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cd0943  No.362455

Instead Of Spending Money For Creations, Top Secret Entities Using It For Destruction

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=68

If you want why the world currently in chaos mode in all region on Earth, then here is the most easiest explanation: many top secret entities/groups was and are spending money for destruction such as fake virus pandemic, physical weapon wars like in Myanmar, Ukraine, etc.

The 2 most basic things in life is CREATION and DESTRUCTION !

Destruction is easy but Creation is not so if not very difficult.

I do not see any money from the government/authority/group/organization for creation purpose.

Here I mean is encourage people to think more, to be more creative.

Why they did not spend money to seeking solution for world peace to the public?

Why they did not spend money to give people hope and dream?

But only spending money for destruction, sadness !

They are completely control by evil beings/entities, that is the only reason !

I hope all of you who are working for any group/entity that are promoting Destruction instead of Creation wake up, live like human and abandon all those group for the better future of you and your family !

You cannot expect people in sad mood can be more creative than people in normal to happy mood.

In fact if people in sad mood, there won’t be any new creation at all.

And the root problem of this society is lack of new unique creation for all the problems on Earth.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=68

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