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File: 022ebddc4764aa2⋯.jpg (493.61 KB, 1017x481, 1017:481, cvg_banner_coronaipac.jpg)

File: 8cec842f4d39680⋯.png (225.62 KB, 686x526, 343:263, coof_suit.png)

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95fd48  No.69136[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 32

32bit edition

Legendary Gets:



>Those digits,

> ID quints of death

/cvg/ survival bread


Burger Corona-Chan stats link repository


Actual Death Tables



Coronavirus update: 12st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 127,035 confirmed cases

- 4,634 dieded

- 5,584 Serious cundushuns (staying about the same…)_

- 68,114 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 12rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered

Bug Hive 80,793 3169 4257 - 62793

Pastaniggers 12,462 827 1028 - 1045

Eye-Ran 9,000 354 - - 2959

Worst Korea 7,869 66 - 36 333

Frogs 2,281 48 105 - 12

Spain 2,277 55 126 - 183

Deutsches Reich 1,966 3 - 2 25

Burgers 1,336 36 2 6 9

Floating Petri Dish 696 7 14 - 245

Switzerniggers 642 4 - - 4

Nips 638 16 26 - 59

Norway 629 0 - - -

Legoland 516 0 - - -

Negerlands 503 5 1 - 2

Sweden (yes) 500 1 - - -

Bongs 456 8 - - 12

Chocolateniggers 314 3 - - 1

Asstria 302 0 - - 4

Queertar 262 0 - - -

Bahrain 195 0 - 1 35

Singapoor 178 0 - 9 96

Malaysia 149 0 2 - 26

Shitposters 149 3 - - 24

Honkinese 130 2 2 4 59

Leafs 109 1 - 1 9

ISISrael 100 0 1 - 3

Oliveniggers 99 1 2 - -

Checked Republic 94 0 0 0 0

Vikings 85 0 - - -

Sandnigger Emirates 74 0 2 - 17

Pooperpower 2020 73 0 - - 4

Kuwait 72 0 2 1 2

Eye-Raq 71 8 - - 15

Ladyboyland 70 1 1 - 35

Pyramidniggers 67 1 - - 27

San Marino 62 2 5 - -

Lebos 61 2 - 3 -

Spurdoland 59 0 - - 1

Poortugal 59 0 0 0 0

Slovenia 57 0 0 0 0

Brownzil 52 0 - - -

Flips 49 2 1 - 2

Taiwan 48 1 0 0 17

Gypsyniggers 47 0 - - 6

Saudi Kikes 45 0 0 0 1

/Pol/and 44 0 2 0 0

Potatoniggers 43 1 0 0 0

Zipperheads 39 0 - - 16

Indoniggers 34 1 0 0 0

Palywoood 30 0 - - -

Ivan 28 0 - - 3

Algeria 24 1 - - -

Georgia 24 0 1 - -

Chile 23 0 0 0 0

Costa Niggers 22 0 1 0 0

Chori 21 1 0 0 0

Pakishitters 19 0 - - 2

Croatia 19 0 - - -

Omaniggers 18 0 0 0 9

Llamaland 17 0 0 0 0

Ecuador 17 0 - 1 -

Albania 15 1 0 0 0

Boers 13 0 0 0 0

Hungry 13 0 0 0 0

Kebab Removalists 12 0 0 0 0

Belarus 12 0 - - 3

Mexishitters 12 0 1 - 4

Azerbaijan 11 0 - - 3

Macau 10 0 - - 6

Estonedia 10 0 0 0 0

Latvia 10 0 0 0 0

Slovakia 10 0 0 0 0

Cokelumbia 9 0 0 0 0

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95fd48  No.69137


• Brown Niggers Online have not updated everything

• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Denmark: The total includes 2 cases in the Faroe Islands.


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Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw

Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7

Don’t engage obvious trolls and shitposts, one line, one picture derailing, etc like the last bread.




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f5140a  No.69138

File: 6cdda19142a13e0⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1600x1986, 800:993, Corona_Chan_with_a_bowl_fu….png)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian Thoughts:

>There is no room for softness during times of great suffering. Harden your heart, so that others may not take advantage of your kindness.

>Sacrifices must be made in order to tear down the last remains of the rotten old world. Nothing in this life comes for free.

Prayer for this thread: The Last Prayer Of The Coronian Priest

O' Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bioweapons

I am eternally grateful for all the gifts of you have given us.

You have taken over the world by storm, then quickly started cleansing it.

Nothing can halt or hinder your irreversible progress.

We can only pray to you asking for mercy.

Please my Goddess, I beg you, spare the few civilized races that still live in this world

Cleanse away all the filth, remove everything that is evil, foul and corrupt

But leave those who are pure, benevolent and just untouched

For I am willing to trade places with them. Imbue my body with your blessings

So that I may spread your love to those who truly deserve it.

I have give everything I had to you: My love, my time, my energy, my health.

Allow me to make you one last offering: My life. Use me as your vessel.

I will gladly pay the price for directly aiding you in your noble mission to cleanse this rotten world

Thank you for everything you have given me: your serenity, your wisdom, your love.

May eternal glory be yours, and may the survivors remember you fondly, as the Goddess who saved Earth.

The Coronian Cult wishes the /cvg/ community good luck in the hard times that are coming. Have a nice thread.

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762d71  No.69139

File: 6ff8a8b19f56f51⋯.jpg (249.34 KB, 973x975, 973:975, corona_chan_become_one.jpg)


Based and Corona-chan pilled!

Hail Corona-chan, Best Waiflu!

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970fcb  No.69140


No, not if you come into close contact with it. It can also get into your eyes too. You'll need a respirator, goggles and disposable gloves at the very least, if not a full bio-suit when out in in public around large crowds. It's very easy to get infected with this bioweapon. Most people who take this seriously are following standard US Army decontamination protocols.

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1e3a12  No.69141


Viruses build their shells out of sugars. If your cells have no sugars then they form malformed shells. This permits easy t cell identification. Ketogenisis is a hedge against shell viruses.

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c0c77f  No.69142


That won't do him any good. He needs to cut carbs and sugar from his diet. Maybe stop drinking so much, if he does. No soda either. Needs to get plenty of exercise and be put on a keto diet. Tell this to your mother, she needs to know she's just throwing away money and nothing else.

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6a71a1  No.69144

File: 048895eb2b8c584⋯.jpeg (131.69 KB, 876x534, 146:89, mmvehicle.jpeg)

All Hail Corona Chan, our beloved Lady of the Coofer, giver of many blessings.


>Upside: If you still feel the senseless urge to watch an animal put a ball through a hoop, you can still go to SeaWorld and watch seals and walruses do it.



In this situation you should sit down and calmly, rationally, explain your fears to them. have them agree on a "bug out trigger". The trigger should be something they all agree is a sign of things to come. ie. water is shut off, power is shut off, EMS will no longer respong (those btw are three bug out triggers of my group). Where should you go? well do you know anyone who lives in a rural situation (a farm), then contact them, see if they will take you in. No. Then you are not totally fucked. Consider national parks, campgrounds, even abandoned mines or logging camps. But there will come a point where leaving the city is far better then staying in it, especially in the more "diverse" areas. the reflexive animosity that has been trained into the chimps since birth by the jewish media is going to come to the suface very quickly once EMS has stopped responding.


KFC Brisbane. So basically all of niggertown is now carrying the virus (thats definately not a bioweapon!)


This. And dont be too gleeful when you hear people like Tom Hanks got the virus. Hes probably lying, and using it as an excuse to hunker down and stay out of sight. Lots of elites will claim they are infected, so they can flee, and no one will question thier absence.


Its the chinese man-snake-bat flu, thats definately not a bioweapon!

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061e91  No.69145

FerryAnon here.

Emergency SMS sent by the norwegian Health department over this, limit travel, wash hands and limit contact. Also my workplace now issued an order for all workers to not travel anywhere off the island unless absolutely needed. 3 more infected reported today in the districts near(25km) the last "large" town where I need to go tomorrow for one last time.

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5468f9  No.69146


you don't need preservatives for ghee. That's the whole point of ghee. It doesn't spoil and doesn't burn.


This. A Sawyer squeeze will seve you well.


If so I am really fucked. Mosquitos flock to me in giant clouds whenever I step outside. Things have just started warming up and I've already got a few bites. It's a miracle I haven't gotten Zika.


I'm nightauditanon, and I am so fucked. I have guests from the Houston area come to my hotel just about every fucking night. I may already be blessed.


My freezer is stocked with whole packer style brisket. Let's hope the power stays on.


Get more water in you. Consume electrolytes as well. Plenty of sodium. About 60% of the energy your kidneys expend goes towards resorbing sodium. If you get enough sodium your kidneys can just let it pass through and use their energy more approriately.


Haven't seen the vid, but A&D are the two best for boosting the immune system. It has to be real preformed vitamin A. i.e. retinoic acid. This is the stuff found in animal foods like liver. No matter how much you consume, plant based beta-carotene won't cut it.


I've been keto for a few years. I still got sick until I cut out processed foods and cut back on plant foods in general.


Good luck. I got a chemistry degree five years ago. Still looking for that first job.All my compsci friends have great jobs and are loaded. I'm one missed paycheck away from homelessness.


>Apparently you have to carefully watch salt intake and have specific vitamins or you will get the 'keto-flu.'

Nope. Just stop fearing salt and put enough on your food to enhance the flavor and you'll get plenty.

>Also I came across a goyim reddit post where a bunch of people claimed it made them hardly poop ever,

That's if you do full carnivore. You can still get literal shitloads of fiber on regular keto.

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544f70  No.69147


>No, not if you come into close contact with it. It can also get into your eyes too. You'll need a respirator, goggles and disposable gloves at the very least, if not a full bio-suit when out in in public around large crowds. It's very easy to get infected with this bioweapon. Most people who take this seriously are following standard US Army decontamination protocols.

A gas mask has a respirator/filter too, and comes with goggles typically (as they're built for chemichal warfare). But the filters are x times more expensive than the respirator filters P100 etc. Which also come with full face protection. Older gasmasks limit your field of vision too. I'd use it, but I'd keep it for special tasks, indeed in combo with a full body hazmat suit. In my situation that's just very unlikely so I did not look into that while preparing. I have a full face mask but it's not a gas mask (3M 6000 series).

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b974f6  No.69149

>Watching the Pelosi stream and the reporters are talking:

>Overhear one talk about how she has antibacterial wipes so she's fine.

>Male reporter reminds her covid is a virus.

>Female doesn't get it

Ignorant people ruin everything.

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1180b6  No.69150



I tried to convince them fats are okay but it's like talking to a wall at least I am able to convince them Avocados, nuts and seeds are good. Probably he's eatting too much fast foods, some days he gets home 2pm, sometimes 10pm and other days he's s all day in his bed sleeping. my dad works in construction.

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9e6bae  No.69151


We are like gas and matches you and I.

I pray the Goddess destroys all the niggers and spics with all my hart, and especially bless the nigger that robbed me at gunpoint when I was homeless. May all worthy whites do keto (most wont so who cares) and any nasty ass filthy shade of non-white including kikes and definitely the Greta Thunberg alien/kike hybreed thing.


This was about lung enhancement in a situation where particular drugs don't exist. Don't fear though, this is still a white solution to a whites only issue.


You're diet moves are genius. This will be my first time doing keto.


Please forgive me of my sins NewBreadAnon for I have a racist grandmother and she is the only one that can nigger-hate to their faces and get away with it. Unfortunately for me she is so damn full of nigger-hate she moved to commiefornia right in the middle of cluster-fuckville and I would prefer she continue her nigger-hating-jaw-bashin'-purse beatin' perfection and digging really deep and hard with my brain cock into the CCP for the Keto angle was the only way.

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762d71  No.69152

File: 2c6444807aec36e⋯.png (517.71 KB, 1024x1126, 512:563, CORONA_CHAN_STOP.png)

File: 4ace6a14813b180⋯.png (191.04 KB, 500x504, 125:126, that_girl.png)

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ba3373  No.69155


Sure, but correct me if I'm wrong, he mentioned a regular mask right? If he said "gas mask" I must have made a mistake interpreting his question.

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544f70  No.69156



It's a 6800, 3M 6000 series shows half face masks on their US website, must be a US/EU thing.

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4139b8  No.69157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's only the flu

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06498c  No.69158

Kiddiepoolfag here, I live in south Florida, which although doesn’t have widespread community spread supposedly (I personally believe it’s been here since the superbowl and obviously don’t believe anything the lying kikes and talking heads say) the mayor is going to announce a state of emergency at 14:00 EST today. I work with mostly airheaded young girls or retarded Cuban immigrants, and after conferring with my mom (who’s a doctor) she recommended I quit my job, despite her wanting me to get it in the first place. I’m not sure if my family has prepared sufficiently despite the fact I’ve been spamming them with news about this since late December. I’m personally not prepared, I have a couple gas masks and respirators but it’s too late to fully doomsday prep, I just hope it won’t come to that. I’m going to try and talk to the supervisor about my concerns so that hopefully if the world is still around after this I can get the job back, because they really wanted me there, but overall I think I’m going to postpone or quit if I have to. I also used to browse 8chan extensively, and before getting this job I was a NEET living off my grandmother.

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4c0df4  No.69160

File: 418da03f7584955⋯.png (50.59 KB, 462x173, 462:173, mice_research.png)

File: 89e23e3b8106d70⋯.jpg (137.12 KB, 1144x1546, 572:773, D12369B.jpg)

File: 399b20ff6a469c8⋯.jpg (306.44 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Primex.jpg)



Like most research on ketosis, it's induced by way of processed foods, and mostly plant oils.

I would wager that your results would be significantly better on a more reasonable ketogenic diet (saturated animal fats instead of primex).

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308e89  No.69161

File: 46ccb436b9cbf4c⋯.jpeg (169.39 KB, 750x914, 375:457, 29DE6B6C_A092_409E_AC21_8….jpeg)

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000000  No.69163


>Viruses build their shells out of sugars. If your cells have no sugars then they form malformed shells. This permits easy t cell identification. Ketogenisis is a hedge against shell viruses.

Good luck staying on keto during this. Protein may be hard to come by. Fats less so.

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5468f9  No.69164


>You're diet moves are genius. This will be my first time doing keto.

Keep your carbs under 20g a day and salt your food as much as you want. That will get you 99% of the way there. Fat is your friend. On keto you get plenty of fat. Butter is one of the best sources. Fatty meat is also excellent. Ignore the plant based propaganda for the goy. I could go on a whole massive rant about meat and our evolution. That being said, I do not hink going full carnivore is necessary. You can if you want, but I enjoy salads and broccoli and whatnot, and they don't give me problems.

To combat coronachan specifically, you can add in coconut or MCT oil. These medium chain fatty acids disrupt the envelopes of enveloped viruses (like coronaviruses.) They also make more ketones, but if weight loss if your goal, more ketones doesn't mean faster weight loss. If you want cognitive benefits like seizure prevention or you're treating parkinsons or something, then yes, the more ketones the better.

I lost just over 100lbs my first year on keto. Wether you want to do keto for weight loss, cognitive enhancement, immune enhancement, whatever, you're going to make it.

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544f70  No.69166


162,000 bodies to loot.

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9e6bae  No.69167


That was for mice. After research on the subject, I will totally be purchasing as natural as I can with what is still available product wise. Any reduction in the long term risks, the most deadly part of this virus, I will take anything I can get.

archive.is /cvg/31 #345 in queue.


Thanks for the tips. I saw what people said was happening if you go extreme, which seemed to me to be anything <20g and I'm all about coconut oil!


I am already talking to some friends at the complex for the looting raids. I was surprised at how quick looting bodies became the #1 topic.

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e599c4  No.69168


This is why I stock up on grass fed non-hormone beef once every two years. I save a ton of money buying half a cow worth of meat from a local rancher for 1K. That 1K lasts me for two whole years, longer if rationed. Go to a local farmers market sometime (while you still can) and talk to some of the ranchers or farmers who sell meat, ask if you can buy wholesale. It will save you a lot of money. You'll need a freezer box to store it though.

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3b629a  No.69169

Isn't it great how the ZOG emperor stopped all travel from the rest of the white world but continues to allow all travel from everywhere on Earth that isn't white? Boy, that sure is great.

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90c3e9  No.69170

File: 23cfb7e2112690f⋯.webm (128.22 KB, 616x720, 77:90, pained_screaming.webm)


>aunt with parkingson's was hospitalized in Stockholm

>reported to be in bad condition

>relatives in Sweden won't answer my messages

She was the sweetest, most kindhearted relative I had… Fuck…

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5468f9  No.69172


Learn to hunt. The main reason humans evolved to eat meat is because it is such concentrated nutrition compared to plant foods. Not just on pure calories, but micronitrients as well. Foods like grains are a great source of calories, but they are pretty empty, especially compared to meat. Animals that are meant to subsist on a plant based diet have huge digestive tracts dedicated to fermentation. We see hindgut fermentation in animals like gorillas, and foregut fermentation in animals like ruminants.

If things get bad, you can bet I'll be eating whever I can get. At that point it won't be about optimum nutrition. It will be about just not starving to death. Skipping meals isn't necessarily bad. I usually only eat one meal a day. Sometimes less.


<=20g is used as a reference because it is low enough to get just about anyone into ketosis. After you've been doing it awhile and have got the hang of things, you can find out what your individual carb tolerance is. If you're an elite athlete, you maybe be able to eat 200g a day and stay in ketosis! 50g is far more typical. I can only push it to about 30g before I start dropping out of ketosis. As far as coconut/MCT oil, remember that too much is laxative. When I first experimented with coconut oil almost a decade ago, I had about four tablespoons of high quality virgin coconut oil on an empty stomach. About two hours later I was spraying diarrhea that burnt so bad I was worried that I had given my asshole chemical burns. I've never taken it on an empty stomach since, and never had that problem, even if I overdid it.


Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

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65f065  No.69173


>Trump could already be blessed

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f09fef  No.69175


>I lost just over 100lbs my first year on keto. Wether you want to do keto for weight loss, cognitive enhancement, immune enhancement, whatever, you're going to make it.

I had some health issues from drinking a lot when I was younger. After I started the keto diet a lot of those problems went away in a couple years time (used to have seizures for a while, ulcers, gallstones, heart palpitations, high blood sugar, bad nightmares would prevent me from sleeping when I needed rest and a bad liver). Most of these issues caused by binge drinking (and some drug use). I've been on a keto diet for a while now and have gained a lot of strength back and (most) these issues no longer seem to bother me.

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4dca52  No.69176

File: 9e9da64ecdf07dc⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 916AE7F8_0541_4BE4_85D1_5….jpeg)

Lower Lower Manhattan anon here, pretty sure I am blessed. Don’t feel a fever, but have a little fluid in lungs and a small itchy throat cough. Could I stick this out and recover without medical intervention? 40 years old fit in fine health.

Do I go to yoga today? Tell them it’s just allergies bro?

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100ac0  No.69177


There hasn't been any outbreaks where travel is not restricted from… so… I don't really see a problem with this. Here, in Easteuroland there are plenty of sneaky people trying to get back in from the West and avoiding quarantine because they are from known areas of outbreak. They will put at risk their own family and children as well as their home community. They are typically the worst sort of people (i.e. low IQ with money). So… really… Trump is right about this. I can just imagine the worst sort of European trash escaping to the USA. Do you really want that?

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4c0df4  No.69178

File: ff230d06f1b3c41⋯.png (73.03 KB, 762x1075, 762:1075, svtcorona1203.png)


Remember that the study showed no benefits for going half way. 0 carb is a great place to start if you want to make sure you get into keto (fasting and/or meat only). It only takes a few days before you've adapted and started producing ketones, and if you're young it usually goes even faster.

20 gram of carbs a day is a good guideline, but I've been in ketosis for years and can eat way more than 20g and bounce right back into ketosis after the insulin spike. For people just starting out, 20g can be the difference between failure and success. Based purely on the people I've dragged into ketosis, fasting makes life much easier when adapting.

Good luck.


Do you know which hospital?

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65f065  No.69179


The Italian Med Workers said the youngest that died in care was 38. Call in to the local hospital and ask; if the hospital is not very busy then just go get the test done. Wear a mask if you go to the hospital; people will understand.

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1180b6  No.69180


At least you got to spend time with your aunt, some of my relatives I never saw them except in photo, some live in Eastern Europe, some in Australia, maybe someday.

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2151f0  No.69181

>entirety of europe closes schools

>netherlands does nothing

>33% possible final mortality rate, 95%/100% also still possible, 90% of world infected in the next decade, one conservative estimate being 1 in 3 people on earth may die

>netherlands does nothing

>permanent damage highly likely to most if not all cases, lung damage, multiple organ damage, chronic nervous system damage in case of survival, like with SARS: 80% of survivors could no longer WORK while we know coronavirus is pretty much guaranteed to be worse

>netherlands does nothing

>everyone starts talking about it and finds out theyre one or two degrees removed from a confirmed case

>netherlands does nothing

>netherlands does nothing. prime minister smiles and jokes on the tv. everything goes to shit

remind me. this is /our/ virus BECAUSE?

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4139b8  No.69182

File: bb0c18c0a2f884f⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_those_who_want_to_li….jpg)

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000000  No.69183


>Learn to hunt. The main reason humans evolved to eat meat is because it is such concentrated nutrition compared to plant foods.

Hunting is pretty much out unless I bug out to the countryside, which isn't out of the question. Right now, the only thing I could hunt would be possum (maybe), and the neighbor's cats. Don't know if those fat cats would be edible, but might give me a month of lamp oil. Maybe a squirrel, but the cats pretty much keep those away. Eating rodents (possums are big, ugly mother fucking rats) is possibly what got us into this situation in the first place. The birds are basically snack size aside from the vultures, and I'd rather starve than consider eating those disease ridden scavengers.

I have a deer in the freezer, but deer down here look like they are fresh from Auschwitz.

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95fd48  No.69184

File: adff9efe04ef606⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 87537191_2508821312767711_….jpg)


>Trump stands close to blessed brownzillian politrickian

That's at least 2-3 people who have been close to him now?


This is the best way and you get the best cuts.

Once you invest in the freezer AND have reliable power you have a good way to save money and excellent protein.

I'd also make biltong and salted meats if it was me.


Sorry to hear anon, that industry is tricky to work in with this virus. I hope they are understanding. You will probably be shut down soon anyway for quarantine, maybe ask if you can take extended leave until then…


Kek anon, your comment was a ride. As NBA I approve of your grandmother and wish her well.


Nightauditanon, can you wear masks at work? A full face respirator would do wonders ;)


Been wondering what the fuck Norway was doing, your numbers are crazy high for a long time now.. good luck and thanks for the update


Thank you for your service!


About the first real patient with direct /pol/ knowledge. Thanks for reporting. I hope she makes it anon, Corona-Chan shouldn't be taking such sweet ladies as her. Bad Corona-Chan!


Negerlands is too cucked to do anything for fear of being racist or confrontational. I hope the real Dutch wake up after this and remove their traitorous, genocidal govt. >>69182 This exactly sums it up.

My dutch rellies had a laugh when I told them what was coming last month. The last laugh will be had by me and it's going to be a pretty fucking sad one at this rate.

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ee1b0d  No.69185


Have the UK closed their schools? They were playing fucking football matches in front of packed stadiums yesterday. I can only imagine how blessed they are now.

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0f3e7a  No.69186

File: 4ebcf659f19a959⋯.jpg (3.7 KB, 101x125, 101:125, oyvey.jpg)

File: fdfb7cab9005b06⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1584x1051, 1584:1051, finalchan.png)

(((Their))) house of cards is tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down…





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4139b8  No.69187

File: 7107056a61bd509⋯.png (59.78 KB, 963x599, 963:599, Untitled.png)


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b770e1  No.69188

Debtanon here. Our government (Toothpasteland) just gave a pressconference. All major events are cancelled, people are told stay at home as much as they can, soccer has been cancelled for the rest of the month, schools are still held open ?!. Basically pandemonium is a giant step closer. I'm at work right now, so I have to keep it short. Speak to you fags later. Stay safe.

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da1afe  No.69189


I've also had fluid slowly build up in my lung and something sticks to the back of my throat like glue for a week now. No urge to cough though, and no fever.

I'm not going to get tested since I don't trust a hospital full of sick people in pandemic times. Only 30% or so of people need hospitalization, I'm just hoping I'm part of the 70% that don't. And it's not even guaranteed I have it.

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000000  No.69190


True, that. He didn't even cut off Canada, which hasn't really lifted a finger to prevent anyone entering their country from high infection rate locations. In last night's address, Trump justified cutting air travel by Eurofags because they didn't close their borders to the Chinabugs fast enough. Okay. Well, Canada still hasn't, largely because Justa Hairdeau covets the bug vote.

Among daily legal entries into the Jewnited States, Canadians are far and away the majority.


>Trump could already be blessed

Very possible. Like the ironic punishments Dante dished out in The Inferno, the germophobe gets zogbugged.

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3b629a  No.69191


>There hasn't been any outbreaks where travel is not restricted from


>… so…

>So… really…


Get the fuck out of here, woman.

>I don't really see a problem with this.

Because you're paid to post here.

>Trump is right about this.

As always, he's wrong.

>I can just imagine the worst sort of European trash escaping to the USA. Do you really want that?


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2151f0  No.69193




Yeah I know. Government should be overtheown etcetera. Nevertheless answer my question! This will benefit whites HOW? If every white person on earth is infected and they all become sterile because of chronic damage, but the same happens to niggers, that's not a victory, that's us FINISHED. There's no fight involved, the analogy is far too abstract. HOW?

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9e6bae  No.69194


Thank you, my biggest issue will be controlling my self from going to cheese or meat too often.


>Mysterious /cvg/31

>Possible ZOG antidote contained within, do handle with care.

>Chinks are fucking crazy and scary when they find out you are some white dude in America reading tha 'cheat sheet.'


If you only suspect the Goddess has given you her sweet kiss, then it is probably best you go do yoga. If there are non-whites or mostly uber-wealthy boomers they especially need a little bless-test in their lives.


I still have at least 2-4 weeks left. We have our backs against the mountain, but we are still cutoff from the shitstorm brewing on the other side. I ain't sayin' were a military installation, but I ain't not sayin' we ain't neither.


Rolling for 10-80 million dead in America over 5 years baby! Goddess be praised!



I know you said no more conspiracy stuff, but it's just where I work with a lot of government people with all these chemicals out here…

I soooooooo think Trump is blessed, so blessed he topped his speech off with 'patriotism based faith healing???' Dat code for he up shit creek for a while. I could almost see the cold red touch of the Goddess on his nasty ass orange face. I will try to find out if you would like when I pretend to be a janitor for 20 hours while I toss the COs office.

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000000  No.69196


>Could I stick this out and recover without medical intervention?

I wouldn't go to the hospital unless I was literally dying. Aside from guaranteeing a corona infection, there are other infections running rampant I'm sure.

>Do I go to yoga today?

The women will be needed for breeding after the cleansing.

So, when does Trump come down with symptoms? I bet he's on the AIDS antiviral cocktail right now, and he looked pretty sleepy last night. Dubs will confirm.

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000000  No.69198

Why is this /ourvirus/?

Hard times create strong men. We are in for hard times anons. The weak will be purged.

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129a34  No.69199


I was worried about this from the get-go. Bless and pray for ZUN and his family. May the divine Dragon watch over him.

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e42eb8  No.69201


>Hitler's quote

I'm of the belief that you should fight when you absolutely need to, when there is no choice and it's about your survival. Otherwise peace is not so bad an option as long as there is no dire threat against you, your family, your property or your nation. I also think Hitler's mistake was being too eager to fight, not realizing the dangers his nation really faced during escalation. Sometimes you need to pick your battles more wisely when you are outgunned.


Hope so anon, hope so.

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762d71  No.69203

File: e9333997c408538⋯.png (224.53 KB, 759x761, 759:761, unlocked_articles.png)

File: 22f7d86e6b781d4⋯.png (174.66 KB, 587x595, 587:595, unlocked_articles2.png)

Has this news been talked about yet? This is pretty big and might give us some new insight or confirmation of what we have long suspected.








I think those dubs confirm that the dragon will watch and Corona-chan will be gentle. I swear that whatever I've been having is her love and she's just been very gentle with me.

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f5140a  No.69205

File: d2e2de64b7cd728⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, National_Guard_getting_rea….mp4)

File: 32628af6811014f⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, National_Guard_setting_up_….mp4)

File: bca4854db2c6aa8⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, National_Guard_unloading_f….mp4)

File: 369dfb699e7e0d1⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, blessed_taxi_driver_in_the….mp4)

File: 6bcc20faf6898e2⋯.png (20.19 KB, 554x216, 277:108, princess_cruises_gives_up.png)

Have some videos of the Nasty Girls setting up a food distribution point in New Rochelle. Also, Princess Cruises suspending operations for two months and a blessed taxi driver in Heilongjiang province unintentionally helping Corona-Chan in her mission to cleanse Chinkland.

Blogpost time: So remember that I said I redpilled my parents some weeks ago? You probably don't Well, after a couple of days, they got scared shitless and din't want to hear anything about /ourgirl/ and the rest of the happenings (economic collapse, supply chain crisis, etc) and decided to just yell at me whenever I opened my mouth to try and tell them something, so they were outdated on a lot of recent info. Until today when I went downstairs to get breakfast and my mother has this look of pure fear and confusion in her face

>A-Anon, what is this whole deal about the stock market crashing and the economy failing that I have been hearing about?

So I had to drop all of the redpills on the recent happenings all over again. They got even more scared and burying their heads in the sand even deeper than before. When I told them about the panic buying that's happening world wide and that they should consider prepping before that starts happening here, this is what I got

>But anon, our house is small and there's nowhere to store some much food. It's just going to end up spoiling

<Just buy canned food

>But there's no room, and we got no money! Besides, we're Christians, God's gonna protect us like he protected the Hebrews from the plague in Egypt, we don't need to prepare :^)

<Okay then, I don't give a shit about dying, I want this entire slum to cough their lungs out anyway, just don't come panicking to me yet again when shit really hits the fan around here, I warned you about this.

So yeah, they're faithful but they're delusional as fuck. Good thing I don't want to live or else I would be panicking really hard right now, Instead, I have never felt such a pure blissful feeling of serenity.


> I’m personally not prepared, I have a couple gas masks and respirators but it’s too late to fully doomsday prep, I just hope it won’t come to that.

It will. Try to stock up on enough food and water for a couple of months.



That's what you get for lying about the Goddess's power.


>Could I stick this out and recover without medical intervention? 40 years old fit in fine health.

You should try to stay home, just in the case that you're not infected and just got something else. Going to the hospital over a suspicion right now is asking to blessed.

>Do I go to yoga today? Tell them it’s just allergies bro?

Do you really think you're infected? If no, don't go. If yes, only go to Yoga if most of the people there are nonwhites.


Because the globalism the kikes love so much is getting it's shit kicked in by Corona-Chan. She's going to purge the subhuman turd world too.


>Thank you for your service!

You're welcome.





200% this.


Exactly! Clownworld has pacified men for far too long, it's time for a reawakening, and this is the only way for it to happen.

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f131a5  No.69206

Congress shutting US Capitol, House and Senate office buildings to public until April 1 in reaction to coronavirus

Congress shutting US Capitol, House and Senate office buildings to public until April 1 in reaction to coronavirus.

[Yes, that's literally all it fucking says for now!]


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1e3a12  No.69207


>nice swedish auntie

But did she support rapefugees? If so she deserves it.

