a95082 No.47938[Last 50 Posts]
>As the world prepares to celebrate Christmas, Chinese Communists have announced plans to rewrite the Bible so that it falls in line with the Party ideology.
>The bizarre requirement was reported by respected French newspaper Le Figaro yesterday evening, quoting their correspondent in Beijing, and it apparently extends to all major religions, including Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.
>The authorities apparently want “a complete reevaluation of existing translations of religious classics”. If some texts are found not to confirm, they will have to be “modified and translated again.”
>The Chairman of the assembly, Wang Yang, reportedly underlined “the fundamental importance of the interpretation of the religious rules and doctrines” so as to be able to “gradually form a religious ideological system with Chinese characteristics.”
Revelation 22:18-19
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
God is real, folks. Don't mistake it.
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de431b No.47946
Then why hasn't anything happened to the jews who turned Christianity into the worship of themselves, Christ's killers? And why hasn't any bud luck befallen ZOG Emperor Trump, who passed an executive order that effectively bans the New Testament on college campuses for promoting the "anti-Semitic canard" that the jews were behind the crucifixion?
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a95082 No.47951
Because you're an idiot, and you're wrong.
With that being said, the current genocide attempt against Europeans is just as disgusting and wrong as what people like you would do if you ever gained power.
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deba7f No.47973
go hang out with mixed raced unics and dyke ministers, maybe your hispanic friends will think your homily is based.
quoting revelation immediately signals that you just opened a bible for the first time to find prophecies to "faith signal"
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1fa6eb No.47975
Oh boy, i dont think these comunists know what they are doing. I don't think that beside their government being evil and their civilization being anti christian, this will help their case at all by further angering the God. Showdowns with God never end well for nobody, last time the people angered the God that much they got the great flood. Sounds like the wrath of God will be even harsher for them, we need to pray for the innocents that may also be harmed by this.
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1c4080 No.47984
GTFO christnigger.
China is more powerful than your kike fantasy volcano demon.
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fed53b No.47986
Is that why they have a population of 60 million Christians and growing, and 20k plague dead and growing?
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a0cb6e No.47988
It would be rather telling whether or not this rewrite policy is going to be applied to the Torah and Talmud too.
they're not going to change the kike books because commie chinks are already the jews of the east
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1c4080 No.47989
60 million is less than 5% of China's population
That's assuming you're not lying like the sandniggers you worship.
I hope China outlaws or completely rewrites christcuckoldry or else they'll be sucking jewish dick like America.
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fed53b No.47991
Oh well.
I'm not going to sit here and waste time trying to teach the blind to see. Your actions are between you and God. Hopefully you wake up before it's too late.
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980387 No.48019
This was caused by a mutation not an angel pouring out a vial.
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de431b No.48023
>all Christians got it wrong until Scofield published his "Study Bible" in 1909, and Jesus was just joking when he called the jews Satan's children
Kill yourself, Moshe.
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000000 No.48085
Christianity is eternally powerful. Chinese, along with any leftists, jews and other sub-humans will all be killed.
You have no power. Jesus Christ/God has all the power, always above anything that you do. He will exterminate all of you, through our actions.
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6ba107 No.48142
Gonna side with OP on this one. The wheels on the cosmic irony bus always suspiciously seem to go round and round during situations like this…
Just saying.
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f4a9b3 No.48144
more like they created an infinitely more capable civilization and the stupid nigger "West" has realized it has zero chance.
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d53122 No.48145
Cry more, neckbeard.
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b3cad3 No.48149
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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b838b8 No.48152
>kikes are the most evil, dishonest, deceitful group of people in the universe
>hey, guise. I found this book written by kikes let's worship as the word of god, I'm sure it's all true
Fucking christcucks, man. They are the worst.
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b838b8 No.48156
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Jeffrey Epstein 六四天安門事件 Zionist Slave 天安門大屠殺 Jewish Control of the Media 反右派鬥爭 ZOG 大躍進政策 Social Media Censorship 文化大革命 CIA Coups人權 Globohomo 民運 Pedophiles 自由 It's Ma'am 獨立 Bake the Cake Bigot 多黨制 Transsexual Kids 台灣 臺灣 Niggers 中華民國 Nepotism 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 White Genocide 達賴喇嘛 Israeli Spies 法輪功 Jews did 9-11 新疆維吾爾自治區 CIA Funding Mexican Cartels 諾貝爾和平獎 False Flags 劉暁波 Fake School Shootings 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Faggots 劉曉波动态网自由门 ]
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5af495 No.48160
>being this historically illiterate
I too like to feel euphoric and read allied garbage.
