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61860c No.368153

I guess you're just not very good at reading people?

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000000 No.368169


(You) are actually a nigger.

A dumfuck Religionist.

A Climate Alarmist, Human-Hating 'Woke' Religionist [in case (You) needed some labels.]

(You) are not even homo sapiens.

(You) are Homo Borg Genesis.

"Human Rights" no longer applies to (You)r kind.

Did I mention (You) are also a LIAR?

Yeah, (You) Are a LIAR, who cannot even remember (You)r own LIES.

> we all four took the shot and did not get sick


> I'm afraid of needles, so I never took the shot

(You) Took the Shot.

And now (You)'re sorry.

A sad and sorry Borg.

(You) may want to better inform (You)rself…

This is blowing the internet up right now…

Russian Defense Minister CONFIRMS What We've Been Saying All Along, Johnny!


> inb4 bitchute is bad, mmkay

Using terms like "Conpiracy Theorist" or ''"Anti-Vaxxer" will henceforth just make (You) look stupider than (You) already are.

This is also now Proven Correct:

"Vaccinated" People No Longer Human - NASA-Langley Research On 5th Gen Warfare - Todd Callender With Maria Zeee


> "They have named "vaccinated" people and I use the term "vaccinated" loosely, but genetically modified people are now referred to as Homo Borg Genesis, not Homo Sapiens."


> I guess you're just not very good at reading people?

(You) Are NOT "People".

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e716d1 No.368188

File: e266ff3ef9b0964⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,640x427,640:427,0bfecbf055.jpg)


How (You) define (You)rself is immaterial when (You) are a tool of the Marxist Progressive "Woke" Left(not to mention the WHO, WEF, UN and even the IMF.) Go suck Andrew Cuomo's cock some more, Jewny…

Tell us more about (You)r RELIGION of Environmentalism & Climate Alarmism and (You)r Apocalyptic Visions for the Future of Mankind.

Also, When (You) LIE all the time,No One Believes ANYTHING (You) Say.

I Would Refer (You) to (You)r Post: >>>/freedomzine/15843

> odd. all 4 of us got vaccinated, and none of us got sick.

Also, (You) have no right to talk about anyone but (You) "abusing animals". >>>/freedomzine/2224

> i almost killed four of my cats last night, and was going to take the fifth one deep deep into the woods and leave him in a cage with no food or water and pretend i didnt know where he was.

Or about Anyone but (You) threatening Civil War. [Let me help (You) find the posts (You) keep referring to, so (You) can refresh (You)r memory instead of just making up LIES…]

>>>/freedomzine/3794 and >>>/freedomzine/3865

Or maybe (You) were referring to this post: >>>/freedomzine/6110 in this thread: >>>/freedomzine/4373 [which (You) should also reacquaint (You)rself with, before more gets added to it.]

While (You) are at it, refresh (You)r memory with this thread: >>>/freedomzine/3537 and see my lengthy replies.

(You) Have Outed (You)rself as a LIAR and a

> VERY bad person

[according to (You) in this post: >>>/freedomzine/2226 ]

I hope (You) are very happy here with (You)r fellow Incels.

NOBODY Believes ANYTHING (You) Say.

Nor are (You) one of "We, the People".

I'll be uploading some videos today, and (You) will have the chance to acquaint (You)rself with theTRUTHAbout What I truly meant by that last statement.

ENJOYThis Day!

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000000 No.368453

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369652

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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