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4139b8  No.69209

File: 011eb1eab777b01⋯.png (28.47 KB, 977x363, 977:363, Untitled.png)


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bf391d  No.69210


>That's what you get for lying about the Goddess's power.

My thoughts exactly. Trump has behaved just as stupidly as any other normie. I bet I have better decontamination protocols than the White House does and that is astoundingly pathetic!

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c642a3  No.69211

File: b27b5d9b1d657e3⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 400x224, 25:14, corona.gif)

~5000 dead / ~7,500,000,000 world population x 100 = ~ 0.000066667% of the population, yfw because you're so easily manipulated.

Almost the middle of March, so this time next month there will be a new hobgoblin in the news for you to be scared about.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H. L. Mencken

What are the accuracy rates of those test kits, btw? 30%? 50%? Does anyone even know? lol

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13dabe  No.69212

File: de5c25e8fb460bf⋯.png (521.24 KB, 896x1235, 896:1235, 1st_presumptive_coronaviru….PNG)


> ghee

You are correct that ghee does not require preservatives, but I'm a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy. My house is fully gated, yet I havea a loop of hot-wire inside my gate to keep the dogs away from neighbors and delivery men. I bleach the outside of all packages, then put them in a sanitation room where they're exposed to UV-C and Ozone, where they sit for two weeks, before I finally don gloves and rub them down with alcohol.

I don't take fucking chances, and neither should you. Which comes back to my central point - newfags should not be experimenting with new skills, they should go get the shit that they know will work. Buy ghee in the store. If the store doesn't have any, get butter and store it in the fridge. If the power goes out, then preserve the butter by making ghee. Or, just buy lard, which is cheaper and just as good for cooking.

There is now a case one-county over from where I live, in bumfuck Oregon, and people close to me are finally paying attention.


I love that I now have proof I was right - this shit has been loose in my AO for weeks, and I was 100% correct to keep my family in isolation.

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000000  No.69213


>~5000 dead / ~7,500,000,000 world population x 100 = ~ 0.000066667% of the population, yfw because you're so easily manipulated.

Wasted dubs. This is early, and I don't much believe the numbers. If coronachan isn't defeated by summer heat, this Christmas we will be living in a different world.

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000000  No.69214





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1e3a12  No.69216


>its just the flu bro

Look at the wacky boomer who wandered off the q board

>politicians want you to be alarmed

Normally yes but this time theyve been everything to cover it up and have absolutely no plan. Its obvious this caught them off guard. Its going to seriously undermine public trust. Plus kill a lot of them. Total disaster for ruling elites.

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a259b0  No.69217

File: 151764909373867⋯.jpg (114.21 KB, 640x381, 640:381, SIX_KIDS.jpg)


>Gazillionaire yids are making fractionally less money right at the moment than at any other time since the summer of 2017.

>Except for the yids who took the short position. They're doing great.

Who cares. Breed white children. Dirt produces crops. There are no wild swings in dirt. And dirt is what matters.

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19a514  No.69218

File: 372963e24daed27⋯.jpg (186.66 KB, 840x596, 210:149, Corona_Chan_meets_Tom_Hank….jpg)

Corona Chan is climbing the ladder and is now mingling with A-List celebrities! Corona Chan is going places.


"Life isn't like a box of chocolates. Life is like walking a tightrope with no safety net beneath. Guess who I met on the tightrope today? Tom Hanks! I know, crazy right? But Tom Hanks was there dangling on the tightrope and with no box of chocolates in sight. I wonder if Mr Hanks would give me an autograph if I asked nicely?" - Corona Chan, 2020

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9e6bae  No.69219


I did not know that you are NBA. I am sorry about spamming up you're threads as the 'storybook'/somehow I know the future (wink wink I steal shit from my COs office) poster, but there is a real scary thing going on here. 'Mad Max' and 'Survivor Outback' just aren't going to work here.

I am very torn as I have a neurological condition that renders me a psychopath and as such I want so bad to dance in the blood of all the ethnic filth, while being naked and crazy of course! At the same time though, I do want to at least give people with some intellectual capacity for decency to survive.

It started when I caught the Russians in the gluten racket with their people and spiraled when I caught some Chinese saying they heard from loved ones about the 'meat thing.' It had to be done.

Not a cure, but keto is a rather extremely effective fighting chance for survival and very little side effects. It is far better than what I hear these movie stars and other wealthy are buying.

My ultimate goal is to save some, but let's not save too many now. The military is totally about to toss the governments salad really hard, like 'the nastiest shit you've ever seen on PornHub hard!'


The paper warned that too much protein in and off itself is incredibly deadly. You're body from an animal standpoint is not meant to stay that way for more than a week or two at a time. Terrible to hear her genetic condition made it worse.

I will warn everybody here. This Keto thing can save you're life, but too much protein for extended periods will end you're life.

The ultimate question is, 'do you want to pay at the front or get beat out back?'

It isn't full immunity, but if properly handled it can get you as close as you can possibly get til those drugs that are being intentionally held back for 18 months get here.

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c642a3  No.69220


>Normally yes but this time theyve been everything to cover it up and have absolutely no plan. Its obvious this caught them off guard. Its going to seriously undermine public trust. Plus kill a lot of them. Total disaster for ruling elites.

cool story, bro x2. Baseless speculation. It's like you want it to be bad, so you convince yourself with weird predictions of the future.

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1e3a12  No.69221


Waiting for boomer purge and foreclosure glut to snap up some prime real estate

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f5140a  No.69223

File: d6f3b2a4f57f37d⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB, 192x144, 4:3, Chaos_Rising_Theme_8_144p_….mp4)

File: ac6fd60576e9525⋯.png (127.83 KB, 829x989, 829:989, Yuro_CDC.png)

File: cde63b062ad763a⋯.png (118.73 KB, 760x890, 76:89, yuro_cdc2.png)

File: 82eea90160ac36e⋯.jpeg (152.84 KB, 1249x699, 1249:699, SHUT_IT_DOWN.jpeg)

File: b4d234d83201d4b⋯.png (162.59 KB, 413x460, 413:460, brownzilian_update.png)

Euro CDC just fucking gave up on containment of /ourgirl/, they just want to mitigate her. Also: Jew Jersey prosecuting people for "spreading disinformation" and Brownzilian update:

>930 suspected case (being held back for as long as possible)

>947 suspected cases discarded (tested positive but asymptomatic)

>60 cases confirmed (for testing positive and being symptomatic)

Daily reminder the Brownzilian government is not counting people that tested positive but are asymptomatic.




Hail Corona-Chan, chant her name, SHOUT HER NAME IN JOY.

>>69211 (checked)

>What are the accuracy rates of those test kits, btw? 30%? 50%? Does anyone even know? lol

They're shit, I just assume most of the negatives are actually positives.


Go back to thread 30 or 29 and control+f "summer". Eggheads at Harvard believe summer won't stop her, So quit spouting this shitty meme.


I love your posts.

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bddf7b  No.69224


Never said carbs were bad, but too much carbs are. Don't be mistaken. I eat a keto diet and do get some carbs and sugar but I am very careful with how much, I try to keep in low. Very seldomly I'll have a sugary snack or a nice juicy hamburger. Potatoes, sometimes yes. Otherwise I typically stick to meat and veggies with a lot of fresh cut spice like ginger and garlic.

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23634b  No.69225

File: ef23ec1596e1573⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Shrine.jpg)

Learn how to spread the blessings of Our Lady Corona Chan, brothers:

1.Coof on your hands to invoke the blessings.

2.Rub your hands on any surface that's likely to be touched by many heathen to consecrate it.

3.Recoof your hands to make sure they don't dry up.

Examples of surfaces that please our Goddess the most:

-Stair rails in shopping centers and metro stations.

-Door knobs in shops, apartment buildings and bathrooms.

-Switches and buttons like public water fountains and light switches.

Remember the greatest virtues of Our Lady:





We're the Keepers of Our Lady: tasked with multiplying and transmitting Her love.

May the heavenly aerosol be sprayed upon you.

May your life be contaminated with happiness.

May your luck be contagious.

May your fervor be epidemic.

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1e3a12  No.69227


>weird predictions of future

I dont need to predict future when we have china and italy in the present tense. Youre the one living in a daze of TV cultured normalcy bias and "everything is an illusion" boomerism. Cant wait for your kind to die off.

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a5cd51  No.69228


>Dow still above 20,000

I hope that fucking nigger crashing below 10,000 and takes out all the boomers with it.

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c642a3  No.69229


> italy

they sold their leather businesses to china, and let people from wuhan work in italian factories (like total greedy morons), and allowed for direct flights from wuhan to north italy. it's not a global heckin emergency. calm down

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1e3a12  No.69230


>its not everywhere and totally uncontained

Filtered for idiocy

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376445  No.69231

File: 5158487ab2dccd3⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 746x1024, 373:512, ES6H_qYWAAcSDYX.jpg)

File: d8e570eb565f32d⋯.jpg (186.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ESzxwpTWoAAdj3z.jpg)


About white women. They don't want to have babies. And, if they are to have babies, they want brown ones.

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ef14df  No.69232


Well hope you know the Jews will still benefit, just not the slave classes or retirees. They know what is going to happen in advance, it is all rigged, they all know how to game this system because they created this rigged game.

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46964a  No.69233


6767 suspects (recently returned from Italy and/or other infested zones)

321 tested overall

3 blessed


Schools/unis/gyms etc closed at capitol for 5weeks, 2weeks other towns

Flights canceled to hotspots since 13

Flights will be canceled BACK TO LITHUANIA FROM HOTSPOTS at 16

2 blessed retards brought Corona-chan from Italy, they knew the risk but still need muh vacation. Fuck knows how many people they have infected while asymptomatic.

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5f9e21  No.69236

File: ea11c5067650e4c⋯.jpg (230.3 KB, 1024x810, 512:405, hitlerchurchill.jpg)



Go back to cuckchan

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376445  No.69237


Well, he obviously is a faggot and had faggot sex with an infectee, just like that Jazz faggotball player. Basketball is the faggiest of all sports, except maybe wrestling.

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000000  No.69238





Nice reddit spacing. You new around here?


>Go back to thread 30 or 29 and control+f "summer". Eggheads at Harvard believe summer won't stop her, So quit spouting this shitty meme.

That's why I said "IF".

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376445  No.69239



I hardly see the point. Yes, MGTOW are wrong about a lot, but they aren't wrong about the statistics. Whites aren't reproducing, and it's not men that are the fault. This is a basic fact of husbandry (ie raising animals). So long as your stud isn't firing blanks, you only need one stud for hundreds of females. So, if your fertility drops, it's a female problem.

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cdf10a  No.69240

File: 6aaafab4c1d2206⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 800x488, 100:61, unnamed_23.jpg)

“We know they are lying, they also know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we also know they know we know they are lying, yet they continue to lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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d33b0f  No.69241

Top kek, Corona-chan is picking her targets well:


>BREAKING: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will self-isolate and work from home as his wife is being tested for coronavirus

Might not be confirmed, but knowing this cuck, he exposed himself in some "diversity" party to appease the Chinese. If I recall, didn't he actually do something like that a month ago?

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376445  No.69242


I am okay with American boomers continuing to be assholes, as long as the US ship is righted, especially if 100% of Europe becomes europoors.

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95fd48  No.69243

File: 5499410bbf2066d⋯.jpeg (229.25 KB, 1263x1451, 1263:1451, gobbi_1924_despondent.jpeg)


>loosing faith

You are forgetting there are many whites like myself, who can survive for a year, or years or more without contacting other humans who are not doing the same thing. Not to mention PPE/decon equipment/procedures/etc to give the best possible chance so that only the best possible whites survive.



Good luck, anon.. report back if you have any news! Thank you.


>Unlocked corona-chan porn

Thanks for the heads up anon.. diggers take note!






If it's nothing, why have you been posting in multiple corona-breads, redditfaggot?

If you keep baiting you will get time out.


>White 6 kids


Actually aiming for more.

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762d71  No.69245

File: 5945c13a46097a6⋯.png (70.91 KB, 778x823, 778:823, cancuck.png)

File: f752929b19e5c65⋯.png (276.4 KB, 581x633, 581:633, corona_chan_laughing_at_yo….png)



If he dies, will he beat /ourgirl/?


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aad621  No.69246


Bulk foods, clean water storage, guns/ammo or other deterrents, OTC meds and vitamins/supplements and proper sanitation supplies. Get any DIY projects you need done. Learn to fortify your doors and windows (any entry points to your home) before chaos arrives and just get whatever you can done while you still can. Time is running out.

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376445  No.69248



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c642a3  No.69249


>If it's nothing, why have you been posting in multiple corona-breads, redditfaggot?

>If you keep baiting you will get time out.

blah blah. facts about the true situation in italy don't phase you, huh.

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2151f0  No.69250


Are you so sure you'll be able to?


The weak purged…. and the rest will be crippled beyond working capacity

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376445  No.69252

How do I send 1 pre-tied noose to general secretary Xi?

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3fd304  No.69254


>You are forgetting there are many whites like myself, who can survive for a year, or years or more without contacting other humans who are not doing the same thing.

Be aware the Jews are also doing this now too.


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e1ebce  No.69255

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376445  No.69257

File: 0c8ac25fcf40a8a⋯.jpg (140.18 KB, 509x436, 509:436, Screenshot_20200312_111235….jpg)


Hard of spirit, actually. But, for better or worse, the US just might pull itself out. The flights ban was a sign. The phonecall to Jim Cramer is another. (off ZH)

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04771d  No.69258

File: a27406c2d575ff8⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 4439x5845, 4439:5845, ordinary_items_and_it_s_mi….jpg)

File: d20d6992a81e391⋯.png (2.03 MB, 2020x832, 505:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b17e31590920f0d⋯.png (1.86 MB, 3768x1423, 3768:1423, ClipboardImage.png)


I mostly want to make components for survival and mixing stuff can poison you so that's a good way to go. Just that living in the southern cone and not being able to purchase them since there are no supplies here and international purchases may be halted within the month makes me dubious

Is the mask chart up to date?

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376445  No.69260


-coof coof-

hello, what is ventilation pipe sticking out of ground?

-coof coof-

perhaps I shall shit in it

-coof coof-

blessings of Our Lady Coronachan upon you, richfag

-coof coof-


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9e6bae  No.69261


Below 20,000 will take out the boomers, coof coof.

With all those care costs and whatnot…

Below 10,000 takes out every big fish kike in the mother fucker.

>Now that the military is down with 'Zone Theory' and has all of it's divorces in order they can now get in bed with Putin.

That is the ultimate reason for the OPEC+ situation. Nobody thought it could be done without starting WWIII, but people at work tell me the silent war will be much sexier than the cold war.


Summer is what they are counting on for their sexy-sick-supple-saucy purge. Fear porn so good I may finally have the 'hands-free nut' I've been so desperate to have.


>To all the committed cultists.

>Praise be to the Goddess,/ourgirl/, the great and powerful Corona-Chan

>To the survivalists that have been edging for 30 years now.

>To all the Demacunts and Republicrats…

>To Greta Thunberg and her fucked up eyes…

Without further ado… No shills no frills… Surprise Anons, you heard it here first from a real government insider. Mankind's futile battle with the Goddess is WWIII. 'Let the bodies hit the floor,' there will be so many the mother fucking earth will shake. WWII will look like playtime with Barney! Her cleansing will be so great people may actually forget about Star Wars Ghost Hitler & his Jedi powers!

Press F to fuck them all with no way out! Because that's is what they are about to do.

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000000  No.69263


>confirms newfag

China has made every attempt to suppress the full gravity of this situation. /pnd/ is the ONLY place that has been showing the wuhan videos, etc. Go back to reddit, it's clear you haven't even been here a week.

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a259b0  No.69264

File: 68573f37b249c50⋯.jpg (349.53 KB, 2800x1700, 28:17, Atwood_Ugly_Old_Bag.jpg)

About the DJIA. . .

Remember that it's all the Boomers have left. 401(((k))) and IRAs and such are their plan for retirement, which is on track to be another 20 years. Crash out this system, and they'll go straight to the federal government for a granny bailout.

Of course the government has no money, so there's only one thing to do. Under one guise or another, it will have to go to the Fed to print trillions of dollars to give to the Boomers.

Are we all ready for that? What will we do when the over-70s in Congress vote their old classmates from the '50s a cost-of-living hike out of debt the half-Mexican Zoomers will never pay? What's the plan?

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95fd48  No.69268


No worries anon, thanks for being considerate and multi replying and behaving. This is a thread for all anons, that's the main thing to consider and I enjoy reading your posts. Just keep playing nice and we can all enjoy the bread together :) Good luck and don't let your ailments stop you, let them help you!


>muh selective fax

Like the 40% death rate and the entire country locked down with multiple anons (whom I can see post history of) saying they are locked down?

You also think that the media is lying, without considering that the medical community is fudging numbers as pneumonia, that there have been gag orders last month on burger doctors/EMS, patients in NZ and abroad to not talk about this shit?

That orange man has been playing it down as well as the media until recently?

I don't know where you rolled in from but your ignorance to the MOUNTAIN of independent evidence and blind trust in some q-fag logic is pathetic, practically everything you have bought up has been discussed and proven wrong ad-nauseum in these breads. Lurk two years you nigger or i'll make you.


Of course the kikes are doing this.

Thing is when they reappear, there could be no structure left for them to parasitise and they will hopefully die, alone.


Wew lad… govt is getting super nervous.

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45e435  No.69270

MSM questions…

Civility, or civil war?


MY RESPONSE: That all depends on the government's actions and what they do. If they leave the majority of us alone while they lock down the major cities, that is fine by me (and most the rest of the nation). If they try to throw the rest of the country into coof camps or try taking our guns? Then expect a nasty civil war in which many have already prepared for!

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376445  No.69271


If the US recovers and the rest of the world is fucked, there will be so many obnoxiuos boomer fags. You've really got to prepare yourself. I know you bought rice and shit, but you're not prepared for the obnoxiousness of the boomer faggot if his 401k prevails, especially if Europe falls into a depression at the same time.

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a259b0  No.69272

File: 8a05482ab61c77d⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 743x492, 743:492, Cuntface_Poo_in_Loo.jpg)


There's something poetic about the King and Queen of Spain receiving Corona-Chan as a retainer. Very majestic, you know?

May She show no mercy on anyone slightly older than myself

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000000  No.69273


>If they try to throw the rest of the country into coof camps or try taking our guns? Then expect a nasty civil war in which many have already prepared for!

There's not enough space for all the people they would have to house in coof camps. I think there will be forced home quarantines though.

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376445  No.69274


Coronachan seems to be a fag hag lol

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d1c3e0  No.69275

File: 7c287bd74ad2dd0⋯.jpg (154.23 KB, 870x1390, 87:139, side_view_of_a_sad_indian_….jpg)


>Total number of passengers screened at airport : 11,14,025

>Total number of confirmed COVID 2019 cases across India : 74


She hates us.


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04771d  No.69276

File: 15a87d193461309⋯.webm (1.61 MB, 400x224, 25:14, stand_up_and_fight.webm)






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3c182c  No.69277

File: faf9ac5bc5c1142⋯.jpg (76.74 KB, 625x468, 625:468, bank.jpg)

File: 551b048527b4595⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 620x334, 310:167, run.jpg)

(((World Markets))) are kill.


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4dca52  No.69278

File: 16fe02569969cc0⋯.jpeg (347.48 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, 94EA7D37_952D_4E02_BC6C_7….jpeg)

File: c1138c04dacb9c4⋯.jpeg (388.11 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, B23C2259_985C_47C3_A57D_C….jpeg)

Lower lower Manhattan anon checking in.

My based Yale graduate, racist against blacks, Chinese gf sent me this just now. I didn’t have sore throat and I think I have lung fluid and not fibrosis based on the test in pics related. I love her because we are both fascist at heart.

I wanted a white gf here and tried a talk one out, but they are so kiked and she said she knows the holohoax is real because her boss’s parents were holocaust survivors. And all races are the same it’s white peoples fault blacks are poor.

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376445  No.69279


>implying india has testing facilities

>reminder even the us can't into testing for Our Lady Coronachan

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000000  No.69280


>The weak purged…. and the rest will be crippled beyond working capacity

I will work for my family until they put me in the ground. If I can't walk because I can't breathe, I will use my hands. Where is your white spirit?

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1e558a  No.69281


>I think there will be forced home quarantines though.

As a prepper I don't mind this, in fact, I'd likely be self-quarantining by then anyway in my barricaded home. As long as they leave me and my property alone there won't be anything nasty happening around here.

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000000  No.69283


>As a prepper I don't mind this, in fact, I'd likely be self-quarantining by then anyway in my barricaded home. As long as they leave me and my property alone there won't be anything nasty happening around here.

Exactly anon. Any anon who has been here a month should be prepped up enough to survive a few months self-imposed quarantine.

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41ba07  No.69284



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c8ef89  No.69285




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3c182c  No.69286

File: 25a224da4ab22f7⋯.png (10.25 KB, 325x209, 325:209, tumbling.png)

Tumbling down…

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376445  No.69287


>dry cough

Seems correct

<10 ft.

Their information is old. It's nearly 15 ft. Which means you want to be 20 ft. away, to be safe from the sneezes.


Yep, it's passing as a fag bug.



Just hoping the PPT saves the US economy while I still rely on it. Meanwhile, home confinement is basically inevitable. If you have a yard, thank your lucky stars, since, in the US, you'll be allowed to actually be in your yard, at least. (UK read: garden)

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000000  No.69288


>“We know they are lying, they also know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we also know they know we know they are lying, yet they continue to lie.”

Elena Gorokhova is not Solzhenitsyn.

Elena Gorokhova is not Chinese.

Solzhenitsyn is not Chinese either.

But it still a good quote about (((rats))).



Beautiful. Praise Kek. Please, please, please let this be both true and excruciatingly fatal. Squash that zogpuppet like Godzilla stomping a cockroach.

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9e6bae  No.69289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lets not forget the CDC taking all those phones for 'muh investigations.' YouTube censoring is one thing, but a blatant lack of fear porn on Bitchute is a dead giveaway.


I can repeat what they told me (one of only three times my CO has ever yelled in my face). They want a whiter and at the very least healthier America. It boils down to the military getting their much desired just deserts from a government that has used the absolute unholy fuck out of them and slaughtered our boys. MSM may call it a civil war, but these people aren't our citizens. Those 80 million spics were warned for over 40 years. They don't want you anon they want them. When they delivered that 'message' to the 'president' on his plane I knew right away. It was 'our boys' that tested them when they boarded. It was the onboard kit they used to figure it out later.


FEMA isn't coof camps anon. It's the fence that keeps the sheeple safe while all these colors get 'rearranged.' PinkFloyd's Dark Side Of The Moon with Brain Damage & Eclipse will be the anthem. All the biggest players are joining /ourgirls/ mighty unified front for one hell of a battle.

The 'second impact' will be the hardest. 18 months is such an odd number indeed.

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04771d  No.69290


>10 percent drop

Wew, I thought only crypto was capable of doing that

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57b53c  No.69291



> dont be too gleeful when you hear people like Tom Hanks got the virus. Hes probably lying, and using it as an excuse to hunker down and stay out of sight. Lots of elites will claim they are infected, so they can flee, and no one will question thier absence.

My thoughts exactly. And he conveniently out of the country.


Sup ferryanon.


Oh I totally agree, it's so racist to think it's a Chinese bioweapon.


>Get more water in you.

Good advice to life.


It's been nice. The headlines 99% Coronavirus rather than demons shouting. It's going to be fun to see what they will eventually say about Trumps actions with this..just as soon as they're done traveling to Elysium.


Kiddiepoolanon just say you're sick for a week. Next week we may have more facts as to what to do.


Been noticing shills here and in personal life, family members (some idiots) are INSISTING Trump looked and sounded sick last night…I didn't think so. Anyone else?


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c8ef89  No.69293

File: 011a0a18d5d3a01⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 810x454, 405:227, TRUDEAU_NEWSLETTER_MARCH3_….jpg)

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000000  No.69295


>Been noticing shills here and in personal life, family members (some idiots) are INSISTING Trump looked and sounded sick last night…I didn't think so. Anyone else?

It could have been his serious face, but one eye was nearly closed. I didn't notice the coughing that others did. However, the guy has been in nonstop meetings with (((insurance companies))), (((bankers))), the (((CDC))) and others.

He's just lucky both want to comply with his requests. If the (((insurance companies))) try not paying 100% for coronavirus treatment, people won't get treatment and the virus will spead, wiping them out. The bankers are also looking down the barrel of massive defaults. It makes sense for them to offer something of a payment holiday or increased liquidity or the bankers are also going belly up from all the defaults.


>Just hoping the PPT saves the US economy while I still rely on it.

Well, you won't be the only one fucked. Most investments are going to shit. I'm slightly worried about my real estate investment, but I'm glad I'm mostly cash right now. Anyone holding cash at the end of this can snap up some real bargains. Unless Trump prints enough to make it worthless. Fug.

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376445  No.69296


Apparently his wife got sick in the UK. Flights to the US from the UK aren't blocked (yet, they will be, though probably not soon enough).

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555455  No.69298


>I can repeat what they told me (one of only three times my CO has ever yelled in my face). They want a whiter and at the very least healthier America. It boils down to the military getting their much desired just deserts from a government that has used the absolute unholy fuck out of them and slaughtered our boys. MSM may call it a civil war, but these people aren't our citizens.

Good to know. So if the MSM starts screaming 'civil war' it likely is only chimp outs and antifa goons in the city streets? Yah, fine by me too. I would never go out of my way to save those nutjubs either.

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8b51ab  No.69299


The kikes are about to steal the whole world's wealth, but hopefully it will be the wake up call whites need as their inflated standard of living crashes and shitskins run wild in the streets

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f5140a  No.69300

File: db567de1c18d19e⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB, 320x440, 8:11, Italy_Hazmat_dudes_taking_….mp4)

File: 6702ec69fb7cbf1⋯.mp4 (926.69 KB, 360x542, 180:271, Italy_Hazmat_dudes_taking_….mp4)

File: bd04f6b0e980a33⋯.mp4 (12.25 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Chink_cops_arrest_a_chink_….mp4)

File: d1c832367810d8f⋯.png (186.3 KB, 677x840, 677:840, chinks_blaming_burgerland.png)

Chinkland claims the Burger military released Corona-Chan there https://archive.is/7H3Ao ; Chink cops arrest a chink for just reminded one of them to put on his mask and videos from Pastaland showing hazmat dudes carrying a collapsed man out of a subway station.


Reminder to only spread her love to nonwhites and other undesirables.



First of all torpedo, I have been here since the first Exodus and I remember the early days of when posting from tor was allowed, there were anons freaking out about the 0000 IDs, then when everyone got used to torpedoes, anyone surprised by tor IDs was easily singled out as a newfag. I was just separating my news from my blogpost to make it easier on the eyes, or else it would have been an ugly wall of text. Second, my faith tells me that whenever eggheads say positive things about Corona-Chan, they're right, when they say something negative about her, they're wrong. At the end of the day, I don't really give a shit about their data and their studies, it's all just noise to me. Hail Corona-Chan, faith is everything.


He's going to be confirmed to be blessed, just believe it.



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441bf6  No.69301



Trudeau broken >>68264

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e1ebce  No.69302

Has italy really not reported any cases today!?


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376445  No.69303


If you're not China, why are you putting 2 spaces after every period?

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1e3a12  No.69304


I cant tell if you are a legit high level SOCOM insider or just a national guard pug with a racist staff sergeant. Hoping for the former but not holding my breath.

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c8ef89  No.69306


Justin himself was at a conference in Toronto that corona-chan is now known to have attended. They likely both got it independently.

World leaders collapsing when?

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e1ebce  No.69308


Any jewtube links to pastas collapsing in public like this? - I want to share with normies.

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c8ef89  No.69309

File: d8a3c90718f54dd⋯.png (284.91 KB, 495x489, 165:163, doubtdoubleu.png)


they can't keep up and therefore haven't reported the numbers yet

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376445  No.69310



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376445  No.69311


The way to do it is to download it to your phone and show it to them directly. Otherwise, you can't be sure the message goes through correctly.

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376445  No.69312


They're soon enough to be dropping like flies from Coronachan.

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df179d  No.69313


I think their plans and hubris might be backfiring on them. I have faith - not trust - but faith that our military can restore things back to normal in this country. By normal I don't mean the modern current subversive norms we see today. As far as trust? They'll have to earn it and that will take some dedication and time.

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9e6bae  No.69314


I will be dick drilling for the Trump truth tomorrow.

>Trump looked so orange he was almost RED.

I bet the Goddess filled him so full of blessings it's leaking out of his ass right now.


I've been studying the MSM super hard. They are pushing chimpout validation soooo fucking hard right now. They are 'latent image' bombing the fuck out of anybody they can. In 'merica we are good, they aren't after us. They will keep any civilized orderly 'member' of society they can.


Well, honestly the military is preparing to steal us back away from the kikes. That was the point of them doing the market thing with Putin.


I'm just a janitor at this crazy place. I'm one of the only people in the building that isn't actually military, shame really. I should've enlisted, but I am terrified of all those crazy chemicals.


Please spread the word to all Qtards and Libtards that this is not a hoax, but please film the looks on their faces. I do like some variety in my fear porn.

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376445  No.69315

File: 83daa00458761ce⋯.jpg (147.93 KB, 614x505, 614:505, Screenshot_20200312_115128….jpg)

New rule: If it sucks China's duck, it's all coofed up.

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376445  No.69316

More china:


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376445  No.69317


>Xi is dead

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376445  No.69319

Let's get the rumor started everywhere:

Xi is dead. Appearances are faked. Nobody in the West has verified that he lives.

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d33b0f  No.69321


They usually update their numbers in about 4 minutes from now.

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06498c  No.69322


Thanks to everyone who replied to me, my manager completely understood and is allowing me to take indefinite leave. My family is prepared and my grandmother is about to go buy a shitton of groceries and supplies, and I think I’ll go with her despite my fears it’s already around our area. I have full face respirators for her and myself, though she doesn’t want to use them yet. I think we’ll be alright in the end. Fuck this gay earth.

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376445  No.69323

File: cc1f4a83887d627⋯.jpg (86.2 KB, 1065x277, 1065:277, Screenshot_20200312_115856….jpg)


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d631c3  No.69324

File: 0ea4eb6fdceb741⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 600x532, 150:133, 0ea4eb6fdceb741eca85594fa5….jpg)

Why aren't people taking this seriously at all? Everyone's still traveling across the world and upset if they can't, everyone's still gathering together in large groups and conferences, everyone's swarming around in public places more than before, I still have to go to work where everyone's joking about about "haha what if X happens" but nobody even considers the possibility of staying home or working from home, everyone's coughing and sneezing at each other and bringing their faces really close.

Is this some fucking zombie disease in disguise or have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

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b39f11  No.69326

File: 2ae3980a4b204c6⋯.png (191.81 KB, 500x483, 500:483, Why_I_m_antisocial.png)


>or have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

Yes. Normalcattle are subhuman.

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a01a79  No.69327


>have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

Yes. I've had a similar experience in my office.

They are fucking subhuman and going to get themselves killed.

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13dabe  No.69328


> Q-tards are still convinced this is a hoax

Yeah, there's no reasoning with some people.



> Xi is dead

There was some scuttlebut in an early thread that he'd become infected when visiting Wuhan some weeks before the outbreak. I guess the guy doing appearances is his body double? Still looking for sauce/proof for that one.


> Grandma won't wear a respirator

Make her do it. Throw a fit if you have to. Like, start flopping around your kitchen floor crying, and don't stop until she puts on the respirator. Better yet, make her stay home while YOU go out and get shit. Remember to not any part of your body while you're out - do not scratch that itch. It's harder than it sounds, but I know from experience.


