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File: f32a70d24fbbd10⋯.jpg (95 KB,828x827,828:827,Yeah_I_m_an_FBI_Informant_….jpg)

c2cbdc No.364919 [Last50 Posts]

The FBI, CIA, DOD & Other Intel Agencies Are Involved With:

The Fake Steele Dossier — "Russia Russia Russia"

Hiding the Hunter Biden Laptop

Manipulating Fraudulent Elections

Media Censorship of Information and Control Over Every Narrative

Open Borders & Human Trafficking

The Fedsurrection on Jan. 6

Medical Tyranny & Implementing Depopulation Plans for the Globalist Elite, Whom They Serve

The WEF, WHO, IMF, Bilderbergers, Committee of 300, and Many Other Like-Minded International Terrorist Organizations

Manufacturing, Using, Advertising & Mandating the Use of Bioweapons on 'The People' Worldwide

Turning the Medical Community Into a Fully Controlled Cult-like RELIGION

Turning 'Science' Into a Fully Controlled Cult-like RELIGION

Turning Public School Education Into a Cult-like RELIGION, and Using it for INDOCTRINATION, Creating Activists for Their Cause

Committing Environmental Terrorism and Creating Conditions Responsible for Environmental Disasters of Every Kind

Cutting Off the Energy That People Need to Survive, Worldwide

Destroying the World Economy

Trying to Force Us Into World War 3 (which we were always meant to lose, hoping and praying for a Nuclear Armageddon that they are still busy trying to Instigate.)

Enslavement of 'We, the People' in Every Possible Way

Digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and 15 Minute Cities

Using AI to Control 'The People'

Turning 'The People' Against Each Other, and Against All Government That Is OF, BY & FOR 'The People'

Causing Division & Encouraging More Strife and Violent Crime

Destroying the Criminal Justice System and the Courts

Working Against 'The People of the United States of America'

Forcing Folks to Join Their Cult-like Environmentalist RELIGION of Climate Alarmism, and Using Apocalyptic Hyperbole to Control the Populace, Just Like the Abrahamic Religions Based on Fear Do.

(This is by no means an exhaustive list.)

A Couple Links Worth Reading:



Here's an Example of the Lamestream Media's Climate Alarmism Religious Ideology Propaganda That They Constantly Push:


Their Motto:

> “There is infinite hope, only not for us.”

— Kafka

They Pretend That Carbon and Carbon-Based Lifeforms Need to Be Wiped From the Face of the Earth.

I Think it is CLEAR That Their Kind of Thinking, and Their Kinds of Actions, Are What REALLY Needs to be Abolished.

That Fact is Rapidly Becoming Quite Clear to ALL 'The People' Worldwide.



Time to Accept Personal Responsibility For the Kind of World That 'We, The People' Want to Create.

If we do not, it is plain to see what kind of world 'They' Will Create For Us.

We Know Their Plans, and 'We, The People' WILL Thwart Them.

So, to wrap up… The Intel Agencies, at the Very Top, Are Not Only Dirty AF, They ARE The Terrorists, Worldwide, and Have Been For Many Decades (more likely, centuries…) They Have Openly Bragged That What They Are Currently Doing "Will Make the Third Reich Seem Like a Picnic".

I Would HIGHLY SUGGEST That You Watch the Corbett Report From August 8, 2008 Regarding "PTech and the 9/11 Software", So You Can Get a Better Idea Just How Deep This Rabbit-hole Goes, and the Full Gravity of the Situation We Have Been In For Quite Some Time. There IS a "WALL" Inside the Intelligence Agencies, Beyond Which Agents May Not Proceed Regarding ANY Investigations of ANY Kind, and This Wall Protects the Most Vile & Vicious Behaviors Known to Man, and Those Who Commit These Heinous Deeds.





I Remind You That Both The COVID-19 Bioweapon and the Entire COVID-19 Response, Including the COVID-19 "Vaccine" That Was Distributed Worldwide, That Has Already Killed Millions, WAS DEVELOPED AND PROMULGATED BY THE "UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE".

