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4180ff  No.360592

Germany was stockholmed by Mongols in 1241 and has been recreating its trauma by provoking attacks from the east ever since.

It is stuck in a spiral of extreme provocation, massive scale rape of its own population and subsequent self-loathing.

The German subconscious will go to enormous lengths to ensure the continuation of this inter-generational ordeal.

It won't hesitate motivating the conscious mind to take intricate action culminating in reliving the pain of seeing your loved ones in pain at the hands of mongols.

While the conscious is quick to dismiss the recruiting of Mongols into the Red Army during the final weeks of battle as a coincidence, subconscious computing power is far beyond the belief of many.

Even now I get super horny thinking about it.

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5586cb  No.360594


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7c08ee  No.360595


that woman is NOT a Mongol

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7c08ee  No.360596

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7c08ee  No.360597

interestingly enough, Drumpf is allegedly German (even though I don't believe that he's actually got any German lineage whatsoever) But if you look closely at his eyes you'll notice he's a MONGOL

imagine him with black hair

in fact, he even appears somewhat MONGOLOID

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7c08ee  No.360598


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