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File: c948a0f297d8cd4⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 640x638, 320:319, IMAGES_OF_WHAT_WAS_SHOT_DO….jpg)

1de34f  No.363625


Based on the location of the radar stations which tracked the inbound "object" and now, with direct verbal information from former colleagues in the Intelligence Community, I can report to you that the "object" was approaching . . . . The Alaska Pipeline. Gee, I wonder why anyone might be interested in our major oil pipeline. HMMMMMMM. Perhaps because of what happened to the Nord Stream Pipeline ??????? Things are getting very ugly . . . . fast

UFO SHOOTDOWN 16.6 MB .zip Download


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1a8057  No.363629

File: 277fee82e70de3b⋯.jpg (758.68 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230212_100903….jpg)

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1a8057  No.363630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



YOU in particular will (oddly enough)

ENJOYthis video

it's a timeline scenario of an upcoming nuclear war with China

DOWNLOAD IT (even though you're shooting yourself in the foot with your useless "I can't even watch a YouTube video" bullshit


trust me : YOU… will ENJOY it

because it's NOT a good ending

it's got a few glitches in it's production

a few grammatical errors, but overall, it's very revealing

but it's LONG……

So there's really no reason

for you to download it

just watch it

unless….Unless….. you CANT watch it

( I think you are full of shit about you using all this security operational garbage on your computer like some kind of government secret agent.. I think you've got really bad internet service and for some reason you're incapable of fluid streaming video on YouTube)

[ in fact, instead of me perceiving you as a computer specialist who exercises a bunch of needless high-tech computer security techniques for his safety… I actually perceive you as a guy who simply doesn't have a good internet connection, and doesn't know enough about computers to realize he needs to get the 5G Gateway from T-Mobile for only $45 a month, with lightning fast downloads, immediate uploads, unlimited.. completely unlimited super high speed internet for only $45 a month)

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1a8057  No.363632

File: ed9b70aa00236cd⋯.jpg (181.87 KB, 1696x1080, 212:135, Picsart_23_02_12_10_34_04_….jpg)


I'm dead serious.. I think you are "fibbing" about "not being able to watch YouTube" due to your "expertise in Internet OPSEC"


I say the reason you're unable to watch YouTube videos is because of your crappy internet connection out there in the Backwoods of Missouri

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1a8057  No.363633

File: 213bf5fe61eaac8⋯.jpg (564.16 KB, 1678x1080, 839:540, Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_52_….jpg)


in fact, I say you're still using DIAL-UP

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1a8057  No.363634

File: ddffb48bc9bffd4⋯.jpg (475.6 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_39_….jpg)

And it's okay, because where you're from, nobody has anything nice

So it's not like anybody expected you to have high-speed internet

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1a8057  No.363635

File: 3c59e65b468a7cf⋯.jpg (341.54 KB, 1698x1080, 283:180, Picsart_23_02_12_10_59_36_….jpg)


You simply don't have high-speed internet service, so just be honest

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1a8057  No.363637

File: a2bce6775651eb3⋯.jpg (441.88 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Picsart_23_02_12_10_52_09_….jpg)

dude…… TRUST ME……

Having high-speed internet is badass, and you ought to try it one of these decades….


. Did I say "decades"?… my bad

months maybe?….



5G doesn't do anything to you, no matter what conspiracy theory websites you decide to believe..

We only pay $45 a month for badass super super fast internet, and I'm talking about fast as fuck dude

Believe it or not, just because you live in America's toilet, that DOESN'T mean you have to live like a turd

You can actually still live a life that's quality, like those of us who actually live in nice places…

And for only $45 a month, you get unlimited lightning fast internet from T-Mobile's portable home internet gateway..

Completely Unlimited! You can download a terabyte if you want

So fast your eyes will cross!!

And imagine for only $45, you won't have to continue pretending that you can't watch YouTube because of your make believe "opsec"

( everybody knows you are clueless when it comes to opsec, and you can't watch YouTube because you still have a hillbilly dial up connection, like a modern day Eddie Albert from Green Acres…

Your internet connection is the equivalent of climbing on top of a telephone pole just to make a phone call on Green Acres, but you don't have to live like a bad sitcom.. you can actually behave like a civilized human being, an ELITE, like ME

Imagine not having to be embarrassed about your lot in life anymore, and for only $45 you can join the rest of the human race with real internet, and finally watch a YouTube video

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aa37e9  No.363647


Yeah just read off the corporate ad copy about 5G. It's very obvious you do your research and have an extensive background in radio communications and epidemiology. A well-trusted source who has any idea what the alleged conspiracy tard boogie men say about it, and most certainly any idea at all how the technology actuallly works or why anybody would even begin to be concerned. Johnny is so smart he could even probably (after taking his required training courses and obtaining an appropriate certification) explain the difference between red and yellow to kindergarteners, provided that hey already been screen for color blindness.

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1a8057  No.363686

File: e458578ff4e8a70⋯.png (399.26 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_12_17_52_09_….png)


I'm beginning to think perhaps you already did suffer a stroke and you don't realize it.. apparently, your brain is incapable of learning or paying attention to even the most basic details

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1a8057  No.363687

File: 0385fc293a8b071⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 1080x1311, 360:437, Picsart_23_02_12_18_32_02_….jpg)


And being able to notice these are three completely separate videos, sliced together by an idiot on TikTok

imagine being smart enough to notice the color of the sky changes three times in 18 seconds

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1a8057  No.363688

File: e061d1eb493b8ed⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 1080x1311, 360:437, Picsart_23_02_12_18_35_45_….jpg)


And being intelligent enough to notice this is a completely different video, a military test over Groom Lake, Nevada.

Imagine being smart enough to realize the F-22 is firing an AIM-9X Sidewinder atone of OUR unmanned military drone aircraft

Which is obliterated.. completely obliterated…

imagine having a triple digit IQ, and being able to notice the sky changed colors for some reason, just like the resolution of the video changed

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1a8057  No.363689

File: f46f3f66ecc0281⋯.jpg (127.84 KB, 1080x1163, 1080:1163, Picsart_23_02_12_18_41_05_….jpg)


and exercising a little scrutiny occasionally, to prevent making a fool out of yourself when you stupidly don't notice THE SKY IS NOW GRAY

and smart enough to notice the obliterated testcraft is suddenly a mylar balloon, that wasn't "shot down" at all….

REAL NEWS : exactly what you never watch, which is why you appear so stupid

You keep proving how gullible you are everyday, and it makes you look stupider and stupider every time

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1a8057  No.363690

File: 3c15656bf780d7f⋯.png (310.19 KB, 1387x1459, 1387:1459, Picsart_23_02_12_18_52_40_….png)


You're so dense you didn't notice these are three different videos spliced together, and how is any of this supposed to relate to the stupid photograph of the crashed airplane fuselage in Iceland, March 2020?

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1a8057  No.363691

File: 304d30b1e7384b7⋯.jpg (242.05 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_09_22_22_32_….jpg)



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1a8057  No.363693

File: 9e01738b646f3d0⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1387x1459, 1387:1459, Picsart_23_02_12_20_07_40_….png)

not IDIOT in a bad way…..

it's not an insult…

You're thecooltype of idiot

a complete fucking idiot

in a cool way

God damn idiot

totally insane

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1a8057  No.363694

File: 5966d18d3964e97⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1387x1459, 1387:1459, Picsart_23_02_12_20_25_25_….png)


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