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File: b5bd77e7a340459⋯.jpg (148.56 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, biden_drogen.jpg)

c202d3  No.362507 [Last 50 Posts]

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c202d3  No.362508

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3f66cd  No.362512


AND ?……. so what?

Hunter Biden isn't an elected official

oh, now I get it… YOU'RE JEALOUS!!




big deal

just because YOU can't get laid, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to be losers like you

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3f66cd  No.362513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


HAHAHAHA you stupid fucking4CHAN BAN REFUGEE!!!

imagine bring SO NEW that you can't embed a video



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3f66cd  No.362514

File: 765b9c22f873cd0⋯.jpg (259.71 KB, 1080x872, 135:109, Screenshot_20230206_173704.jpg)



not only are you too stupid to embed a video

but you also posted OLD NEWS

( I read about him admitting ownership A WEEK AGO, you stupid fucking slowpoke )

Not to mention, he never actually denied it, you stupid fucking idiot

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3f66cd  No.362515

File: 8dae90495a59b91⋯.jpg (155.43 KB, 1338x1080, 223:180, Picsart_23_02_06_17_51_37_….jpg)


1: you think men shouldn't be allowed to have sex (because you can't get laid)

2: you're obviously from 4chan, because you don't know how to embed videos

3: you thought this story was NEWS


you literally can't do ANYTHING right !!

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c202d3  No.362516

File: 0f7d3f037b3049e⋯.png (228.27 KB, 1002x558, 167:93, OISEyNxJSc82.png)

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3f66cd  No.362517

File: 0758012f90874df⋯.jpg (903.17 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, FaceApp_1675695859587.jpg)


this is the part where you say "bro"


you're NOT a man

you're a bitch

you're a little sissyboy

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3f66cd  No.362518

File: 50538f235f97e13⋯.png (353.12 KB, 1002x558, 167:93, Picsart_23_02_06_18_02_31_….png)

> admits visiting Qresearch


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3f66cd  No.362519


feel free to tell us WHY Hunter Biden having sex gets under your skin so badly


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3f66cd  No.362520


ANNOUNCEMENT: I get my dick sucked all the time… my wife and i get high, and I fuck her in the ass

you wanna see MY laptop ?

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c202d3  No.362521

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3f66cd  No.362522

File: da679e70558a753⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 648x930, 108:155, Screenshot_20230206_181253.jpg)


you named that stupid file BIDEN DROGEN

(drugs in german)

but you're NOT German, so you're obviously just another trend-following wannabe


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3f66cd  No.362523

File: 421fbb6ff05b596⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 464x596, 116:149, best_tabloid_headlines.jpg)

File: 6b479a887095c42⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 490x444, 245:222, best_headlines_of_all_time.jpg)

File: df0ed62a3520185⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 462x507, 154:169, crazy_national_enquirer_he….jpg)

File: 9b25ac86053b3fe⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 493x361, 493:361, ridiculous_tabloid_headlin….jpg)

File: e9910e3c22acbfb⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 495x511, 495:511, funny_news_headlines_2016.jpg)


the New York Post is A TABLOID


It's in the same category as the National Enquirer or weekly world news

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3f66cd  No.362524

File: 2fff9ffbffaecf6⋯.jpg (468.38 KB, 1080x1024, 135:128, Screenshot_20230206_181710.jpg)


it's NOT a reputable newspaper, YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT !!!

It's nothing but sensationalized garbage, sex rumors and nigger-tier gossip

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3f66cd  No.362525

File: f433f18dfb77ae2⋯.jpg (358.1 KB, 1050x962, 525:481, Screenshot_20230206_181735.jpg)


The New York Post's Demographics areUNEMPLOYED WOMEN

white trash women

that's who The New York Post is aimed at


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c202d3  No.362527

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3f66cd  No.362528

File: 085285eeb4cb58e⋯.jpg (67.33 KB, 586x746, 293:373, outrageous_headlines.jpg)

In journalism circles, the New York Post is considered the same type of grocery store shopping aisle tabloid trash as the weekly world news

It's targeted to bored uneducated housewives, with a reading level no higher than 4th grade

100% TRUE :

The New York post is written with a 4th grade reading level vocabulary


That's their targeted demographic

But you're too stupid to realize that

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c202d3  No.362529

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c202d3  No.362530

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c202d3  No.362531

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3f66cd  No.362532

File: ffe9d751310d008⋯.jpg (975.74 KB, 1080x1884, 90:157, Screenshot_20230206_182729.jpg)




