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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

File: f158c4b24107b56⋯.png (326.39 KB, 1280x679, 1280:679, 20230221_141413.png)

5c9595  No.364625

India Bucks The Communist Climate Cult! India To Increase Coal Production And Global Trade

I actually admit hearing voices in my head, fully aware that is confessing that I have schizophrenia.. but even more embarrassingly, I actually claim its "demons" Whispering inside my head..

In other words, while I am simply admitting I have paranoid schizophrenia, I am unwittingly admitting that I am possessed by evil demons

That would explain why I'm destroying my daughter's marriage and the only thing I'm concerned about is the next bottle of whiskey she will buy me

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