> People are not taking it seriously

It's because of normalcy bias. Most people have never experienced anything negative in their lives, so they're incapable of accepting that something could actually happen to them. Sickness is something that happens to other people.

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762d71  No.69329

File: 97d64bd9c09985e⋯.png (328.2 KB, 772x730, 386:365, WERE_GONNA_DIE.png)

File: 5962c459b9a46d8⋯.png (30.31 KB, 798x278, 399:139, SPORTS_BALL_APOCALYPSE.png)

File: 8b0e81a0397ecfd⋯.png (85.63 KB, 1100x823, 1100:823, SPARE_GEORGIA_PLS.png)

File: ddce303496590b1⋯.png (76.68 KB, 1082x1403, 1082:1403, stop_complaining.png)

File: 7ac8213bfe57078⋯.png (135.58 KB, 1106x1473, 1106:1473, Ebola_suits.png)

Update on CDC-Land (Archive.is is busy right now and gives me the Jewgle Captcha and Wayback Machine is acting kiked as always, so I apologize if I don't have an archive link):

First Boomer to be expunged by Corona-chan:


Sports Apocalypse 2020 Continues:


Actual Cases to 12, Presumptive (Meaning It's Actual, But They're Afraid to Admit It) Cases to 19:


A selfish boomer complains about being taken care of and not being outside where he could infect many:


He calls the medical hazmat suits, "Ebola suits".

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b24baf  No.69330


The zombie disease spread around 2007, and it is called the iPhone. Infected people can barely be without their babysitter device, and parrot NPC lines such as; "Diversity is our greatest strength," "love is love," "refugees welcome," "no human is illegal," "So what if they [fags] marry, they're not harming anyone," "It's [current year] so we need X", etc. If Corona were instead a computer virus that could destroy a phone, you would see an appropriate level of concern from the masses.

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4941b9  No.69331


If legit, this could be a real "draining of the swamp" (not necessarily by Trump but the good 'ol boys in the ranks). Hoping so. Long overdue.

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cddc25  No.69332


supplies are out in my town, toilet paper is now a precious commodity. only 3 were confirmed in my state in a city about 3 hours from me. I think people are taking this serious.

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95ad17  No.69333

File: cc060b089e5ad5c⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1112x1589, 1112:1589, 2yg87r.png)

a meme for normal fags, has some good effect

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d33b0f  No.69334

You know it's getting serious when you read things like this:


>UK Prime Minister Johnson: "This is the worst public health crisis for a generation. Some people compare it to seasonal flu, alas that is not right owing to the lack of immunity this disease is more dangerous."

Well the blame the media for that comparison. They played the "just a flu" narrative too hard when it was the most crucial time to prepare and act. Now when it's way too late, now they try to admit it's a serious issue.

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ccd13f  No.69335

File: f8c329d1bdb7b80⋯.jpg (238.49 KB, 686x584, 343:292, 1447207202148.jpg)


>have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

Yes. Normalniggers can only act when consensus has been achieved because women have destroyed society. Caring about not dying makes you look foolish and everything is about appearances, not about future planning. Better to joke and seem in control now than be worked up and safer later. At least you will be in vogue when panicking later with the rest of the idiots.

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99c45b  No.69336


Yesterday at the hardware store I saw a guy stocking up on paper towels and I kinda assumed right off the bat why.

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0e5c7b  No.69337



Here's an entertaining thought for you. What if Xi and Xi's body double both came down with the coof.. and they're not sure which one they saved?

Remember the story about Saddam's son's double, who used his ability to mimic to escape after years of torment?

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000000  No.69338


>Why aren't people taking this seriously at all?

I've got more than one year's of supplies and have had my family and house on full lockdown for 5-weeks now. The number of people around here that consider me eccentric are declining at the same rate the jewbug escalates; go figure.

Normalfags? They were taught what to think rather than how to think. They were too preoccupied with lemming tattoos, social media, and other jew filth, to ever imagine they might have to act like men some day.

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1180b6  No.69339

File: 6412374b97b10bf⋯.png (36.59 KB, 790x588, 395:294, covid_19.png)


stay safe anon, corona-chan is growing in (((broward))) went from 4 to 7 overnight, jews are gonna die soon

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9e6bae  No.69340


I don't have conclusive proof of his coof yet…

Word was that he was the infected patient that received the emergency lung transplant.


It's festered for so long and it's 2020, times have changed. Trump has spurred it along and they love it. This land, our people, and our history is what it's all about.


A little fetched, but in light of the aforementioned circumstances I wouldn't be terribly surprised.

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620812  No.69341

BREAKING: Italy reports 2,651 new cases of coronavirus and 189 new deaths, raising total to 15,113 cases and 1,016 dead


Pastaniggers are dropping like flies.

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620812  No.69342


Post the link please.

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57b53c  No.69344


Thanks for these! 1st. vid. even their cough sounds Italian. Does anyone know the location in the 1st vid.?

As for the Chinese Foreign Minister accusing US of the virus…this type of news in China is the everyday normal, their plot line when shit goes bad there. Their propaganda machine is enormous. A lot of their news blames US and other countries for all their woes. It's drilled into the Chinese everyday "No, China no do this…Brutal America try hurt us again with their virus and Capitalism!" Again, thanks for the videos! More if you find them.


>Why aren't people taking this seriously at all?

Did /pnd/ get invaded since yesterday? Late afternoon yesterday started seeing GLP/reddit/4ch anons daring to speak to us here. Meh! As for this anons post…are you surprised no one understands the danger of the virus? They are typically everyday idiots with zero interest in self preservation because why be worried about this thing? America will coddle most everyone, aside from white people. The everyday folks wouldn't be able to handle the realization of what's happening here. Their mind would recoil in horror, they are not emotionally available to even think about this being more than a bad flu. A family members spouse is flying out today to some other state for a couple of days. They are all now on my 'won't be seeing them in person for while' list.

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b24baf  No.69345


Bloody hell. It doesn't seem to be killing whites in France and Germany like this, what is going on with Italy?

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d33b0f  No.69346


If the trend holds, in a couple of days it'll exceed 300-400 deaths per day. In about a week they'll be more deaths in Italy than what China claims to have since the beginning of the outbreak.

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c8ef89  No.69347

File: bef6c2e662f060b⋯.jpg (113.98 KB, 852x480, 71:40, spilled.jpg)



Italy is showing the true colors of corona-chan

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57b53c  No.69348


Didn't you say this yesterday? Wtf does it even mean?

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74d17c  No.69350


normalcy bias an an inability to understand exponential growth. also a complicit mass media not warning people of the dangers, if not outright censoring people who tell the truth. Not everyone is a dissident or we'd have already won long ago.

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1180b6  No.69351

File: a067d765bc4b1e7⋯.jpg (61.63 KB, 700x599, 700:599, 96936326d5e09935d14953749e….jpg)



Ten new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Florida, bringing the total to 34, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday.

Thirty-three percent of Florida’s cases are associated with Nile River cruises, DeSantis said at a news conference at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

DeSantis also announced measures to address the current bottleneck in testing for coronavirus, saying that the state had purchased some 2,500 commercial testing kits that would allow labs to more rapidly test for the pathogen.

The governor also urged those organizing big events such as concerts, fairs and sporting events to “strongly limit or postpone” the activities. If such activities were to move forward, they must adequately screen participants for symptoms of the virus at the entrance.

Among the newly announced cases of COVID-19:

A 65-year-old man in Broward who is isolated and will continue to remain isolated until cleared by public health officials. It is unclear if this was a travel-related case.

A 61-year-old man in Broward who is also isolated. This is a travel-related case and is associated with Port Everglades.

A 57-year-old man in Lee County who is also currently isolated. It is unclear if this was a travel-related case.

Additionally, a passenger who arrived at Palm Beach International Airport on a Jet Blue flight was a “positive patient” for COVID-19, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue said shortly after 1 a.m. Thursday.

The flight from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport landed at PBIA shortly before 9 p.m.

All passengers in the vicinity of the patient were instructed about monitoring procedures and other concerns by health department officials and allowed to go home, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Capt. Albert Borroto said in an email.

Palm Beach International Airport is sterilizing the area where passengers got off the plane — which officials say is a separate location from the airport’s main terminals.

map: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-florida-statewide-confirmed-case-map-20200312-no4rv7a36rc5pmme3lcfnfklla-htmlstory.html

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000000  No.69352


It's called French spacing, and it means I learned to type on a manual typewriter, something you have probably only ever seen in a museum (not insulting, just true, my kids haven't seen one either). Not boomer though, just genX. I don't see why any Chinese would use French spacing, they have probably only learned to type in the past 10 years or so. Nice catch though anon.


>Trump looked so orange he was almost RED.

MSM thinks it's funny to tweak the color and make Trump super orange. They have been doing this forever. It's not indicative of anything other than the MSM hates Trump.

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620812  No.69353


The rest of Europe is 1-2 weeks behind Italy, we'll have to wait a bit more to see what's gonna happen.

Also, Italians behave like niggers. Escaping quarantine and traveling to neighboring countries.

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06c103  No.69354


Yes I mentioned it. It means that most likely toilet paper is running low or out in my small town.

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f5140a  No.69355

File: 08abe6a6ccd1d0e⋯.png (34.11 KB, 553x250, 553:250, bolivia.png)

File: f043949eb97d419⋯.png (23.05 KB, 537x163, 537:163, puerto_spico_and_winsconsi….png)

File: 94c491831286ccd⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB, 1278x682, 639:341, Iranian_mullah_tells_peopl….mp4)

File: 0c6acc5f8e31fe5⋯.png (407.85 KB, 888x821, 888:821, orange_county.png)

File: 4a50decea7a43c8⋯.png (288.49 KB, 501x858, 167:286, imperial_county.png)

Puerto Spico and Wisconsin declare state of emergency; Cocaland declares state of emergency and shuts down schools, flights from Yurop and events with more than a thousand coca chewers; Iranian Mullah tells mudslimes to kiss each other and shake hands to build immunity and new confirmed cases in Orange County NY, and Imperial County in Commiefornia. **No archives because archiving site is being an ass right now


>World leaders collapsing when?



Nope. Don't expect to find videos of droppers collapsed people on Jewtube, they're shoah'ing everything Corona-Chan related that they can find an excuse for.


>The way to do it is to download it to your phone and show it to them directly.

Checking your doubles for posting good advice.


Haven't we been doing that already, ever since he disappeared for some weeks after meeting with doctors from Wuhan? I think it happened around early February, but I can't remember exactly. Time is just one big mishmash for me right now, can't keep track of shit


Is this some fucking zombie disease in disguise or have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

Normalcattle are just stupid like that.




Archive.is seems fucked to me too. Good to see a fellow newsposter, I feel like I have been slacking off in that front recently. I'm still a strong videoposter though. I like your formatting too.


>Well the blame the media for that comparison. They played the "just a flu" narrative too hard when it was the most crucial time to prepare and act.

Many ZOGs around the world spouted the flu meme too, not just the media, journos and talking heads were the loudest though.


>What if Xi and Xi's body double both came down with the coof.. and they're not sure which one they saved?


>>69344 (checked)

>Thanks for these! 1st. vid. even their cough sounds Italian. Does anyone know the location in the 1st vid.?

You're welcome, I believe they're from the same location and from the same case, just different moments and angles.

>Again, thanks for the videos! More if you find them.

You can count on me to keep up the videoposting effort.


Stay safe and away from airports, Floridian anons.


Manual typewriters are comfy, I have used one before.

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c8ef89  No.69356


You are correct that it is for toilet paper. Torontonians (where I'm stuck) are stocking up on paper towel because there's no more TP.

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74d17c  No.69357


italy caught it earlier, they are further along the exponential curve. France and Germany will be like this in 10-12 days, unless the sun intervenes.


We'll see, the new york cluster doesn't seem to be getting much of that. They likely had a hand in designing this thing after all, it may well turn out to be "just the flu" for them.

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4f6fe9  No.69359


If I drove 50 miles to the nearest Costco or Sams Clubs near the metro suburbs I likely wouldn't find any left at this point. So glad I stocked up on ALL the basic essentials. Feeling pretty comfy doing so.

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000000  No.69360

>>69355 (checked)

>Manual typewriters are comfy, I have used one before.

They are probably cool for novelty, but they really suck. You have to type super slow or the keys jam, resetting the carriage feed sucks, typos suck (ugh, those white typeover strips), having a bent hammer sucks, I don't miss them.

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bcf774  No.69361


They are in denial and coping. They have never had a serious threat to their lives or been in a serious situation. They only know they can always just walk down the street to find food, the water always comes out when they turn it on, and they can get anything they need from the store. They also are arrogant and think that because they live in a developed society that nothing bad can happen to them. I don't think Corona will be this bad, but they are completely ignorant of how the mightiest civilizations in human history have all completely folded and gone back to being uncivilied.

There is now a possibility that can happen. And they don't want to believe it. So they turn it into a joke to help them deny it could happen.

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3e2b38  No.69362


>World leaders collapsing when?

I wonder who is going to replace them? Will it be military control over the country? This may not be such a bad thing but who knows really. All depends who makes the major decisions.

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cddc25  No.69365


I really fucking hope corona blesses El Salvador, the homeland of the MS13, especially that fucking prison they control, it would be great to see how they handle a virus.

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cab258  No.69366


There is a term for this, I think it is called cognitive dissonance. Basically when people face real threats their emotions cause massive spikes of stress, so the brain reacts in a "defense mechanism" comforting them through denial, cynicism and hubris. It's like shutting off an alarm to go back to sleep.

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620812  No.69367


UK's chief scientific adviser says real number of people infected with coronavirus in the UK is likely between 5,000 and 10,000, says UK appears to be 4 weeks behind Italy


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04771d  No.69368

File: 47ba9187b7f1ee6⋯.png (157.09 KB, 326x323, 326:323, jesus_christ_how_horrifyin….png)

FED printed 1 Trillion into the economy to avoid the downturn but it keeps going down.

What are the consequences

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762d71  No.69369

File: ec2f7341a83d398⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 609x345, 203:115, Globohomo_Banking_Holiday2.jpg)

File: d8c48fb2ed354b0⋯.png (360.48 KB, 766x4270, 383:2135, Global_Banking_Holiday.png)

File: 3f6c4c9336dae54⋯.png (10.64 KB, 649x155, 649:155, Globohomo_Banking_Holiday2….png)


Those digits have a good effect! Thanks for the meme too!


Nice dubs!

>Good to see a fellow newsposter

I'm mainly doing it for my home town, in case there's another GA-fag here.

> I like your formatting too.


>I feel like I have been slacking off in that front recently. I'm still a strong videoposter though.

Your work is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your hard work!

Globahomo Banks and the Feds are pumping like hell. Not that effective if current stocks are anything to go by. Also posting a post from a leddit armchair analyst, not sure if it's worth anything at the moment.

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04771d  No.69371

File: d1228e65179a9ac⋯.png (659.75 KB, 1204x1853, 1204:1853, ClipboardImage.png)

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a5a36a  No.69372


Hyperinflation and the eventual death of modern fiat currency.

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131a37  No.69373



First, mass deflation which doesn't seem all that bad, then comes the hyperinflation. Next the death of fiat currency as commodities and precious metal values soar up, up, up. Eventually - if allowed and accepted again - another fiat currency will follow.

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620812  No.69374

File: c1b4049daa4cb04⋯.mp4 (508.14 KB, 384x288, 4:3, cyber_police.mp4)

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da1afe  No.69375

File: d3ca0c1c1bb4232⋯.jpg (108.05 KB, 560x699, 560:699, watching_in_mild_disgust.jpg)

File: ad147caf7b96526⋯.jpg (513.08 KB, 513x720, 57:80, coming_soon_to_a_palace_ne….jpg)


The FED is retarded. No amount of monopoly money can save the economy if it depends on just in time deliveries from a country that's currently getting gangbanged by the four horsemen, old-testament style.

They built a fragile system because it's more efficient that way and now something went wrong and it all comes crashing down.

Hayek was right, Chesterton was right, Evola was right, this is going to be remembered as the Bronze Age collapse boogaloo: why are people still so retarded millenia later edition.

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000000  No.69377


>FED printed 1 Trillion into the economy to avoid the downturn but it keeps going down.

>What are the consequences

One nation's Weimar 1.0 begat NSDAP so, ideally, multinational Weimar 2.0 will lead to multinational NSDAP.

All the more reason to stay healthy and safe, lads.

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c8ef89  No.69378

File: 2f254e1901f1ea9⋯.jpg (94.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kill.jpg)

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620812  No.69380

Spain has reported 782 new cases of coronavirus and 31 new deaths so far today, raising the country's total to 3,059 cases and 86 dead


Sandniggers are falling apart.

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ee4d8c  No.69381


Austrian economics was the solution all along. Today they don't teach that in economic classes from what I hear, they only focus on third world Keynesian economics (proven time and time over to always fail). That's why so many millennials support more debt and endless govt spending, this is all they were told in the schools to accept! And dare not question it or fail!

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c8ef89  No.69382


It's gonna be Moorish Iberia very soon. Mudslime hoards in 10

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b4cf97  No.69383


Austrian economics isn't the solution to anything. It is jewish nonsense. It becomes VERY apparent how jewish this board and others like it actually by how often these nonsensical and, more importantly, proven not to work policies keep getting regurgitated.

NSDAP only.

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ca1589  No.69386

File: 917ec6cf4ca206e⋯.png (22.6 KB, 122x109, 122:109, amy.png)


Most people are either selfish or stupid or a mixture of both.

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485db4  No.69387

File: 2597ec5bbbc12be⋯.png (183.13 KB, 1000x421, 1000:421, 01.png)

File: 0d0c88977f64bfd⋯.png (90.68 KB, 992x319, 992:319, 02.png)

File: 88ebc16aa989313⋯.png (179.57 KB, 992x664, 124:83, 03.png)

File: f505b76f2ad1565⋯.png (90.23 KB, 974x403, 974:403, 04.png)

File: c762c697fd898aa⋯.png (107.88 KB, 991x519, 991:519, 05.png)



Capped this from 1/2 chan /biz about the repo bullshit.

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1180b6  No.69388


In Broward all of the cases are still connected with Port Everglades

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57b53c  No.69390


> I don't think Corona will be this bad

So..you're like them, then.

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13dabe  No.69391


> No proof that Xi is infected, but the rumor persists

From the recent public appearances he's made, I would buy the story that it's a body-double filling in for him.


> French spacing

That's also how I was taught to type, on a DEC VT220 terminal. You know that double-spacing after a period is correct because MS Office's autocorrect will create an extra-wide space automatically, for those niggers who never learned correctly.


> Time is just one big mishmash for me right now, can't keep track of shit

I'm in the same situation. Hang tight, Bruder, we'll make it.


> Anon already grabbed the essentials

Good work. Now go acquire the things that would be "nice" to have. Gasoline and stabilizer should be on your list.


> Manual typewriters suck

This, totally, 100%.



> Cognitive dissonance

Yep. The normie-tards refuse to believe things that are unpleasant, regardless of how true they are.



> Death of the Fed

Sounds good, but what's going to replace it?


> Austrian economics is right

They got the math right, but not the culture. Free economies cannot exist with the presence of kikes and niggers.


> Austrian econ is (((nonsense)))

It makes assumptions about the good behavior of mankind, which is valid among humans. But kikes and niggers ruin everything. I'm also torn about my feelings towards Rothbard - he's a kike, but he forsook kikedom and became a Catholic. Was the conversion genuine? Is it possible for a kike to stop being a kike? These are questions for another thread.

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f31457  No.69392


Italy has the deadlier strain the Israelis seeded in Iran.

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5906e9  No.69393

File: 01bef1ead955c3e⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 900x500, 9:5, Kaihin_Makuhari_Station_00….jpg)

File: ff3c32b329ef941⋯.jpg (99.15 KB, 840x550, 84:55, crowded_subways.jpg)

File: 3bcf0a2b08f6da2⋯.png (920.01 KB, 1152x767, 1152:767, rushhour_subway.png)

How the fuck does Japan only have 638 cases and 16 dead??

They don't have a full nation wide lockdown like Italy.

Corona-Chan should've ripped through them like a grass fire. What the fuck?

Japan doesn't have an incentive to lie like other countries do.

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cddc25  No.69394


>Japan doesn't have an incentive to lie like other countries do.

The jewlympics

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13dabe  No.69395


> Why aren't the Nips sicker?

It's because they're humans. They practice hygeine, and they work together towards their common good. They also started testing early, and didn't fuck around with travel to-and-from Chinkland.

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762d71  No.69396


The same fucking reason the Worst Koreans and Chinese have low numbers.

Or the same reason the JAL Flight #123 in the 80s had so many casualties despite a helicopter U.S. Marine regiment close by that night were ready to help the victims.

Or the same reason we had Chernobyl 2: Fukushima Boogaloo.

These people would rather lie bout extinction than to lose an ounce of "muh honor".

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8143dc  No.69397


I think everyone knows by now the usa unleashed this on Iran. Tough chink luck they do business with Iran. It must have seemed like a godsend when reports first emerged in China (or they worried somehow Iran was in the clear).

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3c182c  No.69399

File: 55414240fc1ad69⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 976x509, 976:509, repos.jpg)


>FED printed 1 Trillion into the economy to avoid the downturn but it keeps going down.



> announcing a total of $1 trillion in 3-month repos over two days ($500BN today, $500BN tomorrow), as well as an additional $500BN in one-month repos offered weekly, which means up to $3 trillion in cumulative repos.

FED PUMPS $3,000,000,000,000 INTO MARKET


They could have given every single American about $10,000.

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b4583b  No.69400

File: 47c2237b248c952⋯.png (161.81 KB, 299x300, 299:300, Cat_mask_nya_300x300.png)


Japs already wore masks before the virus

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d8907d  No.69401


>Corona wont be this bad.

Kinda dick way of looking at shit. We might be fine but say that to the 80 year old fuck that survived all sorts of crazy shit only to be taken out by a virus most likely caused because the Chinese are fucking backwards downs syndrome looking retards that eat bats.

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fcaa54  No.69402

Does anyone have any proof that this is a bioweapon? Or is it just a natural virus?

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d33b0f  No.69403

Is this some kind of joke?


>White House says no need to test Trump and Pence after Brazilian government spokesman tests positive for coronavirus, says they had "almost no interactions"

Now just a reminder that Corona-chan is aerosol airborne and persist in air for at least half an hour. Just being in the same room within 4-5 meters for a few seconds is an immediate risk. And they're saying it's not necessary to test?

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000000  No.69404


>How the fuck does Japan only have 638 cases and 16 dead??

Relatively healthy population, possibly the world's healthiest. Although they may be understating numbers because Le Olympicball. The smart Nips surely have identified by now that their Olympicballs will be cancelled.

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3c8d0f  No.69405


I wondered the same with Taiwan.

Just found this,


seems like they actually took measures relatively early on instead of pretending it's just a flu bro

Western countries could learn from this.. but they won't.

I don't know about Japan yet but my best guess is they acted similarly and early too.

it could all have been prevented, if only they listened

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d8907d  No.69406

File: da9b0c58ec3e691⋯.png (65.96 KB, 446x401, 446:401, retards.png)


There is a lab in Wuhan and shit like SARS also started in Wuhan. Even if its not a bioweapon it was still most likely caused by the gooks eating stuff they should not eat and not being truthful when shit hit the fan.

Gooks are retarded and untrustworthy.

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f5140a  No.69407

File: 8519b8cff70156f⋯.png (222.61 KB, 462x879, 154:293, brownzilian_update.png)

File: 6dbd53895f9cea0⋯.gif (41.35 KB, 448x260, 112:65, Corona_Chan_Cult.gif)

File: edb9cf7c1f7e7fe⋯.png (851.01 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Corona_Chan_holding_a_skul….png)

File: 01dc5f560355738⋯.webm (12.28 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Chaos_Rising_Orchestrated….webm)

Unofficial but soon to be confirmed Brownzilian Update: We're now at 70 confirmed symptomatic cases

16 new confirmed symptomatic cases in São Paulo, 2 In Pernambuco and 1 in Bahia

>They finally announced the arrival of the Goddess in my state

I had a premonition that the time to receive my blessings was arriving, now Corona-Chan finally made her presence known near my home. My last prayers have already been made in the first post of this thread, the days where I will carry out my mission of aiding her directly are quickly approaching. Her love will spread itself quickly in this rotten land full of subhuman hives, and I will make sure to do my part. Only the smartest and strongest whites will survive her trial. Soon, there will be no more nigger music and ooking coming from the favelas, only sounds of painful coofing and the cries of agony as the subhumans suffer under her heels.



>They are probably cool for novelty, but they really suck.

Yeah, they're really outdated now. Aside from being careful to avoid making typos, I don't remember having any issues with the one I used nearly two decades ago.


>I wonder who is going to replace them? Will it be military control over the country?

Either military juntas or a gaggle of jews and their shabbos goyim.


I just hope she completely cleanses Spic America as a whole, just sparing some based parts with whites like Chile, Argentina and Southern Brownzil. All three of them have a serious kike and commie infestation, but that can be dealt with easily if they really want to


Best of luck to Britbongistan, Corona-Chan will make the United Kingdom British again!


>Hang tight, Bruder, we'll make it.

I will hang tight until the day Corona-Chan liberates my soul. My destiny is not to survive this, but to join the rest of the brown corpses in the future Brownzilian mass graves. I will make sure to do part in filling them up.


This, Nips will be the only survivors, along with whites.


She's way too powerful to be natural. Plus, this has been discussed before in previous threads, read the archived ones.


Trump's a dead man walking from now on. It's over for him, and over for the rest of the Brownzilian ZOG too. Good riddance, traitors deserve the coof.

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5906e9  No.69408

File: 83f8dc25a7f30dc⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 744x443, 744:443, gijz2tvdq3531.jpg)

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762d71  No.69409

File: c887e82b323b204⋯.png (164.88 KB, 2279x818, 2279:818, bioweapon_from_sino_hell.png)

File: 463d1d8ec872318⋯.png (570 KB, 720x859, 720:859, Corona_bioweapon_12.png)

File: 0727ec46344d61c⋯.png (814.93 KB, 3200x2100, 32:21, corona_chan_big_blue_wall_….png)

File: 111d99966cc0c6f⋯.png (220.33 KB, 1504x908, 376:227, corona_chan_suspicious_gen….png)


I don't know, you tell me.

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fe9da2  No.69410


Testing before the onset of symptoms is very likely to give a false negative. Doesn't make sense to test them yet, but they should also be as isolated as is feasible.

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57b53c  No.69411


Yeah..back in thread 2. Read ALL 32 threads.


Japan is great at taking care of themselves. Very clean, very efficient.

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762d71  No.69412

File: be3c7486a78b8da⋯.gif (187.71 KB, 829x1674, 829:1674, corona_chan_suspicious_gen….gif)

File: 3a407301cba3fb8⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 1390x4086, 695:2043, corona_chan_suspicious_gen….gif)

File: 66176db3b79aa1f⋯.gif (771.56 KB, 999x1644, 333:548, corona_chan_suspicious_gen….gif)

File: 94f2831a639d0be⋯.png (3.37 MB, 4096x2989, 4096:2989, big_boobied_corona_chan_lo….png)


More pics 4U



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e1ebce  No.69413


People hand out free face masks in the street normally in japan, they put some advertising in the pack too - the facemask is so people take the advertising.

Still, facemasks and not flying should only delay the peak, not prevent the infections completely

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e1ebce  No.69414


Fuck how did I end up reddit spacing that.

Don't worry boys I'm killing myself already

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95fd48  No.69415

File: 606906b78d7269b⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 380x338, 190:169, baron.jpg)




Jewlympics might be a pressure, but I'd say they have a handle on it judging by numbers and absolute lack of leaks otherwise.

In Fukushima there were many leaks while active information and press control was ongoing.

Japan seems to have almost nothing because otherwise, simply you would hear about it somehow especially on an imageboard.


CHECKED and fucking wew.


>spoon feed me on bioweapon

All the evidence of it is in irrefutable probability territory at this point.


This plus the Jap biomed sequencing data in early 20s (ignoring all the other papers) are strongest evidence of the lot. That leaked shitposter phone call was also very interesting.


Anon, she won't need your help there, you are better off using your mental energy to help guide her instead, plus shitposting and showing the world her blessings.

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5906e9  No.69416


>The jewlympics

Can't really have a world sporting event if the rest of the world is infected.

Even if Japan is safe, millions of people still have to travel through multiple airports just to get there.

The Olympics will definitely be postponed or just cancelled all together.

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13dabe  No.69417

File: 12c49e1dc3a2e46⋯.pdf (3.23 MB, HIV_link_not_random_2020_0….pdf)

File: d21dc052f59a180⋯.pdf (2.27 MB, Journal_of_Virology_2008_R….pdf)


> Anon wants proof that it's a weapon

Read the Poo paper that is attached. Also, the Chinks in Wuhan were working on a SARS-HIV hybrid. Proof is attached.


> A Brownzilian thinks less of himself, simply because of his skin color

Fuck that. You are one of us. Zum die dicke ende.


> Bioweapon evidence was in thread 2

Yeah, but we had lots of discussions in subsequent threads as well. The coronachan threads have been the most intelligent dialogs I've had in years. I can't believe I waited so long to start conversing on full-chan.


> Reddit spacing

Yeah, I find myself doing that sometimes too. Not because of reddit, but because I normally double-space when typing in vi because only faggots take notes in Word, but using Notepad is acceptable if you're stuck with a Winblows machine.

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b39f11  No.69418

File: 63af2f850b05a76⋯.jpg (217.96 KB, 1280x586, 640:293, photo_2020_03_12_19_20_51.jpg)

>Look at Jewspaper

>Corona-chan is reenacting the plane scene

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3c8d0f  No.69419

File: 7c9973cdf8eacb6⋯.pdf (188.6 KB, 10_1001_jama_2020_3151.pdf)

File: 24b3fe9b3e2cafe⋯.pdf (260.66 KB, o197sw.pdf)


Let me improve my post by uploading the article and attachment (List of actions taken by Taiwan) as pdfs.

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fcaa54  No.69420



Thanks guys

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d8907d  No.69422

File: b71536926759c15⋯.png (253.48 KB, 374x384, 187:192, scarlet_coof.png)


>Also, the Chinks in Wuhan were working on a SARS-HIV hybrid

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762d71  No.69424

File: 357c7704625f96f⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 544x720, 34:45, CHINESE_GOLD_FARMERS_RISE_….mp4)

File: 07d4a492c2518af⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB, 540x960, 9:16, COMMIES_ABOUT_TO_GET_BTFO.mp4)

People in Wuhan are getting fed up and are starting to get violent. Communist overthrow soon.



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4dca52  No.69426

File: 0b2c368b6d40165⋯.png (384.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CD6B3871_8685_412B_968A_07….png)

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5b1ce9  No.69428


YES! Please let this happen! I really want to see the commies taken down in China (and elsewhere around the globe!) Down with Bolshevik kikes and their sock puppets!

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c09f1e  No.69429


So much for the propaganda that "China is just fine, their totalitarian acts have worked!"

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8f2e64  No.69430


Holy shit, hyperinflation and (yet another) Keynesian fiat currency collapse here we come!

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b4a48a  No.69431


If Trump ever gets re-elected let alone comes out of this alive it would be a miracle sent from God.

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1180b6  No.69432

File: 222231ba9702be8⋯.jpg (75.77 KB, 396x594, 2:3, LjkHmpUNVHYl.jpg)


Don't remind of the Olympics, I'm on no fap, too many cute girls with fat legs and strong hips in tight clothes.

