dude…… TRUST ME……
Having high-speed internet is badass, and you ought to try it one of these decades….
. Did I say "decades"?… my bad
months maybe?….
5G doesn't do anything to you, no matter what conspiracy theory websites you decide to believe..
We only pay $45 a month for badass super super fast internet, and I'm talking about fast as fuck dude
Believe it or not, just because you live in America's toilet, that DOESN'T mean you have to live like a turd
You can actually still live a life that's quality, like those of us who actually live in nice places…
And for only $45 a month, you get unlimited lightning fast internet from T-Mobile's portable home internet gateway..
Completely Unlimited! You can download a terabyte if you want
So fast your eyes will cross!!
And imagine for only $45, you won't have to continue pretending that you can't watch YouTube because of your make believe "opsec"
( everybody knows you are clueless when it comes to opsec, and you can't watch YouTube because you still have a hillbilly dial up connection, like a modern day Eddie Albert from Green Acres…
Your internet connection is the equivalent of climbing on top of a telephone pole just to make a phone call on Green Acres, but you don't have to live like a bad sitcom.. you can actually behave like a civilized human being, an ELITE, like ME
Imagine not having to be embarrassed about your lot in life anymore, and for only $45 you can join the rest of the human race with real internet, and finally watch a YouTube video