I Would Also Remind You, as a Living Being, on the Land of "The United States of America", on the State Whereupon I Live, With Human Rights Guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, That the "UNITED STATES" is a CORPORATION, Located in Washington, District of Columbia, and DOES NOT REPRESENT 'The People' Of This Land — It ONLY Represents It's OWN CORPORATE INTERESTS.

"We, the People" MUST Rise Up Against This ENEMY of 'The People' With All Haste, Lest We Perish, and Our Progeny Be FOREVER ENSLAVED.

There IS Infinite Hope, Just NOT For U.S., the "UNITED STATES" CORPORATION.

We Do Not Need to Make War Upon Them, as They Have Made War Upon 'We, the People'. We Need to Organize Communities and Utilize Means of Trade Outside Their Controlled Central Bank Fiat Currency Fake Monetary Systems Worldwide.

I Would Encourage You to Check Out the 2023-02-03 Corbett Report Presentation:

Episode 436 - Opting Out of CBDCs




That Should Be Enough to Get You Started, People!

Now DO IT!

Previously Posted @ >>>/freedomzine/38948

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c2cbdc No.364920

File: c06547393cd4278⋯.jpg (19.71 KB,400x300,4:3,Notice.jpg)


Something Else Worth Checking Out and Implementing in Your Own Way, Wherever You May Live:

Derrick Broze - Embracing Agora 2030 and the Autonomous Development Goals


This is a great video, and a good introduction to Derrick Broze, The Conscious Resistance and The Freedom Cell Network.

We have no choice but to focus our attention, time and energy on creating alternative societies for us to live in. We can't fight "them" and "their" plans. We have to make our own plans.

The Conscious Resistance website:



The Freedom Cell Network


A Great Resource Regarding "The Greater Reset" Idea.


On Telegram:

Look up "Mexico Freedom Cell"


You can download all his books for free at https://theconsciousresistance.com/books/

There's some awesome Podcasts there too, available at: https://theconsciousresistance.com/category/podcasts/


He's on Bitchute at: TheConsciousResistance https://www.bitchute.com/profile/Q1vJTBqvavlX/

and Odysee / LBRY at: The Conscious Resistance https://odysee.com/@theconsciousresistance:7


We HAVE to Form Alternative Societal Systems in order to even survive what's coming… They'll be implementing a planned Cyber Attack soon, and will use that as the excuse to institute the Digital ID, CBDC, Social Credit Score, Carbon Credits, the whole 9 yards. Access to the internet will be tightly controlled, only 'approved' folks will be able to own websites, and NOBODY will be getting on the internet without a Digital ID. Fear of a new 'Virus' will be ramped up, and Mandatory Vaccinations will be frickin' MANDATORY. It's already a crime in several countries, including Australia, to even have Questions about the VAX, punishable by actual Prison sentences for Questioning the Government Narrative. WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO START OUR OWN SELF-SUFFICIENT COMMUNITIES THAT WORK TOGETHER WITH OTHER FREEDOM-LOVING COMMUNITIES.

It is ESSENTIAL for the Future of Humankind.


(And yes, `'Just-Kiss-It'` is forming a Freedom Cell in his neck of the woods. You should too!)



Previously Posted @ >>>/freedomzine/38907

Also: >>>/freedomzine/38949

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fbd575 No.364922

Jerry, glad you are not in the hospital like Johnny claimed you were, I thought the medical establishment killed you!!

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fbd575 No.364923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Create Living Soil, Good Compost, & Intensive Garden Growth

MIRROR 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohjK6gqYBNc

MIRROR 2: https://www.brighteon.com/6f8f036e-3566-4b16-920a-8ff42ad8344e

MY COMMENT: This is a must see prepping video! Learn how to massively increase your crop yields FAST without having to worry about weeds! Jerry, if you still lurk here, this video is especially for you bro!!!

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f382e9 No.364925

If they implement a digital health/ social credit score ID to go online I will quickly be canceling service, permanently!

My recommendation - as I've already done years ago - is to get ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want and need online backed up to MULTIPLE offline storage mediums, and to faraday cage some of them to protect that media and info from an EMP event (which is likely in their plans to carry out if they don't get their way!)