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c510d6 No.48162
Both of you keep it up - you're keeping the chinafags and soyboys out of the thread.
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b838b8 No.48168
>le fat american judaized youth
Joke's on you.
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06eb88 No.48298
>rewrite the Bible so that it falls in line with the Party ideology
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d53122 No.48441
Considering they have a plague, I think they did.
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e07fb2 No.48552
>Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
>And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Cause Satan is allowed to run amok in this world. Jesus doesn't shoot him down when he says he can give him the world because he knows he has power over the kingdoms of this world.
And the Talmudic jews serve the dark lord.
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f5f9c1 No.48627
I thought this thread would be some good ol' fashioned Chicom bashing for angering the gods with their arrogance.
Instead it was a shitfest. Oh well.
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636349 No.48656
So it's just another interpretation of the bible = another sect of christianity?
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e5b45f No.48668
The Chinese don't even worship the same Jesus as you. They worship CHINA JESUS. Das rite, you filthy gweilos. Not even your savior is white anymore! Get fucked, christcucks lmao
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113a9a No.48680
Isn't christianity religious communism? Why would the CCP want to rewrite it?
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a9c4cf No.48685
read "Atlantis, Edda & Bible". The people/stories chinks worship are ancient aryans, just like every lesser race of man.
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276cfd No.48730
Some of the modern Bibles are further kosherized, for example, the "Good News" translation removes the "synagogue" from "Synagogue of Satan". But most of it is just Talmudically twisting and re-interpreting the Bible to fit their agenda.
Imagine the narcissism of the evenglicucks to think that, in their judaized and negrofied megachurches, they're some of the first Christians to really get it right, and all of those who came before them (including Jesus himself) lacked their understanding.
You don't find it even a little suspicious that your anti-China attitude is shared by ZOG, the jewish press, and even Soros himself? Yet, they're still secretly in control of everything according to Jonestein.
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694b9e No.48733
>the same mod that autosaged over a dozen legitimate political news threads lets an off topic >>>/christian/ thread stay up
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691a0b No.48736
>jews kill each other
>goyim is so stupid that now accepts that jews are God's chosen people.
Goyim got trolled.
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867d5c No.48756
As if Kikestianity is any different from (((Communism))).
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abc508 No.48926
This. Absolutely.
The west was already on its inevitable fall and will continue to decline regardless of the progressive rise of the east Asia
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a51b7c No.48928
Imagine saying things only jews have ever said and thinking anyone here will believe you.
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501e57 No.48962
>Why hasn't anything happened to the Jews?
The Jews were slaughtered in Jerusalem and expelled from Israel by the Romans in 66AD and then from over 100 countries after that. This culminated in Hitler killing many of them inb4 holohoax, six gorillion, lampshades, etc. 2000 years later. Closer to current year, fake Jews are letting in millions of immigrants who hate them, and will eventually kill them, as is happening in France, Germany and New York City right now.
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501e57 No.48963
If China wants to destroy their own country with communism then that is their own choice. Corona is proof of God's punishment.
We should exclude from citizenship in our own nations anyone who does not at the very least recite a standard oath that gives allegiance God or an equivalent universal entity.
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501e57 No.48966
It is Gnon's wrath. Whether Nature, or Nature's God, the outcome is the same. Gnon punishes all who turn away from the universal laws.
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5ffbfc No.49015
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1c8ef7 No.49018
>Corona is proof of God's punishment
>"equivalent universal entity"
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40d97e No.49136
Nature or Nature's God - reverse acronym'd Gnon - for smart people - see >>48966
Just "God" for normies. We generally don't want to make normies think too hard, because thinking annoys them.
An oath that every citizen must recite should be simple. Smart people will know what we actually mean.
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e1b879 No.49469
Where has your jewish god been when jews have been doing stuff x10000000 worse than this?
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0e7cbb No.49593
>killing many of them
You're spreading a lie, no matter that you put a little supposed defensive spoiler in there too.
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4ee499 No.49626
How many times have this jewish propaganda toiletpaper been rewritten so far?
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39f2a3 No.49660
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b4c209 No.49663
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9321c9 No.49796
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
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a9c4cf No.49829
holy shit fuck you. if this is true god would have killed all the jews for forging a ton of the bible
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88a642 No.50536
Hahaha. These days they would be tortured in prison if they dared showed up in public. Look what happened to the qi gong enthusiasts known as Falun Gong. What a joke. In China, all that was ever saintly usually fled to the mountains or else, if in a densely populated area, kept their halos hidden.