What appeals to uneducated women is the same stuff that appeals to YOU

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3f66cd  No.362533

File: 1f56a565d226898⋯.jpg (374.87 KB, 1080x929, 1080:929, Screenshot_20230206_181754.jpg)




Meanwhile, you don't know the difference between the New York Post and the New York Times

( because you're stupid and unsophisticated )


( and you can't speak a sentence in German to save your life )

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c202d3  No.362534

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c202d3  No.362535

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c202d3  No.362536

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3f66cd  No.362537



You're SO UNEDUCATED that you thought the New York Post was a reputable newspaper like the New York Times


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3f66cd  No.362538

File: e00b6b6f801fbdc⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230206_181844….jpg)




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c202d3  No.362539

File: 2f464feffd0963a⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 720x405, 16:9, biden_alt.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362540

File: 1ba2ea5b83a2f1c⋯.jpg (30.8 KB, 720x405, 16:9, biden_komisch.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362541


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c202d3  No.362542

File: c0f445736b2e129⋯.jpg (114.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, biden_korrupt.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362543




(obviously, you're homosexual)

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3f66cd  No.362544




You put so much energy into downloading these stupid pics and links


because obviously you're not sexually attracted to females


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3f66cd  No.362545



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3f66cd  No.362546

File: c0e36f683e6b744⋯.jpg (192.09 KB, 1338x1080, 223:180, Picsart_23_02_06_18_38_22_….jpg)

Hunter Biden Never Denied a Fucking Thing

over a year ago he clearly said "IT VERY WELL COULD BE MINE"

(he hadn't seen it, but he openly admitted that YES… it very well could be his)

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3f66cd  No.362547


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c202d3  No.362548

File: 48d4f019f1bdd85⋯.jpg (61.15 KB, 720x557, 720:557, 4499356_2016051721_08_53_j….jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362549

File: 300fe4e886036f9⋯.jpg (289.02 KB, 1080x1444, 270:361, Picsart_23_02_06_18_35_15_….jpg)

dude…… You're a homosexual

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3f66cd  No.362550

File: 7863a65983fc72b⋯.jpg (236.97 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_23_02_06_18_47_42_….jpg)



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3f66cd  No.362551


becauseYou're NOT attracted to women

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3f66cd  No.362552


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3f66cd  No.362553

Look at all the effort you put into this stupid garbage.. with no logical explanation of why it bothers you so much


Your lack of sexual attraction towards females speaks for itself

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3f66cd  No.362554

If a man truly wants to eat, he will find food no matter what it takes

If a man truly wants to drink water, he will find a glass of water no matter how long it takes him

And if a manISN'Tsexually attracted to females, he will put no effort into it whatsoever,, and will put all of his energy into other stupid bullshit

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3f66cd  No.362555

if you weren't homosexual, YOU'D HAVE A GIRLFRIEND

You're simply not attracted to women

That's why you put all of your energy into hanging out with other sexually failed men online

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3f66cd  No.362556

When somebody wants something, they will get it.. they will put their energies towards getting what they want

Apparently, you don't want a girlfriend

But you seem to be jealous when other guys have sex with women

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3f66cd  No.362557

You read women's tabloid trash garbage news, gossipy sexual innuendo

Just like a woman

You aren't interested in sex with a female

And you love to gossip and point fingers, suggesting when men get lots of pussy they are bad people

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c202d3  No.362558

File: 062b57ac7bfdca3⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 600x700, 6:7, b_nm.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362559


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c202d3  No.362560

File: 33994836a3339bc⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 691x720, 691:720, 451.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362561


You're a fucking homosexual, and you stumbled in here after being booted out of 4chan

You're a little girl

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c202d3  No.362562

File: b8a1a85b5f6904b⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 564x546, 94:91, gjb465.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362563

File: 08b3ffd2fe72c30⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 720x622, 360:311, fgkj.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362564


You're also too much of a coward to confront a man face to face.. which is why you don't have enough balls to even stand up for yourself

Instead, you are a passive aggressive effeminate little cream puff

Little sassy pants and his stupid memes

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c202d3  No.362565

File: 032fbe6e3e5a68c⋯.jpg (161.38 KB, 680x660, 34:33, vhn5.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362566