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f382e9 No.364926


By the way, here is a list of info you should have backed up offline, and some of this info you should have PRINTED COPIES of:

DIY tips for hunting/trapping/power gardening/storage canning/fishing/natural health cures & treatments/mechanical repair/electrical repair/survival guides/gunsmithing/dead body disposal/construction projects/biblical history/topographic maps

Army war and survival manuals

SHTF prepping tips & articles

Natural health tips and articles

Psychic warfare and warding off demons


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c2cbdc No.364927

File: 3d17cbd85d6a342⋯.jpg (102.47 KB,640x480,4:3,Anderson_Distillery_Drag_S….jpg)


lol no.

Imagine Believing ANYTHING Johnny Neptune Says!

Just busy creating a positive future.

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c2cbdc No.364928

File: d45d7c138a49dfe⋯.jpeg (58.41 KB,562x316,281:158,2023_01_29_INNOCENTS_BETR….jpeg)


I'll check it out.

You might want to check out the Corbett Report Links Above in OP…

There's a lot of positive rabbit-holes to''ENJOY!

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ae3b2f No.364953

bumping highly respected news

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3b9973 No.364956

File: 38a8452533b4ee2⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,270x480,9:16,Leftwing_Anger_Addicts_Are….mp4)


> Jerry, glad you are not in the hospital like Johnny claimed you were, I thought the medical establishment killed you!!


> lol no.

> Imagine Believing ANYTHING Johnny Neptune Says!

Actually healthier, in every aspect of my life, than I've been since I was a teenager. Even stopped smoking THC Dab last summer!

< While Johnny continues to smoke joints of disgusting vegetable matter, on top of his crippling emphysema!

I don't think he has long for this world, and he knows it. Not that he cares. He hates humans anyway. He's just waiting for the suicide pods to be available here too. His misery is so obvious. I tried to help him, but he's not interested in anything but spreading negativity and hate.

> Just busy creating a positive future.

As we all should be doing.

Have found that exercise is the best pain reliever. That, and pranayama. Highly Recommend. (Look Up Tummo. Even the Wikipedia article has got a lot of good information. On certain subjects they still do. Their article on Mahamudra isn't bad either.)

Keep Posting REAL News, Killcen! If, for no other reason than to give Johnny something to direct his childish attacks toward. I just don't have the time to interact with him.

Johnny is still unaware that Raffensperger is actually the one who committed crimes! He still thinks he's been posting the "full tape of the phone call", when it was obviously edited to try to make Trump look bad.

I have never liked Trump, the person, or the persona, but no one can deny that President Donald J. Trump is on the side of The People. Can any of the so called "leaders" that Johnny supports give off that impression in any way whatsoever? There is soon to be a Reckoning.'''

lol @ him thinking that the Tucker Carlson texts prove anything besides what he repeatedly said on air, in public!EVERYONE Has ALWAYS Thought That Sydney Powell Was a Buffoon!(With the possible exception of many Qtards; but everyone thinks they are buffoons too. Controlled Opposition. They actually don't know that they're following and believing in the content delivered by bots. The evidence is quite clear.)

I'll be back on occasion to post things I consider important, and to push Johnny Neptune's buttons, for his own spiritual growth, of course! I can't say that he hasn't helped with mine!

He may be a miserable cretin, but as an example for how NOT to act as an adult, his stance provides excellent specimens.

> inb4 stool specimens

There's some shit going on with this site again (and I don't think Jim likes me very much, considering he's still courting the Qturds), so may make myself scarce while I concentrate on more important things for awhile…


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3b9973 No.364959

File: da4af85668bb0ed⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,854x480,427:240,Tony_Fauci_Admits_the_C19_….mp4)


I'll add that Trump should have come out against the Death Jab Clot Shots a long long time ago, and if he does not, he will find his support among The People will not be enough, period.

At least he never tried to force them on anybody, unlike the entire Globalist Cabal.

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8b2fb8 No.364961


>Keep Posting REAL News, Killcen!

Will do when I have some spare time, which is mostly in the mornings and on a break during the day.

