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File: 504568b1a73c84f⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, earth.jpg)

b8da89  No.362146

I The Savior Will Visit The USA To MAGA If Receive Financial Support From You

I am totally fed up with the corrupt regime of my current living country.

Now I only have desire to travel to other nation to write and publish the long waiting solution to defeat the BEAST “Currency, Money” or in short is the new global financial system.

I have found a way to touch the USA legally without the need of visa (thus will easily bypass all kind of stupid “censorship” via the police).

I will travel and use the USA like a “transit” point, then the US military or US patriots can pick me up (give me a special access/visa while I am in the US zone).

But now I need minimum 20,000 USD to do that task.

If the US GOV, military or the patriots really want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, then this is your best chance since I am the highest level player who are are still in the current mortal game but with the enlightenment of the “referee” or even beyond that.

Please contact or support me if you want to see the real Savior in physical in person.

You can make donation to me via various way from bank card or cryptocurrency if you want.

You can make volunteer donation or do karma energy exchange via 2 major methods:

– Via Bank Card (+ 10-20% fees):


– Via Cryptocurrency (prefered):

Bitcoin BTC


Ethererum ETH


Litecoin LTC


Digibyte DGB


Tron TRX


Dogecoin DOGE


Ripple XRP




Tezos XTZ


Cosmos ATOM


Harmony ONE


Stellar XLM


Solana SOL




Zcash ZEC


Nano XNO


This calling will valid for 10 days from now till February 13th 2023 (13-02-2023).

This is not only for the USA but also for this entire world !

Best Regard,

The Savior

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000000  No.362147


>see the real Savior in physical person

This made me laugh. Seeing you in physical person is not going to Savior anyone or anything. The Lobby in DC is immovable and insurmountable. Nothing you do or don't do will Savior this lost nation. They have turned the Constitution into a roll of toilet paper and wipe their butts with it every morning before they show up for work to squeeze the last few drops of lifeblood out this dying country. The Reformation was a fatal error and you will be learning this lesson each day until they wax you too.

But don't let this discourage you from posting. There's now law that says you can't laugh your ass off while they're slowly killing you.

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000000  No.362148


typo correction: there's NO law that says

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ccdf6c  No.362176

File: f4d6d65251ad5e1⋯.jpg (95.06 KB, 717x1026, 239:342, Picsart_23_02_03_10_56_28_….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362177

File: 664d6cf7fe0b1eb⋯.jpg (169.86 KB, 1080x1242, 20:23, Picsart_23_02_03_11_08_59_….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362178

File: 2126da5a5ab8cf4⋯.jpg (129.73 KB, 1080x914, 540:457, Picsart_23_02_03_10_53_27_….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362179

File: 1eb9e8697eba5d6⋯.jpg (222.17 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Picsart_23_02_03_10_38_39_….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362180

File: 796d40c51690b26⋯.jpg (397.33 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230203_075813….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362181


the Savior is:

Clinically diagnosed schizophrenic Ashley Nichole Schneider

age 32

DOB 7-31-1990

500 Allen Street Fond Du Lac Wisconsin


she's unemployed, flat broke, totally psychotic ( in full blown psychosis because she refuses to take her psychiatric medications )

and she's ugly as DOG SHIT

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ccdf6c  No.362182


She has never had a job in her life

She absolutely refuses to get a job

But she continues living at her mother's house, continually costing her mother more and more money with each passing day….

She was involuntarily institutionalized at a psychiatric unit, diagnosed with schizophrenia, but she still REFUSES to apply for SSI disability

(even though she could receive money every month without having to lift a finger, but she refuses because she's so disrespectful to her mother)


I spoke with the women in the photograph, her former friends in real life.. they used to feel sorry for her

But because they are pretty, Ashley is insanely jealous of them, and she harasses them online

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ccdf6c  No.362183

Both of the former friends are named amanda. And both of the Amanda girls had to take out arrest warrants against Ashley…

They filed restraining orders, because Ashley was stalking them

They never did anything to Ashley that would justify this crazy behavior

She's simply jealous because she's not pretty

But that's not their fault

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ccdf6c  No.362184


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ccdf6c  No.362185

feel free to call Ashley


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ccdf6c  No.362186

Ashley recently posted a THREAT in here, against a certain former black president

I reported her threatening thread to both the FBI & US Secret Service

so she's DEFINITELY being watched by federal law enforcement

(she is still dealing with staking charges in Wisconsin)

call her.. … she's insane as fuck

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ccdf6c  No.362187

File: 129cd5125f8e1ac⋯.jpg (282.05 KB, 1080x1354, 540:677, Picsart_23_02_02_10_15_12_….jpg)

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ccdf6c  No.362188

I feel sorry for her mother, who lives in that tiny little house at 500 Allen Street

Ashley manipulates her into buying her gross nigger menthol cigarettes everyday

It cost money to have electricity and food, but Ashley literally refuses to help

Ashley is a first class piece of dog shit

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