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File: e06be83f5d4610e⋯.png (223.4 KB,912x1259,912:1259,2323232323232.png)

807d9a No.387444

2024 Health Insurance Policies Change, Will No Longer Cover War Injuries!

2024 Health Insurance Policies have been Updated with NEW Exclusions & Expenses Not Covered: “Treatment of an injury or a sickness, which is due to war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection.”

This is something that made me go, "uh Ohhhhh." Check your insurance policies.

This is under exclusions and expenses not covered on a 2024 Cigna health policy. Treatment of an injury or a sickness, which is due to war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection.

This is not typical. In an insurance policy from United Healthcare from last year (2023) and the language typically reads like this:

What happens with my coverage under extraordinary circumstances? And it says in cases of disaster, epidemic, war, riot, insurrection, that they will do their best to provide the services you need.

Cigna and United aren't the only ones that have changed their language excluding war from their policies. Anthem has also done this, and it just makes you wonder why in the world would that be the case?

All these wars, insurrections, riots etc. are planned well in advance by the globalist deep state. Nothing is left to chance and nothing happens by accident.

These big corporations like insurance companies would have all been given the heads up that shit is about to hit the fan in 2024 so they are covering their asses by denying you coverage when you or your property gets hurt by these planned events by the deep state.

That's what I think is going on here. The wealthy and politically connected all talk to each other and attend meetings off the record. Davos is not the only place they talk at.


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807d9a No.387445

Just another reason NOT to fight for ZOG wars or have anything to do with their next very obviously staged and planned world war.

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844f95 No.387448


As if an out of shape unemployed adult on psychiatric SSI welfare benefits is going to be asked to participate in anything that requires responsibility and emotional stability

Do you ever think before typing?

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844f95 No.387449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Killcen, fast forward to 6:00 And watch how my son jet handles the introductions as they close out the grand finale of season 2

It's a very good insight into the personality of my son…

Who is now quite literally A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE

At the age of 25

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844f95 No.387450

Jets cool… he's SMART AS FUCK, he's funny, he's popular as shit, And he has the respect of every person involved in that entire goddamn production.

He put the entire fucking thing together all by himself

He took a big risk, And it paid off HUGE

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844f95 No.387451

File: 3a04a47d241130c⋯.jpg (331.62 KB,1750x1505,50:43,PicsArt_06_15_10_10_32.jpg)

This is Jeff right after he was born.

….and YES .. That's a completely real US Secret Service shirt I'm wearing

I had a friend who knew a secret service agent, and they got me that shirt. It's completely real..

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242ae3 No.387509

fuck their wars not fighting

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d90156 No.387692

anti-slide 9893989l37899`781jkkeo 82k;em2 ' ;s'l






3r r34rt 3 4g rgeggre

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f71c24 No.389344

anti-slide 214-0`-`0930u19ldo

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875cf4 No.392273


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