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File: 72e4784070f754e⋯.jpg (211.65 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, slide_356569_3927002_free.jpg)

f973c7  No.65674


>President Trump said Thursday that the federal government will begin withholding funding from sanctuary cities after a federal court ruling last week upholding the administration’s right to do so.

>“As per recent Federal Court ruling, the Federal Government will be withholding funds from Sanctuary Cities. They should change their status and go non-Sanctuary. Do not protect criminals!” Trump wrote in a morning tweet.

>A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Appeals Court in Manhattan ruled last Wednesday that the Justice Department could deny millions of dollars in federal-grant funding to cities that buck the administration’s immigration enforcement policies. The court found that Congress has allowed the attorney general the prerogative to impose conditions, such as cooperation with immigration authorities, on the release of federal grant money.

>The court’s decision “rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the attorney general to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a Justice Department spokesman said.

>The move comes amid the administration’s crackdown on sanctuary cities. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has begun 24-hour surveillance operations near homes and workplaces of undocumented immigrants in cities that refuse to coordinate with U.S. immigration authorities. The operation to increase arrests includes a request from ICE for at least 500 special agents as well as immigration SWAT teams to locate and deport undocumented immigrants living in sanctuary cities.

>Last week’s ruling was the latest in a series of court decisions, many of which ruled against the administration. In 2017, seven states and New York City sued the Justice Department over then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s announcement that he would withhold funding from sanctuary cities who attempted to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation by denying access to jails and refusing to share information with authorities.

Libtard mods BTFO!

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790767  No.65720

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0d2a04  No.65727


This will force affected states to raise taxes to cover the shortfall, accelerating their demise.

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2d546e  No.65748

File: c1198cfdb3f6ca1⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 1465849658435.jpg)

Michigan and Chicago are


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1ad03d  No.65765

File: 5c10e54a68a3474⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 750x734, 375:367, mightymenofold.jpg)


What funding is being withheld? How much? Without even looking into it I can guarantee it's not every penny of federal money. Let's take a look at your source:

>The court’s decision “rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the attorney general to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a Justice Department spokesman said

>Department of Justice grants

OK, so how much money is Daddy Justice handing out? Let's check his website:


>In fiscal year 2011, OJP made more than 3,500 grant awards to criminal and juvenile justice organizations and victim service providers at the national, state, local, and tribal level. These awards include a total of more than $2 billion to support public safety and justice initiatives in every part of the United States.

>$2 billion

So, $2 billion/year, across the entire country. Yeah, it was 2011, I'm sure it's bigger now, but it's going to be within an order of magnitude, so it's peanuts, especially considering that's all the grants across the whole country, not just the sanctuary city money that they may begin to withhold.

This is a meaningless gesture to make MAGAcucks think they're winning and whip the libs into a pleasant state of hyperventilating agitation.

>OMG, Trump is cutting off sanctuary cities from Federal funds*!!!!

>*from this one small grant program

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2ddaaf  No.65790

>Trump sez

Talk is cheap and campaign talk is even cheaper.

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000000  No.65884


You're right. It cost Hillary 1.3 billion and she still lost.

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335bd7  No.66653


This anon gets it. However, the big reveal is that they want to break down and destroy America on purpose.

>Promoting the gay lifestyle cripples indigenous birthrates and causes families to have to compete with childless gays.

>Decriminalizing intentionally giving someone aids.

>Decriminalizing "minor" crimes

>No cash bail

>Import subhuman IQ invaders from the most violent countries on earth

>disarm law abiding people so they can be victimized

>refuse to deport criminals to allow them to re-offend

>Poz courts with neoliberal maniacs

>Teach young boys to masturbate their asses in school

>Drive Christianity out of the public square

>Use fetal alcohol syndrome retard to convince brainwashed white liberals not to have kids

>Drive up the national debt doing idiotic shit like spending a trillion dollars buying jets from Rockefeller owned Boeing AKA little India R&D Crash and Burn Co.

>Instruct all businesses to go out of their way to hire everyone who isn't a white christian male

>Convince women to become wage slaves so they don't start families or have kids later on in life when the kid is more likely to suffer from genetic abnormalities due to advanced age

>Redesign society so the expectation is that both parents will be forced to work so mom can't watch the kids and make sure they don't turn into weed smoking wigger clowns that are in trouble with the cops

>import infinity less intelligent people to take jobs from Americans to enrich non-Americans so American wages can't rise and Americans can't afford to have a large nuclear family

Yep, every policy prescription of the left is an attack intended to bread down and destroy the country but the attack is always presented as a virtue or a good thing. 99% of people are too stupid to think more than one step ahead. The world is playing checkers not chess.

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bc3a1d  No.66750

File: def54194a87e6ff⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 1005x677, 1005:677, see_you_space_cowboy_.jpg)


It's disturbing how self destructive left minders are. It's like a nightmare that wont end.

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1ad03d  No.66760

File: 0136dec4f433a94⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 540x383, 540:383, ww1_french_artillery.jpg)


>This anon gets it.

