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b38c44 No.394378

Israel-Iran War Threatens Global Oil Supply As Ukraine-Russia War Depleted US Energy Grid Reserves

Those of you whose homes have a fireplace and/or a wood-burning stove, should IMMEDIATELY get firewood. Fast.

Israel is saying they will attack Iranian oil producing infrastructure as retaliation for Iran's missile retaliation, and Iran is saying "not one drop of oil will flow from the Middle East if that happens."

Winter is coming, fast. It is entirely foreseeable that oil flow through the Strait of Hormuz (Persian Gulf) may be significantly interrupted, sending the price of oil well over $100 a barrel.

You need to be able to stay warm this winter and frankly, if oil heads over $100, $200, $300 a barrel, it may be impossible for most people to afford it.

If you have firewood, you can at least stay warm. Gas up your cars, and your spare fuel cans too.


Hundreds-of-thousands of Americans presently without electricity from HAARP Helene, may not see their electric power restored soon because the Biden regime GAVE spare transformers and switching gear to… UKRAINE!

While all electric utility companies in the US keep spare pole transformers in supply locally, there is a national reserve of such transformers for situations like Hurricanes/HAARP warfare, where hundreds or even thousands of such devices need replacing. But that reserve is now gone because the Biden regime gave the gear to Ukraine, to restore their electric grid after the Russia-Ukraine conflict destroyed it.

Now that Americans find themselves in need of those electrical transformers, there are few (if any) to be had.

Once again Americans are being harmed by a federal government that galivants around the world, meddling in the affairs of others, instead of working for the American people who actually employ them.

Election day is coming. Throw out the assholes who did this.


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b38c44 No.394379

Luckily I do all my log chopping and firewood re-stocking during early spring, got plenty for this winter, but probably should cut down a few more trees and saw some more logs to be ready for NEXT spring when I have to chop more. Ridiculous how badly the nation was destabilized like this in only 4 years time.

Also to note, probably should stock up on more 50:1 for the chainsaws I own too.

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b38c44 No.394399

Prepping 101

The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos


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b38c44 No.394618

Germany finally bailing another failed proxy war.


Question: what utter failure will the libtard neo-cons pivot to next? Will it be a war in Taiwan? A war in Iran? What utter failure and complete waste of taxpayer money do they have up their sleeves this time?

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4d8f15 No.394622

It's gonna happen again 🔥


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8a5859 No.394647

still never fighting for ZOG fuck off rodents

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8a5859 No.394690

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