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f05353  No.362265

the entire human race MUST BE ELIMINATED. it's the ONLY answer!!!

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f05353  No.362266





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000000  No.362267


I'd sign on with you OP but I'm waiting for the Father in heaven to do the promised wormwood and hail of stones. I wouldn't mind getting obliterated by the right hand of the Father.

Until then anyone fucks with me? IMMA BLAST 'EM.

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9dc703  No.362268

You are possessed by demons. Please go get yourself an exorcist.

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9dc703  No.362269


>Until then anyone fucks with me? IMMA BLAST 'EM.

That's simply called self-defense and standing your ground in most States. Nothing wrong with self-defense.

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9dc703  No.362270

By the way, God will reward evil with harsh Judgement, yes He will allow free will, and allow people to make their own choice how they choose to live. That does not mean He won't judge us if we do wrong! Time is on His side, not ours. On His terms.

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000000  No.362291


You've got a fallen angel problem. (some also include witches)

The bad ones outnumber the faithful in the heavenly host 5:1

The mischief they do is beyond a sin because they have been entrusted with certain unique capabilities. They are putting it all to the test, especially God the Father in heaven.

According to the descriptors in the New Testament terms and conditions have been met, no thanks to a complacent Congress who doesn't deliberate the important issues.

So tell me, what do you know about as you say: God's time.

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000000  No.362315


Anon I… most of us don't do half of the wrong we are led to believe we do. When you're dealing with fallen angels… well that sucks for us for sure but even more for the Father. We've been given instructions in scripture. Jesus is a very smart dude.

It may yet be, it may yet happen that it's not too late to pull out of the tail spin. I am not trying to challenge you directly.

I am well aware of admonishment in scripture to avoid people who go on about angels. Keenly aware.

Keep an open mind. Jesus spoke of legions of angels

So please don't get me wrong babe.

Btw… some of you kind anons might encourage Watkins to regrow the beard. Watkins beard edits are epic.

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