No, he really doesn't. He's talking like this is a significant amount of money, and it's not. It's just one small grant program that may begin refusing sanctuary cities, but the press is framing it like it's all federal money getting cut off.

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785bbf  No.66827

File: d112d92487cc813⋯.jpg (296.9 KB, 1600x2416, 100:151, maganeoliberalism.jpg)

File: d7fee678618f1e7⋯.jpg (110.66 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, charliekirkweimericamaga.jpg)


Yeah, it's definitely great that Trump doesn't promote the gay lifestyle.

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53e55a  No.66828


If you knew just how greedy the dems are you would know it really upsets them not to get that cash. The dems only solution to running a state budget is to tax the fuck out of their citizens. Cutting spending is just not a part of their vocabulary. THEY WILL WHINE ABOUT THE LOST SHEKELS.

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785bbf  No.66837


>and this is the board you can type "shekels" in

>make sure you never do that at reddit

>enjoy your first day at work 53e55a

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e68d7f  No.66842


south shitpostlander spotted

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162b48  No.66852

Not enough. Need to block interstate commerce at the boarders. If we can't police our selves how can we be expected to police others.

Why not expand to other problem. Letting drug addicts get high, no more health care for the spooge drinkers. Portland not enforcing the law, nurtured the police force, now enjoy no more fed funds and cloned sea ports.

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be6aaf  No.67969


Drumpf is removing peanuts.

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dbaab2  No.68418


When you're already negative peanuts, losing peanuts hurts.

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7d96c6  No.68615

File: 2a2023ee426f4dd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.5 KB, 559x537, 559:537, MERCHANT_QUOTE_SAUSAGE_NOS….jpg)



>What funding is being withheld? How much? Without even looking into it I can guarantee it's not every penny of federal money. Let's take a look at your source:

>>The court’s decision “rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the attorney general to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a Justice Department spokesman said

>>Department of Justice grants

>OK, so how much money is Daddy Justice handing out? Let's check his website:


>>In fiscal year 2011, OJP made more than 3,500 grant awards to criminal and juvenile justice organizations and victim service providers at the national, state, local, and tribal level. These awards include a total of more than $2 billion to support public safety and justice initiatives in every part of the United States.

>>$2 billion

>So, $2 billion/year, across the entire country. Yeah, it was 2011, I'm sure it's bigger now, but it's going to be within an order of magnitude, so it's peanuts, especially considering that's all the grants across the whole country, not just the sanctuary city money that they may begin to withhold.

>This is a meaningless gesture to make MAGAcucks think they're winning and whip the libs into a pleasant state of hyperventilating agitation.

>>OMG, Trump is cutting off sanctuary cities from Federal funds*!!!!

>>*from this one small grant program

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7d96c6  No.68627

File: 68c78d4d952deb0⋯.png (206.36 KB, 360x415, 72:83, MERCHANT_DJT_IS_STILL_PRES….png)


>This will force affected states to raise taxes to cover the shortfall, accelerating their demise.

And it'll be added on to the taxes the upper middle class/rich shitlibs have to pay b/c Trump eliminated the state tax exemption. This hurt shitlib states the most


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4a982d  No.69094


2 Billion a year is peanuts for a single state. Nevermind the whole lot of them.

Heck, let's assume you got about half of your states turn rogue and decide they need wetback-lawnmowers.

You got 25 states, earning 1 billion of that pie.

That's 4 million bucks per state. PER YEAR.

It's chump change and doesn't need a tax high to be compensated.

I think this anon is right. I'm already seeing news and mainstream media going apeshit with it. In a couple of hours, Twitter will be up in arm, and we're gonna spend the next weeks discussing how racist and xenophobic this is.

Wathever gets their minds away from a Global Pandemic, am I right?

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621323  No.69423



Supreme Court Allows Trump Admin To Deport Mexicans To Mexico While They Await Asylum

The Supreme Court said Wednesday that the Trump administration can continue its practice of returning asylum-seekers to Mexico along the entire southern border while immigration authorities process their claims.

In a brief, unsigned order, the court said enforcement can go on while the justices decide whether to hear an appeal of lower court rulings that declared the program illegal. Only Justice Sonia Sotomayor said she would have denied the permission.

The policy, known as the Migrant Protection Protocols, or "Remain in Mexico," was launched in January 2019. During the 13 months it was fully in operation, the Department of Homeland Security returned more than 60,000 immigrants to Mexico while they awaited word on their asylum applications.

But in response to challenges from civil liberties groups, a federal court said enforcement of the program would be blocked in California and Arizona by mid-March.

Urging the Supreme Court to allow enforcement while the government appeals lower court orders shutting it down, the Justice Department said the program "has been an enormously effective and indispensable tool" in efforts to "address the migration crisis on our southwest border."


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4a7b74  No.70697


Doesn't bypassing your nation's immigration policy make them treasonous? They should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

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53e55a  No.75220

So much antifa butthurt in this thread.

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bb0cf6  No.76816


Wow Trump is looking pretty young nowadays

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