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File: 22e27404e78da3f⋯.png (929.72 KB,1080x1154,540:577,ClipboardImage.png)

13f555 No.391472

Their "recruiting crisis" is a White male crisis

There's nothing for a decent White man to gain from militarily serving a country that hates them and wants to erase their history

The faggots and foreigners aren't soldiers and no decent White man wants to die for Israel and their tranny superiors

Draft your precious peoples of color and faggots you adore so much

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95a4ba No.391474


Ahhhhhhhhhh, ain't that so sad. Well. That's exactly what happens when an EMPIRE OF LIES betrays it's own people, tries to replace it's own people, takes away the freedom of it's own people, creates poverty and misery for it's own people…. must I go on?

Too bad. Let THEM die in the ditches. You think what Russia did was bad? Next. China. I don't dare say more. Have a nice day deep state, go dig yourself a ditch.

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93659e No.391503

File: 4c034c126a922c8⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,900x8800,9:88,support1.jpg)


shoot the sand monkeys back to allah

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0d75e5 No.391680

Death to all jews

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93659e No.391681

File: 4c034c126a922c8⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,900x8800,9:88,support1.jpg)


shoot the sand monkeys back to allah

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f8644b No.392210


tell people they will get to beat antifa if they join.

Get 10x recruits at once.

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