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d0219b No.390543

Russia Reserves The Right To Hit NATO Bases *IF NATO Directly Strikes Russia

Predictably, the Kremlin is fuming at widespread reports that the war-mongering Biden regime has made a U-turn on its policy which previously prohibited Ukraine from attack Russian soil with US-supplied weaponry. Clearly it's a highly dangerous slippery slope.

Former Russian president and current Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has warned that Russian forces could strike back from any point where attacks are launched, including on "NATO specialists" advising Ukraine forces.

"NATO countries that have approved strikes with their weapons on Russian territory should be aware that their equipment and specialists will be destroyed not only in Ukraine, but also at any point from where Russian territory is attacked," he said on Telegram, according to TASS, also noting that "the participation of NATO specialists could be seen as a casus belli."

"All their military equipment and specialists fighting against us will be destroyed both on the territory of former Ukraine and on the territory of other countries, should strikes be carried out from there against Russian territory," Medvedev added in the warning.

He said that contrary to much of the West's attempts to obfuscate the reality, Ukraine's long-rage missile systems are actually "directly operated by servicemen from NATO countries." He said this is tantamount to these countries' direct participation in the war.

He explained that this raises the specter of major war and confrontation with the West, as in such a scenario where Russia attacks NATO personnel, the alliance would then have to weigh "possible retaliatory strikes… in the context of articles 4 and 5 of the Washington Treaty."

Politico reported Thursday afternoon, "The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city."

"For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy – aka, he lied. So where's the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower?"

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 31, 2024



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d0219b No.390544

>"For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy – aka, he lied. So where's the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower?"

These idiots are going to learn this would become much more publicly unpopular than the Vietnam war was and much less civilians are willing to risk their lives bailing their stupid corrupt asses out this time around. The only way to escape a massive defeat is to stop the escalation and mandate Ukraine negotiate with Russia for some new peace treaty.

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81024b No.390548


And your daughter and her husband reserve the right to throw you out on your ass!!



Go find a nice nursing home

I hear the Salvation Army takes alcoholics

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81024b No.390549





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81024b No.390550


…. I won't say this again :


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81024b No.390558

File: 9f0607a3c1fbba3⋯.jpg (395.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Facial_Recognition.jpg)

I want you to take a good long look at yourself, and think about all the damage you've done in so many people's lives.

How can you live with yourself?

How can you face your daughter and son-in-law everyday, and refuse to leave?

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d0219b No.390559


MY COMMENT: You IGNORE it every single time, don't you? This is OUR house! I split the mortgage with them 50/50. I had enough money selling my old home to do that. It's all paid off now, it took about three years for all of it to be paid off…. AND the title is in ALL OUR NAMES.

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d0219b No.390560


I am not the one posting anything illegal, I only post REAL NEWS here. Anything else is simply attempted SABOTAGE.

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418be3 No.390594

All I can say is this: NATO is asking for trouble escalating like this. They do not have the public support escalating like this either. If they wish to go to war with Russia, they will have to deal with the consequences whatever that may be. They will not be dragging my family into this war. That is a line in the sand for me. Just like the covid clot shot was a line in the sand: we refused take it. They will be burdened with all the risks fighting Russia if they wish to do so. Russia said retribution against NATO if attacked by NATO, not civilian. That's OK with me. Fair is fair after all. Average Europeans do not want this war. Average Americans do not want this war. Hell, most Ukrainians do not want this war. Nor does Russia, but Russia will have to do what they need to do to protect their country and national sovereignty. Period.

Pray for peace, but get ready to hunker in the bunker if need be.

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2544ac No.390614

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418be3 No.390642

Let 'em all die for a criminal government if they really wish to do so. Fuck them, won't be my problem, I'll be hunkering down in the bunker with my family and all our preparedness supplies & backups while the next world war destroys the entire world economy. Then we are going to live off-grid for the rest of our lives like the Amish do. As for the future of America, fuck it, whatever happens happens. Good luck anons.

