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File: eeddf48aa5b9011⋯.png (514.37 KB, 822x1648, 411:824, 53625.png)

932085  No.362338

China Gathered Intelligence On America For Coming Economic War Against The US Dollar

By now you probably know the Chinese spy balloon that, for some reason, was allowed to traverse the entire United States despite us knowing about it days ago, has been shot down.

Put simply, it was too little, too late for several reasons - and there’s been shuffling, specifically economically, by China over the last 10 years that shows the country’s aggression toward the US could only be getting started.

First, China (and Russia) both now have a gauge of our reluctance to secure our own airspace. If the deployment of the balloon was to see how we’d react, they got their answer: slowly and uncertainly.

Second, if the balloon’s purpose actually was surveillance, and nothing more nefarious, it was likely able to get whatever data it set out for, after floating above numerous military installations.

Third, we have to be acutely aware of the potential for the balloon to be a test run for another balloon, many of which have speculated could be the means for an EMP:

"High-altitude balloons, such as the one China has floated over mountain state military bases this week, are considered a key “delivery platform” for secret nuclear strikes on America’s electric grid, according to intelligence officials.

Spy balloons, used by Japan to drop bombs during World War II, are now far more sophisticated, can fly at up to 200,000 feet, evade detection, and can carry a small nuclear bomb that, if exploded in the atmosphere, would shut down the grid and wipe out electronics in a many-state-wide area."


You have to assume that China would know that this balloon - and the two other ones being reported (one over Latin America and now a third potentially outside the US) - would be discovered. Additionally, there were reports yesterday that the balloons were maneuverable, ostensibly meaning the balloon had been directed on its path.

If this is the case, I have to believe it is either a test of how aggressively they could humiliate President Biden publicly (similar to how the Saudis did months ago), or it’s a distraction for something else going on.

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932085  No.362339


The balloon was over Alaska nearly a week ago. Instead of dealing with it then, we allowed it to go untouched, giving China the upper hand, regardless of whether they set out for surveillance or to test us.

"They got a lot of intelligence they couldn't get from their satellites. There's a lot that China learned from this," Gordon Chang said on Fox News today.

While we focus on the obvious, it’s important to also understand that from a monetary and financial perspective, it looks like China is preparing for war.

Notably, China is continuing to stockpile gold while selling US Treasuries, an obvious step that a country readying either for war or to challenge the US dollar on a global stage (or both) would be taking.

As Zero Hedge noted last month, China has now bought 100 tons of gold in days: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/behind-chinas-gold-buying-frenzy-beijing-quietly-buys-100-tons-gold-days

Crucial to dethroning the US dollar would be the removal of its use for buying and selling oil - a system that has been in place since the 1970s when the US promised security for the Saudi Kingdom in exchange for the petrodollar system that underpins the dollar’s strength as global reserve currency.

Saudi Arabia looks like it has just ended the petrodollar as of days ago. The admission came on a very public stage, in front of the whole world, at Davos.


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932085  No.362340

It will come without warning.

Prepared, or not.

Ready, or not.

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07c8b8  No.362341




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07c8b8  No.362342


you are THE most gullible fool I've EVER seen

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07c8b8  No.362343

prepared or not

ready or not


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07c8b8  No.362344

in particular, TELL US WHAT YOUR RATIONALE WAS FOR DROPPING OUT, what your plan for the future was, knowing that you were going to limit your life to blue collar mediocrity and insignificance

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07c8b8  No.362345

also, remind us again….

what was your highest grade of education?

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07c8b8  No.362346


I'm talking to YOU

answer the question, sir

your highest grade of education was ?….

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07c8b8  No.362347


do you remember what the other students were learning the week you decided to drop out?

or were you already not even paying attention for a long time?

or…… are you even able to learn?

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c17ff2  No.362356

File: 059a647c61da585⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 656x743, 656:743, China_Gulag_WEF.jpg)

File: ffb0efa82404258⋯.webm (909.49 KB, 402x720, 67:120, China_Gulag.webm)

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c17ff2  No.362358

File: 09ad9049d00ea97⋯.jpg (91.28 KB, 396x500, 99:125, news.jpg)

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c17ff2  No.362360

File: 628ea5837a95747⋯.png (870.63 KB, 718x531, 718:531, THEY_SAY_I_M_CRAZY.PNG)

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8bccf6  No.362361

File: 6da68a106d61d61⋯.jpeg (505.8 KB, 1170x2264, 585:1132, EB6BECDF_E666_4AA2_ADCD_5….jpeg)


Maegan O. Hall

ADDRESS (confirmed January 2023):

1506 S Spring St

Manchester, TN 37355


(931) 364-5930




Jedidiah C. Hall;

Age 28/29;

His phone numbers include (931) 364-5930, which is the same one as Maegan’s, as well as (931) 212-5679.

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c17ff2  No.362363


And…..why would I give a shit about this petty non-issue scandal?

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8bccf6  No.362364

File: 901f823b25f97aa⋯.jpeg (342.89 KB, 1170x1734, 195:289, CE939367_2256_4B24_9C7C_5….jpeg)


Maegan O. Hall

ADDRESS (confirmed January 2023):

1506 S Spring St

Manchester, TN 37355


(931) 364-5930




Jedidiah C. Hall;

Age 28/29;

His phone numbers include (931) 364-5930, which is the same one as Maegan’s, as well as (931) 212-5679.

