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a1436f No.393238

MY COMMENT: ADMIT IT ALREADY, CULT STARVATIONISTS. The reason you hate this country is because you hate people having fun. You hate freedom. You hate our culture. You hate higher living standards. You hate our traditions. You boil in hate and seethe when others are not confined under your ideological oppression or what you call "ideal standards" and that has clearly been noticed with the despotic agendas you all push and support. Well, in the end, you will fail. Your globalist lust for "spreading democracy" through an iron fist will fail. No one in the world wants to be under neo-con/libtard WEF/Davos standards. Even the BRICS+ nations are telling you people to shove it today. I hope this pic is clear for the innocent observers who don't know what the fuck is actually happening behind the public eye.

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a1436f No.393240

anti-slide 6%91-10))(

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ea8871 No.393271






You're a loser

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ea8871 No.393272


>people having fun

But you DONT have fun

You spend your life trying to make other people miserable

Because you are miserable

Your own daughter avoids you at all costs, having banished you down to her basement, just to get you out of earshot.

She's tired of listening to your stupid idiotic uneducated alcoholic paranoid schizophrenic delusions.




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ea8871 No.393273


Your idea of having FUN is wasting your life documenting every website you visit, then drinking yourself into oblivion, and waking up on your daughter's sofa, having urinated all over yourself again.

At least JD Vance simply has sex with sofas

But you urinate on your daughter's sofa regularly

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e89aee No.393274


i hate jews. zionist and liberal.

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a1436f No.393295


Nope, it is yet another communistic Marxist-subverted asshole bitching and seething about regular people having fun and eating food with their families at a public fair. It just goes to show how radicalized they truly are. It is THEM who cannot have fun without making other people miserable, while blaming others and projecting their woes onto everyone else. I think this article concluded that. Look at the pic. Nothing described by the mentally retarded and hysterically insane author (who is a Chinese American communist).


See, you communists intentionally LOOK for reasons to hate other people. This is instinctual because of your Marxist brainwashing capitalist-hating slave indoctrination.

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a1436f No.393296


As with all other communists, just projection and lies. Yet again. Whole point of pointing out this article and her own lies.

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