EVERYBODY saw me offer Ashley $100 yesterday, including Ashley… that's why she created her"I NEED $100" THREADthis morning….
So obviously she's paying attention.. I'd call that a good start!!…
but THAT'S NOT THE WAY THIS WILL HAPPEN… it's not as simple as creating and insane third person dissociated thread, vaguely mentioning the dollar amount of exactly $100, as if this is some kind of cryptic coded transaction..
nope… I am not going to "donate" to any "savior" for "Publishing Buddhas Imaginary Book"…
nope….. this is all about helping AshleyLEARN HOW TO EARN
I'm not interested in the psychotic imaginary fantasy characters in her head.. I refuse to do business with a psychosis…
This is going to teach Ashley how things work in real life…
Ashley has never interacted with another human being on this website before…
=she has never engaged in a simple back and forth conversation with another person in here…. not even once==
But Ashley is fully capable of holding a simple conversation….
She's just allowed herself to become trapped in a pattern of behavior, a prisoner of her own fears, and it's the reason why she's at the end of her rope right now..
Ashley is 32 years old, and stillallowing herself to behavelike an awkward weird psychotic dork failure..
AGAIN :Ashley is ALLOWING HERSELF to continue behaving detrimentally to her future
The longer she continues ALLOWING HERSELF TO BEHAVE like a self-defeatist weirdo controlled by needless fears, the less and less likely she becomes to ever overcome this self-defeated Behavior….
I'm going to demand she has a simple everyday back and forth conversation with me, the same way normal people have everyday back and forth conversations…
I absolutely WILLNOTentertain any psychotic "3rd person dissociation Messiah" behavior….
Iwillgive $100 to Ashley Schneider, but I wouldnevergive a single penny to The Psychotic "Messiah Character" she fantasizes about…
So the sooner Ashley learns to stop behaving like an uncomfortable weirdo, the quicker she will find success in her life…
She's completely aware that her stupid psychosis turns people off, and she isn't actually delusional, she's just dissociating, because she's afraid of everything
So Ashley will need to politely create a thread, and invite me to join her in a brief conversation about the logistics of sending her $100
It's a very simple conversation
The logistics of sending and receiving $100 through Western Union
And she has to refer to herself as Ashley….. not jesus, not the Messiah, not Buddha, not kalki, not Barney the Dinosaur.. but ASHLEY
If she starts going off into her "messiah" character, the deal is off….
no ifs, ands, or buts….
ONE MENTION of "messiah" bullshit, and I will end the conversation immediately
Basically I'm gambling here.. I Stay it's capable of holding a five minute conversation with another human being for $100
in fact, I'm betting AGAINST myself…
I've already accepted the $100 as "gone"
so if I lose the bet, I WIN MY OWN $100 BACK