The Israeli IDF is using low orbit satellites equipped with energy weapons to target multiple specific mobile electronic devices with any battery in a certain area.
The Havana Syndrome is caused by a Pulsating, High-Power Microwave Radio Frequencies Directed Energy Weapons or 'DEWs' or Neurological Directed Energy Weapons or 'NDEWs'. Other variants of Havana Syndrome weapons are the Raytheon ADS "Active Denial System", and the NAVSEA Dalhgren FY15-16 DSLA "Distributed Sound and Light Array. The "Havana Syndrome" official statement is recorded in the NASEM Report (2020). The NASEM Report (2020) was created by a committee of 19 experts convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The report was published in 2020 by the National Academies Press. The title of the report is "Assessing the Health Effects of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba."
The "Havana Syndrome" energy weapon is on the Ofek-13 Satellite, also known as Ofeq-13, its an Israeli synthetic spy satellite launched into low orbit on March 28, 2013 from Palmachim Air Base south of Tel Aviv, Israel. It is part of the Ofeq intelligence satellite family, designed and built by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for the Israeli Ministry of Defence and IDF, and is operated by Unit 9900. Unit 9900 is a specialized unit within the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) focused on intelligence gathering through the analysis of visual data. This unit is responsible for collecting and interpreting geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) using satellite imagery, aerial photography, and other visual sources. The intelligence gathered by Unit 9900 is critical for strategic planning and operations, helping the IDF with reconnaissance, mapping, and understanding terrain and enemy movements.
The Israeli the Ofek-13 Satellite is equipped with the IDF's own "ATHENA" AI (Autonomous Threat Hunting and Engagement Networked Armament) system, which is designed to assist in acquiring and engaging targets. ATHENA is an AI-powered system that can be integrated into various military platforms. It uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to identify and track potential threats in real-time. The ATHENA AI is also assisted by the "Smash Fire 2000 Control", which is an electro-optic fire control system developed by the Israeli company Smart Shooter. This system uses AI and computer vision to help soldiers quickly and accurately acquire and engage targets.
Satellite Launch News Article (archived):
Unit 9900 is using the Ofek-13 Satellite as a weapon, targeting specific mobile electronic devices and a certain area, then aiming onto the batteries of the targeted mobile devices making the battery explode.
Note: Absolutely do NOT do this… — If you throw ANY battery in a microwave and nuke it, the battery will explode.
People have to be fucking stupid to believe the media that the ALL MIGHTY MOSSAD is so badass that they premptively went to all these countries, all the manufacturing facilities, of all these different types of devices of all years and brands, and somehow miraculously boobytrapped all fucking batteries of pagers, cellphones, solar panels, radios, ipads, intercoms, laptops, walkie talkies, fingerprint devices, and other electronic equipement with batteries in them. Did the IDF sneak into granny's backyard in southern Beirut and plant a bomb on granny's 20 year old solar panels? I think not.
Holy shit man, you would have to be absolutely fucking stupid to believe the media narrative above. How inexpensive is it for Israel to just press the "ON" button on their microwave above them and nuke some batteries below? Not very fucking expensive. These are kikes, they are still penny pinching jewfags. The fucking third world shithole of CUBA used it effectively against USA Embassy staff in Havava from a rooftop miles away, and China used it against Hindu poofag troops on the LoC twice. This weaponry has been used by 3rd World wetbacks and the Marxist Utopia of China… how would you not think that the god damn IDF jewkikes wouldn't use something as simple as this technology?
If the Israeli's are using this satellite weapon, then the USA also has it because they gave it to the kikes. That means NATO also has it, and Russia has it, and that China has it. What happens when Jewkraine decides to use one the USA's satellite weapons to blow Vladimir Putin's phone battery up in his pocket, killing him? I will say for sure that the first response will be Russia knocking out every satellite in total orbit other than their own, China's, North Korea's, and Iran's. Second response is nuclear war. And wait til' regular citizenry of ANY country figures out that the Israeli kikes can simply kill them by nuking their mobile device from above them.