, this guy is full of shit here, too.


>The last time a citizenship question was among the census questions for all U.S. households was in 1950. That form asked where each person was born and in a follow-up question asked, "If foreign born — Is he naturalized?"

>Starting in 1970, questions about citizenship were included in the long-form questionnaire but not the short form. For instance, in 2000, those who received the long form were asked, "Is this person a CITIZEN of the United States?"

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ab0272  No.71052

>thinking the census matters

Government data collection on it's citizens and you believe they publish non-tampered results. In a day and where everyone has a smart phone with front facing camera it wouldn't be hard to pay some 3rd world niggers to or even AI to do the census prospecting without you ever knowing.

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a73fd4  No.71069


so they are counted as 3/5ths of a person, seeing as they are not freed slaves and they are not citizens?

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