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File: 62ce68e2187105f⋯.jpg (328.33 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, gap.jpg)

03b2d8  No.362456

I have been getting stalked by the CIA and FBI (no I am not not crazy). My college girlfriend's family-in-law are literal billionaires(pic not related) involved in the NSA and Mossad. I have a doc of her brother in law bragging on it in advertising copy for some shitty IT consulting business.

My Ex's family is a military brat family and she bragged that her uncle is involved in the CIA. The military brat ex said on our first date "My father works for the (family name)". They have been stalking me since I was 20 for fun times. I have had the craziest fucking experiences. I want to talk about them, but even if I speak the truth, it won't be believed.

I did background checks on the people that I know are involved, but they don't come up. Ex's relatives don't show up on background check services. I can't even confirm these people are involved in the CIA FFS

Here's one theory that I am totally convinced has weight.

> Why did the CIA get caught with MKUltra?

>> Because LSD is so powerful that people remember being on LSD before LSD was even known.

>> 15,20 years later they try it and they know for certain what happened to them way back when

>> They go to law makers and sue. Busted.

> Did the CIA learn their lesson?

>> Yes, they started using drugs that play powerfully on people emotions.

>> Reading MKUltra papers, they just wanted to stop people from doing things

>> Get people so depressed that they can't get out of bed? That stops them

>> Get people so anxious that they can't make good decisions? That will stop them

>> Nobody will blame the government for people being depressed. If people died, that would draw attention. Nobody cares if someone is sad

>> All of these suicide by journalists and activists, make sense. Nobody "forced" them

Anyone want to hear about CIA suicide drugs? tbh, not fun, wouldn't recommend. 1/5 stars. Would prefer to be tortured in guantanamo

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fc246e  No.362458


>I have been getting stalked by the CIA and FBI

No you haven't.

>I am not not crazy

Perhaps not, but you are a LARPer. Fuck off.

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4e342c  No.362460


first of all, fuck you. Brainwashed fucking scum

Why do you think the CIA isn't out there stalking/killing people for fun or money? If you lived in the USSR, would you deny the KGB was out there? If you lived in Iran, would you deny the morality police were out there? If you lived in palestine, would you deny mossad were out there?

I have proof, dumbass. Go back to Quantico and suck a fat one

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22f035  No.362462

File: 108aef87c8cf33c⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 375x250, 3:2, Picsart_23_02_06_05_42_07_….jpg)

> I'm not crazy

CORRECT !!!you are NOT crazy

crazy is a slang term

the correct term isorganic psychiatric disorder






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22f035  No.362463


no he's not your typical larger


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22f035  No.362464


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22f035  No.362465



what happens when an unemployed schizophrenic high school dropout gets a computer

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4e342c  No.362466

File: cdeee4118c22d9a⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, black_guy_with_questions.jpg)





What do you motherfuckers not understand about proof?

Find a little girl to gaslight and groom in your black vans

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22f035  No.362467

File: 16ec10abe71beac⋯.jpg (344.23 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_23_02_06_05_51_26_….jpg)


so…. how's the SSI PSYCHO WELFARE BENEFITS fagshow working out so far, little man?

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22f035  No.362468

File: 01981b0af63a6a9⋯.jpg (462.91 KB, 1080x1744, 135:218, Screenshot_20230205_182750.jpg)


1: You're UNEMPLOYED…. obviously

2: unemployed men can't pay rent

3: you can't afford food or wifi

4: you're a mooch

5: you still live in mommy's spare bedroom

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22f035  No.362469

File: a39976530406f80⋯.jpg (221.17 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_23_02_06_05_56_51_….jpg)




proof that you have no money

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22f035  No.362470

File: abad23c392036e5⋯.jpg (206.05 KB, 1925x1080, 385:216, Picsart_23_02_06_06_00_21_….jpg)


by the way, your SSI BENEFITS are


just like a nigger

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22f035  No.362471

File: 58f92deb3b742bc⋯.mp4 (904.62 KB, 320x240, 4:3, df3b5759d65f06fe3b1e4931e2….mp4)

Just Your Average Everyday Hardworking Productive Member of Society Who Sits All Alone Wide Awake All Night Every Night Playing Videogames and Creating Idiotic Threads In Empty ChatroomsAND SLEEPS ALL DAY=

right, faggola?

since you have no woman who loves you, maybe this would be a good time to masturbate yourself to sleep like always

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22f035  No.362472



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22f035  No.362473

I laughed coffee out my nose when I saw how you specifically mentioned the "CIA"AND"FBI"

hahahaha dude, I'd LOVE to punch you really hard in the larynx

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22f035  No.362474

File: 9a0b4e3ab47daf4⋯.mp4 (9.28 MB, 486x1080, 9:20, AndroVid_2989.mp4)



1: Instead of getting ready to go to sleep right now, you should waking up and drinking coffee and getting ready to go to work

2: smash your computer

3: destroy your gaming console

4: get the fuck out of your mother's house

5: contact Th Social Security Administration and tell them you found a job, and you want your NIGGER WELFARE BENEFITS TERMINATED

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22f035  No.362475

not even joking about wanting to crush your larynx….

you made me laugh so hard, I sprayed coffee out my nose

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4e342c  No.362476




Got a job bitches


This room is glowing right now. Next time choke on it

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22f035  No.362479


shouldn't you be fixating on THE LAST OF US, faggot?

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22f035  No.362480


>I've got a job


see how easy that was?

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22f035  No.362481


directly in your effeminate Adam's Apple

then I would give you a ballpoint pen

and whisper instructions in your ear

how to perform your own tracheotomy

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22f035  No.362482



there won't be a next time


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22f035  No.362483

File: fc5d652a4bf4afc⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 1296x1080, 6:5, Picsart_23_02_06_06_59_18_….jpg)

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22f035  No.362484

File: ef22edba272bb56⋯.jpg (291.28 KB, 1227x1635, 409:545, Picsart_23_02_06_07_04_49_….jpg)

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22f035  No.362485

HINT: no woman wants a lazy SSI MOOCH

get a fucking JOB, lonelyboy

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fc246e  No.362495


>I have proof

No you don't.

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000000  No.362496


akshully dey been making dem omelettes for years and years.

today OP was not a faggot.

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