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f7957f No.50640
>Implying those bridges will last more than a couple of decades.
Look up China's "impressive" new cities, or that story from that guy in the steel industry had to deal with chink trickery.
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94fcc5 No.50694
>"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
So why did multiple Jews and other groups of interest also remove, add in, or deliberately mistranslated the bible before, and excluded multiple books from it?
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576492 No.50733
They went further than that, as early as September they had all the officially sanctioned churches replace the 10 commandments with quotes from Xinnie.
Perhaps God saw the CCP boasting about how unstoppable they were and that Xi was taking God's place and they were rewriting the Bible to that end, and simply told a bat in a certain facility to bite the man walking past it? Then suddenly you have this so-called 'unsinkable' regime and country flying apart at the seams, crashing and burning irreparably because of something as trivial as a random bat biting some guy. Whether that was the case or not, when you are talking about an omniscient and omnipotent deity there are literally infinite ways for Him to faceplant a nation with less than the lightest prod. Imagine directly challenging God for His throne while being so weak and fragile, they truly picked a fight they had no chance of winning (or even surviving).
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171031 No.50833
We all believe in God….we just feel that current incarnations of religion are used as control mechanisms for the plebs. Every white man has that hole in their being where only God can fit…i personally think Christianity (in its basic, Jesus following terms) is too high minded for me, I'm just not at the point where I could even conceive of loving everyone else as myself…. I'm at the point where I love my wife and kids more than myself - but that egalitarian tendency ends there - and I don't give a shit about people I've never met. They can struggle and survive as I have struggled, and survived.
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171031 No.50838
One other thing, thread looky loo…if it happens, God has willed it. The flood. The plagues. The locust. All of it willed by God. That car accident your drunk mom got in with you as a baby, fucking up your physical health for the rest of your life? That's right, DEUS VULT. We are too small to have perspective on the far future, things happen that we think are awful - but that ripple of occurence may manifest as world peace (a huwhite world)
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057b96 No.50883
Christianity is not concerned with world peace or prosperity in the real world. It is only concerned with the forever afterlife. This nihilistic philosophy is a disgusting human-hating stinky piece of shit. Oh yeah, and any two christians can marry even if they are a nigger and a white. Christianity does not see race. It is pretty fucked up.
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f7d31f No.50894
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057b96 No.50919
>We all believe in God….
We are all Homosexuals…
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5625dd No.50923
I hope the Vatican gets its share too
The current fake pope needs to be hunted down
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3e94e3 No.51003
>Look what happened to the qi gong enthusiasts known as Falun Gong
Thank "G-d" /ourguy/ Soros and the BASED Open Society Foundation are helping those poor, persecuted Folun Gong practitioners who dindu nuffin and definitely aren't connected to the CIA, from the evil chicoms.
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9f61f7 No.51145
>Christianity is not concerned with world peace or prosperity in the real world. It is only concerned with the forever afterlife.
Bullshit. It has real life strategies for bring peace to the real world, namely, forgiveness of allies when they make a mistake, and ruthless persecution of unrepenting enemies.
>This nihilistic philosophy is a disgusting human-hating stinky piece of shit.
Which is why God gave to man to rule over every thing upon the earth.
>Oh yeah, and any two christians can marry even if they are a nigger and a white.
Segregation of churches was the norm until faggots infiltrated the church.
>Christianity does not see race.
>It is pretty fucked up.
ok boomer
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9321c9 No.51570
OP's/christcucks' observation is valid but their explanation is fundamentally wrong. Just like the Bin Laden crane in mekka being struck by lightning at 9/11 and crushing sandroaches beneath it, this is a pretty blatantly obvious manifestation of meme White magic but just like every previous occurrence or religious thaumaturgy it is the product of Europoid peoples' superior spiritual and esoteric capacity.
Yes, Romans had at some point subverted and refined semitic monotheism to their benefit forming Christianity against kikes' child-dismembering blood-magic kabbalism and managed to utilize it for White people's benefit through recent history but the cornerstone of such beliefs remains and always will remain as a vile semitic remnant that in long terms corrupts the Whites' spirit to complacency, anti-intellectualism and cuckery.