>I have never liked Trump, the person, or the persona, but no one can deny that President Donald J. Trump is on the side of The People. Can any of the so called "leaders" that Johnny supports give off that impression in any way whatsoever?

As someone who voted for Trump I will say his problem is two-fold at this point: 1) Trump trusted the corrupt when he should have been removing those kinds of people from positions of power when he had the chance to from his 1st day in office and 2) Trump is too naive like most other plebs today: he still thinks the government, military and institutions do what is in our best interests when that couldn't be further from the truth today. If Trump goes down it's because he trusted the corrupt and ran out of luck.

>lol @ him thinking that the Tucker Carlson texts prove anything besides what he repeatedly said on air, in public!

Don't even know about it nor do I care. I said many times before I do not have TV service and have seldom listened to anything mainstream even from Fox. Almost everything on the radio and TV is State-run media garbage today. I do not bother wasting any time with it. I'm busy with SHTF prepping and becoming fully self-sufficient even if needed, off-grid prepping too.

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23128b No.364963

File: 1bdfd2b9e31fcc2⋯.jpg (276.76 KB,1080x1920,9:16,PicsArt_01_25_08_15_37.jpg)

File: ef66c5de0624fcb⋯.jpg (987.32 KB,2643x1982,2643:1982,PicsArt_11_07_05_13_59.jpg)

File: f58e5d1f36f4f5d⋯.jpg (339.59 KB,2160x1080,2:1,PicsArt_09_16_01_34_47.jpg)


Too true.

Hiring John Bolton was the final straw for me having any sort of trust in his capabilities for good judgement when it came to hiring people.

I haven't had TV since last millenium!

I'm always blown away when I go to my girlfriend's house how many ads there are, mostly selling pharmaceutical drugs directly to regular people. I thought it was bad back when they were always selling to the doctors! Now they just get old people and stupid people to go ask their doctors for this, that or the other new product they'll all be filing class action lawsuits on in a few years. The medical community and the Fascistic relationship that Big Pharma has with Big Government is even more astounding than the Fascistic relationahip that Big Government has with Big Media, Big Tech and Big 'Science'! Astounding, but not in a good way AT ALL!

I don't smoke any Hopium on account of Trump that he'd ever be able to fix much with the Deep State players or our Government's involvement with the Globalist Elite and their Insane Transhumanist Plans for our world.

As for the Qtard 'Trust the Plan', 'the Military is in Control' narrative, it would be laughable if it wasn't such a dangerous stance. Besides, eating that much microwave popcorn can't be good for their health!

My own health, however, is important to me. Every kind of health — mental, spiritual, social, electromagnetic, physical… you name it, Healing IS Important.

I don't think that everyone can go live off grid by themselves, or even just their family. It requires Community for most of us; so I'm focusing on that tack. Communities that have affiliations with other Communities, and can trade with them, using similar monetary systems will prove essential when their Fiat Currency System collapses, Which it WILL.They all do.Besides, that's their Plan — and they're carrying it out right now. Better to have alternatives already in place. Some States (including Georgia, Jonny!) already have Goldbacks.


You might be interested in that technology. I like a lot of technologies related to sound money that is fungible and easily traded for goods and services without 'Identity' being tied to transactions.Persona is dangerous.

Besides, 'Persons' are Corporate Entities that are legally dead — corpses, birthed (berthed) under Maritime Law — lost at sea, and 'claimed' by some pretty nefarious organizations made up of other 'Persons'. That's why they transact using Currency (Current-Sea), NOT Money.

'We, the People' are living beings on the Land.

We better start acting like it, or we shall be Lost for REAL!

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000000 No.364964


10/10 post

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ece772 No.364969

File: 098e824d707ad06⋯.jpg (934.94 KB,1555x875,311:175,FBI_Informant.jpg)





Made This Into an Odysee Article

"We, the People Put Intel Agencies On Notice…



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7871c5 No.364973

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48d3a8 No.365093

bumping legitimate news

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48d3a8 No.365094


>It requires Community for most of us

Absolutely Jerry. When I said I am prepping to live off-grid that does not mean sheltering in my homestead 24/7 and becoming a total hermit. We will all be relying on our local community, we will need to be producing and know others who are also producing and providing services too. That's where the barter system fits in. You moonshine, I have chickens. You trade a bottle of moonshine for a dozen of my eggs. That's the way it will work in the near future, at least at the local level it will in many communities.