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09e19a No.390796


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09e19a No.390858


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09e19a No.390965

Doomed Germany Descends To Martial Law As They Plan War Against Russia

Folks, Western governments are CREATING World War 3. Deliberately.

Germany has updated its wartime measures for the first time since the Cold War, preparing for potential conflict with Russia:

- Compulsory conscription reinstated: Citizens can be drafted at any time.

- Evacuation of citizens and food rationing: Plans for mass evacuation and ensuring one hot meal per day through rationing.

- Makeshift bunkers and prepared hospitals: Subway stations to be used as bunkers; hospitals ready for sudden influx of patients.

- Emergency food reserves stored secretly: Stockpiles of food in undisclosed locations for crisis situations.

- Job bans in key sectors: Prohibitions on quitting jobs critical to defense; media must publish official updates.

- NATO troop movements: Facilitating the rapid movement of NATO troops through Germany to the eastern front.

- Civilian roles for healthcare professionals: Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and vets repurposed for military and civil service.

- Priority repairs for military equipment: Quick repair and maintenance of military gear, increased "defense" budget commitments to NATO.

What does it tell you that Germany has done this after "threats of retaliation should Germany allow Ukraine to Strike Russian territories?" It tells ME that Germany IS GOING TO allow Ukraine to strike Russian Territories and they are now preparing to be retaliated against!

Let's try to get our government public servants back under our control before they get a whole slew of us KILLED.

MY COMMENT: They are obviously hell bent on bringing the Western World into another major world war with the desire to impose totalitarianism against the citizens. What it is going to come down to is just how many citizens will simply put up with this bullshit and their suicidal corrupt war mongering political leadership? How many will sacrifice themselves for insane ideological war mongering wannabe-hegemons? It's a good idea to stockup on *ALL* necessary basic essentials and have some rural property to get out of dodge as they decide to collapse the Western world into global conflict!


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1f6755 No.391028

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d05f64 No.391242


Western nations were given every chance, more than enough, to reform and de-escalate. We were warned over and over and over. Still being warned and very patiently so. So be it. If this spirals into global world war those who started it deserve to be targeted and stuck hard. There will be no bail-outs this time around. I just hope if that day comes the WEF/IMF/BIS/CFR/Davos crowd all get a piece of the retribution as well.

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d05f64 No.391243


My family lives just fine because I encouraged us all to be prepared years ago. It's the very opposite of damage. The only damage that has been done is by the radical ideological dolts running this country into the ground from Washington DC. I'll forgive Putin if he ever nukes them.

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d0219b No.391624

anti-slide *1o`9

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c504d0 No.391866



Yes, we need to let Russia destroy Ukraine and take half of Europe to appease Putin. We should also give him Alaska, who the fuck lives there anyway, and maybe one or two states full of libs to own them. That way we can prevent WWIII.

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d05f64 No.391877


That is not going to happen, even if Russia crushes Ukraine. They have no benefit of starting a global nuclear war, and neither would the US or Europe, you glow in the dark neo-con shill.

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c504d0 No.391886


Trump would never start a war against Russia. He would appease Putin, and Putin knows it. Russia trying to get more land is inevitable, so Trump is our best option, as bad as it looks.

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c504d0 No.391887


By the way, Russia already killed US soldiers, and nobody did anything about it. We need to appease Putin.


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d05f64 No.391892


Russia does not want a direct war with the US or Europe, nor should we desire a direct war with another nuclear super power, it is far too risky for everyone. Ukraine is being used by the West as a proxy war against Russia. Just like all the Middle Eastern wars we were in were proxy wars, just like Vietnam (which we also lost!). Did America end because we lost our proxy wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan? No! What is there for us to gain in Ukraine besides expanding NATO and provoking another nuclear superpower and how the hell does that benefit average American!?