There's a good reason Europeans shouted "DEUS **same etymological root with Theos, Zeus, Dias, Jupiter, Odyn, Deva and ultimately Dyeus P'ter (translating to "heavenly father", the primordial chief deity of all Aryan peoples)" VULT" and not "Yahvee vult" or "Yoshua vult" when charging into battle and massacring semitic filth and winning against impossible odds.
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832e2b No.51942
Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef was never white to start with, much less look like Cesare Borgia's long lost twin brother.
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c6cef1 No.52614
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ea3bfe No.52672
>Links some nobodies blog
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14dae5 No.52674
Funny how all of the greatest injuries to world Jewry (real or imagined) came at the hands of non-Christians - the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Romans and the NSDAP. Meanwhile, for all of their kvetching the Jews have spent their ~1700 years in Christendom largely as a protected class of cosmopolitan parasites with ecumenical and civil license to suck the blood of those around them. At ever turn they were treated better than literally every other non-Christian demographic in Europe and at times were treated better than other Christians. Case in point: hose same ebin crusaders who got the shit kicked out of them on a regular basis by Arabs spent more time butchering their way through the peasantry of central and northern Europe for refusing to convert to Christianity than they ever did fighting wars over Jewish archaeological sites in the Levant and the one time they attacked a population of Jews the Vatican - the highest authority in all of Christendom - REEEEE'd and put out a papal bull explicitly protecting Jews everywhere that was reinforced consistently for hundreds of years thereafter. Even the fucking Muslims cut them slack as a "people of the book" while any non-Abrahamic belief is non-negotiable.
>Bullshit. It has real life strategies for bring peace to the real world, namely, forgiveness of allies when they make a mistake, and ruthless persecution of unrepenting enemies.
Either there's a lack of understanding here or you're being deliberately obtuse; the physical, mortal, fleshly world that we inhabit is essentially just an opportunity to earn GBP and eventually make it into heaven as far as Christianity is concerned. What's ~75 years here (if you're "lucky") compared to an unfathomable eternity in paradise? Martyrdom was extremely popular in the early church for a very good reason; if you're executed for "defending the faith" or some other pro-Christian activity your ticket to heaven is punched automatically and you're essentially trading in whatever unpleasantness you might end up going through in the decades left in your life - food poisoning, broken bones, pestilence, famine, war, chronic pain, emotional torment, potentially sinning your way out of heaven, etc. - for the relatively brief period of unpleasantness associated with your arrest and execution. So, as a slave to an unpleasant master, what would you do? You can either spend your youth doing hard and/or unpleasant labor (including possibly being raped or made to work as a prostitute, and probably being knocked up numerous times if you're female) before spending your middle-age and beyond doing less intensive labor (and maybe still getting raped, just at a discount) while probably suffering from a number of painful chronic illnesses before gracelessly expiring OR you can start defacing a temple, pull a knife on the guards, get bludgeoned and/or stabbed to death with a smile on your face and start spending eternity in paradise THIS AFTERNOON.
>Which is why God gave to man to rule over every thing upon the earth.
The fact that man is elevated above the rest of creation in the Christian world view is a can of worms unto itself.
>Segregation of churches was the norm until faggots infiltrated the church.
Yes, because that was a societal norm. There was no religious basis for doing so. When that norm ended in the rest of society, it ended in the churches as well.
This is just a (deeply flawed) guide explaining how you can justify virtually any kind of targeted killing by asserting that those you are killing are morally inferior to yourself. It's not racial at all except in a de facto capacity. Here, let me quote you a pertinent passage from the bible:
<7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
There you have it, direct from the tap. Given current demographics I'd wager that heaven is going to look a lot like Brazil by the time you and I die (if it doesn't already) and is only going to get darker (and possibly more yellow) as time goes on.
>ok boomer
Boomers love Christianity.
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a7779f No.52719
Hello rabbi Shekelwitz, welcome to the hatechan!. Did you know that you give yourself away by using "yeshua"? Only filthy kikes use that made up name, to avoid saying the Christ's true name Yahshua. Your kike "reconstruction" is pure fantasy, Israelites were white.
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a9c4cf No.52795
Jesus was an Aryan. read "Atlantis, Edda & Bible" (1925) right now
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17b6b7 No.52799
Jesus is and has always been Christ's name.
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501e57 No.52800
>"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
Remind me of how many Anglo-Saxon versions there have been on the Bible again?
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501e57 No.52802
Provide quotes instead you dullard.
Srsly. Not. Jesus is a made up name that appeared in the second millennium.
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17b6b7 No.52819
No. Enjoy your lies, though.