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072d67 No.365192

File: 2bcd0480256d18c⋯.jpg (26.15 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_02_25_The_ZIONIST_Sto….jpg)

"The ZIONIST Story" — Documentary by Ronen Berelovich | 2018


And That's What it IS.

The Zionist Story

Well Worth Watching.



More Video Upload Links, Along With Descriptions, May Be Found at: >>>/freedomzine/7839

(The latest ones are at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.)

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning up the thread sometime soon, fixing some of the thumbnails, and adding even older ones in.

I realize it is sometimes hard to peruse videos on Odysee.


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072d67 No.365193

File: cde166a72de5c4d⋯.jpg (55.32 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_02_25_Kalergi_Plan_Th….jpg)

Kalergi Plan: The Jewish Plan For White Genocide by Matthew North


This Plan Has Been in the Works for a Long Long Time.

You Best Inform Yourself.

This Film is VERY "WORTH IT!"



More Video Upload Links, Along With Descriptions, May Be Found at: >>>/freedomzine/7839

(The latest ones are at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.)

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning up the thread sometime soon, fixing some of the thumbnails, and adding even older ones in.

I realize it is sometimes hard to peruse videos on Odysee.

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072d67 No.365194

File: 0f5da2cdb462e10⋯.jpg (51.43 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_02_25_Archbishop_Carl….jpg)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò — The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks of The AntiChurch of Satan


I'm not even a Christian, and I found this monologue Very Interesting, to say the least.




More Video Upload Links, Along With Descriptions, May Be Found at: >>7839

(The latest ones are at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.)

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning up the thread sometime soon, fixing some of the thumbnails, and adding even older ones in.

I realize it is sometimes hard to peruse videos on Odysee.


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072d67 No.365195

File: fd4485e3fe69719⋯.jpg (51.59 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_02_25_Hybrid_World_Th….jpg)

Hybrid World — The Plan to Modify and Control The Human Race | 2012 Documentary



The Transhumanist Plan for Humanity has been in motion for quite some time, and now it seems to be getting Out of Control.

Just think how much further they have progressed in the last eleven years since this documentary was made!

Just think about what those mRNA Injections they've been pushing on Billions of Humans Worldwide were REALLY About!

I GUARANTEE You'll Find This Documentary Interesting, and Well Worth the Watch.


More Video Upload Links, Along With Descriptions, May Be Found at: >>>/freedomzine/7839

(The latest ones are at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.)

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning up the thread sometime soon, fixing some of the thumbnails, and adding even older ones in.

I realize it is sometimes hard to peruse videos on Odysee.


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072d67 No.365196

File: fb74e48f5f8499d⋯.png (197.01 KB,862x485,862:485,2023_02_25_Fomentation_of_….png)

Fomentation of Anti-Whiteism & the Racial Supremacist Stance


I do not condone the "Supremacist" Stance from anybody; including Black Supremacists and Jewish Supremacists.

(((WHO))) Do You Think is Fomenting Anti-Whiteism and Racial Superiority Stereotypes That Encourage Folks to Take the "Supremacist" Stance???

Why do you think (((they))) do that?

Could it be a "Divide & Conquer" Strategy?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

I'd feel sorry for them, if the "Supremacist" Stance was not so Dangerous; but It IS.

Those who encourage it should be ashamed of themselves, and they should stop.

For (((some))), however, it's all part of The Plan.

Look How We've ALL Been Played!

See the "Kalergi Plan: The Jewish Plan For White Genocide by Matthew North" for more clarification on the matter.



More Video Upload Links, Along With Descriptions, May Be Found at: >>>/freedomzine/7839

(The latest ones are at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.)

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning up the thread sometime soon, fixing some of the thumbnails, and adding even older ones in.

I realize it is sometimes hard to peruse videos on Odysee.


