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File: 7e7a50b339a9cd8⋯.png (640.78 KB,964x1340,241:335,34622.png)

6b67aa No.394697

Netanyahu's Private Home Struck by Hezballah Drone

The private home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was struck by a Hezballah drone this morning in Israel. Netanyahu was reportedly not home when the drone struck.

No word on whether or not any of his family members were home at the time, or whether anyone was injured.

Netanyahu seems to have opened the door to attacks on leaders. On his Orders, the Israeli Defense Force killed Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Heniyeh of HAMAS, which is the elected government in the Gaza Strip, and Hassan Nasrallah of Hezballah in Lebanon.

To most observers it was only a matter of time before someone struck at Netanyahu; an effort which, on its face, seems likely to continue.

UPDATE: "The prime minister and his wife were not at the location, and there were no injuries in the incident," a statement said.

It comes after the Israeli military said three drones were launched from Lebanon into Israel early on Saturday morning, with one hitting a building in Caesarea.

The Israeli government has not said whether the building was part of the Prime Minister's residence nor the extent of any damage.


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b645b6 No.394701

File: 7c872f6d84967f3⋯.png (214.19 KB,589x463,589:463,1729355333799669.png)




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6b67aa No.394704

HA HA, what they gonna do when no one else gives a flying fuck anymore?????

No more fighting for ZOG. Fuck yourselves.

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47e2af No.394712


what an ugly looking house

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