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bd64b8 No.394653

Russia & China Sign Military Partnership Pact As Biden-Harris Prepare FALSE FLAG For World War III

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jin Ping have just signed a partnership pact.

Russia agrees to support China's goals in Taiwan. China agrees to support Russia's goals in Ukraine. Jointly they condemn the United States government aggression.


Right now, there is the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, a slow-simmering, but soon-to-be-hot, Israel-Iran conflict, the ominous China-Taiwan situation, and now North Korea-South Korea. Are all four going to kick-off for World War III this month?

Let's begin with the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine is losing. Badly. There is no hope for Ukraine to prevail, or even to survive without direct NATO entry into the conflict. If NATO enters the conflict, then that is immediate, NUCLEAR, World War III.

A well known Geo-Political Expert in Finland, Thomas Malinen, says he believes the situation for the collective West with the Russia-Ukraine war is at the point where "the future of NATO is at-stake" and as such, he believes a "bat-shit crazy escalation" must (and is going to) take place.

He says: "It now looks like the [NATO] Alliance cannot win a conventional war against Russia. Some members are openly rebelling against NATO Leadership. If Ukraine falls, NATO is likely to follow. That's why we're headed into a bat-shit-crazy escalation."

He points out that there have already been two distinct Ukraine counter-offensives, both of which failed miserably. The first, vaunted "Spring Counter-offensive" in 2023, fell on its face. Complete failure.

The second, Ukraine's invasion of Kursk, Russia, which is an unmitigated disaster with losses of manpower and equipment so bad, it is literally a slaughter of Ukraine.

To Malinen's thinking, that leaves a third - and final - strategy for Ukraine. Malinen says he thinks it will be one of the following:

"1) Heavy, possibly nuclear strikes to Moscow/St. Petersburg, or to a Russian nuclear facility.

2) FALSE FLAG Nuclear attack to Ukraine or to a NATO Member country.

3) FALSE FLAG attack to a Ukraine nuclear facility."



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bd64b8 No.394654



With two of his three potential escalations being FALSE FLAGS, the odds aren't looking good at all for this conflict to simply end, and peace be restored. In fact, only a person suffering from Ostrich Syndrome (Head in the sand) wouldn't see the writing on the wall for World War coming at us.

Now let's look very briefly at the Israel-Iran situation.

Israel has, for years, goaded the world against Iran, claiming the Iranian nuclear program is actually a nuclear weapons program which must be destroyed. The world didn't take the bait.

Under the guise of "terrorism" Israel upped the ante. Israel told its Border protection and its military, to STAND DOWN on October 7, 2023 even though the most heavily-surveilled border in the world, between Gaza and Israel, showed men on para-gliders were flying into Israel to attack.

The attack went on for HOURS, killing at least 600 Israelis.

When the Border Protection and Israeli Army were told to respond, the army sent attack helicopters to the areas where the attack had taken place. Those troops were told "shoot anything that moves." They did.

Sadly, those troops were killing their own Israeli citizens.

The troops had no idea. They were responding to what they were told was a brutal terrorist attack with hundreds of dead Israelis and the troops had to intervene to protect their people. I certainly understand the mindset of the troops. Their people were being slaughtered and the IDF was desperately needed to stop the bad guys.

The troops flew in and unleashed a wall of lead; killing anything that moved; including about 600 of their own citizens by mistake.

It wasn't their fault. They did what they were told, and THOUGHT they were doing right.



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bd64b8 No.394655



The government of Israel then turned around, blamed HAMAS in Gaza for the attack which they then told the public "killed 1200 Israelis."

Israel would go into Gaza for "self-defense" and the Israeli public agreed. In fact, the world agreed. Until the world saw what Israel was ACTUALLY doing: Dropping 2,000 pound bombs on apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, refugee camps, private houses. Thousands upon thousands of Palestinians in Gaza were being slaughtered.

Not too long into this effort, the world began to realize Israel isn't "defending" itself, they are ethnically-cleansing the Gaza Strip! They are forcibly displacing an entire people!

Protests sprang-up. The Israeli government cared not.

Israel then upped-the-ante again, launching attacks into Syria and, fatefully, into Iran. In Syria, Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus. A clear and deliberate act of war.

The Iranians wouldn't have any of this, at all. The Iranians struck back - a modest launching of drones, rockets, and some few Ballistic missiles.

Air defenses made quick work of the drones and rockets, but failed miserably with the Ballistic missiles. The missiles got through. Suddenly, "invincible" Israel, wasn't so invincible after all.

Instead of stopping, Israel upped-the-ante again: Bombing a building in Tehran to assassinate Ismail Heniyeh of HAMAS. The building was about 1000 feet from Iran's Presidential palace.

This was not only an affront to Iran, it showed the Israelis were not deterred by the Iran response earlier. So Iran promised a very much larger response.