> inb4 nigger

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4cd9c8 No.365211

bumping intellectual news

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e402a8 No.365240


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7285e8 No.365330

bumping total news

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f8202c No.365635


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52a616 No.366414

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366773

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d96968 No.367493

What are you trying to slide Johnny?

US State Department Funding Secret Disinformation Crusade To Blacklist Real News



Prepare For 10 Years Of Destruction As The Empire Collapses



They're Imploding The Economy For The "Great Reset" As Warned






Leaked Footage Exposes January 6th Inside Job, Lies, Fraud and Cover-ups By Kangaroo Court



As Predictable, Brazil Government Using Universal Basic Income To Force Routine mRNA Clot Shots



Israeli Government Partnered With Pfizer To Compile Genetic Database Of Population + MY COMMENT



CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED: Pfizer Knowingly Allowed Dangerous Components In Its Vaccines



Hidden Camera: Pfizer Scientists Admit Covid Vaccine Industry Is Based On Fraud



Brave Hero Doctor Arrested For Saving Lives Of Children By Using Saline Instead Of mRNA Clot Shots



US Military Faces A Suicide Crisis, And The Pentagon Wants To Disarm Soldiers



Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable



10th Grade Teacher Tells A Shocking Story About America's Modern "Educational" System



The US Made A Breakthrough Battery Discovery, Then The US Government Gave The Technology To China



Preparing For A Global War But NOT Preparing To Win? Hmmmmm…



Preparing To THRIVE In The Post-collapse Economy: Scavenging, Bartering, Off-grid Food Production and Rescuing Survivors!



Survival Basics: 12 Barter Skills To Learn Before SHTF



SHTF Prepping Tips



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9cb1a7 No.367660


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000000 No.367934

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c2cbdc No.368254

File: 107f30146457bc7⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_03_12_Truth_Bombs_Rus….jpg)

TRUTH-Bombs Russian Military Confirms GoF NIH DoD Bioweapons Conspiracy | Aussie Cossack & Maria Zeee


Russian Defense Minister confirms all the things that supposed "Conspiracy Theorists" have been saying all along…

Gain of function virus creation, Marburg Virus Scaredemic on it's way, AI-controlled 5G EMF activated part-biological, part-technological "viruses" and "vaccines", the "Directed Evolution" Dual-Use Biolabs, particularly in Boston and Ukraine, all the Pfizer pfuckery, he also references Karen Kingston and James O'Keefe of Project Veritas, and cornfirms that the jabs are biological weapons, how the WHO, WEF & UN have been taken over, and what the latest WHO Agenda is trying to do worldwide, and much much more.

Don't Forget that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschilds Bankrolled and Control the WHO, the WEF and the UN, (not to mention NATO, the IMF, Intel Agencies Worldwide, and most of the Politicians in places of power in Western Countries), and that it is Them who are pushing to implement "The Great Reset" — The "New World Order".

This is Genocidal Eugenics on a Grand Scale (not to mention "Ethnic Cleansing".)

Yes, We've Known ALL This for a Very Long Time, but this is one of the first times an actual Government has been willing to say what we already know.

Share With Family & Friends.

And Buckle Up.It's gonna be a Wild Ride from here on out.


This is now Proven Correct:

"Vaccinated" People No Longer Human — NASA Langley Research On 5th Gen Warfare | Todd Callender with Maria Zeee



> They have named "vaccinated" persons (and I use the term "vaccinated" loosely), but genetically modified persons are now referred to as Homo Borg Genesis, NOT Homo Sapiens.

Also See:




mRNA Injected People are no longer Human


Hate to break it to the Transhumans like that; but that's the way it is.