You like to spray paint the fake German neo-Nazi wannabe TRENDY TREND

But you are extremy effeminate, so you would be the last one ever chosen to be on a dodgeball team or part of an army

You are an awkward misfit, and women laugh in your fucking face on a daily basis

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c202d3  No.362567

File: 6113c176f8b3dd3⋯.png (366.59 KB, 500x502, 250:251, cjgkb.png)

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3f66cd  No.362568

In school they used to wait until your back was turned before they would laugh at you

not anymore

They laugh directly in your face

They don't give a fuck if you see them laughing at you or not, and in fact, they enjoy laughing in your face because you're not man enough to do anything about it

You don't have the balls to stand up to a man, you certainly don't have the balls to stand up to a woman either

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3f66cd  No.362569


Instead of getting pussy you download Stupid memes

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3f66cd  No.362570


The unemployed broke little coward who lives with his mommy, the high school dropout who never gets any pussy and his stupid downloaded memes

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c202d3  No.362571

File: 21b1e3882ed7ce2⋯.png (467.39 KB, 539x720, 539:720, fgkvj462.png)

my friendgirl

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3f66cd  No.362572

Bullshit. Women don't like you. You don't have any female friends. They wouldn't be seen standing in the same room with you

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3f66cd  No.362573

Women won't be seen standing near you because they are embarrassed one of their friends might see them and think they actually like you

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c202d3  No.362574

File: 97fde9dc07b1e04⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 600x720, 5:6, dfgjv4546.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362575


Go back to 4chan, you little bitch

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3f66cd  No.362576


You're my new punching bag

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3f66cd  No.362577

You're my public urinal and my punching bag, you little effeminate bitch

What's your mommy making for dinner tonight, little girl?

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3f66cd  No.362578

How did this past weekend work out for you? Video games masturbating, and hoping your mother didn't hear the floor squeak

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3f66cd  No.362579


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3f66cd  No.362580

It would be so easy to get you to suck my dick

You allowed an older man to ejaculate into you when you were a little boy

So it's the only form of sex you're familiar with

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3f66cd  No.362581

All I would need to do is pretend that I liked you and you would suck my dick like a little girl

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3f66cd  No.362582

You are a little girl.. that's why your father abandoned you and your mother

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3f66cd  No.362583

Welcome to your worst nightmare.. I am going to do this to you from now on

You're my fucking punching bag bitch

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3f66cd  No.362584

My wife just got home with dinner. I'll punch you later, bitch

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3f66cd  No.362585


by the way we are about to eat a nice dinner, GET HIGHAND FUCK

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3f66cd  No.362586

go play another video game SASSYPANTS

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3f66cd  No.362587

File: c01cdb585462db4⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, Picsart_23_02_06_19_14_46_….jpg)


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c202d3  No.362588

File: c12bd99394f4f93⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 696x720, 29:30, chv46.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362589

File: c103703224c884d⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 678x720, 113:120, ghkb.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362590

File: c11b4b7e9520142⋯.jpg (80.5 KB, 600x602, 300:301, fhbk.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362591

File: 57c64412705ceba⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 500x533, 500:533, fhjb485.jpg)

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c202d3  No.362592

File: 2542d47924682c1⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 720x427, 720:427, jhb781.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362593

File: 012c8fa9f0c74ab⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_02_06_19_18_26_….jpg)

my wife's shoes are badass

T.U.K. Footwear

you don't even have a PLATONIC friendship with a woman

other than your mommy

who sleeps in the bedroom down the hall from you

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c202d3  No.362594

File: 9478f3081fa8051⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, njl7354.jpg)

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3f66cd  No.362595



or I'll tell your mommy to take away your access to her wifi

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c202d3  No.362596

Jetzt plötzlich ziert die Laptop-Saga wieder die Frontseiten der US-amerikanischen Zeitungen. Sowohl die New York Times als auch die Washington Post haben unabhängig voneinander die Daten von Hunter Bidens Laptop überprüft. Und sie kamen beide zum selben Schluss: Zumindest ein Teil der mehr als 120 000 E-Mails und Dokumente, 217 Gigabyte an Daten, dürfte echt sein. Die Herkunft einer Mehrheit der Daten lasse sich jedoch nicht mehr verifizieren, weil sie zu oft kopiert wurden. Den Vorwurf, der Geschichte vor den Wahlen 2020 zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt zu haben, weist die Washington Post zurück: Ihr sei der Zugang zu den Daten bis zum Sommer 2021 verweigert worden.