The world shuddered. Iran is 78 times larger than Israel. Iran's population is about 80 million versus maybe 9 million in Israel. The Israelis were playing with fire but didn't stop.

Then, the collective West stepped in and….. LIED. The West told Iran that if they would just hold-off on retaliating again, the West could get a cease fire in the Gaza Strip. Iran waited. And waited. And waited some more.

After more than two months of waiting, and seeing Israeli air strikes continuing in Gaza, the Iranians realized they were lied to and finally struck Israel back. This time, the Iranians used almost only ballistic missiles and at least eighty percent GOT THROUGH air defenses. They hit military bases inside Israel.

While the initial damage reports claimed that the bases were "destroyed" and numerous aircraft were too, that proved less than accurate.

With Iran having struck back, one would think the issue was now resolved. WRONG! The Israelis seem to think they have some right to strike Iran again, because Iran dared to strike them back.

This is lunatic thinking on the part of Israel.



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bd64b8 No.394656



Next, Israel upped-the-ante again, by invading Lebanon, claiming Hezballah attacks are the reason. But Hezballah is only attacking because of the Genocide Israel is perpetrating in Gaza!. That mattered not to Israel, and Israeli jets began bombing southern Lebanon and Beirut.

Then Israel upped-the-ante yet again, by moving invasion troops to its border with Lebanon. Ground incursions are taking place, and Hezballah fighters are killing IDF troops. The situation grows more dire by the day.

Along the way of all this, the country of YEMEN began bombing ships in the Red Sea, to impose a naval blockade of Israel over the Genocide in Gaza. That begot YEMEN numerous air strikes from the US, the UK, and from Israel. Those attacks by YEMEN continue.

Israel has made clear they are going to attack Iran. Russia announced that they will not allow their BRICS Ally in the Middle East to be attacked and destroyed. China announced they will not sit-by and do nothing if Iran is attacked. North Korea announced they would intervene if Iran was attacked.

Now, the game's afoot. Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, YEMEN, against Israel, the US . . . . and whoever else.

The US has been trying to get Israel to limit its attack on Iran. The Israelis have now said they will not attack Iran's nuclear program or its oil production, but will only strike military targets. But Iran won't hear of it. Iran has made clear that if Israel attack them again, Iran's response will be 'Massive" against Israel's infra-structure.

We all now wait to see when Israel attacks, and what the Iran response - if any - will be. This situation will explode within DAYS - possibly even only HOURS from now.

China has plans to re-unify Taiwan with mainland China. Taiwan doesn't want this. China is going to do it anyway.

The US has pledged to defend Taiwan. But the ongoing world events have made that all but impossible.

The US has depleted its weapons supplies, by supplying Ukraine against Russia, and by supplying Israel against Palestinians.

Over the past two days, China has sent 14 navy warships and over 153 warplanes to buzz Taiwan.

So this situation can explode at any time too.



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bd64b8 No.394657



For months now, the North Koreans have been filling ballons with fecal matter and garbage, and sending them floating into South Korea to dump their payload.

Apparently, the other day, South Korea flew Drones into North Korea, and got them all the way to Pyungyang, the capital city!

This sent North Korea into convulsions. Yesterday, the North blew up the North-South Highway between the two countries, as well as blew up the rail lines.

Later, North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un, ordered artillery to move toward the Border of South Korea.

What the hell did he think was gonna happen when he kept sending balloons full of shit into South Korea?

So this other "war" can explode at any time.

The Key to ALL of this? DONALD TRUMP.



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bd64b8 No.394658



The Key to ALL of this? DONALD TRUMP.

Yesterday, Joe Biden came out publicly and said "If Iran assassinated Trump, the United States would treat it as an Act of War."

Why did Biden say this? Who asked him? As far as I can tell, no one! So why did he say it?

Then, later yesterday, Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, said, "If Iran assassinated Donald Trump, it will be viewed as an Act of War."

Same questions: Why did he say this? Who asked him? As far as I can tell, no one. So why did he say it?

I'm starting to think, personally, the "Deep State" is going to assassinate Donald Trump. I think they will then BLAME IT on Iran, declare war upon Iran (which serves Israel's interests) which will likely trigger Russia and China to enter the conflict, and wham, we're in World War 3.

Maybe China grabs Taiwan in the interim.

Maybe North Korea moves against South Korea at the same time.

Gigantic explosion of world war.

I think the Deep State killing Trump is the key for them. Everything else they've tried, has failed. In their mind, they MUST keep him out of the White House because he knows all their tricks now. He knows all their deceptions now. He knows they routinely LIE to the President.

So if Trump gets in, he's not gonna be a patsy like he was the last time. If he gives an Order, he will follow up to make sure it's actually done and if it isn't, heads will roll.

The Deep State can't have that. They can't have anyone holding them accountable. They can't have anyone interfering with their grandiose plans.

