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File: 432ce13c479365e⋯.jpg (667.97 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_23_01_31_21_01_10_….jpg)

45319b  No.361754

it's a DISEASE, not a 'condition'

While you might think the main feature of this disease is neuralgia, you would be wrong, because the main feature of this painful disease is inflammation….

just like sphenopalatine ganglio neuralgia, it's a mother fucking disease

see?…. even an 8th grade Dropout can run circles around you

(and this time, I wasn't talking to Killcen)

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45319b  No.361755

File: 39619608d339d97⋯.jpg (143.1 KB, 1080x422, 540:211, Screenshot_20230131_205921.jpg)

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000000  No.361756

I have a patient here. I have recently diagnosed him with septic arthritis. I'd tell you the name of the pathogen responsible for creating his condition here but you already know it. I am one of the very few Doctors left in this country who can practice without participating in the electronic healthcare records system. My patients are wealthy and pay out of pocket. They do this to keep their medical records PRIVATE. I honor their health and their privacy as a sacred oath. Something the mainstream medical establishment stopped doing decades ago.

I know who you are and what you've done. I have friends who are adept in certain areas of quantum mechanics and believe me you continue to draw breath at their mercy.

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000000  No.361976

OP is a disinfo specialist. OP has worked in medicine.

OP is an authoritarian.

99% percent of patients will believe OP without question.

New school medicine is chock full of new school practitioners like OP who spread medical disinformation.

The people you've been told from birth to trust the most are day by day being revealed to be the ones screwing you the hardest.

Anyone with a shred of integrity has left the practice of medicine. Because the bad docs silence the good ones. The State is now complicit in the racket and criminalizing medical second opinion told me to get out while the getting was good.

But this OP is very special and so is quantum mechanics.

I wish I could be there when it happens but that just won't be possible. The devil has come down to you and is angry because time is short for that devil.

Good luck OP you little devil you.

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688673  No.361983


Thank you for your work. I would gladly trust doctors like you so don't take any offense to this: I haven't seen a doctor in almost two decades (well, only once for really bad panic attacks and heartburn but I've recovered from that mostly by natural means and taking longer breaks from reading news/information). Right now I do not have any doctor and I'll be honest, I rarely seem to get sick! The industry seems like such a racket, but I know there are some good doctors left that can still be trusted, but finding them? That's the hard part!

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000000  No.362062


I am glad you are in good health. If you live in a nice quiet suburban or even rural neighborhood, a hospital or doctor's office might be the most dangerous place you ever visit. If the government mandates participation in the electronic healthcare records system, doctors like me will vanish from the face of the earth. To date they have not done so, but in the interest of "public health" and "research" it appears highly likely that they will very soon enact just such a mandate.

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084227  No.362109


The way this nation is in rapid decline with the level of tyranny on the rise, I would not be surprised if they do eventually mandate electronic records sadly. And it really pisses me off they're handing over those sensitive records to corrupt companies like Facebook. So that's really why I choose to stay away from the medical system unless I absolutely need it.

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000000  No.362272


<I'm in your walls OP.

<Not just in your walls, I'm in your walls 40 years ago.

<These holograms are stunning.

<You have been a very naughty girl.

<Santa Claus will be delivering a very special lump of coal 2u.

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dc9dd6  No.362273


Arthritis is pretty easy to heal. Take curcumin, and goldseal root every day, down both with some water mixed with cod liver oil (for the omega-3 fatty acid). Methylsulfonylmethane supplements might also help too, since it's good for the joints.

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000000  No.363167


>Dr. Killcen just told you that you have stage 4 cancer and there's nothing he can do.

>He's lying of course.

>This OP is the face he makes when he delivers the news.

>You have just been B listed by the medical establishment.

>Electronic health records guarantee you won't find a better second opinion.

>Because the same way patients are targeted is the same way doctors are targeted.

>What's your next move?

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000000  No.363638


All you will ever need to know about OP and Killcen is in this thread. The crapfloods will undoubtedly continue.

Here's a little inside scoop on JIDF.

Jewish and Jesuit both start with the letter J.

Something to bear in mind if they hit the kill switch and the temple of the tabernancle of the testimony goes dark.

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