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c202d3  No.362597

Für die die rechten Medien ist es eine riesige Genugtuung, dass selbst die "New York Times" nun zugeben musste, dass es den Laptop gibt. "Es ist köstlich zu sehen, wie sich die linke Presse nun windet und das Offensichtliche zugeben muss. 'New York Post'-Leser und 'Fox News'-Zuschauer wussten das schon vor 16 Monaten", sagte die "New York Post"-Journalistin Miranda Devine auf Fox News.

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3f66cd  No.362598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c202d3  No.362599

Die veröffentlichten Details aus diesen Jahren stammen vom berüchtigten "Laptop from Hell", der im Wahlkampf zwischen Joe Biden und Donald Trump eine Rolle spielte. Der "Laptop aus der Hölle" soll wegen eines Wasserschadens in Bidens Heimatstaat Delaware von Hunter zur Reparatur abgegeben worden sein. Der Besitzer hatte eine Datenkopie angefertigt, bevor Ermittler vom FBI das Gerät im Jahr 2019 mitnahmen. Gegen Hunter Biden wird in Steuerangelegenheiten ermittelt. Angeklagt ist er nicht, laut US-Medien ist der US-Präsident selbst kein Teil der Ermittlungen.

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c202d3  No.362600

Trump nennt den ominösen Rechner bei jeder Gelegenheit den "Laptop aus der Hölle". Hunter Bidens E-Mails jedenfalls, wenn sie denn von ihm stammen, beschäftigen unterdessen auch den Kongress. Die Republikaner wollen die Korruptionsvorwürfe sowohl vom Senat, als auch vom Repräsentantenhaus untersuchen lassen.

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3f66cd  No.362601

File: 9cd19bb9f83b336⋯.jpg (346.09 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Picsart_23_02_06_19_29_23_….jpg)

how to embed video

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c202d3  No.362602

Nun haben sowohl die «New York Times» als auch die «Washington Post» die Daten von Hunter Bidens Laptop überprüft. Sie kamen beide zum selben Schluss: Zumindest ein Teil der über 120’000 E-Mails und Dokumente, 217 Gigabyte, dürfte echt sein. Die meisten Daten lassen sich jedoch nicht mehr verifizieren. Den Vorwurf, der Geschichte vor den Wahlen 2020 zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt zu haben, weist die «Washington Post» zurück: Ihr sei der Zugang zu den Daten verweigert worden bis im Sommer 2021.

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3f66cd  No.362603



You'renotvery charismatic

or creative

are you?

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c202d3  No.362604

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c202d3  No.362605

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c202d3  No.362606

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3f66cd  No.362607


I'll wire you $1,500 CASH TONIGHT

( not even joking )

if you let me call you and we will have a conversation in Deutch

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c202d3  No.362608

File: ebd48c581696fc0⋯.webp (23.65 KB, 474x608, 237:304, th.webp)

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3f66cd  No.362609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dead serious……

I can afford it

plus, I won't lose

because you CANT speak any 2nd language

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c202d3  No.362610

File: 31aa5f972b0739a⋯.webp (17.34 KB, 474x316, 3:2, th.webp)

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c202d3  No.362611

File: 982813b5ba261ca⋯.webp (37.41 KB, 474x732, 79:122, th.webp)

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c202d3  No.362612

File: 5c704917905ed51⋯.webp (22.07 KB, 474x384, 79:64, th.webp)

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c202d3  No.362613

File: 4afa26fc67e7651⋯.webp (8.94 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th.webp)

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c202d3  No.362614

Fuck yeah, der Monat der Perversion hat begonnen!

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c202d3  No.362615

File: e2202f9902f96e5⋯.webp (41.23 KB, 474x355, 474:355, th.webp)

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3f66cd  No.362616

AGAIN: $1,500 says you're too much of a coward to answer your phone and answer one question in Deutch

you can't speak it

you could have made an easy $1,500

but you wont

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3f66cd  No.362617

because you are a trend-follower

not a leader

it's all fashion trends for you

you don't know who or what you are

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c202d3  No.362618

Deutch?! Wer von uns beiden kann es nicht richtig ausprechen, du huso.