I say we get out of these third world hostile countries, adopt free market capitalism again (like we had decades ago!). Re-industrialize the US domestically, cut taxes and unnecessary "green" regulation, cut back governmental spending, protect our own borders, incentivize domestic production/mining/refinery/industry/manufacturing, bring back law and order in the cities, crackdown on institutionalized corruption, etc. There is not a damn thing anything Russia, China or any nation could or would do if we simply protected our own interests and minded our own affairs.

Plus I would like to say this one last thing: if you support the war in Ukraine and want to fight Russia, please go get yourself a uniform, buy yourself some boots and a gun, and go volunteer to fight for Ukraine, nothing is stopping YOU from taking action in something YOU really believe in…. But don't you dare tell us we have a duty to get ourselves involved taking such a risk. That won't happen.

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d05f64 No.391894


We started that proxy war over there. That's the risk and consequence our government took doing so. If we don't want our troops dead we shouldn't be starting wars in the first place. Kinda the reason Americans are starting to avoid joining the US military, we don't want to be used as cannon fodder for proxy wars, especially MIC wars for profit.

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9a0618 No.391896


The US signed the Budapest memorandum, promising to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange of their nuclear weapons. But so did Russia, and now they are killing Ukrainians.

If Russia can break their promises, so can we. We should focus on America and nothing else, and get out of all the international treaties.

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d05f64 No.391897


As bad as I feel for the Ukrainians, this I have to agree with. It's our government that got into this mess and the hell if we citizens should pay the price for it. So I agree, abandon the sinking ship, let's focus on our own problems here at home, like securing our own borders! I know there may be some geo-political blowback (like Europe fuming at the US and maybe some joining the BRICS trade union out of sheer spite) but that will pass with due time and we can recover relations through diplomacy. :)

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c504d0 No.391899



>I do not support a war in Ukraine. That's why I think we should appease Putin. Trump will do the right thing: give Putin what he asks for, whatever it is, to prevent a nuclear war, even if we lose something.

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c504d0 No.391900


We didn’t start the war, Russia started the war, the same way it started a war against Georgia, Moldavia and other territories in Europe. All these wars brought suffering and nothing good. The only way to stop them is to let Putin grab the land it wants, otherwise he will start a nuclear war. I just hope he doesn’t ask for Texas.

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c504d0 No.391901


Exactly. Breaking international treaties shouldn't be a taboo. And regarding Ukrainians, they do not deserve neither to take their own decisions nor to be free. Why help them? Let them die.

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d05f64 No.391903


That's why nations should have nukes, it is a deterrent. If the US military is concerned they should be putting nukes in Europe. Why did the Clinton administration disarm Ukraine by taking the nukes in the first place? Oh well, like I said, that's a government relations problem, it sure as hell ain't a me problem.

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d05f64 No.391904


If the UK & US governments allowed Ukraine to make a peace deal 2 months after Russia invaded this war would have been long over and Ukraine would have had most of it's territory that is currently being occupied by Russia today. Not making that peace deal was a huge mistake. Huge. Plus the loss of life on top of that. I blame our governments, of-course Russia ain't innocent either but we didn't help anything!

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d05f64 No.391905


All I'm saying is we have three options here:

1) we let Ukraine keep fighting down to the last Ukrainian if need be but stay out of direct conflict,

2) far worse, we get into a direct war with Russia thus risking huge losses of American and European lives and civil uproar over mandatory draft and possibly face nuclear war which would bring us all back to the fucking stone age….

or 3) Ukraine makes a peace deal, negotiates terms with Russia and then can recover within a decade or so.

I pick #3.

I'd be OK with #1….

I'd be fuming gun-toting pissed off at #2 and any draft enforcer best not come near me or my family because I swear to God I can't legally say what I'd do…..

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c504d0 No.391911


I would say the situation 2 months after the Russian assault to Kiev is pretty much the same as the situation now:


The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on since 2014.

