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File: 9acce8059e59ce5⋯.jpg (408.67 KB, 1952x1080, 244:135, Picsart_23_02_12_09_37_01_….jpg)

b6ba71  No.363639

Things are getting really ugly out there.. fast

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b6ba71  No.363672

File: 9f0d0a8901b31a5⋯.jpg (315.03 KB, 1696x1080, 212:135, Picsart_23_02_12_15_11_33_….jpg)


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b6ba71  No.363673

File: 4c4a110c9523736⋯.jpg (232.5 KB, 1328x1080, 166:135, Picsart_23_02_12_14_05_12_….jpg)

But what would you expect of a man who still uses dial up internet?

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b6ba71  No.363674

File: 951b00990244523⋯.jpg (313.91 KB, 1729x1080, 1729:1080, Picsart_23_02_12_14_20_35_….jpg)

What would you expect from somebody who actually invested an entire lifetime into living inAmerica's Toilet?

100% SERIOUS :

he actuallyWORKEDand =PAID MONEY== to continue living in the shittiest of all 50 States….

Can you believe that? He wasn't being forced to live in Missouri at gunpoint.

he VOLUNTARILY lived there…..


So it's not like anybody expected him to be knowledgeable or informed about anything, especially not SCIENCE…. or medicine.. or economics.. or planning for the future.. or even just the most basic of life's daily decisions

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b6ba71  No.363675

File: 8abef943c044870⋯.jpg (442.89 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Picsart_23_02_12_13_03_46_….jpg)

I mean how smart could somebody possibly be, if they woke up one day back in 1966 and said to themselves, "I think today I'm going to drop out of high school,, and commit the rest of the rest of my life to low-paying menial labor, grunt work in a nasty mill, busting my ass so I can continue paying money to live in the most disgusting and embarrassing state in the entire country!" ???…..

Just the fact that they thought Missouri was "acceptable" proves we're not dealing with a very high IQ here

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b6ba71  No.363676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Killcen lives closer to St. Louis than he does to Springfield, but he somehow considers both of them to be "highfalutin big cities"…..

Where the elites of society live


That's why the Department of Defense named Missouri "the perfect state to sacrifice in the event of a nuclear war"

Nothing of value would be lost

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