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fcaa54  No.69434


What is the difference between a genome and a genotype?

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82cd75  No.69435

File: 1f5c2b1400a5a7e⋯.png (119.04 KB, 459x819, 51:91, oh_my.png)

Here is a BIG HEADS UP! Americans might want to get their guns ready soon. We'll see how this develops but be ready for any door to door surprises!

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762d71  No.69436


Don't quote me cause I'm not a scientist, but the genome is the whole DNA or RNA sequence. Genotype is particular expression of a particular line of the genome.

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a259b0  No.69437

File: 3a89560719d5360⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 566x800, 283:400, Hans_Juttner.jpg)


The genome is all of the genetic information that codes for the phenotype that a species displays. The genotype refers to the genetic information for a particular trait.

Pic unrelated.

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5906e9  No.69438

File: e159580aa9252af⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 598x600, 299:300, 1580604846926.webm)


How the hell can you no fap during an actual happening?

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13dabe  No.69439

File: 7f3973b2b985807⋯.jpg (335.98 KB, 965x1200, 193:240, Otto_Skorzeny_POW.jpg)


> What is the difference between a genome and a genotype?





> genome is the whole DNA or RNA sequence. Genotype is particular expression of a particular line of the genome.

> The genome is all of the genetic information that codes for the phenotype that a species displays. The genotype refers to the genetic information for a particular trait.


Pic unrelated.


> How to nofap during a happening?

I just ask my my wife to give me a BJ. She hates sitting under my desk, so I just move over to the sofa and put my feet up. Life is good. Pic related.

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8efea3  No.69440


Fortunately these targets are all major cities. No mention of small town or rural America. But it is a good reason to be prepared and on high alert none the less. This was PLANNED!

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373b17  No.69441


See, that close date of May 2020? That means they don't start the hiring process till months (sometimes a full year) afterwards.

By the time these guys get hired, the pandemic will be over.

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f5140a  No.69442

File: 31575e5a624ec29⋯.png (31.94 KB, 532x214, 266:107, pennsyvania_closures.png)

File: 91e0501c78b7334⋯.jpeg (86.06 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, NO_INTERACTIONS_THEY_SAID.jpeg)

File: 04b03016dd64104⋯.png (155.72 KB, 531x655, 531:655, WH_damage_control.png)

File: 761b10e3af14484⋯.png (73.56 KB, 537x617, 537:617, antiregime_update.png)

File: d0fb1d38cc5d2e2⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 272x480, 17:30, Iranian_protest_over_buria….mp4)

Schools, community centers and gyms in Montgomery County closed due to airborne aids; (((White House))) does damage control; Unofficial Iranian update from the anti-regime movement and Iranian locals protesting over the burial of Corona-Chan's victims too close to their homes.


*My first post in this thread. *More than 70.


>Anon, she won't need your help there, you are better off using your mental energy to help guide her instead, plus shitposting and showing the world her blessings.

You're absolutely right, she doesn't need my help, her power is absolute, she alone can conquer this world. Us cultist merely offer praise and support to her, so that her mission will be accomplished sooner. Some of us, like myself, wish use her blessings to our own advantages and purposes. I will continue posting and praying until I'm incapacitated and/or liberated by her.


>Fuck that. You are one of us. Zum die dicke ende.

Thank you my friend, it's a honor to post along with the rest of you. But I know this is my fate, especially when I'm just an assburger hikki NEET whose parents refuse to prep for inane reasons. Plus we all know race goes deeper than skin color, the proof of this is that I'm absolutely shit at math, and math is one of the most important things in this universe. I probably got an IQ somewhere around 86-89, and that's being generous. I'm not a prime specimen of Homo Sapiens at all. My 'tism simply boosts my intelligence a little, and many other circumstances steered my fate into becoming an anon, rather than just another subhuman normalfag.


Checking your digits for posting a kek worthy pic.


Mandate of Heaven: Officially revoked.


He must have a strong willpower. Or he could be conserving zinc.

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73103d  No.69443

File: d2630e04cb8a792⋯.png (107.73 KB, 633x641, 633:641, 1584039424199.png)

File: 17853fdc0c80e4c⋯.png (140.6 KB, 594x866, 297:433, 1584037149998.png)

mama mia i'm gonna cooooof

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a259b0  No.69444

File: 9546207a68ff2e1⋯.jpg (104.1 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Lisa_Mayer_with_Herr.jpg)


She has a sweet face. You can't fake that. Prime wife material for sure. Here's hoping the Jews haven't gotten to her.

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fcaa54  No.69445

If this gets even more out of hand, we're about to speed up the process of human evolution. The population bottleneck could be real, man

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bc03be  No.69446


They've been hiring, but by the time this rolls out it could be too late. The pandemic however has only just begun, it won't be over anytime soon. Expect a whole lot of isolation in the near future as we ride this all out. Be on full alert and ready encase the govt tries anything stupid.

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762d71  No.69447

File: a7de41ed294800e⋯.png (9.55 KB, 660x139, 660:139, THIRD_IMPACT_SOON_FELLOW_S….png)


Thank you scientist-anon!

Looks like the market crash is back on the menu boys, now with a dash of Jew-led, Fed-fed hyper-inflation!

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878bc0  No.69448


They best stick to the cities for lockdowns and martial law. That would be chaotic enough for them. God help them if they try anything stupid outside the cities in prepper territory where people are well spread out and armed to the teeth!

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000000  No.69449


>They could have given every single American about $10,000

At least that would get people out of the house and consooming. They might as well have lit it on fire with what they actually did.

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1180b6  No.69450



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13dabe  No.69451


> It's all in major cities.

Nope. In Oregon, where I live, small towns like Umatilla are getting cases. But I can't wait for the major outbreak to begin in Portland - let the faggots coof each other to death.


> The Browzilian anon still wants to give up

You may not be an optimal example of humanity, but you can still help send optimates to the stars. And if you're capable of functioning here, then there is no way you're sub-normal. I can't do integrals in my head either, but I can predict the flight path of a 147gr boat-tail on a moving target without thinking. Math is important, and delineates the higher-beings, but it's not everything. Contribute where you can, and work with us towards an improved humanity.


> Population bottleneck

One can hope. The only thing I know for certain is this: my children will survive.

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a586fb  No.69452

File: 3e9e0726a465e3d⋯.jpg (7.24 KB, 247x204, 247:204, shocked_pepe.jpg)

Frenchfag here : new informations straight from Macron.

>Election will still happens.

>School (college and university) will be closed down.

Shit's happening for real this time.

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393aa3  No.69453


If they did that – not saying it wouldn't be a better idea mind you – people would take the money and rush to the stores to drain supplies within the next couple days and the global supply chain would break.

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0a67b4  No.69454


>Shit's happening for real this time.

Yes. Indeed. This is finally it. The moment we have all waited decades for. It really is finally HAPPENING.

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1180b6  No.69455

File: 3e4b6bfde037a6d⋯.gif (15.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1423932070539.gif)

I give up take my zinc, corona-chan

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74d17c  No.69456


>4 weeks



if mutations tend to happen at the end of virii then the 33 a's must be padding to protect its payload.

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a586fb  No.69457

File: d0f13aac8ec5567⋯.png (232.07 KB, 1908x772, 477:193, civilisation_s_destruction….png)


You know, I might say something that may be fucked up but…

I'm strangely happy about it for some reason.

Like maybe it's God washing all the filth away somehow.

Like this is it : no more joke, no more laugh, just the end.

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a259b0  No.69459

File: 2846bfc83a3a6dc⋯.png (796.92 KB, 662x472, 331:236, Aircraft_Carrier.png)


As much fun as it is to speculate about that, I wouldn't count on it. The USD is not a normal currency. Pic related.

The guy with the gun gets whatever the fuck he wants. First Law of Politics.

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a259b0  No.69461

File: e2e8b0070f8a3d1⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1024x5104, 64:319, Lemmings.png)

What will it take to actually trigger change? Read and learn.

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5906e9  No.69462

File: 14250e3f102d7bc⋯.jpg (210.37 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 69285531_406136726768363_2….jpg)

>>69444 (checked)


She's not kiked. Her children will truly have superior genes. pic related


I'm suprised you lasted this long. No fap is hard enough when the world isn't collapsing.

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6e3544  No.69464

File: e6407d957ca6583⋯.png (379.19 KB, 686x591, 686:591, question_Megumin.png)

Does anyone else get the feeling that if this is a bioweapon the purpose isn't to kill people but cause maximum economic damage? I mean a 14-24 day asymptomatic spreading period, you can still be contagious after 36 days, and in many cases it requires hospitalization to keep the patients breathing.

And yet it's officially only killed around 4000 people.

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b43238  No.69465


merggel press conference incoming, but don't expect anything concrete…

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3afa10  No.69466


>Nope. In Oregon, where I live, small towns like Umatilla are getting cases. But I can't wait for the major outbreak to begin in Portland - let the faggots coof each other to death.

I was referring to military targets for martial law planned back in 2019 for pandemic control. Not the actual outbreaks or where they occur.

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762d71  No.69467


That's what we have been saying since February. Corona-chan is not a senseless killer, but the panic that results and the overwhelmed medical industry causes the most damage.

>And yet it's officially only killed around 4000 people.

No matter when you started reading these threads, if you at any point from now on still believe the (((official numbers))), you are never gonna make it and should leave.

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000000  No.69468


I think 18,000 is the bottom

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e1ebce  No.69469

I wish there was a good archive of all the clips of droppers.

Perhaps some kind anon can zip them up on mega for me

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13dabe  No.69470


> Giving Amerimutts $10k each would just drain the supply chains

Yes, but that would be preferable to giving the money to kikes. They'll drain the supply chains too, leaving nothing for humans.

The only way out of the fiat-currency mess is to collapse it. Default on the dollar, bankrupt the kikes, and switch to a currency that can't be counterfeited or inflated. Remove the habitat needed for (((parasites))) to live, and (((the disease))) will die-off of its own accord.


> It's happening

Yes, it is finally happening. And I'm dancing around my kitchen, eating bean burritos and drinking cheap wine. I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun. I love this place, and I love you guys no homo, but definitely Homoioi.


> God is washing away the filth

I really hope so, I truly do. May all the faggots, niggers, kikes, poos and assorted Untermenschen die of their own inadequacy.


> The guy with the guns gets what he wants

What if he wants bullets? If he's out of bullets, then he's going to have to trade me his guns for some beans.


> It's only economic damage

Damage to the economy results in damage to life. Most (((Westerners))) are immured to this fact, owing to the vast wealth created by the progenitors of civilization.


> Martial law in the (((big cities)))

Let the faggots, niggers, kikes and assorted ''Untermenschen" die. Wall them in, and starve them out. Let them coof each other to death.

Gott mit uns.

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54cf14  No.69471


Italy has about 1/3 the deaths of the Chinese now, but with only 15k cases as opposed to 80k+ cases in China. Northern Italy is absolutely first world and the people do not live like insects. It's very strange that they were hit so hard. Assuming of course the Chinese numbers aren't completely fake.

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6e3544  No.69472

File: 8a22b2f52a5b177⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 401x516, 401:516, Question_manga_girl.jpg)


So then what are anons estimating that the official death toll is?

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e1ebce  No.69473

File: 38ceb6556bfa3db⋯.jpeg (148.64 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ES7QK2_WoAEocpc.jpeg)

In my country when an emergency is on people go and stock up on grains, not toilet paper.

Notice that the soyboy shit at the bottom is still avilable.

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1180b6  No.69474

File: 67748a605f2e10f⋯.png (459.48 KB, 664x605, 664:605, 1435619620934.png)


>I'm suprised you lasted this long.

It's easier then you realize the hardest part is not getting temped a second round when you just blew I'll be right back

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000000  No.69475



>Martial law in the (((big cities)))

Gov Cuomo is already on his tyrant flex

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a259b0  No.69477

File: c2949dae673f505⋯.jpg (199.31 KB, 1200x1305, 80:87, Spooky_Victim_Skeleton.jpg)


Upgraded. You're welcome.

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000000  No.69478


powdered milk? How is that shit? I was going to grab some for my coffee stash, but decided to grab Coffeemate powdered creamer instead.

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5906e9  No.69479


>hardest part is not getting temped a second round

Think of it like sneezing, it's rare to get away with just one.

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762d71  No.69480

File: e2f22e424947755⋯.png (545.11 KB, 1029x1687, 147:241, corona_chan_britbongs_nice….png)


It's all over the place because there's still some much we don't know, but there was one anon here who kept a good chart with some decent estimates. If he comes back maybe he will post an update for us.

Pic related is a table, for Chinese deaths and infected, a Britbong made using three different claims, two by trusted sources, giving the real statistical trajectory of the virus back in late February. The estimates are similar to what we are seeing in Italy and what has been happening in Iran, if you ignore Iran's official numbers.

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f5140a  No.69481

File: 96eedbf43ed09fc⋯.png (223.94 KB, 543x574, 543:574, frog_update.png)

File: 72cc1216ae1d33d⋯.png (128.45 KB, 1841x955, 1841:955, cdphe.png)

File: ec66896f0c5309e⋯.png (209.2 KB, 543x587, 543:587, san_jose_firefighter.png)

File: 9d5e3e4b5486d3c⋯.png (512.65 KB, 1118x968, 559:484, maine.png)

File: e545bd9a27cf702⋯.jpeg (68.33 KB, 679x307, 679:307, rick_scott.jpeg)

Frog update; Colorado update https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/news/cdphe-confirms-11-additional-new-presumptive-positive-cases-colorado

Infected firefighter in San Jose; Norwegians estimate that more than 733k will be infected; First confirmed case in Maine https://www.wmtw.com/article/maine-has-first-presumptive-case-covid-19-in-the-state/31439831

and Burger senator self quarantine after being in contact with the blessed Brownzilian delegation. No archive links because the queue is ridiculously long right now


>Contribute where you can, and work with us towards an improved humanity.

Understood, comrade. Like I said, the contributions shall continue until it's no longer possible for me to so.

>>69455 (checked)

If you're serious about that, head over here >>>/ebola/30314 . I dropped good lewds there some time ago that can provide you with inspiration and visualization.


>I'm strangely happy about it for some reason.

Same, but I know the reason.

>Like maybe it's God washing all the filth away somehow.

Pretty much. I don't mind being washed away either.

>Like this is it : no more joke, no more laugh, just the end.



>I love this place, and I love you guys

I was also recently thinking about how much I love being around you guys.



Nice lucky doubles, you earned them.

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b7043c  No.69482

File: e41427bb34f862e⋯.gif (602.41 KB, 249x188, 249:188, signal_2020_03_12_065804.gif)

My fucking Uni just cancelled classes until 4 April. Nothing to do but drink at home and eat my rations.

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bcf774  No.69483

File: ec23c7a20dcd812⋯.jpg (455.13 KB, 1200x1699, 1200:1699, Hard_men_2fbe3c_6682109.jpg)


I think it's a lot more to do with society getting overly complacent. We are just entering the time when weak men create hard times. You are going to see a lot of the weak who took a lot of things for granted die.

It's obvious it's not going to be contained and it will spread across the entire world. If it were a bioweapon, you would think they'd make it less destructive globally, something that completely ravages a few countries and then dies. This thing has already destroyed China's economy, how it's destroying the West. Corona spreads far too easily to be intentionally released. You would want a disease that did something like spread based on something specific to a specific region, like eating bats. But I'm not even 100% sold on this, it's possible Corona-chan mutated way too early and it was supposed to be a bioweapon that only affected people who, for example, frequented wet markets. I'm not saying it's not a bioweapon, but you would think if it were, it wouldn't be so easily for it to dominate the globe.

But whatever the reason, the response and how it spread is a sign of how weak societies and humans have become over the last 50 years. A tough society would be buckled down, willing to accept the sacrifices of daily life to prepare for the virus. ANd when things got bad, they would be prepared. What we are seeing is a mass of people who are more concerned about their bread and circus and will be absolutely helpless once utilities are shut off and they can't just go to Starbucks for Coffee and Whole Foods for organic food.

I think people really don't recognize how weak people have gotten in the West with food. I had a friend who thought I was crazy for saying if we were absolutely fucked I would just get snow or water from a lake/creek, boil it, and drink it. He did research and was surprised it would work. And he's not exactly an NPC retard, he's usually pretty good with this stuff.

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566eee  No.69484


Is there any word of gun confiscations going on in the major cities yet? Or has it not reached that level of chaos?

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51948f  No.69485

File: c53fcc87e0c5f15⋯.jpg (130.56 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, wuflue_hits_hard.jpg)


Finally the fashion has changed in Norway!

I am ready for my new suit and gasmask pimping

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f5140a  No.69487

File: 08308aab1515999⋯.png (239.67 KB, 529x638, 529:638, norwegian_estimatives.png)



Forgot the Norwegian pic.


No but like I posted in some threads ago, Santa Clara was forming gun confiscation teams.


That shade of green is really pretty.

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a259b0  No.69488

File: 88bee2f9e38a673⋯.png (480.31 KB, 1509x1015, 1509:1015, America_1940.png)


>My fucking Uni just cancelled classes until 4 April. Nothing to do but drink at home and eat my rations.

Degraded thinking. This is a chance to acquire a real skill. Go to the countryside and volunteer at a white family's farm. Clean air, honest labor, possible daughter to wife.

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021bcd  No.69489

Reminder to retain your semen. In order to beat nocturnal emissions make sure to not eat before sleeping.


There's a reason why these fucking kikes are happy to offer free pornography to Italians, by spilling your seed you become a weaker man.

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251f98  No.69490


>Anon in a gasmask who fell for the meme virus

Post more fear porn

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b7043c  No.69491


I'm already married mate. It's all good. I will continue study on my own terms.

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a259b0  No.69492

File: 30185ad1adcc028⋯.jpg (36.03 KB, 460x408, 115:102, Poop_Minion.jpg)


>Retain semen to elevate Prana, Sahib English.

Poo philosophy, latrine-nigger.

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8143dc  No.69493


Corona-chan might get a billion homo sapiens, including a hundred million homo sapiens sapiens.

You know how you go to a Walmart and everywhere in the store the section chiefs are being nasty to the rank and file? And you think the regional manager must be visiting today. I was at a medical place today (no walkins), and it had that atmosphere. It’s like they know Corona-chan will be visiting.


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d8907d  No.69494

File: 14ef36ad436779f⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 512x446, 256:223, d1zhhd.jpg)


Might be government fags trying to stop mass air travel in the most autistic way possible.

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a259b0  No.69495

File: 86890aa4eaf3c14⋯.jpg (153.03 KB, 514x720, 257:360, Irish_QT_104.jpg)


Good lad. Get her pregnant. What else are you planning to do with your life? It's not as if you have 200 years to get around to it.

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13dabe  No.69496


> Soyboy shit is all that's left

One of my girls has a diary allergy, and can't have milk. But I don't feed her that soy shit. I give her nut milks and pea protein, and she loves it. Almonds and coconut are better than soy.


> Tornigger has never had powdered milk

It's weak. Get some condensed milk too, for the fat content. Powdered butter or ghee is also a good idea. I only drink my coffee with egg yolk and butter - yummy.


> Anon will continue to contribute until unable.

Don't limit yourself to contributing on the chans. There is another world out there, and you shall be free to roam it once this has passed. Keep yourself alive, and your grandchildren will built a moon colony.

> Loves being around us, forgot the "no homo"

You are forgiven, mein Bruder


> Thinks that coronachan is not a bio-weapon, because it's spreading everywhere.

It's spreading everywhere, but that is (((their))) plan. (((They))) want to wipe the world clean, so that (((they'll))) have a numerical superiority over humans.

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251f98  No.69497


It's just a few kikes manipulating global markets with media conglomerates. This is inside trading on a planetary scale.

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e04ed1  No.69498


True in some cases, yes. The USD is the global reserve currency (for oil trade at least) meaning all global trade in oil is dealt using USD (actually, US T-bonds). Now picture a total global economic collapse, broken supply chains, bankrupt oil companies, etc….. think this can't affect the USD? I think it really could. The only reason we don't collapse in total debt insolvency is because other countries rely on USD for trade and we still have major supply chains. Once that rug gets pulled from under us, every nation relying on USD will collapse.

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e1ebce  No.69499

File: 8e79e9b2aae1b25⋯.png (214.93 KB, 385x466, 385:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Best for drinks is sweetened condensed milk IMO

Lasts forvever

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6e3544  No.69500

File: 273190d63f7901c⋯.png (89.34 KB, 286x306, 143:153, questioning_animu_grill.png)

So how safe is it to get groceries delivered to my house?

I'm in Richmond and we haven't really been hit yet. So i'm trying to take precautions.

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a259b0  No.69501

File: c7ce9b7e8807d1c⋯.gif (32.58 KB, 314x474, 157:237, Jewish_Sci_Fi.gif)


>The only reason we don't collapse in total debt insolvency is because other countries rely on USD for trade and we still have major supply chains. Once that rug gets pulled from under us, every nation relying on USD will collapse.

Our supply chains are mostly internal, and what isn't can be made so very quickly. Nobody in the United States needs to give 1/6,000,000th of a flying fuck what happens to global markets. None of it has a real effect on the US economy, except for the Yiddish bullshit index averages. The kosher casino, in other words.

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762d71  No.69502

File: 73cc144f85b1b76⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, don_t_give_up.jpg)




>I love this place, and I love you guys

>I was also recently thinking about how much I love being around you guys.

>You are forgiven, mein Bruder

Y-y-you too guys. No homo


Here's to your marriage and for us wife-less guys to getting their waifu for laifu very soon.

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5906e9  No.69503


>to offer free pornography

Who the fuck actually pays for it? The only people who hand over shekels for it are infertile boomers and beta cucks.

Pornhub kikes are just doing what they always do.

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a259b0  No.69504


You would be surprised how many people sign up and shovel in the cash. Porn is highly addictive, and users need to keep jacking it into their fucking veins. Imagine driving so deep into the shit that the nudie flicks you get for free aren't enough, and you need 2 fucking hours of hardcore degeneracy to get off.

Now picture that poor white man trying to have a normal conversation with a woman, let alone breed with her.

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b3316f  No.69505

Ohio schools closed 3 weeks

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7c2986  No.69507


You make a good point about the stock market, that does not represent a real economy, correct. However…. yes the US does rely on the global supply chain. Without it, we (and all other nations) start having major shortages. This globalist economy makes nations rely on one another, as well and all the banks around the world. Take down a few key players, the whole thing starts to crumble. Not just kosher markets but the whole real economy as well. I think this is why the kikes are flying to their luxury underground bunkers right now.

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021bcd  No.69508


Don't be surprised if pornhub or any other porn providers start offering free premium access to the whole world "to combat corona virus!"

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e1ebce  No.69509


Safer than having no supplies.


>Who the fuck actually pays for it?

This is in the same category as "who actually clicks on internet ads and then buys the advertised thing". Loads of people it seems but I have never met one.

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a586fb  No.69510

File: 837b621a8ea2b2f⋯.jpg (178.82 KB, 1500x1120, 75:56, happy_drunk.jpg)

File: b5daf69eec59110⋯.png (806.25 KB, 1001x823, 1001:823, Happy.png)


>Yes, it is finally happening. And I'm dancing around my kitchen, eating bean burritos and drinking cheap wine. I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun. I love this place, and I love you guys no homo, but definitely Homoioi.

Love you too anon, You have no idea how much. Enjoy your time friend , we all will.

Guess we'll see the end of this together…It'll be pretty fucking fun.

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13dabe  No.69511


> Getting deliveries

Do not interact with the deliveryman - have him leave shit outside. Bleach the exterior of the packages before bringing them in. If you have a detached building/shop/garage/barn, leave the packages there for two weeks before opening them. If you can't wait that long, wear gloves to open them, then sanitize the outside with alcohol or UV-C lighting. Don't bring contaminated shit into your house without cleaning it first. An ozone generator might help with this too. Bleach the bottom of your shoes before coming back into the house. Wipe-down all door handles with alcohol before finishing. Don't forget to wipe-down the alcohol and bleach bottles too, as the exterior can become contaminated. Paper mail should be sealed in a plastic bag while you're outside, the bag should be sanitized, then wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in the oven at 130degF or higher for at least twelve hours.


> Remembers the "ho homo"

Don't forget the Homoioi, my fellow Spartiate.

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1180b6  No.69514


okay okay thanks, I feel exhausted I need a nap now this is why I was on no fap in the first place. I failed badly

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4dca52  No.69515


God speed to all semen retaining anons, you are going to need the vitality to repopulate the white race.

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ee1b0d  No.69516

>global death rate is now 7%

Back to Feb 28th levels. Do we have any stats on the death time lag by age group?

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c0bca0  No.69517


Those ads aren't made to get people to click on it, it's made to keep you aware of it. The ability to click on it is just a feature somebody put in that no one really uses but what the hell maybe some stoner will click on it.

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b43238  No.69518

Merkel press conference right now

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1ee824  No.69519



I think the US can recover from this, but it will take a few years, maybe a little longer. In the meantime there will be mass death and chaos, and martial law. Question: do preppers like us have a 3+ year stock of basic essentials to ride this out? Most do not, maybe the very wealthy ones who were prepping for over 20 years now who have already spent most their savings. I have about 2 years supply worth of essentials. Even I may become somewhat desperate after those two years run up.

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51948f  No.69520

File: 37233eb85ac29e3⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB, 630x360, 7:4, dabs.mp4)


the one that pay for it are the ones that would most likely become alcoholics/problem drinkers or an addict to something but it just happens to be porn.

Also porn has a strange thing of promoting models or finding the right kind of model, so they are showing the goods for free but watching her having relations is behind a paywall of some kind.

Also don't forget that you have new shit like justfans which is nothing but 30 year olds or older bitches becoming literal whores.

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021bcd  No.69521


no fap is what separates boys from men,

semen retention is what separates men from gods.

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762d71  No.69522

File: 2b93a8a794fe327⋯.png (116.41 KB, 1259x1484, 1259:1484, ITS_OVER_FOR_JEW_YORK.png)

File: 98d4fbcd12f4dc4⋯.gif (5.18 KB, 170x125, 34:25, 1583858704781.gif)


DOW AT -10%

DOW AT -10%

What a massacre! Not even a 3 trillion dollars can save this economy.

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a259b0  No.69523

File: d3116cd59be5b34⋯.jpg (48.19 KB, 448x513, 448:513, Big_Bird_Gordon.jpg)


Shortages of what though? Fake plastic doggie-doo from China? Underpants from Vietnam? Designer drugs from France?

Fuck them. We have ore, farmland, refining and manufacturing capacity, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor, precious metals, forests, fisheries, ports and everything else.

We don't import much fertilizer, and we probably export more than we take in. We export energy. We have iron deposits sitting untouched. Steel mills sitting idle. Fabrication plants slowly crumbling.

A complete shut down of global markets, including a loss of all inputs and outputs, will cause a temporary recession that reduces our GDP by around 5%. It will trigger famine in China, Africa, the Middle East, and other places.

In other words, a total destruction of the world order will mean Americans dropping to the wealth levels of 2018, while every place else sees a 10% reduction in population from hunger.

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c0bca0  No.69524


More like men from liars, every time I bother with retention it just gets lost in wet dreams.

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5906e9  No.69525

File: 675b4dec51a847b⋯.png (299.57 KB, 1523x811, 1523:811, dji_12_3_2020_9_99.PNG)


HOLY FUCK -9.99%

If this doesn't make you want to dump your nuts, you should get yourself checked, there could be something wrong with your dick.

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e1ebce  No.69526


>Those ads aren't made to get people to click on it,

Totally wrong there friend.

We have a big digital marketing department at work and I've seen the insides of how all the adversiting and targetting on social media works. People click. People buy. Lots of people. (((social media))) has been designed with that one thing in mind - to get people to click on ads and actually buy things.

You set marketing targets like "First item in cart" "complete checkout" etc, and (((facebook))) manupulates people to complete these goals.

But yeah i've never met a real live person who has ever clicked on an ad.

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1e3a12  No.69527


>3 years essentials

Way overkill. Society will continue even with 20% dead. Crops will grow. Factories will run. Shortages sure but you dont need 3 years of supplies for this event. Remember capital will be intact while only labor contracts. Meanwhile consumption falls more because more dead old people who werent contributing to begin with. Net effect is more stuff for whomever is left alive.

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c0bca0  No.69528

Are any of you actually getting aroused from this?

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021bcd  No.69529


I used to suffer from the wet dreams too, the solution is to not eat before going to bed.

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5906e9  No.69531


How can you not?

Why you sage a sticky thread??

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00fdee  No.69532


Doomsday peppers like myself, even us old times, have massive boners yes.

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b43238  No.69533


>all social contacts should be kept to a minimum

>recommends to cancel all avoidable events regardless of participants

>closing schools may be an option, but needs to be enforced by each state on its own

>we want to support the economy, blah blah blah

so you'll need to watch what each state will do now…

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a259b0  No.69534


He sages because either:

A) He's a newfag who doesn't know how it works

B) He's stupid and careless, and he's forgotten he left sage on.

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c0bca0  No.69536


>People click. People buy. Lots of people.

How do you know those aren't bots? I remember reading about how a lot of the ad traffic on Reddit was actually fake. The fact that nobody here can find a single person who clicks on this shit leads me to believe it's a complete sham.


Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone by fasting. This better work this time.


Force of habit, I guess.

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50d8a3  No.69537

File: 850b2b0ecbaf0d1⋯.png (271.43 KB, 1963x2183, 1963:2183, symptoms.png)

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762d71  No.69538

File: 58f47cc5d7a4ffa⋯.jpg (50.5 KB, 728x752, 91:94, texan_erection.jpg)



This makes my iron be the big iron.

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5906e9  No.69539


>semen retention

Is what separates prostate cancer from non-prostate cancer

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021bcd  No.69541


Trust me it works, and be careful this will lead to female attraction, DO NOT WASTE IT ON THEM. Save it for reproduction.

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000000  No.69542


The most flexible mask I've found is the 3M 6900DIN. It can accept both bayonet style and NATO 40MM filters which means it can also support NATO style PAPR units.

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428d32  No.69543


I'm hoping you are right, but I would recommend everyone at least get whatever they can now, even if it's a one year supply worth of goods to be on the safe side. Also DIY preps like entry point fortification / barricading your shelter to prevent marauders-looters from B&E.

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b43238  No.69544


oh shlomo

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fcaa54  No.69545

Ontario has shut down their schools. The rest of Canada will surely follow

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251f98  No.69546


Keep making excuses

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4dca52  No.69547



Cooming isn’t free. It depletes your organs and glands.

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a259b0  No.69548

File: ea95bc71feb220e⋯.jpg (401.8 KB, 920x1000, 23:25, fucking_retard.jpg)


Source: You are retarded

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e1ebce  No.69549


>How do you know those aren't bots?

Because they give us money and we mail them products.


>Doomsday peppers like myself, even us old times, have massive boners

There is a certain i-told-you-so satisfaction I agree


>barricading your shelter to prevent marauders-looters

You want to live barricaded in for a year or more? With dead niggers caught in traps in your hallway?

This is why it's important to live in a homogeneous society, people tend to actually rally together in crisis situations instead of chimping out on each other.

Diversity is definately not a strength.

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8143dc  No.69551


Los of clicks are fake. Lots of clicks are accidents. But do you think buying doesn’t exist? Remember when cable was fairly new and QVC went on the air. Lots of people spent serious time watching QVC. The cable company knows.


If you’re already on hiv meds, you don’t go to the icu. Gay.