Reposted From: >>>/freedomzine/39238

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c2cbdc No.368255

File: 2bf7be16676dcaa⋯.jpg (66.22 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_03_12_Growing_Your_Ow….jpg)

Growing Your Own Food Quickly | Marjory Wildcraft (2 of 2)


This is (2 of 2) of an Interview of Marjory Wildcraft with David Dubyne of Adapt 2030 https://www.youtube.com/@Adapt2030

It also exists at: (2/2) Growing Your Own Food Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft 2/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbVS7UY4F4c

and Growing Your Own Food Quickly (Calories The Next Unit of Currency)(Marjory Wildcraft 2/2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/mbVS7UY4F4c/

on the ADAPT2030 Bitchute Channel… https://www.bitchute.com/channel/adapt2030/

where Part (1 of 2) also exists: Growing Your Own food Very Very Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft 1/2) https://www.bitchute.com/video/P1ZlymVNb2g/

And, of course, it also exists on the Adapt 2030 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Adapt2030 at:

(1/2) Growing Your Own food Very Very Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1ZlymVNb2g

Part (1 of 2) also exists on LBRY / Odysee at: Growing Your Own food Very Very Quickly (Marjory Wildcraft 1⧸2) https://odysee.com/@Fazenda.Mondego:5/090323:1

on the OzFlor - Fazenda Mondego Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@Fazenda.Mondego:5

David Dubyne does appear to have an Odysee Channel at: ADAPT2030 https://odysee.com/@ADAPT2030:2

but it hasn't had any uploads in a year, so…




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c2cbdc No.368256

File: 3827c8ae5403af3⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB,474x266,237:133,2023_03_12_Raising_Meat_R….jpeg)

An Article:

Raising Meat Rabbits to Survive What's Coming


Gardens Are Good. Raising Meat Rabbits is Even BETTER.

> and they produce tons of fantastic fertilizer that you can use in your garden.

You Will Need a Good Protein Source.

Rabbits are herbivores, and will not compete for grains with us.

Hunting and fishing are all fine and good for a VERY Short Time.

Remember, during the Depression ALL the Wildlife was virtually wiped out.

Raising backyard rabbits is the best way to survive. A few chickens for eggs too.

Never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your food sources. You can't live off of just a garden and some eggs.

But rabbitses are EASY! 1 buck and 3 does will produce as much meat as an entire cow in a year… Close to 100 offspring. Easier to harvest too.

Between a rabbit tractor to roll around the yard so they always have fresh grass, and a few hutches, you can SURVIVE. There's not a lot of fat on 'em, but LOTS of Protein, and Very Little Upkeep. They eat grass and bark off yard cuttings, etc…

I'm building a rabbit tractor now.


Not needing to mow as often is a huge plus.

Remember to put about 8" of wire around the base parallel with the ground so the little escape artists don't dig their way out, and to move it twice a day, because they eat a lot of grass.

Watch This: https://odysee.com/@Just-Kiss-It:2/2023-03-12_Growing-Your-Own-Food-Quickly_Marjory-Wildcraft_2_of_2:e

Part 1 at: https://youtube.com/watch?v=P1ZlymVNb2g

Marjory Wildcraft is pretty awesome, and has been living off the land and prepping since last millennium.

Grow your own food and medicine with the essential guide to modern self-Sufficient living


Your Ultimate Resource for Modern Sustainable Living


Some more relevant links to raising meat rabbits in particular:





(Some books to look up at bottom of above link)

More Links:



> “As much as we enjoyed the experience of raising, butchering, and eating these rabbits it no doubt comes with a weight as a carnivore. After all, it became very apparent that their blood was shed on our behalf. They ceased to exist so that we could continue to exist. Even if we were vegetarians, this would still ring true. Life is lost (be it the life of a rabbit or a potato) so that other life can be sustained.”

If you read the comment section of the above link (and others), you will notice how far removed most folks are from their food sources, and how idiotic their thinking is.

Also, use the hopper popper, broomstick method or chain method. All of which are much better method than pellet gun. Too much can go wrong.



There's a ton of information online about how to raise meat rabbits.

It feels really good to be more in touch with your food sources — and kids can learn a lot from this too.

Good Luck With Your Journey!

This Article was previously posted at: [Raising Meat Rabbits to Survive What's Coming''' >>>/freedomzine/39108

and Comments may be made there too.