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3f66cd  No.362619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oh well….. I gave you a chance

but you didn't take it

and now I'm leaving

snooze you lode

you'll learn that in life

and when you grow up

you'll learn to not miss opportunities

or remain a loser

you could have earned $1,500 tonight

too bad

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3f66cd  No.362620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a true amateur

hopefully, eventually you'll learn to be cool


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c202d3  No.362621

Na endlich, verpisst du dich. Das wurde aber auch Zeit. Dein drecks Geld kannst du dir sonst wo hinstecken.

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3f66cd  No.362622






right now

or I'm leaving

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3f66cd  No.362623


coward much?

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3f66cd  No.362624

fuck you, urinalboy

my wife and and I are about to eat

go ask mommy

to buy you

a penis

bye, Sassypants

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c202d3  No.362625

Fick dich und geh deine Mutter ficken nach dem Essen. Guten.

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c202d3  No.362626

File: f6e8d2792699e3f⋯.webp (27.95 KB, 474x474, 1:1, th.webp)

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c202d3  No.362627

Wenn englischsprachige Arschlöcher kein Wort deutsch verstehen, aber die deutschen Autos fahren das können sie, dreckspack!

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c202d3  No.362628

Die ganzen US-Soldaten könnten sich auch alle so langsam aus Detschland verpissen, die braucht kein Mensch hier.

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2d76a2  No.362629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

my wife says "tell him he's not intelligent enough to figure out how this is done"

and she's correct

dinners ready

goodnight, Creampuff

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2d76a2  No.362630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you have no clue how it's done

it's so easy DUMBASS

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c202d3  No.362631

Fick dich und deine drecks Hurre von Frau.

Geh die Fotze deiner Mutter lecken, sie hatte lange kein Schwanz mehr zwischen die Beine gehabt.

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2d76a2  No.362632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2d76a2  No.362633

You're stupid

and embarrassingly inexperienced

but stupid, too

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c202d3  No.362634

To muni tis manasou, buschtopano.

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c202d3  No.362635

Thn manasou thn gamas kala apo to golo, efraristete. Gamimene.

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c202d3  No.362636

Den mou les boutses tros, monopano. Se gamei kathe vradi o patersou sto golo, sou aresi na se gamai.

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c202d3  No.362637

Tin gynekasou thn gaman kase vradi apo to muni ke ton golo oli h gitonia, tin gamimeni butana.

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c202d3  No.362638

Mbane gama thn manasou gamimene eh gamimene, mas mpesis to manga na poume.

Gamo oli thn ikogeniasou, ke olo tou soi sou, busti eh busti.

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2d76a2  No.362639

File: 49ef8a8c9be9eae⋯.jpg (338.82 KB, 1106x2204, 553:1102, Picsart_23_02_06_20_20_23_….jpg)

lol all the regulars here know that I would DEFINITELY had wired you $1,500 immediately

but you're a poser

a Google translate poser

I literally stole $1,500 from you tonight

I was basically gonna give it to you

but I stole it back

from a coward

bye, creampuff

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c202d3  No.362640

Den apantas eh, giatin kseri ti milao,balio malaka, roufa boutsa, ke h gamimeni gynekasou na mbei roufiksi ths gytonias malagies, balio poutana.

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c202d3  No.362641

Ta lefta na ta chosis ston golo sou anapere palio malaka pousti gamimene

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c202d3  No.362642

$1,500 gia thn gamimeni sou thn palio butana mitera sou, afti gamiete gia tosa lefta oli nyxta h katarameni sou h mana sou

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c202d3  No.362643

Den mou les pipes rufai, opos esi ston paterasou

kase bradi anomale ilithie

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c202d3  No.362644

Meh $1,500 gamao oli thn ikogeniasou an thelis, ke esena masi.

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c202d3  No.362645

Nur gottverfickte Vollidioten schreiben deutch statt deutsch. Daran kann man sehr shön erkennen wie verblödet die Amerikaner alle sind.

Tis manasas to muni to gamimeno, gamiosaste oli apo ton golo, ke roufate oles tis mpoutses apo tous pateras sas, anomali mboustides gamimeni.

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3ddf68  No.362909

File: 2b3c6b40a1c735c⋯.webp (8.17 KB, 360x202, 180:101, 2b3c6b40a1c735c4b6ad3964d….webp)

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