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f40cfd  No.361009


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f40cfd  No.361010


I bought the wrong fucking chickenfeed, and now I spend my days in the Fond du Lac Public Library riding free Wi-Fi

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5faa89  No.361011


me too!! I bought the wrong kind of chickenfeed, and now I'll be late for University Monday.

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bff319  No.361012

I'm a IT Specialist for a Fortune 500 Corporation, and I accidentally purchased the right brand of chickenfeed, but the WRONG AMOUNT

fuck !!! fuck !! fuck !!

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d9fc12  No.361013

my three favorite pasttimes are :

videogaming, doing algebraic equations, and feeding chickens.

I better double-check my chickenfeed.

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75a7ff  No.361014


all of my chicken feed tastes the same, basically like wood, or old cardboard mixed with sour garbage…

Even the discount brand basically tastes just like crappy chicken feed

What brand are you suggesting I begin eating?

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bc58ac  No.361015


Ashley, my name is DANNY SULLIVAN, and just like you I don't have a job or any money, and I spend my days in a public library riding free Wi-Fi because I'm a bum.

Are you suggesting I should get a job so I can afford chicken feed?

I see birds eating french fries off the parking lot when I dig my meals out of the fast food dumpsters…

Can't I just feed some chickens a couple French fries? No?


God damn it! So I've got to get a job?

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