OP is a disinfo specialist. OP has worked in medicine.
OP is an authoritarian.
99% percent of patients will believe OP without question.
New school medicine is chock full of new school practitioners like OP who spread medical disinformation.
The people you've been told from birth to trust the most are day by day being revealed to be the ones screwing you the hardest.
Anyone with a shred of integrity has left the practice of medicine. Because the bad docs silence the good ones. The State is now complicit in the racket and criminalizing medical second opinion told me to get out while the getting was good.
But this OP is very special and so is quantum mechanics.
I wish I could be there when it happens but that just won't be possible. The devil has come down to you and is angry because time is short for that devil.
Good luck OP you little devil you.