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File: 8b5b545dbb95413⋯.png (36.02 KB, 491x280, 491:280, 3rd_generation_lentivirus_….png)

4a016b  No.361518

Pseudotyped virus can be used to vaccinate animals against proteins expressed on the envelope of the virion.

This approach has been used to produce vaccine candidates against HIV, Nipah henipavirus, Rabies lyssavirus, SARS-CoV, Zaire ebolavirus, and SARS-CoV-2.

Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus–Zaire Ebola virus (rVSV-ZEBOV) was created by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and is currently licensed in the European Union and United States for the prevention of Ebolavirus Disease (EVD) caused by Zaire ebolavirus.

If Killcen or his daughter got bitten by an animal with rabies, he would gladly get the rabies vaccine…

He's already received the polio vaccine, if not some other vaccines he's not even aware of…

He would have no problem taking the rabies vaccine to avoid the ravaging scourge of rabies.. the rabies vaccine is tried and test it, proven completely effective, sohe trusts the rabies vaccine.

however, the rabies vaccine was developed the exact same way the covid vaccine was developed, usingpseudotyped particles.

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4a016b  No.361519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He will lie, and pretend to be a Cavalier tough guy.. he will insist that he would never take a rabies vaccination, but he's full of shit !!!

here's what would happen to him if he didn't get the vaccine after being bit by a rabid animal

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