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File: 58101eb68a4f1f0⋯.jpg (309.94 KB,750x1267,750:1267,1725822630294.jpg)

72c2a3 No.393844

4Chan mods take down bread like this (pic related), but they leave up posts such as in the following post…

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72c2a3 No.393845

File: 1c0315cd6e311f6⋯.jpg (344.26 KB,1080x2209,1080:2209,1725822496560.jpg)


… yet 4Chan mods leave up thread posts like these (pic very related today)

My fucking question is: is 4Chan a honeypot? and is 8kun a honeypot?


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cfb563 No.393855


kek @ you coming here to whine and pout about faggot 4chan

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89523d No.394714

File: 710567180ecb40d⋯.png (2.1 MB,1025x1017,1025:1017,ignore_optics.PNG)

File: 43fc7faec64597e⋯.png (1.95 MB,1006x1017,1006:1017,new_white_Fash.PNG)

File: 476b279705c4e58⋯.png (1.62 MB,1015x1018,1015:1018,white_fash.PNG)

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