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File: f509298bd5e7aa8⋯.jpg (408.41 KB,1140x760,3:2,124.jpg)

52bfe8 No.393691


First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS

Turkey has now officially submitted its application to join BRICS, after repeatedly being denied entry into the European Union!!

Even casual observers of matters geo-political, see this as a "HUGE" deal.

If accepted, Turkey would be the first NATO member and EU candidate to join BRICS.

The whole point of BRICS is basically to replace the world's reliance on the US dollar and "centralized" power.

Turkish President Erdogan’s administration believes “the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from former developed economies” according to sources.

The proposal by Turkey will be discussed at the BRICS summit in Russia this October.


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83633e No.393757

Can't blame them.

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83633e No.393784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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43d82a No.394201


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f6e7c1 No.394742

File: 60b02d73f28d48e⋯.png (1.5 MB,733x847,733:847,blackwalk.PNG)


only japan and saudiarabia missing now

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