To my thinking, killing TRUMP is the key for the them. If they kill Trump, they get to blame it on Iran, declare war, engage Russia, engage China, engage North Korea, all in an orgy of war violence the world has never before seen.

I also think they are oblivious to the fact that we here in the United States, would get our asses kicked so badly, the country would no longer exist.

I think this is what's ALL going to take place. I think it will take place before election day or shortly before Inauguration day, and at that moment, it's all over. All of it. Forever.

Enter the New World Order. No thanks!



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bd64b8 No.394695

Congratulations to the BRICS nations. I bid you peace.

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bd64b8 No.394705

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5d134f No.394711

no chance for russia to win against usa without india, japan and brazil on the board.

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5d134f No.394713


if china was smart they would create an Asian League with japan, mongolia, indonesia and the rest..

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bd64b8 No.394731


All they need is China on their side, and if they arm Iran enough, nothing stopping them.

You really think betrayed Americans are going to fight for this shithole commie regime who lies to us and censors us and wants to replace us? GET FUCKED! The recruitment rates will continue to plummet.

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bd64b8 No.394734


China does not need Japan, nor does Russia. What China and Russia need is to continue expanding BRICS trade and to continue de-dollarizing global trade.

That's all they'll need to do.

They won't need to invade America, don't be stupid or gullible. They don't have to touch American soil. They will outproduce us by 100x via their heavy industrial capacity, out-trade us economically, further cushion themselves from sanctions and if the USSA tries to do anything about it, which would be suicide, they'll team up with North Korea, Iran, and anyone else who is sick and tired of us, and it will be world war III and your entire lifestyle and life itself will be ended. The world will plunge into another dark stone age. No one wins that, dummy.

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8c0b62 No.394735

File: e41cbb7483c6aa1⋯.png (2.21 MB,1016x1019,1016:1019,blacksun.PNG)


*Clap clap clap*

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bd64b8 No.394778


You swallowed too much glowing .gov propaganda. Here is common sense reality:

China and Russia do not want a hot war with the US. Not going to happen, if it were to happen it would go nuclear and kaboom! the civilized world would go back to the stone ages. That includes ALL Western & BRICS+ nations…. 90%+ nations today.

China and Russia have India and Brazil. It's called BRICS+ and it is a trade union. They also have the SCO which is a military defense union (comparable to NATO, only not hostile or seeking war). BRICS+ nations, which there are many and growing year by year, are all de-dollarizing their trade between one another. That is to say, they are no longer using the US Dollar for trade. They are using their local currencies as well bartering to bypass US/European sanctions. The amount of trade between BRICS+ is now HIGHER than trade among the Western nations using the US Dollar. ….. now please comprehend what this means after the US Dollar was once the global reserve currency, and after the US military was once the strongest military in the world….. but both no longer being the case!! OK…..

How do you prevent a world war, while an Empire falls from it's own systemic corruption and bad policy decisions…..?

Answer: you must unite others to isolating and protecting your own nations from the failure!!! This is where BRICS+ and the SCO come in. It's not so much they want war, as they seek unity and protection as the US Dollar self-destructs from debt insolvency and hyperinflation, and as the Empire of lies gets more and more hostile trying to maintain it's global hegemony. We are at the last stages of that. Prepare accordingly.

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bd64b8 No.394779


One thing the neo-cons do not ever comprehend: the US is no longer an industrial powerhouse!!! All the horrific outsourcing of industry as well "green new deal" bullshit policies have DESTROYED Western industrial might. Germany's economy is no better today, after Nordstream was blown up and their cheap abundant energy got cut off. Some dummies might question "what does industry have to do with war hurrrr durrr!?"

Answer: Industrial capacity has EVERYTHING to do with being able to sustain and win a war!!! If you no longer produce what is needed to sustain a war, you cannot win against other nations that can and have the resources to.

In other words, bad policies and systemic corruption here at home shot us in our own two feet already. We are bleeding out, consider that the national debt insolvency, an unsustainable $1 TRILLION additional national debt added every 3 months…..

Bad leadership has bad consequences and we have had bad leaders for many decades now. What is worse is these leaders are soooooooo disconnected with the interests of average Americans it is disgusting!! You better ask yourself this: when the government constantly lies to their own people, forces social media to censor them, opens the borders to deliberately replace their own fellow citizens and cause destabilization, wishes to take away our rights, neglects victims of natural disasters, poisons our own water supply with fluoride, poisons our 'vaccines' to kill us off, all while allowing veterans of foreign wars to go homeless while giving shelter to illegal aliens…… THEN WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD PEOPLE BE STUPID ENOUGH TO FIGHT FOR SUCH A TREASONOUS EMPIRE THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYING THEIR OWN NATION!?!?!

I've warned about this collapse for years. I have warned there will be dire consequences years ago. Seldom did people listen to what I had to warn about. Some did, the majority did not.

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