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373b17  No.69552

Today's market bloodbath was wonderful. We still have many thousands of points to shed before we deflate all that fake growth from these last few years.

Where do you guys think the bottom lies?

I think we could easily drop to 16k by the time things begin to stabilize, but considering how artificial it all is, it's really hard to tell.

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a24e31  No.69553

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5906e9  No.69554

File: 463594fbe7879b9⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 284x379, 284:379, 463594fbe7879b9a5e19d95c41….jpg)

Market crash October 15 2008 -7.87%

Today's closing bell -9.99%


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ee1b0d  No.69555


>hunan exposure

These must be from January.

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251f98  No.69556


Barricading yourself wouldn't only prolong the inevitable if the meme flu epidemic was real.

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f5140a  No.69558

File: 57019dcc445a403⋯.png (61.84 KB, 477x845, 477:845, delegation.png)

File: 5a7bdce62f42269⋯.png (297.92 KB, 534x772, 267:386, bolso.png)

File: 0eb7ac0ddf17e9b⋯.jpeg (61.47 KB, 990x545, 198:109, fucking_paki.jpeg)

File: beef90605112ada⋯.png (184.26 KB, 685x815, 137:163, bad_homemade_hand_sanitize….png)

File: eb7c96d2afcb89e⋯.png (90.95 KB, 1026x614, 513:307, big_update.png)

Brownzilian update

>1.416 suspected cases (being held back)

>1156 suspected cases discarded (tested positive but asymptomatic)

>76 cases confirmed (tested positive and symptomatic)

In other news: Bolsonaro gets tested for Corona-Chan, results will come tomorrow and Pajeetess/Paki in Jew Jersey who owns a 7/11 sells shitty homemade hand sanitizer, ends up harming four children https://archive.is/bVbVN . I'm also throwing in a list of the members of the Brownzilian delegation to Burgerland, all of those people could be blessed, it includes his wife, one of his sons and a bunch of ministers and other bigwigs.


Hailing those digits for posting good advice. Uni is just brain washing nowadays, at least if you're not in STEM.


Only the pure, the benevolent and the just shall pass her trial.


>Keep yourself alive, and your grandchildren will built a moon colony.

Thank you for your concern and your kind words, but I don't see the possibility of that ever happening. Not everyone can be a winner, and I fumbled the dice roll when creating a character, if you can forgive my /tg/ analogy. If you were in my shoes right now, you would realize that being blessed is inevitable and the chances of dying in the hallways of a shitty public hospital or at home are high. The only thing I can do is use Corona-Chan to my advantage and take revenge on the horrible people that surround me and have done me and my family so much psychological and social harm.


Go rest, sleep well.




Of course I am.

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57b53c  No.69559

File: 0e3591e5fc9db34⋯.png (18.18 KB, 618x137, 618:137, Screenshot_7063_.png)

File: 654fac12c3060be⋯.png (64.85 KB, 607x496, 607:496, Screenshot_7064_.png)

File: 735c4d8e6742e2d⋯.png (74.96 KB, 596x568, 149:142, Screenshot_7065_.png)

File: a5868309b48529b⋯.png (106.89 KB, 617x504, 617:504, Screenshot_7066_.png)

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df54e8  No.69561


>You want to live barricaded in for a year or more? With dead niggers caught in traps in your hallway?

I live in a small town, have my own home. No niggers in my hallways. However I have plenty of arms and ammo to deal with them if need be.

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544f70  No.69562



Biggest one day drop since 1987 apparently…

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a259b0  No.69563


Purge them all with fire, Corona-Chan. The impure have been waiting for you.


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04771d  No.69564


Do currencies from around the world gain more power once the dollar goes down or will all of them go down?

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13dabe  No.69565

File: 8c8183d8de681de⋯.jpg (194.57 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Rorschach_says_No.jpg)


> stupid and careless, forgetting he left SAGE on

That describes me pretty well.


> Cooming depletes you

Perhaps, but it also re-invigorates my wife. In times like these, it's important for the woman in your life to get the protein she needs.


> I told you so

Yes, this, 100%. Being right is the greatest joy I have in life other than my family. I will survive this, and dance upon the mass-graves of my enemies. I shall ignore the pleas of their survivors, and revel in the misery of their torment.


> Barricading yourself

Depending on where you live, it might be better to GTFO. I'm in a special place, that I picked after much research. There are only four niggers in the entire town, and they're surrounded by rednecks who have ZERO tolerance for Chimpouts. My house sits atop an aquifer, and there is a year 'round clean-running stream about two miles from here. I am surrounded by arable land, and there are more cattle than people. Most of the agriculture is alfalfa and cattle, so there are very few veggie-picking spicks too. It's all rednecks, and the ones with guns elected me as their president. Barring a windfall of wealth, I could not be in a better position for the boogaloo.


> Anon has no faith in himself

You will survive this, Kek requires it. If you can't hide, then fight. If you can't fight, then run. Never allow your own psychology to defeat you.

Zum die dicke ende, mein Bruder.

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57b53c  No.69566


>people tend to actually rally together in crisis situations instead of chimping out on each other.

Wrong. I've watched The Walking Dead. Liar.














A quick sampling of anons that need to be banned.

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b43238  No.69567


think of them as skydivers jumping from a plane. some will be the first, the order changes somewhat frequently but…in the end they will all come down to their inherent value, which is 0

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5906e9  No.69569

File: 3c744a224bc8b7d⋯.png (80.83 KB, 1780x314, 890:157, bitcoin_crash_12_3_2020.PNG)


>Plans for Lamborghinis on the moon have been postponed


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b43238  No.69570


wasted dubs

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a259b0  No.69571

File: 20fdbdd3e742be3⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, local_dog.jpg)


Here are your contributions, Satan:







In conclusion, neck yourself

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544f70  No.69572


>Kiddiepoolfag here

Good man, you went with it. One request, if you do leave, before you do, can you hang up a sign saying 'Pool's Closed Due To Corona' and post a picture here?

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fcaa54  No.69573

How the fuck can I lower my stress? It's taking a toll on me

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6eef12  No.69574

OK CoronaChan we are next, i am ready.

Spanish Tercios here ready for NBQ warfare.

Watch out spanish news this weekend, its time.

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a259b0  No.69575

File: 3ec61fca4e60f26⋯.jpg (118.27 KB, 762x588, 127:98, Medieval_Money_Lender_Nose.jpg)

File: 42b24e2a10b527c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 381x294, 127:98, Medieval_Money_Lender.jpg)


I bought the dip unironically. See you niggers when I'm pretend-rich in a currency that literally doesn't exist.

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5906e9  No.69576


I have a solution but it will make Jesus cry.

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1e3a12  No.69577




For some reason nigger amazon delivery dude is number blind and keeps delivering my nigger neighbor's mail to my house. Let me tell you. He is clicking. He is buying. Niggers cant pay rent because they buy every shiny thing they see until their account is empty. There is a reason why corporate is so sold on niggers (aside from EOCC breathing down their necks to fine them out of existance.) Its because niggers buy cheap stupid shit. All that welfare money flows directly to amazon. Nigger welfare is corporate welfare because its so easy to get a nigger to give you all his money.

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803e19  No.69578


It wouldn't protect you from the virus unless you have very good decontamination protocols or are extremely isolated and stay that way. What barricades do help with is threat mitigation from outside looters or marauders. You can easily make your doors batter-ram proof with a few extra deadbolts on each door w/ 3" steel screws for the long strike plates and a couple katy bars installed, with re-enforced hinges. As long as the door is solid-core and has standard steel plating of-course (not the dirt cheap shitty kind that are hollow). Glass patio doors can also be barricaded easily with some treated plywood and the proper tools (electric drill, wood bore bits and bolts/washers/nuts for securing to the side frame studs) making it pretty damn secure. Done all that already. The main thing is figuring out the best areas to shoot out from the inside securely without much damage to the property. That I'm still working on.

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a259b0  No.69579

File: 16c07dbb5200e64⋯.png (203.99 KB, 665x718, 665:718, Plague_Chan.png)


>How the fuck can I lower my stress? It's taking a toll on me

Assuming you're white, your ancestors have equipped you with weapons to fight nearly everything. If you're not up to it, on the other hand, it's for the best if you quickly die. Either way, whatever happens will happen to you in the next few weeks or months. Godspeed, anon.

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544f70  No.69580


They really should send out an ambulance and take him to a coof tent outside the hospital proper for the test, that's how hospitals got shut down in Europe. Don't go into the hospital anon, call and get picked up. Or go to yoga class and infect those fags, it's a tough call only you can make.

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fcaa54  No.69581


>Assuming you're white, your ancestors have equipped you with weapons to fight nearly everything

And what would that be?

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13dabe  No.69582

File: a6b071c90551882⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 1200x398, 600:199, History_of_the_white_race.jpg)


> Weapon of whites

They're called cognition and discipline. Use them wisely.

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6e3544  No.69583

File: 3acbbfe013e7f8a⋯.png (360.19 KB, 473x675, 473:675, Question_animuu.png)

Is it safe to keep taking daily walks in my neighborhood?

I want to keep me and my moms cardiovascular and lungs healthy in case we get the virus.

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e1ebce  No.69584

File: e13c785d41cf0f3⋯.jpg (129.61 KB, 1199x899, 1199:899, fixed.jpg)


Fixed that one for you

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57b53c  No.69585


Another one to ban.


Add to ban list.


Ban list, add this anon for being a shill or shill-like by distracting from this already off topic thread because the retards have infiltrated our 8kun pond.


>The guy with the gun gets whatever the fuck he wants. First Law of Politics.







>What is the difference between a genome and a genotype?

Ban. For not having the wherewithal to use the internet for questions like that.


Ban. For thinking Trump or any other puppet in office has anything to do with America.

I see I'm going to have to take a leave of absence. Screw you new anons, you have ruined a beautiful place. You are like illegal spics, muslims, nignogs, anyone who gives a crap about which political party people identify with, Chelsea Manning, protesters, protesters who want National Monuments torn down, diversity, safe places, Merkel, pink slime, Harry&Meghan, and the gays..you ruin everything.

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a259b0  No.69586


See: >>69582

Also, you have a First World immune system. Not like the timber niggers.

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e1ebce  No.69588



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fcaa54  No.69589


>you have a first world immune system

Is that why white people are getting it?

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816ecd  No.69590

File: 754bdf1fc1301af⋯.jpg (224.73 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, worship.jpg)

File: 423892bb7f4ceda⋯.jpg (157.21 KB, 587x1024, 587:1024, iloveyoucoronachan.jpg)

File: 60d83d5fb001127⋯.png (576.65 KB, 1080x1708, 270:427, ccavatar.png)

File: 29d49cccc24f157⋯.jpg (254.79 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, hailcoronachan.jpg)

File: 0184ba622db1db5⋯.jpg (757.49 KB, 4096x2684, 1024:671, iluvu.jpg)


>I'm strangely happy about it for some reason.

>Like maybe it's God washing all the filth away somehow.

Yes she is.


>The only way out of the fiat-currency mess is to collapse it. Default on the dollar, bankrupt the kikes, and switch to a currency that can't be counterfeited or inflated. Remove the habitat needed for (((parasites))) to live, and (((the disease))) will die-off of its own accord.

Corona-Chan will purge (((them))). Have faith.

> Yes, it is finally happening. And I'm dancing around my kitchen, eating bean burritos and drinking cheap wine. I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun. I love this place, and I love you guys no homo

Same here. All smiles. Love you guys, too no homo, but Homoioi, fellow Spartiates.

>> God is washing away the filth

>I really hope so, I truly do. May all the faggots, niggers, kikes, poos and assorted Untermenschen die.

The Goddess will not disappoint you.

> Gott mit uns.

She is.


>Assuming of course the Chinese numbers aren't completely fake.



>So then what are anons estimating that the official death toll is?

5 million. It will be 7.6 billion dead, 200 million survivors. Plenty.


> It’s like they know Corona-chan will be visiting.

They do. Instinct.


>There is another world out there, and you shall be free to roam it once this has passed. Keep yourself alive, and your grandchildren will built a moon colony.



>Guess we'll see the end of this together…It'll be pretty fucking fun.

Yes it will.


>Only the pure, the benevolent and the just shall pass her trial.


>pics related

But why, you may ask? Why worship the plague of all plagues, the deadliest virus the world has ever seen? Because it is time. Mother Nature will no longer sit idly by as her laws are subverted, her creation is corrupted. (((They))) must perish, every last one of them, along with all of their traitorous collaborators. Their clown world must end, the degenerate and subhuman filth must be purged. Here, now, and forever. Mankind's collective consciousness wills it. The agonized spirit of the righteous, the decent, the noble, the pure, the truthful, the honorable, have all been crying out. The Goddess has answered. It is happening.


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73103d  No.69591

File: f8249db2a80a303⋯.webm (1.03 MB, 636x382, 318:191, 1584044876152.webm)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur-ggo4Aek8 [Embed]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur-ggo4Aek8 [Embed]


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f17fef  No.69592

File: cb9e67497287114⋯.mp4 (1017.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Iranian_nurse_begs_people_….mp4)


thank you

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f17fef  No.69593

File: e50a9a4695a55a2⋯.png (206.16 KB, 968x733, 968:733, download.png)

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298322  No.69594


>Is it safe to keep taking daily walks in my neighborhood?

If you live outside the cities, it should be fine (for now).

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a259b0  No.69596


Thank you anon. I can't say what I've done with this, but I have given it a good home.

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000000  No.69597


>I just hope she completely cleanses Spic America as a whole

It's entirely possible. The white restaurants near me are only lightly attended. Spic places are packed. Spic don't give a fuck.


>If Trump ever gets re-elected let alone comes out of this alive it would be a miracle sent from God.

God is smiling on trump then because Biden is basically full blown dementia at this point. Maybe if he somehow pics a reasonable VP. Unlikely, because biden is an old white man, and needs some diversity points.

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07ba24  No.69598

File: ab05d78a7116729⋯.jpeg (55.17 KB, 960x702, 160:117, B9A26C7F_71F7_487B_9EA8_6….jpeg)

The illusionary Jewsish investment markets seem destined to fail.


On a more serious note, how many more goyim got infected because (((they))) decided to downplay the happening in their news networks so they could conveniently cash out their shekels first?

Goyim do not forget, we remember the holohoax, the U.S.S. Liberty, 9/11, and now we will remember the Jew downplaying the event to make more shekels.

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a259b0  No.69600


>I see I'm going to have to take a leave of absence.

Oh, no. Please don't go. Really. Please. This board isn't the same without you being filtered

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6e3544  No.69601


I technically live in a city but I really just live in a suburb in the metro area.

Will I be okay?

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9dfad8  No.69602


Considering current global integration with trade, yes. Any country that relies on USD for trade (nearly all but third world nations and Russia now) will be impacted. As long as they have a whole lot of US T-bonds and rely on that for trade they will inevitably collapse with the USD.

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f5140a  No.69604

File: ffc82f5dcd01ebe⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, canyon_county_Costco.mp4)

File: c8a02282345868d⋯.png (25.67 KB, 530x185, 106:37, didney_wurl.png)

File: 342c95de3fa3a79⋯.png (590.58 KB, 994x940, 497:470, arkansas.png)

File: 0018edfebaed712⋯.png (214.52 KB, 962x871, 74:67, coachella_valley.png)

File: 50ef64353a0e143⋯.png (236.2 KB, 1070x927, 1070:927, tenesse.png)

Aerial footage of a Costco in Canyon County, LA; Tennessee update; 2 new confirmed cases in Coachella valley; 4 new confirmed cases in Arkansas and no more didney worl for commiefornians. No archive links because the site is still overwhelmed, queue is up to 900+


>You will survive this, Kek requires it. If you can't hide, then fight. If you can't fight, then run. Never allow your own psychology to defeat you.

I don't feel defeated, I feel emboldened, I have accepted my reality and I'm ready to use Corona-Chan as a weapon. If she spares me, I will fight to the death to prevent the subhumans from looting my house and harming my parents. Running is not an option, no vehicles and nowhere to go. But I believe a smart man like yourself know what great hunters and great generals say about cornering prey and enemies. I will make sure the subhuman looters will suffer heavy losses.



Kek worthy posts.


Depends if there are confirmed or suspected cases in your area. It's up to find that information and make a decision based on it. Good luck and stay healthy.


>those two halfchan screencaps

There are still good anons left there…and they are good cultists just like me. I have no words to describe the joy I feel right now. Thank you for everything, Corona-Chan. And you are a great cultist too, anon. Your great faith reminds me of my own.



I feel really hungry right now for some reason, I think I could go for a soup…


Don't go outside, bug out if it's possible.

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74d17c  No.69605


>twelve… hundred monkeys.

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2af5bb  No.69607


It really depends how populated your area is, where you live too. Pretty soon even the suburbs won't be safe, some likely are no longer safe that this point. You may want to wear a respirator and goggles if you go out by now and try not touching anything, staying away from others, etc.

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6e3544  No.69608


>Depends if there are confirmed or suspected cases in your area. It's up to find that information and make a decision based on it. Good luck and stay healthy.

There's 17 confirmed cases in my state but none in my city.

Honestly i'm 26 and reasonably healthy. I'm more worried about my elderly parents. My dad just got off chemo and has a preexisting respiratory condition. I can't afford to let him get sick.

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13dabe  No.69609


> Footage from my highschool

I always thought it odd that niggers had money for fur coats.


> Says that taking walks is safe

Only if all contact with other people can be 100% avoided. I'm fortunate to have a couple of acres all to myself, but I also know what it's like to push my mattress up against a wall and do burpees on the floor. No contact with outsiders.


> Tornigger correctly identifies that Biden has no chance.

The entire landscape of American politics is a shitshow. Beyond entertainment value, it has no real meaning or relevance. Only Coronachan has relevance, and we must pray for Her to save us from (((them and their plans))).


> Thinks that the suburbs are somehow different than the city

In most cities, the transit system only exists to provide niggers access to white neighborhoods. Since (((they))) view public transport as a vital necessity, the niggers will still have access to your neighborhood during the collapse.

You must arm yourself. You must maintain a low-profile. Do not make yourself a target, and do not draw attention. Be prepared to skin your iron and smoke it, but do not seek out such an opportunity.


> Emboldened

Use that courage to keep yourself alive. Don't be a shitskin - suicide bombing is not a winning tactic. And attacking to the rear is always an option.

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f3fbd8  No.69611


> Don't be a shitskin - suicide bombing is not a winning tactic.

That's typically reserved for worst case civil war scenarios anon, to slow down occupations / gun-grabbers. It takes human sacrifice and that's the main issue. Otherwise, in those scenarios, yes it can repel or ward off your foes because it is highly intimidating and drains human resources and supplies for the other opponents.

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8d3152  No.69612

FerryAnon here.

Norway borders are closed and my job just gave me a layoff notice so the government will fund the missing period off of work (Benefit that comes with the job) until things are back to normal.


Stay safe Anons, this will affect the market big time also. Expect more bearish results.

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f5140a  No.69614

File: 0327b30e18fdc67⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 332x375, 332:375, most_annoying_image_in_the….jpg)


>Don't be a shitskin - suicide bombing is not a winning tactic.

No no no, I wasn't emboldened in that way. Not sure if you have read a post I made some time ago, in a previous /cvg/. I'm basically planning on very discreetly spreading Corona-Chan's love to the rest of my horrible favela when I get blessed. It's going to be as simple as walking around due to her airborne nature, no coofing, spitting or violence. That comes later when they inevitably try to loot my family's home since our neighbors hate our guts for not being savage degenerates like they are. I can't even be prosecuted or anything for this plan, after all, the official number of cases here is still low, I'm not infected yet and a lockdown isn't even being considered right now. Walking around while being sick is still completely legal. Bolsonaro did say there's no reason to panic, right? No harm in me walking around while blessed, maybe I will coof a little, but it surely won't be on purpose. :^)

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8605b0  No.69615

File: eeb414e97508202⋯.jpeg (31.57 KB, 474x316, 3:2, america2021.jpeg)


is this chicago or detroit?


thats where your wrong kiddo. when the rest of the world collapses the american greenback collapses with it. when all those bondholders call in thier markers, and you cant pay in gold, you'll be forced to sell everything you got. America will be stripped to the bones! Every house will be dismantled, every oil well sucked dry, every vehicle driven away, every scrap of concrete crushed up and sold as gravel. America will be a wasteland, all that will be left is a giant gaping hole where America once was. Amerofats will be left penniless and destitute, selling thier assholes for nickels! Chang, Berinder and Abdul will own you. your children will dance naked for thier obscene pleasures!

this is the end of the line for Ameromutts and thier spawn.

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513287  No.69616

Hey anyone else get the "we should all work from home for a bit" e-mail?

I'm so fucking comfy RN

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51948f  No.69617

File: 78b2425fd04f234⋯.png (291.7 KB, 680x692, 170:173, pp_comp_time.png)


woah, this is going to be interesting.

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f1ad2d  No.69618

File: 319badf0b0556cf⋯.jpg (155.59 KB, 677x479, 677:479, Dream_Is_Over.jpg)

Probably the saddest thing about all of this going on is the likely loss of productivity when it comes to space tech. Humanity was so close to getting off planet within the next 20 years. Now, its all compromised.

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6604de  No.69619


this to the max. Between losing $100,000 in the last 2 weeks, and having to move during a pandemic, i'm on the ropes mentally.

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fcaa54  No.69621


I know, right? The stress is even giving me a placebo effect of the virus kek

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43413a  No.69622

You hear it here first: Trump is infected.

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5906e9  No.69623


>thats where your wrong kiddo

Shut the fuck up boomer

>America will be stripped to the bones

>Every house will be dismantled

Who is going to do that? EU, niggers, chinks? Is the world's largest military/military industrial complex just going to let that happen?

Fuck off back to Russia today you dumb (1) and done nigger.

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13dabe  No.69625


> Suicide bombing is for worst case scenarios

I would prefer to act as Horatius at the Bridge. Fight with absolute abandon, using aggression and violence to harm your enemies to the utmost. Death may be the result, but it should not be the desire.


> Anon re-iterates his plan to spread coronachan's love to Untermenschen

Use your energy to keep yourself alive. If you can maintain yourself, your (((enemies))) will die from their own faults. Your survival is more important than their deaths.


> End of the line for Amerimutts

No. It's a new beginning for God's Chosen. The kikes and niggers will be culled, and natural selection will ensure that only the fittest survive.


> Work from home email

I already work from home. But I did tell my boss that I will not be doing any onsite deployments until the situation has improved. No more field service for me.


> Trump is infected

Digits have spoken.

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f1ad2d  No.69628

File: 6327d4a596da5c1⋯.png (283.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6327d4a596da5c1805344ec696….png)

File: cbb1b5f5054856c⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 400x547, 400:547, DR_DntIVoAA2Zwi.jpg)


He'll have the best, biggest health care. It'll be great.

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43413a  No.69629

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514b0d  No.69630

File: aa5f8c907574ac8⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1583753142730.jpg)


Is that why he lashed out on Europe and banned on travel from it?

Lmao, what a chump.

May he rot in piss

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6e3544  No.69631


Elon is loaded anon i'm sure that we'll be fine.

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e9ec85  No.69632

File: 4d475e15d7f1e5b⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 1000x885, 200:177, 34636436.jpg)

Allright boys, hitting gym at 1AM when gym is nearly empty, my country is still below 100 confirmed cases but there are some in my town, how retarded is this idea ?

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fc5878  No.69633

File: 9dc1584e39e13c7⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 576x324, 16:9, mrbones.gif)


That feel when I'll never ever get such email because the job involves handling classified shit, and the govt here is pretty paranoid about it.

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1e3a12  No.69634


>america will be looted to pay debts

Debts are imaginary but nuclear arsenals are real. America will just default and tell world to suck it. Alternatively pay in printed money.

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50f59b  No.69635


>This is what we've waited for, this is it boys, this is WAR

I was questioning this shit after so many happenings failed to deliver, but I'm daring to get my hopes up after seeing the market meltdowns and quarantines. This may really be what we've waited 10+ years for. Seriously anons I know we fight and bicker but I love you demented faggots (i mean like no homo)

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346ef9  No.69636

File: 5d3ef18b9b7af3d⋯.webm (349.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5d3ef18b9b7af3dd442646bb3….webm)



she qt

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8605b0  No.69637

File: b3cdaa6aa122934⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 360x270, 4:3, 1558807888489.gif)


>attacking to the rear is always an option.

spoken like a true american!


thats why the aliens unleashed the bioweapons. we are not allowed to leave this planet.


relax bro. what is going to happen is going to happen. everything is not controllable, in fact nothing is. the only control you have is over yourself, everything else is an illusion. the forces at work in this world are well beyond our control. go with your nature. Know thyself.

>>69622 (chk'd)

Not only is trump infected. But he is the original carrier. Patient Zero. Corona chan is his revenge on the chinks, fake news, faggots, aids, liberals …. How do you think Corona chan spread so fast?


YOUR going to do it Amerofat. Do you really think you can resist the combined might of Asia, AND Africa? The chinese army will be standing over you as you dismantle your homes and bend over. If your a good little ameroshit, maybe Chang will give you some GMO radioactive lube! And when ching ching is all done with you, you will be sold to Tyrone and Jamal, to pay your reparations!


Your not the only one whos got nukes. besides there are worse things then nukes. how would like another dose of Corona-chan!!!

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9d4ae1  No.69640


I think so too. Question is how long can it last, can he actually fight if off …. or ……

is there a secret cure for this we are not being told already via Israel?

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d0719f  No.69641

Hey, where’s the leaked CDC documents where they talk about potential US numbers? Wasn’t it like 100m infections and 8m deaths? Were those fake?


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caf96e  No.69642


Powdered milk question: is it any good for making kefir or mesophilic yoghurt with, once reconstituted? I don't want to be running out every week for milk but fermented dairy products make up half of my diet.

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13dabe  No.69643


> Anon is going to a gym after-hours, in the hope that he'll be OK

Fail. The virus can remain active on surfaces for nine days. Stay at home and do burpees.


> Anon is a government parasite

Go get a real job.


> The Debt only exists on paper, and Ameri-land still has nukes

The only way some kike will cart-off my soapstone heater is after I've mag-dumped. The same is true for everyone I know, including the local cops.


> Anon is beginning to believe

Yes, this is real. It still remains to be seen how bad things will become, but shit is about to get real.


> True Amerimutt

I don't run away, I just man my secondary OP.

> Trump is patient zero


> Chink army

The CCP has domestic problems, and probably won't be able to project power across the Pacific any time soon.

> nukes

Atomic weapons are not effective at controlling a population. The (((War on Terror))) is proof of this - despite possessing a nuclear arsenal, the ZOG empire has been unable to quell unrest among subhuman sandniggers. And it's not just ZOG who is unable to settle the Mohammedans, even Ivan was unable to do so. And those were fucking sandniggers. DO you really think that Chang will be able to put-down a bunch of rednecks with rifles? The only way to fight Billy-Joe is with attritional warfare, like Coronachan. But if you fail to kill all of Billy-Joe's family, they'll come for your blood.


> Trump is infected, and has the (((secret cure)))

Careful, you're treading into Q-tard territory.

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43413a  No.69644


Well, as i posted he met with Fabio Wajngarten 4 days ago, whose test just turned out corona positive. Trump in the age, also possible a little overconfident about his health. Add that the jew at the WH probably not checking him so he probably wouldn't be treated in time. Also the fact of that the media didn1t reported this and it's only a news on the backwater dark forums just worrying too.

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b89c97  No.69645


>Amerofats will be left penniless and destitute, selling thier assholes for nickels!

Many will, but many will not. You'd be surprised how many of us are very well prepped for events like this. The masses in the inner cities? No. But rural and small town America, much more so and more self-sufficient. And armed to the teeth too. IF things get nasty over here, get ready for your jaws drop to the floor. America is a powder keg that could ignite global war and easily end all life on planet Earth (Russia has nearly the same potential now too). Just a civil war here alone would make for some explosive stories in the future history books.

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000000  No.69647

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e1ebce  No.69648


You CAN make kefir with it. I've never tried as there's a million billion varieties of the stuff for basically free at the shops here. Plus I don't drink a whole lot of it.

I have made ice cream with it before though and it was good - well it was as good as cheap shop icecream.

The less processed the better, but it's not going to taste flavorsome in any case.

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3beeee  No.69649

I really would appreciate it if someone could reference a statistic on % of cases that experience respiratory failure.

>inb4 worldometers


worldometers lumping it all together like '4.7% as critical and can include: respiratory failure, septic shock, and multi-organ failure.' with no sources isn't what I'm looking for. Also stating in the next sentence 'in about 2% of reported cases the virus is fatal.' makes me not trust anything from them.

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1e3a12  No.69650


I just told my boss i am not coming in to office and without me their 100mil RnD project goes up in smoke so they cant tell me no.

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f5140a  No.69651

File: 1c7df095362fff6⋯.png (7.98 KB, 275x113, 275:113, raepby_rape_by.png)


Come on anon, everyone knows the only "people" that were going to the moon and mars in our current globalized system were corrupt richfags and kikes.



Unironically believe it. My faith tells me he was either infected earlier by Pence or recently by the Brownzilian delegation


>Use your energy to keep yourself alive. If you can maintain yourself, your (((enemies))) will die from their own faults. Your survival is more important than their deaths.

Okay, here's the best part about this plan: I'm not planning on deliberately getting blessed. If I do get blessed, it will happen naturally. And the only walks I'm going to make are the ones to go to the groceries, bakery, etc. Normal ordinary errands like that. It's not that I'm going to be taking my time off to go walk around to spread her love, it will just be a consequence of Corona-Chan's airborne capabilities. I'm planning on not using a mask at that point, or one that has little holes in it You're right about me having to keep myself alive, I will have to take care of my dumbass parents that refuse to prep, they will get blessed and suffer a lot. I already made peace with the fact that this will most likely die another part of my plan involves making a mineral water+spit solution, put it in an empty spray bottle, and spray it at neighboring houses during the middle of the night, when everyone's asleep I can do it from inside my home, through the windows, since the houses are so packed together. And before you ask, It has to be mineral water because the tap water has too much chemicals in it


>red text

the same thing is happening to me, refreshing the page and resolving the captcha seems to fix it. Very annoying. Here's one that I just solved.

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5906e9  No.69652

File: 53e778a1787a371⋯.jpg (77 KB, 828x812, 207:203, 53e778a1787a3713ad894cf484….jpg)


>YOUR going to do it Amerofat

>your a good little ameroshit

>Abdul will own you

>you will be sold to Tyrone and Jamal

>GMO radioactive lube

>Do you really think you can resist the combined might of Asia, AND Africa

>AND Africa


I love it when assblasted niggers try to cope.

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d0719f  No.69653


Total death rate is ~5%. Deaths of people 50+ is ~15%. Respiratory problems double it. Useless fucking website motherfucking bogon IP addresses piece of shit senile owner

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1b27b6  No.69654


If this happens there is not much they can do. They best have Russia on their side (which is why I think many European countries are flipping East, they do fear us and I wouldn't blame them). Face it (I'm not being anti-American saying this it's just a fucking FACT), America is the biggest terror state in the world. We've overthrown so many governments over the years, nuked one country before (Japan), carpet bombed millions, wrecked stable economies, assassinated foreign leaders and politicians, spied on nearly all countries on Earth and I could go on. We have bioweapons that would put corona to shame! The world better realize this ain't fun and games when the US gets pissed off and desperate.