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cda8fb  No.362421


God praise the chinese. I hope you all get sushi-parasites

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07c8b8  No.362432

File: 225136815b24aaa⋯.png (5.01 MB, 2125x3042, 2125:3042, Picsart_22_07_05_23_10_06_….png)


I have never said you are crazy, because the term "crazy" has no real meaning…

it's SLANG

What I said is you are uneducated, extremely unintelligent, gullible as fuck, easily fooled, illiterate, broke, alcoholic, and psychotic, because you refuse to manage your organic psychiatric disorder paranoid schizophrenia with the proper medication…

I've definitely called you a dumbass and a dropout and a douchebag and a dipshit and an idiot and a moron and a loser and a mooch

But not crazy..

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07c8b8  No.362434


AGAIN : I realize you dropped out of school due to embarrassment about your learning inability over 57 years ago, but do you remember what the other students were learning the week you decided you couldn't take it anymore?

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07c8b8  No.362435




AVOIDING THE QUESTION: your only true talent

AGAIN: why don't you tell us the detailed story behind your decision to drop out of school and flush your future down the toilet?

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07c8b8  No.362437

File: a43efb577ada109⋯.jpg (238.14 KB, 2400x894, 400:149, Picsart_23_02_05_19_07_30_….jpg)


AGAIN: tell the young adult college students who are working towards a lucrative career instead of a blue collar life of menial labor and mediocrity the rationale that went through your head when you decided to flush your future down the toilet and drop out of High School in the 10th grade 57 years ago

we're all ears, sunshine

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07c8b8  No.362438


RE: what you "bieve" about this (or anything else)

You've proven how gullible you are by allowing adults to molest your mind with their fake religion when you were a child, and your belief that intelligent young college students online somehow perceive you as a knowledgeable source of reliable information

So apparently nothing you believe has any value, and you still can't seem to figure that out

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07c8b8  No.362439


you "believe" that Jesus existed, you believe there's a psychic Jolly Green Giant who hides in the clouds, you believe you can send him telepathic messages with your mind, you believe you are Noah Reincarnated "saving the human race" by copying and pasting easily debunked fake news conspiracy theory garbage in an empty chat room frequented only by two people….

You believe anything, no matter how far fetched or transparently false, as long as you think copying and pasting it will make you seem intelligent and knowledgeable

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07c8b8  No.362440

Q: wouldn't your psychotic belief that you are "the biblical Noah reincarnated saving the world" be slightly less embarrassing if youupgraded to a chat room with MORE THAN TWO people

Are you simply afraid of trying this ridiculous fag show in a more populated forum?

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07c8b8  No.362441

If you were actually Noah from the bible, instead of taking two of each animal, you would be carrying a copied and pasted article about invisible monkeys, and instead of an ark, you would beef playing in the bathtub with a floating bar of soap

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07c8b8  No.362442

Quite honestly, I can't think of a more failed attempt to save the world than spending your time in a chatroom with only two visitors (both of whom ridicule every word you copy and paste)

so…..THISis what you sacrificed your family's happiness over?

THISwas more important than your wife's happiness or your daughter's childhood?

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07c8b8  No.362443

THIS was worth literally destroying your daughter's childhood, then when you pissed all of your money away on cheap alcohol, you begged your daughter to please let you move into her house and sleep on her sofa and after promising you would change your ways, once you manipulated her into feeling sorry for you, YOU REFUSED TO STOP THE FAGSHOW???

REALLY ???……

You're not pitching in financially, you are a burden, you are an inconvenience, you are destroying their marriage, you are destroying her life after destroying her childhood, and you don't even have the decency to STOP YOUR STUPID FAGSHOW??

You are disrespectful as fuck, dude!!




You never truly loved your wife, and you never told her that you loved her.. you've never expressed love to her, nor did you express love to your daughter

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07c8b8  No.362444

You never actually loved your wife and that's obvious in the photographs

she was just a convenience for you

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f85450  No.362669

true news bumparoo

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f85450  No.362670


Ancient Chinese culture and their traditional medicine is wonderful. Their government is just as corrupt as ours though, worse actually because the bugs are disarmed and live in pods. I'd rather be dead than live like they do today.

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ec0e45  No.362794

Anti-feces bump 14.33

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000000  No.362835



since western allopathic medicine (some say rockefeller allopathic medicine) set up shop in the orient, incidence of cancer and other proliferative disease has skyrocketed.

really makes you think… really gets to joggin' the old noggin…

really gets the wheels turning… really makes you put on the old thinking cap…

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3b6cd6  No.362855


All the traditional natural medicine, such as garlic and ginger, is useful for boosting the immune system and keeping you from getting ill and warding off most illnesses. Ancient cultures knew this very well, even throughout most of Europe and certainly the Native Americans too. It's a shame medicine has been corrupted. The medical industry only exists to make profit today, and to cull "undesirables", nothing more.

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a395a4  No.362931

aᵑt¡-fƎƆƎs-Ƅuɱƿ5 15RESWDFSVBVGR4EWH215 J8;P87I75

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