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000000 No.368454

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c9d884 No.368488

bumping back actual news with traditional legits

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2f1ed8 No.368506


Thank you, feel free to mirror this to OTHER PLACES too ;)

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2f1ed8 No.368523


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00f615 No.368559

bumping absolute news

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c9d884 No.368613

bumping non-State-run news

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000000 No.368839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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218a31 No.368910

File: 021f6a468d0a767⋯.png (476.2 KB,1168x657,16:9,2023_03_19_The_Fable_of_th….png)

File: 2d55740b95b2941⋯.mp4 (12.29 MB,480x480,1:1,2023_03_19_The_Fable_of_th….mp4)

I'll Just Leave This Here…

The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens | A MUST WATCH! | Story by George Lincoln Rockwell


Please Share With Friends, Family & Children

It's Really a Fantastic Tale With Deep Meaning, and I think everyone will get something out of it.

Frickin' Chicken Jooz…

…and so on ad infinitum

Reposted From >>>/freedomzine/39389

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218a31 No.368914

File: 97172a02079a3de⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,640x360,16:9,2023_03_19_What_Is_A_Woman….jpg)

I'll Leave This Here Too:

What Is A Woman? — FULL MOVIE | 2022


An Insightful Documentary.

Wow. Our "Higher" Education System is REALLY Screwed Up!

Some of those professors… Wow!

"What Is A Woman?" Should Be An Easy Answer.

So why can so few answer the question nowadays?

Reposted From: >>>/freedomzine/39391

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0187e3 No.368919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I found your video on YouTube posted recently… there's other videos with this fable (most protected/labeled as YouTube Kids lol) on YouTube and I was shocked to learn this story was written in 1959 by a Neo Nazi. [1] [2] This story despite its age is surprisingly relevant to today.

The hen's feel more applicable to Arabs (Muslims), Central Americans (California as an example is over 60% Hispanic), and even Native American's (by 2050 many provinces in Canada will have at least 1/5 of its population a NA) than Jewish people. Between 800,000 to 1,000,000 Jews left the Arab countries and moved to Israel, which is more than the number of Arabs who left Israel.

- Zumiez

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lincoln_Rockwell#American_Nazi_Party

[2] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18965607-the-fable-of-the-ducks-the-hens

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449b34 No.369048


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000000 No.369694

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369727

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This a Top/Down Enforced Religious Ideology related to Transexualism & Transhumanism.

> Embed VERY Related

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36ca2c No.369882

bumping top notch news

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52b5a8 No.370323

bumping natural news

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55ee72 No.370668

bumping real news

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702df0 No.370872

bumping dependable news

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649cb0 No.371849

Hey, what's up? I checked out that thread you linked, and it seems like they're talking about diversity and all that jazz. I'm not into this topic a lot, I'm just a student. But I found this thread while researching some materials for my coursework. And when it comes to diversity, https://samploon.com/free-essays/diversity/ got you covered. They've got essays on all kinds of topics related to diversity, like race, gender, and culture. It's important to learn about this stuff, especially in today's world where there's so much division and tension.

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ad4481 No.373028

bumping appreciated news

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60b00a No.374581

anti-slide 08743

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9cb1a7 No.375772

bumping authentic true news

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ad4481 No.376438

bumping educated news

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776433 No.377401

bumping reality-driven news

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80ea45 No.377978

File: 9be1cb4c2293e7c⋯.jpg (31.75 KB,487x328,487:328,obestsalesmansever.JPG)

File: 94ad103ba060372⋯.jpg (49.5 KB,400x259,400:259,Mike_V.jpg)


Obama was the Greatest Gun Salesman ever.

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976bd2 No.378413

they can fight their own wars for hegemony and fail for all I care

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80ea45 No.378495


>some of this info you should have PRINTED COPIES of

Paper printouts will last longer than digital.

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c9d884 No.379297

bumping everlasting news

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80ea45 No.379641


>will use that as the excuse to institute the Digital ID, CBDC, Social Credit Score, Carbon Credits, the whole 9 yards. Access to the internet will be tightly controlled, only 'approved' folks will be able to own websites, and NOBODY will be getting on the internet without a Digital ID. Fear of a new 'Virus' will be ramped up, and Mandatory Vaccinations will be frickin' MANDATORY.

Well that would suck.

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c9b772 No.379648

5 months later and literally nothing has happened. You fuckers are boring.

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9cb1a7 No.380997

bumping reality-driven news

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a267e3 No.382186

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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45de86 No.383907


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