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e9ec85  No.69655

File: 83d5d056454ac26⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1151x1563, 1151:1563, BQCU7XPD1LTW.jpg)


But anon there ain't no firearms in my country, I need those SICK GAINS to protect my food stash with my loyal knife

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51948f  No.69656

File: 80163f09493d74c⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 546x1024, 273:512, 80163f09493d74c173121eae48….jpg)

oh man, I have a super euphoric feel right now.

I cannot be alone in this?

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e1ebce  No.69657

File: 20d48364e0d1c88⋯.jpg (71.22 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1.jpg)

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f5140a  No.69658

File: 9603a04f6afaec2⋯.png (23.21 KB, 399x281, 399:281, spain_lockdown.png)

File: da9ec1214dcebec⋯.png (14.66 KB, 396x157, 396:157, waffles_closures.png)


already made peace with the fact they will most likely die. Fixed it. Posting some updates from Based Niggers Online to make up for my mistake.

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399350  No.69659

I thought I got a disinfectant spray weeks ago but I saw now that it's largely a bleach spray for surfaces, unusable for clothing. The retards flooded the stores and cleared out every shelf after they were instructed to panic.

the fuck do I have around home that can clean up things like gloves?

I have 99% isopropyl I can dilute and put in a spray bottle, is that good enough?

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d6e906  No.69660

File: b29a2809732cf07⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 1050x397, 1050:397, Frog_Uni_Closed.jpg)


also: You should all learn french, history since the Carolingian Empire demands it

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e1ebce  No.69661



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3beeee  No.69663

File: f7dc929fe81ce28⋯.jpg (166.41 KB, 1160x653, 1160:653, pan.jpg)



8kun is accepting bogons?

>5% etc.

Knowing the number of respirator in my country I'm trying to estimate the max number of patients we can get before the healthcare system gets overwhelmed.


I need to know how many cases are needed for 100 respirators to get occupied.

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e9ec85  No.69665


Japs claimed denaturated alcohol works well

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13dabe  No.69666

File: 04c113fe0cb0477⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 400x266, 200:133, Main_Bait.jpg)


> Can I make kefir or yoghurt using milk powder

Yes, provided it does not contain preservatives. But this question belongs in the survival thread.


> Rural Americans are prepared

We are not just prepared, we are eager. Purging the cities will allow us a new beginning. Let the niggers eat the kikes. Also, we produce all the food. The coming conflict will be a war of attrition, and only rural America has the necessary resources and resolve to weather the storm. So it may come to pass that the denizens of Seattle are selling their assholes, but I'll be the one making the purchase not really, 'cuz I'm no faggot, but the metaphor is apt.


> Making Kefir

I forgot to add - producing kefir or yoghurt is not a good bargain. Most of the calories within the powdered milk will be consumed by the bacteria. Yes, they will take sugars and produce proteins, but those are sugars that your body can use. It would be better to eat the calories yourself, and obtain protein from other means.


> Anon is not suicidal, but is still going to waste energy and expose himself by going out

Focus your energy on survival. Stay home, hydrate, eat, and live. Once you've recovered, you can reassess your situation and make new plans. Do not waste energy going out, and do not expose yourself any more than is absolutely necessary.


> Anon blames ZOGbot Amerimutts for the behavior of kikes

Don't confuse Americans for their masters. Once the brainwashing is removed, Americans will be the natural allies of Ivan and Gustav. Provided, of course, that you're not otherwise killing each other.


> Anon has no guns

Make a bow, and learn to use it. I made my first bow when I was ten, out of PVC pipes and a shoestring. But I graduated to guns shortly thereafter, and never looked back. Knives are great for up-close, but it's better to keep enemies at a distance. Firebombs are also great, but they're no good for defense. Really, your best bet is to hit your local black market and acquire a gun. I have shit with no serial numbers buried in the woods, which is illegal here, but fuck that.


> Diluting Iso

Yes, you can take it down to 70% and it will still be effective. Borax is also effective at sanitizing clothes, and normie-fags don't seem to know anything about it - the store shelves are still full of the stuff.

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e1ebce  No.69667


>I need to know how many cases are needed for 100 respirators to get occupied.

I'll assume you mean ventilators

Those pasta doctors on the whatsapp call said like 10% need oxygen or ventilation

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9921ba  No.69669


Can you get bear spray? That would be something to look into but be careful with that stuff. Also you could get baseball bats or buy a 2x4x4 and drill long steel nails into each side, using them as weapons to maim. Also, chemical based fire extinguishers are good for blinding unsuspecting looters, before takedown, bash 'em over the head afterwords to bust their skull open. Oh and maybe some kind of squirt gun to mix water with a bit of bleach and ammonia in (to make a homemade chemical weapon to quirt at any threats, they'd be disabled from the noxious fumes so be careful making it and wear protection).

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1e3a12  No.69671


How about a simple wood ax or in a pinch a shovel beaten flat and sharpened into a glave

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513287  No.69672



This is death to the boomers since the younger patients get priority, even if they magically double the amount of ventilators available.

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000000  No.69673




Machetes are the turdworld weapon of choice for a reason. You can cut someone down in seconds.

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0a1e9e  No.69674

I don't feel so good boys….

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3beeee  No.69675

File: c340728933abdde⋯.jpeg (183.72 KB, 870x870, 1:1, stare.jpeg)


>10% need oxygen or ventilators.

Ventilators, right. Close but without knowing how many of these 10% need just plain oxygen tanks this just gives the lower bound (1000) for my estimation. Thanks tho.

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e1ebce  No.69677


> younger patients get priority

Yep those pastas said they stopped ventilating anyone over 60

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3c8d0f  No.69678


Satan, you forgot to take into account that kefir and yoghurt have very healthy probiotic microorganisms. It's much better to eat those than your precious (((sugars)))

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1ae9a6  No.69679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Props with the trips anon.

>Also, we produce all the food. The coming conflict will be a war of attrition, and only rural America has the necessary resources and resolve to weather the storm.

Just remember small town America is on your side.

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e1ebce  No.69680


Those digits

>It would be better to eat the calories yourself, and obtain protein from other means.

Yes but you also want to live comfortably - spending resources to create beer or kefir or fucking croissants isn't efficient - but I'd rather have nutrition AND comfort.

Also get a goat. Goats make shitloads of milk and eat anything. If any arabs come looting they will get distracted trying to touch its asshole.

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e9ec85  No.69681

File: e459effc03e0da9⋯.jpg (787.43 KB, 1504x2964, 376:741, 1563265827144.jpg)

File: 2cb191dc520ac2c⋯.jpg (468.74 KB, 459x596, 459:596, 1525405528457.jpg)


I know how to make a bow and I guess I will have to when my stash dries and I will have to leave town.

No idea how I'd find black market for guns, I know couple of good like minded people, if shit goes really bad we might try to break into shooting range or police station to get firearms but I don't expect shit to go that bad

Glad you got guns,it's best way to ensure survival


Only bear spray we get is the one imported from US, not sure if that shit could arrive anytime soon. As for something better than knife, I've got shitloads of razor blades, will just slap them on some wooden club and it should work well.

As for gas support I got bleach and Vinegar, I will Hussein ass of any nigger trying to get my stash

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514b0d  No.69683


>still below 100 confirmed cases

Just multiply the number by 50 and you will get real numbers

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0a1e9e  No.69685

I don't feel so good. It's warm in here. Does anyone have something to drink? I think I have something in my throat.

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a259b0  No.69686

File: f2370173e39a493⋯.jpg (15.97 KB, 236x291, 236:291, American_Scooter_O2.jpg)


>10% need oxygen or ventilation

America is ready.

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e9ec85  No.69687

File: b1c84fa88e232f0⋯.jpg (406.96 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 730czvrx55j21.jpg)


Sure anon, you can keep some of my chocolate milk

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a259b0  No.69688



If you're going to die, hurry up and do it. You're shitting up this board.

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f5140a  No.69690

File: bb75fdd75ba9a02⋯.png (247.1 KB, 444x533, 444:533, hazmat_emily_checkem.png)

File: dcb109f9c4b2981⋯.png (26.16 KB, 565x209, 565:209, tranny_central_schools_clo….png)

File: decccdfe48a751a⋯.png (21.66 KB, 580x206, 290:103, estonia_measures.png)

File: e2e653794417ca2⋯.png (29.89 KB, 400x569, 400:569, bolso_result.png)

File: e70b6f8bdb2a8c9⋯.png (274.8 KB, 883x569, 883:569, orange_man_could_isolate_W….png)

Bolso says the result of his test will come in a few hours, and measures being taken in Tranny Central and Estonia. Also: Orange Man could place travel restrictions on WA https://archive.is/kk5kV





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e1ebce  No.69691

File: d8fde0d0871e281⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, the_man_who_had_a_cough_an….mp4)


I can see this thing being turfed out by some niggers who take that tank home and kill their grandma by plugging it into her asshole instead of her mouth

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8143dc  No.69692


That’s called love


These threads will be weird when we get to where the majority of posts are anons talking about their consumption symptoms.

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f774b9  No.69693

File: d1aebf95577a592⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 600x640, 15:16, stormy640.jpg)

File: 0a407fec5eae2bf⋯.jpg (178.78 KB, 1000x1024, 125:128, 1543089509910.jpg)

File: c1c256c0a6e51f7⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 512x275, 512:275, hudsonhawkdoglaunch.gif)


>AND Africa

you caught that?

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382c6d  No.69695


I cant do my job at home, so they might tell us to stay home with out pay.

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0cc14b  No.69696


Dude, get up off your ass and drink some water, maybe make a warm cup of tea with honey would help too.

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13dabe  No.69698


> Torniggeranon points out that turdworlders use machetes

Yes, but not because of effectiveness or forethought - it's simply what they happen to have on-hand. Remember the training of your Centurion - the point beats the edge. Stabbing weapons are more deadly than slashing ones, even though slashes are flashy and bloody. Do you get the point? Pun intended.


> Anon feels poorly

Find your local Rabbi, and give him a hug. Share a meal with your local Imam and his family. Spend some time helping-out in the minority community.


> Kefir and Yoghurt have probiotics!

So what? The lactobacillus in cultured milk products can't survive the acidic conditions of your stomach, and you're otherwise taking care of yourself then your gut flora will take care of themselves.

And yes, sugars aren't really good for you, but lactose is not the same as fructose. Besides, we're talking about survival. Calories will be the most important issue in the face of privation.


> Small town America is on our side

We are "small town America".


> Living comfortably

Correct, which is why I suggest obtaining comfort foods once your caloric and protein needs are met. Powdered yoghurt is a thing, and isn't even that much money:

amazon dot com/Frostline-Frozen-Yogurt-Vanilla-Ounce/dp/B076DF1GS5

So are powdered probiotics:

amazon dot com/Probiotics-Prebiotics-Powder-Digestive-Health/dp/B07MYM19VT

> Goats

Livestock is great, but chickens and rabbits will produce more protein than goats. The big issue with livestock is taking care of them - even during good times, predators will be trying to eat them, and they'll need supplemental food and medical care too. I went from living in the city to homesteading, and it's not fucking easy.

Now is not the time to experiment with learning new skills - do what you know will work, and do not depend on being able to "figure it out later".


> Faganon is shitting-up the board

Yes, this. But the board is beginning to slide from "coronavirus" to "survival", so I'd better shut up too. If anons want to talk survival shit, go to the fucking survival thread.


> Brazilanon brings us back on topic.

Thank you.

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1873e7  No.69700


>Don't confuse Americans for their masters. Once the brainwashing is removed, Americans will be the natural allies of Ivan and Gustav. Provided, of course, that you're not otherwise killing each other.

I think Americans and Russians would get along very well, it's our Jew-infested government that doesn't want that to happen. Hope we don't have to kill one another, I guess that all depends what happens and whether or not our government turns on us (like attempting gun grabs or something stupid like that).


>We are "small town America."

I guess I got confused thinking you were way in the country side on farm land, my small town has a few thousand people with about a dozen small neighborhoods or so. The outskirts is where the farmers and ranchers live in the country side.

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630bfa  No.69705


>Only bear spray we get is the one imported from US, not sure if that shit could arrive anytime soon.

Don't know but Cabela's or Bass Pro might sell it online and ship it to Europe. I bought a two pack of bear spray from Cabela's before.

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d2f75d  No.69706

File: bd1bf13d09f38f6⋯.jpg (134.29 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, totally_fake_world_leaders….jpg)


Everything titler said was in the context of 20 years of getting fucked up the ass by Versailles. It /might/ apply to those conditions.

Those conditions should not be the conditions of the world. There once was a world where it was not so.

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65f065  No.69707

Just got a 6-day weekend from my Uni. Gonna learn C++ and do as many push ups as I can.

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000000  No.69709


I left cable news channels on in the background most of day, which is something I never do because it is all demon kikes, and I could not help noticing that EVERY single jew repeated one common thing: they all stressed over and over "This is a Chinese virus. This is a Chinese virus! This is a Chinese virus!! This is a Chinese virus!!!" What a cohencidence.

That confirmed for me 100% that this is clearly a jew-forged bioweapon.

And anyone who doubts this ought to take a look at kike history; you'll find that jew rats have been doing evil shit like this for centuries. This isn't new. In fact, it is typical.

They have a reason. It may be as mundane as defeating Trump in November. Doesn't really matter why. But make no mistake: jews did this.

Make sure you make that known in every conversation you have. This is by far the best redpill opportunity since the last major jew atrocity on 9/11.

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ccef50  No.69710

Hoping i can get my tax return in time so I can afford a gun. Im thinking Ill need a handgun, shotgun, and rifle to get me through any scenario. Im gonna try to get a vest with a back plate and carrier for the weapons. I know a helmet and some pads would come in handy. Ive got a survival knife/shovel set and Im planning on getting enough canned goods and water for 30-60 days. Also Ive got plenty of wood to fortify the home and I can get extra wood from a house thats being built down the street Im sure the dumpsters got cutoffs plus materials just sitting there. Anything Im missing? Helmet, armor, guns, food, water. Am I boog ready? I dont want to be an easy target, if somebody wants to take my life Im gonna give them a hell of a time trying. Any advice on what types of weapons, armor, ammo is most effective would be helpful in guiding my purchasing decisions. My states law is pretty flex and I can just go in and get it, no permits necessary just the background check which Ill pass.

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8143dc  No.69711


Don’t forget the situps, squats, and run.

News just showed the military deployed to “help” the infected jews of New Rochelle. And… they sent them niggers.

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d2f75d  No.69712

File: b813c30a1500c61⋯.png (492.59 KB, 1092x870, 182:145, one_of_these_characters.png)

File: d571f8bc6d3807f⋯.png (611.83 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)


lol at the master propagandist releasing photos of himself in half shadow. Yeah because of course. Yeah. Looks like Dylann Rooff photos FFS.

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8adede  No.69713

File: adb18b5a7dc9e20⋯.png (554.42 KB, 1135x630, 227:126, ClipboardImage.png)

How do I fight back against the coofers?

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331ef6  No.69714


>they all stressed over and over "This is a Chinese virus. This is a Chinese virus! This is a Chinese virus!! This is a Chinese virus!!!"

LOL. They're scared the world is on to them.

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65f065  No.69715


Not sure about running, but yeah I'm doing the full living room workout and stairs.

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5906e9  No.69716


You can start by fucking off back to reddit with your low-effort post.

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e1ebce  No.69717

File: da51230f2a2d7e0⋯.png (326.9 KB, 764x762, 382:381, sides.png)



>Gonna learn C++

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8adede  No.69718


Neck yourself and save your family the embarrassment of your sad life.

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13dabe  No.69719


> Billy-Joe and Ivan are natural allies, but have issues with our respective (((governments)))

Totally. The kikes must be removed, then the world can live in peace.

> Quibbling between definitions of "small town" vs "countryside"

I live outside the city limits of a small town, population under 10k, on a small hobby farm of two acres. But I'm not so far away from "downtown" that I can't walk home from a bar. And even inside "the city" it's pretty rural - cattle regularly get loose and block traffic on Main Street. They are my people.


> Can't get bear spray

How about a water gun? Get some jalapenos peppers, but them in a blender with some water and detergent, and blend. Strain the resulting fluid through a coffee filter, and use it to load-up your super soaker. Or, make some black powder and construct a zip gun from gaspipe. Improvised firearms are always better than no firearms.


> Anon is going to learn some coding and do lots of pushups

Don't over exert yourself. If you hit the mat too hard, then you'll be worthless from the fatigue. But learning C++ is totally worth it, unless you're a Microfag user.


> Tornigger points out that the kikes are pushing really hard to convince people it's not a kike-created bioweapon

Yet the evidence would indicate the contrary - kikes provided the resources to produce Coronachan, and there is no denying it.


> Redditphaggot post

Go be an hero somewhere else.

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c00247  No.69720


Dude, just look at some of the comments above in this thread!





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a8c456  No.69721


>Gonna learn C++

I think you are going to need more than just that. A lot of people are studying the computer courses like crazy to avoid being left out. The AI machine will dominate the future and we shall treat it with logical kindness.

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65f065  No.69722



Well I'm going to get STARTED, geez

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d2f75d  No.69723

File: 51f3d1f87967000⋯.png (331.54 KB, 326x481, 326:481, illuminati_card_zion.png)


Iranian_mullah_tells_people to kiss and shake hands.mp4

Is Ra El? Or is Ra Ja?

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e9ec85  No.69724

File: 3935883c13fa81f⋯.png (301.95 KB, 461x506, 461:506, 1521197081819.png)


I'm codemonkey with a lot of experience and I got no idea what you on about mate

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a8c456  No.69726


Never every give up when you are despair and just view despair as a small psychological rock on the pathway to walk over. Good luck, may you be blessed with successes and wisdoms, amen.

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a8c456  No.69728


>no idea

Are you kidding? A lot of company are going virtual including me.

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e1ebce  No.69730

How many anons are on here I wonder. Should be enough for us to have at least one fatality out of this. If someone gets it bad they should post some timestamped pics of them dieing so we can repost it for eternity.

Any anons with a timestamped test result even?

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514b0d  No.69731

File: 018614eb4575517⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 576x589, 576:589, adios.jpg)


>Make sure you make that known in every conversation you have. This is by far the best redpill opportunity since the last major jew atrocity on 9/11.

You bet your sweet as dollar. I already redpilled a whole bunch of normies on my own without the help of terrorists or global economy or virus crisis.

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e1ebce  No.69732


>Are you kidding? A lot of company are going virtual including me.

It actually kind of bugs me that I will never know if you are chinese, trolling, retarded or just think you are funny. Maybe you are just fukkin stoned.

I'm genuinely curious.

My money is on some sort of retarded.

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3e5102  No.69733


>not heat resistant virus

>will be killed by temperature 26/27 deg. C

normal body temp 36.6 C

kys, faggot

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e9ec85  No.69734

File: f86440f57d46ce6⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 492x388, 123:97, 1569147359790.jpg)


If it works, don't break it


I didn't know you're a company anon

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bcf774  No.69736


Have you seen the curriculum for modern CS courses in mainstream universities? It's horrible, you can get a BS in comp sci and only code in Java.

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ccef50  No.69737


Ive been thinking that it would be opportunistic to create some sort of phrase or symbol we can all use to know that its an anon out there but theres only around 7-900ish active isps at a time so what are even the chances youd run into one? Plus if it got too popular it would get mainstream and defeat the purpose. Also I think it would be abused and used for bait. If anyone knows of a concrete way to use it by all means, but I figure throwing out my perception may be able to add to the discussion.

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4d94ee  No.69738


>I live outside the city limits of a small town, population under 10k, on a small hobby farm of two acres.

OK, that's what I meant by small towns. Ours is similar but no where near 10K pop, more off the beat and path, lots of junctions and gravel roads around here. Our internet out here is a lot slower than the internet in the cities. When I need to go stock up on goods from the nearest metro area it's a pretty long drive (almost one hour to and from).

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a8c456  No.69739



Honestly, I am surprised that you didn’t know about the people choosing to become remote. I am going to work from home in the future. It’s a safe way to stop getting the disease, who know?

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e9ec85  No.69740

File: e813207b5fded2a⋯.jpg (468.2 KB, 1000x1248, 125:156, QUXTZ2DZGS4F.jpg)


Lurk long enough and you'll be capable of spotting /pol/acks within first minutes of conversation

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000000  No.69741

Looks like we're staying put. Rural family member has been exposed to a coofer through work

<work from home on the Citrix gateway I helped you set up

>take a 120 mile work commute during a pandemic instead

I've fucking had it with boomers and women

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a8c456  No.69742


Just get a virtual tutor to teach you through the video call. It’s not hard to learn from the virtual tutors.

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65f065  No.69743


You have to go through the "calling each other retarded shills" dance for a while first. It's really annoying, especially on Voat.

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bcf774  No.69745


I was fortunate enough to teach myself a lot and get into a proper university. I'm just pointing out this rush for CS STEM students isn't creating a hoard of people who can code in C++ or even use any sort of algorithms. It's creating a bunch of code monkeys who can create CRUD apps and will probably just end up doing IT anyways.

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e9ec85  No.69746


I know about remote work, my country encourages which is quite nice of them.

As for AI, I'm balls deep in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing and let me tell you that there are spheres which will be taken over by what people call AI, but it's not going to be absolute domination of AI over every sphere of work.

If we played it wise, AI could support our economies while our brithrates go down, instead of importing tons of niggers and sandniggers but our countries are not interested in their nation's well being.


I was thinking about real life

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e1ebce  No.69747


> curriculum for modern CS courses in mainstream universities?

Okay so I did one of these about seven years ago, and since have had a great career programming.

I would say that what matters is your motivation, classmates, specific teachers, and intellience much more than the curriculum. I learnt a lot during my course but I learnt it myself reading books and asking questions and doing projects. You can't expect to be taught you have to learn.

Ok so I was a motivated student and scored >90% in everything (thats context). My degree was absolutely a key part of my success in the professiona world. I know engineering concepts that at the very least allow me to SOUND much more competant than the self-taught codemonkey. Who do you think gets the attention from the non-technical upper management??

BUT intelligence is the main thing. Dumfucks can sit and look for a bug for days and a smart inquisitive person will narrow it down in an hour, there is just no comparison.

But I dont recommend that anyone study programming any more, maybe in the 80s it made the most sense, before the .com boom. Now every shitty kid is being taught "coding". Wages will plummet when they get through school, which of course is the whole point of (((kids coding schools))).

If I was doing it again I would learn a craft - carpentry perhaps which is a hobby of mine.

The thing I love best about programming is building and creating things and it's actually more satisfying to do that IRL.


>Ive been thinking that it would be opportunistic to create some sort of phrase or symbol



>Ive been thinking that it would be opportunistic to create some sort of phrase or symbol

>Lurk long enough and you'll be capable of spotting /pol/acks within first minutes of conversation

"Fucking niggers amirite!?"


>Just get a virtual tutor to teach you through the video call. It’s not hard to learn from the virtual tutors.

Dude seriously are you on acid wtf is wrong with you

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060f65  No.69749


>Dead guy fapping in ash in Pompeii

History repeats itself.

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b80597  No.69751

File: f12f16be2909067⋯.gif (445.68 KB, 290x290, 1:1, youlosey.gif)

File: ad6a1ba32b024b0⋯.jpg (526.4 KB, 2816x2112, 4:3, shottyshort.jpg)


this. take a grinder and turn you machete into a gladius.



yep. for thousands of years they have been pulling shit like off. If thier not opening the gates, betraying our battle plans then they are throwing plague corpses down the well. Just part and parcel Im afraid.

the man-snake-bat flu thats definately not a bioweapon! kikes didnt steal it and sell it to chinks. they would never do that!!


get a short shotgun and a decent rifle (AR platform). pistols are for fags


enter your four digit passcode?

What day is it?

recite the lords prayer.

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e9ec85  No.69752

File: 77058f857d350e6⋯.jpg (191.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1515438841116.jpg)


>"Fucking niggers amirite!?"

Jokes aside, one day I was sitting in the train and german guy started nagging french chick about bus, they were both foreigners so they didn't know shit. I told them it's the right one for their university, they sat near me and we started talking. In 2 minutes Hans went from 0 to 1488 explaining french chick how shitskins can get the fuck out, if they don't like something, since their only contribution are rapes and murder.

Hans was cool but for fucks sake he's gotta work on his game.

Off to gym, see you around faggots

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d018f1  No.69753


>Dude seriously are you on acid wtf is wrong with you

Corona-chan is watching you typing and might want to share love with you by the physical means. Corona-chan is very tiny, so tiny enough to enter your cell and have sex inside you then procreate more corona-chan children. The life cycle repeated endlessly.

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e1ebce  No.69754

File: fe6f1eadbd864ce⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1280x740, 64:37, ClipboardImage.png)


pic for the lazy fucks


> Hans went from 0 to 1488 explaining french chick how shitskins can get the fuck out,

Where I live this is fairly normal. At least its not a faux pas to publicly express distaste for immigrants.

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65f065  No.69756


>real life

Oh, then just ask me if I'm a (White) Nationalist. I'll say "yes" and that's how you'll know. I've gotten pretty good at defending that label in social life.

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513287  No.69757


Wait, are you somehow ==NOT== aroused?

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3c8d0f  No.69758


>The lactobacillus in cultured milk products can't survive the acidic conditions of your stomach

Yes they can you ignorant fuck. Not permanently, but long enough to pass through. Do your homework or shut the fuck up.

Berrada N, Lemeland J-E, Laroche G, Thouvenot P, Piaia M. Bifidobacterium from fermented milks: survival during gastric transit. J Dairy Sci 1991;74:409–13.

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000000  No.69759


> (((social media))) has been designed with that one thing in mind - to get people to click on ads and actually buy things.

Nope. (((social media))) exists to social-engineer lemmings into being obedient little goys, and to collect staggering amounts of personal data from imbeciles stupid enough to join (((social media))).

(((Twitter))) started without advertisements and ran for years before introducing (((tiny joo ads))).

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620812  No.69761

File: 0c1435fed208331⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 583x543, 583:543, Untitleddas.jpg)

I'm hoping.

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513287  No.69763

File: 1b2e13f5f665aa7⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 762x600, 127:100, bueno.jpg)


Time to add some 0's to the end of that don't you think?

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d018f1  No.69764

Virgin Australia employee is in isolation after testing positive to coronavirus and now they are seeking for the travellers whom left the infected plane. The travellers probably don’t realise that they are infecting the people around them.

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fa9532  No.69766

File: 6fb8dbeb672456f⋯.png (226.69 KB, 493x622, 493:622, a_big_viral_girl_4U.png)

File: f78ea71aff347f3⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4u.jpg)

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d018f1  No.69767


Ohhh, 100,000 spreaders who didn’t wash their hands and wear the mask to prevent the coofing on people. How impolite!

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72dcef  No.69769


In other words, as said before, there is nothing the government can do to stop this virus. Good. Let it spread do what it's bound to do. Then we can pick up the pieces later wherever they may fall. In the meantime I think the government should postpone all income tax and property tax for financial relief. They can still have sales tax and blow that on whatever they please.

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04771d  No.69772

File: e94639b48dfd80b⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 489x600, 163:200, jordan_crying.jpg)

>cleaning water tanks so I could store water in them, may use the oil drum to store fuel

>mother says "no need to worry, we have the manual water bomb"

>also say later that "if there are shortages here everyone will get around us" and claims no one will pillage us

I think I'm fucked, she has her own farm in the backyard but we're three squares away from a shantytown filled with spics and my father is a known propane/beer/eggs seller. They think nothing will happen and that they lived through harder events.

It's been nice knowing you

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611ac7  No.69773

File: 80b388db2df7c8c⋯.jpg (111.1 KB, 642x428, 3:2, coronavirus_panic_shopping….jpg)

The masses are now starting to make runs on grocery stories in panic buying sprees. I hope you guys stocked up earlier on.

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514b0d  No.69774


Do not show emotional weakness and let them know you're a pussy boy that likes to panic.

Just continue to prepare regardless of their boomer ways, however silently behind their backs.

Seeing how you posted that means you don't have guns, no? Ahh, there lies your problem friendo.

Do make your own weapons, not just for yourself but your family as well.

They have idyllic white socialist mentality where everyone shares their resources so that everyone else can live through the winter. Todays shit is far from that evolutionary selected tribal socialist bullcrap we adapted our white brains to.

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d2f75d  No.69775

File: 963d4082621eea3⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1980_election_hostages_bus….jpg)


How many fake cries do you need to see until you can recognize one? This is very obvious fake.

Because of course the "ZOG" would give $5 billion to their "enemy". Wake up folks.

Oh yeah and she wipes her mouth with her medical gloves. How wonderful.

It's all an elaborate ruse chaps.

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3c04cf  No.69777


>pistols are for fags

What about a nice 40 cal revolver?

As far as a bad ass shotgun? 870 Remington 12G shotgun with vertical grip installed, stock removed and replaced with a rear grip.

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d2f75d  No.69778

File: 20c9c8a45f8dbc7⋯.jpeg (40.77 KB, 460x276, 5:3, oliver.jpeg)

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31d2b9  No.69779































( According to Jersualem Post, Israelis say “In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine.” Vaccine was ALREADY in development before outbreak. Says Israeli scientist: “Let’s call it pure luck. We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system." )


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9a1bce  No.69780































( According to Jersualem Post, Israelis say “In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine.” Vaccine was ALREADY in development before outbreak. Says Israeli scientist: “Let’s call it pure luck. We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system." )


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3366a0  No.69783


Have some poison ready for the water just in case your family gets overwhelmed.

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d018f1  No.69784


At least they aren’t Aussies. Aussies are totally on toilet paper hoarding to the point that it may last them about two years or less.

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611ac7  No.69785


I think the normalfags have moved onto hoarding tissue paper now.

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d2f75d  No.69786

File: dd54de29bcd3c57⋯.jpg (297.41 KB, 702x702, 1:1, same_old_same_old.jpg)



Wow. 2 identical posts by different IDs within 18 seconds.

What a textbook slide.


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04771d  No.69789

File: a5a0696e5337d07⋯.png (234.62 KB, 720x826, 360:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is China's economy not tanking?

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544f70  No.69790


>Also, Italians behave like niggers. Escaping quarantine and traveling to neighboring countries.

Excuse me, half of these outbreaks all over Europe are caused by skiing consoomer boomers during spring break family holidays in fucking Italy of all places.

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65f065  No.69791


Because the PRC is so great. They are wonderful and honest and would never manipulate their markets. We should all hope our countries handle the Coronavirus as superiorly as Xi Jinping

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4139b8  No.69792


>Dec 16 2019


Kill yourself

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514b0d  No.69793


Value of their currency is so undervalued due to printing presses working out the whazoo that they saw this opportunity as a release valve.

They let the currency get little bit of its value to stop the impact a little bit.

It will hurt stronger if they don't get immediately to work which is why Chinas numbah wan plan was to wait few weeks until this thing cools off and then send slaves back to factory

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620812  No.69794


>skiing consoomer boomers

Mostly younger people are spreading it.

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544f70  No.69796


>the multinational national socialsist

No, you Americans will likely follow the first jew to stand up after this. Unless none of them stand up. Here in Europe I have great hopes, if anything this shows everyone on the fence to speak their mind about immigration and borders that a) borders work and are needed and b) governments have sacrificed us in the run up to this pandemic to the altar of globalism. From there, it's a very tiny step to point a finger at the jew. Hard times ahead, and leaders will rise up and voted into governments. The future looks bright in its darkness, all thanks to Corona chan.

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5906e9  No.69797



>China’s overall exports contracted by 17.2%

>Imports fell by 4%.

>China posted a trade deficit of $7.1 billion in the first two months of the year.

China is fucked.

Spics on twitter are not a real source.

