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File: 65b9b26476517c4⋯.png (362.03 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_13_09_20_48_….png)

f64abe  No.363759

I thought it was insane Killcen posting the idiotic UFO GARBAGE yesterday, but Killceninsists it wasn't him

and I'm going to take his word for it.

I wouldn't have any credibility if I was too afraid to admit whenI WAS WRONG

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f64abe  No.363760


if only Killcen & Jerry had enough balls to do the same

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8224e6  No.363761

File: 858585759f8cfbe⋯.jpg (291.24 KB, 666x854, 333:427, 7azmce.jpg)


I'm working hard to tell everyone the truth, where I can or am able to.

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f64abe  No.363764



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942c47  No.363771


I believe it was a Russian nuke test, and a message sent to the West. If you look at the explosion it was off-the-chart, MASSIVE, a mushroom cloud that could be seen from satellites in space.

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