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a9c4cf No.52828
no, read the book retard. at least take a glace. this book was burned by the allies after WW2 and only recently translated to english (2016). worth a look if you're actually a /pol/ack
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a9c4cf No.52833
then why does Jesus come from Esus and Hesus from 61–65 CE
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c63fae No.52888
Why would I look at that when I can look at the critical mass of niggers surrounding me in every single "Western" country?
>hey look over there goyim!
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bbe974 No.52906
>tl;dr blasphemy and fedora tipping
good luck to you with that choice of hell and perpetual torment sir. If i ever had a fedora i would tip it to you
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0ebb79 No.52961
Why are you reporting each other's posts about religion, in an absolutely religious bread? Just trying to comprehend it.
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10b2eb No.53018
Lets take united kingdom for example then. I do not know if you even ever been there but i've spent almost 3 years there amd the country certainly does not look happy and successful, what i would call completely demolished, and in horific multiculturalized immigration capital of the world.
I felt sad for the english people every day while i was in england and i never understood why they had such fate a tragic fate until recently. God has his ways and everyone who goes against God pays the price.
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f7d3ff No.53034
>Chinese Communists have announced plans to rewrite the Bible so that it falls in line with the Party ideology.
Kikes have been doing this for centuries. I'm not defending China, moreso attacking kikes.
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000000 No.53110
I'm betting China hasn't touched Judaism since it was the kikes that introduced communism and they are the only white people in china that participate in government.
Kikes always get their way. For example the kikes forced the Catholic cucks to remove one of their prayer; the Perfidious Jew. Jews however still say their daily prayer thanking god for not making them goys. You think the jews would drop that prayer if the goyim pressured them?
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c421bd No.53223
You don't seem to get it.
"The revelations" is describing past events that already happened in the time of Atlantis rewritten in future tense by the (((chosen))) to enslave the planet after orchestrated events. These jewish elites have assembled the Synods where they edited the bible for their pleasure.
The prophets wrote their takes on what they see wil happen which is already predetermined by the bible, since the kikes play by the book, making their genocides look like signs of apocalyptic events (geoengineering crop failures, overly dry and overly rainy weather, purple and weird colord sunlight from chaff, electric ID chipping in the right hand or forehead [in future], coronavirus, floods etc…) They are the ultimate decievers and they stick together in this.
As others already have mentioned "Atlantis Edda & Bible" speaks volumes explaininf the real events relevation that happened.
Another great thing I suggest "Symbols of an alien sky" documentary series which explains the great cataclysm that happened a long time ago wiping out a lot of our past, unknown if related to Atlantis or not. The comet is theorised to be planet Venus as it arrived in our solar system described by all nations by many names, like the great serpent or dragon, Quetzalcoatl, lucifer (came from the heavens)
Todays version of religion is just a bunch of death cults based on astronomical events. A sort of new paganism mixed with the scattered ancient religion. Everyone larping around about "the will of god" is stupid. No god wants to destroy nature.
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c63fae No.53235
The way the American government's policy towards China evolves tells you the jewish position on China. Not so hot these days.
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081d47 No.53393
Did you bother to venture outside shitty London? God works in mysterious ways is such a cop-out.
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a2e0f5 No.54501
God put a curse on the Jews 2,000 years ago. That is their punishment.
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8b41b8 No.55022
The original greek transcripts (which are the oldest and original version of the NT) all call Him Iesous. Checkmate.
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a9c4cf No.55120
based Atlantis, Edda & Bible poster
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21edee No.55166
sorry fren, this is /pol
you were looking for /x
take your thread and post it there instead
enjoy groveling to your imaginary friend
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a9c4cf No.57945
not false, your bible isn't original
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a16dd8 No.57979
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77f354 No.58224
>rewrite the Bible so that it falls in line with … x …ideology.
Not the first time this has happened and it will not be the last.
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77f354 No.58232
Rumor is that pope was shaking hands with coofers and now has the zikia virus too.
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2042c9 No.58235
sorry but how/why is the pope a fake?
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2042c9 No.58239
hi, have you read the Bible? Jesus says to love each other, love your enemies and pray for them. the Bible also says that God wants everyone to be saved. while God is unconditionally loving, he's also just and right and will punish those who needs to be punished. stop generalizing Christianity itself, if you're disappointed about the "world peace", blame the human beings or the wolves in a sheep's clothing Christians. peace :)
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2f8e44 No.58300
The bible also contains detailed instructions on how jews are to deal with their gentile slaves, and promises the god will punish children for the crimes of their parents
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