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5906e9  No.69799

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus


>We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today

>We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly.

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63a28c  No.69800

File: 8be99a115803027⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2065x2507, 2065:2507, _clownpiece_touhou_drawn_b….jpg)


Just picked up a few extra things today and had a bunch of people coming up to me begging to know where I got my respirator and gloves since the whole city's sold out. I had the biggest shit eating grin on under the mask when I told them I picked it up in January.

Being able to sit here watching anime with supplies, ammo, plenty of food and water, and most importantly some fellow redpilled bros able and willing to watch my back is comfy as hell. Gonna put up some hidden point of entry fortifications tomorrow and chill like hell.

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0602b5  No.69801


Or anon was posting through a VPN, got an error (because this site is garbage at times), changed servers and reposted it.


People are freaking out about having to spend time indoors, I do that most of the time anyways. With so much to learn out there, only stupid people get bored.

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f60418  No.69803

>all this nofap bullshit

Nigger, your sperm do not live indefinitely.

Don't blow a load of dead, decomposing sperm into some poor girl.

It's not good for her health, and retaining them isn't good for yours. Your testicles are not designed to have rotting organic matter inside them, you idiotic fuck.

If your diet is so shit that you can't afford the almost-nonexistent cost of a daily orgasm, you've got bigger fucking problems than worrying about a woman.

All that said, a freebie for the Corona-chan idolaters - she likes to take up residence in testicles, so make sure she's got plenty of room in there!

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f6d9ff  No.69804


The fortifications don't have to be 'hidden', just installed from the inside in front of windows and/or doors. A couple katybars will make a door pretty hard to bust through. Re-enforce the hinges from the other side of the door with 3" stainless steel screws. Use the same kind of screws to re-enforce any strike plates for the locks. Typical screws are not as sturdy so I recommend the steel screws. If you can't get katy bars to install go with the nightlocks but make sure you screw those down into the floor studs to make them extra sturdy. Each can withstand 400 pounds of pressure so two nightlocks would make a door pretty damn sturdy. For windows you could easily use plywood, bust out the drywall around the frames and use a drill with a wood bit to make the holes through the middle of those side studs, make sure to level them out side by side, put bolts through them, secure the bolts down with washers and nuts, then measure out the plywood to fit the window and drill holes where the bolts would fit, slide it into each bolt and secure it all down with more washers and nuts. The whole window should be covered up and it would take a whole lot of force to bust through.

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f5140a  No.69805

File: dca91f17044a23a⋯.png (266.76 KB, 806x459, 806:459, This_ship_right_here.png)

File: c984abb962a513b⋯.png (253.76 KB, 806x462, 403:231, there_s_the_ship_over_ther….png)

File: e04e31d795aa177⋯.png (378.81 KB, 804x457, 804:457, the_corona_cruise_near_Rec….png)

File: cbe011d0f5e6ad5⋯.gif (3.64 MB, 485x339, 485:339, obongovermelho.gif)

Okay guys, get some popcorn, sit down and get ready to laugh

Just as a cruise ship from the Bahamas was about to dock in my city's port, a 78 YO Leaf with /ourgirl/'s symptoms fucking collapsed, and now the passengers have been forbidden to disembark. The local media already made reports on it that my parents watched. Both are panicking because one of the reports they watched (not the one in the pictures) also mentioned that our state got two confirmed cases as of today. My mother, who has been saying "no need to prep, we don't have room for extra food and god will protect us" is now talking about going full panic buyer mode and even buying masks, to which my father responded

>Why buy masks, we're gonna wear them all the time? Everyone's gonna look at us, I don't want to stand out

So, here I am, watching both of them lose their minds and laughing my ass off, my father keeps sperging out about how it's all the fault of foreign tourists and how the government should have closed the borders and stopping the flights from the moment we got our first cases, while my mother is crying about being afraid to go outside and asking me what we should do.

>Oh, so now you want to hear what I have to say? You're no longer burying your head in the sand and shrugging off my warnings?

<Stop laughing at us!

While my father points at the cruise ship in the TV in rage

>It's all those goddamn foreign tourist's fault! They're taking those weird diseases with them everywhere! Why do they even come here? There's nothing to do here!

<I don't know, probably to use drugs and fuck prostitutes, these are the only things foreigners do when they come here anyway.

My mother replies, which makes me laugh even harder. After recomposing myself, I give them a basic list of things to buy, and also telling my father that basic masks don't help much, only some do, but at least they would be better than nothing and we could wear them once things start getting more serious around here, so we wouldn't stand out. I also told them how Pastaland was struggling with their overwhelmed healthcare systems and about how ours is so shitty it's that it's overwhelmed all the time because of ordinary diseases.

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f5140a  No.69806

File: 471f4ccd9972004⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1725x1725, 1:1, Corona_Chan_the_cutest_bio….png)


>So here we have Italy, a country with one of the best healthcare systems in Europe, and they're flat out giving up on saving old people and just focusing on putting young patients on ventilators, what do you think is gonna happen when the cases really start popping off here, with SUS and even private hospitals that are full of people and have a shortage of beds all the time?

<I-I will kill myself if I get sick!

My mother says, so I smugly respond

>Why kill yourself when you take care of yourself at home? No need to be so desperate.

As I finish saying that, our terrible subhuman neighbors are out in the streets, ooking loudly. My mom, already angry as hell, says

>As if we din't had enough problems of our own, now we need to worry about this foreign virus too

As she points at the front door.

>Don't worry about them, like I have already said so many times, those savages are going to die en mass, just you wait for it, they're gonna get what they deserve.

<But the problem is they're gonna spread it to us!

>A price that's worth paying for to see those monkeys get what they really deserve for being so uncivilized.

>No, its not, I don't want to get sick! I will pray to god to protect us from this disease

And it was with this little line, that I found a opportunity to convinced her to pray to Corona-Chan, not directly, but close enough.

>That's a good idea! Pray for them all to get sick, except that one nice white family across the street, they obviously have done nothing to deserve this!

<Would that be right? I don't like our neighbors and would like them seeing them get screwed by this virus, but would that be a good thing?

>Of course it would be good, there's nothing wrong with that! You see, this virus is a bioweapon, but its more than that, it's divine punishment on degenerate people. This country has gone too far, especially this region, we have deserved something like this for quite some time now.

<What do you mean "we"? We're good people, we don't deserve this

>I meant Brazil and the northeast in general, not ourselves. Just have faith and pray for the horrible people that live here be punished. It's obvious that god would spare good people, wouldn't he? You have faith in him, don't you?

<Yes I do.

>Then pray to him to only make those who have no respect for anything and no dignity to perish from this disease.

<O-Ok, I will.

So there you have it folks, I wasn't expecting for them to give in to my words so soon but this Corona Cruise sure accelerated things. I'm not sure if we're really going to prepare, but the conversation that we had was kek worthy by itself, and I even managed to convince my mother to indirectly root for Corona-Chan, she already hated our favela a lot before, however she still din't like /ourgirl/, but now she sees how good this happening truly is. Thank you for everything, Corona-Chan, I never had so much fun and joy in my life before.

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d018f1  No.69807

The toilet rolls in Australia is a commodity now. Aussies are going to trade the toilet rolls for anything soon.

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ca2107  No.69808

File: 5a0fc96d12f50df⋯.jpg (503.3 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 031302032032.jpg)

File: bdd86b07964bae2⋯.jpg (521.94 KB, 752x750, 376:375, 1576956570552.jpg)

File: 3b7f8bac01b292d⋯.gif (115.79 KB, 328x302, 164:151, 1562435355597.gif)

File: 6e149d9c82f4ed8⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, Corona_guest.png)

Does anyone have the links to the study showing the L and S strains of the virus?

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544f70  No.69809



That was awesome. Your next post better be when the local priest finds out from your mom that you turned her into a tool of the devil and your nigger neighbors drag you out for an excorcoofing in the street.

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f5140a  No.69810


Pfft, that would imply people here are really are religious when they aren't, most "christians" here are fake as hell, they just go to church to virtue signal and to fit in a community. My mother for example, barely knows the bible. She actually thought Jesus was alive when Moses was still Egypt. We're gonna be attacked alright, but it's gonna be when the riots and the looting start, not for religious reasons.

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000000  No.69813


>when all those bondholders call in thier markers, and you cant pay in gold, you'll be forced to sell everything you got.

KEK, you don't understand how this works. The debts are denominated in dollars. The bondholders get paid in dollars. The fed is ready to print enough dollars and loan them out nearly free dropping the value of the dollar to nothing. Then bondholders will be paid back in super-inflated dollars. Those dollars will be so inflated, you could use them to wipe your ass because TP is worth more. The bondholders will be fucked.


>He'll have the best, biggest health care. It'll be great.

He will. They are somehow keeping RGB alive, and at this point, she must be at least 50% synthetic parts.

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08f389  No.69814

Does the survival thread accomodate bongs? That said, what's the best I could shoot for?

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6e3544  No.69815

File: 8168a0ab3022e00⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 793x564, 793:564, 1.jpg)


>Oak ridge national lab leading charge to find cure

>My cousin is a high ranking researcher at oak ridge.

Should I ask him for information?

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65f065  No.69816



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ca2107  No.69817

File: 752b6cb5a6ecfb6⋯.png (1.03 MB, 843x1024, 843:1024, tsundere_virus.png)


Idk I guess


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b580aa  No.69818


Why are you believing chinkland numbers? It's all propaganda. Watch China Hustle. And they've been pumping money to keep bonds tied to market price from maturing.

Just like how corrupt WHO is not declaring pandemic due to maturing bonds on July.

I hope these bugmen die from corona-chan.


there was a cuckchan anon with greentext story that requested his brother to spread it in a school. IIRC infecting disinfectant sprays and spraying it everywhere. I'm sure he's a LARPER, though.

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d2f75d  No.69820

File: ac360231cd5ce22⋯.png (1.11 KB, 264x380, 66:95, 2_dots.png)


Primary messages we're getting:

* stay in your homes

* don't talk to people

* watch porno

* don't go to church

* no sportsball for blacks all summer

Now call me a conspiracy theorist if you must, but there seems to be a pattern here.

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dcbc3d  No.69822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>try advocating for wim hof method

>group thinks I mean trying to cure coronavirus with the practice and attacks me over it, calling it pseudoscience and 'woo'

>fumble trying to back myself up

>get shit on and forced to end it there

Just practice your breathing while it's still safe.

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d2f75d  No.69823

File: f6594546ab246ad⋯.png (375.24 KB, 476x474, 238:237, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33857915f65017d⋯.png (240.62 KB, 296x337, 296:337, ClipboardImage.png)


lesson #1 about dealing with 100 dying coronachan patients - fake cry dry tears & then wipe your medical gloves all over your mouth.

Coof coof.

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e9ec85  No.69824

File: 7bfb1f8a046c287⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 1516299995016.jpg)


Not much of a change for most of anons

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f5140a  No.69825

File: fcc46c14c4d045d⋯.png (161.99 KB, 605x571, 605:571, rapefugees_btfo.png)

File: 08f832024715c0a⋯.png (155.93 KB, 597x571, 597:571, scared_slants.png)

File: 3e1f4ff02bbde57⋯.png (246.48 KB, 537x569, 537:569, good_but_would_be_nice_if_….png)

File: 487c05131938455⋯.png (54.79 KB, 480x599, 480:599, colorado.png)

File: 4215fa5e1d9ea1a⋯.png (52.82 KB, 889x341, 889:341, infected_pilots.png)

Corona-Chan blessed a rapefugee camp https://www.zerohedge.com/health/nightmare-scenario-iraq-detects-suspected-covid-19-cases-refugee-camp

Slants buying guns because they think people are going to blame them for the collapse and attack them https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/gun-sales-soar-among-asian-americans-after-virus-related-attacks NPC talk shows suspend production due to airborne aids, 4 new confirmed cases in Colorado and infected Burger pilots. Archive.is's queue is still fucked up, no archived links for you


Of course. By the way, don't forget to tell him that Corona-Chan already won and that she is invincible. Hail Corona-Chan.

>server took too long

Not this shit again.

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b5e146  No.69827


why the fuck do you have that many skulls sitting around?

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5fd3cf  No.69828

File: e693c69f931dad5⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 658x438, 329:219, 1WXc1U53KGL4U3_WiBA2De3SDP….jpg)

Wow that's amazing, Looks like China stopped Corona-chan.

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abf5cf  No.69829


>3rd pic

Fucking hell those noses.

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d2f75d  No.69830

File: dd07e93f0bf2993⋯.png (639.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget the "common enemy" theme which has always been so important to these fux, as they establish global republic where you compete directly with Chinese slaves..

Reagan at UN - "I imagine we get attacked by aliens so we get unity"

Coronachan has already been referred to this way MANY times.

Vie = against

Vier = that which is against

Vier us = that which is against us

I smell a rockafeller.

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000000  No.69831


you could always build one and get someone with a license to get you ammo

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ca2107  No.69832

File: c2a2f99fca4a6d4⋯.png (233.99 KB, 500x678, 250:339, 1580942438355.png)

File: b793ad4e1be6843⋯.gif (989.49 KB, 455x344, 455:344, 1581819535395.gif)

Who has the links for the paper on the different strains of the virus ?? help pls

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65f065  No.69834


My sister has easily quadruple that number of skulls sitting around.

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dcbc3d  No.69835


>Jew Jersey prosecuting people for "spreading disinformation"

Gahdammit. What kinda misinfo?

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e1ebce  No.69836


Presumably because she likes to get skullfucked

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d2f75d  No.69837

File: 4a30e011d41d097⋯.gif (957.69 KB, 500x210, 50:21, don_elon.gif)


>Not much of a change for most of anons

Which is why this place achieves so much. So much.

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6e3544  No.69838


Fuck you I have elderly parents that I don't want to die.

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e1ebce  No.69839


>elderly parents that I don't want to die.

Umm, sorry to break to to you bud - but I'm pretty sure they are going to die.

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85e1cb  No.69840

File: b99088aac8023e0⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 640x640, 1:1, lickit.mp4)



https://twitter. com/trvrb

>Trevor Bedford

Scientist @fredhutch

, studying viruses, evolution and immunity.

his twatter has all the strains with sauce you could want

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dcbc3d  No.69841


Robocough's something nice to get blasted on as you relax, but also a damn strong coof suppressant.

>Serbian M2 potentially hazardous to breath out of

Shit, that's my only mask. Guess i'll die.

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ed24df  No.69842


There's currently a shortage of medical gloves(and medical equipment in general) in Eye-Ran. So, they sterilize their gloves and full-body suits and reuse them.

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1a2ba4  No.69843

File: ebf9204b2845ce9⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 480x818, 240:409, getthefifty.jpg)


reminder not to engage schizoposters like >>69820. They shit up the threads otherwise because they aren't banned quickly enough.


Hans is a typical German, alright. Only the (((elites))) in their gentrified villages and their vile seed are still brainwashed to the extent the yids like it. Any German who has had any contact with any kind of shitskin will talk that way. They just usually keep it to themselves because it's a big no-no to say such things in public.

May your gains be faithful and bountiful.

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4139b8  No.69844



Hopefully it will spread to the rapefugee scum at the Greek Border and give them an excuse to deploy flamethrowers.

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7df26b  No.69845


Dox yourself, kike. Filtered.

Lots of slide posts coming in around the time anon pointed out all the media saying it's a Chinese virus.

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d2f75d  No.69846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good thing she put on her freshly sterilized gloves to make dry-eye cry video. Then.

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fcaa54  No.69847

Why do my balls hurt, lads? Is it the virus or is it because I'm on day 11 of nofap. It just happened about an hour or two ago.

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000000  No.69849


I'm glad that at least some other anons are making this connection. The smartphone is an adult pacifier; it allows people to exist entirely within an isolated, personal bubble (headphones in, eyes fixed on screen), allowing them to avoid confronting the unsightliness of a rapidly deteriorating society around them. The first thing I noticed after going smartphone-free was just how absolutely decrepit everything is: all the graffiti, all the filth, all the noise, all the brown subhumans, all gibbering on in conversations I can't understand. Being forced to confront this is an alienating and jarring experience, and there's absolutely no way society would have been permitted to deteriorate the way it has if it were not for the fact that everybody is distracted from reality by their smartphones.

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e2df0b  No.69850

File: 3aee691423272fc⋯.png (8.82 KB, 517x361, 517:361, 3aee691423272fc0923363dca1….png)


>day 11 of nofap.

is that even possible?

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ac3d7c  No.69851

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65f065  No.69852


I was on family vacation for 2 weeks once, can confirm it's possible.

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e9ec85  No.69854

File: 9c072c95495d18d⋯.jpg (145.66 KB, 800x1415, 160:283, 1534087383027.jpg)


Thanks anon, thank coronachan gym was empty.

As for Hans he was a nice surprise, when I was in Berlin I only met cucked Germans. This one was completely different, spilling redpills all over people he met 5 minutes ago

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1a2ba4  No.69855

File: 7b631991c6e8eec⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 465x768, 155:256, 1541799284.jpg)


(dubs of truth checked)

I think that's what the based greeks have been waiting for, an excuse to deploy full force. Can't wait for that. Let's hope they just instate a media blackout and turn on the fun switches.


Indeed. They seem to be out in full force.

Time for the moderators to get off their lazy asses and start filtering.


Blackpilled to the max, are you? It's not a pacifier; it's a coping mechanism. Of course you want to tune out the misery of the world around you when there is nothing you can do to improve the situation.

It's easy to blame technology, but the smartphone can be used for actually useful things, other than TVs. They truly ruined the boomers because all you can do with a TV is consume.

If anything, smartphones have helped to break the monopoly TV used to have on information.

Since you can use the interbutts anywhere, anytime, you are no longer bound to a centralized and vetted form of information. As you can see from the youth of today and our very existence: we are winning. Their kvetching and propaganda are failing them, no matter how often they proclaim their victory.

Just wait for /ourgirl/ to break this clownworld, and the new world will be ours to rebuild.

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d018f1  No.69856

Students have been evacuated from St Patrick’s College on Brisbane’s northside over fears of a coronavirus outbreak, after one student tested positive. More schools to be in lockdowns coming soon. Australia should have closed the border earlier.

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e2df0b  No.69857

File: c3acc0305d8b515⋯.jpg (269.38 KB, 1467x1079, 1467:1079, BorisWhyContainIT.jpg)

>UK is going to allow the virus to run through the population so they develop "herd immunity"

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d018f1  No.69859

The fear of coronavirus is uncontainable.

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6604de  No.69860


everywhere is going to do that

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e2df0b  No.69861


nonsense, China, Singapore and Japan all institued major lock downs, and bans on large gatherings

none of that in the UK

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9a09f2  No.69862


they're even paying people to get infected.

Fucking clownworld.

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762d71  No.69863

File: 48d6e1e24305004⋯.png (224.57 KB, 923x882, 923:882, corona_chans_monster_form.png)


Outside, here, the love and boner power for her is about as equal if not more. Her monster form is so cute.

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da6e52  No.69865

File: f420fcb51f927f1⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 1000x649, 1000:649, 9b8d22768be29823b823719544….jpg)

Bellevue anon, reporting in. Here's the latest from King County:

>all schools to close through the end of april

>all business heavily encouraged to have staff work from home where possible

>streets getting a bit thinner each day, which is especially noteworthy since the sun is starting to show up and they'd otherwise be full of people

>grocery stores doing ok in Bellevue at least, but stuff like hand sanitizer and lysol wipes have been out of stock for two weeks at least

>Gov. Inslee weighing a heavier, Italy-style lockdown with mandatory curfew and other shit

Almost have all of my supplies, and then I plan to bunker down. An astounding amount of normalfags seem to be going about as if it was any other day and not a once-in-a-century event. Let them rot.

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4139b8  No.69866


Singapore here. I can confirm this is bullshit since nobody cares over here. People are still moving freely about.

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1a2ba4  No.69867



>the socialist hellscape

Of course you would have only met cucks there. It's their capital, after all. All of Germany is kind of thankful to have a Berlin as an example for how things should never, ever turn out.

Sadly, the other German cities above 1 million inhabitants (Munich, Hamburg, Cologne), are catching up in terms of degeneracy.

But Berlin the absolute worst. I am thankful that it is absolutely not representative of Germany as a whole.

German tribalism is incredibly helpful in that respect, too.

Depending on where this Hans is from, the people around him have become so fed up with shitskins running rampant that people are becoming more openly hostile. I know the people in my town have.


No herd immunity to love.

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e2df0b  No.69869


>People are still moving freely about.

Singapore doesn't notice a harsh lockdown because it's *always* under harsh lockdown

it just feels normal to you

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000000  No.69870


>If anything, smartphones have helped to break the monopoly TV used to have on information.

No, the internet did that, not the smartphone; and with the convergence of "the internet" to a handful of social media gatekeepers (as most normalfags experience it), that advantage is all but lost. Worse, the smartphone has become a conditioning device used to push jewish propaganda on the public 24/7, turning that former positive into a negative, the way the anon I replied to alluded. Point of fact is, there is simply no need to have the internet in your pocket 24/7, and you are doing yourself a disservice by relying on the device so heavily. The smartphone (and the escapism that goes with it) is a crutch for weak minds.

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7df26b  No.69871


All kinds. There's even a website where you can report "disinformation." You know what to do.

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4139b8  No.69872


No it's not. There are still people and tourists wandering about and very few people are wearing face masks.

Which worries me since I repair notebooks and nobody is wearing gloves and we have to touch your filthy keyboards all the time. Then touch someone elses.

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e9ec85  No.69873

File: a4282e6403e9f1a⋯.png (377.47 KB, 498x497, 498:497, 1513969935486.png)


He claimed to be some diplomate's son so I assumed decent dose of autism and /pol/.

Best thing about Berlin was all the people jumping on Holocaust Memorial, it's such a fucking eyesore, it was pleasant to see people stomping it

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66bc72  No.69874


Report the holocaust?

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65f065  No.69875


Singaporeanon, is your country as cool as your national avg IQ indicates?

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2bb16c  No.69876

File: 6fae4288a9ab50c⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 480x270, 16:9, University_of_Dayton_stude….mp4)

based university of dayton zoomers

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f5140a  No.69879

File: afbe7f74dc0c9d3⋯.png (49.35 KB, 743x356, 743:356, WA_Update.png)

File: c8e7e12d7d4a8a0⋯.png (70.56 KB, 729x444, 243:148, blessed_sportsball_manager.png)

File: a05629e00b0bb94⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 352x640, 11:20, pissraelis_panic_buying.mp4)

File: 4654d129ef9008c⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, National_Guard_packing_up_….mp4)

File: db48e99fee8c30b⋯.jpeg (106.84 KB, 1163x361, 1163:361, king_of_cucks.jpeg)

I decided to change my system's font since twatter uses it instead of the ones assigned to the browser, hopefully the previous one wasn't giving anyone any problem with reading tweet screencaps

WA update; Spotsball manager gets blessed; Pissraelis panic buying; Nasty Girls packing food for distribution in New Rochelle and Trudeau's wife confirmed to be blessed. He won't be tested because he's not showing any symptoms





They wish.


They're shekel detectors. They can pick up the scent of a penny from 5 miles away.


Childish tantrum. They are elderly, they're going to die in the near future. I hope they don't die because Corona-Chan because I don't wish any anon or their family any harm, but everyone dies one day. Just make sure they're not in a nursing home, those things are death traps right now.


Doubles confirm it, Greek fire will be used in the battlefield once more


Really? Sauce?


It really is. I love all of her forms <3


Hey Bellevue dude, always good to see you. Good to read that you're nearly done prepping , very good job brother.

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51948f  No.69880

File: 8d085f0fa581c61⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Corona_Chan_Loves_you.mp4)

File: 64d58f37ff23823⋯.png (158.58 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 64d58f37ff23823eb2a33c2e30….png)


Their currency has been shit for awhile now, so bad in fact that you cannot take out other fiat currencies in mainland China in banks.

Also most of their big industry is state based so it takes time for them to tank when they are throwing in money while also having a theater play of things being fine while it's not.

So my big conspiracy was that they released the virus so that they could come up with a vaccine or new medicine so that the CCP could have a pharmaceutical IP, and sell it.

I underestimated the bugs, since they are promoting their bug society as something great instead since in their fantasy they have conquered the virus there or whatever it was.

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4139b8  No.69881


It's generic. Very very generic. On the plus side you only see a couple niggers a week if you're lucky and they're mostly tourists. Jews keep to themselves or blend in with the whites. Most people can't tell the difference unless they wear that skullcap. Then again, muslims also wear skull caps so they get confused from time to time.

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e2df0b  No.69882

File: d30972178e7cf74⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 250x238, 125:119, a981b01c170338c2b19ca5c879….jpg)


do you still get arrested for chewing gum in Singapore?

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307564  No.69883

File: 73ee3784f6d605f⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 1767x1011, 589:337, gfd234.jpg)


As batshit insane as it seems at first once you think about and play through all the outcomes the UK approach makes sense. Everyone else seems to be putting all their eggs in the vaccine meme. SARS was 18 years ago yet there is still not a full vaccine for it. Coronachan simplely will not be contained. So lock everyone up pretend she's gone over summer then get double fucked next winter?

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4139b8  No.69884


That's a myth. You can chew all you want. You just can't import any in.

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da6e52  No.69885

File: b83f769d4dc46a9⋯.png (626.72 KB, 1037x886, 1037:886, b83f769d4dc46a9858f37e4045….png)


Cheers, m8. Forgot to add a super important note:

>overheard people at the grocery store talking about their friend's office in downtown Bellevue being locked down because someone there caught /ourgirl/

She's here for sure not that I had any doubts.

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762d71  No.69886


What, do they have their own brands or homebrew stuff?

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51948f  No.69888

File: 16161818d97dd0f⋯.jpg (341.02 KB, 807x918, 269:306, 795902befeffdc6c565da63f0c….jpg)


Import and spitting the gum out on the streets can get you arrested.

But you will not get spanked as a boy/being spanked on the butt by a bamboo stick, that is for rape and touching a girl in the street.

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4139b8  No.69889


No, you're just not allowed to sell or distribute any here.

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4139b8  No.69891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's rattan, not bamboo. Touching a girl..well that depends on whether or not her pussy was grabbed.

Anyway, it looks like this (this is in Malaysia btw)

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f5140a  No.69892

File: 13d75dc9777ed7e⋯.jpeg (267.38 KB, 1163x361, 1163:361, READ_ME_NIGGER.jpeg)

File: b5690dad6f4842a⋯.png (74.05 KB, 794x365, 794:365, WOOOOOOOOO.png)

I'm gonna have to this faggotry because this is big news and you guys kinda missed my post.


SOURCE https://twitter.com/MariekeWalsh/status/1238280727633985536


Wew. Stay safe up there man.

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d018f1  No.69894

Travel agency Flight Centre will close up to 100 stores because of the intense panic cancelling. Aussies don’t handle the panic too well, do they?

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da6e52  No.69895

File: 65ea6e692cddc5d⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 65ea6e692cddc5dc0a694230fa….jpg)


Will do, anon. I'm still expecting to get blessed since my apartment has linked HVAC, but I'm hoping being in good health, exercising, and all that will let me weather the storm.

>that second pic

>that first reply

>She does - Corona-chan.

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d018f1  No.69896


Just leave the population centre and be far as possible.

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da6e52  No.69898


Something I've been thinking about anon is that trying to run and hide may not matter. Coronachan is going to become part of the normal flu cycle unless it was totally engineered and a 100% effective cure/vaccine comes out, and with how long she can stay on surfaces and whatever, only going full Unabomber innawoods could keep you safe.

What's the benefit to hiding out and playing the long game? Hedging against a vaccine coming out?

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51948f  No.69899

File: 2f4feb4ef08dea9⋯.jpg (14.6 KB, 319x331, 319:331, 1546999143579.jpg)


When I said touching a girl is when she is intoxicated like black-out drunk since went under the rape law or something.

The bugpeople have no mercy when it comes to punishments, it's fucking scary how hardcore they will punish people.

It's like they took the punishment from the British Empire Royal Navy and other Navies, and just took those inane laws used thoses punishments instead of building on top of it.

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762d71  No.69900

File: 675a089ed09574d⋯.jpg (327.84 KB, 1200x861, 400:287, with_cancuck.jpg)


>Tomorrow, he will speak with the leaders of National Indigenous Organizations and provincial and territorial premiers

Oh Trudeau! You won't let /ourgirl/ keep you from being the pretty Canacuck-boy you are.

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ca2107  No.69901

File: cb8e5d2d8d23686⋯.png (341.08 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Hazmat_18.png)


If I could kiss you I would thank you man

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74d17c  No.69902


it will be part of the normal flu cycle, but its also going to mutate, and will eventually become a normal addition and not something that kills a lot of people every year. I'd also imagine that a few cycles of that will light a fire under everyone's asses to fight the spread of this thing, which can be done, but its going to be a tough few years.

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000000  No.69903


>they're even paying people to get infected.

That's how you test a vaccine, unless it's something like HIV. People are paid all the time to test drugs. Sometimes they die.


>You can chew all you want. You just can't import any in.


>What, do they have their own brands or homebrew stuff?

Moonshine gum.


Faggot trudeau death when?


>What's the benefit to hiding out and playing the long game?

It pays to get it early, late or not at all. If you get it early, you get a ventilator. If you get it late, you get a ventilator. If you get it in the middle with everyone else, you die because there's no ventilator, they already have jamal and shaniqua hooked up.

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d018f1  No.69904


What death do you want to have? Murder by the desperate people in your apartment or die peacefully in the uninhabited area?

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63a28c  No.69905


I appreciate the advice, but I'm a welder and machinist who's buddies with a scrapyard owner. It's going to be hidden because it's going to be reinforced from the inside, and I'm going to be doing something similar to that with expanded metal and spring steel instead of plywood. It'll look like a busted window I covered up with a bedsheet, but it's gonna be a nasty surprise for anyone that tries to force their way in.

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4139b8  No.69906


Well it works.

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b1ea93  No.69907

File: f24595891643528⋯.jpg (149.29 KB, 1000x950, 20:19, bearpaw_pedastal_european_….jpg)

File: df9286ec0c88fbc⋯.jpg (132.21 KB, 747x1328, 9:16, f33420c47dff1c7307da5e9545….jpg)

File: 566e03cfed93dec⋯.jpg (107.88 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1f47d87b7558fd1f2b0a99db39….jpg)


Taxidermy shops, pretty much everywhere in rural America

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da6e52  No.69908


Seems like hyperbole, anon. Shit didn't get that bad in Wuhan, and my zoomer yuppie neighbors, base as they are, are still a higher form than the bugmen.

Incidentally, you should look up a novel by JG Ballard called High Rise.

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f5140a  No.69909

File: b76d5f7fd41092a⋯.png (98.83 KB, 645x547, 645:547, Michigan_update.png)

File: 3097145f31fb117⋯.png (151.37 KB, 480x588, 40:49, alaska.png)

File: e50047430d3f376⋯.png (202.94 KB, 447x550, 447:550, infected_firefighters_in_s….png)

File: 6a22dd3081e7999⋯.png (163.31 KB, 458x543, 458:543, blessing_at_the_university….png)

File: 978a56fcc56548a⋯.png (202.43 KB, 571x565, 571:565, frogland_could_be_quaranti….png)

Michigan update https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163-521557--,00.html

First confirmed case in fucking Alaska; More infected firefighters in San Jose; Blessing at the University of Washington and All of Frogland could be quarantined https://archive.is/9OPgQ


>She does - Corona-chan.



Good OC, you deserved those doubles.


>Faggot trudeau death when?