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c504d0 No.391912


We could do #1 while sending weapons to Ukraine, but why would we do that? If something, I would send weapons to Russia in exchange of renewing business relations. That would also end the war quickly. Russia is not going to stop until it destroys Ukraine completely anyway:


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d05f64 No.391913


Putin simply asked TWO things for Ukraine to agree on. Give up the Donbass region, and do not ally with NATO. That's pretty simple, Ukraine can keep all the other areas, plus most of the people who live in Donbass wanted to join Russia anyway and hated their current government in Ukraine. So it's not much a loss, bunch of slavs live there anyway.

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c504d0 No.391915


Exactly. That's why I think we should give up Alaska if Putin asks us to. We should never start a war with a nuclear power.

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d05f64 No.391919


We won't allow that to happen and you know it, Russia knows it. The last thing Russia wants is a nuclear war. Honestly anyone who is SANE would not want a nuclear war. The worst Putin is going to do is continue bombing Ukraine until they capitulate or no soldiers are left fighting, then take the whole Donbass region. It's really not my problem what happens, sorry dude.

The three options, the only options: >>391905

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c504d0 No.391920


Putin is a strong leader that knows nobody will retaliate if he strikes first. That's why he's destroying Ukraine. And nobody is retaliating. I still think the same, we should give up whatever it takes to avoid war with Russia.

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d05f64 No.391925


>That's why he's destroying Ukraine. And nobody is retaliating.

Ukraine is retaliating, with our help with arms and aid. And like I said before, that's fine, whatever. BUT how much further do you expect us to go? Do you really expect us to get into another world war? Possibly nuclear world war? Risk our fucking lives, family lives and our livelihoods and our entire way of life over Ukraine? Are you fucking crazy!? Are you insane? Hell no. Arming Ukraine is one thing, but let them fight Russia and keep it at that!!!

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d05f64 No.391927


Hey dude! I just figured out a way we can defeat Russia, and it's real EASY! It will take some sacrifice but hear me out:

Send all the politicians, governmental officials, soldiers and NGO employees who support the war against Russia to the front lines in Ukraine! Yep! All the ones who want the war against Russia, send 'em all to Ukraine to die fight in the meat grinder!

Don't worry, everyone else will be able to run the country back here at home, so you'll have nothing to worry about. If When you get back you'll all be heroes!!!

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d05f64 No.391928


lol I guess I didn't get the words "die" or "If" crossed out properly. Oh well, you all get the point.

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c504d0 No.391931


Ukraine is not retaliating, they are defending themselves and fighting for their lives. But I don't care, I want Trump to win. I know that Trump and Vance will let Ukraine be erased from the map to appease Putin, and that's fine. Who cares?

I expect Trump to avoid another WW by appeasing Putin, and I'm sure he won't disappoint me.

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c504d0 No.391932


That's a good idea, we should send the wokes and the libtards there. Then they will know that Putin can't be stopped.

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d05f64 No.391933


Well hey dude, fair is fair after all. If they want this war they should be the ones fighting in the war. Right? Come on cowards, get your boots on, grab your guns and go fight the evil boogeyman Putin! Meanwhile, I need my rest. I have another bottle of whiskey waiting for me tonight, I have more IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO!

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d05f64 No.393470

It's not our war, we shouldn't have anything to do with this, but if Washington DC does maybe that should become Russia's next target? Justifiably so, if they continue making it their war….

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d05f64 No.393471


It is not in our interest to get into a direct war with Russia, it would benefit us 0% to be in a direct war with ANY nuclear superpower.

America has already done our best to help Ukraine but enough is enough. If Washington DC makes this personal then they will deserve the war they get themselves into and face being annihilated but keep this out of our neck of the woods, average citizens don't want anything to do with it!!!! And won't!!!! Trump and Vance know this, so do reasonable people like RFK Jr. Russia is not our enemy. Ukraine fucked up by trusting us to become anti-Russian. They are paying for their own policy disaster. Let's keep it at that so we mitigate more disasters.

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156f3c No.393752

Prepping 101

The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos


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40084b No.393924

Reminder, fuck globohomo.

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40084b No.393951

Prepping 101

The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos


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