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File: 536045f5fb6bce6⋯.jpg (223.11 KB,1080x1587,360:529,1728974467443.jpg)

59f165 No.394603

DoD 5240.01 Directive


DoD 5240.01 Directive

Reissued on September 27, 2024

Quick Summary

New provisions: The updated directive expands the circumstances under which the DoD can assist law enforcement, including the use of lethal force.

Assassination explicitly forbidden: While assassination is banned, the new language allows for lethal actions under "imminent threats."

Concerns about civil liberties: The expanded definition of "national security threats" is raising alarms, particularly given DHS’s broader definition of domestic terrorism threats.

High-level approval required: Any intelligence-sharing that could lead to lethal force must be approved by the Secretary of Defense, but Component Heads can act immediately for up to 72 hours before obtaining approval.


As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense's (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under "national security" conditions, albeit with stringent restrictions on how such interventions are to be authorized.

This directive, reissued under the authority of the Secretary of Defense as per standard Department of Defense procedures, carries significant weight in shaping military operations and intelligence activities. While DoD Directives are typically internal policy documents, the implications of this particular update extend far beyond the walls of the Pentagon, potentially affecting civilian life and constitutional rights.


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59f165 No.394604

File: 4ef4f4544f2b30f⋯.jpg (152.21 KB,1080x1605,72:107,1728976431256.jpg)


download link and backup archive


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59f165 No.394605

File: 1d0c8e4246cdaf9⋯.jpg (455.92 KB,1080x2080,27:52,1728976628152.jpg)


first post


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59f165 No.394606

File: 2d7b4d85636377f⋯.jpg (321.42 KB,1080x1752,45:73,1728976610261.jpg)


second post


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59f165 No.394607

File: 341ffc5a995efe0⋯.jpg (199.33 KB,1080x2307,360:769,1728974602044.jpg)


georgetown university link


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7f22e8 No.394608

So this is it?

They declared war on humanity September 2024.

That is when the great Jewish War happened.

All jews and their shabbos goyim were pitted against the nonjews.

And they were exterminated, finally, forever.

(all civvies killed by us gov are insta martrys and some of us dont fear death unlike you baby rapers)

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2d3a21 No.394609

OK then, Russia, Iran and China wins. USSA kills itself. Goodbye.

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4b7ab6 No.394626


Quick Summary;

The lonely broke disenfranchised man creates another stupid boring thread

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4b7ab6 No.394627






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0e56f2 No.394628

File: c9dd220435fcece⋯.gif (964.5 KB,397x658,397:658,1727641571383888.gif)


go commit suicide you subhuman fucking nigger

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c00414 No.394629

Swallow it deeply faggot bitches



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335776 No.394770

Well, another act of treason on the history books.

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