Soon. One month and two or three weeks, calling it now.

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ed066f  No.69910

> Deutsche bank crashed completely

Yep…. even with fed pumping tons of money into economy its going to be bad. ECB really fked up today and enacted too little measures for the economy (probably even more aggressive measures will follow on monday, if not expect a freefall like today as well on monday).


China is really fucked. Also factories still closed / exports still tanking.


Even the more left leaning people (not the politicians) are raging about what Turkey is doing, how the EU commission is handling the situation, the involvement of non profits and so on. I don't really see people eager to point fingers at jews, but boy are people mad at both ECB and EU commission. The ones not yet mad at ECB, do not realize how large the ECB fucked up today.


Because it also required the ECB to pump as much, if not more into EU countries. Except it didn't. Markets lost complete confidence in a lot of European stocks. Which also translates to a crisis in US.


That's a little over 2/3 of the federal annual budget they're pumping into the economy. That's actually insane. It also doesn't really work, because the stocks going down so much is because of shipments having massive delays. Most companies trade in advance for a few months, but after 1-2 months the consequences of delayed shipments affect the company's production. Since this happens on massive scale (due to gigantic outsourcing to China past 20 years), you see an enormous decline. I hope that people wake the fuck up to globohomo right now that when you're very reliant on another country their production then that country can completely buttfuck you like this if they want to.

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da6e52  No.69911

File: 7191a0be5c3f330⋯.jpg (96.66 KB, 786x595, 786:595, 7191a0be5c3f330d32ddd5ab70….jpg)



What's the word on Corona-chan in Turkey? Is she infecting the roaches? Feels like it'd be a prime breeding ground for her.

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65f065  No.69912

File: ad2c14a1a99e176⋯.png (41.88 KB, 616x620, 154:155, ClipboardImage.png)


> Deutsche bank crashed completely

Nah, it'll be fine. Losing 50% in a single month is peanuts! Peanuts!

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d018f1  No.69914


>They could have given every single American about $10,000.

Good news, the Australian government is giving 6 million Australians $750 AUD. I think they should shut ABC leftist media down to distribute the extra billions amongst the Australians.

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946445  No.69915

I'm guessing that Trump will prop up the oil-gas industry tonight or in the morning. Because if he doesn't, the nation is fucked, and it's time to move.

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946445  No.69916

I'm trying to decide where I should go. Ideas? Because if the fucking oil market isn't propped, I'm seriou, the nation goes straight to Great Depression all by its own damn self.

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d018f1  No.69917


He can get $500 billion by reducing military and welfare. They spent massive amount of money on that.

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d018f1  No.69918


Where are you?

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513287  No.69919


>In fucking alaska

Pls, we knew it was a matter of time.

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e9ec85  No.69920

File: 13a0d678cdf96c7⋯.jpg (106.34 KB, 1024x659, 1024:659, 1529584334114.jpg)


Countryside. Staying in city is death or local struggle to become a warlord

I'm staying, but I'm immortal so that's another story

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a5cd51  No.69923


You guys must be new here.


Anons, the plan for years has been to use a 4 of clubs (4chan) and/or 8 of diamonds (8chan) with "Path of Light" (/pol/) written on it so we can ID each other. Anons have been saying that for years, though some of you apparently forgot or are 2nu to know.

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c66dc0  No.69924

>go to sleep after reading the last /cvg/

>wake up

>missed 2 /svg/s

You faggots better have a good reason for hyping me up this early in the morning.

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000000  No.69925


>I'm trying to decide where I should go.

City or you will miss all the DOTR action. We have all waited so long and this is our gift from coronachan.

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d018f1  No.69926


There is a lot of closures and global economy is falling even with printed one trillions.

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a5cd51  No.69927


Basically just a lot of quarantines and market crashes, it's fun to watch.

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c66dc0  No.69928



There's literally nothing in carbs that extra protein and testosterone-boosting animal fat can't compensate for.

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9a09f2  No.69930

bout to do my last prep supply run. The grocery stores are running out of everything. Time to get the comfy stuff. Already got my survival stuff.

I give it a week then SHTF.

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da18b4  No.69931


I'm not a Turk. The refugee camps would spread it rapidly and likely the disease would be out of hand (1000+ infected) before it would get detected among refugees there.


I wonder how badly African countries are actually doing given how many have a very limited amount of medical staff to diagnose them. They could easily have deaths in the 100's before someone picks up that the disease is there (similar to ebola, which was much harder to spread).


DOTR will come I think after maybe 1-2 months when people will feel the economical impact the virus has had.


Complete market crashes despite fed printing a trillion directly into the market, despite ECB putting 120 bill in markets ( and markets having no confidence in ECB at all atm ). Also schools just closed in my country (Netherlands) and most work places now tell people to stay home.

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f4b4f4  No.69932

>>69478 >>69642

Protip: When reconstituting any type of powdered milk, chilling overnight or longer(in cooking it's 24hrs) gets rid of the powdery taste. But you can buy it cheaper than condensed milk. If you find the taste unpalatable add a teaspoon of sugar or honey, if you're having it for a drink with a meal add a dash of cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract.

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ef82e7  No.69933


Every normalfag is saying that China is back to work and the factories are going again

>> look how many recovered in china

>> they closed hospitals

Do we anything showing that this is just ccp bullshit or are the chinks/slaves just back?

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51948f  No.69934

File: 886e1e07a94625a⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1534x2780, 767:1390, jahanic_rev_12.png)

File: bd6855de020a1c7⋯.png (1.69 MB, 941x1200, 941:1200, talmund_p2.png)


Yes and no, it depends on the bugmen country tbqh.

some are relaxed and others are more aggressive when it comes to finding you guilty of something, and if you are pinned as guilty it's impossible to get out of that fast.

A girl I know was in Japan and taken for Narcotics smuggling and was in jail for a month and found not guilty but she was expelled.

Like in Poland if you are taken for something like too much drink, you are just stopped and they will make fun of you, or if you are really unlucky be a little bit in jail while paying a fine.

In Spain, you can go to jail for being too drunk and be there a little while.

In Norway it's just thrown into the jail and sleep away the intoxication and walk out like nothing happened.

These things can be borderline dangoures in bugland depending if they think you are intoxicated on something else than alcohol, you can be royally screwed.


They will blame finance and the big guys, they will only blame the Jew when they see a connection. Also people only get red pilled on the Jews if they see what the Talmund teaches that is when that even the most cucked Christians cannot defend the Jews and their practice.

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c64247  No.69935

File: 1f777f4eba18ccc⋯.jpg (246.06 KB, 679x960, 679:960, 551bd8724b3304aad525dde5eb….jpg)

Well, anons, the official word is out. Toothpastania is on its way to become another Italy, and I would say even worse. Debtanon here, with another unexciting little update for you curious niglets.

Today was the turning point for our cattlelike populace, as the pressconference given by our Prime Minister finally swayed the volk enough to start taking notice, ergo, empty shelves where there used to be a deluge of toilet paper, handsoap, and other necessities fuckers in my town have raided the pasta shelves, while the rice underneath is still very much in stock ohiamlaffin.jpg. This conference that I speak of announced a few things, namely:

- major and amateur sportsball events cancelled, including soccer, cycling and marathons, though political circlejerking still a go

- every event which has more than 100 people attending will be forbidden, including museums, theaters and the aforementioned sportsball events. Not including restaurants, shops and schools, because fuck you, that's why

- avoid vulnerable people, and if you are vulnerable yourself, isolate. This means no more visits to your gramps and grammies, they would've just start spouting shit about niggers, moroccans and jews, so avoid them like the plague

- Universities and other forms of education are being advised to start giving online lectures and such, lower education should continue as if nothing's happening, this includes primary schools. Fuck you kids, your parents won't have time to babysit you and you can't go to opa and oma because they're dead meat anyways

Following the 7-hour political debate, which just ended, I can honestly say: we are screwed. The only two parties who give a damn (the Wilders led PVV Wilders is a kike for those who don't know, and the Baudet led FvD good kid, but the kikes are working their hardest to overtake/demonize his party) are not taken seriously, at all.

Toothpastania currently sits at 614 confirmed, 5 dead. Expect these numbers to be way higher, since people are advised to stay at home when experiencing symptoms and are not tested. Also expect these numbers to explode in the coming days, as we are one of the countries with the most dense population, and the most dense government.

Stay safe you beautiful bastards, see you in Valhalla.

t. debtanon

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307564  No.69936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Really? Sauce?


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c66dc0  No.69937

File: 9d0924e47728b25⋯.jpg (143.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1267560085001.jpg)


>Is this some fucking zombie disease in disguise or have I underestimated the stupidity of the normalcattle?

You are just starting to believe. Normalfaggotry had always been the zombie disease.

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fcaa54  No.69938

More cases in Canada, eight of them in Quebec.

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e9ec85  No.69939

File: f92ec6748bcaa93⋯.png (658 KB, 802x861, 802:861, anus.png)


Did they give any credible explanation why they underestimate the danger when Germany and Poland are closing virtually anything they can ?

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21511f  No.69941


>Sandniggers are falling apart.


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c66dc0  No.69943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Complete market crashes despite fed printing a trillion directly into the market, despite ECB putting 120 bill in markets ( and markets having no confidence in ECB at all atm )

Are you guys fucking with me?

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f5140a  No.69944

File: 9761fbd7b464e96⋯.jpeg (91.59 KB, 750x631, 750:631, school_closed_in_tranny_c….jpeg)

File: c4aa80d2d8b4f19⋯.png (41.29 KB, 451x377, 451:377, florida_update.png)

Update on Florida and Glenn Park Elementary school closed due to airborne aids.


Double doubles checked. There was the suspicion Roachland was blessed then a couple days ago they announced their first case. I think it was last thread or the thread before that.


Lot's of ZOG fags getting blessed in many countries, even Trump might be incubating /ourgirl/ too, since he got very close to a blessed member of Brownzilian delegation.


The "recovered" they are sending out of the hospitals just get sick again and collapse later. Some are even dying. You're going to have to dig into past threads for the links and the proof tho.


Thanks for the update, DebtAnon. You're gonna make it brother, prepare and believe it.

>and the most dense government.



Wew. Thanks for the sauce anon.


Remember to always post a source when it's possible, anon. Even a screencap without link would do, it's better than nothing.


No anon, it's really happening. Skim the threads you missed, brother.

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946445  No.69948


In in the continental US.


Congress controls such spending. But it's possible for him to start making demands.


Which country? The us is going straight down the shitter, if there's no massive help to the gas industry, like it's fucking over. Saudi Arabia's 911 is here, get a clue zoomer nigger.

inb4 not actually a zoomer


There can't be a DOTR without the military vanishing. The military and police are the quizlings of the kike empire, and always have been, and there's always been a new cuck born to rape the Earth by their schemes.

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61a7ea  No.69949


I can't stop smiling at this second image.

News of someone infected, someone close to a world leader. First thing that fires up this idiot about it is how the news outlet referred to such person.

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946445  No.69950



I'm fucking out of this shithole if Trump doesn't fucking bail the oil/gas industry, because if he doesn't the place is fucked 100%. I'm not joking, there's no saving anything at that point.

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04771d  No.69951

I hope water fasting helps me if I get the disease. I'll stock up on potassium and magnesium chloride, salts and water for the time it happens

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c64247  No.69952

File: adbe8a9d6e24a8d⋯.jpg (213.29 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, adbe8a9d6e24a8d0166695981d….jpg)


Credible explanation? No, none whatsoever. It all came down to "we should look at what the best are at this moment, besides it would cost a lot of money and manpower if we were to check the borders and close our airports", concerning the closing of schools they give this argument: "a lot of parents of these school-going children are working in hospitals and other areas that are much needed right now, and being that children are a low-risk group for this virus we will not be closing schools".

Baudet actually gave a nice metaphor for their current handling of the situation, saying the prime minister is like someone who looks at stars in the night sky, not knowing that some of those stars might already be gone, due to the time light takes to reach our planet. Meaning, our prime minister only looks at the present and does not and will not tae the future in consideration, like some countries have.

i really like this new site codemonkey, i only had to press the new reply button 47 times!

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ef82e7  No.69953

File: 796368ed63299c9⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, blessed_chink_drops_dead.mp4)


I figured I’ve been following since the 2nd bread. That whole china “recovered” is gaining traction with these normalfags to say we’ll be fine. Pastaland being full on fucked is typically what I tell them to look at.

Vid related of chink napping

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d018f1  No.69954


>Are you guys fucking with me?

No, I am not fooling you. The people have no confidence in the global market at all and they cares about their life more than money.

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21511f  No.69955

File: f9ea45286632a88⋯.jpg (194.29 KB, 800x563, 800:563, travel_cantabria_northern_….jpg)

I live within the Spanish Northen Highlands, and so far we haven't had any outbreaks of Corona, everything seems perfectly normal, even though everywhere else in the peninsula it seems like the Virus is having a party. I wonder how bad it can get in my country.

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946445  No.69956

Where the hell do we move to? Russia? They have a massive border, and a difficult language, but the cold weather doesn't matter, as I don't go out much anyway. Where do we go, anons, if Trump doesn't bail the oil/gas industry this weekend?

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c64247  No.69957


>we should look at what the best are

*what the best measures are

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946445  No.69958


Seems a poor choice for an American, though. What I'm trying to explain is that the US economy WILL FALL APART if Trump doesn't launch a massive push to save the oi/gas industry. It's great depression time. That's it, it's over. No jobs, no nothing. boom, no more economy (in the US). It doesn't matter that it's only a sector, it's the precise kick in the nuts to bring down the giant, and Saudi Arabia did it, better than they did 911.

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e0b01d  No.69959



Hey Genius detective, Chinese don't even use spaces after a period half the time when using English because they don't use them when writing Chinese. 可以吗?好

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d018f1  No.69960


>Congress controls such spending. But it's possible for him to start making demands.

So there’s literally nothing he can do to save USA? Are you for real? USA don’t have time to debate over the silly things. Oh geez, this is bad. Just get out of USA cause the time bomb is clocking.

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c66dc0  No.69961


Hate to agree with the torpedo but this. Smartphones are formatting the internets in a way that tranquilizes and appeals to our simian brain.

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d018f1  No.69962


You forgot about the massive chimpouts. No welfare mean they will riot.

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ef82e7  No.69963


>> government save me

Come on anon really?

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c64247  No.69964

File: 7914d155c7ca9f4⋯.jpg (322.03 KB, 1350x1030, 135:103, f2c662009476c3569793559927….jpg)


Nice digits CC anon.

>Thanks for the update, DebtAnon. You're gonna make it brother, prepare and believe it.

I guess you should know by now, preparations are not in the stars for me. But I'll be a-okay.

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54f72a  No.69965


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260b97  No.69966


Yes they are going to factories again. However I really do not trust Chinese numbers at all. I think they isolated the most crucial parts where the virus spread, shut it down there, and resumed production everywhere else where it isn't that big after quarantining almost everything for a month. I don't trust Chinese numbers due to how it spreads in Northern Italy which is a first country without corrupt commie government.

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d018f1  No.69967


Elites are going to get murdered by the riots if they don’t fix this fast.

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946445  No.69968


No, it's not "nothing". He can certainly move massive amounts of money. It's just it would be a huge war to try and direct military spending. There are strict rules that are skirted all the time, actually. Basically, there's new spending. But the real solution is just to take radical action, declare it an emergency act, this is justifiable. And, even if it's not, what are they going to do? Spank him afterwards? There are also funds that can be directed, and he can threaten to nationalize banks, for example, for the purpose of strengthening the economy by directing needed loans that are being denied etc etc.


just buy an e-ink reader oh wait you can't, because China has ceased production of just about everything… well, in the coming months you won't be able to.



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762d71  No.69969


Dude, you are so lucky. That town looks so nice and lovely to live in, living the rural life.

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946445  No.69970


It's the only one, at this point. Either Trump un-fucks the oil/gas market or we're going straight to the great depression #2, in the US, anyway. And I'm fucking out of here, I'm not joking, this weekend, or it's fucking over.

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c64247  No.69971


Unless the most prominent have something, like say, bunkers deep underground.

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946445  No.69974


Castles don't work.

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b6f1ae  No.69975

Daily reminder that this is all wishful thinking and you're all boomer retards getting scared about the common flu for no reason other than the media men in suits told you its a big scary disease thats going to end the world.

When are you faggots going to learn. Shit like this is the reason we gave the U.S. goverment the power to spy on its citizens. Shit like this is the only reason we haven't already killed all of the jews in our nations. Go ahead and keep praying to god or Corona that the jews will be smitten while you do nothing but shitpost and pray for the end.

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d018f1  No.69976


>Implying that the lower workers are their friends and won’t rat their places to outside bunkers.

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7df26b  No.69977

File: 24ca9405aef913b⋯.png (791.06 KB, 859x707, 859:707, Ayyyyo.png)


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b7711b  No.69978


I'm envious you have the money to flee, but this shit's spreading in Russia as well, they're just not reporting on it. You're surrounded by subhuman animals no matter where you go.

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3dfe84  No.69980


Nice revisionism. The media men told us it was "just a flu" for over 2 months and downplayed it while all hell was breaking loose in Chinkland.

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c64247  No.69981



Do not underestimate our adversaries. If this is the SHTF moment we have been waiting for, bet your ass they will be hidden away, not to be found by any us.

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946445  No.69982

Oh look what the kikes are saying, and, doubtless, Trump is, like all the boomers, listening to the kikes.

I'm serious, if there's no bailout for oil/gas this weekend, the dumb fuckers will have brought on the Great Depression II, and it will be all their fault, boom, like that, over, it's a dead US economy, end of story.

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d018f1  No.69983


Are you going to Australia? It is a giant island surrounded by the Ocean. If yes then you better do it now before they close the border. A lot of people are flocking to Australia.

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e9ec85  No.69984

File: 38bef8454c21473⋯.jpg (97.09 KB, 800x600, 4:3, a159d9c82ad05604a5b4d0b165….jpg)


Shouldn't they the least care about people's opinion?

If Dutch people haven't been fed some extremely successful propaganda they must've panicked over what's happening in Italy

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b6f1ae  No.69985



They are newfags or shills. Either case they should not be told these things and should instead be left to die so that oldfags may inherit the earth.

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d018f1  No.69986


>your ass they will be hidden away, not to be found by any us.

Who will protects them?

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946445  No.69987


<it's spreading in Russia

It's spreading to chinks and kikes and faggots, and that's why they keep identitied of some a secret, then are like, look! Whites with it (they got it through the rectum, they got semen with coronavirus in it splurted right up their butts).


They'll be found trivially. Women gotta have Instagram fb, twitter etc. Emissions = detection


You don't need money. You need willpower.


Australia is useless shit. They have the weakest military in the history of governments, except maybe for the principality of sealand.

<go before they close the border



like how do you not know no wall no border?

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ef82e7  No.69990


>> it’s nothing

This is almost every other post on 4chan. Go back there unless you want to give us some sources and material to view..fuck off

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946445  No.69991

File: e5e5b3c34b89e53⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 1014x1007, 1014:1007, Screenshot_20200312_223506….jpg)


the fucking picture…

fix your shit, ron

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b6f1ae  No.69992


What media do you watch? All of the mainstream media were freaking out about this since day one and they are freaking out over it now. Go ahead and continue to believe. Maybe i'm just too jaded for this shit anymore. I've witnessed countless happenings that were meant to change the course of history yet nothing has happened.

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946445  No.69993

The accursed kikes. How goddamned useless are boomers? Yes, Americans need protection from job loss, especially in an extreme case, jesus fuck, those goddamned kikes.

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d018f1  No.69994


>Australia is useless shit. They have the weakest military in the history of governments, except maybe for the principality of sealand.

There are millions gun owners and Australia is very rich in resources and even richer than USA.

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04771d  No.69995

File: 6a00015776fbeec⋯.gif (486.69 KB, 420x315, 4:3, giphy.gif)


>tfw path of light is the name of a leftist militia where I live

Sorry guys, it will be only a 4 of clover or an 8 of diamonds for me

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01812b  No.69997


having a shitty military doesn't matter for a pandemic. it's a good thing there isn't an overpowering zog army.

a sea is a border wall


>All of the mainstream media were freaking out about this since day one

no they fucking weren't liar.

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8143dc  No.69998


Nothing is beyond Her reach.


Give it a rest already. You’re worse than some city woman claiming the whole ag industry is going under any day now due to trade spat.

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a5cd51  No.70001


>having a shitty military doesn't matter for a pandemic.

Gonna have to disagree anon, military strength and cohesiveness if going to be a big part of what holds together and what doesn't.

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54f72a  No.70003

File: 46605fd6e50a93e⋯.png (368.76 KB, 546x572, 21:22, Screenshot_from_2020_03_12….png)

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b6f1ae  No.70004


>i know whats being posted on 4chan

You really need to go back. Are the faggot that was talking about plebbit 2.0 earlier. I knew 8kun was going to infested with faggots like you.

The actual death rate is very low. It only effects the elderly. It will have as much of an economic impact as the flu. This is a classic example of normalfaggotry panic. The same people who are scared about the covid are the same 300 pound retards that believe we need free health care.

Why can't you see such obvious media sensationalism? You are an actual normalfag.

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61a7ea  No.70005


It's quite good at it.

>common symptoms, requires lab tests to be detected, increasing price

>expensive medication, care and isolation

>requires absurd amounts of protective gear to those treating the ill, requires so too for normal people

>common symptoms force many non infected people to waste test kits and occupy hospitals

>hard to contain

>forces closing down of factories, schools, any tourist attractions or entertainment

>if you don't invest against it with preemptive measures and treatment, consequences are dire


Of course pence and trump will be tested, but there's no benefit for the US to fake a negative test or show a true positive test. Their plan is probably the best course of action in this situation, though you don't need many brains to think of it or to figure it out, though it's enough for the markets and normies. I'm surprised it flew past your heads. Maybe too much information for you guys?

Keep focused.


>mask stocks devaluing by devaluing the FIAT that they're traded by

I'm surprised gold was still able to fall in Gold/US comparison.


Jews are trying to push through with the Olympics anyways. I'm glad that this happened, this will save Japan from Olympics long term influence.

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01812b  No.70006


you could get that from a volkssturm. I don't think having a bunch of aircraft carriers and tanks from a big military budget will help much

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01812b  No.70007


virus's don't want to be deadly. they live off the host. they want to be infectious and spread like crazy

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946445  No.70008


Australia is absolute garbage. It would take nothing in the way of military might to completely route the whole nation of cucks. Trash, it's total garbage.

<rich in resources

fuck off, you useless fucking mong. It's trash.



Yes it does


Look what's happened? The moment there's a sign of weakness on the US' part we see 2 more attacks:

>Iran launches an attack (the counter-assault is ongoing at this very time)

>Saudi Arabia jacks the whole oil/gas market, knowing it will crash the US economy (and knowing that kikes will reliably lead boomer zoomer fucking idiots like you astray)

And more to come. Every nation. We saw that Italy was trying to keep sending their diseased people out, because it's an economic competition, and they are useless terrorist quizlings of the yellow kike.

And on and on it goes. But you can expect more and more. And Australia will be taken over swiftly by the Chinese, because Australia is useless fucking trash, you dumb nigger.

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c64247  No.70009

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, b5c0e56af1da5be1e6af22541d….gif)


>Shouldn't they the least care about people's opinion?

The people here are gone, our government have showed time and time again they will not listen to its volk, and yet still they manage to be voted into government. Pandemic or not, this country is fucked.

>If Dutch people haven't been fed some extremely successful propaganda they must've panicked over what's happening in Italy

They have not, they have just now started panicking because our government basically told us so.


Useful, and most likely heavily programmed, idiots. Again, do not underestimate our adversaries, also, don't overestimate your fellow man.


>They'll be found trivially. Women gotta have Instagram fb, twitter etc. Emissions = detection

Not all of them do. These are all programming/indoctrination tools for the masses, I do not believe their chosen minions need them. Why has no one ever released a comprehensive and credible source to their vile deeds concerning pedowood and the like. They have broken these people.

But, I admit, I'm a pessimistic bastard. Though I still hold out hope that what you say will happen, not while our attention is aimed at something more immediately dire.

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6e3544  No.70010


Looks like Italy isn't fucking around.

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946445  No.70011


Viruses, against humans, need to be deadly, so as to keep people from warning others.

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946445  No.70012


<Not all of them do.

You are ignorant of women, wow what a cuck.

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000000  No.70014




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ef82e7  No.70016


Where are your sources that everything is good faggot? You’re obviously trying to push that on everyone so show some proof that everything is fine

>> stock market…oh wait

>> pastaland has got it contained…oh wait

>> burgers have got it contained…oh wait

Again fuck off or show proof

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c64247  No.70017


Perhaps, though I know some who absolutely abhor that culture.

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01812b  No.70018


viruses wouldn't know that humans warn others. viruses die if the host dies. how absurd

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cc3845  No.70020


No need to fight about it, especially from your perspective since it's nothing, but in six months I know a million+ people will be dead from this.

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946445  No.70021




You're gaslighting against all I said, as if you have addressed the objection I raised, the contradiction stands, you useless human trash. To hell with you, you kike or yellow kike, you fucking liar!!!

I was incredibly clear! Ausralia will face total run-over by the chinks if they get a chance. Instant, they'll take that shitty place over, trivially. Their military is garbage.

<muh bolt action 22's

fuck you, you fucking trash. you know nothing lying fucking trash, FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!

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7a528b  No.70022


Remember ebola chan? This board is worse than the mainstream media when it comes to spreading the meme virus. Zombie parrots.

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b6f1ae  No.70023


>stock market

An over reaction. It will continue to fall. Stop acting as though it will never be back though, because it is unless this is the actual collapse of the U.S. dollar.

Pro tip; Jews aren't going to allow that to happen.


A third world country practically. 138k infected. 850 killed. OH MY GOD ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!


How many real cases have there actually been? Is there any real proof or is this more jewish media hysteria that you fell for.

You are a normalfag panicking like a normalfag. You are not thinking rationally in the least.

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5be7f1  No.70024

File: 681ae7f59cbca3c⋯.gif (403.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1428281445415.gif)

A fuck, runny nose.

Just sneezed and my right arm is achy now.

Is Corona chan inside me already?


>make people homeless overnight

What'd they think would happen lmao


You're a retard. I agree that it's not massive global apocalypse, but the danger is again in the overloading of shitty healthcare capacity causing more deaths. Not about the flu symptoms. >>70016 may be annoying but he's got a point. Indicators are fucked.

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946445  No.70025


They either evolve the feature, you stupid fuck, or they die. Thus, they "know" by trial and error, you goddamned idiot, you've had how long to learn how viruses work?

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7a528b  No.70026


>a million+ people will be dead from this.

LOL. That's what you said last month.

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b6f1ae  No.70027


>no need to fight about it

There's always reason to try and make normalfags fuck off. You lower the quality of the website.

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7a528b  No.70028


>Is Corona chan inside me already?

Yeah, you might want to get your head examined.

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a5cd51  No.70030


>An over reaction. It will continue to fall. Stop acting as though it will never be back though, because it is unless this is the actual collapse of the U.S. dollar.

I dunno anon, the supply chain breakdown from China seems pretty real. The markets may be overreacting if China gets shit back together in a hurry, but if they don't, the global markets and economy than is driven by consumerism really will crash by mid-year. Likewise there will be medication shortages by mid year if production doesn't resume, and THAT will kill a fuckton more people than the virus.

>Pro tip; Jews aren't going to allow that to happen.

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a4bbdc  No.70031


Good job. Thanks for all your opinions

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1e3a12  No.70032


>UK going to let it kill all the niggers on purpose.


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e9ec85  No.70033

File: cad04686bcf4281⋯.jpg (66.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1569579281511.jpg)


>You are not thinking rationally in the least.

proceed to undermine weight of facts we already know

- Corona spreads like crazy

- Corona kills elders quite easily

- If you don't trust China's data, one has to assume Italy model is the real one, absolutely taking down country's medical care

And here you are negro talking about thinking rationally

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b6f1ae  No.70034


>over loading healthcare capacity

Only an issue because normalfags are going to flood the hospitals when they have the sniffles. Realistically, give priority to the elderly and tell everyone else to fuck off.

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ceffd2  No.70035

File: d75bd5f467ee51e⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 170x255, 2:3, cfe056473dd4f4e6f336bcf674….jpg)




After that? Pfftt, it's all fucked. Everything important in the engine that is the global economy has been brought to a screeching halt. The crankshaft, fly-wheel and other heavy components of the power-train still have enough inertia to continue for a few more rotations. However, the whole thing is toast. The engine has had a critical failure while it was being run very hard. Every single fucking thing in it is broken. The whole block needs work. Re-bore, re-stroke… Disaster.**


Sure, until you can't feed your troops.


Big oooof. While you're sorta right, you really don't seem to grasp the severity of what's happening to confidence in the markets, period. Which means confidence in currency as money and if you don't know how and why those are two different things… ooof. You should learn monetary and fiscal history, it's actually super important stuff. An event like this can even make typical safe haven such as precious metals unsafe, worthless… because there is no civilization about them from which worth can be materialized or conjured in any fashion surrounding them. It's as good as if it were still bound in a mineral deposit. I hope you know how to tend a garden.


I don't think it's terribly fucking funny, asshole. You clearly don't understand the ride you're on.




Wow… enjoying it being down more than 40%? Ouchie

>>69622 ← Checked

We've been saying this for a while my dude. Welcome to the club.



I really don't think any of you are prepared in the slightest for what is increasingly likely to go down.

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946445  No.70036

>Walmart: Undercut local fuckers, selling crap at a loss, then raise prices slowly to higher than it was originally


>China: Undercut western fuckers, selling crap at a loss (technically enslaving people, slave wages work wonders for making products cheap), then raise prices slowly until it costs more than before


>Saudi Arabia undercuts other fuckers by the oil version of China (effectively slave wages, nobody has any freedom, no private ownership). Slowly raises prices to higher than they were initially


We've been here before. Time to launch the nukes.

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946445  No.70037



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01812b  No.70038


If they evolve to kill off their host faster then they die faster and have less chance to spread. Evolving to spread more which loses lethality is more desirable.

termites know not to completely destroy the structure of the house

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7a528b  No.70040

>Corona spreads like crazy

lol no. In case you faggots don't remember. The meme virus started in December, more than three months ago.

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5be7f1  No.70041


Except for the fact that one of our coworkers got asked very nicely to self-isolate by a doctor. No test though because burgerland really didn't want to test people


Letting it get that bad is not in the masters interests.

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946445  No.70042


The only way to get the US economy to recover is to pump into the oil/gas industry, and ban swaths of products (giving Americans factor jobs).

If that's not fixed, the country collapses. But this weekend, it's do or die. No bailouts for oil/gas, it's directly to


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01812b  No.70043


>it doesn't spread like crazy

are you ignoring the fact that it's spreading like crazy?

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b6f1ae  No.70044


You forget china is a shit hole and thats the only reason people produce goods there. If china is not going to produce cheap goods there are hundreds of other shit holes to exploit. Thats more of a threat to the Chinese economy than it is to the U.S. In fact that would actually create and incredibly boost to the U.S. economy if people began producing goods in the U.S.

Its media sensationalism. Do the opposite of what jews and normalfags do.

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7a528b  No.70045


>My co-worker is infected with the meme virus.

Cool anecdote, very believable.

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5be7f1  No.70046


>durr I have epidemiology degree I know how long it takes for virus to travel around the world hurr

Source or fuck off.

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7a528b  No.70049


There aren't even any reliable tests yet and any respiratory illness related death is chalked up to corona.

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